i rr t . ADVEET.SINQ BUSINESS WHAT STEAM 13 Machinery, That Gekat Propelling Power. The . Commonwealth. E. E. HIL.L.IARD, Editor and Proprietor "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. VOL. XX. Sew Scrlcs-Voi; 6. (6-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1904. NO 2 IF YCU AhE AlilSULH 10V Witt ADVERTISE i JTOGB Business. 5E'I OCK AD7ERTISSMSSr IN ROW KM Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the best, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. I hare found that Ayert Cherry Pectoral i the best medicine I can prescribe for bron chitis, influenza, coughs, and hard colds." M. Lookmah, M.D., Ithaca. N. T. 25c., SOC $1-00. All druggists. for 3. C. AVER CO., Iowell. Muss. Bronchitis j Correct any tendency to constipa- i small doses ct a vers mis. tion with ! Do You Enjoy What You Eat? Yn can eat whatever and whenever yon Kke If yon take Kodol. By tho uae of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what Is more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of dieeitants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact. It contains, in assimilative form, the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. ' Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and aB disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. Eott'escnly. Reenter size. $1.00. holding 2K times toe trial size, which sells for 50 cents, Prsrand by E. O. DeWITT A OO., Ohicago, Ufa E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clctmtei and beautifies the bail; . lnxuriant ffTOwth. Kever Fails to Restore Ormj ii.au to lis X OUT ill Ul voior. Cures Bcolp diseases hair fating. & j, and 81. VQet Druggist PROFESSION ALTJ i R. A.C. LIVEBMOir, Dentist. OFPicE-Over New Whlthead Building Office hoars from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to o' clock, p. in. SCOTLAND NECK, N. O. n U D R. J. P. WIMBERLJSi, OFFTCB BTtlOK HOT5TL, SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. R. H. SMITH. STUART H. SMITH gillTH & SMITH, A TTORNE YS- A. TLA IF. Staten S'.d'g. over Tyler & Outterbridge Scotland Neck.N. C. A.DUNN, A TTORN E Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Necx, N. C. Practices wherever his services are eauired DWABD L. TRAVI&, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. F$Toney Loaned on farm Lands. I The Sunny South" I FREE! I V 1 ' jjj How to got It! I A POSTAL CARD g Sent today costs one cent & toUl bring to you And your six neighbors, whose names and g addresses you send us 1 oa..5onnx..Soutb. Xf for the current issue. Send only Heads of Families. 4 This Is the South' Great literary Weekfcr. 5 published at Atlanta. Ga.. nly m a 5 year. Circulation now over lifoo. : The samole codv you receive wttl ataka you a regular Sunny South Reader.' The 85 raper is not devoted to news, but literature. A romance, fact and fiction, and gives the best - of all within Oils wide field. The saost noted if) southern writers are aBonf Its contributors.' Si Two good senais are arways m from pens of national fame. ' t n - T7f Sannr cstl 0 the life of the treat south. The genial r shine warms everything kits activity, and the season hi never cold eaoegsi to check the O hand of Industry. The paper comes fragrant; with the breath of fhe magnoBa and ptne. a rtveaoat theverv air of the orange, pels A and bay. The beauty no H romance and mystery of the mm stores OD the golden sunshine if. the cotton whitens in the moonlight, win be riven In the well-filled columns of this fasd- ?5 natlng weekly. f .t.nd on av Postal Casd 5 names and addresses of alz of yewraeigh- bors who would appreciate the opportunity to S rud a copy of The Sunny Sooth, aad m XI sample will M auuiea me Address eml uemmumainara m EISURE Jiouis. OBSERVATIONS OF PASSING EVENTS. The Smithfield Hebalp makes the following observation concerning the great work of temperance in North Carolina during the jear of 1903 ; and it is proper to ray that many papers in the A Great Texnpsranca State ,lke Tbe Heraidf whiCh seek to further t ear : r. tbLcst interests oi the people iaye had much . to do i with briDging about this gratifying condition. The Herald says: The temperance movement made greater progress in North Carolina dur ing the year just closed than in any five years of its previous history. Should the temperance people wage Avar during 1904 as incessantly, and with the same determination, as they did in 1903, 1905 will see scarcely a saloon in the State. The results obtained during 1903 show what the peo ple can do vhen they band themselves together with a determination to rid the State of such a great evil. May the day speedily come when not a saloon will open its doors in North Carolina." And every true lover of the people and the people's good will be glad to see it in 1905 as the Her ald predicts Let the wort not cease but let the whole line of battle be re cruited. t t X X It is oitentimes tbe case that an advantage is pressed too far This seeras to be the case with the tobacco trust as suggested in the following eaiiorial paragraph by the Richmond News Leader : "Tbe Pressed tOO tobacco r trust has begun to kill out the gocse that lays the golden egg, or rather tbe geese that raise the golden leaf. South Carolina newspapers say that farmers in the tobacco growing section of that State have datcrmined to abandon tobaccoTntirely aud confine their attention to cotton. This determination is caused partly by the high price and fine prospects for cotton, but an additional reason is that farmers feel that they have been plundered by the tobacco trust and absolutely held up and made to tell their product at absurdly low prices because of absence of competition in buying. Therefore, they will turn their attention elsewhere and leave the tobacco trust to find its raw material where it can. If this movement becomes general, the tobacco buyers may find that their own rapacity has brought its punishment, because tobacco will be so scares that it must be dear." $ X X X Newspaper readers remember that but recently this silly but popular question went the rounds of the press. The Commonwealth has not asked the question before and has not tried to answer HOW Old is Ana? tf and would not mention : it now but ior tbe fact that it has at last landed an important personage in trouble and we venture to asi the silly question and give the result of its olt repetition as a sort of warning to people against meddling with what does not concern tbem. We clip the following story from The Commoner : "According to the New York Tribune, 'this teacher is on probation and in grave danger of losing his situation, because he insists that Ann is eighteen years old and the trustees know better. Tbe teacher gave tho problem to the pupils and demonstrated clearly by algebra and plain arithmetic that Ann must be eighteen. The children took the problem home and one of the trustees discovered that Ann was twelve couldn't be anything else. He called the other trustees in council and convinced them of the correctness of that conclusion. Likewise, the school teacher was proved to be, if not an idiot, an ignoramus, unfit to teach anybody 'b children. The trustees put the al ternative of resignation before the teacher if be could not reduce Ann's age by six years. But the teacher refused to change bis figures, and appealed to the county superintendent to keep him in his position. There the ques tion harigs'at present- The teacher is stiff-necked and unaccommodating. He should consider the wise adaptability oi the pedagogue who said he had that the earth was round or .flat as the no fjiejuuiOTo -- school trustees prelerred. " tttt The following communication from Greensboro appeared in the News and Observer recently, and; it 1b interesting reading about a disease that is becoming quite common : ''The death of Dr. a.oatsi IS AppsnolCltlS Caldwell from an operation for appendicitis, has Inadequacy. . "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities." In all the songs that ho has wrought, What poet finds faia highest thought? That thought eludes the sublest art Of human singer to. impart. But if, in song of yours or mine, Is symbolized that thought divine, The Spirit, greater tban all art, Will thenne ths thought itseit impart. Edwin R: Chamflin. V Why Russia and Japan Atlanta Constitution. J ATE ST advices appear to make it a sure thing that Russia aad Japan will have to fasht out their collision of interests in Korea and Manchuria There is a common expectation, a'so, that when they go to fighting quick occasions will be given fcr involving their allies, France going to the aid of Russia and England meeting her treaty obligation to Japan to reinforce hei when attacsed by more than a tingle power. After that may coina the bloody deluga over both Asia and Europe. To understand how the present sit uation in tbe Orient has been produced and to iollow intelligently future events in that quarter, a summary cf the sev eral steps from the Chino-Japanese war to the present time is necessary. At the conclusion of the Chino Jap anese war, when the powers were lop ping off certain valuable belongings ol China, England taking over Wei-IIal-Wei, Germany seizing Kiaochou aisd Russia occupying Port Arthur on the pretense of aiding the building o! Lei railway from Harbin, in eastern Si beria, to that port, it fell to Japan to have her riht to precedence of. in fluence in Korean affairs recognized. PROiirecr physicians USE 'AND ENDORSE PE-RU-NA. Wed&ng Misfits. ' Staunton News. One of the misfits of civilization that causes no little concern among those delightful creatures, prospective and actual brides, is the duplicated bridal present. Just at that important crisis in life when everything is expected to move withoura hitch, along comes a distant cousin with a solid silver soup ladle for tbe lovely bride, after some eight or ten soup ladles of varying pat terns have already been received and la mented over. Or H is an asparagus fork that brings up the rear of some half-dozen other oddly-shaped pieces of I the same general design. Just every day silver knives, forks and spoons are passed ever by each purchaser of a bri dal present becausa be or she is morally sure that other seekers after such yifts have already sent in enough of the.-e liaofnl articles- to stock a hotel. The U tht h! th brid mav rp.r"ung 1Joxer revolution ivusria quietly occupied tne wno'e 01 Man churia aad began to make preparations for the permanent possession of th-U province. This called for protest?, es pecially from Japan and the United States the latter having exacted no possession in China but only the recog nition of lha "open pcifs" policy as to trade and safe residence for all cations Russia promised us an cQietal corres pondence to evacuate Manchuria on October 8 kst. She broke that prom ise. On the same day of that breach v.e obtained a treaty convention to open the ports of Mukden and Antung, in Manchuria. Oar senate ratified the treaty, but Russia is preventing its rat- Contagious caused much discussion here as tolhe frequency of fatalities of this kind in Winston for the past twelve months. That city, Greensboro and High Point seem to form a triangle, in which the disease has been peculiarly and distressingly troublesome during that period, with tbe storm center of malignity at Winston-Salem. The death rate from op erations is something terrible. At the local hospital here, there has never been a death from appendicitis, three patients having been discharged as cured last week. Nearly all the deaths in the three towns mentioned for the past year have been from appendicitis. A physician here says that as a rule when patients are sent off they are past help. Discussing the cause of bo much appendicitis, another physician present advanced the opinion that U was a germ dieease, and Bald he was not afraid to hazard his pro fessional reputation on the prophecy lhat in less than fiye years the pro fassion would recognize tbe germ theory. He declared that it was conta gious, instancing one town where every case, out ot a great many, bad been .iil'j . ..n.ni.iinmmnnitT. A lavman Dresent gave roller mill connneu wj a - . flour as the cause, while anotbersaid it was a result of too high living, es pecially in eating quantities of meats and highly seasoned food. What ever the cause, it seems that U is last becoming a scourge of no mean pro ' p0rtl: n ? It has often occurred to this correspondent, that the physicians in these three communities at least, eyen taking in Charlotte, would insti tute a specific line of investigation into the cause o its prevalence, and peculiar malignly in the communities named. The' government, which sends out experts to investigate the canse for disease of the vegetable and animal world, might be induced to sen experts and aid In the investiga tion. It certainly is a serious matter, when It is considered that within twel ve months nearly a hundred, otherwise healthy, robust middle aged ' people have been called from earth in a radius of less than thirty miles, from the same trouble, and as many more perhaps have been at deaths door. The ravages of even a small-pox epidemic is nothing in comparison. - II there is any local cause, each as water, atmosphere, contagion, a particu lar kind oi food, or bread of merchandise, used 10 these particular places, it irottldto.jr. blearing Out, besides the ceive half a dozen, ct even a dozen, of these always uselu! articles lrom some over-practical friend or relative, the chances are there uill be two odd f.nd mostiy useless articles to one of the thoroughly useful and practical. What is the remedy far this disap pointment that lasts the -bride through hie, for she never ceases to regret the duplicated bridal presents?. In fact, is there a remedy, or must this misdi rection of good istentiocs continue world without end, putting a fly in the ointment of every bride that is to be? Isn't it 'possible that the law of tbe survival of the fittest and the ultimate destruction of the jufittssl shall apply in the selection of bridal presents as in the other affairs of life ? Surely there mu6t be some way to make this prac tice conform to practical common sens.. Some people in flespair of doing the rigbt thing enclose a check to the bank, with the prayer that she shall buy something to suit herself. This is, in deed, a practical solution of the diffi culty, and is not a bad one, but it !s a little prosaic and lacking in sentiment, and therefore not to be generally ad opted for an occasion so full of senti ment. We have a suggestion to offer that seems to touch the spot. If adopted there would be no more difficulty and all the money spent in presents would be made to go the farthest and produce th best results. It is this : When a prospective, bride isenda ,out her wed ding invitations et her enclose the card o! some discreet person designated as referee. Then when tho invited sets out to purchase a wedding present let him or her write to the refree naming two or more articles, one of which he or she thinks of purchating as a pres ent. The referee will then mark off any article already proposed, keeping a list of articles. In this way duplica tion to excess will be avoided and the giiis will cover a Wider range, with the result of greatly increasing the pleas ure of the bride. As the act is mainly to add to the happiness of the bride everybody ought to be glad to fall in with the scheme. Of cpurse, the re!e ree will never mention to tho bride what gifts she or be thinks are coming and the element of surprise will not be lacking. Who says this is not a good scheme? C.B. CHAHBERLIN OF WASHINGTON .D.C. C. I!. Chambcrlin, M.D., writes from Uth and P Sts., Washirglon, D. C: Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna hes benefited and .cured. Therefore, I cheerfully recommend it for catarrh and a genera! tonic. " C. B. CHAMDBRLIN, M. D. Cancer Cured by Violet Leaves, fication by China. Japan, meanwhile, seeing the promised permanency cl tussia in Manchuria and a menace to her supremacy in Korea, protested and demanded that Russia should keen her contract rot to remain in Manchuria and threaten aggressions in Korea. Be cause Rusbia refuse? to answer that demand frankly tbe Japat.ese 33 no way to protect their rights than to hr.-afpn war with Russia. And there s the whole story in short moter. It teems certain that a Rossc-Japa ncse war is inevitable. At tbe first of it Japan will have many advantages over Rursia and if she can fight fast and plenty may be able to bsat the Muscovite back across ihe Macchuiian northern jead-lino. But if Russia can prolong the conflict and gradually s-racgthen herself by reinforcements from her western fields she can probab ly decimate f.nd fiaally wear out the passionate and nervous little brown soldier.-?. Yet the question which is far more important than what either Russia or Japan can do tbe one to the other is the one of tb.3 probable spread of the conflagration to other powers. js.hcre bangs in the distributed balance of the east the possibilities of the involvment of England, France, Gsrmany, Italy and Austria and lastly of tbe United States from this side of the situation Ths op8n door policy is necessary to the future Oriential relations of this country. We want no land, but we want lihprtv of trade and that opens up a big subject. Mr. Wm. S. Craue, ol California, Md., suffered for years from rheuma tism and lumbago. Me was naany ad vised to try Chamberlain's rain .basm, which be did and it effected a complete cure. l'orsaie uj ia. x. v ui.ci.otu f!o.. - Scotland Aeck, and lgetts V . . Drug Store, llobgoou. Eleilical Examiner IT. S. Treasury, Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Tr ammer of TJ. S. Treasury Department, graduate of Co lumbia C o 1 1 e g e and who ecrved . 1 . . t ii r ts y j uaia tin West Point, has the following to say of Peruna: "Allow mo to express my grati tude to you for the benefit de rived from your wonderful rem edy. One short month has brought forth a vast chango and I now consider myself a well man after months of suffering' Pellow-suf F, V, -'"i Is7 fct Dr.' W Jordan. ferers, Peruna will euro 3011." Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Geo. C. Havener, 1.1. D., cf Anacostia, D.C., writes: The Peruna Medlcino Co., Columbus, O.l Gentlemen" In. my praclieo I bavo had occasion to frequently prcperilxj your valuablo meclizine, and bavo found its use beneficial, especially in ca.a of catarrh." Cecrgo C. Havener, M. D. If you do not receive prompt anrl ralU factory results from the 110 of IVruna,, write at onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving n full statement of your case, a'id bo will be pleased to give you bis valuablo ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartmnn, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Ask your DingR- ist for ft free IVruna Almanac for 1004. Lo'jg L5fa. SclcctcJ. A elr:"kiug peculiarity of :hoe uh ronr-h rxtrerM o'.il r.sre is ease and 1- pose of movement. Tbe healthy, vig orous old man or woman moves easily, lightly, silently speaks easily and Co liberately. Ths man who attains grei.t age is never "fussy," IV.opla speak of the calmness and delib:rateness and the power that are the result of r.ge. But in reality the calcancsj and power are not the result of age but the caue of it. The octogenarian is not calm because he is old ; he is old bec uso be 3 calm ahravslMS been calm. Tie Ut;e wcrr.iosr. straining, "hustler," shing ab:;ut aitf r the tawdry prize-, place, pelf, power, f tudyiug only ti e flaotnaUoDS-of supi ly ai-d demand, for getting that the glory ol man is not in what he has or wat he dees, but in a what bo is this little stringier snoui.1 know that by every Basp and sigh, by every flushing and -paling, by eveiy It seems impossible that so malig nant a disease as cancer can be" cured by so simple a remedy as violet leaves. Yet such a cas.e is reported by the Lon don Daily News and ihe, patient was Lady Margaret Marsbam, sister of the Earl o! Rjmney. wbo was brought to the point of death by a cancer, which defied surgery. At the suggestion of a friend, who lemembered that an old n said cancer could be cured by n nur the leaves of the violet, tbe experiment was tried. A bunch of fresh violet leaves was macerated in a quart of water and lint was soaked In the in fusion and applied to the seat of the disease, repeatedly. Tbe lady did not die and the cancer disappeared, wheth er the violets had anything to do witn the marvelous change or not. When bilious trv a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quicmy a nri-rrrwtn-dflte medicine will correct the disorder. Toraale by E. T. White- head & Co., Scotland, Heck, and Leg tfAVi Dxug Store, uobgooa. Onght To Ea Sa Everywhere. Rich Square Thnes. Rich Square cannot boast ol the number and extent of its manufactur ing establishments, but it can epeaK with pardonable pride on ihe large number of honest and successful farmers in its vicinity who are making two blades of grass grow where only one waa found a short time ago. Our farmers are living more at home than for many years, that is, they are rais ing more of the necessaries of lifo and consequently more independent. Some of our merchants sell goods on lime, but they collect in full every full. Not long ago wo beard tho beads ol two of our largest merc.ntlic firms e.iy they had never loot as much as one hundred and fifty dollars by bad debts. The ad ministrator ot the l.te J. W. JViston who died leaving an oitate worth sffi-V 000.00, all of which was accumulat d here in a period J bct t '; five years, collected i-yery cent due tbe es tate. This is considered remarkable" , t .,.,.-1. V-a "iir'nild IlisonlV. U1UU.CU li ui ' 'J .... ' . .. . . ... A..l..,.a lj A I I - - r will but study tho prea who liyc long in tho land he will note that one ol their ever-present charac teristics u cahnneis, and the deliber ate, easy movements that are pos&ible only to those who are habitually calm. . . I T .- ilia ilcc-lf nis priceless jho 1 . , . t and wise ones I consicereu. "-s" 1 cotton is not like:y to caiirO mo farmers cf Rich Square section to ror get Ibcir smokehouses and corn cribs. WONDERFUL NERVE. bivo;l bv manv a man endur- irf rains of accidental" Cuts, Wounds, C. 1 -i T . a A Bruises, Burns, ticaias, oore Stiff Joints. But there's no need ior t. nnnllfm'n Arnica i al s will Kin the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salvo on earth ior rues, io. at E. T. Whitehead & cos, iruggisi. "Look routd the habitable earth bow crood, or knowing It Bsnjimin Franklin. ; few Know thbir own pursue. The future holds no failures to the eye of faith. 1 MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY Mother Gray's Sweet Powders- ior Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, .New lorK, ireas no Colds in 21 hours, cure feverin- ileadacne, oiomacu nuumw Teethine Disorders, and uesiroy Worms. At all drug&ists, zoc. cam nle mailed FREE. Address, Alien S Olmsted, LeRoy, K Y Fast living makes fast links in tbe devil's chain. FOR OVLR SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup baa been used lor sixty years by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, alias all pain, cures wind colic, and i3 the best rrpmnrlv for Diarrhoea." It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in ever part of ,the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be SSK?8 - and J.gett's Drag Store, Hobood. CONGRATULATIONS. Mr. John H. Cullom, editor of the, Garland, Texas, .News, nas wnueu a loiter of congratulations to the manu facturers of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy as follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was n. baby he was subject to cronpr i-pella and we would Le vary uneasy ftbout bun. We began nsiug Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for cold and croup, wo have never been without It in the bouse since that time.- We have five chil dren and hare given it to all of them with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreea ble to' take a!.d our i abics really like it. Another is that it is not dangerous, and there is no rnk irom ?-v us . overdose. I congratuUta you upon the success of your remedy." or oy E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Aeck, Give vour blood is clcanii-g." Rbeu- macide clears out rll the impurities tnat make you ill. Ask your druggist. - I- ' T- nr. H. N. Stoke?, of tho United tales Geological Survey, has been appointed chemist in tho National Bureau of Standards. A VEST POCKET DOCIOll. Never in the way, no trouble to carry, easy to take, pif asant and never failing In results are DcWItt's Little Early Risers. A vial ot these little pills in the vest pocket is ;i certain giianritee against headache, biliou? nVf, torpid liver aad all of tho His re sulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen tf.o liver. Sold by L. T. Whitehead & Co. Bishop John Jautseu, of Belleville, III .who ha3 resigned UU Llsheprin will enter a Franciscr.ii mona-'tery, ibera to end his days. JUST OXjTm I N U i E. One Minute Cough Cura give? relitf in one minute, because it kills tho mi crobe which tickles the mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at tho tame time dears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation nd bea's and soothes the tftcled parts. One Min ute Cough Cure strengthens the lungp, wards off pneumonia and is a harm less snd never Isiiing cne in .uiu b'e cases of Corishs, Coldi nnd Croup. Oca Minute Cough Curo Is ploissnt to take, barm less and good alike foryuung and old. Sold by 15. T. Whitehead & Company. V.-'". mmii n 'I ntiKm ,C """"

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