PERSON AL PARAGRAPHS. (g 0 L U K3 B I A g.0 L UB IE gUAWO hlUSSDAY, MARCH 26, 1903. The Coming Going and Whereabouts of Our People, he Commonwealth. 7A in .M)3 MARCH. 1903 b:. mox. WED THU. FBI- SAT. 1 8 9 ic 23 SO 3 10 17 21 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 SPECIAL .ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1ST. B. Josey's lore is full of New Spring Goods. You Should see pretty Laces, Hamburgs, White -TV - t .1 . s ana uress uooas, op-io-aaie N. B. JOSEY. chines and .N eedles E. ALLIGOOD, Agent for Singer PS Machines, Needles, Oil, Belts, and attachments. Any part sup or fixed. Sold on easy install Old machines taken in ex- e. Box 205, Scotland Neck, N. C If You Want pir Picture Enlarged m Water Crayon or Pastel, bring them to S. C. HAY, Scotland Neck, N. C. ted Rates Via Line. Atlantic Coast Ikmoxd, VA. soutnern Ji.auca- Conferenca. Tickets on sale points in Virginia, April 20th, td22nd. Final limit April 28th, From all other points, April juut 21st, final limit April 28th, pa One-third fares. . 3-19to4-16. sxaii, UA. bouthern .Baptist ion and Auxiliary Societies, on sale from all paints at One r xcouna l rip, plus twenty-nve no, May 4th to 7th, inclusive limit May 20th, 1903. An ex of the final limit until June y fe obtained Dy aepositot tick p Joint Agent at Savannah, on ir ul ice ui uitv oji ecu LB. 319to5 7 Orleans, La. United Confed' reterans Rfi-imior. Tinkfits on By 16th to 21st, inclasiye. Fina lay 24th, 1903. An extention hmic to June 15th, may te ob- ry deposit of tickets with Jomt it Aew Orleans on payment of ifty (50) cents. Rate One Cent 3-19to5-21 n iicket Agents tor exact rates other information and see that ebeta read via Atlantic Coast W. J. Craigi Genl Pass.lgt. LIN CURE for CHILBLAINS. into your shoes Allen's Foot powder. It cures chilblains, 3, damp, sweating, swollen feet. druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Will Peeach in the Baptist Church Rev. A. C. Sherwood,of Wake Forest.will preach in the Baptist church here next Sunday morning and night. Kentucky Horses See the new ad. of Prince & Co. of their Kentucky horses. They are beauties and if you want style in fine drivers you can get it tnere. An eleven-year-old girl weighing 527 pounds will be seen at the Street Fair and Carnival at Tarboro. N. C. Am-il I3th to 18th. Pearl is the champion neavy weigot of the world. Will Preach Sunday Rev. Mr. Lawson, of Wilmington, will preach at Nahala Presbyterian church next Sun day morning and in the Methodist church at Scotland Neck t night. a correction -in last week s issne t was stated that Mr A. P. KItchin was counsel for the defense in the kidnap ping case against Ed. Weeks and Simp son jewis. it should nave been stated that Mr. Stuart Smith was one of the counsel lor the defense. It was not known when the report of the case was printed. Under $10,000 Bond. Mr. N. Fitz Patrick, of Tillery, was 1 in town a day last week. Mr. H. . Biggs, of Raleigh;" has been here several days this week shak ing hands with his friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Madry spent some time in Rocky Mount last week, says the Rocky Mount Motor. State Senator E. L. Travis, of Hali- j fax, spent a night in town last week the guest of Mr. J. P. Futrell. Mess. J. D. Perry and Jv B. Bagley came down from Roanoke Rapids Monday to spend a day or two with their home folks. "Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cummlngs, ol Kinston, haye been here on a visit this week to the family of Mr. J. 8. Bowt rs. They have gone to Norfolk on a visit. Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of Kinston. spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of wis week here, lie was here as a specialist for diseases of the eye. His services always give satisfaction to his patients. Letter to Hon. Claude Kitchln. To Morphine From Doctor's Orders. xiaou worse 1 nan the Disease. Jesired Mr. Dunn's Brief. nef which Mr. W. A. Dunn fore the Sapreme court in the J. D. Ray against the town of Neck, aud whiih gained Mr, un, 2, as attracted attention The Lawyers' Co-operative ng Company, of Rochester, N. le Mr. Dunn ana asked him for He sent them a copy of the toe brief printed in The Com ilth office, to which Mr. Dunn's ed commendation, elsewhere in this issue, refers. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE when you take Grove's Taste- Tonic because the formula printed on every bottle show- it is simply Iron and Quinine s form. No Cure. No Pav. ts Salne Wilkins to Wed. fallowing invitation has been re- )t this office : rMrs. Laura L. Wilkins invites you to be at the marriage of her daughter Sallie Smythe to Ir. Pafrick Oliver Petway pesaay aiiernoon, April tne nrsc peteen hundred and three at three thirty o'clock Mthodist Episcopal Church, Jhf Enfield, North Carolina." ind lactic acids in the blood. Kcide, the great blood purifier, and tonic, cures the disease by the acids out of the blood. All vci 1 nir nmcnM Vur blood ? Physicians call Jarial Germ. It can be seen Ting red blood yellow under ascope. It works day and l. First, it turns your com pn yellow. Chilly, aching itions creep down your sone. You feel weak and hless. trnrw vmshm xnid uniLL luinu nop the trouble now. It the Mood at once and out the yellow poison. Sleeted and when Chills. Irs, Night-Sweats and a gen-ireak-down come later on, its' Tonic will cure you Mut why wait? Prevent s sickness. The manufac 1 know all about this yel foison and have perfected Its' Tonic to drive it out sh your system, restore He, purify the Mood, pre lnd cure ChBIs, Fevers and (ia. it has cured thous Mtwill cure you, or your yback. This is fair, .-Tnr rice, 25 cents. 'ine case against Dr. Julian M. Baker for killing Dr. H, T. Bass was heard before Judge Geo. H. Brown in larboro last Friday. The prosecution did not ask that Dr. Baker be refused bail, and Judge Brown placed him under $10,000 bond for appearance at court in September. Good Entertainment. There will be a pleasing entertain ment at Fn trail's opera house tonight (.inurshay zotn) for the benefit of the Methodist church. One of the most pleasing attractions will be the annear- an3b of Mr. Faul Jones, of Tarboro. aii wno attend may expect an even ing of entertainment and pleasure.. Solicitor W. E. Daniel. Dear Sir : Two and two make four not always : depends upon what "two and two" are. Two gallons of water and two gallons of milk don't make four gallons of milk. Neither does four gallons of paint that's hall lime, whiting, clay and kero sene oil, make four gallons of real pBint. mat s wnat we mean by saying takes fewer gallons of Dovoe Lead and Zine than of mixed paints to paint a house, and it wears twice or three times as long as lead and oil, mixed by hand. Jfrowse & Helton, Herkimer, N. Y., write: Mr. Chas. Avery ,of Herkimer, bought di gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc to paint bis five houses, his painter hav- ing ngurea that it would reauire at least that amount ; 36 gallons did the work and he returned 15 gallons. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. P. S. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. EVERY CHURCH or institution supported by voluntary contribution will be given a liberal auantitv of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints whenever they paint. Note : Have done so for twenty-seven years. Hales : Tens of millions of gal lons ; painted nearly two million houses under guarantee to repaint if not satisfactory. The paint wears for periods up to eighteen years. Lin seed Oil must be added to the paint tuone in two minutes). Actual cost-i then about $1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Sold by our Agents, E. T. WHITEHEAD & QO. Executor's Notice. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. When the nervous system has been shat tered by the use of deadly drags there is toothing to eqtial Dr. Miles' Nervine in restor ing k 10 neaun and normal activity. "I feel so grateful for what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine has done for me that I must tell it for that part of humanity that suffeif! as I have. During the three years I suffered from nervous prostration I found no relief except when doctors gave morphine. To get rid of suffering I took morphine my self as it was the only thing that would give ease, and now you, who point with scorn at morphine using, how could yon, when in such agony, knowing it about the only thing that would give relief, resist it? I knew it was a terrible habit and I knew of its deadly grasp, but 1 never fully realized its signifi cance until 1 had used it a number of months. Oh, the misery of being addicted to such a habit I resolved then and there tc quit it and resolved I would never be a slave to any such demon. About this time 1 happened to iisea ana oraerea a bottle. ootues 1 After usinir fiv can iruuuuuy say 1 am cured of using morpmne. jnow. however much per- j 5,1 " K-'oa is my witness 1 am curea. 1 j 'his teR'Hinnnial Sc imc1iim1 t. T ; " " i-whviiv UUL x icci 11 my duty 10 give it tor the beneht of the suffering." Mattie Phillips, Prescott, Ark. ai Al1 dggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. J. W. Perry Co., COTTON FACTORS. Norfolk, Va,,.Mar. 10, 1903 Cotton Steady Strict Middling 10 Middling 9 3-4 Strict Low Middling 9 5-8 Low Middling 9 7-16 Tinges Stains . Blues Peanuts Steady. Fancy Has No Equal as a Cotton Fertilizer. - T "We make it to produce results, and it does it. Ask your dealer for it and take no other. COLUMBIA GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, - - - - - - Virginia. Just Received Roasted Coff?e, pat pound, 10a. Green Coffee " " 10 to 13c. Pure Ground Coffee, per pound I2c. Nice Tea, per pound, 55 to 35c. Cod Fish, per pound, o$c. Freeh lot Hominy and Grits, 3c Bice, per pound, 5c. Lard, per pound, 10 to 12Ac. 1,500 Toothpicks for 5c Extracts, per bottle, 5 to 10c. Shoe Polish-, - 10c. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Le, Soda, Horsford'a Bread Preparation and a lot of other Groceries VERY CHEAP. Canned and Dried Fruits, Glassware, and Notions at low down cash prices. It will pay cash buyers to come and eee'me. 7. n. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Strictly Prime Prime Low Grades Machine Picked Spanish B.EPeas Black and Speckle Peas Clay and Red Peas 2 n 2 1 to 2i 77 W bushel. $ 2.25 per bag. $1.00 80c. Peanut Bags, in bales-68 in-7 4-10c. Bagging, Ties and Peanut Baga. for Sale." Solieitor W. E. Daniel, of Weldon, was appointed by Judge Justice In Raleigh Monday to act as Solicitor for the State in the prosecution of Ernest Haywood for killing Ludlow Skinner. This is a high compliment to Mr. Dan iel. The Haywood case was postponed until July at (he request of the defense. Needs Attention, The town commissioners will do well to pay immediate attention to the drain pipes across Eleventh street be tween Main and Church, Stagnant water several inches deep stands in the ditches there, and from appearances it seems that in the pipe which leads through the property cf Hoffman, Stern asd others there is water several inches deep which does not run at all. This may become a serious matter it not attended to. , Rip, the High Diving Dog, will dive 57 feet at the Slreet Fair, Tarboro, N. C, April 13th to 18th. Our Work Highly Commended. EDrroB The Commonwealth : I am much pleased with the style and finish of the briefs which you haye ately printed for me.. In the course of my practice, I have seen no work from any press superior to yours. If the members of the bar in this and sur rounding counties knew that yon did such work, yon would command their patronage, for I know that yon would serve them well and promptly. Yours truly, W. A. Dunn. Scotland Neck, N. C, 3 March 21, 1903. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Charles Smith, deceased. I hereby notify all persons indebted to said deceased to make payment. All persons holding claims against the same will present them to me for payment within twelve months from this date. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This March 19th, 1903. Steward Hardy. 3 2b-6t. Executor. Notice. A competitive examination for the appointment of a cadet to the TJ. S. Military Academy at West Point will be held at Weldon, N. C, on April 15, 1903. The one passing the best exami nation will receive . the appointment. Each competitor must have been a res ident of the Second Congressional dis trict for the last two years and not un der 17 nor over 22 years of age. Any one desiring to stand examina tion is requested to send to me on or be- iore April tne lutn his tun name, age present residence and residence for the last two years, weight, height and poli tics. CLAUDE KITCHIN. All papers in the Second district will please giye notice of the examination, ! &c. Undertakers Supplies Full and Complete Line. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time r; . ... . . N. B. JOSEY. Scotland Neck, N. C. FOR TWENTY YEARS I have suffered with Eczema on my hands and by using One Bottle of Han cock's Liquid Sulphur I have found great relief. J. H. Harden. Spring Hill, N. C. DAWSON'S ALBUM. Correspondent to The Commonwealth. Dawson, N. C, March 23, 1803. Mr. C. E. Pope went to Crowells Wednesday on a visit to his annt, Miss Fannie Pope, who continues seriously sick. Mr. Joe Lawrence went to Scotland Neck a day last week on legal business. Mrs. T. E. Harris is on the sick list Miss Katie Weeks, one of Scotland Neck's fairest young ladies, spent a few days here recently visiting the family of Mr. J. D. Lawrence. Misses Lizzie and Sallie Pittman, of Mullen's, and Minnie House, of Hob- good, attended services here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lawrence, of Tillery, spent Sunday here on a visit to relatives. Notice, BY virtue of the power vested in me by a certain deed of trust, executed to me by W. T. Joyner and R. L..Joy ner, which is of record in the Register of Deeds' office of Halifax county, State of North Carolina, in book 98, at page 470, 1 will on the 24th day of April, 1UU3, in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, lying in Halifax county, in said State, to-wit: That land upon which the said R. L. Joyner now resides (Feb. 1st, 1893), bounded by the lands of W. T. Joyner (now J. A. Kitchin) the main run 'of Deep Creek, the land of Kel and Fed Ed monds, the land of Charles Dancy and by the Tarboro road, estimated to con tain 450 acres, and being the tract of land known as the R. L. Joyner tract. This the 23d day of March, 1903. W. A. DUNN, ' 3-2f5t Trustee. Notice. TJ Y virtue of power in me vested by U the will of v illiam Hodges, which is of record in the office of the clerk of the Superior court for Halifax county. I shall sell for cash at auction at the "Hodges residence on the 11th day of April, 1903, between 12 and 1 o'clock, the following described real estate, to- wit : That tract of land known as the Hackney tract, containing sixty acres more or land known as the Strickland tract not The Following Goods MUST GO! eee Out Prices Loose and Seeded Raisins per lb 10c Best Cleaned Currants " 10c Best L.ayer Raisins ' " 12c Brazil Nuts " I2e Best Dried Apples ... " 7c Best Lard " 12Jc Best Hominy and Grits 3c Ric9 and Starch ;. " 5c Seedless Oranges per doz 25c Best Loose Pickles ' 10c Best Corn and Tomatoes per can 10c White &YelIo Syrup Peaches " 12c Jelly and Preserves, large jars 10c Vanilla Syrup and Bon Ton Mo lasses, per quart 10c Six packages Snuff for - 25c WILSON ALLSBRO OK, Scotland Neck. N. C. Old GLothes Made New. Clothes of ail kinds Cleaned and Pressed from a child's Jacket I1 IT??? tra.ct ! to alady's skirt. Work Mr. J. R. Holildar, of Enfield, filled heretofore set apart to the deyisMs of dOU6 promptly Under guarantee. his regular pew in church Sunday. Messrs. Minchew and Joy per, of lul- ens, were among the visitors here yes terday. Rev. G. L. MerreJI, of Kobgooa, nu- ed his regular appointment : in the Baptist church Sunday. Owing to the bad weather we were not well repre sented. 1 . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative BrosurQuinine Tab T-v -All errVa r-ri r7 the said William riodges, and con taining 150 acres, more or less, and seventy-seven acres of land, a part of bCOtlanfl JSeCK UtMlM iU PreSSlBHO. a T! S . WT 1 1 " tne wiiiiam noagw oome tract, oe- glcmng at a small sweet gum, thence south fifty-five east ihirty, thence south eighty-six east thirty, thence eoutb six west fort y-nver north eighty one west twenty-lght ro the beginning. Also the mill, gin house, press and engine now on the Hodges plantation. . This March 23d, 'WJ. J, VT. LEGGETT, W.-T. CI? O WELL, Prop. HEADACHES CURED WHILE YOU WAIT. CAPUD1PJE BY WE KEEP OH HAND BURIAL CASKETS FANCY BELTS Collars, Shirt v Waists, Patterns and Dress Trimmings. Best Variety oi Hats ever brought to this market. OTHER NOVELTIES. Mrs. A. M. Riddick, Scotland Neck. Kentucky Horses ! PRETTY, Good Drivers, Stylish, Well Bred. From 4 to 6 years. Some say they haven't seen any like them on this market in years ,. Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc. Scotland Neck, North Carolina!; ALL KINDS ALL THE III With Complete Undertakers' Outfit. HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY HOUR. Day or night we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generallv. M. Hoflman & Bro., Are You In Need .OF 'A. Scotland Neck, North Carolina' Iras auJ Mnles Sewing Machine? Having boughjb the Sewing Machine Business of Futrell Hardy Hardware Co., I can fill orders for New Machines or Repairs of any make. Just drop me a postal card stating what you want and I can do the rest. Yours to serve, Scotland Neck, N. C. W. L. HARRELL. Elrafld Street Fair and CarniTal, We shall keep on hand for the season a lull supply of Horses and Mules! We buy in The Best Markets and can give our ' customers The Best of Bargains. Give us a call before pur chasing: elsewhere. Biggs & Johnson, Scotland Neck, N. C. Tarboro, N. C, week April 13 .to 18. Twelve Tent Shows and AH Shows guaranteed clean Three Great Free Attrac- and free from objectionable tions. features Uniformed Brass Band gives Free Concert Daily. THREE FREE OPEN AIR SHOWS. s Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump. Performance on Tight Wire between two tall buildings. Dive from One Hundred Foot Ladder into Three Feet of water. Low Rates on all. Railroads " Come and bring your family. More to see and more fun in one week than you have ever seen before. Meet us in Tarboro, N. C, Week of April 13 to 18. Notice. Mi t tie Horis l North Carolina,' vs c r Jaaiiiax uounty. David House. ) Snperior Court. Summons by Pcblicatiox. b the defendant, David Houae : The delendant David House will take notice : 1. That an action entitled Mittie tTouse against David House has been commenced in this court against him. 2. That the purpose of this action Is to obtain an absolute divorce from the said David House on account of aban donment ol her without cause on her part prior to the first day ol January, yy, and living separate and apart from her for more than one year prior thereto. 3. And the.aaid David House ia no tified to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior court to be held for saia countyvit the court house in Hali fax on- the 13th Monday after the first Monday in March, 1903, ana answer the complaint which has baen deposit ed in the office of the cleric of the Superior court for said county, and let said defendant take notice that if he fails to answer tb0"complaint within the time required by law, the plaintiff win apply to tnecourt for the relief demanded in the complaint - and costs to be taxed by the clerk. , (riven under my nnd tbi the 14th y of .February, Kl . , Ba-Va-Ra. OR BAVARIAN LINIMENT FOR HUMAN AND ANIMAL. The Modern Healer of Cute, Uruises, Sores Galls, Lame-v. ness, Bheumallsm, Swell ings, Etc Positively the greatest rem edy of the 20th century. Money refunded if not sat isfactory. None genuine with out picture of Uncle Sam. MANUFACTURED BY American Stock Food Co.. - FREMONT, OHIO. FOR SALE BY FUTRELL-HARDY HARDWARE CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. Notice, TAYLO R, THE Pioneer Grocer Having been the first one to open a FIRST CLASS Grocery Store in Scotland Neck, and havincr for eisht years studied the wants of the trade, we feel that we should be in a position to know better than any one with less experience, just the kind of goods the people want. GIVE US A CALL. Satisfaction GUARANTEED Milprters To the voters of Scotland Neck : ' Notice is hereby given that there will be an entirely new registration of all the voters of the Town of Scotland Neck, beginning on the 21st day of March, 1903, and closing on the 18th day of April, 1U03, Thfs new registra tion is called under an Act, entitled, "An Act to establish Graded Schools and Electric Lights in the town of Scotland Neck," passed by the last General Assembly, and is for the pur pose of the voters of said Town to qigii fy themselves to vote on the School and Lieht issues, at an election to be held cn the Thud Tuesday in April, 1903. 1 The registration books for said Town ! will be opened on the 21st dav of J Mtrch. 1903. at E. T. Whitehead t Co.'s drag store and will remain-open 'Steak at................. 'till the 18th day of April, 1903. A1llTfiir. IWf nt FOR FIRST CLASS GROCERIES. 0. K TAYLOR. Scotland Neck.N.C. I KEEP ON HAND voters in said Town are hereby notified of the opening of each registration books, and are requested to register aa soon aa possible. ' Done by order of the Board of Con-ntl-dooera for the Tora cf rrr-" 10c. ... .7c. 6 to 7c. Stew Beef from... I keep nef books and not deliver beef. " do WHITE HEAP A fT-

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