- S' ADYi-I-TISING BUSINESS -. WHAT STEAM IS TO- Machinery, IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER roc win, ADVERTISE TOOB Business. BO MONWEAL TPVTTTT E. E.HIL.LIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. TiiiT. Grbat Propelling Power. VOL. XX. New Series--Vol. 6. (7-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N.C THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904. NO 16. iE5I JTOUS ADVERTiSKMEST N S.17P Com D 0 E BHnwuaBBaaosaanBMHM Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. " Ketnmip.ir from tlie Cuban war, I was a perfect wreck. Jly blond was bad, anl my health was gone. But a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla completely cured me." 11. C. Doehler, Scranton, Pa. ! ?l.o a bottle. All fimgistg. J. C. A YE It CO.. for Lowell. Mass. impure Blood Aid the SarsaparilSa by keeping the (Jewels regular with Ayer's Pills. Do Yots Enjoy What You Eat? Yen can eat whatever and whenever yon like If you take Kodol. By the use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full eerformance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what is more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that Is appropriated by the blood and tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, In assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and aB disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. CoCtes only. Regular size, $ i .00. holding 2M times tha trial aizA which sells for 50 cents. Pre-ai-Mf by E. O. DWITT CO., Chicago, lib E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleans?! nnd beautifies the hits. Promotes ft luxuriant growth. Uevsr Foils to Be store Gray Core9 scalp tiineasea Sc. hair falling. gOc, and $1.00 at Pruggistg " PR0FISSI0SAL. K. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist. OFFiCE-Over New Wbithead Building Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to 5 o'clock, p. m. r SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. K. J. P. WIMBERLE. OFFICE BaiCK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. A. DUNN, ATT0RNE Y-A T-L A W. Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required DWARD L. TRAVIb, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. . tlSm Money Loaned on Farm Lands. To Morphine From Doctor's Orders. Habit Worse Than the Disease. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. When the nervous system has been shat tered by the use of deadly drugs there is nothing to equal Dr. Miles' Nervine in restor ing it to health and normal activity. "I feel so grateful for what Dr, Miles' Re storative Nervine has done for me that I must tell it for that part of humanity that suffers as I have. During the three years I suffered from nervous prostration I found no relief except when doctors gave morphine. To get rid of suffering I took morphine my self as it was the only thing that would give ease, and now you, who point, with scorn at morphine using, how could you, when in such agony, knowing it about the only thing that would give relief, resist it? I knew it was a terrible habit and I knew of its deadly grasp, but I never fully realized its signifi cance until I had used it a number of months. Oh, the misery of being addicted to such a habit I resolved then and there to quit it and resolved I would never be a slave to any such demon. About this time I happened to notice Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine adver tised and ordered a bottle. After using five bottles I can truthfully say I am cured of using morphine. Now, however much per sons may doubt it, God is my witness I am cured. This testimonial is unsolicited but I feel it my duty to give it for the benefit of the suffering." Mattie Phillips, Prescott, Ark. 'All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. W o ' ji repair tor on of bail work. of building- material tortwre.arteto, tile FRANK T. CLARK CO.. M. Established K70. nuktww jlDITOrS JEISURE JioUrS, OBSERVATIONS OF The Richmond Times-Dispatch has some interesting correspondents. They find so many rare and unusual things ! Some time ago we repro duced in this column an account given by one APivotal-HeadedNegro. of that paper,s corre8pondent8 how a hog wonid run rabbits and root them out of the ground. Now comes the following wierd story to the Timea-Dispatch from Roxbury, Va. : 'There was much excitement in this neighborhood a few days ago, all caused by a strange negro, who made his appearance very suddenly, and disappeared as suddenly. The negro says his name is Ben Johnson, end his home Reidayille, N. C. His first appearance was in a store, where there was a crowd, and asked for something to eat. The negro's head seemed to be on a piviot. He was talking to the clerk when some one standing at the negro's back spoke to the man, aud suddenly without moving his body the iace of the negro was over his back ; then his face would move again and stop over first one shoulder then the other. One young man got so badly frightened that he struck at tha negro's face. Before he could land bis lick the negro had the back of his head towards the fighter, when the lick was landed. A large knot on the back of the negro's head was so hard that the young man's finger was broken. Another odo tried it, but met the same fate. When the negro left, no one could be fourjd but the two wounded young men ard the clerk, who had taken refuge in an empty sugar barrel. Out in the country he went to the house of Mrs. Burnett. There the negro asked for more to eat. It was given him, and then he be gan to whirl hia cocoanut head arcund, when two of the young ladies screamed with fright. The negro seems to be very polite, acd was neatly dressed, wearing a sailor's cap. Many believe it was only a sailor from some schooner, disguised as a negro to have some fun." tilt Ms. W. H. Bagley writing from Washington to the News and Observer concerning long terms lor Congressmen, makes the following pleasing ob- servations of North Carolina's representatives in North Carolina in Con- the national couneil : Sre"s . "01 the North Carolina delegation, W. W. Kitchin, serving his fourlh'term, has a good place on the Committee on Naval affairs ; Small, Kluttz, Thomas, each serving his fihlrd term, are re spec tly on Committees on Merchant Marine, Pcstoflice and Public Build ings and Grounds. Claude Kitchin and Pou, serving their second terms, occupy positions upon Committees on Claims and District of Columbia. The four membeis serving their first terms Messrs. Page, Patterson, Webb and Gudger, all are on less important committees. The delegation North Carolina now has in Congress is made up of young, active, energetic, in dustrious men, equipped to do the State great service if they can be kept here long enough to reach places of influence that are only reached by time. Since tbe war, North Carolina has kept only three men in the House for ten years and each reached a position of influence and did hia State real seryice. Robert Vance, General Scales and Mr. Henderson the latter dur ing bis last term chairman of the Committee on Post offices and Poslroads. What might have been the influence of the State of North Carolina if such men as Alfred M. Waddell, Thomas S. Ashe, Walter L. Steele, R. F. Arm field, W. R. Cox, R. T. Bennett and others that might be recalled bad been kept here as the State's representatives until time bad brought them to places of great power? Every North Carolinian endeavoring to do service to his State in Washington wishes that the present delegation from the Old North State had lcen in Congress ten years or more. John Sharp Williams tells me that tbe fact that North Carolina and other Southern States have begun to appreciate the situation and have about determined to return all of tbe best of their men is responsible for his hopefulness about the ascendency of the South 's strength. Tbe trouble in the past seems to have been that Southern people in general,, but North Caro linians in particular, have looked upon a seat in Congress as a sinecure and have used it as a sort of recognition of merit, a compliment bestowed for party service, expecting in return for tbe hopor bestowed grateiul appreciation, an occasional government publication, or a package ol garden seeds to be passed on after brief use by some new aspirant, upon the principle of a division of honors. North Carolina has not been alone in the pursuance of this policy, other' Southern States with one or two notable exceptions have felt called upon to gratify every ambition born in the imagination of its bright men and have passed the Congressional honors on from one to another at the sacrifice of influence and all that counts in the national ldgislation. Suppose Senator Ransom or Senator Vance had been kept inbe Senate for only one term of six years? Could they possi bly have tnade the impress they did upon the nation or made the fame for themselves or their State? The fact that North Carolina has one man who is serving his fourth term and has so far no opposition for the fifth nomi nation and three others serving their third terms and likely to be renomi nated for the fourth terms without opposition, except Mr. Kluttz, who has signified bis intention to retire to private Hie, argues very strongly that the people of North Carolina are coming to understand this fact, that length of service means not so much tbe growing Into places of power for her eons as a widening of the influence of the Commonwealth. Only tbe best men, honest and conscientious workers should be kept in Congress for longer than one term. "The founders of the Republic were wise In fixing the term of Representatives at two years so that they might review fre quently the conduct of their servants. When they have been faithful to their trust, they should be retained in service, not so much to honor them but, according to the Eastern and Western idea, because the very term of their service has become a valuable, asset to their State. "John Sharp Williams will not tell me just what he thinks the next Congress will have for the present North Carolina delegation, but he does say that he is greatly gratified that tbe same men will be here and that the additional service will place them in position to receive the honors due men of long service because their influence will have ripened so as to bring forth great fruit for their mother State." A GREAT SENSATION. There was a big sensation in Lees ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place, wbo was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He says : "I endur ed insufferable agonies trom Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im mediate relief and soon thereafter ef fected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, xJ.on chitis and Grip are numerous. It's tbe pperless remedy for all throat and long troubles. Pnce50c and $1)0. Guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead A. Co , 1 Druggists. Trial bottles tree. PASSING EVENTS. GOOD FOR CHILDREN. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi ate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at tbe seat of tbe trou ble. It draws out tbe Inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanent ly by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining ox ygen to the blood and tisanes. One Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Sold by E. T Whitehead fc Co. A NOETH CAROLINA MINE WOETH A MILLION. Richmond TiaWs-Dispatch. yjANY people are not aware that North Carolina is richer in min erals than any other State in the Union and that Moore county has one of tbe most valuable gold mines this side of tbe Rocky mountains. This mine is located at Ollie, on Cane Patch run, a tributary of Deep river, twenty miles from Southern Pines, and has been incorporated under the name of the P, H-. Laufman Gold Mining Company, with a capital of $1,000,000. , Its president is P. H. Laufman, a veteran iron and steel man ufacturer, an inventor of note, and "Father of tbe Tin-plate Industry." Coming from Pittsburg to Southern Pines for his health three years ago, with pick and hammer be began to search out tbe secrets of tbe sand hills on which tbe town is built, and pres ently an old gold mine, closed seven teen years ago for lack of funds, came under bis notice. An examination of tbe mine con vinced Mr. Laufman that it was im mensely rich and after purchasing the property, operations were begun last spring. Three shafts were opened, tbe old cbillian mill of seventeen years ago, being used. But it did not crush the ore sufficienty fine. Mr. Laufman soon found that his gold was floating down stream, and the mine was accordingly closed until up-to-date machinery can be put in. Tbe Hale mines, in South Carolina, are being operated with profit, yet tbey yield but $3.50 to the ton. The Lauf man mines will yield $27.50 of pure bullion to tbe tor, according to Mr. I These, one of the most expert mining chemists of tbe country. Dirt and rocks at tbe surface yield $10 a ton, and other assays from $30 to $3?4 a ton. According to Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Laufman's mining engineer, one vein alone, worked to a depth of sixty feet, will yield a million and a half dol lars, and there are longer and richer veins on the property. Taking into account that the richness of the depos it increases with tbe depth, tbe capac ity of the mine seems practically limit less. Mr. Laufman has bad a notable car reer. Though not the oldest manu facturer in point of years, bis connec tion with iron and steel making has been longer than that of any other man in America. In 1876 be bought the Apollo Roll ing mills, at Apollo, Pa., and wastbe first manufacturer to produce cold roll ed and pickled iron and steel sheets. In 1878 he began tbe experimental production of tin plate, and as all ac tual knowledge of the industry was confined at that time to Great Britian, be met with inconceivable difficulties. But his patience and energy triumph ed and the Laufman tin plate was pro nounced tbe equal of and in some re spects superior to the British article. From 1S87 to 1891 Mr. Laufman was laboring to compete with foreign manufacturers, and so well did be suc ceed that tbey were practically driven from the market., His latest invention is tbe high-class electro-magnetic steel sheets, used in dynamos by tbe Edison and Westing bouse companies, which cannot be made fast enough to meet tbe demand from all pirts of the civilized world, At tbe age of 75 Mr. Laufman, in eompay with a party of New York cap talists, inspected the mines of Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho, cross log tbe Bitter Root mountains and other spurs of tbe Rockies on horse back. Three years ago be sold his interests to tbe American Steel Sheet Company and retired from tbe iron and steel bus iness. The gold mine, to whose devel opment be will devote tbe closing years of his life, will compare favorab ly with the gold mines of tbe Rockies, while only one or two others this side of that range are anything like so rich. He has an attractive home at South ern Pines, Berlin Place, so called in honor of his wife, whose father, Philip Berlin, invented the first sleeping car. Mr. Laufman, though 83 years old, is remarkably well preserved and at tends to all the details of .his business with the energy and ; vigor of a far younger man. lC '"f.'-:'-r-'- JUUA ffflULLARD. ',- A CUBE FOR HEADACHE. V Any man, woman oir ebiM anffering from headache; biliousness or V doll, drowsy feelinghould take one or two ot De Witt's Little Early Risen night and morning. These, ismooa little pills are famous because tbey are a, tonic as well as a pill. While tbey cleanse the system tbey strengthen and rebuild it by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Russians Lose 500 Hen. "Port Arthur, April 13. Tbe Pe tropavlovsk struck a mine, which blew ber up and she turned turtle. Our squadron was under Golden Hill. Tbe Japanese squadron was approaching Vice Admiral Makaroft evidently was lost. Grand Duke Cyril was saved. He is slightly injured. Capt. Jakovleff was saved, though severely injured as were five officers and thirty-two men, all more or less injured. "Tbe enemy's fleet has disappeared. Rear Admiral Prince Ouktomsky has assumed command of the fleet." The following dispatch to tbe Czar has been received from Viceroy Alexieff : "Mukden, April 13 A telegram has just been received from Lieutenant General Btoessel, commander of tbe military forces at Port Arthur. I re gret to report to Your Majesty that tbe Pacific fleet has suffered irreparable loss by tbe death of its bra ye and capable commander, who was lost, together with tbe Petropavlovsk." Another dispatch from Viceroy Al exieff to tbe Czar says : "According to reports from the com mandant at Port Arthur the battle ships and cruisers went out to meet the enemy receiving reinforcements, making his total strength thirty ves els, our squadron returned to the road stead, whereupon tbe Petropavlovsk touched a mine, resulting in ber des truction. Grand Duke Cyril, who was on board, was saved. He was slightly injured; The whole squadron then re entered port. Tbe Japanese are now off Cape Liao-Shan. No reports had been received from the acting com mander of the fleet up to the time this dispatch was sent." The Petropavlovsk, which had twice previously been reported damaged in Japanese attacks on Port Arthur, was a first class battleship of 10,969 tons displacement and 14,213 indicated horse power. She was 367 12 leet long, had 69 feet beam and ber armored bolt was of about 16 inches or steel, with ten inches of eteel armor of her turrets. Her armament consisted of 4 twelve inch, 12 six inch, 32 emailer guns v1 six torpedo tubes. The completement of the Petropavlovsk, when fully mann ed, was 700 men. She was'built at St. Petersburg and was completed in 1898. ETILL ANOTHER DISASTER. St. Petersburg, April 14. Rear Ad miral Prince Outkomsky wires from Port Arthur to-day that the Bezatrasb ni, one of tbe Russian torpedo boat de stroyers, 'sent out during tbe night to reconnoiter, became separated from the rest of tbe fleet owing to tbe bad weather prevailing,, was surrounded by Japanese torpedo boat destroyers, and was sunk in the fight. Five men were saved. Tbe official bulle tin this afternoon conveying the intel ligence of the loss of another torpedo beat destroyer and tbe accidental crip pling of another battleship was almost as severe a blow as tbe loss of tbe Pe tropavlovsk yesterday and it plunged tbe whole town anew into grief. "Starts to work with the first dose." Rbeumacide is entirely vegetable, and instead of hurting the digestion, tones up the entire system. "I notice young widow Prettyman doesn't have her widow's weeds to much in evidence now." "No ; she's clearing those weeds away. I believe she sees signs of second crop - of or ange blossoms." Philadelphia Press. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all - tbe Salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns. Brnises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by E. T. Whitehead A Co., Druggists. Willing What makes you think that it is always the wicked that walk in slippery places? Billingi-I have beard what they said when tbey dror ped. Philadelphia Telegraph. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truth! ally say that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me. Mrs. T. V. Wil liams, Laingsburg, Mich. These tab lets are guaranteed to cure eyery case of stomach trouble of this character. For tale by E.T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. i Tomaaso Salvino will not come to tit TTnltMl State in the vear 1905 as previously announced. CASTOR I A jf ibr T11" and Children. Tt3 Kb! Yti Cm Abm Cjkt Bears the Signature of "POOR DIGESTION, LAMCU5D AND TIRED." An Interesting Letter Concerning Pe ru na. TI 1 Delia I BHlwsC J Miss Delia Janveau, Globe Hotel, Ottawa, Ont is from one of the oldest nnd best known French Canadian families in Canada. In a recent letter to The l'oru aa Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, she says : " Last spring my blood seemed clogged up, my digestion poor, my head ached and I felt languid and tired alt the time. My physician prescribed tor me, but a friend advised me to try Peruna. 1 tried It mnd am pleased to state that 1 found It a wonderful cleanser and pur ifier ot the system, la three weeks I was like a new woman, my ap petite had Increased, I felt buoyant, light and happy ahd without na mche or pain. Peruna is a reliable family medicine. " Adia Brittain, of Sekitan, O., writes : "After using your wonderful Peruna three months I have had great relief. I bad continual heaviness in my stomach, waa billons, and had fainting spells, but they all hare left me since using Peruna," -Adia Brittain. Now that bis throat is getting along all right, Senator Tillman should be careful bow be indulges in any more caustic remarks for a time. Aligns a Chronicle. SCIATIC RHEUMATISM CURED. "I have been subject to sciatic rheu matism for years," says E. H. Waldon, of Wilton J unction, Iowa. "My joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discomfort. My joints would cri;ck when I straightened up. I used Cham berlain's Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months. It is certainly a most wonderful liniment." For sale by E T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. When a girl knows she is handsome she does not object to having ber pict ure taken in a group. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for sixty yean by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. . It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, alias all pain, cares wind colic, and is tbe bet tremedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediitely. Sold by Druggists in ever part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, lie sure and ask lor "fiirs winsiow s Rnolhins Syrup. -- r The Duke and Duchess of Manches ter have left London and will make a tour of Spain In an auto car. THE BEST FAMILY SALVE. DeWitt's Witch Hazel gives instant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get tbe genuine DeWitt's and a cure is.'certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on (be market, all ot wbiffb are worthless, and qai'.e a few are dangerous, while DeWitt's W!?ch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless ona cures. Sold by JS. r. wniteneaa v Co. Dr. David Duncan is gathering ma terial to write a biography of the ia'i Herbert Spencer. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. When vou buv a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you have implicit confidence. Yon want one that not only relieve tv cures. You want one tbat is iitiq:i? ionablv harmless. You want one thai is pleasant to take. CbaroberlainV Hough Remedy meet all tnese condi tions. There is notbing so go a Ti the coughs aud colds incident to cbi'-l hood. It is also a certain preventive and cure for croup, and there i w danger whatever from whooping couh when it is given. It bss teen used in many epidemics of tbat disease wnh perfect success. For sale hy E. T Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. If you do not derive prompt and sails factory results from the uso of lV-rima write atouce to Dr. Ilartman, pivinp; a full statement of your case anl ho will be pleased to give you hia vsilunblo wi vice gratis. Address Dr. Tlartman, President of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. He had just teen succeeded by Ganymede ba cupbearer. "If he doenn't do," groaned the guls, 'we shull proba bly have to get a Chinaman." Thus we ree that the servant question was rife even in Olimpus. New Yyrk St:n. ARE YoU A DYSl'Kl'TIC? If you ore a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic' Iriend.s because it sours his dinpnUiou :i3 well as his stomach. KothA Dys pepsia Cure will not only euro dysiifp ia, indigestion and sour stomach, bnt this pa'atabie, reconstructive tonic di gestant strengthens the whole d'grstiye apparatus, and sweetens the life as well as the stomach. When you take Ko lol Dyspepsia Cure the food you cat Is enjoyed. It is digested, asVunilaied and its nutrient properties appropriat ed by tbe blood and tissues. Health is -be result. Sold by E. T. Whitehead A Co. Tailor Do you want padded shoul ders, my little man? Willie Naw; pad de pants! DjtV where I nrel it most. Chicago News. NOTHING KCJUAL TO CHAMUKIl LAIX'3 COLIC, CHOLERA AM DIARRHOEA REMEDY 10 BOWEL COMTLAINIS IN CHILDREN. "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy in our family for years," says Mrs. J. 11 Cooke, oi Nederlands, Texas. "VVe hava given it to all our children. We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Chamberlain's. If you will use it hs directed it will always cure." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and leggett's Drug V.ore, Hob Kood. Nothing is lost with God. The no ble aspirations for the better liTo and the wish to do something:' for others, though circumstances may thwart its accomplishment, still have their merit in God's estimate. Rev. John E. White, Atlanta, Ga. GOOD SPIRITS. Good spirits don't all en me fi-oni Kentucky. Their main ponrce i-t !n Ijver and all the fiiiO ppim cr made in the Bine Gra Stale cnJJ not remeJy a bad liver rr ll.o hr.n-dred-and-one ill effect it pmctce'. You can't havegood epiiits a:-'d a bl liver at the hame time. Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel bouyant, happy snd hopfiful.brlght if eye, light of step, vigorous ana suc cessful In your pursuits. You can put vour liver In fiue condition by iiflDj Green's August Flower the grortteel .-.I all medicines for the liver nnd stom ach and a certain cure for d Fpcjia ir indigestion. It has been a favorite for rver thirty-fiva eir-. Ao'u-t Flower will make your liter healthy i i id cciive and thin insure jou isli'-r-! 8uprly of "good spirits." Trb l !7.3 25 c pu'h ; regnlar bottles 7t f nis At E. T. Whitehead & Co's.

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