is The Commonwealth THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1903 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Cheap Second- Hand .Pianos Call on L. W. BAG-LEY. CLEARING AND XMAS SALES. Conimeucing Dec. 3, we shall con due: Sncei;;! Clearing-Up" and Xrme 'nlt! until Christmas. Morkisett Bros. BARGAINS IN RUBBER SHOES. Nice lot cf Children's and Misses' Puhber Shoes at 25 and 35 cents. A.!so lot oi Ladies' Rubber Shoes at.cui prices. EDWARDS & CO. M. Hoffman & Bro. Handkerchiefs, Gloyes, Mufllers, and many useful Christmas Presents are to he had at Hoffman's for less than you can buy them elsewhere. M. HOFFMAN & BRO. Our line of Cloaks is again complete and wa can show you a better bargain than anywhere els in town. M. HOFFMAN & BRO. For Cheap Second Hand Pianos Call on L. W, BAG-LEY. Asparagus Plants. Nice lot of Palmetto Asparagus Plants ; Brandywine and Excelsior Xmas Fruits, candies, Cakes, &c, You can find nice English Fruit Cake and Pound Cake and many other PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. -J. 1). RAY & Co's. We have soma bargains in pretty Ch iirs. J. D. RAY & Co. V,e ars headquarters on Small Vire?. Notions and pretty presents lor your friends. J. D. RAY & CO. Fruits and Confectioneries : We have the best assortment In town. J. D Ray & Co. Jt wii! pay you to come and look at the . ratty, cheap things we have for Xma? before von buy. J. D. RAY & Co. Fiend i Oranges, ail sizes, and Fan cy Apples, ths b?rt in town. World renowned Fancy King and the old re liable Baldwin. Always a good apple. -T D. RAY & Co. Movkd His; Office Mr. G. W. Bry an hsH moved his oiriee from Main Mree-t to a warehouse at the depot. Srx )ay H i; v3 - The telephone ex ch i ng3 will observe Sun! v hours Christmas day 'j to 10, a. ra. to p. m, House HisyzD. A colored man nimed Litiie living uear "Grab ail" lost his hr!j?e by lire r '.:rt He saved part of his furniture. Those Letteks The little folks have token rruch of our space this week m their letters to Santa Claus. We are glad to print their lit 13 letters. fWe ara sending out etaternents to our delinquent subscribers, and not fcimpiy for tha fun of it. We want what tfae owe ua and hope they will respond promptly to our statements. Fire Alarm. Friday night just be b;v3 'J o'oiocK the alarm ot tire wa given at the Scotland Neck hotel There was some excitement for a few moments, but it was soon over as it was only some soot burning In a flue. Fire at Me. McDowell's. Thi8 morning abo-.U 8 :30 o'clock the fire alarm ws given at Mr. A. McDowell's residence. Burning soot from the c.imuey had Jalien on the shingles which had caugbt fire near the chim ney. When help arrived there seemed little hope of savn: ihe house, bnt heroic rflo-ts succeeded in extinguish' ing the Humes. The damage to the house carpeta and furniture was considerable. Approahmg Marriage. The Commonwealth ha3 received the following marriage invitation : Mr. and Mrs. T"hos. H. Prltehard " request the honour of your presence at the marriage cf thefr daughter Eva llortense to Mr. Nathan Wilson Walker on Tuesday morning, December 29th at half past eight o'clock at horns Scotland Neck, North Carolina. There have been no invitations sent out in town. The friends of the fami ly are myited. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks. Mr. P. V. Tillery, of Tillery, was here some days ago. Mr.W. C. Harpsr la home from Portsmouth, Va. Miss Dorothy Vann, of Raleigh, is here visiting friends. Mr. Tbeo. House, of Greenville, has been here this week visiting friends. Mr. L. T. Vaughan came from Churchill where he has been teaching. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Allsbrook, of Richmond, are here ylsiting relatives. Miss Nannie Smith came home from St. Mary's at Raleigh to spend Christ mas. Mr. H. E. By, of Williamston, is here spending the holidays with h's sons. Mr. W. L. L. Hall came up from Greenville this week to visit his home people. Mr. John W. House who has been in school at Buies Creek, is here for the holidays. Hon. Claude Kitchin is home for the holidays. He will return to Wash ington about January 4th Miss Helen Perry came down from Roanoke Rapids Saturday. She is the guest of Mrs. A. C. Livermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kitchin have gone to Blltmore to spend Christmas with Mrs. Kitchin's home people. Mr. J. W. Boone, of Tarboro, was here some days ago. He remembered The Commonwealth substantially. Miss Margaret Shields has gone to Boston to spend the holidays with Mis? Sadie Perry, who is a student at Har vard. Mrs. E. B. Hiees and children, of Greenville, are here to spend Christ mas with Mrs. Higgs' mother, Mrs Shields. Mr. John B. Bagley who is taking a course in textile studies at the A & M College in Raleigh, is home for the holidays. Prof. L. R. Mills, ot Wake Forest, is here spending the holidays with his son, Mr. J. G. Mill, and his daughter, Mrs. Claude Kitchin. Mr. S. F. Dunn has been in Rich mond several days at the bedside ot his brother, Mr. A. S. Dunn, who has been critically ill in a hospital there for two weeks. Mess. Edwin Josey, Wait Bagley and Wilson Price, students at Wake Forest, and Mr. Hugh Johnson who is a law student there, come hone seme days ago to spend the holidays. Misses Kate and.BessieFutrell, Emi ly S. Biggs, Annie Josey and Nonie Willi ford came Tuesday from the Bap tist Female University at Raleigh to spend the holidays at heme. Mr. Rom Bryan, rho has been some months in the West, came home last Friday. He went as far as Seattle and saw a good deal of the West, and was favorably impressed with some parts of the: country. Rev. M. L. K -.'-r Resigns!. Rev. M. L. V- ,'-.-.ti p;,,-! m of ihe B&pti&t church, ko was called to the r a? - -it cr J Morgan ton Baptist oh t Tr r- sail was a surprise to him ; ikI y ' i reached his address hep? he wa sway.-.t the Baptist State Coaverjtio.;. When he returned home ir st Friday ;ie had not decided wbetb-r or rot fo would ac cept the call. Du.'.ng Siturday be reached a deci uor. to accer the call to AJorgantei.. Sunday in -ling be die! not preach a ruiar serra but gave un interesting account of 3i.ttist State Conven tion at Cha' :.- . At tie conclusion of bis rem ' n hand-id to the elerk a comaiun tioa s-nd retired. When the cote mi :'.vluv, vat, read it proved to be tlr. ;v :i!sr hv: znation, which came Hie . !',:unr.r ,.p from a clear sky to moc i;H isgatlon. Many of his nse Tiber ;-: , . not even heard that IVfi" TrS r- A K . 3 . Morganton. nation : LETTERS TO SANTA CjuAUS. The Commonwealth promised the children last week to print their letters to Santa.Claus. They believe in him and are confident that he reads The Commonwealth. Doubtless he will read each little letter addressed to him through these columns, and is full rich enough to supply every want ot the blessed army ol expectant children Vfay each little tot feel rich tomor row a ad have a Merry Christmas ! WANTS A POLL, A TRUNK AND SOME CANDY. Scotland Neck Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me a doll and a trunk and bring me some candy. Sadie Kitchin. WANTS A BUREAU AND WASHSTAND. Haseell N C Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a bureau and wash-stand, and a doll that will go to sleep, also candles and lots of sweet things. Fondly Louisk Salsbury. o-yiov iff was the resig- m resignation of I b ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A Ji jX is the value of H. A. Tisialo, Rnaarcrr ton, S. C, places on PaVm's Wi ch Hszel Salve. Ho says ': '! ha.! the piles for twenty yetrs. T tried many doctors and msdiemes, lro all failed except Pi Wia's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured cie." It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients ; re lieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding, itcb!ag, and protruding pile3, sores, iuts, bruises, eczsma, salt rheum and ail skin diseases. Sold by E. T. Whithead & Co. Schools Take HoHJay. Tha graded schools suspend for the holidays Weduesay, the 23rd, inst. Wors will be resumed Monday, Janu ary 4tb, 1904. All who expect to en ter for the spring work are urged to be present on that day. Any delay means a loss of time. There are many other chi dren who ought to be here. Let a'l be in piomptly after the holidays and begin the new year tor success. C. W. Wilson, Supt. . TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take LsxativigBromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refaad um money the Scotland 3i Btist church, In order to take cbji , ? 0f h6 church at Morgnnton, to t, tiTedat as early a date can be de:.iel upon com mittea appaintedfor such p- r: ?e. "Yo-y. paf-tcr; "Dfc. 20,1903'-; Tbe resun,!vp waa c:oc U-J inuch terms thai the church i-war-ed ta feel there was nothing to da bet wept it, especially alter ,.Bonie one stated that Mr. Kesler haj already accepted the call to Mjrganton. There is general deep regret at Mr. Eesler's resign on both by the mem bers ol hi-' own church, tbe members of other ohnpihes, and by the people who are memocrfl of no church at all. Mr. Kesier i . favorite with all the people here sna during the three years he hts been pastor of the Baptist church f t has been held in the highest esteem by me entire community. Mr. Kesler appreciates the many expressions of regret at his resignaticn, but he feels impressed to go to M r ganton. He will ieaye Scotland Nek probably about the middle of Janua.y. Entertainments at Graded School. The music department of the graded school has begun a series o! students' recitals to be given every two weeks, at which only tbe music pupils will be present. The first of these took place Thureday, 17th. Public monthly re citals will also be given in tbe audito rium of tbe school building. Notice of programmes will be published later. REVOLUTION EMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt And serious trouble in vour svsieai is nervousness, sleeplessness and stomac h j upsets. Xiieciriu iiitcio yni 4umiy dismember the troublesome causes. It nevsr fails to tone the stomach, regu late tbe Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50o, and that is etaroed II it don't WANTS-Jk TRUNK AND A STOVE. Hassell, N. C. dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me a doll trunk, doll stove, &c. Affectionately Julia Cheery Salsbuby. WANTS A CARRIAGE AND A FINGER RING. Scotland Neck, N. C. Dear Santa Claus Bring me a doll carriage and a anger ring and soforth Lena SaiiTH Cherry WANTS A PONY, dear Santa Pleas bring me a little ponny a nice bridle and a suit ot cloths nlease ttont forget J"apa and mama Harvey Potman WANTS A SUIT OF CLOTHES. Scotland Neck, N. C, Dec 18 1903 Dear Santa Claus : bring me a suit of clothes and a drum and some confectionaries. Your little friend. Wilmer Hopkins. ASKS FOR A GOAT. Dear Santa Claus Bring me a goat some Harness pair plow lines Mr Henderson sayes if tbe goat comes down his chimney in his room Its his goat you bring him to Douglas room with a roap on him bring me some Apples oranges candy and nuts I don't fight sister now I am a good boy. Douglas Lawrence. DESIRES PISTOL AND FIRECRACKERS. Scotland Neck N C Dec 19 1903 Dear Uncle Santa Clause you have ben so kind to me for good many years I hope you will continue on. bring me a pistol and some fire works candy and nuts, please remember rr,y little brother. Sammie Moore. WANTS GOOD THINQS. Hobgood, N. C, Dec. 19, '03. Dear Santa Claus I want you to bring me a plain ring and some nuts, raisins and some apples and oranges, candy, a doll and a carriage. I am eight years old. good night. Marian White. RUBBER BOOTS FOR HIM. Hobgood, N. C, Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me a pair of rubber boots 8nd a Buster Brown book. I am 6 years old. Chauncey Leggett. PROPOSES TO BE A CYCLIST. Hobgood, N. C, Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus I want some nuts, candy, raisins, oranges, fire crackers, roman candles, and a bycycle. Good bye. William P. White, Jr. ASKS FOR A DOLL. Scotland Neck N C Dec 18 1903 Deor SaDta Claus Please bring me a doll carriaea and a big doll baby dressed in white with a niece of pink ribbon around her va;? like or e miss maud showed me at morriseta Loyingly Leon a Boyette. A GO-CART THE THING. Hobgood, N. C. Deo. 21 1903. D jar San;-a Claus please bring us a go-cart and 3o:ne firs .vorks. If you think that you will have enough money left you might me some other things but bring the jjo-cart anyway Buddy wants a box of tools be sure to bring a horn a peace and som fire works. Your little friends Ha,;3!i and Frasils Armstrong. 5 USIC BOX ASKED FOR. Hobgood N C Dec 21 1903. Dear Santa Claus ' I want you to bring me a music box, and some nuts and apples. I want you to bring me a gun it you can. I am nine now. now I must close. Your loving little boy, Hubert Cox. Dear desires a little bell. Hobgood N C Dec. 21. 1903. mta Claus. 1 want you to bring me a little carrls t e and a doll and a litle Bed i want you to bring me a litle BaBy a little Bell I am eix years old. Hellene White WRITES FOR CUP AND SAUCER. Spring Hill N. O. Dec 18 1903 Vnil tl VtM r tr mA a yjt and lauser a picture a doll trunk pair ot kid gloves and a doll lamp and ao- Dear Santas I want WANTS NUTS AND ORAKGE8. Dear Santa Claus pies bring me a work Box and a Flat Iron and a lamp and som nuts too, and som apples too and oranges ! Bessie Dickens December 18 1703 noah's ark for one. Scotland Neck, N. C. Dec. 21st, 1903. Dear Santa Claus : . Please bring me Noah's Ark, a drum some confectioneries and fire works. Robert Madry. skates, rubber boots and a goat. 14 Franklin St. Corry, Pa. Dear Santa Claus. Will you bring me a pair of skates, rubber boots, sled and a story book. Carl says bring him a real billy goat like Jimmie Shields and a mule that can go as fast as uncle Johnnie's horse. Your little friend, Joseph Pope. wants a doll too, Scotland Neck, N. C. Dec. 21, 1903. Dear Old Santa Claus I send you a Christmas greeting and hope you will not forget to come to see me. I want you to bring me a doll and doll cradle, and a little rock Ing chair for myself. Be sure to bring me some candy and fruits. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. From little Alma May Braswell. wants A TRAINS Scotland Neck N C Dec 21 1903 Dear Santaclause Bring me a toy train and some Fire crackers and some Christmas can dy Guthrie Madry A LITTLE POET (?) Dawson, N. Car. December 21, 1903. Dear Santa Claus : I will write you a note To tell you what to bring, A nice little tricycle, Is the very first thing. And then I want a piano, Just as white as snow, With a little row of keys ; Oh ! Santa, you know. I want a hammer, too, If you just can, I must learn to work, For I'm Grandpa's man. I want some candy and bananas And a nice little ball, Ob ! Dear Santa Claus, I believe that is all. P. S Now, Santa, I won't be greedy, But you are so free, .Please bring a rattle box For Buddie Marlon Lee. Your little friend, Willie Boyd Quincy. WANTS A. B. C.'g. Scotland Neck Dec 19 1903 Dear Santa claus bring a book with A B C in it, and a doll and a doll carriage and a lot of pretty things Susie Bracy WANTS A RED APPLE. dear Santa please send me a great big red apple and other goodies. Lillian Earle Partine Dawson N C WANTS PISTOL AND NEGRO TOES. - Deo 19, 1903 My Dear Santa Clause We are little boys who love you dearly and want you to bring us a pis tol and three boxes of caps to shoot and bring Jese a horse and wagon and tbe little baby a rattler ; and some can dies and mger toes. Your little boys Marion and Loyd Partine Dawson, N. C. wishes a bird. Scotland Neck Dec 19 1903 Dear O'd Santa Pleas bring me an A B C book with a lot of pretty things in It, and a bird and a good many nice things your little friend Lucy Bra ley. Scotland Neck Graded Graded School Observed North Carolina Day. On Friday afternoon, Dec. 18, 1903, the pupils cf the Graded School met for the first time in the Assembly Hall where"North Carolina Day" was observ ed by appropriate exercises. The ob ject of North Carolina Day is to give the pupils of every school in the State a more general knowledge of North Carolina history and to encourage a more loyal love for the "Old North State. The subject for this year was Care Fear Section. The programme, consisting of recitations, declamations, readings, instrumental solos and cho ruses, was rendered by the pupils of the Sixth, Seventh, Eight and JNinth grades. Only a short time had been given to preparing tbe programme.but each part was well done and much en joyed by tbe whole school. IT KEEPS THE FEET WARM AND DRY. Ask today for Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Chilolalns, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Aching, Damp feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 2a. Entertained KetCIas. Tt Frldav nieht Prof. C. W. Wil son entertained his Baraca Bible class the Scotland Neck Hotel. The en tertainment was Irom 9 to 11 o clock. About forty-five were present and a few the claes could not attend, uysters and coffee were served. Mr F. P. Shields, as toast master. noise to the topic, "The Baraca Class " 1 TIT A He ealled otner speaicere mr. w . a. Dunn who responded to "The Young Man's Influence. Rav m. L. Kesler responded to "The Moral Force of Education," and E. E. Hilliard spoke of "Worthy Ideals." It was a pleasant occasion and was greatly enioyed by the young men who are mreatlv Interested in the class and the study of the Bible- OCOTLAUD ZJXSC H HARKET. Dcembei 23, 1903 COUNTRY PRODUCE. COTrON 13c. PEANUTS 90c. POTATOES 50c. CORN... 75c. FODDER $1.00. PORK 9c. HAMS 18c. CHICKENS 20 to 25c. EGGS 25c. BUTTER , 25 to 30c. A COSTLY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you wili never be wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Piils for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liyer and Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'sDrug Store, Slave To Morphine From Doctor's Orders. Habit Worse Than the Disease. mm rfe. JliMlftl... hm4 4omf thrtr beat t nr. Jam. WIN..., rfDIHsa. record. They all failed until om 4tctor prescriked-- IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. Mr. WHkei write In the coarse of a long letter, dued August IS, 1902: Mr lejt were drawn back until my leet touched mr hips. 1 was a! helpless as babf lor nearly 12 months. The muscles ol my arms and less were hard and ehtivelcd up. I !h.manr tin,e 0Ter- Waf treated by six different physicians in McColl. Dillon nd Marion, but none of them could dome any good, until Hr. J. P. Ewine. of Dillon, Mid ase to try your RHEUMACIDE. I began to take it, and before the first bottle was used on I began to get better. I used 51 bottles and was completely cured." Dr. I. P. Ewing confirms Mr. Wilkes' statement in every particular. mee tsiil bottle sent on application to BOeeiTT CHEMICAL CO.. PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE. MB X, FOR SALE BY E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. When the nervous system has been shat tered by the use of deadly drugs there is nothing to equal Dr. Miles' Nervine in restor ing it to health and normal activity. "I feel so grateful for what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine has done for me that I must tell it for that part of humanity that suffers as I have. During the three years I suffered from nervous prostration I found no relief except when doctors gave morphine. To get rid of suffering I took morphine my. self as it was the only thing that would give ease, and now you, who point with scorn at morphine using, how could you, when in such agony, knowing it about the only thing that would give relief, resist it? I knew it was a terrible habit and I knew of its deadly grasp, but I never fully realized its signifi cance until I had used it a number of months. Oh, the misery of being addicted to such a habit. I resolved then and there to quit it and resolved I would never be a slave to any such demon. About this time I happened to notice Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine adver tised and ordered a bottle. After using five bottles I can truthfully say I am cured of using morphine. Now, however much per sons may doubt it, God is my witness I am cured. This testimonial is unsolicited but I feel it my duty to give it for the benefit of the suffering." Mattie Phillips, Prescott, Ark. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. BILIOUS COLIC PREVENTED" Take a dose of Chamberlaln'a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as 'soon as the first indication of tbe dis ease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds ol peo ple use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. C-6 Xias Uoois And Other Things ! iUR Xmas are now in Goods and they are going fast. Come and get what you want while they last. Besides these there are many other things that 3rou may need in your house. We wish yon a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. W. ALLSBROOK, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Administrator's Sale of Personal Property. I shall sell for ccsli at auction at the Pine Tree Farm on Poanoi-e rivei, on tha 18 h day ol January, lt'01, n lfirge J lot of Mules, sums Horses. Cattb, llos, Corn, Fodder, Peanut Vines", Cotton ' Seed, Carts, Wagotjs and Farming Im- 'plementn. Thu Dec. K, 1!0:' Dec.15,1903. J. P. VI?.1PKHLF.Y ' 12-1 7-4t Adrn'r C. T. l.;nvicrci. KKKHCMH XRI1A GHEE TING! To our many Friends and Customers: We wish to say that we have a nice lint! of use ful articles for Christmas, such as Garland Cook Stoves, Favorite Heaters, Turkey and Partridge Roasters, Guns, Hunting Coats, Leggins, Buggies,. Harness, Sad dles, and so forth. You Will do well to invest some of your Xmas money in some of these useful articles. We guarantee satisfaction in every trade made with. us. We have endeavored to handle such goods as our customers needed, and in dealing "square and fair" in "facts and figures," and by so doing our trade has substantially increased. We thank you all for your confidence and- liberal trade, and wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy, Pros perous New Year. Scotland Neck, N. C WO., 0MXXKHXM0- C vW .u. u u JUUULm UUUUOUj Ar.Mwts uvw Ji iu uiu ui iwjss? uvv A r w V Is it something nice that you want? Then you can find it in the following Great Display of Holiday Goods Beautifulline of Pictures. Burnt Leather Goods in Purses, Portfolios, Card Cases, Sofa Pillows, etc. Ladies Fine Purses and Handbags. Beautiful Toilet Cases. Beautiful line of Hanging Lamps. Gold Plated Clocks. Handsome Displav of Jewelry and Silverware. Dazzling Cut Glass every piece a beauty. Sterling Silver Handle Umbrellas-up-to-date assortment A A See our Clocks that Run Four Hundred Days O ur Chamber Sets are Surpassingly Beautiful. A Christmas approaches and we have a most beautiful and at tractive collection of Christmas Goods, suitabie for Christmas Gifts and Home Adornment. A A A you don't see what you want call for it anyway. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. i S. .VV v. N. 3v A A A A A A A r ' mm-- - - , -nr'n Jiui,

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