ADVERTISING IF YIU1 ARE A HUSTLER ADVERTISE xoaC Business. MONWEALTH BUSINESS . VH AT STEAM IS TO- Maciiinery, E. E.HILLIARD, Editor and Proprieto? EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $i.oo. rmi Gas at pkoteliiisg poweh. VOL. XVIIL New Series Vol. 5. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. fO. 35 ES1- l l ADVERTIFEWH 1 IS SfW Golf 11E BMikHair I have used vour Hair Wear h for five years and am ereatlv U piessed witn it. It certainiv re- a pleased with it. stores the original color to gray hair. It keeps my hair soft." Mrs. g neientiiikenny, New Portland, M pMnMiarienMBASaM R A T T -xr. a vyers nair vigor I I Deen restoring color to i gray hair for fifty years, I and it never fails to do I this work, either. I You can rely upon it I for stopping your hair I from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for I making your hair grow. is $1.00 a be'.;Is. Ail druggists. 8 If vour drnffffist cannot snnnlv mn send ns one dollar and we -will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name S of your nearest express office. Address, v,- aitft w., i,oiveii, aiass. Pyspepsia ture Digests what yon eat. This p-eparatiou contains all of tha ingestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and nevef fails to cure. It allows you to eat all i he food you want. The most sensitive -1 o m aelis can ta ke it. By its use man y thousands of dyspeptics have been cured afier everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only fcy E. C. Be Witt & Co., Chicago '1 h-i bottle contains S!4 times the 50c siz-a. rilOFE3SIOAL. :. A. C. LIVEKMOX, y r?ic-0ver ;'ew Wbithe-cl Building btours from 3 to 1 o'clock ; 2 tc C;OC;C, p If. iii. SCOTLAND NECK, X. C Fi"- J- P. WIMBERLEk, U OFFICE HOTEL LA WHENCE, , SCOTLAND NECK, X. C. II. i. claes:, Oinc3 formerly occupied bv U Claude Kitchin. M tin Street, Scotland Neck, X. C J A. liUSS, fit A T T OR N E Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Nkck, N. C. i'ra-tices wherever his services arc eauired - n. II. SMITH. STUART H.' SMITH. MiTII & SMITH, -1 TTORNE YS-A T LA IT. States Eld'g.overTvler & Ontterbridge Scotland XefckjN. C. "DWAUD L. TBAVIfc, n Attorney and Counselor al Law, HALIFAX, N. C. -2T'''Zonev Loaned on Farm Lands. CIAUDE EITCIIIS. A, r. KITCHIN. KITCHIN & KITCHIN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Practice wherever services are required Oi-'fice : Futrell Building. Scotland Neck, N. C. C-imparo our Wflrk Tfith that of oar Competitors. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. CMS' II WALSH WORKS, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Monumaats, Tombs, Cemetery Curb ing, &c. All work strictly first class and at Lowest Price?. l ALSO FOKNISH IROX FEHG1NS. VASES, &C. 8 rl7! ? i Designs sent to any aadre3s free. In writing for the u pi;-; ) gUs age of de ceased and limit as to price. I Prepay Freisrhton al) Wor k rnEEDiros's leisure houss, Prints and Paragraphs of Things Psstr Present and Future. It is gratifying to learn irom far ro ars here and there thai they aro plan aing to iow wheat in this region more ixtsnsively than formerly. It does seem that almost every farmer, could sow a few acres o! land in wheat and realize good profit from it. A farmer 'aid tG-day that his observation and experience lead Mm to believe that wheat is a good crop for stock. Ho: .es do well on wheat and he said that wjlh the proper care an acre of land will produce as much in wheat as in corn. This is the seasou of the year for farm ers to commence planning for a wheat ci op. It ought to be planted reason ably early. There seems to be a deep laid plan in the Fifth district to defeat W.W.KUcb in for Congress. At first it was sent jut through the papers that Mr. Lind say Patterson had declined to axvpt tbe nomination as an independent candidate for Congress against Kitchm, but it transpires that later he accepted. Hon. V. W. Kitchin has been up in Main doing some good work for De mocracy. Hon. E. W. Puo has also been campaigning in the "Pine Tree State," snd The News and Observer makes the following commentson their vvrk : 'The vote of Maine's Republican Governor is 11,153 less that two years ago. That's what Will Kitchia's and Ed. Pou's speeches did for the itadica-s in Maine. Iwe could epare them to Maine for a whole campaign and the people would go out to hear them, ilsine could be brought into the Dem ocratic column. The following which appeared in che Biblical Recorder recently is well worth reading . "It was stated that 10,000 negroes at- tended the recent Race Congress in Atlanta. We carefully examined the reports of the speeches. It seems to us that one might have given worlds to be tbare and to speak compellingly one message to the colored people. Their landers seem never to know. They talked about the status of the race. They look stock of the public advancement of the race. They were much concerned, every one of them, to be leaders. Every negro that wants any thing appears to want to lead to be a ; great f preacher or politician. Their thoughts are all bent this way. And they talk to the race as if they expected every one ol them to be "leaders." They overlook a great fact. It is this : The average negro mu3t serve. Only a few can lead, and they must lead men who serve, and they must lead them, if any progress shall be achieyed, into better service, not out ol it. The negroes do not care to serve each other. They aspire to lead each other; they mii3t seive the white people. No matter v about theories, .this is the truth. The negro must serve the white race or die. This is his mission in America, and will be until all people now living shall be dead and forgotten yes, forgotten. , hhe negro must perform the lower ' grades of service. Cook, washer women, hostler, janitor, hand. This is true as truth can be. And in light of it this great conference fooling about xelation to the white man, social progress, religious standing and poli tical condition, is most pathetic and ludicrous. The line of the negro's advancement lies along progress in cooking and other such work. What did the Conference do to give the world intelligent and honest and skil ful cooks, nurses, butlers and hands? That is the bis Question. That it the real question. The negroes in con ference are preachers, teachers, politi cians, leaders. And they are preach ing to and teac'-ing and leading only themselves standing off and baying a a big time while the negro race back at home cooks miserably and the white race threatens to go to Scandinavia for cooks and servants. In Heaven's name let the "big" ne groes quit fooling and get to leading their race in pastures that the race is fit for. It must make progress along natural and easy lines. It cannot pos sibly make progress in any other way. Tbe hope of the negro ij wholly in improving him there where he stands not in lifting him out of his capa bilities. Make a better cook or ser vant or worker of him or her and you have taken tbe first step. Only then PECULIAR HABIT. OUGHT TO 2E AVOIDED. Masinrisiss Shorten Life. Selected. One's health may be seriously im- paired, on-S'c- life may even be shorten ed by permitting msfmerisaw to grow into fixed habits. There are a score of such mannerisms which are likely to do one serious injury. Such apparently harmless practices as blinking the eyes rapidly, moisten ing the lips with the tongue, picking tbe teeth, scratching one's head or breathing through the mouth when carried to excess become very bad habits. Take, ior instance', the' common "trick" of moistening the lips with the tongue. If you make a habit ot this you will make your lips drier and drier and render the nerves cf them extreme ly sensitive. x Eventually you will coa tract permanently cracked lips, which besides being painful and annoying are likely to produce cancer. If this dis ease be hereditary you run a good cnance of getting it. Why any man should blow his nose when he does not want to is a mystery, but hundreds of people, especially el derly ones, have the habit. It is ex tremely bad for the nasal nerves and membranes. If done constantly when iu health it will, sooner dr later, pro-1 duce chronic nasal catarrh." It jou find yourself blinking your eves rapidly witffcfit euy cause, stop it at onse or it will grow Into an incur able habit, that will make your eye sight faii comparatively early ic life. Natural blinking is neeeesary o clear and moisten the eye. The aver age number of natural b'mks is about twenty par minute. Sat a nervous blinker will gat in something like a couple of hundred in a minute la bad cases. The result of this is a big de velopment of the eyelid mu3cle!. It J oasidea -iinvolvea W ccunterirntalion which acts on the optic nerve, and renders the sight daily more weak and irritable.-, Oace contract thi3 habit, and you will nad you cannot bear a strong, lignt or read small type, and the eyes will get Wurse and worse. The cure consists in keeping the eves shut lor at least ten minutes every hour, and bathing the lids in warm water. It is unwise to breathe through your mouth. If you do you will let the lower half of your lungs fall almost en tirely into disuse. They are not filled if you breathe through your mouth, and the lungs wiil be weakened and left an easy prey to maladies of the chest. The system will besides be fed by only about one half the oxygen it requires. Thousands of people con tract this dangerous habit, which is realy a life shortener. If you sleep with your mouth open you will get about half the benefit of a night's rest. This frequently is tbe cause of "that tired feeling" on waking in tbe morning. If there be any epi demic floating you double your chance of catching it, and halve your chances of recovering, as you weaken the lungs. Never pick the teth. It will make a difference of yeas in the life of yonr teeth, and send you to the dentist be fore your time. The habit, even after meals, will, sooner or later, start the enamel of the teeth and cause decay. Some xieople contract the habit of pick ing the teeth when they have nothing else to do. This will put a good, sound set ot teeth on ' the road to decay at . least six or seven years before they ought to go. You will lose your sleep, pay a dozen deutist's bills and then wish you had left toothpicks alone. Brush your tbeeh, instead, with a good powder after every m6al, if possible. No Food In Alcohol- The Libuor Pioblem. ' A number of soldiers of the same lage, of the same type of constitution, living under the same- ci rcu instances,, eating tbe same food- breathing the same atmosphere,- were ; divided,iiat6 t vo gangs an alcoholic, gaijg an4; nonalcoholic gang and engaged foJ certain work. The alcoholic, gang" went far absad at first. . They., had buckets of beer at tbeir side,', and , as they got a little tired they took beer, and the nonalcoholic gang were -hi "an hour or two left nOwherel but the energies of the beer drinkers speedily began to flag, and, do what they would, before the end of the day the nonalcoholic gang had left them far behind. Thus goes an old-time argument for using alcohol- There is no fool, no strength, uo good in it. H Ths Model .Church. "Vickei 's'.filofrtWy.- Well, wife, I 'ye found a model church, And worshipped there to-day? It made me think of good old times, Before my hair was gray. The meeting-house was finer built Than they were years ago, But then, I found when I went in It was not built for show. The spzton did not sit me down Away back al tbe'door, He knew that I was old and deaf, And saw that I was poor. He must have been a Christian man, He led me gently through The crowded aisle of that grand church To find a pleasant pew. I wish you'd heard that singing, wife, It had tbe old-time ring ; Ihe preacher said, with trumpet voice, "Let ffll tbfi nartnln aino !" ;0!d Coronation? via the time, Tbe music upward rolled, Until I though tbe angel choir Struck all their harps of gold. ily deafness seemed to melt away, My spirit caught the fire ; I joined my fesble, trambling voica With that rhef?2!ous choir And sang as in my youthful days, "Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth tbe royal diadem And crown him Lord o. all !" I tell you, wife, it did me good Tii sing that hymn once more, felt Iltee some wrecked mariner Who gets a gl!r35. of shore. ( almost want to lay aside This weather-beaten farm, A.nd ancbo? in the blessed port Forever from the Storm 1 Tbe preacher ! well, I just cant tell All that the preacher said, I know ft wasn't written - I know H wasn't read ; Ha hadn't time to ra id it, for The lightning of his eye Went llishiag 'iong from paw to pew, : Nor passed a sinner by. w --t.'-.- Twas not a flow'ry sermon, wife, But simple Gospel truth, ft fitted humble men, like mc ; It suited hopafu! jouth ; Vo win immortal souls to Christ . The earnest preacher tried ; He talked not of himself or creed, But Jesus, crucified. . How swift the golden moments fleWj .; Within the holy place I i heaven How brightly beamed the light of From every happy face ! " ' ' ' ; Again I longed for that sweet time When friend shall meal' with friend, 'Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths haye no end." I hope to meet that minister That congregation, too, In that dear home . beyond the stars That shine from heaven's blue ; I doubt not I'll remember, Beyond life's evening gray, That happy hour of worship In the model church, to-day. Dear wife, tbe toil will soon be o'er, The vict'ry soon be won ; The shining land is just ahead, Our race is almost run. We're nearing Canaan's happy shore, Our home so bright and fair, Thank God, we'll never sin again ; "There'll be no sorrow there !" ' USE ALLEN'S FOOT EASE, A powder to be shaken into tbe shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools - the feet, and makes walking easy. Cures swol len, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blis ters and callous spots. Itelieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. "Are your son's literary efforts pro ductive of returns !" astted tbe interest ed yisitor. "Ob, yes, indeed," replied the proud mother, "scarcely a day paes es,tbat some thing, does not come back." Indianapolis News. OWES HIS LIFE TO A NEIGH BOR'S KINDNESS. Mr. D. F. Daugherty, well known throughout Sumner and Mercer coun ties, W. Va., most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. He was almost hopelessly afflicted with diar rhoea ; w'as attended by two physicians who gave htm little, if any, relief, when a neighbor learning ot his serious con dition, brought him a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrnoea Remeuy, which cured him in less than twenty-lour hours. For sale by E. T. PE-RU-tlA IS THE So Says Mrs. And 1 ens ot Mrs. Jennie Rose, 362 W. Twenty-Second Street, New York City, writes: Tbe Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: 1 Gentlemen: "Peruna Is a blessing to suffering women. I suffered with female trouble since I began menstruation, and every month I suffered two and three days of untold agony, and had be in bed every month for two days at "My brother was cured of Blight's I determined to try it for my trouble. "Imagine my great joy when I found that it relieved me quite a bit the first month and I was entirely without pain Peruna only, tour months. "This is about two years ago and all I can now come and go as I like and And wish that every suffering woman through tbe use of this medicine. " -: : Truly i - : Eurcp3 Unites To ' Protect Bird s Useful to Agriculture. Right along the line of the work done by the humane societies is the European international agreement which was concluded at Paris recently and provided for the protection of b?rds useful to agriculture. Belgium, France, Greece, Austria-Hungary, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain are all parties to the agreement, besides 3eversl smaller provinces. Anion? the birds accounted useful and therefore to ba protected are certain nocturnal birds, as well as bee-eaters, swallows, and several hiraa of the spar row species. Ravens, magpies jays and a few others are branded as mis chievous. In Ita'y the capture of northbound b'rds has become a regular trade, and as a natural consequence she does not appear among tue signers to the agreement. HE DIDN'T MEAN EUROPE. The pastor "was making a call. "Ah, Mrs. Fastleigh," he said, dolefully, "have you made any preparations for the journey to the other land ?" "Oh, yes," was the animated reply. "My traveling-dress and several others are all done, and John is going to order the steamer-rug and a new trunk to-day." TAKE CARE OF THE STOMACH. The man or woman whesa digestion is perfect and whose stomach performs its eyery function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and gweetens the stomach and cures positively and per manently all stomach troubles, indi- - r . . a I gestion and dyspepsia, id js me wonderful reconstructive tonic that lawmaking so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies aIIof the nourishment in theiood they eat. Rev J. H. Holliday, of Holiiday, Miss., writes : fKodol has cured me. I con sider it the best remedy I ever used for dyspepia and stomach troubles. I was given up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. E.T. Whitehead & Co. 'S BEST Rose, of New York City,1 Thousands of Other Women. to arrange my work and duties so as to least. Disease from the use of Peruna and so during that period after having used during that time I have suffered no pain. consider Peruna woman's best friend might know that she can find relief yours, .. MRS. JENNIE ROSE. Egyptian Women. The Egyptian beasts of burden, tbe camel, the ox, the donkey, have the m a nation t look as the neopls. It may uot be improper to adl another j beast of burden worn in. There is the same look of sad paiieiKP every Egyptian woman's eyes ns in the mel ancholy river boiling at its graat task, and iu the face ol the camel, tho don key aud tbe ox. They all lootc at you with the eame "expression of patience. They seem content to live, no matter ! what the conditions of their often wretched lifeand not desirous of mak-1 ing change or resistance. The long j swing of the camel, the measured stride j of tbe ox or buffalo, the half tiot of the i donkey, are teen every where. T he J woman's face is covered at least her mouth is always for no Mohammedan woman may expose her mouth to the vulgar gaze of passers-by. All have the j same expression m their eyes as camel or otber animal. the i A REMARKABLE RECOUD. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has. a re;narxauie recorj. it nas ueen in usci r . a 1 for over thirty years, during wbicb lime many million bottles have been sold and used, it has long -been the standard and main rclianco in the treatment ol croup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no case has ever been reported to the manu facturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appea;-. it "will prevent the attack. It is p.e. :u trt take, many children like it. It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confident ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck ; Lsggett'f Drug Store, Hobgood. 9m. J. W. Imrrlmt Mum K- iMTUIiiHA. FTP to i wq ri U 1 1 31 A rhiLMBJio Mr?. Ellen Thompson, Battle Town, Ky vrrite: 'When 1 wrote you for advice 1 was very bad off. When I received your letter I cormeneed using Peruna and It did just v. hut you aai;l it would. I Lava . hadacoirih for about fifleoa years aim ' your metik ino Iw.s done nie more good than tiling 1 have ever umhI. I nm so thankful u you for your advieo to nv-." Mrs. Ellen Thompson. Mrs. Ja::ics Eiglmiey, iJrapc, Mich. writes: . i "1 have been troubled with pain be fore and durir-s my monthlies ever inf' I was ; veil teen. 1 was ;.Iso troubled with other foniido weakness. I took your treat in '.u:t, ami am new well, mid liiauk you f..f your kind a 'viee." Mr. Ji'.ir.os l'irhiii"y. , Mr?. John Meyer. Eihart, O., writes: '1 have it.-en a Mifferer from elnonlo cn'.mh for years and have thereby lost the seitre oi' 1 1.1c 11 em itvly. 1 had four of ihe Ix-i-t physi' ia-is in JJii vicinity without leeeiving uiiy benefit whatever "Now I am once more a well woman. I find Peruna to be the best mcdlcob in the world as It has done me more geed th&n tny physician could have done for me. My friends say LytSt ten years younger. I tell them .fjt, Peruua did it. I can't tltanH?)'' enough for your free advice." Jl$lt--John Meyers. "Ci Mrs. Ida Uaker, Portsmouth, writer" : . "I tun triad to ay tJat 1 am well. I have taken Peruna and feel Iwttcr than t have for ten years; havegcluod twelvo pouurid and am fctill gaining. When I wrote to you for advice 1 had given up all hope of being well again, and I feel that It has saved my life." Mr, Idft Baler. Alice Seoft.of Franklin, Ky., iu n let ter to Dr. Ifartinan, naj: "For seven long years I had been A constant sufferer from catarrh of tho pelvic orgaiiH which ref ill ted in dis placement of the uterus. I wrote you telling you all my complaint, from the beginning to the present, mado happy and much encouraged every time by your kind and fatherly letters of advico and instruction. I am now a strong woman weighing US pounds." Alice Scott. If you do not derive prompt and natii factory results from the uso of l'cruna? write at oneo to Dr. Hartman, giving V full piatemcnt of your case and lie wtiX be pleased to give you bin valuable ndr vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The liar; man Sanitarium, Columbua, Ohio. Tie Only Safo Way Of Eritilrinff. K. V. rancr. Cruikshank, the artist, offered one hundred pounds for proof f a vtolent crime committed by a total abstainer. and lhQ woriCy remains unclaimed, to this day. I otter as much lor prooi of any one case either in tho church or out of it whore drunkenness has been cured without total abstinence, fn tho preeent shaky circumstance the only safe way of drinking, ai u Irishman puts it, is to"lcave off before you begin." Get a hes sa:np!o of ChamberKiin'a Stomach and Liver Tablets at E. T. Whitehead & Go's. Scotland Nock, x. C, and Igetts' dm;; store, Hob- good, N. C. They are e.isler to take and more pleasmt in effect than pills. Then their use 's not followed by con- atipation as is often the case with pills.; Regular sizs, 20c. per box. ! One on the Old Man '-Honesty, VOJ ! son," said the millionaire congresbmjio "is the best policy." "We!!, perbrt , . , ,, M:n,nK. tho youthful nlfil- " v - osopber, "but it strikes tne you have done pretty wetl, neverthole-s." hi- ! cago Daily News. When you wake up with a bad t.i-to In your mouth, go at ones to E. T. Whitehead t Go's., Scotland Nccjc. N. C, and Laggetu drug st re. Hob good, X. C, aiid get a bee eampta ot Chamberlain's Stcmaih tnd Liver Tablets. One or two do?es will m:iAi you well. They aluo cure Liii nnne.-s, sick headache and constipation. . EURL5 WlltKL ALL tlit f A'Li. Bwt Couch errup. Tune0l. tee P.; iq t ime, fvjia oy uruggi ti. Black Rpkimi. Art- tTTlL I mm . -f-l; A. can you begin to take the second. TKSf ia tha Imv nf (4n(1. and it has Whitehead & Co, Scotland J

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