The Commonwealth. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1903. 1903 JUNE. 1903 SUN. MON. TOE. WED THtJ. FBI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Those Bargains. See the new ad, of Edwards & Co., and take advantage of the fine bargains they offer. They also offer big bar gains in Shoes, Hats and Clothing. Cow Peas for Sale. I offer for sale about 200 bushels of Cow Peas, consisting ol various kinds Black-eyes, "Unknowns," Blacks, etc. A uply to or call on C. A. WILLIAMS, , 5-28-2t Eingwood, N. C. ice Hours Sunday !f 10 a. re. 5-6 p. m. Give me your patronage STERN. Plenty of Brick. New Kiln Just Opened. Can sup ply nil orders for cash. J). A. MADEY, Scotland Neck, N. C. Pianos for Sale. One Foster Upright, Two Knabe Square, One Stern Suqare. Apply to L. W. BAGLEY or 6-7 4t N. B. JOSEY. For Sale Cheap At J. W. Leggett'a mill, near Palmyra, " ,000 feet of sawed Lumber 1-incb x ards, weatherboarding and scantling. WADE MI Z ELL, Palmyra, North Carolina , Faint Your Buggy for 75 Cents t $1.00 with Deyoe's Gloss Carriage l'aint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the pint than other?, wears longer, and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold b E. T. Whitehead & Co. Machines and JN eedles R. E. ALLIGOOD, Agent tor Singer Sewing Machines, Needles, Oil, Belts, Parts and attachments. Any part eup plied or fixed. Sold on easy install ment. Old machines taken in ex- cnange. dm 6-12-2m . ,.- Scotland Neck, N. C. Special Rates Via Atlantic Coabt Line. TO BALTIMORE, MD. National Saengerfest ; June 15th to 20th. One fare pins $2.00 via alt rail routes. For individuals one tare for the round trip, for parties of twenty-five or more traveling together on specified train, returning separately. Tickets to be sold June 13th to 15th inclusive, with final limit of June 22, 1903. All tickets are to be de posited immediately upon arrival ai Baltimore with Mr. James Ramford, Joint Agent, No, 7 North Calvert St., and fee of twenty-five cents paid at the time. BOSTON, MASS. National Educational Association, July 2-5, 1903. Via all rail or yie rail and South lines, one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets to be sold July 2nd to ath inclusive, good leaving Boston until July 12th, twen ty-five cents to be paid for execution of return portion ot ticket. NOTE : By personally depositing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than July 7th nor later than Jul. 11, 1903, and upon payment of fift cents (50c), extension can be secured to leave Boston any day up to Septem ber 1, 1903. BALTIMORE, MD. Annual Meeting Grand Lodge B. & P.O. Elks, July 21-23, 1903. Ont fare plus $2 00 yia all rail routes. Tick ets will be on sale July 19th and 20tn Tickets via Savannah and Steamer wil be sold for Steamers leaving Savannah July 16th and 18th. Final limit Jul 31, 1903. Approved, W. J. CRAIG, II. M.EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., Traffic Manager. Wilmington, N.C. -6 4 Some Good Investments. Hilliard & House have some valna blo stock in a first class investment company, with which they can inter est any who wish to purchase stock ii a gilt edge Eastern Carolina invest ment. See them soon, as the opportu nity will not hold long. A Fat Field makes a fat purse. A fertilizer without sufficient Potash is not complete. Oar books are coapl on fertilizers, written by "en wno now. Write for them. CEKXAH KALI WvKKS, 73 Nissan Street. Ne York C5' II s V ete treatises X - r i l mm tzzzcid czunous IS! See ad ot Cow Peas by C. A. Wil liams, of Ringwood, Office Up Town Bryan & Go. have moved their business office from the depot to Main street. They occu py a part ot the building in which Dr. S. Haseell has an office. Returned From Wake Forest. The following young men have return ed fxom Wake Forest College : Mess. Albion Dunn, Raymond. Dunn, Hugh Johnson, Edwin Joeey, Wait Bagley and Thurman Kitohin. Took the A. B. Degree Mr. Hugh Johnson was one of the graduates at Wake Forest commencement last week. He took the degree of Baehelorof Arts. His graduating thesis was on the the subject : "Social Life in the Colonial South." Two Fisticuffs Monday seemed a good day forjisticuffs. There was some trouble between a colored man and Mr. B. F. Gray on the Iatter's farm. Also Monday night Mess. John B. Gray and R. W. Pittman had a short scrap in the office of Bowers & Co.. Strange Fowl. On last Saturday Mr. J. D. Shearin brought to town a strange sea-fowl which was caught in the field. It could walk very poorly but could swim rapidly. His bill was four or five inches long and quite sharp, and the bird seemed to be vicious. Bazaar Successful. Under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church, a bazaar was held in Scotland Neck Hotel Thursday, Thursday night, Friday and Friday night of last week. There were many beautiful articles for sale besides quan tities of good things to eat. The bazaar was quite successful, the amount cleared being $131. Letter to M. Hoffman & Bro Dear Sir : It's an old saying : the best advertisement is a pleased custom er. It happen to us continually in this tray : A man buys Devoe for his house he has painted It once in three yean for a dog's-age, and thinks he know what he wants buys 30 gallons, ana has 10 left. He sees right-off that 20 of Devoe it as much as 30 of any thing else. He likes that it comes quick ; is is a sur prise ; he tells of it. . The beet adver tisement is a pleased customer. Three years roll round. There isn't ! a sign that his house r.eeds paint, hi don't paint it. Next year he don't paint it. This comes slow ; it is a sur prise ; but he has got used to it. Stilt the best advertisement is a pleasec customer. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. P. S. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sel, our paint. . FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ha been used tor sixty years by millions o. mothers tor their children while teeth-., ing, with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, alias al pain, cures wind colic, and is the best tremedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in ever part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow't Soothing Syrup, and take no other Madry-BarfleM. .Wednesday evening May 27th, at 8 :30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. Willie Medford, Scotland Neck, Miss Annie Barfield was married to Mr. Herbert Madry, Mayor J. E. Shields officiating. The following were the attendants : Miss Mattie Barfield, of Hobgood, witl. Eli Lilly ; Miss Minnie Madry, sister oi the groom, with Lonnie Barfield, o Hobgood ; Miss Irine Barfield witl Haywood Dickens; Miss Annie Wil liams, of Tarboro, with Lee Lovegrove ; Miss Ida Williams, ot Tarboro, witt. Billle Grimes ; Miss Mary Medfordwitb Willie Edmonds.. r Mr. Madry is the son of Mr. Alex. Madry, ol Scotland Neck, and is an energetic and industrious young man. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. William Barfield, ot Ho&sood, but sir has made Scotland Neck' ber home foi the past two years, wbftftsk has madt many friends.. t'-T" -t TO CURE A COLOfc caE DAY t1ca LftTitive Brotao" !nine Tab lets. . All druggists rCr .: ? e money if it fail to cure. EiVy teove'e natme is on eachterv r 55.'. . - personal; PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People, Mrs. J. D. Weeks went to Ay den Tuesday to visit relatives. Miss Maggie Bell, of Hobgood, is visiting Mrs. T. F. Whitley. Mrs. Willie Medford spent several days in Tarboro last week on a visit. Mr. B. F. White was in town last, week shaking haeds with his friends. Mr. Emerson Weeks returned from the A. & M. College at Raleigh Satur day. Miss Jennie Burroughs, ot Everetts, eame up Saturday to visit her brother, Mr. O. F, Burroughs. " Mr. H. E. Biggs came down from Raleigh Tuesday and was warmly greeted by his friends. Mr. John B. Neal, of Pulaski City, Va., was here a day or two last week visiting his father, Maj. J. B. Neal. President J. C. Scarboro, oi Chowan Baptist Female Institute at Murfrees boro, spent Thursday night in town. Mr. J. E. Crutchfieid, of Rocky Mount, came over Tuesday on a visit to the editor ot The Commonwealth. Rev. M. L. Kesler and Mr. N. Biggs went to Rocky Mount Friday to attend the Roanoke Union at North Rocky Mount. Mr. T. H. Pritchard, who is doing a prosperous lumber business near Spring Hope, came Saturday and spent some days with his family. Mr. L. T. Vaughan has come home from Churchill, Warren county, where he has successfully conducted a large school for the past year. Miss Olivia Berry, of Ayden, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. C. F. Burroughs, also Miss Nancy Coward, of Ayden, is visiting Mrs. Burroughs. Mr. W. L. Vaughan came Tuesday from Raleigh where he has spent a successful year teaching with Prof. Morson in the Raleigh Male Academy. Rev.R.H.Henderson, of Transylvania county preached in the Baptist church Sunday morning. His sermon was well ceieved, those who heard him speak ing highly of his discourse. Taxes Levied. The county commissioners in session Monday levied taxes for 1903 as fol lows : For county purposes an ad valorem tax of 23 cents on the $100 worth of property. For education and care of the poor 71 cents on every poll. . For a special fund to pay county bonds and interest thaieon 4 cents on every $100 worth of real and personal property and 13 cents on each poll. For working the public roads in Halifax county 12 cents on eyery $100 worth of real and personal property and 36 cents on each poll. Heretofore the county has levied only 1 per cent, as the liquor purchase tax, and this year it is made 2 perjeent. new Chairs in Court Room. Clerk S. M. Gary at the instructions of the county commissioners has about completed the work of placing new opera seats in the court room. The floor of the court room has been eleva ted from the bar to the rear in regular theatre style and one hundred and twenty chairs have been placed. Thif with the new arrangements in the bar and the new carpets, give the court house good equipment. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. The basis!is dissolved Sulphur held ic solution and carefully combined with the best antiseptic unguents known to medical science, and is the greatest Halve known, for Cuts, Burns, Open Sores, and all sores where salves are used. For sle by E. T. .Whitehead & Co. . Elder Hasaell Sunday Night. Elder Sylvester Hassell, of Wil- liamston, preached in the Baptist church here Sunday night. Notwith standing the inclement weather a good audience greeted him. Mr. Haseel has visited Scotland Neck and has preached here before, and the people are always glad to hear him. He is able and schol arly and those who heard bis sermon Sunday night spoke well of it. EVERY LADY AND GENTLEMAN, Who are troubled with Pimples or Fa cial Blemishes are requested to call at their druggist's and get a trial bottle of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. If usee as directed, it will soon destroy the germ, heal the disease, and make the skin white and soft. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Insure Tour Crops. . . . - Hilliard and House, Scotland Neek, are agents for the Tobacco PI an ten' Mutual Hall and Hire insurance Co., of. Raleigh, and. can give you goon protection against loss by hail. . FOR ECZEMA, Pimples, Danrnff, and all skin disease?, ose Hancock s Liiquia suipnur. in such eases a Beale Eczema, and sorec ot any nature, when the skin .become dry and harsh, you should use Han- onsk'sBulonur ointment in connection with the Liquid. A. few . applications ot Hancock's Liquid Sulphur will cure the worst esses of Prickly Heat For sale by E. T. Whitehead ds Co. - WAKE FOREST CCLIUEKCEUEflT. A GREAT ACCASION. Another New Building to be Erected. The commencement exercifes at Wake Forest college last week were of the most interesting in the history of this renowned institution- The resi dents said there were more visitors than usual. On Monday night Hon. Claude Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, delivereo the address to the law class, and those who have heard like addresses to the law class for the past few, years said it was the best address of the kind they had heard at all. During his addrees Mr. Kitchin gaye the young men of the class some very wholesome advice which will serve them well , when they .shall have passed the examination of the Supreme court and begin their lile work as lawyers. One high ideal he laid down for them was, that they shall direct their course as lawyers on ; the plain of right always. "Is it right?" should be the question with them in all their course as lawyers. Mr. Kitchin's suggestions were time ly, one of the most pointed being the following : , 1- "The day of the trickster is passing. He himself is finding out that it doesn't pay. . In these times of clash and push he finds it iseconorry of time to be honest and direct. Tricks require time to plan, to execute,to avoid detect ion. The jury, the judge and the op posing counsel mark him as soon as he enters the court room. The public is quicker to find him out than formerly, and quicker to condemn. None find him out sooner than bis client. You will observe that no lawyer, or firm oi which he is a member, who has the reputation of being a sharp practition er or trickster, ever tries an important case or settles an important matter alone I His client always employs an associate not to help him, but to watcb him." Tuesday at 11 o'clock, Rev. R. P. Johnson, D. D., pastor of Fifth Avenut Baptist church of New York, delivered the literary address. His subject was : 'A Sign of the Times." It was among the most polished discourses the writer has ever heard, and it was pionounced by all a most eloquent and masterful effort. The striking sign of the timet on which the speaker dwelt with force, is the earnest seeking after truth and the almost universal desire to anon things. Dr. Johnson is a Missouriac by birth, and spoke in marked sympa thy with the South and Southern idea and ideals. On Tuesday night Mr. J. W. Bailey, the editor of the Biblical Recorder oi Raleigh, delivered the address before the alumni association' - His subject was, "The Future of the Denomina tional college." His address was abl and strong, like all the efforts ot that bright young editor. He showed thai while the lines for the denominations' college are falling in bard places now, and will so continue, there is a place for such institutions and their missioi is a high and important one. The ef fort was highly complimented on ali sides. After the address Tuesday night the alumni banquet was held in the gym nasium building, and a most elaboratt spread it was. More than two hun dred seats were provided for and al. were taken with a demand for more. Following was the menu : . Thev ought to dine off tables and have the usual dishes and dessert of a modern dinner. Plato, Republic IT. Caviar on Toast Salted Almonds Sliced Tomatoes Olives . Bouillon en tasse ' FRO ID Fresh Salmon, Mayonnaise Planked Soft Crabs Filet of beef Virginia Ham Beet Tongue j Chicken Orange " Ice ' . 1 SALADS Chicken ' Shrimp ' Asparagus Italien Potato Ice Cream and Strawberries Layer Cake Pound Cake Charlotte Russe Neufchatei;Cheese Ameriean Cheese Bent's Crackers -Coffee The preceding exercises in the chap el caused the banquet hour to be late ; and as the guests were fil ng into the dining hall at 10 o'clock Dr. Johnson remarked to the writer that frequently they commence, banquets in New York at 9 o'clock but he had not seen one open as late as 10 o'clock even in New York. . - : Ah hour or more was consumed in close and respectful attention to the bounteous spread, then toast-master Judge CYM. Cooke rapped for attention. On the programme just preceding toast-master Cooke's name was the fol lowing: Behooves thee still to sit awhile at ta ble, Because the solid food which thou hast taken . 1 ' Requireth farther aid for thy digest- v ion.. Open thy mind to that which I reveal. Dante, Paradiso, V :37-40. In happy style J odge Cooke an nounced - the touts and introduced the speakers as follows : - "AI- rt'fr,! President Ch-'i V. Linen Tissues 50c. in white and brown colors. Silk Ginghams 20c. Ginghams and Chambrays 8 to 15c Lawns from 5c. up. See our - butterfly design in Swiss, specially adapted to children. Two-yard wide Organdie at 35c. The real French Organdie both white and black, 2 yards wide at 60c. Lace and Swiss Curtains very cheap. An Unusually Pretty Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. Ladies' 5c. Linen Handkerchiefs, all the latest novelties of the sea son." The nicest line in town of Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Ties, Shirts, etc. Call on us for Ready-Made Clothing, also to have a lit from M. Born, the great Chicago Tailor. The Royal Worcester and Millitant Long Life Corsets. Mercerized Linings at 10c. The best line of Ladies Gents' and Children's Shoes in town. Come and see. White & Paull, tory," Rev. J. W. Lynch.Wake Forest ; "From the Wide Modern World," Prof. Hardesty, formerly of Wake county ; "From Infirmary and Hospital," Dr. J. M. Parrott, Kinston, N. C; "From the State," Senator F. M. Simmons ; "From the Bar," J. F. Spalnhour. It was nearly 1 o'clock when the speeches were ended and the toast-master bade the delighted guests good night. Wednesday a large audience assem bled to hear the orations by the gradu ating class which consisted of more than forty. Eight of the class deliv ered orations and the others had pre pared theses. President Taylor's address to the class was in his usual strong and force ful style. " Before the close of the exercises, things took a new turn, out cf the or der of commencement occasions. Prof. J. B. Carlyle, in behalf ot the aljmui of the college, made a strong appeal for fnnds with which to erect an alum ni building. In a short while he had raised $7,000, and the prospect opened up at once tor a sufficient sum to erect a handsome building. The year just closed has been a most successful one and there are indications that the work of the Institution will be more aggressive than it has ever been. NOTES. Our old friend and college mate, Mr. W. W. Holding, during the years that have passed Since our separation as stu dents, has well learned the art of enter taining and his good and noble wife is a most charming and thoughtful host ess, making all who go into their happy and well-ordered home feel welcome and at ease. " A more pleasant-home we have not visited anywhere. .The same band renders sweet music now that did some years ago when the writer was a student there. They are always delighted to return to Wake Forest for commencement occasioi s there are pleasant to ali who are tortu uate enough to attend them. One drawback to commencenr ent was the absence ot so many students rhe number ot students present did not tally with the number enrolled, nd the explanation was that many i the students go home as soon as ex aminations are over. Union at Deep Creek. The Primitive Baptist Union met at Deep Creek church near Dawson Fri day .and held through ( Sunday. A targe gathering was present at each session. There were many visitors and the meeting was a very pleasant one. Quite a number of people attended from Scotland Neck, especially Sun lay. . . ' Strength and vigor come of gocd food duly digested. "Force", a reaay to serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invig orates." Teacners Selected. The board ot trustees for the graded school have selected the following lady teachers : Misses Mary K. Applewhite, Mary Herbert Smith, Annie Dunn and Jennie Leggett. The trustees have decided to employ a male principal but no selection has been made yet. ' DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cbeao remedy for coughs and colds fsall right but you want some thing that will relieve and cure tne more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Goto a warmer and more HMmlu-fthmate? . Yes. if ' possible : If not possible tor you; then in either case take the only remedy mat : nas neen introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It hot only heals and stimulates the tiffiues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy ex pectoration, gives a good nignrs rest, ml niM tho notlent. Trv one bottle recommended many years by all drug gists in the world, ion can ges a re eliable remeby at E. . T. Whitehead ACo's. Price 25c and 75c. : A SERIOUS MI8TAKB. E. C. DeWitt 4 Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Haasl Salve. DeWitt's la the Witch Hazel Salve) that heals without leavins: a sear. It is a serious mistake to use any other. Do Witt Witch Hasel Salvo dares Mind, bleeSing, itching; and iwotrndtaY Diles. bonis, bruises, ssr-nr--leJtciin Csatust. Sett by -J Or sua SS w C. v. mwwwr-n swr jpoomt wroj tsswUMs mrmmm skill loo owo r wosti SUPERIOR COURT. The Criminal Docket Light. JUDGE FRED MOOBE PRESIDES AGAIN. Halifax Superior court in in session this week, with Judge Fred Moore oo the bench. Judso Moore held court in Halifax last March and the i eople of the county are glad to have him hold court again. He is an able and impartial Judge and is in good favor with all connected with the court and with the public generally. The criminal docket is a light one and it will not coueumo a great deal of time. Tne following grand jury was drawn : B. D. Mann, foreman ; L. A. Dickeus, Richard Morris, Jno. Anderson, L. C. Lawrence, W. T. Jordan, L. O. Sum merell, R. B. Ivey, Marion Kceter, U. S. Sledge, W. T. Hancock, J. L Price, J. D. Pittard, II. S. Adcock, B, R. Med) in, W. H. Joeey, J. R. Liles. Mr. J. W. Hainmi!! was appointed officer to the grand jury. MR. TRAVIS SOLICITOR. In the absence ot Solicitor W. B Daniel, who is engaged as leading pros ecuting counsel in ths Errest Hay wood ciee in Raleigh, Senator E. L. Travis is acting as Solicitor. His ex perience as a lawyer of wide practice gives him a familiarity with his work that makes him at home as a prose cuting officer. Do Ycra Enjoy What You Bat ? You can eat whatever and whenever you like if you take Kodol. By the use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what Is more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that Is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in assimilative form, the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and an disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What Yon t Makes the Stosaach Surest. Bottles only. Resutar sire. $1.00. holdtae 2J UiMS the trial size, which sails for 50 cents. Prepared by E.O. DeWtTT OO., Ohicsgo, itt NERVOUS HEADACHE f"l T t "O Lj I without any disagree able re V J XvJlfXS suits by a dose or iwo of CAPUDII1E At all Drug Stores (Liquid) I repair or remodel any kind of taildine? en ferour FREE CATALOGUE of all kinds I of bnlldlnr materials, hardware, man tela, tile I work, palnta, riasa. ra a i-. - FRANK T. CLARK CU., s-ia-l Established 1870. NOKruuw va.i New Goods All the Time! YOU need not think were dead because we don't change this advertisement overy week. Hardly ai day passes that we don t Get Something New In tho Store! But that is not all, we put them but just as regular, else this store would fcb filled up quickly, i "is;: Call here forityou want. We have trjyoods and the prices also. VILSOH ALLSDROOK, Seotlanft Neek. H. C. r r-T,p- '-m. P'y Scotland Neck, N. C. DlarrfMca,DynUry,aiNl th Bowel Troubles of CMMna 0fMiw Mat. Aids Digestion, foulstM the Bowels, StrsnSthsas l. MOPFBTT. M. 0- ST. LOUIS), MO. pro mm e vwosslte. Thm T Mrwsf mwr sir mx mwm marwi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Haying qualified as administrator ot C. T. Lawrence, all persons having claims against bis estate are notified to present them to me or to W. A. Dunn, my attorney, bv or before the 20th dy ol May, 1901. ni this notico will be p'ead in bnr of recovery.. All pemms are eamentlv req'i'itC'l to present tbeir accounts tit one?. This My 12, 1903 J. P. WlMBrSL'- v. 5-14 6t Arlm'r C. T. Lawrence Old GLothes Made New. Clothes of all kindn Cleaned and Pressed from a child's Jacket to alady's skirt. Work done promptly under 'guarantee. i Scotland Neck Cleaning and Pressing Co. j "W. T. CHOW ELL., Prop. fi SleFHlsE, Halifax, N. C. unnp of the nutJK Traveling Men. First-Class Entertain ment for all. Fare Always Up-to-Date. TERMS REASONABLE. MRS. W. A. SATER, 5-7-tf ProririfitroKK. Undertakers Supplies Full and Gt mplete Line. tftMQfi mmm. Oofiins, Caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time . N. B. JOSEY. Scotland Neck, N. C. ADLIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE, Havine aualified o admiiitHtruf r -f B. C. Baker, deceased. Kite of Halifax county. North Carolina, thin to noti fy all persona baring claim nguinst the' estate ol said deceased to ex hi hit them to the undersigned ou or before the first day of June, UXJf , or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. AH pereoua indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of May. 1903. lioswEi-L C- LniRfiER, Aclm'r, 5-28-6t vvinion. N. C. Fine Farm for sale. 260 acres five miles from Halifax and seven miles from Fnfield.. 5 hor-e farm open land, 25 acres well timbered, i and 100" acres of fine tobacco land. Oood buildjngs, email orchard and ex-o-1-nt water. Terms : One third cseh ci J L -haee in one, two, three and . .. Price made known on' application. 1 mm

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