The Commonwealth THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1904 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Kent. Four-room dwelling with dining room and cook-room attached. Desir ably located. Nice neighborhood Fine well of water convenient. Apply to J. S. PAULL, l-2S-tf . Scotland Neck, N. C. Fine Cotton Seed. I have some Excalsior Cotton Seed from the Excelsior Seed Farm in South Carolina, which I will trade on 3 bubei for two. I paid f 1.00 a bushel lor my seed last spring tE. H1LLTARD, K -tland Neck, N. C. AIT ANTED Trustworthy Lady or Gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for house of solid financial standing. $20 straight cash salary and exDeDses paid each Monday direct from head quarters, expense money cava need ; position permanent. Address, Mana geii, 603 Monon Building, Chicago. Wanted Several industrious neraons in each state to travel for bou?e establisfcpd ;e!even years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line. Perma nent engagement. Weekly salary of $24 and all traveling expenses and ho tel bills advanced in cash ech week. Experience not essential. Mention preference and enclose self-addressed en- yelope. THE NATIONAL, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. 2-11-St Don't Fail to See PTbe "Planet, Jr.," Riding Crhivator, rThe Labor Payer. We could not fiii Jorders for them last year but the faeto- y has been eniarged and vie can now supply our custr. roe's. THE JOSEY HARDWARE CO Hospitality at Small Expense. Entertainment that is, pleasure to rour guests does not depend on the none? you spend, but on your own knowledge of how to receive and ex end Bospitality. Christine Terhnne lerrick tells you all about it. Post mid, 50 cents E. J. CLODE, Pub lsher, 150 Fifth Ave , Sew York. Notice to Debtors. All persons indebted to me in any iay are hereby notified t make settle lent at once. MIKE HARDY. . Feb. 15, 1904. 2-18-2t New Shop. Horse Shoeing, Repairing,. Building Carts and Wagons. Keoainng of ingines and Boilers. Our Mr. Marks s experience, is talented and can and 11 please you. Give us a share of ur patronage.' Thework" musr bei ht. PRINCE & CO., 2 18-tf Scotland Netk, N. C. Wanted. We wish a copv of The Common- ELTH tor July 9, 1903. If any of readers can furnish us a copy of issue we shall be glad to pay them r their trouble. Don't Buy Pise Plow 'till yon have seen the rracuse Chillea Disc. You can easily that it is THE BEST. One of the my advantages is that you can buy a e-Disc-Plow and then change it to a io, three or four disc plow with same me, and vice versa. The Josey Hdw. Co. Fresh Candy. You can get fresh Candy all the ie at the Candy Factory on east side in street opposite M. Hoffman & ither's And it's mighty good. For Sale-Cheap. IA good second hand Sewing Ma- line in good order for sale cheap. G. C. Weeks Lg Things This Week. lorrisett Brothers are closing out fir odds and ends in Shoes at greatly luced prices. i Momsett Brothers' Special Prices (T.jmh. Ginehams. Bieachine and nburgs. Moerisett Brothers. inter Clothing and Overcoats at cost from now until March Isv MORRISETT BROTHERS. 7e are receiving daily Spring Gooda lracted for before the advance. e to sea us for your own gocd M ORRIS ETT UROTEEES. the American Beauty Corset take ten guesses at the handsome ic Box. Examine it ana tafce tee m. The best $1.00 Corset cn the ;6t. MORR'SEIT BROTHERS. Lwards & Co. Special Bargains. ie ear load of Meat, one car load and Oats, a'l bought prior to the v.Tan war. . ir load of Fre3h Cotton Seed Hulls Cotton Seed Meal just arrived wish to say to our friende that we these all the year iouna ireen ana it for their milk cows. ng lot of Farming Utensils just ar id, such a Champion A Plows', Champion Plows, Climax Cotton rs, Hoes, snoveis, rucu .rui&e, is, etc., all which re going at hot- prices. dozen Men's Unlanndried White in Bosom Shirts being offered at a it BoKrifira tn oAcim them out. U io iha timn to hnv vour Blank - jrad Bed Quilts. We want to close what we have leir ana are cuiuug o uair iu vw on't forget that we are closing our ets ont at New York cost, reat sacrifice in Winter Clothing Ladies' Cloaks and Wraps to make i lor our Spring Stock, uive us a and be convinced- Edwards fc uo. , PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks, Mr. D. F Hi nes spent some time in ayaen last week. Mrs. T. W. Fenner, of " Halifax, has oeen here some days on a visit. MFss Ida Lewis, of Richmond, has recently paid a visit bee to her pa rents,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis. Mrs. J. U. Branch, of Enfield, has f . . - . . oeen nere tnis week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Applewhite Mrs Claude-Kitchin who has been on a visit. o her father, Prof. L. R. Mills of Wake Forest, has returned acme. Mr. J. B. Jones and family went to Littleton some days ago. Mr. Jones has returned, but Mrs. Jones is still theie. Mr. J. A. Perry went to Roanoke Rapids to-day to visit his son and daughter, Mr. J. D. and Miss Helen ierry. Capt. Whit Hill, of Rocky Mount, has been here this week on a visit. He nas been in the hospital in Richmond !or treatment for rheumatism, but Is now improving. Mr. Thurman Kitchin came horns from Wake Forest Friday. Saturday he accompanied his brothers, Mess. J. A. Miid R. V. Kitchin on a trip to Wash ington and Baltimore. Presitoxg Elder Will Preach. Presiding Elder G I'. Smith will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday, morning and night. Mr. Bell Referee Mr. D. Bell, of Enfield, was here a day last week as referee in a suit between Mr. J. O Lewis and the North Carolina Lumber Co. Hi rt by the Train A colored wo man was struck by the train near Til lery Sunday afternoon and painfully, but not very severely hurt. She was taken on the train and brought to Scot land INeck and a physician summoned to attend her. Will Remain Here Mr. Albion Dunn who seemed his license to prac tice law Eorne days ago will remain for some months with his father, Mr. W. A. Dunn Not having become twenly oae vear3 old, he is not yet allowed by law to enter upon the practice alone. Caught Their Men Mr. C. W. Dunn, accompanied by Mr. R. W. Pittman, spent most of Tuesday night on the river near Neal seeking to cap ture two negroes who were wanted in Bertie county. They succeeded and brought in their men about three o'clock Wednesday morning. Later Mr. Dunn took them to Bertie by way of Palmyra. Wake Forest College Glee Club and - Orchestra, Will appear in Opera House Thurs day night, February ISth Wake Forest Glee Club and Orches tra Talcott W Brewer, Manager. Glee CjuK Darius Eatman, Musical Diiector ; Hubert M. Poteat, Leader. First Tenor F. K. Cooke, M. L. Davis, D Eatman, J W. Whisnant. Second Tenor F. II. Bland, T. W. Brewer, G. S. Foota, C. A. Leonard. First Bass 3. W. Bagley, G. W. Coggln, II. M. Poteat, C. P. Weaver. Second Bass O. W. Kiag, B. D- Mc Daniel, B. L. Powers, W. H. Weather spoon. Orchestra James J. Thomas, Jr., Leader. Fsrsfc Violin, J. J- Thomas, Jr. ; Sec ond Violin, T. W. Brewer; Double Bass, B. J. Ray ; Clarinet, L. E. Bald win ; First Cornet, G M.Trammell ; Sec ond Cornet, O. W. King ; Trombone, S. W. Bagley ; Drum, B. L. Powers ; Piano, H. M. Poteat. Program PART I. 1. Here's to Wafce Forest Words by C. P. Weaver. 2. Ga'a Parade Le Blanc Or chestra. 3. Trombone Solo "If Only You Were Mine." Victor Herbert. Mr. Poteat. 4. Song of the Bee Parks Glee Club. 5. Violin Solo "Son of Puszta" Op. 131, No. 2, Keler BelaMr. Thomas. ) (a) Sweet Katherine Jones C. U0 My Flo T i n s m a n n Glee Club 7. Piano Solo Marche Militaire Scbubert-Tausig Mr. Poteat. PART II. 1. Blaze Away Abe Holzman Orchestra. 2. In the Golden Long Ago Stultz Mr. Davis. 3. . Violin Solo Angel's Serenade Braga Mr. Poteat. 4. Quartette The Pope Messrs. Powers, Poteat, Dayis, Fatman. 5. Kentucky Babe Adam Geibel Glee Club. ' 6. Violin Duet Symphony in F iOp. 74 V. Moret Mr. Thomas and Mr. Poteat. . ' 7. Overture Eldorado Bo w m a a Orchestra. 8. Stein Song-Gustay Luders Mr. Coolie and Glee Club. A Bngnt Boy. A conespondent from Brinkleyville who does not give his full name, but initial letter, s ivs that there is a bay in that community who is eight " . . 1 I .A. years old, has been to scnooi oniy iwu days and can read a newspaper well. Dr. Hyatt Coming. Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in Scotland Neck at the Brick -Hotel February 22nd. 9.3rd and 24tb, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, for the purpose of treating diseases of the eye, ear, noee and throat and fitting glasses. Will Speak in Greenville. m- w A Tnnn will sneak in Green Ttiio TTrirfnv nsirht of this week in the interest of a dispensary for that town. Mr. Dunn has studied the temperance ...odinn oll and the oeople of Green ville are fortunate in having an oppor tunity to hear him. tt TTRRPS THE FEET WARM AND DRY. a i. io f.-r Allen'n Foot-Ease, a JXOl twuuj - - nowder. It cures Chilblains, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Aching, Damp feet. At all druggists and shoes stores, i&c. Mr. S. O. Purvis Captured Randal Pittman. A colored man named Randal Pitt man ten days ago or more shot and killed his sweetheart's sister in Tarboro because she would not let her sister marry him. Mr. S. O. Puryls who lives a few miles from Scotland Neck cap tured Pittman. The Tarboro Southerner, gives the following account of his capture : " Mr. Purvis who lives just beyond the Edgecombe line, in Halifax .coun ty, did not know Randal Pittman, but be hai heard of the tragedy enacted here Saturday, so when one of the col orea men on nis place told nim of a strange negro wanting to cross Fishing Creek, and had asked if certain tracks in the path were not made by white people, his suspicions were aroused and he started to look for the man whom he learned had spent the night on his place. "He found him in a house on his lower farm ready to eat breakfast, or had already eaten. As Mr. Purvis en tered the house with two or three col ored men he asked Pittman if he would give up. Promptly the reply came, 'No.' With equal celerity Mr. Purvis leveled bis shot gun and then the man quickly said, 'Yes.' "He then made the man go with him to his house, where he ordered biEi buggy made ready and soon was on his wa3 to this place. "Mr. Purvis says that Pittman stout ly denied his identity until he passed Lawrence, where he was recognized. Then he admitted that he was the man and expressed his sorrow for the deed that he had committed, perpetrated, he said, because after buying bis furniture, etc., the woman, under persuasion from her people, would not marry him. "When the town was reached he asked to be taken a back street for fear that some of the friends of the mur dered woman would shoot him. Mr. Purvis assured him that Main street was the safest course, and also that no harm should come to him till he had seen him safe in jail. These assurances partially quieted him so that he made no further protest." Hear the Wake Forest Glee Club. Editor .Joseph us Daniels, of the News and Observer, spent some time at Wake Forest last week, and wrote as follows about the Glee Club, which will appear m Futrell s opera house Thursday night, Feb. 18th : "The Glee Club is the best in the history of the college. Dr. F. K.Cooke, who has heard some of the best college glee clubs in the country, says that he has never heard one that equalled the present glee clnb of Wake Foiest. Its performance here on Thursday night delighted the large audience. The club will next week visit Louisburg, Oxford, Greenville, Weldon, Scotland Keck and other places. Later on I hope tbey will giye Raleigh a date, for ths people of the capital city would be charmed with their entertainment. The club is under the direction of Prof. Darius Eatman. The leader of the or chestra is Mr. J. J. Thomas, Jr., of Ral eigh, who has talent of the highest or der talent that amounts to genius. He can, with his violin, just simply make you think you hear the birds sing ing in the blossoms of an apple tree on a spring morning. And he can make you feel that way with the snow frozen bard on the ground ana the thermom eter on the outside uncomfortably go ing towards zero. And that is the test of the master hand !" Tnis Blue Mark The last of February is set for lay ing aside our old subscription list and taking up the new. If there is a blue pencil mark on your pacer at the bead of this article, it means that you are so far in arrears that your name will not be on the new list unless yon make some payment or give some satisfactory explanation by tbe first of March. We do not want to lose a single subscriber, bat we can not continue tbe paper indefinitely without some money. ive trust no one will get offended at this direct method of information ; for it is tbe easiest way of letting those who are so tar in arrears know to whom our appeal applies. We propose to be perfectly fair to every one before dropping the, name of any one, but some are so far behind we cannot carry them more than two more weeks without some money, or at least a word about , when they will pay us. tetter to Y. v. Shields. Dear Sir: The cheapest thing in the way of sending anything over the world is a postage stamp; and the cheapest way to shed water Is paint. Not whitewash ; paint. Do you nap- den to know it don't belong to your business to know about paint, you know do you happen to know that most of tbe makers of paint staff it out with lime and clay and sand and water and air. Tbey do stuff it out in the can : bat not on tbe house. They make more gallons to sell or to bay ; more money to pay for paint ; More money to pay for putting it on; a good deal more money to pay for putting it on ; hut no more beauty ; more rust ; decay ; disappointment ; loss. Devoe is your paint, because it s all paint, no sham, and full-measure. i ours iruiy F. W. Devoe & Co. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. New Enterprise at Robersonvrfle. Thn Carolina Brick ComDanv. whose nrinciDal omce Is at JLinston, is now arectin? a modern brick plant at Rob- eraonville,haying recently purchased 52 acres of land at. that point lor the pur- nnan. The slant win nave an annual capacity of 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 brick. Tbey also have plants at Kins ton, Clark's, and Hyman's siding, N.C., giving them an. annual capacity, oi 15,000,000 brick. Tbe new plant will ho in nneration about March 15th to Anril 1st. if weather conditions are la vnmhift. the buildioes being now in course of erection. "Stop your groaning." Rheuma cide will cure you, and make yon feel I ten years younger. Get it at your 1 druggist's. Mr. JUnmpkin Accepts. The Baptist church-of this place, soon after tbe resignation of Rev. M. L. Kesler who accepted a call to Mor ganton, extended a unanimous call ,to Rev. G. T. Lumpkin. Mr. Lumpkin is a student in tbe Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky. He preached in the Baptist church here last Sunday, morning and night. After the sermon Mr. Lump kin made some pleasing remarks: with reference to tbe call and formally ac cepted the call In person. . A good congregation greeted tbe new pastor notwithstanding tbe very In clement weather, and his sermons greatly pleased his audience. M r. Lumpkin will not be able to en ter upon his work here before the sec ond Sunday in June,1 which time he has set to commence bis pastoral work Preparing for Electric Lights. But for the severely cold weather for tbe past two months Scotland Neck's electric light plant would have been well under way of preparations. The weather has been so cold that it has been impossible to do'the work as early as it was intended when the con tract was made. The machinery is practically all here and what preparations- tbe weather would permit have been made on the site for the power bouse, just east of tbe depot. Tbe poles are here and work this week is being done on them pre paratory to setting them up ready for wiring. The machinery is at the depot, part of it on tbe site for the power house, and as soon as the weather opens enough the work will be commenced in earnest. May Come This Way. Col. Fred Olds who writes from Ral eigh to many papers recently said in tbe Charlotte Observer : "There are some of tbe untidiest towns along the railways in this State, which can be found anywhere. There seems to be no town pride, either as re gards what tbe natives may think, or what may be the view ot the traveling public. Yet, when people are writing about these dirty, unkempt villages, they speak of them as lively and at tractive places." Col. Olds may pasi through tcotland Neck, some of thee days, so the "Cit Fathers better have some back lou- cleaned up or Scotland Neck may get on that list. The Railroad Strike. In compliance with instructions from St. Louis by a labor organization, the hands on the Coast Line railwaj are off on a strike. Section master Dixon here at Scotland Neck has been off with hands for several days. It is reported they ask for higher wages, which being refused they have refused to continue work. To the Public. T take this method of Informing mv friends that I am withrince & Co , and alter an experience. In wood and iron work of twelve years believe that I can please you. Yours truly, . Walter marks. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting direct ly anon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. Tbe proprietors haye so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor anv case that it fails to cure, bend for list of testimonials. ' ' Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75a Take Hall's Family Pills constipation Halifax In It. Halifax is one Of the counties noted in North Carolina for producing at least a little of almost everything. Ac cording to the report of the North Car olina Geological Survey, in 1902 tbe gtate's product in gold was $93,650.30, in sliver $30,212.21 ; of this Halifax is credited with $1,350.55 in gold and $a.l4 in silver. At 70 of He Art Dis ease Contracted During CiTil War Veteran Grateful. Dr. Miles Heart .Cure Effected Cure. Heart disease is curable, but In .people of advanced age it does not readily, lend itself to ordinary treatment. There is, however, hope for all sufferers in Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, which we know from watching hun dreds of cases and from the letters of grateful sufferers, will cure where all else has failed. It is not only a wonderful cure for weak and diseased hearts, but it is a blood tonic, a reg ulator of the heart's action and the most effective treatment ever formulated for im proving the circulation of the blood. "During the Civil war I contracted heart disease, and in 1896. while living ht the grand old town of Lexington, Va, I grew so much worse, I left there with my wife to visit my sister-in-law. Mis. 1. a. n.iroy, at xtoamwc, Va. While I said nothing to anyone I never town. On reaching Mrs. Kirby's she insisted I should try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I pro cured a few bottles of it, also the Nervine and Tonic. After using one or two bottles, I u n.uMMMif a ni4 T HcTiairMI of ever being better, bat my faithful wife in sisted on Keeping u up, wmtu Ap provement soon began in earnest and I took .11 knHU. I was m 1U ii micco vi -' stored to perfect health and while I am 70 years old, I am comparatively a boy. You sir, are a benefactor, and I cheerfully recom mend Dr. Miles" Heart Cure to suffering humanity." J. L. Slaughtkx, Salem, Va. All drugeists sell and guarantee first bottle tw uarBMi!M Krari for feme hnnk onNervdus and Heart Diseases.. Addrca Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Ask see New Store ! New Mi (E. Shields' Old Stand.) Decidedly the Nicest and Freshest Lino of Cakes and Candies in Town. Complete Line of Family Groceries 1AI E desire your patronage, and will guarantee to give you as good goods at as low prices as any one. Come to see us and we will trade. ALL GOODS ARE FRESH Thanking you for past favors, I am Very truly yours, SUDZCsTElrT Q E. Shields' (VOOCKKKKK000 65c. Values for 49c, at THE NEW STORE! Also a beautiful display of Table Linens 65c. Table Linen 48c. 85c. Table Linen 69c. $1.25 Table Linen 94c. The advantage will always be yours if you trade here. RJDDICK & HOOKER, BOur Motto: To live and let live.fil MULES ! MULES! We are determined to please the trade. SOME FINE HORSES. See them before Prince & Co., Scotland Neck, SL Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarian, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. COST OF BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT, HALF-MILLION DOLLARS. CAPACITY, 300 PATIENTS. Most equable climate on Atlantic coast; salt air tempered by proximity of Gulf Stream. Fully equipped with every modern improvement for the treat ment of disease. A full corps of Specialists in every department Special department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor ough system of Turkish and Russian Baths. Ward Rates, $7 per week; Privats Rocm Rates from $10 to 530 per week. For Catalogue, etc., address Th9 PrcsUsnt, St Vlnssnfs Hsspite) and Sanitarium NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. consecutive Crqoa. Sfecte rem A'sA nef Ant'm n&tfer. your deafer -for it $nd tkat tke trade mark 6StR- t on every bag. neixe genuine without it-. Goods ! New Firm ! fa J". STERU Old Stand. KKXKHK0-0-Om OOOOOOOOOOOOi They conie and they go. Can't keep them. you buy. North Carolina. Horfolff, Bfrgittia. THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE EUSINESS HOUSES SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. ftt&W T&.6TS TUcevas T?to?:v 8. D. TURNER & SON, Drcit iiKii or STENCILS, RUBBER A STEEL STAMP3. SEALS & BRASS CHECKS. SILVER, NiCKLE, COFFER & DTV.f.3 PLA.TE-.R3, BRONZING, OXIDIZING, PADS. TATERS, &C 23 Campbells Wharf. Uc a! H-Ieuf J-Vtry, 3 H O E" 5 k"own everywhere! ivbu baby's to grand parents NORFOLK STORE, 3S2 f.lain St. SAMUEL C. PHILLIPS INVITES YOUR TRflDn for Furnlture,Carpet3, Jic Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 331-337 Church Gt NORFOLK, VA. Baool Paint... ClK most Ettfltialcftl $ Biffattc. Write for Descriptive Bnlia Sent Post Free. JENKINS PAINT & OIL CO., NORFOLK. VA. QflDETV A P3A WSBm UW tU 9 Tailors & Furnish ers, 333 Wain Street, NORFOLK, - - VIRGINIA. O. E. D. BARROW, aVrc lUa ZzXzXz Iftsa Who SELLS, No matter where located. We Have Rare Bargains for Investors. "DTve 3ot Y&tUctiUvs. e GRANBY ST.. NORFOLK, VS.. Don't Forget to VIsit FABER; Til IP li o t o 3 1 a to la o i , When You go to Norfolk, 100 GRANBY ST., OPP. MONTICF.LLO HOTEL. Take this card and pet twocxlr.i Mm tos ii r dozen. OO YOU DiEED CLASSES? EYE CLASS and SPECTACLE MAKERS. 53 QRANBY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. 374 Main S1-, Norfolk, Va. Sliictly Hiph Grade in Kquipment, In struct! rs. Methods and Kybtcnia. A 'J tior oubu School. V.' rite lor i'artk'ulara. ORTSX0UTH BUSIKESS COLLEGE, Portsmouth, Va. UNDEK HAMK M AN AO EM ISN'T. Aoriolk's hire Food Store Has the largest and inoslcoiuiilctettoeUof ctuplu una fancy Oroeeric in Hie bl.uc. . our nunc iu iuisoii or iy uiuil soiu-iicii. LOYUH S MILLER. ...iomfci Building. 30-40 Granby i-ticst. THE SOU! US I Hi EST GhOCERY ,1HY BUY THE YORK SAFE ? Because they saved their contents in Norfolk's big lire (Jan. V.W1) heUci liiau other titles. Vrite tor prices and testimonials or tall AJ. D. ROBIiKTii, ,H lioanuhe Ave., A Vltl Ol.i:, I'A. We always have sin cial Uirauins in slightly used l'iniios and Organ OROP US A POSTAL, STIEFF. 66 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. Vour Mail Orders will be Promptly died iron tbe Largest Stock in the i-'outh if Sent to BURROW, MARTIN & CO., 296 MAIN ST., NORFOLK, VA. For the Eest in Dcnt;siry, PAINLESS EXTRACTION, ARTIFICIAL lit" It. CROWN AND BRIDGE WGrSK, CO TO 324 Main St., cor. Talbot , - NC K. P C I K . V A DR. J. D. BNNPS, Lady in AUtuuc!.'. tYOUR TRIP TO NORFOLK is not complete unless you visit PAUL'S, 190 Main St, K'ear Cranby St. EVERYTHING III JEWELRY. MONEY'S WORTH OR MCItY BACK- OSTEOPATHY, A. science and method of curing disease! without drugs or knife. DR. DAWSON WIUiAKU, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 40, 41, 42 Haddington Bldf;., NORFOLK, VA CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREF. Insist on Yaur Grocer Giving Yot KNADLER & LUCAS' ami you will get tLe lot tor your nioisty I repair or remodel any kind of building? Send! loTour FREE CATALOGUE of all kinds! Of MMMing mirerau, mm wary, y I work, paints. gHasf ,K rfecJr','5turfi1C, FRANK T. CLARK CO., LtdJ Established 1870. NUKruuv. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOLO:, HAVING qualified as fidministriilf.r upon t bo estate ot C. 1. Hirr. mons, deceased, I notify all creditors ti present tbeir claims to rce, pooperly proven, at Enfield, X. C, on or beforo tbe first day ol Febri ary, 1905, or Ibis notice will be plead in bar of their recoyery. Ail persons indebted to tho estate are notified to corns forward uiid settle tbeir .accounts at once, and save cost ot .uit . Tbis tbe 18tb day ot January, 1904. R, L. Simmons, Adm'r of 1-21-61 C. P. Simmons, Dec'd

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