" , 5 - 4 v I- F 1. r TOteaw-- MOT Is Undoubtedly THE Place for ers to Sell their: Tobacco. x pile, good brings -top market price every day-no pile neglected, no pile overlooked. The rich and the poor, the big farmer and the little farmer re ceive equal justice at GRAV ELY'S. He has no Special "PETS " but is surely a True Friend to All. If hard work, honest dealings and highest market price for every pile and all grades of should sell at Gravely ers friend, they have borri Qravely's is the "I wonder how Venus de Milo came to lose her arms ?" "Broke 'era off, probably trying to button her shirt waist up the back." Philadelphia Press. $100 REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure' is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally .acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have no much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ohenney & Co., Tole do, O. "Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. God is all to thee ; if thou be hun- gry, he is bread ; if thirsty, he is water ; if in darkness, he is light ; if nated, be is a robe of immortality. Saint Au- gustme. HE LEAKNED A GREAT TRUTH It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough " It are is for this same reason that you toldagatn and again that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy cures colds and gripj that It counteracts any tendency of these diseases to result in pneu- 2 Jl ii . r . - I ' Tr "F-"uuMie; to take.. For sale by E.T. Whitehead A Co., Scotland Neck ; Leggett's Drug oiore, noDgooa. Mrs. Jones A bachelor has no ex euse'for living. Mr. JonesOf course not ; but a married man has to have two or three a week. Judge. BAN A TEN PENNY NAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While opening abox, J. C Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of al .the pain'and soreness this would cause me," he says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasion ally afterward. To my supprise it re moved all pain and soreness , and the injured parts were soon healed." ' For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scot land Neck ; Leggett's Drug Store, Hob- 3 or bad, fine or tobacco count for anything, then everybody s. In fact, if Jack Gravely is not the farm none in the tobacco world. Sure as you are place to sell tobacco. J. 0. W. GRAVELY. Proprietor. - " Whatever is that you have drawn, Master Jimmy?" "Dat's a dragon and a pretty lady." "But I don't see any lady !" 'Cos the dragon has eated the pretty lady up !" Punch. LOOK OUT FOR FEVER. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt'a Little Early Risers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move tne bowels gently but copiously, and by reason of the tonic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. J. M. Griffin. Indignant mother George, if you bad a little boy who 'made himself as dirty as'you are, what would you do with him? George (aged 3, muddy from head to foot) I I'd wash bim. Judge. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which is mak ing go many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat. by cleansin&r- and wMtPinir iha !nm,h nt u ... ' ZZi 1 a w-uo,u"",u i ,Dto lhe k,nd of P. h red ! blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., A'wr a numner or years i was troubled with indigestion and dyspep- . sl which grew into the worst form. ! Finally I was induced to use Kodol and j a,ler uslng four bottles 1 am entirely cured I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from ..indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals It digests what you eat. J. M. Griffin. 'We are conducting a campaign ol education," said the politician. "Is that all?" asked his friend. "You don't want the officeef" "Oh wel ! It's oni f,lr lh.t -,Ahi .wm i f - wuyuivi w fatU, . Life. DO GOOD JT PAYS A Chicago man has obseryed that "Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You can not possibly lose by iLl Host men ap preciate a kind word and encourage ment more than substantial heln i There are persons in this community -. . " : : w.w mmut -.rumiuuy say . "My good 1 friend cheer up. A few doses of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy will rid you oTyouc cold, and there is no dange whatew from pneumonia when jou use. that medicine. It alwara cures. Xknow it lor. It haa heJnad m nn many a time." Sold by E. T. White ksi3 4 Co., SooUasd; Neck; Lestsjett-s Drcj Ctere, Ilolcdod. , Fan Each co: rnir on, O. s S. A. L. FLORIDA AMD WEST SHORT LINE. INDIA VESTIBULE LIMITED TRAINS. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta. New Orleaus and Points South and West. In- Effect April 13, 1902. SOUTHWARD. Daily Daily No 31 No 27. Lv. New Vork, P. R. R .12 55 p in izioam LV Philadelphia, P. R. R; 3 29 p m 7201m Lv Baltimore Ps R. Rk..........545pm '934am Lv Washington, P. R. R 700pm 1041am Lv Richmond, S. A. L. Ry . . . . 10 37 p m- 215 pm Lv Petersburg, 1120pm 2 56 p m Lv Norlina, 155am 53opni Lv Henderson, Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines, 1 2 28 a m 412am 6 05 a m 554Pm 727pm 9 27 P m Lv Hamlet 720am 1035pm Lv Colnmbia t Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville 9 40 a m 2 10 p m 700pm 1 05 a m 455am 9 5 am Ar St Augustine 10 5 Ar Tampa 6 45 a 111 5 45 pm No. i. No. At Lv New Vork N. Y Lv Philadelphia P. & N. f 7 55 a mS 55P m 10 16 a m 1126 pm Lv New York O. D. S. S. Co t 3 00 P m. Lv Baltimore B. S. P. Co ,..-t 6 30 p m Lv Wash'ton N. & W. S. B. .6 30 pm Lv Portsmouth S. A. L. Ry. 9 05 p m 9 25 a m 11 45a m 11 55 am t,v weiaon Lv Norlina ' Lv Henderson ' Lv Raleigh . ' Lv Southern Pines ' Lv Hamlet - 155am 140 pm 228am 2iopm 4 12 a m 3 55 p m 605am 6 18 p m 7 25 a m io 35 p m Lv Wilmington 305pm Ar Charlotte 10 08 a m 10 32 p m Lv Chester Lv Greenwood Lv Athens Ar Atlanta X 1022am -12 35 pm 2 50 p m 355 P m 135am 343 a m 6 13 a in 7 5 a m Ar Augusta C. & W. C. 540pm 'Ar Macon C. of Ga Ar Montgomery A& N"'p7 Ar Mobile L. & N. Ar New Orleans L. & N. 720P m 11 35 a m 9 20 p m 6 25 p m 1 55 a m 725am Ar Nashville N. C. & St. L. 4 oo a.m 6 55 p m. Ar Memphis 4 15 p m 825am NORTHWARD. Daily Daily . . . "' . ' N0.32 No. 38 Lv Memphis N. C. & St. L. 12 45 noon 8 4o o m Lv Nashville 930pm 930am Lv New Orleans L. & N. 800pm Lv Mobile L. & N. 12 30 a m Lv Montgomery A. & W. P. ' 620am 130pm Lv Macon C. of Ga. 8 00 a tn -.4 20 p m Lv Augusta C. & W. C. IP 05t 171 Lv Atlanta S. A. L. Ry. Ar Athens . Ar Greenwood " . Ar Chester " 12 00 noon 8 oop m 2 57 P m 1123pm 514pm 156 a m 7 17 P m 4 06 a m Lv Charlotte 7 27 P m 450am Lv Wilmington 305PW Lv Hamlet 4opm 7 40 a m Lv Southern Pines " Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv Norlina S. A. L. Ry. Lv Weldon Ar Portsmouth " f : 33 P m 135am 3 05 a m 350am 5 00 a m 834am 11 05 a m 12 42 p m 1 45 P m 300pm : 5 35 P m 715 am Ar Washington N. & W. S. B. 55 a m Ar Baltimore B. S. P. Co. t645am Ar New York O. D. S. S. Co. 5oop m Ar Philadelphia N. Y. Pi & m. fs 46 p m 510am mncwiwit. l5pm Kooam No. 34 900pm Lv Tampa S. A: L. Jty. No 66 8 00 a m Lv St Augustine S. A. L. Ry 7 45 m Jacksonville " - 9 45am 800pm 15 P m 11 55 p m 7 05 p m 5 00 a m 1040 pm 825 am 11 33 p m 9 22 a m 135am "11 35 a m 305am 1258 pm 3 45am 145pm !-v Colombia i Lv Hamlet- Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleieh Lv Henderson ' Lv Norlina " Lv Petersburg " Ar Richmond " ' Ar Washington P. R. R. Ar Baltimore P. R. R. At- PtuladelphU .P. R. R. 5 53am 407pm .635 am 455pm Mitam 6 36 p m 11 25 a m 11 25 p m r 36 p m : 2 56 a m 4 13pm 630am Mr New York P. R. R. Note. fDaily Except Sunday. Central Time. - Eastern Time. - f EC. a LEARD, T. P. A Raleigh, N.C. rxu & caiman. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Jan. 19th, 1898. No. tl03 P. M. No. 49 j A. M . No. 48 No. A. If. Stations 2 20 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ax. 5 65 ' 10 05 2 40 9 20 Pinners Point 639 9 50 3 03 9 46 Drivers 5 05 9 26 3 17 10 03 Suffolk 4 50 12 3 50 10 31 Gates 4 20 &39 1 15 10 50 Tunis 4 00 8 2 i 36 II 06 Ahoskey -3 41 8 01 4 58 21 21 Aolander - 3 27 7 48 5 35 12 21 Ar. Tarboro Le 2 31 6 45 Ar. Lv. 6 35 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 6 17 P. M. P M. P. M. A. M- Daily. fDaily except Sunday. Trains 28b. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mt with train 23 for all points South and No. 78 train for all points South and No. 78 train for all points North. G. M. SERPELL, t. B. KENLY Genr'l Man. Sup't Tains. T. M. EMERSON, . , Gen'l Pas. Agent 7IU1i;:6T0 & WELDOa R. R. AND BRANCHES. I.ND ATLANTIC COAST LINi : RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. -DATED Ulfii t A. M.! P.M. P.M. A.M. P. M Leave Weldon 11 60 9 38 Ar. Rocky Mt. 100 10 32 Leave Tarboro 12 22 7 22 - Lv. it'o'ckjr Mt." ...t 05 "io"02 "T 52 "5 45 "T26i Leave Wilson 1 59 11 20 s SI 6 26 2 at Leave Selma 55 I2 20 Lv. Fayettevllle 4 41 i 25 Ar. Florence 7 ot 3 35 P. M. A. M. Ar.'GoVdsboro" """ "TJo Lv. Guldsboro 73 11: Lv. Magnolia 8 3. 4 2i Ar. Wilmington 10 It 6 0 P. Si A. M P. M ' TRAINS GOING NORTH. jga 0-35 a0 Q Q m Mm Z, 1305 ... ..... A. M P.M. Lv. Florence 10 05 8 05 Lv. Fayettevllle 12 40 10 28 Leave Selma 2 10 II 40 Arrive Wilson 2 57 12 2o " "'" " A.'m" " P.'M. A,"m Lv. W' .min(rton 7 00 9 3 Lv. Magnolia Ss 30 il C Lv. Goldsboro 7 35 37 12 26 """ p."m.' a."m! r."M. p."m. Leave Wilson 2 35 S 20 12 20 10 35 11 Ar. Rocky Mt, 3 30 9 00 12 10 11 23 1 6f Arrive Tarboro 9 31 Leave Tarboro 2 31 Lv."Rocky Mt " "3 56 "" 43 ""' Ar. Weldon 4 5? 1 37 P. M.t I A. M. P.M. fDaily except Monday. Daily ex cept Sunday. , - Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington. 9 10 a. m., arrive FayetteviSle 12 20 p. m,f leaves Fayette ville 12 42 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 58 d. m. Returning leaves Sanford 3 10 p. m., arrives- Fayette ville 4 30 p. m. leaves Fayettevllle 4 4U p. m., arrives Wilmington 7 30 p. tn. Wilminston and Weldon Railroad Bennettsville Branch Traln leaves Bennettsvllle 8 10 a. m., Maxton 9 05 i. m., Red Springs 9 32 a. m., Hope Mil's 10 55 a. m., arnyes Fayettevilli 11 10 a. m. Returning leaves Fayette-. ville 5 00 p. m., Hone Mills 5 2a r. m Red Springs b 53 p. m., Maxton 6 16 p. m., arrives Bennettsville 7 2a p. m Connections at Fayettevllle with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Caro lina Central Railroad, at Red Spring with the Red Springs and Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboara Air Line and Southern Railway, al Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Sc 'tland Neck Brancfc Road leaves Weldon 3 :15 p in., Halifo 3: 29p. nr arrives Scotland Neck at i :10 p. m , Greenville 5 :47 p. m Klnt ton 6.45 p. m. Returning lea vet Kinston 7 :30 a. m., Greenyille 8 :30 m., arriving liaiiiax at ii:ua a. m Weldon 11 :20a. m., d: y except Sun day. . Trains, on Wash ir . on Branch leave Washington 8 :00 m. and 1 :45 n.m arrive Farmele 8 :55 a. m. and 3 :10 p m., returning leave Farmele 9 :15 w: m and 5:22 p.m., arrive Washington 10 :a5 a. m. and 6 :15 p. m., daily ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C., dailj except Sunday 4 :do p. m., Sunday 4 :35 p. m., arrives Plymouth 6 :35 p. m., n :d0 p. m., Keturmng, leaves Fly- mo h daily excepi Sunday, 7 :d0 a. m anrl Sunday 9 :00 a.m., arrives Tarboro 9 .55 a. m., 11 :00 a. m. . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday i .00 a. m., arriving Smith field G :10 a nr.. Returning leaves Smithfield 7 ;00 a. m. ; arriyes at " Goldsboro 8 :25 a. n Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9 :30a. m., 4 :00 p. m., arrive Nashville 10 :20 a. m.,4 :23 p.m , Spring Hope 11 :00 a. m., 4 :45 p. m. Returning leave Spring aiope 11 :20 a m., 5 :15 p. m., Nasbyill 11 :45 s. m, o :4o p. m., arrive at xCocky Mount lz :iu p. m., t :20 p. m., daHy except Sunday. : Train on Clinton Br tch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, tcept Sunday 8:30 a. m.. and 4:15 . m. Return mg leaves Clinton at 7 :00 a. m. and 9 :30 a. m. Train No. 7 nakes cixe connection at Weldon for 1 points North daily, all rai' via Rice mond. H- M. EMERSON. Oeu'l Pass. Agent. . R. KENLY Gen I manager. Always lose your temper, tar better without it. You are A LIBERAL OFPER. The undersigned will give a free sampte of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to anyone wasting a re liable remedy for disorders of the stom ach, biliousness ar constipayon. TJiis Is a new remedy and a good . one; IS. T. Whitehbad it Co., . Scotland Neck ; Leesett-s Drug Store, Hotood. , and Dont Cawr it. How To VlnA Out. Pill hottle or common 'elass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a seauneni . or wai lling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble: too. frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also. convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. - What to Bo. ' There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great Kidney remeay luinus every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage, it corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary enect ot awimp-KWi is soon realized. (It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If vou need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. . sizes. You may. have a sample Dome ot una wonderful discovery and a book that tells more abbut it, both sent absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & Home ot Bwmp-Ro. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. A CURE THAT CURES; Tke with Barbs rld to firea Dairy Cows from Drawlif Their Own Milk. I A bad vice sometimes crops out In the i,.rii wiioii a cow or two becins to draw its own milk by sucking. To pre ent this vice, fasten a frame as por trayed. Four sticks of hard wood, 10 or 12 inches long and . 1 inches square, YOKE FOR VICIOUS COWS, are held together by eight round point ed sticks of tough, hard wood, two feet long and one inch in diameter, passing through the-hard wood sticks. These dimensions may be too large for a small neck. Fasten the round stick in the desired place with screw three quarters of an inch long. The yoke may then be removed or adjusted to fit a large or small neck. G. M. rowdef It. in Farm and Home. , Soft You can nm.-e font har ness aa. soft i8 a glove end as tough as wire by -twins EUREKA Her. (a Oil. You can lengthen ita life make it last twice as long as it ordinarily would. , makes a poor look in k bar vess like new. Made of pure, heavy bodied oil. es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Cads by STANDARD CiL CO. "Maam," shouted little Willie from the nursery, "Jonnio wants half the bed !" "Well," queried the mother, "ien't be entitled to half of it?" "Yes," replied Willie, "but be wants his half in the middle." Chicago News. Cut this out and take it to . T Whitehead & Co.'s drug store, Scotland Keck : or Leggett's Drug Store, Hob- good ; and get a free sample o Cham berlain'8 Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic They cleanse and in vigorate the stomach, lmprote the ap retite and regulate the bowels. Begu laa size, 25c, per box. ; . If the people who can't write had the brains of those who can and those who can l ad the skill of those who can't what a glorious literature we should soon have. . WOMEN AND JEWELS. : Jewels, candy, Mowers, man that is the order of a woman's . preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty pow er to the average woman. Even that greatest ol all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money 4o purchase them. It a woman will -risk, her health to get a coveted pem," thin let her fortify herself auhitirt the ii sidonus conse quences tl coughs, colds and bronchial affections by lhe regular use -Dr. : Bos chee's Germati Syrup. It will prompt ly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease frrmi tne system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure lor coughs, colds and all bronchi! - troub les. You can get this reliable remedy B. T. WLitehead & Co'a., Drug Store. . Get Green's Special Almanac. r Harness U LAJQ - Who has ha a buggy - get your tires reset on Henderson's : - 'Hre - It sets cold," j It does the work in a few Minutes. them X. It is a Wonderful Improvement over the old Method. CSTNo more guess worKi but ties are reset accurately and quickly, without bT chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having me of these Tire Setters in practical operation, the I atrouage of bo public is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. - J. E. WOOLARD, Scot4and Neck, N. C. Am nomine Sp ring and The Best a 4 Broadest stock of the handsomest fabrics the English and American Mills hav madethere is practical exclusivenes3 throughout. The only misrepresentation about the clothe we make is that they appear expensive, but cost little. First-Class Tailoring nowhere costs so little as hern Suits to measure $16.00 to $40.00.. Trousers $4.50 to $12.0 , Respectfully, CUTHRELL BROS : - ROCKY MOUNT, CAPITAL, $40,000.00. PLANTERS BANK, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. i 1 1. 1 DIRECTORS: M. C. BRAS WELL, CKO. S. KDWAIIDS M. B. BRAS WELL, K. UltYAN, J. W. 8UEBBOD. " J.li. 80KMUY. W. L. PETTY ACCOUNTS Albuaioesientrustelto m treated with courtesy, promptness, and accuracy OCO?ZiilZrD Z7DOII Real Estate, Rental, Collecting and Insurance Agency. II e a 1 E s ta te o n u o m ra i s 8 i o n . nnnTo aud ci.iiir.20 oolldoted Rents Negotiated for Town and Country Propert y. ; E. E. Hilliakd, John W. House, 12-1 2-tf Managern. A. MCDOWELL, TR-tisiDEirT. W. R. BOND, Tie ScoH Mi Ban SCOTLAND OLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH FIRVS. Norfolk's r only First cass '1 . OPTICAL -'7-Eye Glasses and Spectacles Ac ' . curately Fitted aud Adjusted. TUCKER, HALL & TRAYLOE, The Expert . . .. Opticians, , r 69 Plume St., Norfolk, Va. iu-24rly. , . i wear Jiew festoffice. e::c::2sth?o eccui AlWMra idtafate. Ulbmmt In Bc4 mod mltd wtth Mo itbboa. Buy of your Oranctat, mt Bcn4 4mm. la n4 tor JJJ J5f. a,eeeruainita. sou mi cmnnoAC. oo. be A ,0 VERYSOS U 5 or vehicle of any kind one of Stttmg Machine It keeps the dish of wheels just right. It does tho work perfect. Summer 1902. J. C. BHASWKIX SOLICITED. Bought and Sol d FRANK P. SIIIEl.D-i, CAPinn Asf't Cishieb. NECK, N. C. INDIVIDUALS AND BOSINKSS 10 10 TO PREVENT AN OUTBREAK OF Hag Cholera Feed AMEKICAX STOCK FOOD as direct ed. Hogs fed this food will never haVe this DKEADED DISEASE Should the disease be al ready in your vicinity or on your farm then rt-use AMUK1UAJN llUfJ C HOLER A CURE. Both remedies sold un der a positive guaran tee. None genuine with out picture of Uncle Sam. For sale by FU.T It ELL-HARD Y Hardware Co. ' Scotland Neck, N. C. 4f 3 n " -n It