The Commonwealth. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ;new town oficers. WHAT THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1903. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Oar People. Tuesday's Election. 11)03 MAT. 1903 ; stXST.jMOX. TCE. WED THU. FBI. SAT. :.7.J i 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9J I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 23 23 :u 2o j 2fi I 27 28 29 SO FECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Stray cows. f tnva taken up on the T. W. Fen nc r urm lour red. yearlings, one white co y and calf. Owner will please call Jor thorn and pay cost. J. H. HOPKINS. WANTED A TRAVELING SALESMAN To work retail trade in this and four adjoining counties. Good salary and permanent position to right man. Ad dress with references. Lock Box 167, Bedford City, Va jc-i j. i a is noc a arug, but a pure, .noiesome beverage equally delight ful in summer and winter, and bene ficial at all times. El' VITA prevents the after effects of indulging in too much pleasure. That awlul headache in the morning, :md that dark brown taste in the mouth you can dodge around these if you drink EUV1TA. At Morrisett Brothers' Just lleceived, a fine lot of Summer ts r.d Vests. Ar other case of those 98-cent Coun termines. Full line of Toilet goods. '1' Cent L-,ce Hose at 19 cents. Ktrcember Douglas, Dorsch and Just V. right's Patent Leathers. Latest Lfist. Gen' Department Complete. MORRISETT BROS. Paint Yonr Buggy for 75 Cents to 1 .00 with Deyoe's Gloss Carriage Pi int. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the rjint than other?, wears longer, and gives a giosa equal to new work. Sold bv Yj. T. Whitehead & Co. Machines and N eedles R. E. ALLIGOOD, Agent lor Singer Seeing Machines, Needles, Oil, Belts, Parts and attachments. Any part sup plied or fixed. Sold on teasy install nsent. Old machines taken in ex- sh;in:e. Box 205, Saotland Neck, N. C. R educed Rates Via Line. Atlantic Coast Richmond, Va. Southern Educa tional Conference. Tickets on sale from points in Virginia, April 20th, Hit and 22nd. Final limit April 28th, 1903. From all other points, April 20th and 21st, final limit April 28th, One and One-third Fares. 3-19to4-16. Savannah, Ga.- Southern Baptist Convention and Auxiliary Societies. Tickets on sale from all points at One Fare for Round Trip, plus twenty-five (25) cents, May 4th to 7tb, inclusive. Final limit May 20th, 1903. An ex tention of the final limit until June 1st, may be obtained by deposit of tick ets with Joint Agent at Savannah, on payment of fee of fifty (50) cents. v 3-19t05-7. New Orleans, La. United Confed erate Veterans Re-union. Tickets on sale May 16th to 21st, inclusiye. Final limit May 24th, 1803. An ex tent ion of final limit to June 15th, may be ob tained by deposit of tickets with Joint Agent at New Orleans on payment of fee of fifty (50) cents. Sate One Cent Per Mile. 3-19to5-21. Call on Ticket Agents for exact rates and any other information and see that your tickets read via Atlantic -Coast Line. W. J. Craig, . Genl Pass. Agt. Meeting Closed. The meeting which had been in pro gress in the Baptist church for ten days closed last Friday night. Rev. G. M. Dnke, of Mapleville, who lid all the preaching, made a fine im pression on the community. He is a preacher of great power, quite conver sant with the Scriptures which he quotes freely and effectively in his ser mons. He relies on the Holy Spirit in all his work, and few preachers pre sent gospel truth as eimplyas he does. There is deep pathos in all bis sermons and no one can hear them without be ing helped. The people who listened to him with marked attention during the entire meeting were loath to let him close the meeting and go. At the close of his sermon Friday night he gave expressions of how pleas ant it had been to him to spend a week here, and spoke in complimen tary terms of the people here. Pev. M. L. Kesler. castor of the church, in turn exnresied for himself and his- congregation the pleasure and profit that nil had derived from Mr. Duke's sermons. As a result of the meeting three per sons were baptized Sunday night, and others showed interest who have not been baptized. Bazaar Postponed. The bazaar which was to have been opened by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church today, has been postponed. It will be held at some future time, due announcement of which will be made V . ( Absolutely Furo 7W22J3MD SUBSTITUTE Gone to Morehead. The editor of The Commonwealth has eone to Morehead where he delivers a com mencement address before the. Atlantic Institute to-night. Closing at 7 :30 By mutual con sent among themselves the dry goods merchants of Scotland Neck are now closing their stores at 7:30 o'clock every night except Saturday nights. The Commonwealth is indebted to Secretary -of-State J. Bryan Grimes for a copy of the Captions of the Acts and Resolutions passed by the General As sembly of North Carolina, passed at the session, of 1903. Dr. Livermon's Building. Dr. A C. Livermon has laid the foundations and has commenced the erection of a new dwelling on the west side of Church street near Mrs. Shields'. It will be a handsome building and will be m a beautiful location. To Speak at Olney. Mr. W. A. Dunn has been invited to deliyer the commencement address at Olney Acad emy in Northampton county, May 14th. He will speak, and those who may be fortunate enough to be pres ent may rest assured that there is a treat in store for them. Winter ville Commencement. We are in receipt of an invitation to the Winterville High School commence ment May 13-15th. Rev. C. S. Black well, of Norfolk, will preach the ser mon at 8 p. m., May 14th, and Gov ernor Chas. B. Aycock will deliver the literary address at 10 :30 a. m., 15th.' . Da. Wimbeiley Appointed. Dr. J. P. Wimberley was Monday appointed on tne county ooara oi neann. xne board is constituted of the county com missioners, Dr. I. E. Green, county superintendent of health, Dr. Jno A. Collins, of Enfield, and Dr. J. F. Wim berley, of Scotland Neck. Dr. Green Elected. The county board of health was in session in Hali fax Monday and elected Dr. I. E. Green, of Weldon. county superintend ent of health. Dr. Green has served the county several terms as superin tendent of health and bis services have always been acceptable to the people ol the county. Drowned in the Creek Some days ago a colored man named Henry Allen crossed Marsh Swamp, a few miles from Halifax, and as he was re-crossing the stream his boat capsized and threw him -and his sister into the water. His sister escaped but he was drowned. Search was made for his body bnt it was not found until Sun day morning, several days after he was drowned. Mr. Paul Jones Married. The Tarboro correspondent fo the Raleigh Post wrote April 29th as fol lows: "The Methodist Episcopal church, South, was the scene of a very pretty wedding at 11 :30 o'clock today, when Miss Rose Adams and Mr. Paul Jones were united in holy wedlock by the presiding elder, F. A. Bishop. The church was very tastefully decorated with roses, lilies and potted plants. "To the melodious strains of Lohen grin 's wedding march, played by Mr. Robert Bawls, the ushers, Mr. R. G. Allsbrook and Dr. Don. Williams, Messrs. Jones Mayo and J. R. Gaskill, entered in opposite aisles and took po sitions to left and right of the altar. Following up the left aisle came the maid of honor, Miss Mamie Bryan, gowned in white Paris mouslio, with a white picture hat to match, and carry ing bunch of lilies of the valley. Then came the bride, leaning on the arm oi hAr brother-in-law, Mr. C. B. McKeel, of Washington, and attired In a taffeta- lined blue broadcloth going-away gown, with hat to match, and carrying an -rr.r!aita bnnch of bride's roses. She PAUwwv was met at the altar by the groom and bis best man, Mr. W. ff; fowell, where the solemn and impressive words that a tham man and wile were soon pronounced. . "The groom and groomsmen wore Prince Alberts, with light trousers. "The bride is most popular; and Is a j..,.k( nf the late Oscar F, Adams, uauftMWN - . - and possesses all the charms oi woman ly womanliness. The groom Is a pop nlar young attorney of this place. - "Immediately after the ' ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Jones boarded the noon .....' wwvl bridal tour to Ira in w, - , , .. northern cHW' . . ' , .; Miss. Mary Smith returnel home last Friday. "V : Mrs. P. A.Riisberry has gone ti Bur gawon a visit. Mr. N. L. Stead man, of Tillery, was in town last Tuesday. Prof. L. W. Bagley went to Littleton on a business trip Saturday. Mr. Jas. B. HaJl came from Edenton last week to visit his home people. Mr. R. S. Hall, of Weldon, was down some days ago on a visit to his friends Mr. and Mrs. G. Hoffman went to Rocky Mount Tuesday on a short vieit Airs. Alice itunter, oi JUaslon, la here visiting her brother, Mr. R. L. Hardy. Mrs. J. T. Evans, of Weldon, has beep here this week on a visit to friends. Mr. I. H. Smith, Jr., came from Norfolk last week on a visit to his parents. . Mess. J. E. Bowers and H. W. Mix- on spent a few days in Washington, N. C, last week. Dr. J. A. White, who has been at tending Atlanta Dental College, has returned home. Miss Nora Johnson, of Greenville. came up last week and spent Sunday with her mother and sister. Miss Alice Powell returned Monday from Halifax, where she had been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. T. Eure. Mrs. J. M. Tillery returned Monday from Enfield, where she had been to visit her sister, Mrs. J. R. Holliday, who has been ill. Chief Justice Walter Clark and fam ily passed through Scotland Neck Mon day returning from a visit to the gieat fisheries at Edenton. Killed by a Train. The body of a white boy abeut fifteen or sixteen years of age was discovered on the railroad about three miles north of Enfield 'on last Sunday morning. The body was horribly mangled, and more than one train may have passed over it. Captain Willev. the section master, took up the remains of the body in shovels, as It was scattered for some distance alone the track, and brought it to Enfield where a coroner's inquest was held. The body was Identified as that of Clyde Lucas, of Dunn, N. C. The en gineer who first identified him, saw the boy in Richmond before his train left there, and he told the engineer he intended to beat his way south. It was a southbound freight train, No. 209, and it is supposed he fell from the train in the night. His step-mother came up from Dunn on Monaay and identified the remains, which were forwarded to Dunn-for in terment. Enfield Ledger. Jury List, . The county commissioners last Mon day drew the following jurors for Supe rior court which opens at Halifax June 1st: first week. Jno T Whitaker, William Whitaker, J R Parker, J D Askew, W M Sledge, R N Grossett, W T Eure, J L Price, H Saunders, W B Oyeretreet, R L Hardy, W T Jordan, Joe Moody, H L Adcock, WT Hancock, W H Josey, R M Johnson, Marion Keeter, B D Mann, R B Iyey, E P Hyman, WH Clark, G S Sledge, B R Medlin, J R Liles, J D.Pittard, John Anderson, Jno Neal, F H Taylor, L O Summeryiile, G W Rook, L A Dickens, Richard Mor ris, L C Lawrence, B C Hamlet, T H Vanlandingham. SECOND WEEK. Sam Judge, W T Parker, R L Ander son, R Gardner, W D Hux, J S Hedg- peth, E L Lee, W S Bobbitt, W F Or pbelia, A E Bobbitt, Chas A Aycock, R W Brewer, Henry Jenkins, J F Cullom, Hi P Burt, J W Williams, J B Dicken J S Warren. Town Convention. Pursuant to a call by the town Dem ocratic Executive Committee, there was a mass meeting of the citizens of the town in Futrell's opera house Mon day night to nominate town officers. Mr. A. McDowell called the meeting to order. E. E. Hilliard was made chairman and C. L.McDowell secretary. The work of thejeonvention was done at once and in good order.- - Dr. J. E. Shields was nominated for reelection as mayor, and by motion the nomination was made by acclamation. . Mess, A. L. Purrington, J. A. Kitch in, J. P. Futrell and A. McDowell were nominated for. town commissioners, and as there were no other names placed before the convention the jiomi nations were made by acclamation. Dr. A. C. Livermon, Dr. J. E. Shields and Mr. A. McDowell were elected town executive committee .for two years. - Insure Your Crops. Hilliard and House, Scotland Necki are agents, for tbe Tobacco Planters' Mutual Hail and Fire Insurance Co., ! of Ba'eign, ana, can give you oyitmI protectfon sgaintt loss by bail...::: i At tbe town convention Monday night the following officers were nomi nated : For mayor. Dr. J. E. Shields ; for commissioners, A. L. "Purrington, J. P. Futrell, J. A. Kitehin and A. Mc Dowell. When the polls were opened Tuesday morning there was an opposition ticket to the one nominated Monday night The opposition ticket was : For mayor, J. H. Lawrence; for commissioners, S. B. Kitehin, J. D. Bunch, E. W. Hy man and G. C. Weeks. ; The election was quiet all day and when tbe ballots were counted the re sult snowed that the ticket nominated Monday night had received the follow ing vote : For mayor, J. E. Shields 119 ; (or commissioners, J. P. Futrell 122, J. A. Kitehin 126, A. L. Purring ton 125, A. McDowell 130. The opposition ticket recieved the following vote : For mayor, J. H. Lawrence 55 ; for commissioners, S. B Kitehin 56, J. D. Bunch 43, E. W. Hy man 48, G. C. Weeks 48. Dr. R. M. Johnson also received two votes for commissioner and G. S. White one. Also Stuart Smith receiv ed one vote for mayor. The officers elected were : For .may or, Dr. J. E. Shields; for commission eres, A. L, Purrington, J. P. Futrell, J. A. Kitehin and A. McDowell. Dr. Bellamy's Factory Leased. Last week's Enfield Ledger gave the following interesting item about the opening of a new factory : "Dr. J. T. Belllamy has leased his7ac- lory on FiehingfCreek, about five miles from Enfield, to Mr. Walter Brown, of Baltimore. ' The lease is for five years with the privilege of ten. Dr. Bellamy is to repair the dam and wheel and add a room to the factory, and build five tenant houses of four rooms each. "Mr. Brown has already given an order for new machinery and expects to begin operations by Sept. 1st. He will manufacture single and double yarns, ball twine, rope, and batting. "Mr. Brown will manage the factory himself, and will reside in Enfield with his family." i A War Relic. S?me days ago Mr. Peter E. Smith exhibited here a sheet of iron taken from the ram "Albemarle" which was sunk at Plymouth in. October, 1864, under the daring adventure of Lei u ten ant Cushing. ' The sheet of iron was 24 inches long, 7 inches wide and 1 J inches th'ck. Mr. Smith will place it m the State muse um at Raleigh. Letter to Frank Davis, Dear Sir : You naturally want to make your own and your customers' money go as far as possible. So, in the general interest, we tell you why fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc will paint a house than mixed paints. Let's suppose you are using lead and oil. Instead of lead and oil you -put in four-fifths whiting, lime, water, and other stuff that doesn't paint at all. Put that against a gallon of lead aud oil, and what will it do? One-fifth , as much. How much of jour labor is wasted? Four-fifths. How good a j ;b .will it make? No comparison. How much good will it do you in your business t turn out such a job?. And so on. Devoe Lead and Zinc paints a house with fewer gallons than mixed paints, and wears twiseaslong as lead ajod oil Yours truly, . F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. P. S. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. , - DUMPLING NEWS. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Mr. Bonnie Partin, of Dawson, and Mr. Minnie Bradley, of this place, went to Bsthel Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. ' Hargrove and son yisited the family -.of Mr. C. H. Dickens yesterday. Mr. J. Ed. Fleming went to Man chester Saturday. Mr Willie Wilcox, of Halifax, came out here to see bis best girl Sunday. Miss Alice Powa'l, of Scotland Neck, id visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. T. Eure. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hargrove and little son, Herm n, visited the family of Mr. J. Ed. Fleming Sunday. Mr. Walter Stephenson and sister, Mies Ethel, of this place, went over the swamp Sunday. i There have been lots of rain lately, but nevertheless, the farmers are set ting out tobacco and planting cotton. r,,t . l J .Ilk il.n..kl.) rays. - Mr. James Ousby, Jr., of Halifax, died last Thursday afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock after many days' illness, and was buried Friday afternoon at the old Ousby burying ground, two miles south of Halifax. :i He was a young man just entered into manhood. There were many - beautiful floral offerings taid upon bis grave.y r Dr. H. B. Furgerson is hiving new tobacco bjrns built, ami talks of bav. ing another pack house xjtx hfs farms. Ir. looks as if be is intending to make Kolhirg elsu but tobacco. ' ? . ; ' : South Cakolihlut. Linen Tissues 50c. in white and brown colors. Silk Ginghams 20c. Ginghams and Chambrays 8 to 150. Lawns from 5c. up. See our v butterfly design in Swiss, specially adapted to children. Two-yard wide Organdie at 35c. The real French Organdie both white and black, 2 yards wide at 60e. Lace and Swiss Curtains very cheap. An Unusually Pretty Line of Ladies' aud Gents' Hosiery. Ladies' 5c. Linen Handkerchiefs, all the latest novelties of the sea son. The nicest line in town of Gents' Furnishings. Hats, Ties. Shirts, etc. Call on us for Ready-Mad e Clothing, also to have a fit from M. Born, the great Chicago Tailor. The Royal Worcester and . . . -m- -m- m n n . 1 i - ft 1 1 1 J from M. Born, the great Unicago Tailor, ine iioyai woi Millitant Long Life Corsets. Mercerized Linings at 10c. line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes in town. Con White & PauU, DAWSON MAY FLOWERS. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Dawson, N. C, May 4, 1S03. Revs. M. L. Kesler, of Scotland Neck, and G. M. Duke, of Mapieton, paid us a pleaeant call Wednesday. Afcr. J. W. Fieming and sister, Miss Sal'ie, spent Sunday in Enfield visiting their brother, Mr. R-L. Fleming, who has been ill but is very much im proved now. Mr. Alvin Twisdale, from near Scot land Neck, wa3 among the many call ers Thursday. Miss Allean Quincy, of Enfield, paid Mrs. W. A. Quincy quite a pleasant call Thursday. She also went to Scot land Neck to visit ber aunt, Mrs. Tom Twisdale. Mr. W. A. Quincy spent Sunday in Lawrence shaking hands with his many friends there. Mr. Wesley Barnhill went to Enfia'd Saturday to visit his relatives, Mr. Charles Vanlandingham, from Edgecombe county, came Sunday and will make his home here with h-s biolher, Mr. T. W. Vanlandingham. Sheriff Branch, of Enfield, wss among our welcome visitors Sunday. Miss Ella N. Stallings attended the State Sunday-school convention at Kinston last week. Mr. Geo. Harris has accepted a pou- t'!on in Andrews' mills in Enfield, Mr. Joe Lawrence went to Eufisld Friday. He reports his sister, Mrs J. R. Holliday, quite ill. Mr. Bpnnie Partia wss abtecl frcm Sunday-school Sunday. Vie wonder whero ho has go we? Dumpling, of course. Mr. Johnnie E. Lswreuce has not as yet finished breaking hi r y.vJy Utile rculie, but nevertheless Le sported him to Spring Hill Sunday. . Come again, "North Carolinian," and don't be so afraid some one -will know yOUr !l:!B18. RINGWOOD ECHOES. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Bingwood, N. C, May 4, 1903. One week of fair weather and farrr.ers have done a lot of work, though it is rainine; a Un this morning. Setting tobacco is progressing, and planting of cotton is nearly done. May Day was greatly enjoyed by Mis3 Nan Whiteheads school and visitors. Miss Jifhe Bobbitt was May Queen, pretty and vivacious and right royally did she reign. The children all had a splendid time and a good rXrnner was served, enough and to spare. Miss Whitehead is a splendie uacher, takes an interest in her voca tion and the children are learning fast xOur money winning books, written by men who know", tell you all about Potash They areneeded by every man 'who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to getrthe most out of them. " AThey areW.' Send postal card, CEKHAW KALI WOBKS OS Kami Street, Kew Tort Halifax, N. C. uhriC " of the TraTeling Men. First-Class Entertain ment for all. Fare Always TTp-to-Date. TEBttjS REAS ON ABLE. MRS. V. A. SATER, 5.7-tf " ' Proprietress. DoTCIWo 1E Cairo For Fife. Cm,. The Sater Hanse Rnn.T.lOTWTTO.n Cares CltoIera-IsiaiilcEf, 3 CI G A U U Cests Caly 25 ceats Or mmU SS cent to C. LOSSES. C.i Nor. 26. 1900. I in first adrid h onr baby when he was bnt a rery young infant, as with J3 r Later it was useful in teethiliff troubles, and Its eTTect has been found to be so very bcnedcialandsof ree from dangers that are consequent upon the use of drugs and soothing syrups, that we hare come to regard it, cf'.cr use with ti:ree ebildren, as oneof the necessities when there is Anew baby in the house and until the teething troubles are over, and we take pleasure in recommending it to our friends instead of the horrid stuff that eo nianr people use to keep tneu babr auiet HABTWEU.M. AYEB, (Manager Daily Times a id Weekly Tune-llessen;er. ) INDIGESTION f1 TT I? V T immediately by J V IVJD V the use of Hicks' 10c. 25c res." Capudine at drug stor DO TOD LOTETO READ? If you do, go to ALSTON'S AND EXAMINE HIS HOOKS, ALL NEW AND INTERESTING. , If you want to write If von w.-iot to wrile to our best eirl jgo to" W ALSTON'S for your Stationery best lot m totvu. jrjou want uro ceiies, I cars soil yon the best for the least money-- sv.i new a-jd niie. IViie Groun i Coffea - - - 12;. Nice Iloastca Coffee - - - 10c- Green Coffee - - - 10 to 3 2c. 2 Cans Corn for - - - - 15c. Fresh Cakes Crackers, very best, fit the lowest rl??s. Notions?, Glass ware, Candies. A nice lot MoWses and &. rup, 30 to 40o jper pillon Weil.I enn't tell ita-'jcoaie and cee W. It. WAXaDT:?, Scotland Necfc, North C. ro'ma. repair or remodel unvkirtd of building? Send If or our FREE CATALOGUE of all kinds I iof buifdiKir materials, hardware.manteKtJIel I work, paints,giass.ffaCEeierK;iixiMr:, .. FRANK T. CLARK CO., Ltd. Established 1870. NORFOLK, VA.I White's Mill For Sale. BY virtue of power in me vested by that deed of trust, made to rne by John L. Harrington and Willmm J. Early on the 23rd day of July, 1896, I shall sell for cash at anction in Scot land Neck, on the 10th day of May, 1903, the real estate in said trust de scribed, being that land conveyed to said Harrington and Early by V. G Staton, and known as White's M II, bounded by the land which J. A Shields soldto Micajab Aymer, and bj Mrs. Best land, and containing five acres, moro or lees, being some land which said Staten purchased of J. B Bll and wLich he purchased of J Albert White and includes the mill site and everything used in connection with sivd ni!!. This April 18ih, 1903. 4-S3 4t. W. A. DUNN, Trustee. I KEEP ON HAND Steak at.... 10e. Koast Beef at.. 7c. Stew Beef from 6 to 7c. I keep no books and do not deliver beef. J.D.HILL, Scotland Neck, North Carolina Fine Farm for sale. . 260 acrea five miles from Halifax and seven miles from Fnfield. 5-horee farm open land, 25 acres well timbered, and 100 acrea of fine tobacco land. Good buildings, small orchard and ex cellent water. Terms : One third cash anJ Lilaace In one, two, three and fonr years. Price made known on application. HILLIARD & HOUSE, MB. LAMB'S CERTIFICATE. My little son had been troubled with Ringworm on bis band tor a year We tried various remedies with no et lest. At last we used Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, and after three or four appli cations there was improvement, and in three weeks it was entirely cured. . u. Lamb, Scotland Neck, Ni C, Oct. 27, 1902. Send model - sketch or photo of invention fcr ' ' free report on paten tabilitv. For free book, I SdurcTRADE-MARKS SiTirM! me utsi ;onie and see. Scotland Neck, N. C. ITUUlAyftll Children of Any Ago. rHIAids Digest on, Rcgufctei LU Ul IUII.rv.ll JrMi the Bowels, strengthens at Druggists, the Child and Make TEETHING EASY. J. MOFFETT. M. D ST. LOUIS. MO. by our family physician In Charleston to use TEETJ1INA a prerentlve of colic and to warm and sweeten f!ia stomacb. Undertakers a t t t Foil and Osroplefa Line. 9-fn "ri5r''-. i ( .: . - ---V. ! ''' ' ..r"V - : I i. ' t'Z i :l ,"! . v . ' : . " - 1 . -?... ' , Oofims, Casliets, Burial Kobes etc. Hearse service any Time N. B. JOSEY. Scotland Neck, X. C. The Following Goods mUTQOl Out Prices Sei Loo.-r ai d Sieved Ilfiiin. j cr i: KM Bet Cleaned Currauis " Cc Best Layer Usiisins ' 12c Brazil Nuts VI i Bist Dried Apples - 7Jc Debt L-ird " Jr.l Beet Hominy and fJrifs - " .' .' Ilice and Starch " To Secdlers Orango per d( z Best Lofse Picklerf - 10c- Be3t Com ind Tcuiatccs per c.:n Mh' Yhic Yello.7 Syrup Tea; bes 1S Jells' Mid rrcpfrcj, large jars 10c Vauilia Si rup and I3o:i Ton ?!o- ::.Si?es, per quart If j Mx ra'-kjiyes lor j WILSON ALLSBROOK, Sct.tland Kcclt. N. C 5 . .1 I)ESIltL LOGGERS .TO CUT. Ten Million Feet of Logs. Apply or write" to s.F.cujjr, -23-2t Scotland Neck, N. C. Old GLotiies Made New. Clothes of all kind s Cleaned and Pressed from a child's Jacket to alady's skirt. Work done promptly under guarantee. Scotland Neck Cleaning and Pressing Co. W. T. CBOWELU Prop. Notice. HAVING this day qualified as exeecu torof the last will and testament of R. L. Joyner, all persons having claims against his eafate must preset same to me or to my attorney, K'ttvU'-n & Kitehin, on or before May 1st, 10 01 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recover r. This March 2(5 li, 1903. . V. T. Jovneb, 4-2-6t- Exwcutor, LOttP W1181

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