The Commonwealth. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, IS02. Dont Forget The Groat Stationery Sale at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s Drug Store. House Moving! AM P HE PA RED to move ANY SIZE wooden building ANY HEASON ABLE DISTANCE. Prices according to size of building and distance to be moved. L R Allsbrook, Jr. Scotland Neck, N. C. 2-20-Sm. iist Tour Taes. 1 ho tax books lor listing town prop's-in Scotland Neck will bo open in : 'p mayor's oiiice June 1st. It J. E. Shields, Mayor. 13 ring: Us Your Wool! We are representing two of the best mills in the State. Will pay highest c;h prices or exchange for goods. EDWAUD3&CO. jfr The JOSEY HWD. CO., are al- so iJy delivering tobacco flues. They t-hipped some last week and are ship pi a car load to F.'y mouth thi9 neck. DONT buy Window Screens u n yuu see the "'2Qih Century." It is the laiCit ana best thing out. THE JOSEY HWD. CO. COTTOX HOES cheaper than ev.-r i-efoie. THE JOSEY HWD. Co. "CliEAM FiiEEZEIlS, Ham-. mocks, Etc. THE JOSEY HWD. CO Buggy for Sale. A Top Buggy almost new. j;icy price. . C. KAY. Scotland Neck. Laundry. Haying purchased the outfit oi the Scotland Neck Laundry I am prepared to do lirot clasd work m every way per taining to laundry Clothes cleaned and pressed. W. E. EVANS, Scotland Neck, N. C. 0 5-3 m. Experience is Ripe. We have wailed the results ol experience. AVe new chUenge i the self interest of paint users. We ask men to buy L. & M. Paint i liecause we can show that it pays them to buy It, Tf you've never had an L. fc M. Paint color card ; get it now. S T. Whitehead & Co. Agents, j Scotland Neck, N. C. Tht Tax Levy. The county commissioners in session Monday iixsd the levy for taxes. The levy on property is cents, special tax i?i cents., total 71 cenis. I. :.M year it was 76 cents. Poll tax levy ia ?2 13, against $2.28 lat "?ar. it will be seen by this that the gen era! lax is o cents less on the hundred doliar.j and poll tax is 15 cents less than last year. The commissioners thought they could safely reduce the levy thfi much :n ! the tax payers of the couuty will ispprcoiate it. Two GiCit Rehgicus Meetings. lLecentJy there huye been t,vo great iciigions meetings in Jtoanoke Rapids. The first was ia tho Methodist church in which there wjre about one hun drrd conversions. Mostoi those who professed religion j :ned the church. The second meeting was in tho Bap tist church which closed Sunday. Thirty-five persons were baptized last Su.'id ty as a result of the meeting. About twenty-live persons took letters from the Baptist church and will organ-ze a second Baptist church next Sunday near the silk mills. The building for the sosoudjcuurch is ready and the church will be ready to go to v.ijrk at once. SHAKE I.NTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, ncrvotu leet and in growing nails, aud instantly takes the s'ing out of corns and bunions. It's t lie greatest comfort discovery of the a-e. Allen'rt Fo;it-Ease makes light of naw shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired aching feet. Try it !o-daj'. Sold by druggists and shoe stores. Don't ac cept any substitute. By mall lor 2o3. in stamps. Trial package Free. Ad dress Allen S. Cimsted, Le Roy, N. Y. t2 IgMPyiVliMglI earj -pnof) smx vliuXg qXnoo 1S8H I -siiti 1511 nv mum sww The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder Always light, sweet, pure & wholesome. Why suffer pain and severe sickness from Bowel Complaints, when AR NOLD'S BALSAM slopsone and cares the other? It has been successfully used for fifty years. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. E. rt. Whiteheads Co. Vijje Hill Commencement. The exercises of Vine Hill Female Aca demy commencement are now in progress. A concert was given in the opera house last .night and another will be given tonight (Wednesday ). A full report will apt ear in next issue. Mr. Dunn's Speech. Mr. Albion Dunn was one of the speakers in the graduating class at Wake Forest last week. He was first speaker on the programme oh Wednesdayjand the sub ject of his speech was sance in the Orient," "The Renais The speech was well conceived, well delivered and called forth generous applause -from the large audience. Thkee from Scotland Neck. 'In the graduating class at Wake Forest last week there were three young men from Scotland Neck, .Mess. Albion Dunn, L. T. Vaughan and W. L. Vaughan. These young men have made fine records at college and their friends here at home are proud of them. They stood well with the fac ulty and student body from the first and they start out in Mfe with flatter ing prc3pe?tsr Tbk Commonwealth congratulates lbe.-e- young gentlemen and wishes great success lor them. Meeting in the Methodist Cnurch. The protracted meeting in the Methodist church continues this week Ttie congregations hav held up well, notwithstanding the evenings have been broken into by commencement exercises and other things. Mr. Williams has had large exper ience as an evangelist and he has pleased his congregations with bis preaching. His illustrations are. apt and give good effect in his sermons. A number of persons have shown in terest and the meeting will probably continue through the week. Applewhite-Lcwi3. In the Baptist church at Dawsons at 5) o'clock Wednesday night May 28ih, ?Ilss Alice Applewhite was mar ried to Mr. Ernest Lewis, Key. G. G. O'Neill performing tin ceremony. Miss Aline Quincy was maid of honor and Mr. James Wiggins best man. The attandants were Mis Maggie Quincy with Ernest Stallings and Miss Edna Lewis with Joshua Kobei son. Drain of Mr. L. R. Cherry. Mr. L. R. Cherry died at his home last Saturday morning, May 30tb, 1902. He bad been in feeble health for some time, but as he bad been seriously ill but a few days the end came as a sur prise. He was a son of the late Wiley Cher ry, was fiiry years of age and one ol our be3t known citizens. His life had been spent on his farm a few miles Irom Scotland Neck till last winter when he moved to town. A goodly company ol friends follow ed the stricken lamilv to the old home burying ground, where they were met by many of the neighbors who with I tender nanas genuy nua iae.r.uu rest. Rev. M.L.Kesler conducting .ne servces. He was an industrious, honest ' and j truthful man and highly esteemed by j many. He loved his family and was ever a kind husband and father. He lea es behind a brother and sister, aud jast week to be present at the laying they with his excellent wife and inter- 0f tne corner stone of tne new binld esting family of children have the jag 0f tha Normal and Industrial Col warmest sympathy of a wide circle ol lege.. friends. In this dark Lour may they look up to Him who is "a father to the father less, arid a judge of the widows." A Fkiend. " " RKVVAltU -piov. Wo offer One Kundred Dollars Re - ward lor any case ol Calami that can- not le cured by Hall s Catarrh uure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. JTCbeney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tranctions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggistp, Toledo, O. Valding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholes-ale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Caterrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and" mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. V Testimonials free. Iiali'tf Family Pills are the bet. FOLKS YOU KNOW Ou Folks Some one Else Knows Miss Jeahette Austin and Miss Nash, of Tarboro, have been here some days visiting Miss Rebecca Smith. - Mr. Jps. B. Hall, of Edenton, was here test week on a visit to relatives. Mess. Albion Dunn, L. T. Vaughan, W. L. Vaughan, Hugh Johnson, Wilson Price and R. C. Dunn have returned home from Wake Forest. Miss Mamie Dunn has returned from St. Mary's school in Raleigh. Miss Minnie Howard, of Speed, is here yisiting Miss Alma Speed. Miss Whitley came Sat urday from Pitt county to visit her brother, Mr. T. F. Whitley. Mr, C. Speed returned from Tarboro Saturday where he had been some days. Miss Mary Lawrence came home from Philadelphia last week to spend part of the summer with her father. Mr. Harry Kitcbin, of Lawrence, Va., was here last week on a visit to his brother, Mr. Julian Kitchin, and other relatives. Mr. Bruce Futrell has returned from a few weeks' stay in Buffalo, N. Y. Mess. Frank Smith .and Emerson Weeks returned last weak fromthe A. and M. College at Raleigh. Miss Nathalie Smith returned a lew days ago from the Normal Col lege at Greensboro. Mr. J. A. Piltman last week visited bis sister, Mrs J. A. Vance of Salem. Mr. Peter E. Smith returned from a trip to Charleston last week. He greatly enjoyed his visit to the Exposi tion and found many things to inter est him there. Mr. John A Norfleet of here last week. Tillery was Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Burroughs were called to Ayden last week by the ill ness of Mrs. Burroughs' mother. Mr. B. A. Pope, of Weldon, came down Mcnday and spent a day or two fishing with Mr. J. P. Futrell. Mr. H. E. Bigg3, of Raleigh, came Monday for a few days' stay here. Mr. John B. Bagley came down from Roanoke Rapids Monday to visit bis parent 3. Mr. W. T. Clement, of Enfield, came Monday and was warmly wel comed 33 usual by his friends. Miss Margaret Bowers returned Mon dav from Enfield. Mr. Harvy Wall left a few d tys ago for Gainsvl!le, Fla., and Mr. Rom Bry an for Newbury, Fla. They haye gone to accept positions with telegraph companies. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn, president of the First National Bank of Weldon, was here a few days ago. His friends here were glad to welcome him in Scotland Neck. Dr. J. E. Shields went to Weldon Wednesday. Miss Mary Bechtel, teacher of Latin in Cottage Home School, left Wednes day for her home in Color, Md., ac- companied by her mother. mm A,ma Lower mnrfc teacher in e 1Iom(j ScfjooJf ,eft or her home in Pennsylvania Wednesday. Miss Lottie Harrell has returned from a visit to Everetts. nr. h. I. Clark went to Greensboro : Mrs. Bechtel, of Colora, Md., came ' some days ago to visit her daughter, i Atiw Ularv Bechtel. who has been teacher of Latin fln Cottage Home ! SCbool. ' Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Keel returned Sat urday from Elm tiity where they had ; Q fav rCagQn of the iIlness and death ! of their brother, Mr. Jordan Winstead, who le Saturday morning FILTHY TEMPLES IN INDIA. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem pies, but worse yet is a body that's pol infpl bv constinatiou. Don't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr King's New Life Pills and avoid un told misery. They give lively livers, nniivn bowels, eood digestion, hue ap petite. Only 25c M. Walter White of Edenton, a former student in Vine Hill Academy, was here a thoit while th:s week. MissSallie Wilkins, 'of Enfield, is here this week on a visit to friends. Miss Sadie Terry, teatllar of Lilm'in the Baptist Female University at Rtl eigh, came home MoudayTor her sum mer's rest. She was accompanied bv Miss Kathaiine McCormick of Vir ginia. Miss McCormick was teacher oftjlocution in Vine Hill Female Aca demy a few years axo, and iiu people of Scotland Neck remember her very pleasantly and are glad to have her here for a 'ewdays. Mn?. R. D, Jchnson,of Birmingham, Ala., was here on a visit to Miss Addie Smith last week. She had not been here in twenty-five years, and she said the many changes she observed were remarkable. Mrs. Johnson is presiden t of the board of managers for the Ala bama Boys' Industrial School, of which we shall write later. She is a lady oi remarkable ability and the institution with which she is connected is doing good to the Stale of Alabama. There was a german in Pittman Kali Monday night and quite a num ber of persons from- out of town were present. Among them were the fol lowing from Ililifax : Mrs. T. W. Fen uer, Misses Mary McMahon, Fannie Sater, Helen Daniel, Julia Gregory. Katharine McXamua, Mab3l Froelich and Miss Livesay and Mr. M. F. Mc Mahon. From Tillery, Miss Mary Tillary. FromEnfijld, Miss Maggie Shaw, Mess. Alex. Hunt, Jno. Parker May Wood,.Fnrdie and Bavin Whit- aker. Death of Mr. A, M. Prince. Last Saturday morning Mr. D. M. Prince was startled with a telecram from Goldsboro, that his father, Mr. A. M. Prince, had died suddenly the night before. Mr. Prince and family, with his brother Mr. Curtis, left on the morning train for Goldsboro to attend tneir father's funeral. Mr. Amos M. Prince was perhaps more than sixty years old and had been known to the people ol Scotland Neck something more than a year About January, 1901, Mr A.M. Prince and his son, Mr. D. M. Prince, opened a stock business here under the firm name of A. M. Ptince & Co. Since that time they have had asuccesslul business. During this time deceased bad spent considerable lime here, and the people of the town who had formed his acquaintance were well pleased with him. He was a good and upright citizen, well equipped in his business, and his death is learned here with deep regrets. The Goldsboro correspondent to the Raleigh Post of Sunday wrote : 'The death of Mr. A. M. Prince oc curred at his home near this city last night at 10 o'clock.. Ha was sitting at the supper table when the summons camsi He fell to the floor unconscious and lived about an hour. He was 61 years old and lea V33 a wife and six children as follows : Prof. D. M. Prince and ?Jess. Curtis, Cleveland and Chester and Miss Naomi Prince and M-s. A. M. Pate. The faceral will be held at Mt. Cal very Baptist church, near Dudley, to morrow morning at 11 o'clock, con ducted by Rev. J. T. Albritton of Mt Olive, a former - pastor of deceased. The interment will be made in the family burying ground on Hie old Prince plantation near Dudley." Death of Mrs. Barrow. Some three weeks ago Mrs. E. C. Barrow, of Jackson, N.-C, came to Scotland Neck to visit her daughter, Mrs Dr. H. I. Clark. She was taken 3ick soon after arriving and gradually declined. She died Monday night and her remains were taken to her home at Jackson for interment Tues day. The remains were accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Clark, and her two sons, sir. Jr. l . uarrow, oi aiornson, Va , and Mr. K. Barrow of Port Nor folk, Va., and her sister, Mis. Ran dolph, of Jackson. ' Mrs. Barrow was SO years- old and retained remarkable vitality to the close cf her life. Her sister, Mr3. Ran dolph, is 81 years old and is still ac tlve and strong. Their friends here join their friends at Jackson, Hamilton and other places in sympathy for Dr. Clark and Mrs. Clark in their sore eflliction. Among the First Graduates The first sraduatins class from the Baptist Female University at Raleigh was awarded diplomas at tne com mencement there a few days ago. The class consisted of ten young ladies, and three of them were trom Scotland Neck Misses Margery Kesler, Mary fistelle Johnson and Margaret W. Shield?. Miss Kesler took the degree of A. M. sumrua cum Iaude, Miss Johnson the degree ol A. B., and Miss Shiftlfla tha decree of A. B, cum lande. Scotland Neck people are proud or these young ladies as is also the excel lent institujjon from which they have just graduated. McDuffie's Turpentine and Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain cure for woooplng cough, easy and com torts d:o h works while you sleep. fi Tiy the now remedy lor cos-iveness COTTAGE HOME SCHOOL,. This sshool, of which Miss Lena omitn is principal, held commence ment exerci:es ia the opera house Thursday night, Miy 21hn. A large audience was pra:edt and the exercises were well received - auT e.K cited gen" r ms applause thoughout. ai me close air. a. v. ivitcnin came upon the stage and in well chosen words presented to little Miss Nannie Shields a gold pen as a prize for the most im provement in penmanship. ( following is the interesting pro gramme, which was well rendered, showing care and training on the pari of the teachers : Piano Quartette Grand Festival March (Englemann ) Misses Norfleet, Shields, Adele and Bes sie Smith. 1. Piano Quartette-hcoting Stare (Hoist.) Misses Crump, Durham, Dunn Vaughan. 2. Recitation Jolly Cupidt Boys. 3. Piano Trio Demerara Polka zurka Becter. Misses Bessie Smith, Hopkins and Ma- ana Hancock. 4. Pantomima Bobbie Shafioe Misses Kate Condrev, Minnie Evans Master Gavin By man. 5. (a) Piano Duet Skirt Dance Misses Nannie Shields and Kahterinc . Hancock. (b) Piano Trio Mocking Bird Getz. Misses Stella Hoffman, Corneha Joeey and Rebe Shields. 6. Pantomime America. 7. (a) Yellow Butterflies (b) Recitation Miss Edith Helps Things Along (Bret Harte). Mis3 Ethel Djnn. 8. Piano Quartette Dance of the Fairies (Fowler.) Misses Crump, Smith, Dunn aud Cherry. 9. Fete in Flower-land Fairy Miss X.6uise Josey. Snowdrops, Forget-me-nots, But tercup?, Poppies Primary Class, 10. Piano Solo Alice (Ascher.) Miss Flossie Huffman. 11. Almost Discovered. Miss Ethel Dunn. F A IIT SjECOND. 1. Kitchen Symphony. Piano Duo. (Goria.) (a) Pantomime -A Flirtation Miss Stella Hoffman and Jack Riddick. (b) Dialogue Needles and Pius. Misses Stella Hoffman and BessieDuun. Revels ol the Rose Maidens. Piano Trio Alpine Storm. Misses Phelps, Rsbesca and Adele Smith. The Awaking of Galatea. Misses Reba Clark and llebo Shields. Dlsirtlau March and Pos2s. Piano Solo The Banjo (Gottes chalk ) i). The May Pole 10. Piano Quartette Chromatic Galop. (Liszt.) Misses Hoffman, Clark, Phelns and Adele Smith. Littleton Female College. The commencement exercises were held tast week. The Alumnae Banquet on Monday night was a new a delightful feature of commencement. The decorations n ye'low and white, the "daisy," were tasteful ; the mnsic was entrancing ; the "Promenade Concert" mtsi am us g and the supper, ecrved by Dubgi, was all that could be desired. Rev. R. C. Beaman preached the Annual Sermon on Wednesday morn- ng, from tho tex "Who kno'vCh whether thou art come to the kingdom r such a time as this?" His force- tul, practical thoughts on character, will, without doubt, bring fxth fruit m the lives of the earnest young wo men to whom they were addressed. All present at the Elocution Recital on Wednesday night expressed them sjlyes as charmed with the "pretty iiirls in white," as with their reci tations, music, drills and poses. Class Day, however, is regarded a.- the "Cream of Commencement. After the reading of the essajs aud presen tation of diplomas, Bibles, badges and certificates, President lincces iniro AnroA (General Julian S. Carr, the sneaker of the day. Can. Carr'd snlendid addres3 on "Woman," was listened to with closest und most interested attention, elicitiusr freausnt- and' enthusiastic burets of applause. At the close of his address, Gen. Carr's es tablifrhment of a np.r netnal scholarship at Littleton Fe- L & male college, in memory of Mrs. MeliS' sa Frances Hester ( tho beloved and sainted mother ot Mrs. Rhodes) was a most graceful and happy thing, such as Gen. Carr knows so well how and when to do. The Concert on Thursday night was .... - . ... 1 1 x i -i : a "tning oi Deauiy, ine u.usiug number (a chorus, "Vacation,") pres entmg a scene of loveliness and giying forth tones of richness and grandeur The Social Hour following the con cert closed a charming a delightfully enjoyable a highly profitable com meucement. ONE TRIAL ENOUGH To convince any sufferer that DR. WORTHINGTON'S- REMEDY will produce quicker and more satisfactory results than can possioiy De ouiamea in nv nther manner. We can cure vnii ot that nain. relieve you of all suf fering, and put you on your feet, sound mid well, if vou will tiy our remedy fo.r vmir allies, and n.itns. DR. WOR- THTNfiTON'S REMEDY will cure Headache. Neuralgia, Cramps, Diar rbnrn. and all ailments of this charac ter. Procure it today, tomorrow you'll need it. WORTH MORE THAN 25 CENTS it's soiling price at T. White j head & Co'is C Vnil lf II I DIIT n teaspoonfulof Mexican Mustang Lln lr TUU WILLrUI Iment into a glass half full of water and with thir gargl your throat often it will quickly cure a Bore Throat. JLL rJll A- Keep this fact always fresh in your memory: For Cuts, Mashes and all Open Sores, you need only to apply . fyexican flfyuslang inimenl a few times and the soreness and inilainiuatiou will be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. 1 To get the best results you should saturate a picco of soft cloth with the liniment aud bind it upon tho wound as you would ;t poultice. 25c., oOc. and $1.00 bottle. CCD AH CVET ilKl your poultry and ct tlic very first sign of RCEr fill C I C Ull Roup, Hraly I-ojp. P.timl.lefoot or other fiiseascj amoug your fowls use llcxleaii Mustang Iuiimeut. always on hand. The most Stylish Buggies open, or with our new Sun Top. Just see our Lates Goldsboro Top Buggy. The Celebrated 'Auburn" Single or Double Wagon stil leads. OUR Undertaking Is now Complete with a Full Line of. caskets coffins, and Burial Robes. METALLl. ROSEWOOD, All well and tastily Trimmed regardless 01 expense. Service of at anytime. 1ST. IB. JOSEY, sotland Neck, THIS W We still have left a bitf line of SILK SI HUT WAIST GOODS and for the next 30 dnys we tire determined to move them if prices will do co. Don't, fail to call for them and be convinced. Also our spring and num mer Dress Goods must go. See them and get prices btfi'ore buying Ladies', Misses' and Gents' Slippsrs in big variety and they must also go. at vour own price. CLOTHING for men. cheaper than ever. Corn, Oats, Hay and Mill Feed at Uock Bottom Prices. Give us a call and 'be convinced. EDWARDS & CO. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTH Kit-". Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, Cure Feverlshness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, Break up Colds, move and regulate the Bow els arid Destroy Worms. They never fail. Over .10,000 testimonials. At a. I druggist?, 25 ceuta. Sample mailed Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Fcr cesa, Cc csd Creep, Mules and Horses Buggies Wagon s Carts and Harness PRINCE CC. Scotland Nork N. V. - Department All Grades From $4.00 to $100. WALNUT AND PLUSH liUAHBH can lie nau North Cj.roliua STKAW II ATS boys and youths Call al E. T. Wr.itchea I A Co'.sdrug store and get a free ramplo of Cham berlain's Stomach nd Liver Tablets. They nrJ an elegant physic. Tbry al go improve the nplito, Htit'i t'Cii tbodiges'ion and regulato iha liver nnl bowels. They ara ea.y to take and dI eafar.t :n effect. Bol-Jlti's JRS? Salvo Fcr Pi:s, Cum Cere r j l! j . D

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