The Commonwealth THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1904. Pilk iver That'fi what vnti nfrl on.. thing to cure your biliousness, snd regulate your bowels. You n-?ed Ayer's Pills. VeoetaM . i " frcniiy laxauvt Lowell, Mass. I ' v UVUI U ;i be-utiru! brown or rich black? Use DYE iiUbKinUnAM. rrrr ere or PRrnmsTs or a. p. ham. co., Washita, w. b At Hoffman's. our full line ol Sprin.2 Dress Goods . i: .v on dtsp'ay. Gome anl in ; p." them. W e have r-veryj;ind of Dress Good?, , Nihig Voiles, tjrenadines.Eta mines, t, Mohairs, in fact all the beauti ' nool anl Silk snd Wool Stuffs t! be wanted this spring. M. HOFFMAX & BkO Pianos for Sale. 0 .o new Upright Fisher Piano, teen S months. One second-hand ! - vr. One square Piano. Terms :: t L known on anphca'lon. MISS LENA SMITH, ''-l - Scotland Seek, N. C. Stray Hogs. 1 have taken up ih following stray !. v;-: Oo3 nhit8 and black spotted ir about i years old ; two white and K:'ek spotted sows and one black sow, - out 8 or 10 months old Owner v.i.i call for them and tuy for this r.o tljf. G. K. MOOI1E, Spring nili, N. C. I kaos of ax Isfaxt The infant e-:.:'i cf Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Woolard .t i l Sunday night, March 13, and was burial in the Bripiist cemetery Mon-d.-iv afternoon. CMMI5IOXEKS TO MEET NEXT 3TOX- i.i ay OwiDg to sickness of some of the members of the board, the county commissioners failed to hold session the first Monday. They will meet Monday, March 21st. Complaint About Road s The en: plaint is general throughout the county that the country roads are in a very bid condition. Of course, the ivny snows and frequent rains make the roads bad, but there seems much irregularity about the road interests in the comfy anyway. Little Farm Work. It is a general enervation that there has been little firm work done this year. Very little I.nd has been plowed, yery little com-p-snt- ha? been done. And it is so late t:i the reason now farmers can do very Jittli comnostmg. This gives the guano men a chance to sell large quan tities ol fertilizers, and all indications point to large sales. Letter to W. F. Butterworth. Dear Sir: It took 10 gallons to paint your house last time with some body else's paint, aud takes 8 with De vce, we save yon or $i0 ; for paint ing costs two or three times as mucb as paint. Mr. Ezra Kathmell, Williamsport, Pa , always used 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house ; Devoe took 6. : Bat that isn't all ; that's only first cost: how long will it wear? The paint, that gce3 furtherest in covering, wears best too. All paint, true paint, and full meas ure are on one side ; part paint, false paint, and short measure are on the other. What can you expect? Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. Homicide at Tillery. On Saturday afternoon two colored men named Cary Crowell and Sim Johnson became engaged in what some thought a friendly and frolicsome tus sle in the store of Mr. P. O. Gregory. To the surprise of onlookers Crowell struck Johnson on the bead with an iron pipe, crushing the skull. John s - died from the effects of the blow in abnut f.rty minutes. There being no qualified county coroner, Clerk of the Court S. M. Gary appointed Dr. F. M. Register special coroner for tb.8 case, who reported that Johnson came to his death by reason of a blow by Crowell. Crowell "escaped. Both men had families. Shf Iton-Allsbrook. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the ho-ne ot Mr. and Mr. Charlie Medfora Miss Martha Shelton was married to Mr. E. A. Allsbrook, Justice B.F.Gray performing the ceremony. Quite a large number of friends gathered to wina thft marriasre and offer con gratulations. The bride was formerly of Edgecombe, but has been living in Scr.tianH Rome time, and has male many friends here. Mr. Alls brook is well known here, having lived in this community all hia life. Their friends here and elsewhere wish for them a happy and prosperous journey through life. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) gg T.T-.AS IVlTTVTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he i spnii.r nartnpr flf the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co . doing business in the cuy of Tolrdo, County and State aforpsnirl onil that curl firm will Da.V the sum of nrsnaED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cm not be cured by the use oi naii s aUrrh Cure. FRANK J. Sworn to bsfore me and subscribed "i rr.v presence, this 6th day of Decent ter, A. D , 1880. eal) A. W. GLEASOIM, Notary Public. H lil'ri Catarrh Onrft i taken inter ns, and acts directly on the blood '"i mucous surfaces of tne system aul for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO Toledo, O. HflM Lit nil 1wa'.VM;nM 7rM Tke Hall's Family Pills lor consti- C a ntnr Wh6 yylhe Kind You Hate Always Bought PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going 'and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks. Hon. Claude Kitchin returned to Washington a lew days ago. Cnpt. G. S. White went to Balti more Monday to purchase goods. Mrs. Whit Hill who had been here some time on a visit, went away Mon day. Miss Georgie Relhman,of Baltimore, is milliner for Mrs. A. M. Riddick this season. Mis9 Lena Smith returned Mrmriav from a visit to her sister, Airs. J. H. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fenner came down from Halifax to attenl the funer al of Mrs. Hall. Mr. Lucas, of Dunn, N. C. has taken charge of the central telephone office m Scotland Neck. Mr. G. W. Llyermon, of Norfolk, spent Sunday here with his 'brother, Dr. A. C. Livermon. Mess. A. McDowell, T. H. Pntchard and Dr. R. M. Johnson went to Tar boro Monday on business. Mr. W. L. L. Hail came up from Greenville Monday, called here by the death of his grandmother. Mr. R. S..Hall came down from Wel don some days ago because of the ex treme illness"of his mother. Mr. George Gilliam, of Ilali'ax, has been here some davs by reason ot the illness and death of Mrs. Hall. J odge W. B. Council, who is holding court at Halifax, spent Snnday in Scot land Xeck the guest of Mr.WiA. Dunn. Miss Katie Weeks went to Roanoke Rapids Monday where fbe will live for some time to do millinery work with her aunt. Criminal Court Docket. Two days were consumed in closing ibe criminal docket in Halifax Superior court Isst week. There were very few cases of importance Following is the record on the docket : One sent to State prison for 9 months ; four sen tenced to county iil for CO days each : one sent to county jail for 6 months, one for 4 months and one for 1 month. Other cases were disposed of paying costs, which amounted to about $110. Fire at Crowells. On Wednesday night, March 9th, Mr. R. H. Pittman, of Crowells, lost by fire a barn containing 6,000 pounds of hay, 70 bushels of corn, 40 bushels of seed peanuts, and 200 bushels of cotton seed. The fire occurred about ten o'clock and it was thought to be the work of an incendiary. Death of Mrs. Hall. Mondav.Mareh about half past ten o'c!ock,Mr..Emily Turner Hall entered into rest. Her death was not a surprise to her friends. She had been a sufferer for many years with some sort of heart trouble, and was ful ly prepared for the end. Mrs. Hall's parents were Mr. J. L. G Baker and Sarah Baker. She was born February 12, 1823, and had just com pleted the eighty-first year of her age. In some respects the life of Mrs.Hall has been rather remarkable. In 181, when she was in her 19th year, two things occurred in close succession of the greatest interest and importance to her whole life. These were first, her union -sith thn Church of God by bap tism Mar 23rd. and bv confirmation Jane 20lh, and by reception of the holy communion on July 4th, all In the same year, lne second matter ot great importance was her marriage to Dr. Archibald Stuart Hall June lo, 1S41. So that j ear was to Mrs. Hall a vBar of momentous events. That in dicates her character for firmness and decision. She took her religion with hpr into her domestic relations. And surely was she to need the comfort, en couragement and strength that noth ing but the promises of God made to man in his holy word could bring in trouble and affliction. Mra. Hall has suffered many and great afflictions in the death of her husband in 1S76, aud in the loss of five sons, all grown or nearly so. She leaves two sons, ur. James d. FT1! and Mr. Richard S. Hall and one daughter, the wife of Mr. William R. Bond. From that da7. Mav 23. 1841, when Mra TTali consecrated herself to the Lord in baptism and afterwards par- took of the emblems ot tne Doay ana blood of her Lord, she has continued steadfast in the faith. There has been no wavering. Her religion through life has been of a strong, vigorous character. There wa3 no subject on which she dwelt with more pleas ure than the thought of God's in finite love to man. She often spoke ol the Lord's meicies to her in her afflict- . m .5 X 3 ions. Thero was manliest in ner miuu th hr.jadest and the most gracious nhantv towards every one. She never orwibA nnkindlv of others, liut sne had that charity that "rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoicetn in ine iruip, and "beareth all things, believeth all thin era " and honeth all things may work togother for the ultimate peace h .niH rf a . it was tnat sort oi charity that "suffereth long and Is kind" and "envieth not. nf the. Turd's eooduess she naa un i ..lai nnnfiilenpn. Like the erer.t apostle to the Gentiles, she had learned i ..hoiPVPir state she might be,"there- " She knew how to aoDlr- Scripture truth to human needs and to feel its saving grace y""1-' t o nioaanrft to hear her speak ol God's mercies to her; and this she always did witn mat uumuio that trembles at the word of God. a. hofnrA the end came the 2. low uJ .. . . . , . holy communion was administered to a it oa ornnd to see the gratl- tude and thanksgiving she roanifeste- in the reception of this sacreo nw our blessed religion. The burial was in old Trinity Church a hnn t 5 o'clock p. rn. u -ik ioni There was a large attendance o! friends and relatives. While the hymn, "u, jrarauisu, . JS maa heinff sune the grave was filled - the beautiful and sweet spring flowers that had been fashioned to- it.h kind hearts and loving hands were spread on the gave,aud the blessing was epoken. A solemn . . r, ihn nlaee where the nusn ten . .. t nr3 remains of our dear sister 1 ta tod DAWSON VIOLETS. Correspondence to The Commonwealth.. Dawson, N. C, March 14, 1904. Mr. Charlea Parks, of Crowell, was In our vicinity Thursday. Messrs. C. H. Dickens and Frank Moore, of Halifax, passed through Thursday en route to Scotland Neck. They bore the tidings of the marriage of Mr. Whit Stephenson and Miss Fannie Gold. We extend our best wishes. Messrs. W. J. and J. B. Partine went to Scotland Neck Saturday on busi nana. M. John Wlllv. Jr.. Of Wfildnn. nam Sunday to yiait his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Willy. It was his first visit bere and he terms it a "fine country,' in which we heartilv aeree with him. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barnes and little his. Jimmie and Earle. went tn Hali fax Saturday to visit Mrs. Barn' nn- rents, Mr. and Mrs- E. L. Stephenson. - - luiss .bua staiiings spent Sunday witn ner irienas in Whitakertown. Miss Iver Weeks is on the sick list this week. Miss Katie Weeks, of Scotland Nertlr was among our many visitors Sundav. Mrs. J. J. Barnes has been somewhat lndisnosedfor several davs. Mr. Joe Wlllv went to Enfield Sun- aay. . Mrs J. D. Lawrence attended ser vices at Whitaker's Chapel Sunday. Elder J. K. Henderson filled his regular appointment at Gethsemane Sunday. Mr. J. W. Barnhill returned to his home near Neals Wednesday, after be ing herd several days on the sick list-. We are glad to note his improvement in health while bere. Fire in Littleton. On Sunday morning about 1 o'clock be furniture store of H. E. Walker & Co., in Littleton, was discovered to be n fire. It was totally lost with no in- urance except $400 on the building. The stock of goods lost was worth about $1,000. TAYLO R, -THE- Pioneer Grocer Having been the first one to open a FIRST CLASS Grocery Store in Scotland Neck, and having for eight years studied the wants of the trade, we feel that we should be in a position to know better than any one with less experience, just the kind of goods the people want. GIVE US A CALL. Satisfaction GUARANTEED H FOR FIRST CLASS GROCERIES. 0. K. TAYLOR, Scotland Neck. N. C. Our Backet this week is our Shirts! Pants ! Overalls ! We carry a most com plete stock in these goods and can supply All Reasonable Demands. We buv at an advan tage EVERY POP, and give our custo mers the advantage we get. This puts our goods at easy prices to all. Have an eye to business and stop at THIS CORNER. CO X O m uj O X CO J . D.RAY & CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. Machines & Needles. nnld for Singer rewiu8 cash or installment ; old machines t . . i Wuuilaa Oils, narts Jten in excuaugo. "- and attachments for all makes of ma- chines. Orders leic a . - Whitehead w z: A . si uilmilan and ill leu til ea. Man wuoio ---promptly. Office in Kitchin budding opposite M- Hoffman uroa . aijOTL AND NECK SINGER STORE eaiqnns ((EWES) Ask see P THIS IS THE PLACE)! Good Table Supplies are indispensable to Comfort able Living. We carry them in the very Best and Freshest Groceries. Fyery thing is iNew. We supply every demand. siiDisnErx" d E. Shields l Grand Millinery Opening (Mrs. A. M. Riddick, Mgr. Millinery Department.) AND SPECIAL SALE! Tuesday and Wednesday, Rnc-s. tr jvss t. v v Mr tt Linens, Percals, Cotton Voils, Organdies, Shirt Waists, L.aces, JecK xies ami xoweis. Between the hours of 3 and 4 March 23rd, will sell Min nen's Talcum Powders (25c. size) for 12c. "Progressiveness is the wheel that makes the MULES! TiTTTT 171 0 I 1YJL U J-J -CjO i We are determined to please the trade. SOME FINE HORSES. See them before Prince & Co., Scotland Neck, - - - SYRACUSE S the best you have seen because the wearing parts are I . .' . , , ;.v, onfi fWihlA while tumino- is fio-in wniie iruiiiii Bwaisinu " " and because vou can change Uliu ucvuiubv , WITHOUT HAVlJNiJr TU That No. 70 Pivot IS the greatest labor saver I ulXtto team he does .... work bv selling you some can help you catch up withyoworKDy SJ ments. we are .5 C,5KN plaxTERS, COTTON PLANTERS, PVarv one ffuaranteed. IIliivaiuiw, r,,,, i)rmTT7Pi nTCTPTit. PEANUT PLANTERS, THE UTORS. jWSatisfaction 9fte Scotland Neck, Consecutive Crqos. Aferfe from ?nd Am'm? n&tfer. your dealer -for it, and tkt tKc trade mark -3 is oa every bag. rtooe gCAuine witkout it; o". Old Stand. March 22nd and 23rd. Ramburirs. Nankins, Table i j m. ' Dress Ginghams, Solid Color world go round" therefore the new firm. RIDDICK & HOOKER. They come and they go. Oan't keep them. you buy. - - iNonn uaronna. -v . i i CULLED it from a SINGLE DISC to a rTTr i T-vmnwn PDAlfP UUI nua.sLx iiwijuu. Wheel Riding Cultivator and Hidger we have seen. A boy can operate it, and every day he uses , the work of three team and three men Think of it ! o H. & D. and (iJUJN uiiMii trAi assurea ose SCardarc o (00000000KH BUTTER We have just received a case of EENTRESS RED ROSE CREAM ERY in 1-lb. print. It is something nice. 30c POUND. "VVe also receive Fresh Country Butter three or four tines a week. 25 cents per pound. W. ALLSBROOK SPECIAL RATES VIA Moaifl Air Line Railway Commencing Oct. 15th, 1903, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will place on sale round trip winter tourist tickets to a' I Winter Resorts in the South and Southwest. Tickets wl.l be eold up to April 30th, 1901, with final return May Slit, 11)04. For further in ormation apply to local agent or rd dress, Z. P. SMITH, T. V. A , Rale'gh. N. C. Undertakers Supplies Full and Complete Line. Coflms, Caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time N. B. JOS BY. Scotland Neck, N. C. A Buggy Free A Chance to My Custom To all cash customers who pay me $5.00 at one time for any kind of work from my shop, I will give a num bered ticket. For every $10 cash at one time after the first ticket is taken by the same customer I will give another ticket. Numbers corresponding to every ticket will be filed away and at the end of the year 1904, some disinterested per son will select a number from all the numbers filed, and the person holding the ticket corresponding with the num ber selected will get a Brand New Buggy of my own make FREE. W. A. BRANTLEY, Scotland Neck, N. C. Hospitality at Small Expense. Entertainment that is, pleasure to your guests does not depend on the money you epend, but on your own knowledge of bow to receive and ex tend hospitality. Christine Terhune Herrick tells you all 'about it. Pott- I paid, 0J CDUIS. XJ. l. hsher, 150 Fifth Ave., flew York. DISC PLOW chilled, and because the frame corners either to right or left. . DOUBLE or TltlrLL VU , ot our laDor saving uiii:e- 8how you them. x x 99 North Carolina, norfcin, Uirginia. "HE FOLLOTINl. RELIABLE LUSiNZSS HOUSES SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. HfoW tiieTS "Ket&vt) "Prottvv S. B. TUn?E3 & SON, MlKPrAmrsci;. or jTENCILS, RUBBER i: PTkEX STAMPS, SEALS & BRASS CHECKS- " PTiiNTSZr.O xvep, fic.i?, cepTK e. p-ss rtATsns. UC!S2i:-.0, OX DZ I.S, FAr-5, C TI:L-. c.C 2 Can-,;l,ul!s vvhai', v. sr f-'K" f IViry. li2 if'f Ar? known everywhere! a -vl Bubys to grand parenti JOSFOLK STOfiE. 32 Main St. GA&UEL C. PHILLIPS INVITES VOUR TRADE for Furniture, Carpets( S:c Lowest Prices vluarantced. 33-337 Church St., NORFOLK. VA. Basol Paint... Cl)e most Economical $ BitnM?. Write for Descriptive Booklet Sent Post Free. JENKINS PAINT & OIL CO., NORFOLK. VA. Tailors & Furnishers, 333 Main Street, ORFOLK. VIRGINIA. O. E. D. BARROW Hea ?,5aa TXbxv Who SELLS. No matter where located. Ve Havs Raro Dara!.".? for Invcslorj. ' nP-3WPV ST".. NORFOLK. VP. -f-rTi Forget to FADER; AVhcn You go to Norfolk, 00 GRANBY ST., OFP. fCN TICELLO HOTEL. Take this enrd and jrot two cxtr.i I'lm tos HT duzcii. DO YOU NEED CLASSES? ETE CLASS and SPECTACLE MAKERS. 53 GRANBY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. 374 Main St-, Norfolk, Va- Strictly Ilijrli Orailc in l".iii)ment. Iil- structcrs. Metlio'ls and ysu ins. a j aur oujfli School. Write for I'urtlculur.". PORTSMOUTH BUSINESS COLLEGE Portsmouth, Va. IJN1ER HAMB MAN(1KMKNT. Norfolk's Pure Food Store lias tho largest and most complete to-k of Maple ana t aucy Urocerius in ttic Miu. . our trade In ierBon or ty mail boliciicii. LOWB t& flllLLER, .olurobU Building. 3040 Granby Ircit. THE SOUTH S FINEST GROCERY y'Hr BUY 1HE YORK SAFE ? Because they saved their contents in Norfolk's big lire (Jan. l'JO) LeUei thaii other saics. .'rite for jiiiccs aud tcatinioiiials or tall AI. D. ROQKKTS, .tt Mloanokc Ave., XOliFOLK, I A. We always have rri cial barhUins In slightly ucd riazios and Orgaue. r.CP USA POSTAL, STIEFF. 65 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. i our Mull Orders will be Promptly filled fron the Largest Stock in tlic South If Sent to BURROW, MARTIN & CO., jjiKS$, m6Utee$, Fi0t0$UPP'.tC5, t,t 296 MAIN ST., NORFOLK, VA. For the Best in Dentistry, PAINLESS EXTRACTION, ARTIFICIAL TEETH CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK, GO TO 324 Main St., eor. Talbot, - NORFOLK, VA DR. J, D- NKIi Lady la Attandwo. YOUR TRIP TO HORFGLii.' is not complete ualtrs you visit PAUL'S, 190 Main St, Near Cranby St IVERYTHIKG IN JEWELRY. MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK- OSTEOPATH V. science and method of curing diseases without drugs or knife. DR. DAWSON W1LLA Uli. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICFAW, 40, 41. 42 Haddinglen Bldg., NORFOLK, VA CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Insist on Your Grocer Giving Yot KNADLER & LUCAS' ftcVVcs, CaVswps, Sauces, nd you will get tiic best for 3 our moaty repair or remodel any kind (wiMIng? Send tL. i rr rtm TM I ntiUF of all kind? of building Materials, hard ware, ""' J'r 1. 1 . ma A electric fixtures, dec. FRANK T. CLAHPiw.,""J c...Lii.l..a ista. NORFOLK. VA ' ' Wanted Several indoetrious person? In each state to travel for houce established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line. Perma nent engagement. Weekly ealary of 24 and all traveling expense st.d lo tel bills advanced Jn cash esch week. Experience not e?eentia'. Mention reference and enclose felf-addres9ed en velope. THE NATIONAL. 332 Dearborn St., Chit-ago. 2 11-St i .11 the ifloors u " reeve - r xr f Him.

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