The Commonwealth! THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 1903 JULY. 1903 j SITS. MON. TOE. WED THTJ. FBI. SAT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I IS) 20 21 22 23 24 25 y 27 28 29 30 31 PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Pninl Tour Boggy for 75 Cents t $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage P. int. It weighs 3 to 8 oss. more to th? pint than otherp, wears longer, and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by ;:. T. Whitehead & Co. . Machines and.N eejdles R. E. ALLIGOOD, Agent lor Singer So wine Machines, Needles, Oil, Belts, i ant Attachments. Any part sup- fiort Sold on easy install ment. Old machines taken in ex- ; hnnee. ox tvo, (M2-2m The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Polks. Miss Annie Joaey returned Friday from Conoho. Mr. J. W. Carlton, of Durham, spent Thursday here. . Mrs. A. B. Hill weut to Halifax on a visit Tuesday. Miss Bessie Gray is visiting in. Tar boro and Crisp. Mr. Frank Godwin, of Williamston, was here Friday. - Mr. . P. Hyman, of Hobgood, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. ltlddick has gone to Tar boro to visit friends. Miss Eva Pritchard has gone to Hamilton on a visit. Mrs. J. S. Bowers went to Norfolk on a visit some days ago. Mrs. A. M. Perry, of Danville, Vs., is here visiting relatives. Miss Sallie Neal is here visiting Miss I enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. S. Carlisle Davidson, after spending some time here on a visit to Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' M. Hoffman, returned to their home in New York several days ago. Mr. E. L. Bracy, a Scotland Neck j boy who has been away several years, spent a few days here with bis father last week. He has been abroad for a year or two, his headquarters being in Gainsborough, England. He has seen much of the world, has been quite suc cessful and his friends here at home rejoice in bis attainments. He is a machinist and engineer of fine ability and his profession is paying him well. Progressive Peanuts. Last Thursday evening "The Growl- ets" gaye a progressive peanut party at the home of Mrs.M. A. Shields compli mentary to the visiting young ladies. After six exciting games Mr. Thur- man Kitchin, in a very graoeful ner, presented the prize to Miss beth Futrell, the victor in the contest. The singing of Miss Katherine Fu trell and Miss Burch were very much IBB mary Eliza- ScotlandNeck, N. C. Don't Fail To see the "Boss" Washing Machine. The best aud cheapest. The Josey Hdw. Co. Do Yon Need Tin Work? Geo. IX. Dixon, Tinner of Rock Mount. N. C, will be here about Au trust 1st to do all kinds ol work in bis line. The Josey Hdw. Co. Tobacco Flues Anchor Lime j For Sale. Some 8-light windows. Some new Porch Brackets. Nice Double Door with Hinges and Lock. Apply ' E. E. EILLIAUD, Scotland Neck, N. C. Tobacco Flues The Josey Anchor Lime J Hdw. Co. Don't Fail T Am "Cos" Was-hing The best and cheapest. The Josey Hdw ; Mai-lii no. Co. Tobacco Fluesi The Josey -Anchor Lime J Hdw. Co. Mr. H. W. Blake Dead News Has come from Charleston S. C , that Mr H. W. Blake, former resident of Scot land Neck, died there some days ago of fever. He was for some time gener al manager of .the North Carolina Lum ber Co. at Tiliery and during a part of that time he lived in Scotland Neck. His friends here will regret to learn cl nis death. ' DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds fs all right but you want some thing that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall von do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate r xes, u pwius, not possible lor you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup.' It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy ex pectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the potlent. Try one bottle recommended many years byaH drug gists in the world. You can get a re eliable remeby at E. T. Whitehead & Co's. Price 25c and 75c. Rtmemberthe Opening. The Scotland Neck tobacco market will open Thursday, August 6th. Every preparation will be made by the proprietors of the warehouses to give a lively turn to the opening and to keep it' so throughout tin season. There will be buyers on hand represent ina the leading tobacco companies,and farmers may rest assured that they will get as good prices here as eleewbere. While Scotland Neck's market has been comparatively small ever since itsyfirst opening, its record shows that prices have ranged here as high as on l.nt ;n TP.anf.Arn Carolina; and there is no reason to suppose that it will be otherwise this season. Let all the farmers who have any to bacco ready put it on the market here the opening day. Mary Herbert Smith. . Miss Lillie Elliot, of Petersburg, Va., is here visiting friends. . . Miss Both Matthews, of Hamilton, is visiting friends in town. Mr. John B. Tiliery, of Tiliery, Is here visiting his daughters. Mrs. J. C. Williford has gone on a visit to friends at Whitakers. Miss Brace Davenport, of Aulander, is visiting Mrs. Dr. S. Hassell. Mr. Frank Bowers, of Washington, N. C, is here visiting his mother. Miss Croom, of Borgaw, Is here visit ing her sister, Mrs. P. A. Rasberry. Mr. and Mrs. Coughenour returned Friday from a visit to Pennsylvania. Miss Stella Wallace, of Rocky Mount, Is visiting Miss Emily Sawyer Biggs. Miss Maude Powell, of Harrellsville, is here visiting Miss Bessie Hancock. Miss May Tayloe, of Washington, N C.,is here yisiting Miss Maggie Bowers. Mess. W. T. Clements and O. C. Wil kerson, of Enfield, were here last week. Mr. E. B. Allsbrook, of Enfield, was here some days ago visiting bis parents. Mr. G. C. Weeks went to Weldon and spent Sunday with his little daugh ters. Mr. J. S. Bowers returned from Bal timore Friday, where he went on busi ness. Miss Lizzie Whitehurst, of Conoho, spent Thursday here with Miss Annie Josey. ; Mr. J. F. Brinkley, now of Green ville, came up to spend Sunday at home. Miss Mary Ella Winstead, of Elm City, is visiting the family of Mr. Pey ton Keel. Master Earl Harrington, of Green ville, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. B. Edwards. Miss Flossie Kitchin, of Norfolk, Va., is here visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Kitchin. Miss Mary Lawrence has gone on a visit to relatives in Wilmington and Bladen county. Misses Carrie Lawrence and Kath leen Tiliery returned Tuesday from Roanoke Rapids. Mrs. John D. Perry, of Roanoke Rapids, is here yisiting her mother, Mrs. D. M. Dunn. Mess. Mannie and Sam Hoffman re turned Friday from Ocean View, where they spent a week. Miss Stills, ol Aeheville," returned home Saturday after several days' yieit to Miss Onie Dunn. Mrs C. H. Bell, of Portsmouth, Va., is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. 1. Allsbrook. Mrs! L. W. Bagley returned Friday from the Summer school at the A. & M. College in Raleigh. Mr. T. H. Pritchard came from Spring Hope Saturday and spent Sun day and Monday at home. " - Misses Cleve Andrews, Bertha and Cottie Pittman and Bessie Thn fnllowinsr oonnles attended : Miss Hattie Hollowell, of Goldsboro, N. C, with J. Bruce Futrell .: Miss Flos sie Kitchin, of Norfolk, Va., with Geo. M. Gray ; Miss Beulah Burch, of Rich mond, Va., with S. Wait Bagley ; Miss Lizzie Whitehurst, of Conoho, N. C, with Newborn Whitehurst ; Miss Annie Josev with Charlie J. Shields : Miss Pauline Tiliery with Edwin B. Josey ; Mias Rubv Tiliery with Hugh John son; Miss Katherine Futrell with Archie M. Day ; Miss Elizabeth Futrell with Thurman D. Kitchin. After the game refreshments were served and everybody left delighted with the evening thev bad spent to gether. The Graded School Building. Work is progressing on the graded school building. It is being moved to thn center of the school property from north to south, and will be 'placed wel Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash They are needed by every man who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. "VThey are ret. Send postal card, C.EKMAN KALI WORKS 9S Sian Street, New York Temperance Meeting. PMDUL Linen Tissues 50c. in white and brown colors. Silk Ginghams 20c. Ginghams and Chambrays 8 to 15c. Lawns from pc. up. bee our butterfly design in Swiss, specially adapted to children. Two-yard wide Organdie at 35c. The real French Organdie both white and black, 2 yards wide at 60c. Lace and Swiss Curtains very cheap. An Unusually Pretty Line of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery., Ladies' 5c Linen Handkerchiefs, all the latest no velties of the Rea son. The nicest line in town of Gents' Furnishings, Hats, lies, Shirts, etc. Call on us f or Ready-Made Clothing, also to have a lit -from Born, the great Chicago Tailor. The Royal Worcester timl Millitant Long Life Corsets. Mercerized Linings at 10c. Ihe bet. line of Ladies'T Gents' and Children's Shoes in town. Come and see. White & Paull, . . . . . Scotland Neck, N. C. WINTERVI LLE WHIFFS. There will be a temperance meeting at the Methodist church tonigbt(Thurs- day) for the purpose of taking for some active work against the saloon. V 'Every one who feels an interest in the matter is jnvited to attend the meeting. Now don't say you are right on the temperance question any way, and so it will do no good for you to go. Your presence is needed to show your loyalty to the cause, andjyour absence might be a stumbling block In the way of some one else who otherwise might see his duty clear to give the cause his sup port. Hon. R.B. White, of Franklinton, and State Senator from Franklin county, is expected to be present and address the meeting. I Let aUJtura out, ladies and gentle men. DAWSON DOTS. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Dawson, N. C, July 28, 1903. Mr. W. E. Lawrence, of Hamilton, back toward Church street from east to ! spent several days here last week lor iiir most of the Grounds in rest ana recreation. TT UDV .WW " O 7 will front 'towards Main street. The moving of the building greatly Improve the property and will make much better convenience for the school. Had the building not been moved, it would have been difficult to arrange play grounds for . the large number of children that will attend the school, but with the building lo cated as it now is the grounds can be arranged easily and there will be better opportunity for beautifying them. Utan Groom andKelford Bride. wap The following item was sent from Keltord July 25th : "On Thursday there was a beautiful event here when Mr. W. A. Bowles, of Lewiston county.'Utah, was married to Miss Josy Evans, of Keif ord. The bridegroom had journeyed nearly 2,000 miles to claim as his bride the woman be had neyer seen. The ceremony was performed in the Baptist church by Rev. John Wood, of Aulander, in the presence of a large audience. "The bride is thirty-four years of .age and the daughter of Mr. Samuel Evans, a respected farmer. The bridegroom is forty-four years of age, a natiye of Virginia, and went to Utah twenty two years ago. They leave on Monday for Utah." A SURGICAL OPERATION is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's kniie unni you nave tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will cure when everything else fails it has done this in thousands ol cases. Here is one of them : I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles lor twenty years. Was treated by different spec clalists and used many remedies, but obtained no relief until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye. Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not bad a touch of the piles since. H.A.Tisdale, Summerton, S. C. For Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles no remedy equals DeWewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Misled by fictures. ood's Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. Farmers and Gardeners, who de sire the latest and fullest informa tion, about Gray spent Wednesday night at Hobgood. Mr. Haywood W. McKinne and bis little sons, of Kinston, are here on a i visit to his niece, Mrs. P. M. Prince. Mess. Curtis Prince and Will New- I ell went to Goldsboro some days ago. They made the trip through the coun- try. . Misses Mary Herbert and An nie Dunn who had been attending The Rocky Mount Mortor says : "We learn that the Norfolk colored excursionists were badiy disappointed in Rocky Mount, as they had been led to believe that we were situated In the western part of the State, and that great mountains loomed up all about us. They claimed that the circulars advertising the excursion had two or three mountain scenes on them. They were consoled by taking a look at the Falls and Hills adjoining." Mr. O. C. WUkerson, of Enfield, was among us a few days last week in the Interest of Boyd's warehouse. - Miss Minnie Bradley, of Crcwells. delighted her many friends here Fri day evening by being among us. Mr. O. P. Stalling, of Enfield, here Friday. Mr. Emmett Stephenson, of Crowells, was the guest of Mr. J. J. Barnes' fam ily Friday evening. Miss Annie Lawrence is visiting rel atives in Scotland Neck this week. Mess. Ralph Pittman and Fred Flem ing, of Crowelh, attended services here Suuday. Miss Mattie Hargrove, of Enfield, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Moore. Mr. Ed. Fleming, of Neals, attended services here yesterday. - Mr. 8. W. Morrisett, of Scotland Neck, is the guest of her sister, Mrs J. D. Lawrence. Mr Alim whitehead, of JSnneia, visiting friends here. Miss Lyaia House, of Scotland Neck paid us a pleasant call Sunday. Misses Lillian and Susie Pope, o Crowells, spent Sunday here. Mr, Joe Hull, oi Enfield, was the guest ol Mr. J. J. Barnes' Sunday. Mr. J. A. Hargrove.'of Enfield, visit ed relatives here yesterday. Mr. C. H. Dickens and family, of Halifax, visited the family of Mr. J . G. Moore Sunday. Mess. George Marks and Ed. Pope, ot ! Spring Hill, attended services bere Sunday. Miss Blanche Beavenspf Wbitaker town, was among the many visitors here yesterday. Mrs. Robertson and daughters. Misses Nonie and Grace, spent Sunday in En field with Mrs. J. B. Dunn. . Mess. Stanley and Lawrence ker. and sister. Miss Jewell, services Sunday. - Mr. Kelley Weeks, of Epworth, was the guest of Mr. W. J. Partlne yester- Rev. G. L. f Merrell, of Hobgood, ni-Mfthed an excellent sermon Sunday r- Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Winterville, N. C, July 28,1903 steps. .Rev. B.W. Spillman, whom every open J child knows as the great sunaay-scnooi man, will be at the Teachers' Institute here Thursday. Everybody is invited to hear him. Of course a treat -is in store for us all. William Worthington, of Ayden, N. C, says, speaking of A. G. Cox Mfg Co.'s make of goods : "l nave a pair of wheels that was made by Cox (father of A. G. Cox) in the year 1868 that have used every year and have very nearly done all the hauling for a two horse farm with but little exception. They are still good and the tires have hever been loose, and this dry weather they are still all right and are, I think, worthvof the name 'Tar Heel. Cart Wheels." Now don't you think they ought to come off the tax books? have none of your new work, would av if there are improvements from the old they cannot be beat." OnitA a crowd went from here on Hatch Brothers big excursion to Nor folk Tuesday. Hatch Brothers' excur sions are quite popular with our peo ple. The Brass Band went to the girls' dormitory where most of the teachers are stopping and gave them a serenade Monday night. They were heartily welcomed with many thanks, and the ladtaa net oft II v invited them to come again, which means ot course that the; will do so. J. F. Harrington and E. F. Tucher left for Baltimore Monday, C. A. Fair Tuesday morning. Mr. Fair will spend some time iu Maryland with relatives Open Baggies, Top Buggies, Bikes. Rnnabouts, liurries, Phaetons ana it short vehicles of all kinds are bemfr turned out every day and are being sold fast as made by A. G. Cox Mfg n.n Thi nart of the work is and has we aw-m r been all the while under the supervis inn nt TTnnnneker who knows what there is to be known about his profes- Mr.and Mrs-J. H. C.Dixcn who have been at Baltimore Hospital under treat ment for some weeks,returned Saturday night. Both ot them we are glad to say are much improved. Their many friAnrta nrA delighted to see them back a train. The farmer who does not use an Economic back band in his plow and wagon harness is behind the times. In stead ot using webbing and such like which Is continually giving out and troubling you use nothing but iron and wood and have it to will to your boys. If it doesn't work better than others A. G. Cox Mfg Co. will pay your money hsck. Rev. 0. W. Blahch ard filled bis reg ular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night the Little Sunbeams gave us a concert, the best we ever had from them. Being able to render their pieces so cieditably amply repaid them for the weeks abey had spent in preparing same. We are having letures at the Sum mer School here every other night. IFiloiMil Diarrhoea, Dysentery, aai the Bowel Troubles ot Children efil?y4;. ds Digestion, ReguMcs the Bowels, Strengthens Gets Csly 25 cats tt traists, F7T Or mall ss etnta to C l. MOPFBTT. M. D ST. LOUIS. MO. Iti iiri. f)k.. Mot. 19. 1300. We have haadled Dr. Meffett'e TKXTHTK A (Teethlu Pewdera) ever tlaeeita first introduction to the publle tad tnde u a, praprtotarr awdieiM, end ear bade la it aae ateadUr laeraued rrora rrto yema uniu ear faere aow aaraant to twier three aaadrad creel per rear, whtaa lea TeryetroaeeTideace of IU merit and 'h"u'''f to (trine to the nurtaan of the eoaaUy, far they ear nothing ee effect oallr counteract the effect! of the ummei m TlLi i KAXXni DRUG CO- Whel-al. Drento. THE OLD BARN Holds The Prettiest Vehicles. BIG LOT OF BUGGIES ON HAND, five different wry 1 h Bicycle Bikes. Latest style Surrys, and we have more Harness than we want. Wagons none better. PRIUCE &c CO., Scotland Neck, - - - - - North Carolina. fo)o)PJl UYJ hwil 0r.3 Lcud3. Ccsslno end c!l Dreg Habits r . j imiiiiMe lAavintr no cravinst Kruo? oTh We Ftyti their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy MUfl2tt nuhl? FREE TfllAL TnEATREUT EtSZZZAm. esrteciallv with nhvsicians, solicited. Write today. VUUUUCUIUU ywivayvM"! r- m ;UtUU vwiatssiiamwt J a m Ml Cfcx&attcn TfceropeoUoAoclabon York City TRINITY COLLEGE A million dollars invested in endow ments Hnd eani omenta. Larg3 librry - a facilities. Twelve thounand volume idded to librarj- dming ihe pt- year Ten fcietitifij I sin i atones. Gymna .iom under scientific direction. 160 11 dergraduate and graduate courses of Hiidy. Courses of btudy leading to iyil hnd electrical engineering. Many rbolarsbips awarded. Loan fund to .id worth j youg mf n. Trinity gn:d lates in great demand lor responsible ositions. Expenses very moderate. The Jim t Christian education w'tbout tny sectarian spirit of teaching. Sons f ministers and young men studying for the ministry are not charged tui ,ion. Send for catalcjrue. D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, 7-16-4t. Durham, N. C. WE KEEP ON HAND 1JU111AJJ UllUlYUlU Whila- attondt d The University ...OF... North Carolina. -o- Academic Department LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. OF ALL KIPS ALL HIE With Complete Undertakers1 Outfit. HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY FOUR. i j .... Day or nigm we nrv nwij o accommodate our ineiuis and the Public Ueiierany. M. Hoflman & Bro., 8 :otland Neck. r"' " 0 Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested. "Force", a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invig VERY REMARKABLE CURE DIARRHOEA. OF "Ahrmtnix vears aso for the first time in my life I had a sudden and se vere attack of diarrboea," says jura. AMee Miller, of Morgan, Texas. x should write for Wood's New Fall Catalogue. It tells all about the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab bage and other Vegetable crof which are proving so profitable to southern growers. Also about Crimson Gover, Vcteccs, Glasses and Ooms, Seed Oats, Vhcat, Rye. Barley, etc Wood's New Fall Catalogue mailed free on request. Write for it. , . T. W. VQ0IV6SfKIS, m m I e a .Km.V ktl If MTY1A mH)t i trot; nmiiunrv raiaDie tvfAv vwv Summer school at Chapel Hill, return-1 agaia again, and for six long years ed home some days ago. I have suffered more misery and agony I than T turn tell. It was worse than Miss Gertrude Oppenhlmer, Of Rooky I death. My husband spent" hundreds . . t wimiL. I f nilam fnr nhvaioians' Pieocriptions Mount, oas ETull man without avail. Finally we moVid to ingue families of Mess. M. Hoff"'1" ty,0ttr present home, tud G. Hoffman and Mrs. Stern lone day I happened to see an adver- iMrw-fljj I tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi Mr. Montgomery BnWds, of EnfieM, Diarrhoea Remedy with the in flaotland Neek last week. He I .wmnrial ot a man who had: been has been living near infield for two ourBd by it. The ease was so similar r and save he Ukes the place and to my own that I concluded to try the years, ana Byi nsumwe f remedy. The result was wonderful, the people well-X. I j nMdiy realize that I was well tr i Tiifihmond. was again, or believe it eould be so after CMr.OW.ay,.of T'T hSing suffered so long, but that one here last week. -He had not been here JJt, medicinef costing but a few in several yw apd J-Jd h saw many ts, etfred me." For sale by E. T. . r-r fttrn&M Wbittiead A Co., ScoGand Neek, and :";;."- -V-.;k J TFllciewd.;:! , )f - -X. t JiDoP "We f -D--iH'ifc- O-Sunr day. - close it i vJ ff and hot, . . . Kz vfe Build no fire and stew ft iSSL ' flC V aad steam 1 Tl J i A dish of, Force, a bowl TSAAjr&C ,CJ isiBstthefoodtofitour II RAJSJ whim, . II .y And keeps as cool, t, IpT Xl laughed Sunny Jim." . not a blood heater- - 3&g33G&:-, time does not mJM I I II II Sotof the blood. Fsbct O. Stastot. fjl J --n , . - " ; -s -. - -. -. - -o- NE hundred and eight scholarship Free tuition to teachers and to son of ministers. Loans for the needy 608 students. 66 tnstructor. New Dormitories. Water Works, Central, Heating System, Library 4000 vol umes. Fall term, academic and pro fessional departments, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address. F. P. VENABLE, Pres., 7-2 5t Chapel Hill, N. C. Old Gotties Made New. Clothes of all kinds Cleaned and Pressed from a child's Jacket to aladv's skirt. Work done promptly under guarantee. Scotland Neck Cleaning and PressirgCo ! W. T.OROWELL, Ptod Undertakers Supplies Full and Complete Line. Cofiins, Caskets', Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time N. B. JOSEY- Scotland Neck, N. C. TEACHERS WANTED VmOINIA COLLEGE For Tonnz Ladies, Boanoke, Ya. Opens Sept. ai. 1503-, or Youii! We need at once a few more Teachers for Fall Schools. (Jood positions are being filled daily by us. We are receiving more calls this year . 1 kafn.. Shnn1a and enllesea i euau c . d wivav. - I supplied with Teachers free of cost. One of the leading schools ira..-..r, - . M v., 1J .n. wi . " . : H. r-.iiiii ten acren. utwiu ad FlocuUon. Certificates Wellesley. S -dent. e. ei - Roanoka, Va. - ( ir.noJnaA stjimn for reDlv. American Teachers' Associatiow, J. L. Graham, LL. D., Slgr 152-154 Randolph Building, Mem phi, Tmn. mm mm 1 rar! nv kf-1 Sen rare cjuCifE ? V inAwk' t. CLARKCO.el tel Fine Farm for sale. 260 acres five miles from Halifax and seven miles from Fnfield. 6-horte farm open land, 2 acres well timnerea, and 100 acres f fine tobacco land. Good buildinwH, small orchard and ex-vZl-nl waier. Terms : Oce third each f.tJ L .lJuce in one two, three and four jeaie. Pr'ce made known on application. S U1LLIABD & HOUSE.

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