c H 5 I! SI if.: r : -., V . i, ..l:tl ,1 AVfegetable Preparalionfor As simuaung theFoodandBcguIa ting tticStoiffixte andBovrels or Promotes Digestion.Che ul ness and RestContains ne: Opium.Morphine norllineraL NotUarcotic. fianptut Seed" sftx.Savt RetkelU Smilt Oil Cttwifud .toon? iHtloyrrm Flora-. Aperfecl Remedy for Conslipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF TEW YORK. A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of t EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. At AW In Use or Over Thirty Years ilo) ini THS OEMTAUH MMPMt. BW TOn CUT. The Eousekeepar'a Soliloquy. Mrs. F. D. Gage. There's a big washing to be done One Dair of bsnds to do it Sheets, shirts and stockings, coats and pants, How will I e'er get through it? Dinner to get for six or more, No loaf left o'er Irom sunaay ; I And baby cross as he can live He's always so on Monday. Tis time the meat was in the pot, Th bread was worked for baking, The clothee were taken from the boil Oh dear ! the baby's waking ! Hush, baby, dear ! there' hush-sh-sh ! T wish he'd sleep a little, Till I could run and get some wood, To hurry up the kettle. Oh dear ! oh dear ! If P comes borne And finds things in this ponder, He'll just begin and tell me all About his tidy mother ! How nice her kitchen used to be, Her dinner always ready Exactly when the noon bell rang Hush, hush, dear little jj'reaay i And then will come the hasty words Right out before I'm thinking They say that hasty words from wives Set soDer men to imnaiDg. Sow is not that a great idea, That men should taae to sinning, Because a weary, half-sick wife, Can't always smile so winning r W hen I was young I used to earn My living without trouble, Had clothes and pocket money, too. And hours of leisure double. never dreamed of such a fate, When 1 a-lass ! was courted fife, mother, nurse, seamstress, cook, housekeeper, chambermaid, laund ress, dairywoman and scrub general lydoing the work of six For sake of being supported ! What Can We So? Boll Weeyil Hot Checked. GENUINE OLIVER CHILLED STEEL BEAM PLOWS RS. This far-famed and world- renowned Plow we guaran tee you is worthy of all that is said in praise of it. Wood Beam also furnished. Write for large Illustrated Cata logue. We are general distribu tors of the GENUINE ONLY. Farm Tools and Supplies Large Illustrated Catalogue for 1904 just issued, embracing Hand, Horse and Power Labor- Saving Implements. You must save as well as make money. Write for this FREE catalogue at once. NORFOLK FARM SUPPLY CO. Implements Poultry Supplies Fertilizers Wheel Material 41 to 51 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. L Season is at hand. PRODUCTS higher ever. Our prices low. for Free Catalogue. HEN than Write Drink water and get typhoid fever ; drink milk and get tuberculosis ; eat I soup and get Bright's disease; eat meat and encourage apoplexy: eat vegetables and weaken the system ; eat dessert and take to paresis; smoke cigarettes and die early ; smoke cigars and get catarrh ; drink coffee and ob tain nervous prostration, says the South western World. In order to be entire- 1 healthy one must eat nothing, drink nothing, smoke nothing, and even be fore breathing one should make sure that the air has been properly steril- izad. ARE YOU USING ALLEN'S FOOT EASE? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- K ise, a powder. It cures Corns, Bun -ds, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen leet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. a. Mcdowell, pbesident. frank p. shields, cashiek. V7. R. BOND, Ass't C ishieb. Tie ScLitlann n Bat, SCOTLAND NECK. IN. C. solicits the accounts of both individuals and business FIRMS. 10 10 mi THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. C. c E! FR OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TC-DAY MAIL IT TO Box 166, Greensboro, N. O. Please send me your Illustrated Hand Book (No. 23.) Name Address. The following report was sent out rom Washington a few days ago con cerning the tests now being made con cerning the boll weevil Some significant offioial predictions regarding the ravages of the cotton weeyil are made in a report soon to be Issued by the department of agricul ture, and written by W. D. Hunter, who has charge of the entomological part of the boll weevil investigation, in which half a hundred experts are now engaged. Mr. Hunter says that con servatlve authorities agree that unless contingencies, at present unexpected, occur, the pest soon will cause an in crease in thj price of cotton through out the world. By living mthin the fruit of the plant, the weeyil is well protected from any poisons that might be applied, it occupies but fourteen da j s lor deyelopment from egg to adult and the nmmnv of a single pair in a season may reach 134,000,000 indivld uals ; it adapts itself to climatic condi tions and is remarkably free from para ait net and -dhfiatea. all combining to make efforts at control difficult. "The report estimates that the pres ence of the weevil practically doubles the area of land required to produce a bale of cotton, and that the weevil caused the Texas planters a loss of about $15,000,000 in 1903, assuming $500,000,000 as the value of the normal cotton crop of the country. Mr, Hun ter says the probable ultimate damage, when the pest has become spread over the entire belt, woold approximate $250,000,000 annually, provided noth ne were done to check it. Planters, however, are adopting changes in methods that tend to avoid so much damage. The report predicts that the weevil eventually will be distributed all over the cotton belt, advancing into new territory at the rate of approxi mately 500 miles a decade, and it probably always will be as destructive in a series of years, as it has been in Texas since 1894. The report suggests that the probabilities of its being car ried to West Africa or elsewhere abroad is not at all remote. 'in case the seed happens to be sacked, or even hipped in bulk, there is nothing to prevent the weevil from being carried long distances on ship board, as they are able to adapt them selves successfully to climatic condi' tions. It is pointed out, however, that the danger could be avoided by fund zation or by leaving the seed sacked in store rooms, Isolated from new cot ton for a year previous to shipment, Naggsby What's the use of arguing the matter? You know you are wrong. Jaggsby I may be wrong, but you can't make me take water. Philadel phia Inquirer. A CURE FOB PILES. People Who Helped Themselves. Junior Endeavor World. Dayld Livingstone said, on graduat ing at Glasgow : "xie useu w his Latin book to his loom and study. Yet he was buried in Westminster Abbey, and on the sight of his hut in the heart of Africa's jungles is now a large town, with electric lights and a railway. Frances Willaid ani her brother Oliver started a paper at fourteen. Tnev used to talk to each other about what they would do when they were grown up. D ranees oiien went nungry and walked long distances, because she had no money to buy bread or pay car fare ; but she came to occupy a fore most place among women. Lucy Stone, the great champion of higher education tor women, made up her mind when a tiny bit of a girl that she would go to college. She picked berries and nuts and " sold them to buy books ; she lived on fifty cents a week, and at last she did graduate from Ober- lin College. Mary A. Livermore taught school for a little money to fit herself for life's work. Lincoln studied by the light of pine knots. Emerson sawed wood to help him self through Harvard College. Key. Charles M. Sheldon worked as a waiter in a summer noiei w get money to complete his education. papers 19 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Tumble Mates You Miserable. Almost everybody who read tto news- is sure to Know ei "x"""1 cures maae ny ut. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst rm nf Vidnev trouble. .V.. " ' ' . A Dr. Kilmer's SWamp-Koui nox roc ommended for everything: but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found lust the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement nas been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free try man, aiso a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if vou have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address tc Dr. Kilmer 6tuo..mne- hamton. N. Y. The regular fifty cent ana Horn of Bwmmp-Booc dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. nnn't make anv mitsake, but re- mnmhnr the name. Swamp-Boot, Dr. Kilmer's swamp-Boot, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every Dome Corn must have a sufficient supply 0f Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoiic Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in fertilizers f L !!l 1 4Y2Mv grain and all J A other croP- We shall Te g , J to tend free to imw farmer ourlittle' ,) which contains va' i able informal n about toil culture. GERflAN KALI WORKS, wit. N. Broad Kt Atlsmta. a. ! Old Gotties Made New. Clothes of ail kinds Cleaned and Pressed from a child's Jacket to alady's skirt. Work done promptly under guarantee. Scotland Neck Cleaning ani Pressi nCo W. T. CROW ELL, Prorj. There Is no reformation without agi tation. Do It Now enjoys a yacation while After While is struggling for bread. The greatest reformations have been started by the reformation of one man. "Is be parsimonious?" "Well," was the guarded reply, "you might say that he carries his money in a purse that shuts a good deal easier than it opens "I had a bad case of piles," says 6.F, Garter, of Atlanta, Ga., "and consulted a physician who advised me to try box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. purchased a box and was entirely cured It is splendid for piles, giving reliel instantly, and I heartily recom mend iit to all sufferers." DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled tor its healing qualities. Eczema and all other skin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every kind are quickly cared by it. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Pauline The people who won't un derstand us are so harrassing. Pene lope Well, the people who think they understand us and don't are in it, too. Indianapolis Journal. A SURE THING. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not alto gether true. Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thous ands can testify to that. Mrs. C. V. VanMetre, of Sbepherdtown, W. Va., says, "t had a severe case of Bronchi ti" and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cared me absolutely." It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guar anteed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Druggists. Trial bottles free. Begular size 50c, $1.00. The New Rector You visit the playhouses, do you not? The Parish ioner Yes. But I always get there late ! Cleveland Plain Dealer. AN OPEN LETTER. From the Cbapin, 8. C, News: Early in the spring my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called in a physician who prescribed tor us, but his medicines failed to give any relief. A friend who had a bottle of Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy on hand gave each of ns a dose and we at once felt the effects. I procured a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured. It is a wonderful remedy and should be found In every household. H. C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy is for sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scot- and Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. There are only two kinds of children your own perfect little cherubs and the ill-behayed brats owned by other people. Town Topics. WHOOPING COUGH. "In the spring of 1901 my children bad whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Cham berlain's Congh Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy 1 have ever seen for whoop ing cough." This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by E. T. Whitehead feCo., Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. Parson Jones Why, Brudder Smif, I didn't know you had a fambly. Mr. SmithTears like anybody would er know'd fum de clo's I wears dat I wuz er man er family.' Chicago Journal. Excursion Rates VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LIWE To the Great World's Fair at St. Louis. In addition to the Season, Sixty Day, and Fifteen Day Excursions, Two Coach Excursions will be run to St. Louis on May 9th and 2drd, 1904, ar, one cent per mile traveled. Kate from Scotland Neck, N. C for these excursions will be $19.05 via Richmond or Petersburg, $20.80 via Atlan ta. Tickets endorsed, "Not good in Parlor or Sleeping Cars," and limited to ten days including date of sale. Southern Baptist Convention, NASHVILLE, TENN. . Bate $17.75 from Scotland Neck tor the round trip. Tickets on sale May 10th, 11th and 12th, limited to ten days Irom date of sale, but final limit until June 6th, 1904, can be obtained by depositing tickets with Joe Richardson, Special Agent, not later than 10 days after lickets are purchased and upan pay ment of 50? fee at time of deposit. W. J. CBAIG, H. M. EMEBSON, General Passenger Agent. Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. CUBED HIS MOTHER OF BHEU MATISM. "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism," says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa "At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and alter a few applications she decided that it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain tbat she was formerly troubled with." For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scot land Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. Judge Bruce of Maiden Five dol tare fine. Bobt. B. Murphy I won't stand for this. I'm no cheap polttl cian, like you. Judge Bruce Thirty days in jail. Boston Journal. Baantb WVm KM YmHwAIwits - - (SLACK lAlA(y)(nJT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa ional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25 -cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Boonua, Ga-, Jan. SO, 1902. BUck-Dranght Stock and Poultry Medicine ia the beat I erer tried. Our atock w looking bad when you sent ma the medicine and now they are getting so fine. They are looking as per eent. better. 8. P. BROOKniOTON. WORLD S FAIR RATES VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILW'Y TO St. Louis, Mo., and Return to St. Air Line the X. C. Louis, Mo., at 6o Day 15 Hay Tickets Tickets $3010 28 40 32.30 -y :-:u 28 0 W 32110 'j:'::o 32 25 29 IK) 1 So ' 32.30 if-:"' 3190 r:i.23 31.90 32 2" 32 25 On account of the World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo , the Seab nrl n-ilwnv. in connection with the C. & O. Boute via Klcnmona, ana & St. L. Route via Atlanta, will sell round trip tickets greatly reduced rates from all stations. Bates irom principal points aa wnum . Season Tickets Charlotte vi Atlanta f 3tt 10 Durham via Richmond 34 1 0 Durham via Atlanta 38 7o Henderson via Richmond Henderson via Atlanta 38 7. Maxton ia Atlanta 8 bo Raleigh via Richmond 35 bU Raleigh via Atlanta 8-7o Hamlet via Richmond tV Hamlet via Atlanta 37.60 Wilmington yia Richmond 6o Wilmington via Atlanta 38 65 LIT.IIT OF TICKETS: onAOOri TICSDTO Good to leave St. Louis up to December 15, 1904, will be sold dailv commencing April 25. go-dait TiorrnTO Good to leave St. Louis up to and including 60 days from dale of sale, Will be sold daily commencing April 25. 15-DA7 TionnTO Good to return up to and including 15 days from date of sale, convene lng April 25, and continuing during the exposition. GOAGH EXCURSION TICKETS r. ir OfU lO-rlav nanh AYtMirt-.nn tlclteta will be sold r! very JU lM.lS.jr VllU CftUlaa U JkWM . t D.1.U1. ia RTt via Rifthmnnd and $20 80 via Atlanta. 1 IOW TltltH), uum " not good in Parlor Sleeping cars.' xicaets gooa o ieaye ten days from date of sale. MILITARY COMPANIES 9 naol.l lnw ra tAa far Military Comnanies and Bands. uhnwaat Oninkftftt and Beet Route. First-class Vestibule Coaclics t man's Finest Sleeping and Dining Cars. eigh and St. Louis. For further information call on or address us. urnisbed. BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Lj A Trade Marks Copyrights Ac Anyone aendlna; a aketch and deecrtptkm opinion iiwm whum BtrtetlT aent free. Oli onieklT ascertain our InTanuon ta probably patentabl oonDaenual. nftMii tlona Patents taken agency fori thrown Ifi apeetat noMca. without coarse. In thai Sdtntific Aortm A handsomely flraitrated weekly. IjSTffQat eb 'l'erma.9 a St. ken Louis liiivjumf! Only one change of cars between Hal- Same will be ciieeriuiiy Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A., Baleigb, X. C. C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A.. Raleigh, ".C. enlation of any aeianUno Journal. year : four months. SL Bold by all nawedealan. ''jiaach OffleeP&B 1 8U Waahlnlumfnl?! MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES WE PAY THE FBEIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVER" LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOl'TK Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPKH MARBLE WORKS (Established 1848.) 159, 161 and 163 Bank Street. NOB FOLK, VA. r THEY DILL P UJnloqo ttboj aro, Qocd fccaftfo !o fcnpoGoIblo. fcM.! d fftSJ" 5y heAlth Udneys mr three minutes. Sound SS&SSPSVSSn1 6Wd d0 not h you are siJk. FOLEY'S KIDNEY in a bottle or ?lass for twenty-four hours If there is a sediment or miSmSltlLS7 your S Dbetel SSSA something done they become more and LreS Imtil Brihfi 1 DisSse FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will oositivelv eur mil frre r ipm,,,. .d Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently" ft is a safe remedy art icertaiii to reSK. If You cro a sufferer, tsUo FCIXY'O UlZZSt C2 ci ceo. It ta rasio yea wed. J5r?iF.on' nen.of Tampico, 111., writes: ?FOLETS KIDNEY CURE is meeting with wonderful success. It has cured some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am "oSVmScuS pictan ot bt w, Csi U-:3: tzi Trcstb t 2r??r .' wen n0 business man of Salisburv.Mo., writes: i. IS? !f VS beneflt 01 otner8 that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no U v.Lbtntotlle FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and alter the use of three bottles I am cured." Two Cisco, CO Ccats cd C1.CO. E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO., ScotlandNeck, N. C.

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