. Its Punishment. Tb ugh poverty is not a crime," Tne strong belief is rife It dioms its victims nil tb time To hard labor rr life. - pjiladelphi i Led; ;er. v.Vl-.iiY MOTTLE OF CHAMBER LAINS COUGH REMEDY WAR RANTED. We guarantee eery bottle of Cham-j b-rlain'd Gougb Remedy and will av to anvoue who is not - I I-.iud the mou iwti.e;i alter using two thirds of tbe -injen's This is tbe best remedy in tbe worid U;t l.-i grippe, cough,' colds, rouj slid whooping coujeb and is pleasant and ?i'e to tnke. It prevents hiiv lei.doncy of rold to 'result in pneuraoni. E. T. Whitehead & Co , Scotland Neck, Leigett's Drug Store, Hcbgood, X. C. i l -aa t -fg- "Tba last noem I ate has given me an awful pain," cried the first goat. "Ha !" exclaimed , tia companion ; "you've got writei's cramp." Philadel phia Record. DISLOCATED- HER SHOULDER. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Mion., fell and dislocated ber shoulder. She had a surgeon get it hack in olace as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her ver ranch. Her son mentioned that be -had seen Chamberlain's Tain Balm ad vertised for sprains and soreness, atd sho nsled bim to buv ber a bott'e of It, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the re lief it cave bis mother that he has since rec mm ended it to many other, For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, N. C, Leggett's drug store, Hobgood, N. C. aaa,,aiaaaa-aa pi. m "It catiot be denied that a drewer is a man cf gool habits." "Except, if you p'erise, tha good habit ot paying Scr ihem. Boetou Courier. CriOUP. Tbe peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to tbe mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost ia the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experiment ing with untried remedies no -matter how highly they may be recommend ed, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quick. ly disappear. Forsale by E. T. White- head fc Co , Scotland Neck, N. C, Legett'd drug store, Hobgood, "N. C. The Parson Your wife sir is Vying to run my church. Witherby II that is really the case, tbe only thing fur you to do is to join my poker club. Harper's Bazaar. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich n en, poor men 'and misers All join in paying tribute to DeWitt'a Little Early R:cerr. Ji. Williams, San Antonio, Tex , writes Little Early Riser Pills are the 'heat I ever used in my family. I unhesitat ingly recommend them to everybody. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, S:cii Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Malaria and all other liver troubles. E. T. Whitehead & Co. The prices of the baseball stars range from 17,000 to $10,000 a year. The theological and educational markets continue sluggish. Chicago Tribune. A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kodol does fr the stomach that which it is unab'e to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded, Kodol supplies the natural juices cf digestion and does the work of tbe stomach; relaxing the nervous tension while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and beal. Kodol digest wl at you eat and en ables tbe stomach and digestive, organ to transfc.-m all food into rich, red blood. . E. T. Whitehead & Co. "Madge eays she is twenty-odd years old." "That makes her more" than forty." ''How dayou make that out?' "Count tbe even years, ; t o o." New ark News. UNCONSCIOUS FROM CROUP. - During-a sudden and terrible attack of croip our little girl wa5 unconscious from strangulation, says A L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester, Mich', and a dose ft m UUDC -i of One Minute Cough Cure was admin- istered and repeated often. It reduced the swelling ; and inflammation, cut the mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily reeoyered. It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrioDe. and all throat and Lung troubles. .. On I be8n old 'or many years in ail civillz Minute Cough'; Cure " ringers ia jtJSe led Bontii nd we wish to corree- tbroat and cheat and enables ; tbe Inngs to contribute pure, bealtb-eiring joxygento the blood. E. T. While- bead& Co. FLAG ON NEW STAMP f Innova'ion to Be Introduced in Next Two-Cent Postal Issue. Tfce loninit of Waaaiaa-toa Will Oe- eapy the Oatrnl Oral RraUac Over the Backs-round the Draped Flas. of For tbe first time since 1869, and practically since-the establishment of the United States postal system, the people will have the privilege of us- re-ling a postage stamp bearing the flag the republic wita the issuance or . 1 : t ......... ... . DnnAtf hAito in process of printing. The postage ktamp displaying prominently the stars and stripes will be the 2-cent denomination, but it will bear no resemblance to the 2-cent stamp m use to-dav. Washington's portrait, which has appeared upon the com- uou letter postage stamp since the beginning of the use of stamps ex cept during the single year i860, when the portrait of Washington was dis placed to make roonufor a wild and woolly, wide-stacked, wood-burning locomotive of the "rocket type, will again occupy the position of honor upon tbe label, but the bust of Wash ington, so long familiar to the public will disappear, probably forever. The portrait of Washington, drawn from Houdons profile cast, is abandoned, to be succeeded by a" photograph from Stuart's famous painting, Which now adorns the rational capitol build ing. The first postage stamps issued by this government were the 5 and 10 cent denominations in 1847 bearing portraits of Franklin and Washing ton, respectively. The Washington picture was Stuart's. - This portrait ton tinned until 1870, with a few ex ceptions, a type of the Hondon cast appearing upon tbe 3 cents value a portion of the time. In 1S70 tbe .Stuart photograph disappeared en tirely, being superseded by Iloudon's profile east, which has been used ex clusively upon the current letter postage denomination up to the pre terit time. Now Stuart's representation of the first president is about to resume its place. The likeness of Washing ton is the most important feature f the design upon the new sfarnp. :at the American flag two flags, in lact is conspicuous and inspiring. The photograph occupies the central val. somewhat smaller than the oval in the current stamp. Above this in panel are the words "United States of America" and draped upon either side occupying two-thirds the length f the stamp are two flags forming a background against which the ova! ?f)iis to rest. Immediately beneatn the bust of Washington appears his name and at the side in small figures the dates of Washington's birth and f.'.?ath, 1702-1709. Last of a Species Gone. Ornithologists will regret to learn that Guilding's Amazon parrot, a rare bird inhabiting the mountains of St. Vincent, has in all probabil- lily become extinct, owing to the-re- ent volcanic phenomena in the Is land. The species was said formerly to occur only on -the Souffriere, hence it became known as the Souffriere I h,r writes a London correspondent ins ocoisman. ine treat emotion f 1718 drove many specimens to seek helter in the other highlands of St. Vincent, biit their numbers were tmsiderably reduced-'by the-fearful urneane of 1898, and there is reason fear, so I am told by an ornitho logical friend, that the few survivors !ave all perished in the eruption of Say Jast. Oil Painting; a Drng- on Marke. So stagnant bas the market for paintings, in oil become, says the T.on kn correspondent of the New York lribune.-tnat many artists of good; .-jpuiiiuuu ucjKiir oi ever again mak- ing a living by the sale of their work.' The demand for water colors, , how- - - ' - " . V iu. o iTeing sold readily when purchasers ver. i constant ivnrLc nf thic. nl.ci. lor oils cannot be found. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A BOX U the value H. A. Tisdale, Summer- t in, S. C, places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says : piles for twenty years. I "I had the tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWitt's W'itclrHazel Salve ft cured me." It is a cocr.binatiOD of tbe healing properties ot Witch Hazel wun antiseptic ana emollients ; re lieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding itching ana protruding piles, jres, cut?, bruises eczema, salt rheum md all skin diseases. E. T. White head & Co. - Mrs. Howeo Did the butcher send .be lobsters? ' Bridget He did, mum, out I sent them back. They wuzn't ipe." Town and Country. 7 : WANTED. We would like to ask, through the columns of your paper, if there is any person who has used Green's August Flower for the cure of Indieestion. Dyspepsia, and-Liver Troubles that has not been enred and veVjn mean I eIr "9ulto "eh as sdur-stomacb, 'mentation ol food, habitual costive- ne neTus dyspepsia headaches, des- P00 fee'lngs, sleepleesness in fact, n trouble connected with the 'ltotncl or liver? This medicine has IP000 wun Ju nd send ; yon one of 1 oar books free of cost. "If yoa never tiled August Flower, try a 25 cent boU tie firsU- We haye never known of its failing. If so. soma thin or in AM aTnffintnl -1 is the matter with yon. Tbe 25 cent islze has )ust been introduced this year. - TALE OF THE TANGLED TWINS Horr Two Brother Married Slater and Verfr Shortly Got Hope teasty Bewildered. Well, sir," said Mr. Meddergrass to the visitor, "I reckon that about tne funinestthing that -ever happened i our town was the time the Higgihs twins coitrted the Wiggins twins. And, to. tell the truth, nobody is right sure now that it was so funny after all, be cause it might have been all right, as it was. You see the Iliggins twins were boys and they looked eo math alike that neither of them knew -.hich be Was and the Wiggins twins .was girls bnd they resembled' each other to such an extent that their mother liketo fed them to death for feaishe'd been feeding the wrong one all the time in stead of both of them. "Of course, when the-Higgihs twins began courting the Wiggins girls it seemed just as it should be. But one night one of the Higginses eaPed on one of the .Wigginses and along about ten o'clock the Wiggins girl went into the sitting room and told her ma that he had proposed to her and she didu't know whether to accept Jym or not, because she couldn't tell 'whether h was the one -that had been courting her or not. So old Mrs. Wiggins went into the .parlor and explained it to the Hig gins twin and he said he was in. the same fix himself, for he couldn't right ly say whether or not h had popped to the girl he wanted or to the one his brother wanted. So they decided to let it rest and tne young ioiks consiu' ered themselves half engaged, until a few nights later the other Higgifis twin at least he said he was cam along and proposed to the other Wig' gins twin and then there was the sam arffument all over aerain. "But this time old man Wiggins took a hand in the dispute and asked them why not go ahead and get ready to be married anyway said that the hand ol fate would work it out all right, and they could trust the little blind god Cupid to know what he was about, so they fixed up a big wedding a double wedding, of course and people came from miles, around just to hang over the fence them that wasn't -invited And the minister got all mixed uf while he wasmarrying the two cojp les, and finally be just sort of scattered his shots, as yau might say, and got them all in a covey, so to speak, and tied them- up in a bunch. Then every body kissed them all around and con gratulated them and themselves, too . "But orettv soon one of the brides got kind pf hystericky and declared"! that she believed she had been married to the wrong twin, and then one of the Hteffinses, that didn't know which of the Wigginses he had wanted to marry or which one he had been married to either, he got up and said he feared he had been united with the wrong girl and' in about two minutes it w as worse than a puzzle convention The briderj was a-looking at one another kind of suspicious, and the grooms was a-wrangling away with each other, trying to decide which was which, and which wanted which, and, taken alto gether, it was the rattledes crowd you ever saw. - And the preacher he tucked his double fees in- his inside pocket and allowed that he must hasten on to a funeTal that was de manding his attention. Just when the brides Was getting aroundto the weep ing and wailing point, and the grooms was about ready to go out and get drunk and forget eve-tbing, a srnart lawyer chap got up and said that the best plan Was to arrange for a quad ruple divorce, and then arrive at some sort of identification, and get married all over again, but separately and dis tinctly the next time. "And do you know," continued Mr Meddergrass. impressively, according to the Baltimore American, "that di vorce case is still hanging fire in the court, because the iudare can't tell which is witnesses .and which is prin cipals, and the would-be divorcees can't swear to it themselves. So I say that it is about the funniest thing that ever happened' down this way; but maybe it ain't funny, for there is just a chance that there hasn't been any mistake made at all. And wouldn't verybody lauarh if there liBd"'' Thousands Have. Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Row To Find Out. ' Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a . - sediment or set tling indicates an qa unhealthy condi Yrtion of the kid I ! nvs if It eta i no your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out oi oraer. What to So, There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wiau in curing rneumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladdef and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing i, ur una eiiecxs ioiiowing use-of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up -many times during the nightr The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won- Sncsi ior us won- aenui cures ot tne most dl If you need a medicine you distressing cases u should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l.-sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, aaaress ur. . runner Home of Swamp-Root CoT7Binghamton.. N; Y. When writing men- - 9Aivm tt-l- A - . " ""-' - Don't make any mistake," but re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dc. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingbampton, N. Y., on every bottle r Jerry--Don't forget the widows and orphans. "Tom That's right ; I'm courting pretty widow, and she's an orphan, too. Detroit Free Press, i i C; S. A. L. FLORIDA AM D WEST INDIA Dated Jan. 19th, 1898. SHORT LINE. No. No. I I No. I No. ' VESTIBULE LIMITED TRAINS. , HQ3 49 j Stations 48 f;0 DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE P. M. A. M. P. M. I A. M. Jetween New York, Tampa, Atlanta. New Orleaus and Points South . and West. , Jn Effect Aritii. 13, 1902. SOUTHWARD. Daily Daily No 31 No 27. Lv. New York, P. R. R 12 55 p m 12 10 a m L.V Philadelphia, V. K. K 3 29 p m 7 20 a m Lv Baltimore, P. R. R 5 45 p m 934am Lv Washington, P. R. R 700pm 1041am Lv Richmond, S. A. L. Ry ....10 37 p m 215 pm Lv Petersburg, 1120pm 256pm Lv Norlina, 1 55 a m 530pm Lv Henderson, " 2 2d am 554pm Lv Raleigh 4 12 a m, 727pm Lv Southern Pines, 605am 927 pm Lv Hamlet 7 20 a m 10 35 p m Lv Columbia t Ar Savannah Ar Jacksonville 9 40 a m iiepm 7 oopm I 05 a m 4 55an 9 15 am Ar St Augustine 1050 Ar Tampa 6 45 a m 5 45 pm - No. 33. P. & N. f 7 55 a m " 10 16 a m No. 41 Lv New York N. Y Lv Philadelphia '855pm ti 36 p m Lv New York O. D. S. S. XZo f 3 00 p m. Lv Baltimore B. S. P. Co ..f 6 30 p m Lv Wash'ton N. & W. S. B. .6 30 pm" Lv Portsmouth S. A. L. Ry. Lv Weldon " LV Norlina " - Lv Henderson " Lv Raleigh " Lv Southern Pines " . Lv Hamlet ' . 9 05 p m 9 25 a m 11 45 a m 11 55 a m 1 55 a m 140pm 228am 2 lO i m 4 12 a m 3 55 p m 6 05 a m 6 18 p ra 7 25 a m 10 35 p m Lv Wilmington 3Q5P m Ar Charlotte 10 08 a m 1032 pm Lv Chester Lv Greenwood Lv Athens Ax Atlanta t 10 22 a m 12 35 p m 250pm 3 55 P m 1 35 a m 3 43 a m 6 13 a m 750am At Augusta C. & W. CT S 40 P n Ar Macon C. of Ga Ar Montgomery A & W. P. Ar Mobiie L. & N. Ar New Orleans L. & N. - 7 20 p m 11 35 a m 9 20 p m 6 25 p m 2 55 a m . 7 25 a m Ar Nashville N. C. &-St. L. 4 00 a m 6 55 p m Ar Memphis 415pm 8 25 a m NORTHWARD. .- - Daily Daily No. 32 N. 38 Lv Memphis N. C. & St. L. 12 45 noon 8 4o p m Lv Nashville 9 30 p m 9 30 a m LV?Jew Orleans L. & N. Smpm Lv Mobile L. 8uN. 1230am Lv Montgomery A. & W. P. 6 20 a. m Lv Macon C. of Ga. 800am 4 20 p m Lv Augusta C. & W. C. 10 05 a m Lv Atlanta t S. A. L. Ry. Ar Athens " Ar Greenwood " Ar Chester " Lv Charlotte 11 12 00 noon 800pm 257pm 1123 pm 514 pm- fi 56 a m 717pm 406am 7 27 p m 4 50 a m Lv Wjlmington 305pm Lv Hamlet 10 40 p m 7 40 a m Lv Southern Pines " 1133 pm 8 34 am Lv Raleigh " 1 35 a m 11 05 a m Lv Henderson " 305am 1242pm Lv Norlina S. A. L. Ry. 350am 1 45 p m Lv w cldon 5 qd a m 300pm Ar Portsmouth " 7 15 am 535pm Ar Washington N. & W. S. B. 6 55- a m Ar Baltimore B. S. P. Co. t6 45 a m I Ar New York O.ID. S. S. Co. t5 00 p m Ar Philadelphia N. Y. P. & N. Ar New York " T5 45pm 8 15 p m 5 io.a m 8 00 a m No. 34 9 00 p m No 66 Lv Tamoa S. A. L. Rv. 800am Lv St Augustine S. A. L. Ry 7 45 a m 550 Lv Jacksonville " Lv Savannah '" 9 45 am 800pm 1 55 p m 11 55 p m 705pm 500am 10 40 p m 825am Lv Columbia i Lv Hamlet " Lv Southern Pines 11 33 p m 9 22 a m 1 35 a m 11 35 a m 3 05 a m 12 58 p m Lv Raleigh " Lv Henderson '' Lv Norlina " 3 45 a m 1 45 p ml Lv Petersburg " . Ar Richmond ' 553am 407pm 6 35 a m 4 55 p m 10 10 a ni 6 36 p m 11 25 a m 11 25 pm r 36 p m 2 56. a m Ar Washington P. R. R. Ar Baltimore P. K. K. Ar Philadelphia .P. R. R. Ar New York P. R. R. 4 13 p m 630am Note. fDaily Except Sunday. tCentral Time. Eastern Time. II. S. LEARD, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C TOL RATES. Carolina & Va., Telephone Co , Henderson, N. C, Dec. 3, 1900, The following toll rates will be in effect on and aftei Dec. 3. 1900, hubiect to change and correction From Rocky Mount to - Burlington Clarksville Enfield Greensboro Goldsboro HighPoint 50. 45. 20. .. 60, 35. 65. Chase City Dunn 45.1 40. Franklin ton' 35. Greenville- 30. Henderson 35. Hillsboro 45. Louisburg so. Nashville 10. Raleigh "35. Scotland Wk 25. Tarboro 15. Warrenton 30. Weldon v 30. Winston . 75 Littleton Mercer Oxford Sniithfield 10. 40. 35. -1 Springhope 15. Wake Forest 35. Washington 35. Wilson 15. Durham. " 40. F. Toeplemak, Gen. Supt. "They tell me your son is a close stu- . , m . . . . . n .1 nil .1 a 'J"" a uunar 4 muuiu sijenuin money." Cleveland Plain dealer, $100 REWARD $100,- Tbe readers of hia lunoiw tii u pieased to learn that there io ioast one dreaded disease that science ha9 i i.i tn i, A w WUJO ,lL a" " gw, ana luai 18 catarrn. Hairs Uatarrb Cureis the only positive cure known-to thelbunaar - '-.. meilical fraternity. Catarrh lwinr : coustitutienal disease, reonir nn. - ..... . . .., vkunubw uwiimenii. nan s uatarrb Cure is taken intercallyctine directly uponthe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, . thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. .The proprietors have so mQcb faith in "its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to care. Send for list of testimonials. , , Address, F. J. Obenney & Co.. Tole- d., 0.1;iv-Tt.: . -""' . I3CrSold bydrugglsts,.75c. - ' . HaU'erFamily Pills are the besC KQHFOLK & CAF.0LK1A fl. R, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 2 20 9 00 Lv Norfolk Ar. 5 55 2 40 ,9 20 Pinners Point 5 39 .10 05 950 9 26 12 8 39 8 21 804 7 48 6 45 3 03 9 46 Drivers 3 17 10 00 SuftTplk 3 50 10 34 Gatf-i 4 15 10 50 Tunl? 5 05 450 420 400 3 41 3 27 Le 2 31 4 36 II 06 Ahoskey 4 53 21 21 Aulander 5 35 12 21 Ar. Tarboro Ar. Lv. 6 35 I 12 50 Rocky Mount 1 55 6 17 P.M. P.M. r. m . a. en. Daily. tDaily except Sundry Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trainc be tween Pinner's Point and Wilmington Train No. 49 connects at Rocky Mt. with Irain 23 for all points South and No. 78 train for all points South and No. 78 tram for all points North. (. M. SERPELL, J. K. K.JSNLX Genr'l Man. Sup't Tains T. M. EMERSON, - Gen'l Pas. Agent WILMINGTON & WELDON R.R. AND BRANCHES. AND ATLANTIC COAST. LINE RAILROAD-COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH, May 25, 1902. OS o jgS jgl umimnTtttTtrt" A. M. p, M. P. M. A. M. P. If. Leave Weldon 11 60 8 & Ar. Kocky Mt. 1 00 10 32 Leave Tarboro 12 22 7 22 LvrRocky Mtr" -1 05 "l'o"o2 T ""fT 48 "Ta"6i Leave Wilson i 50 11 20 9 31 8 29 2 ar Leave Seima 55 I2 20 Lv. FayetteviUe 4 41 1 25 -Ar. Florence 7 M S 35 ' P. M. A, M. Ar. Goidsboro """ 9 20 Lv. Ooldaboro 7 31 S 16 Lv. Magnolia 8 37 4 25 Ar. Wilmington 10 10 00 P. M. A. H. P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 5 oS oS Lv. Florence Lv. Fayettevtll Leave Selma Arrive Wihion P. M. A, M. 7 Ob! 8 80l 9 37 9 Si Lv. Vairnolla It Of. 12 24 Lv. Goldeboro p."m 10 3! P. M Leave Wilson ' Ar. Rocky Mt, 1 18 1 5? 11 23 I reave Tarboro Lv. Rocky Mt Ar. Weldon P.M tDaily except Monday. JDaily ex cept Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves "Wilmington, 9 10 a. m., arrive Favetteville 12 20 p. m., leaves Fayette viUe 12 42 p. m., arrives Sanford 1 as p. m. Returning leaves Sanford 3 10 p. m., arrives i ayetteyuie 4 pm. -wj m no leaves FayetteviUe 4 4U p. m., arrives Wilmington 7 30 p. m. Wilmington and. Weldon Railroad, Bennetteville - Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a. m., Maxton 9 05 a. m., Jtea springs v dz a. m., nope Mil's 10 55 a. m., arrives FayetteviUe 11 10 a. m. Returning leaves Fayette viUe 5 00 p. m., Hope Mills 525 p. m., Red Springs a bi p. m., Maxton b lb p. m., arrives rsennettsvuie i za-p. m Connections at FayetteviUe - with train No. 78, at Maxton with tbe Caro lina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and' Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Brand Road leaves Weldon 3 :15 p in., Halif 3: 29 p. nr ., arrives Scotland Neck 4 :10 p. m ., Greenville 5 :47 p. m., Kins- ton 6,45 p. m. Returning leavef Kinston 70a. mi, Greenyille 8 :30 a. m arriving Halifax at 11 :05 a. m Weldon 11 :20a. m., da y except Sun day. Trains on Waehirn Branch leave Washington 8 :00 ri m. and 1 :45 rj.m arrive Parmele 8 :55 a. m. and 3 :10 p. ra., returning leave Parmele 9 :1a . m and 5 :22 p. m., arriye .Washington 10 :35 a. m. and 6 :15 p. m., daily ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except . Sunday -4 :io p. m., Sunday 4 :35 p. m., arrives Plymouth 6 :35 p. m- b :3 P Returning, leaves riy moin aany except ounaay, i :av a. m .1 ' i o FlF a m 11 .fin a . -Tram on Midland N. C. Branch i leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday. .UU a. m., arriving Smithheld b :10 a m. Returning leaves Smithfield 7 :00 a. m. ; arrives at Goldsboro 8 :25 a.n Trains on. Nashville Branch lea Rocky Mount at 9 :30 a. m., 4 :00 p. m I -KT I 111- tf OA A -r, i opnng nope n :uu a. m., 4 :a p. m 1 Returning' leave Spring ilope 11 :20 a .. t m r m a r v wn ii i i . r. , l-'T f x .. ui 5 p. m., arrive at rCocky Mowot 12 :10 p. m., 6 :20 p. m., daily except Train on Clinton Br ich leaves War- 1 , . . J.tl.. r.. j ?Z'W fa,.,;y.' lceFl o:ou a.03. ana 4 :io . m. Keturn ing leaves Clinton t 7:00 a. m. 1 9 :30 a. m I Train No. 7c nakes cl xe connection at Weldon for -1 points North daily, all rai via Kicmond. H. M. EMERSON, ( ieul Pass. A gent. J. R. KENLT Gen I anizer. q 0-33 jga -oao A. M P.-M. 10 05 H 05 12 40 10 28 2 10 II 40 2 57 12 2o 7 33 p'."m." " a."m'. 2 35 8 20 12 20 3 30 9 00 12 10 93'i ""j 2 31 "3 50 12 43 4 63 1 37 P. M. A. M. ?pWeiropSrobtaln e rreereporcon twtentaulitr. TntefcMhnnv It tafon9t them all rapidly, i easily, coarse or fine, pieces, without mashing, squee. lg, grinding jriz&'RELL.-HA. 77)3' Scet'an! to the Public: I n view of tho approaching ftill season we respectfully,-to call your attention to our facilities for transacting a general banking bus iness. We have correspondents!! New York,Pliila delphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Petersburg and Nor folk. Va., and in the principal cities in this State. We make collections with promptness, and at 1 -banking rates, and are desirous of being of use to the business community in this section of North Carolina. We allow interest on deposits in our Sav ings Department and compound the same twice a year on sums of one dollar and upwards. The First National Bank of Weldon. The ortjlf United States Depositary in this section of Eastern JfortiV Carotina. oooTiiirjD nncn Beal Estate, Rental, Collecting and Insurance Agency. Real-Estate B o u ght and Sold on Cornmission. nsriTO AZ7D oil a 1 no oolisctsd Rents Negotiated for Town and Country Property. - " E. E. IIlLLlARl), John W. House, 12-12-tf ' - - Managers. a. Mcdowell, Pbksident. . x frank p. shii ds, cashi W. R..BOND, Ass't C4.6HIER. Tbe Hii iecl Ban!, ; SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. OLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF BOTH INDIV IDUALS AND BUSlNI 5 - v .. FIRMS.- " " " 10 10 MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES Ms chop but Sargent's Gem Food Chopper will chop raw - meat, cooked meat, vege tables of all kinds, fruit, crackers, bread, eggs, cheese, nuts,' figs and other foods, pnd It '-but 11 chop in uniform tearing - or WAj iC CO itch. w. WE PAY THE FREIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVER LARGEST! STOCK IN THE LXUTH , ' ,' Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPBB MAEBLH WOBKS it. TlTTrrrtJt.'' NORFOLK. V