iTTLTT Z Tf T7 i&lL?llit2 : Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. " TfoZStaTfig: aH100' Tlie Commonwealth THURSDAY, MAY 2G. 1904. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. SHINGLE 8 AND BRICK! If in need of Shingles or Brick call on or write J. S. TURRJER. 5 WELbON. N. C. Buy Muresco from Josey Hdw. Co. Vv. B. Corsets for s-ile by N. D. Josey. FOR SALE CHEAT A 2-seatTrap. Biiiit by A. Wrenn &. Sons. Used a fc-.v tiroes N. B. Josey, 800 bushels White Bone-dry Kiln dried Corn. N. B. Josey. '.Vill pell under yalna two Top Bag gics new, one Canopy Top Surry new. . X- B. Josey. 12") barrel Virginia Ground Flour ; tip top ; ju?t received ; none bctier. N. B. Jose 7. Green Trading; Stamp; VyE'HAYE ARRANGED WITH the American Saving Stump Co. to furnish our eah customers with ireen Trading Stamp?, which if saved will entitle the holders to a selection from 5,000 !om'.if:tl household pres ents. These presents p. re actually free to thoss who spend their cash with us. Call and get a specimen book and $5.00 of stamps free to start with. Rc-msmber our stors is chock full of bargains. Car load of hay and corn ytA arrived. Prarle h:iv the best. EDWARDS & CO.. Scotland Neck, N. C. Price 10c. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda will be served at our Fountains at lOo. each. To avoid embarrassment don't send the little ones with 5c. E. T. Whitehead & Co. 5-2G 2i T. F. Whitley. Only two Hammocks left. Josey Hdw. Co. Exclusive Agents For the Five Minute Wonder Ice Cream Freezers. Josey Hardware Co. Don't Forget Us When in need of Fidat and Linseed Oil. Josey Haedwaee Co. Hfll1 A Ul tie iMiaiire. At the earnest solicitation of many friencts I hereby announce myself a candidate, subject to the Democratic j nominating convention, to if present Haiiiax county in the next General Assembly of North Carolina. If elect ed I promise to faithfully perform the duties incumbent upon me. Respectfully, W. T. Jexkiss, Aurelian Springs, N. C. "For tie Lsgislatnre. At the urgent solicitation of many friends I hereby annouues myself a candidate, subject to the Democratic nominating convention, to represent Halifax county in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, if elect ed I promise to faithfully perform the duties incumbent upon me. Respectfully, T. u. Alston, May 10, 1904. Airhe, N. C. . Buy Muresco from Josey Hdw. Co. Geakd Master Biggs Mr. H. E. Biggs Las been made Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows cf North Caiolim. Mr. Biggs has long been a member of that order in high standing and this honor is worthily be Btowed. Worthy Colored Man Dead John Finey Smith, a -worthy and well es teemed colored man, died at his home a few miles iroji town Tuesday, May 21th, aged about G5 years. He Was a carpenter by trsde, skilled in Lis work, and bore high esteem of both races. TO IT TO-DAY. The time-worn injunction, "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today," is now generally presented in this form : "Do it today !" That is the terse advice we want to give you about that backing cough or demoral izing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, perhaps weeks. Take some reliable ramedy for it today and let this remedy be Dr. Bjuchee's German Syrup, which has been in use for over thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undoubtedly re lieve your couh or cold, and its con tinued use for a lew days will cure you completely. No matter bow deep-seated your coah, even if dread consump tion has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it h8 done before in thousands of appa re itly hopelesa cases of lung trouble. New .trial bottle?, 25s ; regular size, 75c. At E. T. Whitehead & Co'a. FOIYSK0:uTYTAJ VEGETABLE Sicilian Hair Renewer PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts cf Our People and Other Folks. Mr. T. W. Fenner, of Haiiiax, wss here last week. Mr. Gussie Hoffman has returned from a trip to Roanoke, Virginia. Mr. S. G. Whitfield, of Enfield, spent Monday night in town. Mr. W.R.Harvey, of Littleton, spent a night in town last week. State Senator E. L. Travis, of Hali fax, spent a night ia town last week. Mess. D. Bell and W. T. Clement, ot Enfield, were in Scotland Neck Tues day. Mrs. T. F. Whitley returned Monday from a visit to her relatives at Grin doc.!. Miss Alma Mnrchison, ot Hobgood, has been here this week on a ytsit to her friends. Mrs. Ciio Darden went to Spring Hill a few days ago to enjoy a fishing :it Hill's old mill- Mr. G. C. Weeks went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend the commencement at the A. & M. College. Miss Annie Kiichin and Mr. N. B, Josey went to W ake Forest to attend commencement this week. Register cf Deeds J. H. Norman came down from Halifax last week and spent a night with Hon.Claude Kitcbin. Mrs. L. J. Baker, of Palmyra, went to Louisburg Monday to attend com mencement of Louisburg Female Col lege. Dr. J. D. Hufham went to Raleigh Saturday where he preached a sermon Sunday before the graduating class of the A. & M. College. Mr. J. S. Rowers, who has been away to Hot Springs, Va., for rest and re euperation, has returned. He im proved considerably while away. Miss Naomi Prince, who has been teaching lor some time at Mr. Joseph Early's in Martin county, came on a visit to her brother, Mr. D. M. Prince, Saturday. Mr. E. E. Bishop, of Durham was here Saturday. Ha has many friends here who were glad to see him. His ood words for The Commonwealth, were appreciated. Miss Kate Bagley, who ha3 been teaching in the graded school of Eliza beth City, came home Saturday, the session of her school having cloeed. Her friends were glad to welcome her home. Mr. W. D. Pender, who had been in this coairnnnity a few weeks on a visit, left a few days ago to return to Florida, tie was not well when he came here, but said he was much improved when hs went away. Mr?. J. Anthony Beck, who has been here several weeks on a visit to her mother, Mrs. N. P. Cotten, returned to her home in Wilmington, Delaware, Monday. Her many fiiends here have greatly enjoyed her visit. MrTLeon T. Vaughan left some days ago for Nashville, ?4. C, where be has gore to locate m the practice of law. We commend him to the good people of Nashville, and bespeak for him the tine success which he richly merits. The following young ladies returned Wednesday of last week from the Bap tist Female University at Raleigh : Misses Magsie Lewis, Kate and Bessie ?utrell, Emily Sawyer Biggs, Nonie Williford and Annie Josey. Miss Maggie Lewis was a member of the graduating class of 1904. All these young ledies were warmly welcomed by their friends at home. Mr. S. W. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Barry came down from Provi dence, R. I., some days ago. This is the old home of Mr. Edwards and bis daughter, Mr3. Barry, and their many friends were glad to greet them. Mr. Barry was here seven years ago on his wedding trip to the South, and says he is glad, to be here again. He thinks this a fine country and speaks well of it. He is prominently connected with the Providence Journal, an influential paper in his city. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made Will wear ss long as Devce's. No oth ers are as heavy bodied, because De voe's weigh 'A to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. THE LADIE3 favor painting their chtrches, and therefore we urge every minister to remember we give a liberal quantity ot the Longman & Martinez Paint toward the painting. Wears and covers like gold. Don't psy $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy other paints in a can with a paint label on it. ! 8 and G make 14, therefore when ! you want 14 gallons of pjiot, buy 8 of L. & M., and mix b gallons ot pure Linseed Oil with it,. and thus get paint for less than $ 1.20 per gallon. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L. & M. and three gal Ions ot Linseed Oil mixed theewitb. These Celebrate! Pasnts are sold by DR. HUFHAM IN RAL.EIGH. Dr. J. D. Hufham preached the ser mon before the gradual ing class at the A. & M. College in Raleigh Sunday. Following is' a partial report taken from the News and Observer : "The services before the graduating class ol the A. & M. College on Sunday morning when the Baccalaureate ser mon was preached, took place in Fal len auditorium, this being the first time the "hall has been used. "The sermon was preached by Rev. Cr. J. D. Hufham, of Scotland Neck, who is perhaps the most highly es teemed of all the Baptist ministers of the State. He is a loving and a loved man ol God, and his words of admoni tion come from a heart and a mind rich with the golden stores garnered in a life spent in the service ol his Master. "The auditorium seats a thousand people and it was filled to its capacity, it is an airy, light room and the con gregation that gathered in it Sunday was a handsome one. There were many young ladies present, these add ing to the charming appearance. The cadets were seated in a body at the front, the thirty-six seniors occupying the two front rows ot seats. "The services were under the direct ion ot the First Baptist church, and Rev. W. C. Tyree, the pastor of that church, was on the rostrum with Dr. Hufham, while a large part of the con gregation of the First Baptist church was present, the music being rendered by the choir ot that church. "The preacher announced the text : 2 Cor. 8 :5. 'But first save their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God. "After a brief introduction be said ; 'You see the truth which lies on the surface. It is, that giving one's self is the condition of all heroic living. "1. The Christian life begins witb the giving of one's self to God through Christ. It is the one thing which, if you do it makes you a Christian, the one act by which you pass from death unto life. "2. This absolute,comp!ete surrender is the condition of all larger knowledge. Nature reveals her secrets only to him who has given his life to her. Art, lit erature, the professions open their store-bouses and give their treasures to nich as prize them above everything else and seek for them with singleness of heart. Even so Christ gives the larger knowledge of himself and the Father, of life and truth and duty, to those and those alope who have accepted him as their only hope of salvation, as their only Lord and Mastetf J- V V " "3. This entire surrender is also the condition of happiness. Christ was called the man cf sorrow. But it is true also that He was anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows. His lite, notwithstanding its sorrows, was the happiest life that has ever blessed this earth. Those who walk in His footsteps with loving, trustful hearts and unwavering purpose are made sharsrs of His joys. "4. The giving ot one's self is the condition of power. You may recall Macauley's description of the Puritans. You might smile, he said, if you had seen them prone on their faces and la menting with sobs and tears, their sin fulness and unworthmess, but no one who had met them at the council board or on the field of battle, had rea son to smile when they were done witb them. The consciousness that they were God's children made them indif ferent to danger or difficulty. Like a man with an iron flail they went about dashing in pieces everything which set itself in opposition to them. "Young gentlemen of the graduating class, you are going out into the world to fight life's battle. Give yourselves to the Lord and unto your work by the will of God. So shall you be pure in the strife." Letter to Crescent Hosiery Co. Dear Sirs : Mr. ... , president of a cotton mill at Union, S. C. he don't want to see his name in print bad two offers of 500 gallons of paint: $1.30 and $1.25. Took the $1 25 ; and got skinned. He'd have got three- quarters skinned if he'd taken the other. The $1.30 was full-gallon ; the $1.25 was 18 per cent, short. The full-measure paint was adulterated 45 per cent., besides benzine in the oil, don't know how much. Devoe lead-and zinc wasn't sold in the town then. It don't pay to monkey with paint. Devoe costs less than any of 'em ; not by the gallon, ot course ; by the house and year. That's how to reckon it. Go by the name. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. Ills that come from Summer's Heat A mother need not fear to greet, When with "TEETHINA" she's sup plied, No ills with baby need abide. "TEETHINA" aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, and costs only 25 cents at druggists', or mail 25 cents to Dr. C. J. Moffett, St. Louis, Mo. . faint Your Buggy for 75 Cents witb Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paint. . It weighs 3 to 8 ounces to the pint less than others, wears longer and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by E. T. Honor Roll for Month Ending May aoth. First Grade Jesse Bowers, Jimmie Shields, Macon Bell, Guss Moore.Mun nie Stamper. Second Grade Nannie Lamb, Katie fijll, Hattie Weeks, Katherine Kitchin, Lucile Leggett. Third Grade Mary Weeks, Mattie Josey. Oliyia Lawrence, Mildred Ed wards, Bessie Dunn, Ruby Darden .Net tie Allsbrook. Fourth Grade Cornelia Josey, Susie Roberjon, Stella Hoffman, Danford Jo sey, Louise Futrell. Fifth Grade Mary Taylor, Sallie Jo sey, Anna Everett, Sallie Dunn. Sixth Grade None. Seventh Grade None. Eighth Grade Helen Hilliard. Ninth Grade Lucy Camp. Music Class Helen Hilliard, Mabel Vaughan, Ruby Darden,Louise Futrel1. Does Not Apply to all Stores. The seven o'clock closing does not. ipply to all the stores in Scotland Neck. By agreement those close who wish to do so, but I wish to inform my customers and the public generally that our store does not close at seven o'clock. We keep open at night now just as we did before the other stores commenced to close at seven o'clock. We are always ready to accommodate oar customers. Remember also that we carry bar gains for you in everything from our argest article of sale down to a pencil tablet. J. D. Ray & Co. Chickens High. The editor of the North Carolina Baptist says that frying size chickens are selling three for a dollar, and so scarce at that be has not tasted of one this spring. The editor of The Commonwealth can beat that we struck something at Hamilton the other day that passed with us for spring chicken. They may have cost three for a dollar; but if the? did we felt like the boarder who was eating the landlady's 50 cents butter "they were well worth it." CHAMBERLAIN '3 STOMACH AND LIVER TABLETS BETTER THAN A DOCfoft'S PRESCRIPTION. Mr. J. W. Turner, of Trubart, Va., says that Cbamberiain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done bim more good than anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medi cine that would produce such gratify ing results in cases ot stomach troubles, biliousness or constipation, his whole time would be useed in preparing this one medicine. For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and Lsggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. KlEYSIIIEITEYCuTtB Hakes KMnoys and Bladder Right (Bash iiuon tooy Ho We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of lion Coffee, Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but lo Addition to Arc EtQmlor Fr9 romiumo the same Lion-Heads will entitle make some of our patrons rich men The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the Si. Louis World's Fair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,000.00 viil be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to- this amount, we will give am I I"" m nf -M AAA to th& one who is nearest correct on both uiuiiu Tiro. riiAu Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stomp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. Txm!s World' Fair? At Chicago. July 4. 1893. the attendance was 283.273. For nearest correct estimate received in Woolson Spice Com pany's office, Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th. 1904. wo will Civ first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc, aa louews. 1 Mrat Ms l aoontt Prise . . . 2 Friaeav S600.00 6 Frlaaa 200.00 lO Plixea 100.00 ao me 60.00 SO Frise 20.00 350 Prises lO.OO 1800 Maes O.OO 3139 FUZES. Clttrl.xttd fa ft rctllc tggregtting $45, 000.00-la addittai la which wo shall gfra IB.CCD la Cwaara' Cltrht (taa particulars la UC3 COFFEE cites) making a graad total at $50,CC3.C3. WOOLSON SPICE CO., ID) ma -(mmmaW -"nmnsSss- ft ftykbtoM M4 mtr best IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. fit. Wilkes write In the crane el a lone letter, Aaptet 18, 1902: My leti were drawn back until my feet touched my hips. I waa aa helpleat at 1 baby far nearly 12 month. The muscle of ny arm and leta were hard and ehrhreled ay. I Suffered death many time direr. Waa treated by six different physician in McColl, Dillon And Marion, but none of them could do m any foot, antil Dr. I. P. Ewinc. of Dillon, told ae to try yonr RHEUM ASIDE. I bef en to take ft, and before the Brat bottle we ned on t beean to t better. I Died 5 bottle and waa completely cured." Dr. J. P. Ewing confirms Mr. Wilkes' statement in erery particular. TftmL OTTLC BOSBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS. BALTIMORE. MO FOR! SALE BYE. T. Miss Margaret Shields' Response. The closing feature of the commence ment at the Baptist Female University in Raleigh last week was the banquet on Wednesday night. Among those who responded to toasts was Miss Mar garet Shields, of Scotland Neck. The toast-master was Judge R. W. Winston, and the first response was by Miss Shields. Of her response the News and Observer said i "The first toast responded to was on 'Retrospection,' this being by Mies Margaret W. Shields, '02, ol Scotland Neck, her theme being, ' Tis greatly wise to talk with our psst hours.' Her remarks were excellent, for starting with the opening days of 1899 when students arrived to find shavings on the floor and to hear the sound of the hammer and and saw, she told how thete bad been followed by order out ot chaos, and how the days bad passed as the University grew." A Brave Old Soldier Dead. Mr. H. D. Lilly died at his home near Hobgood Saturday night, May 14th, aged 67 years. He was a brave Confederate soldier and made a most honorable record. He was severely wounded in the head at Gettysburg, was without medical attention for seven days. He recovered from his wounds, returned to his command and was again wounded in the thigh at Petersburg. After much suffering be was again restored and again returned to the arrriy and was at the surrender at Appomattox. He belonged to company G of tbe Thirteenth North Carolina Regiment. After tbe war be returned home and Spent his life in labors on a farm- It is said that while a soldier be never missed a roll call except while he was disabled by his wounds. n Kzs vry v3k you to estimates in our $50,000.00 and women. You can send in as many TWO OREAT OOIWESTS ui o. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (rotes for all candidates combined) at the election November 8. 1904? Ia liO election. 13.959.653 people voted for President. For nearest cor rect estimates received in Woolson Spice Co. 's, office. Toledo. O., cn or before Nov. 5. 1304. we will srlve first prize for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc.. as follows: 1 First Prise J2.BOO.OO 1 Second Prise l.OOO.OO n ri.u imvi rtn uh 1 .000.00 2i,6CO.OO l.OOO.OO 1.000.00 l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 8,000.00 TOTAi, S20.000.00 S Prls lO Prises 20 Prises 60 Prises 260 Prises 1800 Prises a 139 P2IZES. U U W CJsm La dJ DETAILED PARTICULARS !N (CONTEST DEPT.) 61UI O (J SCNT ON AfLICTIOI TO WHITEHEAD & CO. School Team Wins. The match game between the Town Team and the School Team was called at 4 :30 o'clock Friday afternoon, May 20, '04. Great interest was manifested by both sides, the interest growing to wildest enthusiasm when the School Team held their ground and gradually added to their score until it doubled that of the Town Team. During tbe last half ot the ninth inning the Town Team succeeded in gettirg three men on bases and their reliable slugger at tbe bat. But owing to the good pitching and the catcher's quick work the side was retired with out searing. Dunn, Kitchin, Josey and McDowell each have a double play to their credit. At the end of tbe ninth inning the score was as follows : School 21001020 410. Town 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 5. Batteries : School Kitchin and Jo sey. Town Riddick and Gray. Electric Light Plant Whistle. Mondav evening when tbe six o'clock whistles blew, at the Scotland Neck Cotton Mills and the Crescent Hosiery Mills,another whistle, new and strange, rent the air. It wss the whistle at the potter bouse ot the electric light plant. During the day smoke had b2en seen curling from the smoke stack at tbe power house, which indicated that the time was approaching when tbe electric lights would te turned on. Preparations had been made to test tbe lights for the town in the power house Monday flight, but when the power was turned on there was a 1' ttle slip in tbe belt to the driving wheel which injured the belt so that a low one will have to be secured. This will delay tbe turning ca o! the lights a few days perhaps. SEssrs oil Grand Prixe Conteata, which wilt estimates as desired. There will be 0 CP,-, contests, and thus your estimates nave two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es timate is recorded. JJ.JJ ................ A .vrvrwavw 100.00 " 1 ,000.00 60.00 - '2S2-22 20.00 i'925-22 10.00 " 2,600.00 6iOO " .9.000.00 TOTAL. S20.000.00 EVERY PACKAGS OF TOLEDO. OHIO. FIFII1 llcrfo!f, Dirflinfa. THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES SOLICIT YOUR TRADE:. KUW To,6TS TUCBVtiC T?Tomp Qua 3 1 n repair or remodel any kind of fcuHins ? Send far aur UTMOuW of builrfino mrteri.M. k n dears, blinds, turdvrorc. iraiileUim.iIs. class aas & electric fcxiurM fcc r j FRANK 7. SSKS C&., UBS E5tsbHiii?3. RJHFM S.V&.2!:S1 SAMUEL C. PHILLIPS INVITES YOUR TRADE tor Furniture?, CorpetSi &c Lowest Trices Ciuarantccd. 13 -337 Church St.. NORFOLK. VA. Basol Paint... CI most economical Pur.:?. Write for Descriptive Jloklut Sent Post Frt-c. JENKINS PAINT & OIL CO., NORFOLK. VA. SO KEY & BAUftS, Tailors & Furnishers, 333 Main Street, NORFOLK. - VIRGINIA. O. E. D. BARRON, Who SELTiR, No matter where located. Ye Hava Rare Bargains for In vestorj. "V3t6 3ot "PatWcxAaTa. ' GHANBY ST.. NORFOLK. VA. SOU THERN (JNt VERS ry NOtFO U AND .OHT4MOUtM , VltCINIA. We prepare vou ii jj tneti and women for BUSINESS I'OSITlOKS. Open all summer. Send lor cit.iIojjiiB J. M. RKSM.I'.tt, lVcv. Don't Forget to VtiiU FABER; riio 3Plaot.ogi-a,iDlisi, When You go to Norfolk, 00 GRANBY ST., OPP. MONTICELtO MOTS!.. Take tli?CHrl nr.d rot two extra 1'lirt- t-S JH.T DO YOU MEED CLASSES? YE CLASS and SPECTACLE MAKERS. 63 GRANBY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. xorfolk's Pure Food Stoic litis the largest uml imr.-t .winint-fce tioi I. i Muple and D'uucy tiiuccwi ni tu M.itc. our tunic iu peisoii or 'uy Uijil LOUJ IS c VI ILt.EEHi aiunibia Building. 30-40 Grant y :.itt. THE SOUTH S FMEST GROCER Y iHY BUY WE YORK SAFE ? Because they saved their contents in NorlolK's Lag lire (Jan. l-MJ.) UUu than other bates, 'rite tor prices aud testimonials ov call V. D. ROUEKTS, . Roanoke Ave., DiUii fftl.ti, VA. Wo always lia ve f-l ei-'l i. irirnins In slightly used U:mt' uii.i .'j-;.an. SOP US A POSTAL, TIFF, Cs5 Cranby St., Norfolk, Va our Mail Orders will bo rrunii.tly Mlcd froa Ihe Largest Stock iu the outli if Sent to BURROW, MARTIN & CO., ;rs$, !il$, Pfcolo SFS?Hc. c. 296 MAIN ST., NORFOLK, VA. rOOR TRIP TO NORFOLK. i ii col corcpiete unless yo'J visit PAUL'S, 190 Main St, Ner Cranby St .vERYTmrjG tn jewelry". MONEY'S WOTtTM Ofl MONfcY BACK OSTEOPATHY. V science and method of enrin-r Jim without drugs r knife. I. DAWSON WIMjA l.'i! 10, ?l. 42 SliKldinYcn Bid? , jNCb'LTATION MID EX-WiATICN ft-f .:siet on Your Grocer Civing Yoi KNADLER & LUCAS' vcVAes, Casvv3, Sauces, XvtiC" you will get li.e bvA for your moue Machines & Needles aW I iS fj X i.f . ,r til '. :'- ir- fa j a -, . . Sieger Pewing sold for cash or installment ; old machines f li ken irr exchange. Needle?, Oils, parts and attachments for all rnstes of n?a tbines. Orders left at Xcss E T. Whitehead & Co.'s will le prtm tly rilled. Mail orders solicited M;d filled promptly. Office in Kitch'o Luilding opposite M- Hoffman & Fro-'. uti re. Box No. 205. Sv OTLAND NECK SINGER STORE R. E. Alligood, Mgr. fvrcUlaVva afm, surm. MTaopiatmm I! v dm4Vfdi; ton tHm coah and healt langa E. T. Whitehead & Co. Whitehead & JO.