Ay er's Pills iJ!! a ueauuiui crown or ntu viaca. ruc The Commonwealtli THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 1904. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. SiH llVliCiLE S AND BRICK! If in need of Shingles or Brick call on or write J. S. TURNER, r. 5 3 W ELLON. N. C. Buy Muresco from Josey Hdw. Co. W. B. Corsets for sale by N. B. Josev. FOE SALE CHEAP A 2-seatTrap. Built by A. Wrenn & Sons. Used a few time?. N. B. Josey, 800 bushels White Bone-dry Kiln dried Corn. N. B. Josey. Will sell under value two Top Bug gies new, one Canopy Top Surry new. X- B. Josey. 125 barrels Virginia Ground Flour ; tip top ; just received ; none better. N. B. Josey. Green Trading Stamps. XTE HAVE ARRANGED WITH the American Saving Stamp Co. to furnish our cash customers with Green Trading Stamps, which if saved will entitle the holders to a selection from 5,000 beautiful household pres ents. These presents are actually free to those who spend their cash with us. Call and get a specimen book and $ 5.00 of stamps free to start with. Remember our store is chock full of bargains. Car load of hay and corn juit arrived. Prarie hav the best. EDWARDS & CO.. Scotland Neck.'N. C. Price 10c. Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda will be served at our Fountains at 10c. each. To avoid embarrassment don't send the little ones with 5c. E. T. Whitehead & Co. o-2G-2t T. F. Whitley. Only two Hammocks left. Josey Hdw. Co. Exclusive Agents For the Five Minute Wonder Ice Cream Freezers. Josey Hardware Co. Don't Forget Us When in need of Paint and Linseed Oil. Josey Hardware Co. Buy Mtiresco from Josey Hdw. Go. A Correction S u perintenden t Wi 1 son says that by an oversight Miss Katharine HancockV name was left off the music roll of honor for last month. Her name was not Handed in until the day after the honor roll was published. Chickens ! Chickens ! To one who makes observation it looks like the whole town of Scotland Neck is pre paring for a Methodist District Con ference, a Baptist Association, an Epis copal Convocation of a Presbyterian Synod. "Time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary'' there have not been seen so many young chickens in Scotland Neck. It )s a matter cl observation by many strangers that almost all the homes in Scotland Neck have large yaris, large gardens and lawns and miny have ad ditional truck patches near by. All these places are dotted with broods of chickens, many of them now about the siz9 of partridges. The little things are so numerous that the flower yards are tilled with them. Wei!, it means "good eating" after a while. Mrs. Comaa Dead. News comes from Rocky Mount that Mrs. Coman died at her home there Monday, May 30th. She bad been a resident of Scotland Neck for many years, more than a quarter of a centu ry, until some time last year when she moved to Rocky Mount with her daughter, Mrs. Henry. Her many friends here will regret to learn of her death and general sympathy will be felt for her family. No particulars of her death have come to hand, except that she bad bef n ill for some time. THE LADIES favor painting their chtrcbes, and therefore we urge every minister to remember we give a liberal quantity ot the Longman & Martinez Paint toward the painting. .- Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay 51.50 a gallon for Ljnseed OH (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy other paints in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 6 make 14, therefore when you want 11 gallons ot paid, buy 8 of L. & M., and mix 6 gallons of pure Linseed Oil with it, anl thus get p?iut for less than $1.20 per gallon. Many bouses are well painted with four gallons of L. & M. and three gal lons ot Linseed Oil mixed theewith. These Celebratel Pasnts are sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. The great rule of health Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine Ayer's Pills. J. C. Aver Co.. towel 1, Haas. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE run era. or buhhuots ok b. r. hall a oo.. hashua, j. h. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks, Mr. Raymond C. Dunn, of is in town. Enfield Mr. P. C. Anthony came up from Greenyille this week. Miss Anna Clark has returned home from St. Mary's school in Raleigh. Dr. R. M. Johnson spent a day or two in Tarboro on business last week. Mess. G. T. Andrews and C. A. Adkins, of Enfiald, were here Tuesday. M'ss EUa Wayne, of Ayden, has been here some days visiting Mrs. C. F. Burroughs. Mr. W. A. Dunn went to Raleigh Tuesday pn business before the Federal court. Mr. H- E. Ray, of Wllliamston, is here visiting his tons, Mess. J. D. and S. C. Ray. Mrs. B. F. Halefcv, of Roper City, has been here this week to visit Mrs. 3. Hassell. Mrs. W. D. Tillery, of Roanoke Rap Ids, came down last week on a visit to bar relatives. Miss Lizzie Smith who has been studying art in New York, came home some days ago. Miss Annie Biggs attended the Bap tist union meeting in Washington Sat urday and Snnday. Miss Jennie Burroughs, of Everetts, came last week to visit her brother,Mr. C. F. Burroughs. Dr. S. Hassell and Mr. J. A. Perry went to Raleigh this week as witnesses in a case before the Federal court. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Berry, of Ayden, were here some days ago on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. C. F. Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Smith went to Tillery some days ago to spend some time with their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Durham. Dr. J. D. Hufham attended the Bap tist union meeting at Washington, N. C, Saturday and Sunday and reports a pleasant occasion. Miss Nathaiia Smith has returned home from Greensboro. She was ac companied by her friend, Miss Katha rine Nash, of Tarboro. Mr. Emerson Weeks was one of the graduates at the A. & M. College in Raleigh last week. He has taken a four years' course in civil engineering. Professor Walker, superintendent of the graded schools in Asheboro, has been here some days on a visit to the family of Mr. -T. H. Pritchard, his father-in-law. Master Frank Pritchard, who has been in the Pittman hospital in Tar boro for several weeks, has returned home. He has been restored from a serious attack of appendicitis. The following young men have re turned from vake Forest college: Mess Edwin Josey, Waite BagIey,Thur man Kitchin and Hugh Johnson, the latter having been in the Wake Forest law school for a year. Mr. Wilson Price, another student from this com munity, went to i'niladelpnia to en gage in vacation work for the summer. Mr. John W. House, who has been a student in Buie's Creek Academy for a vear. returned a lew days ago. He was awarded a gold medal for being the best drilled student in school. This was quite complimentary, considering that he had been in the school only a year. Mr. House has taken a position with Edwards & Co. for the remainder of the year. Still Working the Roads. The county force is still working the roads leading from Scotland Neck. On the read leading to Norfleet's ferry on Roanoke river they worked from Smith's mill to Cotten's store. On the road leading to Kill Quick they worked from what is known as Strickland's branch to Roseneath church. The force is now at work on the road that leads to Hobgood. Altogether perhaps nine miles of road have been worked and it is a good road now. The work near Smith's mill was tedious because the pipe clay there was so hard it could not easily be broken up. When the force of hands shall have worked some of the worst parts of the roads in every community in the coun ty, the people will see the good work done and will be willing to stick to the present road system until it shall have been fully tested. Graded. School Closing. The Graded School will close Friday niehtjune 3rd. There will be interest ing exercises in the assembly hall in the school building Friday night at a o'clock. There will be a chorus with some music, and Professor J. B. Carl- yle of, Wake Forest College, will deliv er an address. Diplomas will be pre sented to members of the Ninth Grade who finish the work of that grade Other announcements will be made concerning the work of the year. The public will be interested in this the closing exercises of the hrst vear of the Graded School, -and so it may be expected that a large audience will be present. Ills tbat come from Summer's Heat A mother need not fear to greet. When with "TEETHINA" she's sup plied, No ills with baby need abide. "TEETHINA" aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, and costs only 25 cents at druggists', or mail 25 cents to Dr. C. J. Moffett, St. Louis, Mo. A NIGHT IN ENFIELD. Graded School Commencement. One who mingles once with the peo ple of Enfield is glad of the opportu nity to do so again. It was the pleasure of the editor of The Commonwealth to spend a night in that pleasant town last week. We were most hospitably entertained in the home of Miss Olivia Whitaker. No one knows better than she how to make guests feel at ease and at home ; and all her guests are full of praise tor the most charming entertainment which she gives. We attended the closing exercises of the Enfield Graded School. There were interesting exercises on Tuesday night and also a fine exhibit on Wed nesday of the work of the school, neith er of which did we have the pleasure of witnessing ; but those who did wit ness them spoke highly of them. On Wednesday night the closing ex ercises were held, which were intro duced by a chorus of a hundred and fifty voices. Rev. N. L. Gaskins offer ed prayer, and the graduating addresses were delivered as follows : 1. "The Day of Success." Miss Frances Home. 2. "The Bear and the Chrysanthe mums." Mr. Roscoe S. Johnson. 3. "We Ourselves." Miss Lena Robertson. After the addresses w'aich were all fine well written and well delivered Prof. E. S. Sbeppe, the able and ac complished superintendent of the school, delivered a thoughtful address to the graduating class and presented them with diplomas. Dr. A. S. Harrison, secretary of the board of trustees, made some pleasing statements concerning the work and management of the school, most pleas ing of all being the statement that Prof. Sheppe has been secured as super intendent of the school tor the ensu ing year. The writer made a few remarks, Rey. S A. Cotten pronounced the benedic tion and the evening's exercises were closed. The people ot Enfield are much pleased with their graded school and think that their investments in it are the best they haye ever made. SCOTLAND NECK PRIMARIES. Pursuant to a call of chairman E. L. Travis, the Democratic primaries were held throughout the county Monday, May 30th. Scotland Neck primaries were held at 3 o'clock p. m. East Scotland Neck in Pittman hall and West Scotland Neck in the opera house. Mr. W. A. Dunn was made chairman and Mr. E. T. Whitehead secretary in East Scotland Neck, and Dr. J. E. Shields was made chairman and Mr. C. L. McDowell secretary in West Scot land Neck. Immediately after the meeting were called to order the following resolu tions were introduced and passed in both primaries : "Whereas, during the last campaign in this county our party, through its leaders and campaign speakers, prom ised the people that if the Democratic county and legislative ticket was elect ed no man on the ticket who was then a candidate to succeed himself, would at the coming election be a candidate he f orb the Democratic primaries or county convention ; "Therefore be it resolved, That the delegates elected by this primary be instructed to vote in the county con vention lor the nomination ot no man to a county office or legislature who in the last election was elected to succeed himself." SECOND resolution. "Resolved, That it is the sense of this primary that all who participate in the action of this primary are pledged and in honor bound to abide by the results of this primary and the Democratic county and State conven tions." Dr. J. E- Shields, Dr. H. I. Clark, W. P. Robertson, I. H. Smith were elected precinct executive committee for West Scotland Neck and for East Scotland Neck the following executive committee was elected : J. E. Bowers, A. L. Purrington, J. B. Edwards, W. E. Smith and W. J. Leggett. A committee was appointed in each precinct to select delegates to the county convention, the committee from East Scotland Neck being A. McDow ell, E. T. Whitehead and J. E. Bowers, and those from West Scotland Neck being Dr. Liyermon, J. P. Futrell and J. A. Kitchin. They reported dele gates as follows who were selected : West Scotland Neck J. H. Darden, E. E. Hilliard, W. P. Roberson, G Hoffman, Jack Keel, A. P. Kitchin, S. W. Morrisette, J. P. Futrell, S. H Smith, G. H. Johnson, A. C. Liver mon, J. S. Bowers, G. W. Bryan, I H. Smith. J. Whit Bell and J. A Kitchin. East Scotland Neck W. W. Pope, J E. Bowers. A. L. Purrington, A. Mc Dowell, E. W. Hyman, W. A. Dunn J. B. Neal, J. B. Edwards, O. A. Snipes J. E. Condrey. J. A. Pittman, G. S White, Henry Gray, Alex. Strickland B. F. Gray, Jobu Medtord, S. T. Worn mack, J. M. Tillery and W. F. Butter worth. O Beantho Signatnie The Kind Yon Haw Always Bought BOMBSHELL" RETURNS. Mr. Editor : Various trips and en gagements of different sorts have kept me too busy to ",rrite of late," but I now snatch a little time for an cbsaryatiou or two. It seems to me that the tOwn ceme tery should have some attention. We know how it looks and how little it is cared for. It looks more like a pauper burial place or a country Degro grave yard than a town cemetery. What is the matter? There seems to be two or three thousand dollars in the town treasury, and it looks like eorce of that money might be wisely and well spent in caring for the town ceCieleiy. If towns are judged somewhat by the looks of their cemeteries what does the outside world think of Scotland Neck? If some stranger or perhaps an old friend of yours should propose to you to take a little walk or driye out to the town cemetery, where would you go, and how would you feel about it? And a crazy woman seems to have the right of way on the streets and sidewalks. We all know how she looks and cuts up shines and capers on the streets. Do you think any other town in the world would allow this woman to stay on the streets, do and dress as she does? Wonder what the town is waiting for in this case. The town stock law should be re pealed or enforced. It is weli known how horses run around on the streets almost any day, and sometimes cows and horses are both on the sidewalk at the same time. Haye the people any redress in case3 of this kind? And can you tell the object of a town law which makes all ssloons take own their screens and painted or frosted windows and let their partitions remain across their shops lnere aems to be no sense in this kind of a law. It looks like a doil-baby law made by small children. 'Nemo" aptly referred some time ago to how the loaiers are about to :e the sidewalks at cortain places, making it embarrassing for ladies to pass. When loafers have the impu dence to block the sidewalk or congre gate in such way as to make it em barrassing for ladies to pass, the town ouaht to lurnish someone to remind them that the sidewalks are not pri vate property. Scotland Neck is a big town in some respects and very small n some others lots of room for work ng people, but ho room lor profes sional loafers. The weather is getting warm now and the back lots and ditches should not be forgotten. Sorx.e of the ditches need attention now. Good health means much to any town, and the ditches in Scotland Neck . need much attention to safely guard the health of the people. Bombshell. Fine Mill Improvement. The Scotland Neck Cotton Mills have been closed for some days in order to give time to install a new electric plant for the mill. Large improve ments have been made in additional space wal'ed in, new motive power has been placed and a complete electric plant, by which all the machinery in the mill will be run. This is an important step forward, and places this mill at once in the front ranks with best and most com Dlete hosiery manufactories in the county. Also the Crescent Hosiery Mills haye recently made fine improvements by putting in a new and complete dye I plant. These two enterprises are worth much to Scotland Neck, for week by week they pay out large amounts of money to their operatives. The money is spent directly in Scotland Neck and thus enlivens the business of the town. Letter to G. H.' Johnson. Dear Sir : You are interested in the prosperity of your town. You can contribute to it materially, and give it a far more prosperous look at the same time. Perhaps the public property needs a good coat of paint. Devoe will supply that coat with two-thirds the number of gallons re quired of any other. Devoe is all paint and full measure. Devoe is the strongest paint known. Deyoe will take care of the property, in the long run, tor half the money required by any other. The reason is stated above : Devoe is all paint and full measure : the strong est paint known. E. D. Jewell, Corry, Pa., painted his bouse 5 years ago with a mixed paint took 14 gallons. Last spring he, re painted with Devoe ; bought 14 gallons and had i left. Saved $la to $20, for painting costs two or three times as much as the paint. Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. Musical Recital. The last public musical resitai in the Graded School will be given in the assembly hall of the school building this afternoon (Thursday) at 5 o'oclock The public is cordially invited. No Gloss Carriage Paint Made Will wear as long as Devce's. No oth ers are as heavy bodied, because De voe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Recognition Services. The Scotland Neck Baptist church will hold llecognition services to the new p ;ori Rev. G. T. Lumpkin Sun- ! day, June 12. 1904. PROGRAMME : Welcome by Sunday-School Dr. R. M. Johnson. Reply by pastor. 11 a. m. Sermon Dr. R. T. Vann. 8 p. m. 1. Welcome by Former Faster Dr. Vann. 2. Welcome by Church Dr. J. D. Hufham. 3. Reply by pastor. The exercises will take the place of the annual roll-call, and it is urgently requested that all the membership of the church be present. New R. h . D. Route. On the 7th of May five persons stood examination at Hobgood for the posi tion as mail cr.rier on a new R. F. D. route from Scotland Neck. Mr. W. T. Tyler was the successful contestant lor the positioii add has received the ap pointment. It will be known as R. F. D. Route No. 3, and will go from Scotland Neck to Cotten's store, on by Mr. J. P. Ware's to Neal station, and returning will come by the farms of Mess. VV. E. Smith, R. E. Hancock, S. B. Kitchin, through the settlement about three miles from town known as "Baker V back to town. The work went into operation the first ol June. An Hour in Littleton; The editor of The Commonwealth bad occasion to run up to Littleton one day last week. We bad little more than an hour between trains, but had time to see a number of the clever citi zens of the town. We found them in their usual bright and hopeful mood. Some new improvement may always be observed in the town. It was during the time of Littleton Female College commencement and we heard good re ports concerning the occasion. Editor Walker, of the News iiepoi'ter, st'll serves the people well through his paper, and he is to be congratu lated on the good fortune to live in such a pleasant community. Burnette-House. The following neat invitations printed in The Commonwealth office have been eent out : Mr. and Mrs. F M. House request the honor of your presence &t the marriage of their daughter Minnie to Mi. Norman L. Burnette on Wednesday afternoon, June eighth nineteen hundred and four at haU past two o'clock at their home near Scotland Neck, N. C. GOOD SPIRITS. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source is the liver and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hun-dred-and-oce ill effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must bo in fine condition if you would feel bouyant, harpy and hopeful,bright of eye, light f step, vigorous and suc cessful in your pursuits. You can put your liver m tine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest ol all medicines for the liver and stom ach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite for over thirty-five years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liber al suprly of "good spirits." Trial size 25 cents : regular bottles 75 cents At E. T. Whitehead & Go's. Church Improvements. A nice little improvement is being made at the Baptist church. The west wing of the church is being en larged so that it will reach to the side walk. This enlargement is being made in order tbat the room may be large enough to accommodate the young men's Baraca Bible Clas3. This class was organized about last October and under Prof. C. W. Wilson as teacher it has grown to number perhaps moie than fifty. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Bv local applications, is they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an iuilimed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tuba is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imnerfect bearing, and when it is en tirely ciosea, usainess is me resuuuu ualeas the inflammation can be taken . . . .-v . . 1 I . J out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cstarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO, ToIedo,0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hull's Family Pills for consti pation. Hospitality at Small Expense. Entertainmentthat is, pleasure to your guests does not depend on the money you spend, but on your own knowledge o how to receive and ex tend hospitality. Christine Terhune Herrick tells vou all about it. Post paid, 50 cent E. J. CLODE, Pub lisher, 150 Fifth Ave., New York. A Dragging Pains 2825 Keeley St., Chicago,- III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. 1 suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried alland failed, but I had never tried Wise of (Jardtii, that blessed remedy for f2 sick women. I foi?4 it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. " For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Undertakers Supplies Full and Complete Line. Cofims, Caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse service any Time N. B, JOSEY. Scotland Neck, N. C. J. W. Perry Co., Cotton Factors and Commis sion Merchalits, Norfolk, - - Virginia. Offer to-day, subject to changes rf the market, f. o. b Norfolk, for stip- ment in August and September next : 2 lb Jute Bagging at Gs per yar3. " " at7c " " da-lb New Arrow lies at yOc per bundle. Notice. State of North Carolina, ) County of Halifax. In the Superior Court. Dixie Morgan V8 Ellen Morgan. To the defendant, Ellen Morgan : Take notice tbat aa action entitled Dixie Morgan vs Ellen Morgan bat been commenced in this court against you. The purpose of ihe same is to obtain an absolute divorce from you for aban donment for two years prior to the 1st day of January, 15)03, and for adultery committed with divers persons. And the defendant Ellen Morgan is reouired to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court at a court to be held for the county of Halifax, at ths court house in Halifax, on the 2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in September, 1901, and answer or demui to the complilnt which has been filed in the oliice of the clerk of the Super! or Court for said county, and let the defendant take notice that if the fails to answer or demur to the complaint within the time required hy law, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief d;mat;ded in the complaint. This May 16th, 1901. S. M. GARY, 5-20 4t Clerk Superior Court. WE KEEP ON HAND n OF ALL KINDS ALL IDE III With Complete Undertakers' Outfit HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY HOUR. lm,v or niffht we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro., Scotland Neck. North o is. c4 na ilia PIMUBUB Oaatla A OTOTO HorfoIK, Uirginla. THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. WUV.V Qtoxts IUc&Vw Ttomvt 3vtUTvVvcm. I rn" I far m I door, l&tlcc la rojoir or rtmodcl any kind of buildmo t Send raraurMiuikStoFbuildmqmtfrriols. sash, door, blinds, bordmrt. mantels, pa.nti. qlou. qo iikitk rwTuris oic. 'Mann a. Ctra. SAMUEL C. PHILLIPS INVITES VOUR TRRDC for Puralture Carpets. fic Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 331-337 Church St., NORFOLK. VA. Boool Paint... bWa MAdA af AAdafc f . 4 v Write for Descriptive RuUt Sent Post Free. JENKINS PAINT & OIL CO., NORFOLK. VA. SOREY & BAUM, Tailors & Furnishers. 333 Main Street, NORFOLK. - VIRGINIA. O. E. D. BARRON, Vie TUaV SsaU "Wan Who SELLS, No matter where located. We Have Rare Bargains for Investors. "8tVU 3ot TaTttctAaTa. S Q RAN BY ST.. NORFOLK. VA. SOUTHERN , "" Univers ity We prepare young nipn and woii.en for BUSINESS l'OSITJON.S CWu all summer. Send for catalogue. J. M. liKfI.Kl, IVfT. Don't Forget to Visli FABER; Til Fliotora-TDlaQi'. When You go to Norfolk, 00 GRANBY ST., OPP. MONTiCELLO HOTCL. Take this curd nnd jri't. two extra Pint 103 per down. DO YOU NEED CLASSES? EYE GLASS and SPECTACLE MAKERS. Sa RANBY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Norfolk's Pure Food Store Hug the largest uiid most comiU-U) ttoi I. uf sstaule and t aucy Urocorius iu tho Man-. four trade iu Krsoii or oy luuil aoiiviivu. LOVUB fe MILLER, jolumbi Building. 30-40 Gtanb ttt. THE SOUTH S FINEST GROCER Y WHY BUY THE YORK SAFE ? Because tlicy saved their coutcuts in Norfolk's big lire (Jan. l'J02) Lctlci than other sales. Write tor prices and testimonials or call W. D. RODENTS, VS Bouuolte Ave.. XVIll Ul.i. I rr We always have r jh cl.-.l bargains in (slightly us-Til I'iaiios uwl Uremia. ROP USA POSTAL, STIEF-'F. 66 CJranby Ct, Norfolk, Va, . our Mall Orders will lo Trompily Ailed f roa tho Largest SUik iu the South If Scut to BURROW, MARTIN & CO., jruss, mefiichics, Pfcoto Supplies. $c. 298 MAIN ST.. MORFOLK, VA. .YOUR TRIP TO NOKFOLK is not complete unless you visit PAUL'S. 190 Main 8t, Near Gran by St. .EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY. MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK. OSTEOPATHY, V science and method of curing disease without drugs or knife. DR. DAWSON WILLAHI). OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC! A i.'. 0, 41, 42 Haddington Bldg., NORFOLK, V A ONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION Fl.tr Insist on Your Grocer Giving Tot KNADLER & LUCAS' i?vcVAes, C&twps, Sauces, Xvtvo- $aTs, c. nd you will get the best for your money. Machines & Needles. ii Singer Sewing Machines sold for cash or installment ; old machines ta ken in exchange. Needier, Oils, parts and attachments lor all makes of ma chines. Orders left at Mess. E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s will be promptly filled. Mail orders solicited and filled promptly, ! opposite M Office in Kitchin building Hoffman & Bros, store. Box No. 205. SCOTLAND NECK SINGER STORE R. E. Allioood, Mgr. -