The commonwealth. B. 3. iIIi-L,IAai3, - - - Editor. Published Every Thursday. Entered at the Pcsi-OMcf. at Scotland Keek, N G . as Second Class Matter. TfiURSDAW MAY 26, 1901. NOMINATE GOOD 3IEN. The Commonwealth Las no candi dates to name in the coming conven tions, sxcept to say it feels a preference for Mr. Glean for Governor. But Id saying this v.e wish it distinctly under stood that wo have no word of detrac tion for any of th8 able candidates who aspire to the same position. They are all good men, and any one of them would make a most acceptable Gov ernor. In the nominations for State and county offices also men should be se lected whom the people will gladly support. We have heard all our lives that only good and conservative men ought to be elected to public office ; so in this suggestion The Commonwealth is not offering anything new, but is emphasizing that which has been eaid for a hundred years. A public office is a public trust, and ought to be given to men who will meet the responsibility of such trust. This done, and both the officers and the people whom they serve will be fortunate and prosperous. IMPROVE OUR OWN SEED. On the fourth page of this issue will be seen an article headed "Boll Weevil Xot Checked." At the close of that article something is said about the danger of shipping cotton seed from the boll weevil districts, the possibility and probability being pointed cut that in this way the weevil may spread. Tbe safeguard suggested against the spread of the weevil in such cases is fumigation of the seed. Mr. L. J. Baker, of Palmyra, a most practical and successful farmer, sug gests that a safer way than having fumigated seed shipped into our re gions would be to improve our own seed here at home. And the sugges tion is a good and wise one. Farmers may make great improve ment in all their crops by carefully selecting their seeds ; and it is as pos sible and practicable In cotton as it is in corn or any other crop. It Is a matter that would entail considerable care and attention, but nevertheless it is worth the extra pains and labor. Let the farmers think about it. JUDGE PEEBLES AND THE LAW YERS. The contempt proceedings before JuJje It- IS. Peebles in tbe case of the Robeson county lawyers who refused to try their causes before him some time ago, were heard in Lumberton Monday of last week. After hearing much evidence in affidavits to support the Robeson lawyers ia the continuance of their cases rather than try them be fore Judge Peebles, the case was con tinued until to-day, May 26th. Attorney C. W. THlelt, of Charlotte, in appearing for the Robeson county lawyers made a strong plea to Judge Peebles to allow tbe case to be tried by some other judge, and Judge Peebles eaid he might do it if he could find a judge in the State who is not in pol itics. There was seme damaging evidence against Judge Peebles in the affidavits, and it remains to be seen how he will meet it when bis witnesses are heard. Altogether it is quite an interesting case, especially to lawyers, but we think it would have been better lor Judge Peebles il he had taken no no tice of tbe action of tbe Robeson law yers at first. "ENOUGH SAID.' Charlotte News. There were only two candidates for office of lieutenant-governor before the voters of Mecklenburg county, George L. Morton and Francis D. Winston. Both men are from tbe extreme east and neither very well known in Meck lenburg. There was some prejudice against Francis D. Winston on account of his former political leanings, though he has been tbe straichtest sort of a Democrat now for many years and a recruit that has been very useful, en joying the confidence of tbe Democrats of his own section. Bat The News had to tell the truth about George L. Morton and tbe people of Mecklenburg did the rest. Tbe vote stands, Morton 690, Winston 1,817. Enough said. O Bountlie Signature of rlhi Kind Yon Haw Always Bought CONVEN- The Republican State Convention was held in Greensboro last week. The follow!" which gives the nominations for the various offices, is taken from the report in the Morning Post : "Cfcas. J. Hardia, of Jackson county, was nominated for governor. His name was presented by Zeb Vance Walser. and on motion of Ruff Hender son the nomination was made unani mous. Walser introduced Mr. Harris as the next governor of North Caroli na, who thanked the contention for the honor. "Isaac M. Meekins, of Pasquotank, was nominated for lieutenant governor by acclamation. Harry Skinner in presenting his name referred to him as 'the young Demosthenes of the east.' His nomination was seconded by J. Q A. Wood and Robt. Hancock. Mr. Meekins thanked the convention which he said wa3 composed of the grandest body of men that has met in North Carolina in 25 years, "W. H. Yarborough, Jr., of Frank Ud, was unanimously nominated for attorney general. The nominating1 speech was made by R. D. Douglas. Mr, Yarborough thanked the conven tion. "J. J. Jenkins, of Chatham, was named as the candidate for secretary of state. The nomination was maae unanimous, bis name being presented by J. A. Giles. Jenkins did not know of the programme and could not be found to thank tbe convention. "C. G. Bailey, of Dayie, was nomi nated by acclamation for state treas urer. His name was presented by Tur ner Grant, of Davie. Mr. Bailey re sponded to calls for him and thanked the convention. "Frank Linney, of Watauga, was nominated for state auditor by unani mous vote. Chas. A. Reynolds placed him in nomination. "C. P. Frazier, of Guilford, got a unanimous nomination ior superin tendent of public instruction. His name was presented by R. D. Douglas. "D. H. Abbott, of Pamlico, was nom inated by acclamation for corporation commissioner. Robt. Hancock pre sented his name. "J. Y. Hamrick, of Cleveland, was nominated for labor commissioner by unanimous vote. "W. R. Dixon, of Craven, was made the candidate for commissioner of ag riculture. "On motion of Ex-Judge Robinson, the conyention unanimously nominat ed Justices W. A. Montgomery and R. M. Douglas to be supreme court judges. DAWSON'S STARS. Correspondence to The Commonwealth. Dawson, May 23, 1904. Miss Lelia Weeks went to Scotland Neck Tuesday to have her eyes tested by Dr. Hyatt. The many friends of Miss Annie Lawrence are glad to see her out again after a ten days' confinement with fe ver. Miss Mollie Pope spent Thursday in Scotland Neck on business. She also paid a pleasant call to Mrs. Jack Keel, who 13 quite ill. Mr. Lee Whitaker,from near Enfield, passed through Dawson yesterday and expressed bis surprise at some of its flourishing works. Mr. W. B. Barnbill went to Scotland Neck Saturday on business. We are sorry to chronicle tbe ex treme illness of Mrs. John Willy. Miss Eva Simmons, of Enfield, visit ed ber cousin, Miss Mary White, Sun day. Miss Etta Cherry, of Scotland Neck, will spend a few days this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Billie Walstor. She will also visit Mrs. Rob Simmons in Enfield. . Mrs. Alice Whitehead, of Enfield, visited Mrs. Joe Lawrence yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stephenson,of Crowell, spent Sunday here on a visit to Mrs. R. W. Barnes, Mrs. Stephen son's sister. Mr. Boston Lewis, of Scotland Neck, p-iid a pleasant call here Sunday and enjoyed tbe excellent mineral water at Fleming's spring. Mr. Lynn Branch, of Enfield, was witb his many friends here Sunday. Mr. Louis Hancock, accompanied by Miss Annie Marks, of Spring Hill, at tended service here Sunday. Mr. Walter Dunn, of Whitakertown, attended services here Sunday, and also visited his brother, Mr. Balfour Dunn. Misses Lizzie and Sallie Pittman, of M ullens, spent a few houra here Sun day. Mr. J. R. Willy, Jr., of Weldon, was called here last week to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. John Willy, who is seriously sick. Miss Sallie Fleming, of Enfield, came Sunday and will spend a while with iclatives here. Mr. Charlie Eleming and Miss Alma Pope, of Crowell. attended Rey. J. R. Henderson's services here Sunday night. Miss Bessie Wright, of Spring Hill, attended services here Sunday. Mr. Ernest Stallings.ot Enfieldsame io visit bis parents last week,aIso to be restored to health after a week's sick ness. Rev. J. K. Henderson delivered an excellent sermon to a large congrega tion in tbe Baptist cb arch Sunday morning rnd again at night. He is a whole-souled man and one that his con gregation delights in listening to. RErUBLTCA! STATE TIOX. REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The Weldon correspondent to the News and Observer gave the fo'Iowing account of the Republican Congress- ...... 3 ional convention held at Weldon under date of May 21st : The Republican Congressional con vention for the Second district was held here to-day. The negroes were very much in evidence and the gather ing locked not unlike the old time gatherings. "There was a disposition on the part of the negroes to control. A threaten ing storm was turned into a love-feast by tbe election of fonr negroes by ac clamation to the National Republican convention. They are ex-Congressman H. P. Cheatham, of Warren, and S. H. Vick, of Wilson, as delegates. M. F. Thornton and S. G. Newsom alternates. J. H. Arrington, of Halifax, colored chairman, called the convention to or der. John D. Grimsley, of Greene, was elected permanent chairman and Postmaster Robblns, of Edgecombe, secretary. "Arrington used as a gavel a stick ten feet long. In yielding the chair to Grimsley he said, 'I tender you the staff of prosperity.' "The nomination of Congressman and presidential elector was postponed and left to the district executive com' mi t tee. Resolutions endorsing Presi dent Roosevelt, the Panama legislation, expansion and tbe platforms of the party in general were introduced and adopted. The lilly whites were just a little bit under a cloud to-day and when tbe negroes asserted their rights terms were made assuring harmony." CALL OF DEMOCRATIC PRIMA RIES AND CONVENTION FOR HALIFAX COUNTY. Tbe Democratic primaries for Hali fax county have been called to meet in tbe respective precincts on Monday, the 30th day of May, 1904, for tbe pur- pose of electing delegates to the county convention. The said primaries will be held in the several precincts on said day at the following times : Brinkleyville precinct, at 4 p. m. Butterwood precinct at 10 a. m. Faucetts precinct at 10 a. m. Weldon precinct at 4 :15 p. m. Roanoke Rapids precinct at 7 p. m. Littleton precinct at 3 p. m. Halifax precinct at 3 p. m. Conoconara precinct at 3 p. m. Enfield precinct at 3 p. m. Scotland Neck precinct at 3 p. m. Roseneath precinct at 3 p. m. ' Palmyra precinct at 3 p. m. Kehukee precinct at 3 p. m. The Democratic county convention for Halifax county is called to meet in Halifax town on the 3rd day of Jane, 1904, for tbe purpose of electing dele gates to the State and Congressional conventions and to nominate the Dem ocratic candidates for county offices and members of the General Assembly. By order of the executive committee, May 16th, 1904. E. L. Travis, Chairman. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, K inn an & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Fills for consti pation. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF HALIFAX COUNTY. Believing it to be the best interest of the Democratic party of Halifax county, I have decided to withdraw as a candidate for the Legislature in the coming election. I wish to tbank my friends for their loyal support. Very respectfully, W. F. BUTTERWORTH. May 23, 1904. siiiTOra- Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. . SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists. A09-415 Pearl Street, New York. Sac and $tjoo ; all druggists. . W TA A n HEN Noah advertised the flood wheelright. But the flood came just as advertised, and Noah relatives were the only ones who were not wiped off the map. If Noah had had a reputation as a weather prophet his words would nave car igs ried more weight. He failed to convince the people because he had never before delivered the goods. Our stock has ative and most elaborate display of Vehicles, Harness, Accessories and Improved Farming Implements and Machinery in the history of the town. QnVi o cfifmptif holrrl rw farfc to our stock, the, one that has never disappointed, never failed to make good and always excelled its advertised greatness, there is no room for doubt. We have erven line uoon line, precept upon precept, and 1r rerr otv rknxr! ntA f Vmfr wp arp Tux? T-T arrluarp nprr1f i 1 1 rl on n or . . being 33 1-3 per ceni. larger man ever peiore ior ine same monin, out mere are a few still groping in What happened to the people who tory. Don't let history repeat itself in your case. Lfii lt m u Scotland Keck, Money-Making People want money. Money is power. It will furnish comfort for which people toil. Do you want money? Then save money and plant some. Plant $50 or more where it will grow. But, put it where it will grow safely rapidly surely The surest thing on earth is not oo sure for your savings. We can tell you why when where. It is practically "backed by Uncle Sam." Write for prospectus it's free. COLUMBIAN SECURITIES CO., THE BOURSE, Philadelphia, - - Pa. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. CHAS' IT WALSH Stem HitHuti Mia WORKS, 9m Oil C Pn.. XT. Monuments, "Tombs, Cemetery Curb ing, &c. All work strictly nrst . class and at Lowest Prices. I ALSO FURNISH IRON FEKCIK6, VASES, &C Designs sent to any address free. In writing for them please give age of de eased and limit as to price. I Prepay Freight on all Work Compare our Work with that of our Competitors- Weaver Piano and Organ Co., York, Perm. Reliable in every particular. Instru ments may be seen by any one who is interested. .Will sell either for cash or on in stallment. tSRemember I also handle all kinds of Sewing Machines. 3-7-3m . W. L. HARRELL. Scotland Neck, , North Carolina. Ito KMYwHgsj Unn fatrit as of Buy Muresco from Uosey Hwd. Co. IB LI Piaous & Orn MY BJ0AH FAILED? build the Ark everybody thought his head needed the attention of a been advertised as the , i Mi 1. the darkness and will "The Hardware Hustlers," Fndertakers Supplies Full and Complete Line. - y Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time N. B. JOS BY- Scotland Neck, N. C. J.W.PerryCD., Cotton Factors and Commis sion Merchants, Norfolk, - - Virginia. Offer to-day, subject to changes of the msrket, f. o. b. Norfolk, for ship ment in AugUBt and September next : 2-1 b Jute Bagging at 6f j per yard. 2-lb " " at7c " " 45-lb New Arrow Ties at 90c per bundle. rciLLTHi COUGH and CURE thi LUNCG wm,Dr.infi!: 0 civ Biccovcry rONSUMPTIOM Price OUGHS ami 60c & $1.00 Free Trial. )LDS Surest sad Quickest Cure for aU THROAT and I.T7NG TBOTJB UBS, or HONEY BACK. SLUlnccrrt'o Kocptol end Sailfcrfum, r.-orjout, vir.;r:iA. c0" OF BU"-D,N0 cTp?s:,re1rM,LL,oM Ward Rates, $7 per week; Private Room Rates from $10 to $30 per week. For Catalogue, etc., address Tha PreshteKt, St Vlnssnf Hcc c-a Ccnrfca - NORFOLK. VIRGINIA. nobody believed; when he started to biggest, most complete, most represent- nnnnf rhnllencrerl . r r v not see the light. refused to believe Noah is a matter of his- Notice. State of North Carolina County of Halifax Iu tbe Superior Court. Dixie Morgan vs Ellen Morgan. To the defendant, Ellen Morgan : Take notice that an action entitled Dixie Morgan vs Ellen Morgan has been commenced in this court against you. The purpose of the same is to obtain an absolute divorce from you for aban donment for two years prior to tbe 1st day of January, 1903, and for adultery committed with divers persons. And the defendant Ellen Morgan is required to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at a court to be held for tbe county of Halifax, at the court bouse in Halifax, on the 2od Monday before tbe 1st Monday in September, 1904, and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in the office of tbe clerk of the Superi or Court for said county, and let tbe defendant take notice that if she fails to answer or demur to tbe complaint within the time required by law, th plaintiff will apply to tbe court for tbe relief dsmanded io tbe complaint. This May 16th, 1904. 8. M. OAKY, 5-26 4t Clerk Superior Court. WE KEEP ON HAND BURIAL GAMS OF ALL KINDS All M TIME With Complete Undertakers' Outfit'! HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY HOUR. Day or night we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro., Scotland Neck. North n. is Sis Rut when nnnliprl -: most people of the frnm niir Annl cn1rc 1.1- .1 1 COMPANY, North Carolina. V" EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as e.ei-.!- trix of Jesse E. Hux, deceased, lute . t Halifax county, N. C, thi4 is to noi;!v all persons having claims against t!, .' estate of said deceased to exhibit thou to me or my attorneys, W. A. k 11. v. Dunn, Enfield, N. C, on or before ae 10th day of May, 1905, or this not ics? will be plead in bar of their recovc All persons indebted to said estate :! please make immediate tettleme-'. This 10th day of May, 1904. Elizabeth Adkts. 5-196t Executrix TAYLO R, THE Pioneer Ghocee Having been the first om to open a FIRST CLASS Grocery Store in Scotia nl Neck, and having for it years studied the wants f the trade, we feel that w' should be in a position know better than unyi: with less experience, just th" kind of goods the ' want. GIVE US A CALL Satisfaction GUAltANTi:i ! ttntlO FOR FIRST CL lulUGROC 3 R I j: FOR FIRST CL -; 0. K. TAYLOE. Scotland Neck. N. C. A Buggy Fre ft i flliAiiiiA 4t TTtt flnninTri a buaiiiie ui Lif mmim To all cash customers wli pay me $5.00 at one tin!'' for any kind of work fici i my shop, I will give a num bered ticket. For every S 1 o cash at one time after t!'1 first ticket is taken by t' same customer I will another ticket. Numbers corresponding 1(1 every ticket will be filedaw. iy and at the end of tliey1' 1904, some disinterested i i -son will select a number i n111 all the numbers filed, and the person holding the ti k t corresponding with the num ber selected will get a linuxi New Buggy of my own ni i' FREE. W. A. BRANTLEY. Scotland Neck, X.' and his immediate Heaap

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