ROCKYHODHT ELECfRIC LIGHT Rfffo NORFOLK & CAROLINA R.R, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Jan. 19th, 1898. Based on 16 Candle Power Lights YEARLY CONTRACTS. 1 No. No. 103 J Hd No. No.' Stations 48 Jfl02 Commercial Domestic faff i Is Undoubtedly THE Place for ers to Sell their Tobacco. pile, good or bad, fine or common, brings top market price everyday-no pile neglected no pile overlooked. The rich and the poor, the big farmer and the little farmer re ceive equal justice at GRAVELY'S. He has no Special "PETS " kut s surery a '1RUE Friend to All, If hard work, honest dealings and highest market price for every pile and all grades of tobacco count for anything, then everybody should sell at Gravely 's. In fact, if Jack Gravely is not the farm ers' friend, they have none in the tobacco world. Sure as you are born Qravely's is the place to selt tobacco. J. 0. W. GRAVELY. Proprietor. ROCKY ZMZOTTZfcsTT, HST C. When a man gets foil it is a gcod time 10 take his best niensurc News c. licn ' A COL'J WAVE. The forecast of sudden change in -the weather serves notue that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough made invade the sanctity of health in your own home. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. H. Wise, Madison, (it. writes : 'I am indebted to One Min ute Cough Cure for my present gooc health, and probably my lite." 1. cures Conghs, Colds, LiGrippe, Bron chitis, Pneumonia and all Throat anc Lung troubles. Oie Miuute Cough Cure cuts the phegm, draws out ibi inflammation, heals and soothes tin mucous membranes and strengthen the lung-. 'He's in love with himself." never feel the pangs of jealousy." If you feel ill and need a pill Why not purchaas the b3t? DeWiU'd Early Risers Aro little surprisers, Take one they do the rast. W. H. Howell, Iloustou, Tex , wriit- I have need Little Early Riser Pill in my family for constipation, siik headache, etc. To their use I am in debted for the health oi my iatniiy. Never fool with a "dead" live wire ; the business end of a wap, or a woman's private opimou. Life. To improve the appetite am strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach an. Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seilz, o Detroit, Mich,, erys, "They restorer, my appetite when impaired, relievec me of a bloated feeling and caused pleasant and satisfactory movement o the bow3ls. There are people in thi community who need just such a med ictne. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Scotland Neck, Leggetta Htore, Hobood. Every bx war ranted. The language of God's chosen one. is not st range to us. In the hard patt which they have trodden we can follow afar off;, we go from strength to strength in their footsteps, and know not yet what we shall be. IT KEEPS THE FEET WARM AND DRY. Ask to-day for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures Chilblains. Swollen. Sweating, Sore, Aching, Damp feet At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. fears th it : IhBKind You ll3Alwarsi AlWjg BftS&t ?IM 1 Srw 4 LA , ,. 2 20 3 03 0JU 51 Village Swain "Lovely mocn. ain't there, Sal'y?" Sally (revising bir home) "Nuthin' to what we 'ds in town '"Punch KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE Digests all classes of food topes and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodo! rebuilds wornout tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach, liov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says : I have used a number of bottles of Ko dol acd have found it to be a very ef fective aud, indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend t to my fiiends. He (musingly) Sometimes I think ( am a fool. She (sweetly And at .her times you think you're exactly igbt Columbia Jester. - WANTED. We would like to ask, through tht olumns of your paper, if there is an; eroon who has used Green's Augue; ?'iower for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles thai has noi been cured and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation oi JooJ, habitual costive oes, neryaus dyspepsia headaches, des pondent fee'ings, sleeplessness iu fact, any trouble connected with the stomach or liver? This medicine bat be n sold for many years in all civiliz ed countries, and we wish to corres? o.joci with you and send vou one oi nr boukd free of cost. If you nevei is! August Flower, try a 25 cent bot tle fi-t. We have never known of iu railing. If so, something more seriour s the matter with you. The 25 cent tze has ust been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. At all druggitt. G. G. Geeex, Woodbury, N. J. The faster you trayel in the devil's r ad the more dust you get into your ijes, WHAT'S IN A NAME? Every tbing is in the name when i, comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C DeWitt&Co. of Chicago, discovered ;omo years ago, how to make a salvi from Witch Hazel that is a specific fo. niea. xor iuido, OieeOJng, It jhlrj nd protruding Piles, eczema. enK - ........ tarns, bruises and all skin diseases De v iii s aaive nas no equal. j nls has .lven rise ;ounterfeits. genuine. to numerous worthiest Ask for De Witt's the I ( Best Congi byrap. rutosiooa5iTi -I bi time, SoMbrdrnis. FL. : n ; , "rT W uouuuu uusio: rvri Fan Each S. A. L. FLORIDA AfllD WEST SHORT LINE. INDIA VESTIBULE LIMITED TRAINS. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta. New Orleans and Points South and West. In Effect April 13, 1902. SOUTHWARD. Daily No 31 Lv. New York. P. R. R 12 55 p m Lv Philadelphia, P. K. K........3 29 p m Lv Baltimore, P. R. R 5 45 p ni Lv Washington, P. R. R 700pm Lv Richmond, S. A. L. Ry... .10 37 p m Lv Petersburg, " 11 20 p m Daily No 27. 12 10 am 7 20 a m 934 a m 10 41 a 111 215 pm 2 56 p m Lv Norlina, " 155am 530pm Lv Henderson, " Lv Raleigh " Lv Southern Pines, Lv Hamlet Lv Colnmbfa t " Ar Savannah " Ar Jacksonville " Ar St Augustine " Ar Tampa " 2 23 am 554pm 4 12 a m 7 27 p m 6 05 a m 9 27 p m 7 20 a m 10 35 P m 9 40 a m 1 05 a m 2 10 p m 455am 7 00 p m 9 15 a vd 1050 645 am 5 45pm No. 00. No. 41 P. & N. f 7 55 a m . 8 55 p m ' 10 16 a ni 1126pm Lv Ne-v York N. Y Lv Philadelphia Lv New York (). 1). S. S. Co t i 00 n m. Lv Baltimore I!. S. P. Co Lv Wash 'ton N. & W. S. J!. Lv Portsmouth S. A. lTRv. Lv Weldon Lv Norlitia " Lv Henderson " Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines " Lv Hamlet t 6 30 p m " 6 3o p ni 9 05 p m "9 25 a m " 1 1 45 a in 11 55 a ni 1 55 a m 140pm 2 2S a 111 2 10 p m 412 a m 3 55 p m 6 05 a m 6 iS j m 725 a " 10 35 p m " v 305pm 1008am 1032pm 1022am 1 35 a ni 12 35 p m 3 43 a m 2 50 p m 613am 3 55 p in 750am 5 40 p m 7Jop 2l 35ajn 9 20 p m 625pm 2 55 a m 725am Lv Wilmington Ar Charlotte " Lv Chester " ' Lv Greenwood " Lv Athens " Ar Atlanta t " Ar Augusta C."&W.C." r Macon C. of Ga Ar Montgomery A & W. Pf Ar Mobile L. & N. r New Orleans L. & N. Ar Nashville N. C.& St7L7 r Memphis 4 00 a ni 4 15 P m 6j55 Pm 8 25 a m NORTHWARD. Dailv - No. '32 Daily No. 38 l.v Memphis N. U. & St. L. 12 45 noon 8 4o p m 9 30 P m 9 30 a m 8 00 p in 1230 a m 6 20 a m 1 30 p m 8co am 4 20 p m 1005am Lv Nashville Lv New Orleans L. & N. Lv Mobile L. & N. Lv Montgomery A. & W. P. Lv Macon C. of Ga. Lv Augusta C. & W. C. Lv Atlanta J S. A. L. Ar Athens " Vr Greenwood " Vr Chester " Lv Charlotte " " Lv Wilmington " Ry. 12 00 noon 8 oop m 2 57 p m it 23 p m 5Mpni 1 56 a m 7"'7l m 4 06 a m 7 27 pm 50 a m 3 "5 P m .' Lv Hamlet " Lv SouthernPines " Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Lv Norlina S. A. L. Ry. Lv Weldon " r Portsmouth " jo 40 p m 7 40 a m H33Pm 834am 135am 11 05 am 305am 12 42 p m 3 50 a m 1 45 P m 5 00 a i 7 15 a: m 300pm am 5 3 D m Ar Washington & W. S. B. 6 55 am Ar Baltimore B. S. P. Co. Ar New York OTdT STsT Co7 645 a m t5 00 p m r Philadelphia N. Y. P. & n. fs 46 P m" VrJVew York " 8 15 p m 5 10 a m 800am No. 34 9 00 p m No 66 800am '.v Tampa S. A. L. Ry. I Lv St Augustine S. A. L. Rv" 7 45 m 5 50 9 45 am 800pm 55 P m 1155 pm 7 05 p m 500am 1040pm 8 25 a m 11 33 p m 9 22 a m .135 am 1135am - 3 05 a m i?s8p m I Lv Jacksonville -v Savannah I v Columbia Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson " Uv Norlina " 3 45 a m 145pm Lv Petersburg " Ar Richmond " Ar Washington P. R. Ji. Ar Baltimore P. R. R. Ar Philadelphia .P. R. R. Ar New York P.' R. R. 5 53 a m 4 07 p m 635am 4 55pm 10 10 a m 6 36 p m 11 25 a m 11 25 p m r 36 p m 256am 413pm 6 30 a m -j-Note. fDaily Except Sunday! tCentral Time. g Eastern Time. H. 8. LEARD, T. P. A., Ra'eigh, N. C P. M. I A. S P.M. A.M. 9 9 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ar. 5 55 20 Pinners Point 5 39 10 05 9 50 9 26 12 8 39 8 21 8 04 7 48 6 45 46 Drivers Suffolk Giles Tunis Ahoskey A.ulander 5 05 4 50 4 20 400 3 41 3 2? Le2 3l 10 10 00 34 50 10 II 06 21 21 12 21 Ar. Tarboro Ar. Lv. 3 35 I 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 I 6 17 M. P M. P. M. A. M- Daily. fDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains be tween PmnerV. Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mt. it'i train 23 for all points South and So. 78 train for all points South and So. 78 tram for all points-North. 'S. M. SERPELL, J. R. KENLY Genr'I Man. Sup't Tains. T. M. EMERSON, (ten'1 Pas. Age nf WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. AND BRANCHES. iND ATLANTIC COAST LINt RAILROAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Sii 3B & h l DATEn "a 3 .f r May 25, 1902. o . o- JgiOg o A. M.' P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Leave Weldon 11 50s 9 3f Ar. ltocky Mt. 1 00 j 10 32 Leave Tarboro 12 22 7 22 Lv. Rocky Mt. ...1 05 Vfl '02 7 52 ""s'iH 1251" Leave Wilson 1 59 11 20 31 6 26 2 2 Lea veSelma 55 I2 20 I Lv. Fa.yetteville 4 41 1 25 ir Florenea 7 &( 3 35 p. at. a. M". ir. Goldsboro 9 20 Lv. Ooldsfcoro . 7 3' 3 15 Lv. Mag-nolia 8 37 4 25 Ar. Wilmingtoc 10 If 6 OD P. M A.M P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 05 -3(9 0 a. at p. m. Lv. Florence 10 5 S 05 Lv. Fa.yetteville 12 40 10 2S LeaveSelma 2 10 II 40 Arrive Wilson 2 57 12 2o a.'m." p."aL a'.'m. Lv. W jnington 7 Ot 9 3t Lv. &'agnolia S 30 il 0c Lv. Goldsboro 7 3". 9 '6T 12 26 p.' ji'.' a.'m'. p.'m'. p."m! Leave Wilson 2 35 8 -20 I2 20 10 3.r. 118 Ar. ltocky Mt. 3 30 9 00 12 10 11 29 1 fi? Arrive Tarboro 9 31 Leave Tarboro 2 31 Lv." Rocky Mt 8 50 1243 ' Ar. Woldon 4 53 1 37 p. ai. a. ai. p.m. fDaily except Monday. JDaily ex cept Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Division Main Line Trair leaves Wilmington, 9 10 a. m., arrive- Fayetteville 12 20 p. m., leaves Fayette- ville 12 42 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 58 p. m. Returning leaves Sanford 3 10 p. m., arriyes Fayetteville 4 30 p. m.. leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p. m., arrive? Wilmington 7 30 p. m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Benuetteville Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a. m., Max ton 9 05 a. m., Red Springs 9 32 a. m., Hope Mil's 10 55 a. m., arrives Fayetteville 11 10 a. m. Returning leaves Fayette ville 5 00 p. m., Hope Mills 5 25 p. m., Red Springs b 53 p. m., Max tot, 6 16 p. m., arrives Bennettsville 7 25 p. m Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Caro lina Central Railroad, at Red Spring with the Red Springs and Bow more Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboaro Ait Line and Southern Railway, ai Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Bmne Road leaves Weldon 3 :15 p m., Haliia 3: 29 p. nr.., arrives Scotland Neck at 4 :10 p. m , Greenville 5 :47p. m., Kins ton 6 .45 p. m. Returning leave Kins ton 7 :30 a. m., Greenville 8 :30 a to., arriving Halifax 31:05 a.m. Weldon 11 :20a. m., daJ y except Sun-, day. Trains on Washir .on Branch leave Washington 8 :00 m. and 1 :45 - m. arrive Parmele 8 :5o a. m. and 3 :I0 p. m., returning leave rarmeJe 9:15 ji. and 5 :22 p. m., arrive Washington 10 :35 a. m. and G :15 p. m., daily ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except Sunday 4 :33 p. m., Sunday 4 :35 p. m., arrives Plvmouth 6 :35 p. rn., b :dU p. m., Returning leaves Ply mo -h daily except Sunday, 7 :30 a. ru. anr-Sunday 9 -.00 a m., arrives Tarboro 9 :55 a. m., 11 :00 a. m. Tram on Midland N. C. Branch Ie"e8 Goldsboro daily, except Sunday. .00 a. m., arriving Stnithfield 6 :10 a rr.. Returning leaves Smithfield 7 :00 a. m. ; arrives at Goldsboro 8 :25 a. n Trains on Nashville Branch leava Rocky Mount at 9 :30a. m., 4 :00 p. m.. arrive Nashvill9 10 :20 a.m., 4 :23 p.m , spring Hope 11 :00 a. m., 4 :4o p. ro Returning leave Spring lope 11 :20 a m., o :io p. m., JNasnyiu- ll.las. in, 5 :45 p. m., arrive at stocky Mount 12 :10 p. m., 6 :20 p. m., daily except Sundayr. Train ou Clinton Br ich leaves War saw for Clinton daily, . ccept Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 4:15 . m. Return mg leaves Clinton at 7 :00 a. m. and 9 -.30 a. m. Train No. 7 nakes cl e connection tt Weldon Jor ) points North dally: ill rail via Ricmond. H. M.EMERSON, ( teu'l Pass. A cent. f. R. KENLY Gen I aniaer. Sena model., sketch or photo of invention for rrPr PMentawnty. For free Book, 'HowtaSecureYnanr Hinvn write 'Patents and :-i .'Allied to We promptly obtain U. S. and Forelgnf MONTH fY 80 1 40 2 00 2 40 2 SO 3 20 3 1 C 4 00 4 40 . 5 -5 45 1 Light 2 " 10 1 5 its 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 50 65 90 05 90 35 5 65 80 10c. .06 05 35 70 00 each addi tional light 25c. SUMMER RATE For seven o'cl.ick closing (Saturday and R. R. pav nights excepted) one-half of Com mercial Rate. MONTHLY CONTRACT R A.TE. 20 per cent, higher than yearly contracts OFFICES Same as Ooratnercial it used regularly; otherwise, special. Churches, Lodges and Public Halls. 2c per lamp for each meet ing night with minimum monthly charge of $1.50 for Churches and $2.00 for Lodges and Public Halls. Arc Lamps.- $5.00 per month on yearly contract; 1dm ps to be furn ished and cared for bv the Town. All Night Lights. May be burned free of extra charge as follows: Comjiercial. 1 to 3 lights, 1 all night; 4 to JO lights, 2 all night; over 10 lights, 3 all nijrht. Domestic. 1 all night All other all niffht lights 25c cash per month in addition to schedule price. METER RATES 15c. per Kilo-Watt-Hour for first Kilo-Watt per light used per month; each addi tional Kilo-Watt 10c with mini mum monthly charge of $1.00 for 10 lights and less; over 10 lights $1.50, THE TOWN reserves the right to meter any service of 5 lights and over and grants same privilege to consumer. For further information, call on or address, H. E. FROST, Supt. Public Worl-s. T V Carolina & Va., Telephone Co , Henderson, N. C, Dec. 3, 1900, The following toll rates will be in effect on and aftei Dec. 3, 1900, subject to change and correction From Rocky Mount to Burlington 50. Clarksville 45. En field 20. Greensboro 60. Goldsboro 35. High Point 65. Littleton 30. Mercer 10. Oxford 40. Smithfield 35. Springhnpe 15. Wake Forest 35. Washington 35. Wilson 15. Durham. 40. Chase City Dunn 45. 45. 35 30 35. 45. 30. 10. 35. 25. 15. 30 30. 75 Franklin ton Greenville Henderson Hillsboro Louisr.urg Nashville Raleigh Scotland N'k Tarboro Warrenton Weldon Wins urn F C. Toepleman, Gen. Supt. "But there's plenty of money in poli tics".aaid his friend. "Ob, yes" taid the politician, "but, like other re m JDBrative iines, it's overcrowded." Brooklyn Life. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POW DERS FOR CHILDREN, Successfully used by Mother Gnay, nurse iu the Children's Home iu .Np York, Cure Feverish nesa, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate tba Bowels and Destroy Worm. 0 i i0,000 testimonials 1 Ley never far. At ail druggists, 25c. Sample FtthE Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le ko; , N. Y. If yon would stand high io G-niV timation yon must stand low in the timation ot aelf. A TIMELY SUCGEsTlON This is ihe season of tbe yeir wber the prudent and carefui houcewile . plenishes her supply of Chamberlaiti'n Cough Remedy. It is certain to te needed befoie the winter is er, and rtcplta are much m re prompt and satisfactory when it ls kept at hand and gtven as anon as the 'cold is coi tracted and bef re it ha bewaac . t tied in the syttteun. Iu inr s- ever instance a se vere old may . be warden off by taking tnis remedy freely a. soon as tbe first indication of the cold appears.. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harm ful substance. It is pleasant to Uke rotb adults and children like it. B y it and you will get the best --It-tl. ways cures. For sale bJfc. ; T. White head & Co.; Scotland Keck, and Lee- geti's Drag Store, Hobsood. MONTHLY. ROCKV ilCUWT, W. C, Is the Place where the Farmers alwiys GrET Full Price For Ther TObaccO Every consideration is shown those who sell with us, and all go away satisfied. Accommodations better tlian ever and customersr' interest looked after careful. Bri ng Your Totacco to the Old Eliabla O. G. COOPER Announce , . T J The Best a d Broadest st--)tk tf the Landsoraest fabiics the English and Aim-Ti'.-an 3!i)is l ave inadethere is practical exdusivncs throughout. The only niisreprespnt.ttion ahout the clothes ?i;-.;!c is that they appear expensive, but cov.i little. . First-Class Tailoring nowhere -(!sts so iiin'e a- i -je Suits to measure $16.00 to $40. 0.. Trousers 4.r.n , ftj-j.o Resiiectfully, CUTHRELL BROS UOKY MOUNT, CAPITAL, r ,0i0.00. PLANTERS BANK, FOOKY IV10UNT, N. C. DIRECTORS: M. C. BR AS WELL, ... v GEO. S. EDWAKDS M. E. BRASW EL, If. B. BKYAN, J. W. SIIERROD, VV. L. i E I I Y, ACCOUNTS Aibaurine$s.2n?'J ' .) t; tr 1 DCOTI.ArrD TJECK Real Estate, Rental, Collecting and Insurenci A- r y II e a I Estate Bought and ? o 1 i o ri Commission. nBSITS AUD CLAIMS COLLE H e n t s Negotiated for T o a n d C o u n t r y P r o pert y. Jo;;n V. Ho- 12-12-tf a. Mcdowell, Phwim. W. B. BOND. Tbe Scyiiai I v ? : i v n "i OL - T i A'TorNTS IF B'TH RMS. NTS a I and K3 W Si.. . - s s c. y 0 TV. fT: J. R. SOItS MY. J. O. ItH.AsWKLI SOLICITED. v h m ir'.s , pro-nptnj, a d ; kv k As't tUaHiEk IDTAL- 8bufi bum Ann nh i nr. i('fir.iii,"i AHU UMVCjO IU PAY HE FKHO D GU KANTFis. i,E DbLU b Hfiu LaKGESTL STOCK IN Till. . 0LTH Illustrated Catalogue Free. TLECCUFER MAEBLH WCRhS v (Established.1848.) Bank Stmt, NORFOLK, V