lAyerkPMls Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or richKack? Use l he Commonwealth niURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1904. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Bring us Your Wool. We :ire :igents for .the best Wool i::Nin th3 State. Will pay highest ico spot cash or exchange for goods. Edwards & bo. Hay! Hay! ! .luf unloading one car NEW I'.KiCHT nnd SWEET Prarie Hay; f::.i year's growth. EDWARDS & CO. Furniture ! Furniture ! .: s:-t Received, a handsome line of s - ; x r nits, from $ 15 to $65. .: handsome line of Oak Hat ks and Side Boards, ririirs. Dining Tables, etc. U U! sell for cash or on installment ; ; so s-uit the purchaser. offering Big Bargains in all ::;nmer Goods. Special Bargains in ; jtbunr, Dress Goods and Straw Hats EDWARDS CO. $1.75. Excursion to Xorfoik, Va.. from Weiion, X. C, over Seaboard Air Liue Kilhvay. Thursday, Arorsr lSth. Lo ne V"e'don at 7 :lo a. m. Return ing leave Portsmouth 7 :30 p m., Aug. l:i;. Coaches attached for the coi ned people. For further information .ippJy to J. B. TlLGHMAX, Ag't, Weidon, X. C. II. Gatxis, C. P. A.. it Raleigh, X. C. ! BED RIPPER HAY PRESSES. Give us your order now. Bales pea it vices equally as well as hay. iv.p. and they give satisfaction. PRIXCE & CO. t!a:id Xeck, X. C. Busgies ! 15 lot just received. Very small l"'-iiicii bodies, sun and full tops. Bi cycle buggies. High-grade Ladies' i'hMtou. Surries and Carriages. We i;eed room and are anxious to sell, s -iiie extra fine Harness this week. Seieral second-hand Buggies and Car-riie- will sell at a bargain. Come and see. Peixce & Co. Nurses Wanted. The PHtman Hospital, Tarboro. N. C. bns several vacancies in corpse of nurses. Application blanks will be sent oa request. Apply to Iiss M. North wood, Tarboro. X. C. Superintendent. Sharpen Your Gin. I am prepared and ready to whet yw'ir cotton gins. Do not wait but briisg them to my shop before the rush. P. E. Smith. Scotland Xeck, X. C. Iron Safe For Sale. One Mosler Iron Safe. Good as new. IN ice -:'..". Address T. X . Hill, Jr. Halitjx, X. C. !-ll-2t Get Your Fall Suit. Cur exoert Cutter and Fitter from Sch!os3 Brothers & Co. Custom Tailor ing Department, will be here 25 & 26 of August. All are invited to call on liitr. in our store and examine our large assortment of cloth and get a fit for Fall Suits. M. Hoffman & Bro. Corby's Washington Bread at Tyler & Out terbndge's fresh all the time. Rr:;rLAR Services Eiders W. B. Strickland and W. H. Leggett will preach at the old male academy regu larly on the Second and Fourth Sun days at 1 o clock, p. m. Dr. Blackwell Coving. Rev C. S. J!.ckweH, D. D., of Xoifolk, Va , will assist Rev. G. T. Lumpkin in a meet in ' in the Baptist church next week. Dr. Blackwell will commence hia work? Tuesday night. Keep The Premises Clean. One knows it as well as . another, perhaps, but it is in order to call attention to the fact that this is an important sea son to keep the premises clean a service we owe to - ourselves the public. . It is and to Weatner Report. Flowing is the weather report for Scotland Xeck lor week ending auS. ! h Temperature, mean maximum SI; temperature, mean minimum 71 Highest 85 on the 6th ; lowest .69 OH 7th. Rainfall l Irenes. J.I. PAVAU.. TAKES LESS WEARS LONGER. IleLancy Gregory of Fort Plain N. Y. To Longman & Martinez, Pamt Ma kers, N. Y. 'Its a surprise how little L. & M. Paint is required to paint a big bouse. Have sold the L. & M. for over twenty- houses are well V four gallons of legman MarUnej L. & M. and three gallons ot U Oil mixed therewith. Actual cost oi L & M. less than f 1.20 lr gall on. Wears and covers like gold. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. AVer's Pills. Avor'e Dili- - - j a ilia Ayer's Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. i iic pest laxative, asanas P II P IflMPIIlMPC nvr uuuiiiiuriH i O U1X flFTICn.WIIII',:,:iT... 7.7. " w Km CIS. of Biu:..,;.STs OR R- p. Bili co.. HASHIIA. V PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of .Our People and Other Folks. Mr. W. T. Clement, of Enfield, was here Saturday. Mr. C. L. McDowell spent last week at Virginia Beach. Mr. R. H. Pittman, of Crowells, was here some days ago. Mrs. R. L. Simmons, of Enfield, vis ited relatives here this week. Dr. R. M. Johnson spent Tuesday night in Williamston on business. Mr. Frank Bowers, of Washlneton. came up Sunday and returned Monday. Mr. Alex. Neal, of "Richmond, has been here some days on a visit to his fatber. Mrs. N. Biggs and Miss Emily Biggs have returned from a visit to Winston Salem. Mr. L. E. Pope, of Crowells, spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. W W. Pope. tah.eueia. oi iticnmona, is here visiting her sister, Mr. S. B. Kitchin. Mrs. G. E. Edwards and Miss Fannie Edwards returned some days ago from Battleboro. Miss Lucy Camp accompanied Mies Florence Ayera home to Rocky Mount this morning. Miss Mary Lily King, of Leaksville, is here on a visit to Misses Kate and Ressie Futrell. Mrs. A McDowell and family and Miss Annie Kitchin have returned Irom Ocean View. Mrs. G. L. Bell, of Suffolk, Va., has been here some time visiting Mr. ard Mrs. J. Whit Bell. Mr. Harvey Vann, of Raleigh, came some davs aeo on a visit to the sons of Mr. G. W. Bryan. Miss Huldah Josey has been at Frinklin, Vs., some days on a yisit to Miss Jessie Brewer. Mr. D. H. Msngum, of Henderson, spent Sunday here visiting his mother, Mrs. Lucy Mangum. Misses Bruce Evans and Dapbney Carryway, of Wilson, are here visiting Miss Jennie Leggett. Miss Florence Avera, of Rooky Mount, has been here some days on a visit to Miss Lucy Camp. Mr. J. p. Stewart arrived some days ago and has commenced work on the cotton seed oil mill plant. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones haye gone to Thelma to spend some days on a visit to Mrs. Jones' relatives. Mrs. Susan Salsbury with her little grand children, Lucy and Susie Bracy, has gone to Hassell on a visit. Miss Marie Walker, of Portsmouth, Va , and Miss Elise Vincent, of Green ville, are visiting Mrs. G. S. White. Mr. V. L. Vaughan who has spent some time in Raleigh attending the Summer School, has returned home. Mrs. C. H. Bell, of Portsmouth, has been here some time on 'a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Allbbrook. Mr. E. J. Proctor, of The Common wealth force, is away this week at Xorfoik and Virginia Beach, taking a rest. Mrs. J. D. Johnson who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Ed wards, has returned home to Battle boro. Prof. L. R. Mills, of Wake Forest, is here on a visit to his children, Mess. J. G. Mills, Luther Mills and Mrs. Claude Kitchin. Mr. E. L. Whitehead, of Halifax.was here Monday looking after the interests of his excursion which he runs to Nor folk to-day. Misses Lou and Lizzie Hill and Mr. J. Norwood Hill of Halifax have been here this week on a visit to relatives and friends. The Wadesboro Messenger and In telligencer says that Miss Mary Lou Josey of Scotland Neck is at Rocky River Springs. Mr. F. M. Pope, of Newport News, spent some; time nere ib. visiting his father and brother, Mess. J. A. and W. W. Pope. Miss Bessie Futrell returned Friday from Raleieh, where she has been tak ing a special course in music at the A. & M. College Summer bcnooi. Mr. R. L. FlemingJrom Enfield, was here Saturday and said he observed much improvement in the town since he was here two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. T. L.Worsley, of Rocky Mnnnt: came over last week on a visu itt i ta Mmainine some time Aire, nuioioj " visiting her mother, Mrs. P. J. Madry Mrs. jV. J. Woodward, of Norfolk, wh iwrf little son William, has been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. J. Out- . ..u-. cho mtnmed horn a lew temriujcp. days agdi Mr. J. L. Be'l, of a Windsor, the effi cient agent of the Wellington & Pow ellsville. railroad, spent Sunday here on a yisit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whit Bell. Mr. T. N. Hill, of New York has been here some days on a visit to his relatives and friends. He has many friends here who are glad to see him. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bullock returned to their home at Cone toe a lew days ago. Mr. Bulluck bad been visiting her mother, Mrs. Madry for some weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Bryan, of Atlanta, were here last week visiting Mrs. E. M Johnson, Mrs. Bryan's sister. They have gone to Tillery to visit Mrs. J. T Howell. Mr. J. S. Bowers and family return ed a few days ago from a summer out ing at Asheville and Vade Mecum Springs. They say Vade Mecum is great place and they enjoyed their stay there yery much. Miss Sadie Perry came up from Greenville some days ago and Is spend ing some time here visiting her friends. She will go to Raleigh soon to be pres ent at the opening of the Baptist Uni versuy ior women in which she is professor of Latin.' Charity and Children, published at The Thomaaville Orphanage, savs "Mrs. Noah Biggs and Miss Emilv Biggs are among our very welcome ar rivals this week. Mrs. Biggs is the wife of a well known Orphanage bene factor and Miss Emily was some years ago one of our number. We have nothing in the round world too good for either of them." On the Diamond. On August 3rd Weidon crossed bats with Scotland Neck on the latter's grounds. The first inning proved a Waterloo for Scotland Neck. With the help of a hit and three errors' Weidon crossed the rubber three times. The second was a blank for both sides, but in the inira vv eiaon oegan her mad career again and added two more runs to her score. One run in the fourth inning servea to give Scotland rteck some spirit and the fifth she talied three times. The sixth is indented by one run for Weidon. After this neither side was able to score. Umpire A. P. Kitchin. :the score : Scotland Neck 00013000 04 Weidon 30200100 6 Batteries Riddick and Clark. Whit aker and Cochrane. ANOTHER GAME. On the lbth of ihis month there will be a very interesting game of ball between the "Has Beens" and "What Ares." Gate admission loo. Henry T. Clark. Off to St. Lours. Mr. F. P. Shielbs Is one of the most generous of men. He has given the overseers to his various farms a free trip to St. Louis. They left Tuesday morning. The six employes of Mr. Shields to whom he gaye a free trip to the Expo sition are : Mess. W. E. Wbltmore,E. A. Lilly, M. W. Perry, Wiley Barnhill, J. Whit Bell and Ed. Fleming. It is very considerate in Mr. Shields to'give his employes this trip, and they highly appreciate it. Mr. G. K. Moore also left with the the company, and Jim Davis, a colored man, a good farmer of the community, also went. A Pleasant Excursion. The excursion which was run from Scotland Neck to Norfolk last Thursday by Mess. A. F. Hancock and S. B. Kitchin was well patronized here. It was said to be an orderly and pleasant excursion and all who went bad a good time. Mr. Hancock'expressed appreci ation that the electric lighc people kept on the lights until the train arrived at Scotland Neck on their return. It was easy tor the people to find their way along the streets and the thoughtful- nees of the electric light people helped the excursionists out generally. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for sixty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tne gums, anas an pain, cures wind colic, and is the best tremedv for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the Door little sufferer immeaiateiy. Sold bv Druggists in ever part of the world. Twenty-ave cents a nouie. ce . . . . r ir: f " a . . . -er sura and aaK ior "iurn. v wsiow Snolhinir Syrup. Killed By Accident. A colored boy about 18 years old, son of Philip Bynum, was accidentally killed a few days ago. He was sitting nn a dhnlf in the Dorch swinging nis feet with a gun between his legs with muzzle up. His feet in some way struck the hammer and the gun fired. The load went through his chin and tore away the front of his head and killed him instantly. . mtwrttttNA" alwavs soothes and then It also cures the baby when AH else has failed : and 'tis true Tf nftjin naves a life for you. "TEETHINA" cures Cholera-Infant-um Overcomes and Counteracts the effects of the Summer Heat, Aldg Di- -RjKmlatM the Rowels ana costs 25 cent at Druggists. CORN HILL.ING DINNER. In the long ogo we heard much about corn hiiiing oinners. i bey no longer "hill corn" as tnev did in the olden time, but now and then they bavA the dinner. On last Friday Mr. F. P. Shields gave such a dinner, and a most boun teous dinner It was. it was given at the Hall farm near Cotten's store where were gathered the overseers from his several farms and a large number of hands. The dinner was given under the management of Mr. W. E.Whit more who is a prince at entertaining, A large number of Mr. Shields' friends from town and the neighborhood had been invited and were present to enjoy the occasion. Full preparations bad been made and at dinner time the long table under the wide-spreading shades was laden with a veritable feast of good things. The dinner consisted of barbecue and Brunswick stew. It had all been cooked to perfection and the dinner was greatly enjoyed by every one. The Managers had thougtfully arranged to have coffee prepared in the house and whoever desired a cup of coffee could have it. After dinner wa termelons and canteloupes were cut and all partook satisfaction. All told, perhaps a hundred and twenty-five persons partook of the bountiful dinner and all pronounced it equal to any they had ever seen and one man who is authority on "good eating," said it was the finest barbecue he had ever tasted. AH joined in a vote of thanks to Mr. Shields for the dinner and to Mr. Whitmore, Mr. Lilly and others for the fine preparation and the perfect service. Mrs. J. A. Coppedge Dead. Mrs. J. A. Coppedge died at her home, at Cedar Rock, in Franklin county, Thursday August 4, 1904,age 42 years and 8 month. She was the daugh ter of the late Oscar Camp and wife.Vir ginia, was born and reared in this com munity. On Nov. 4, 1S70 she was mar ried to Mr. J. A Coppedge of Cedar Rock, where she hts lived ever since. She leaves her husband and four child ren, three boys and one girl. Besides these she leaves other relatives in this community, her three sisters Mrs. Annie Lawrence and Mrs. B. F. Til lery of this place and Mrs. W. D. Til lery, of Roanoke Rapids and her aunt, Mrs. Lucy Mangum. Mrs. Coppedge bad been in declin ing health since last October, and so marked were the changes during the past few months her death was no sur prise. In June she came to Scotland Neck and spent a few weeks in the hope of recuperation, but she grew worse instead of better. For years she had been a devout and coneecracted member of the Baptist church, and her life is a monument to her ervice to the Lord in her own per sonal piety and her good deeds to others. All who knew her were im pressed with her noble christian char acter and her unselfish devotion to every cause that was helpful to others. None knew her but to love her, and her hosts of friends, admirers and loved ones in this community join those about her home in sympathy for her devoted husband and children in this their dark hour of sadness and sorrow. To the Patrons of tne Graded Schools: At the close of last session the fol- owing text-book proposition was sub mitted : To each pupil who will band in to us, in good condition, a complete set of the books used during the past year we will furnish all the text books needed next session on the payment of the following fees : First, second and third grades $1.00 each. Fourth, fifth and sixth grades $1.50 each. Seventh, eighth and ninth grades $2.00 each. Fee payable at opening of session. A large number of our patrons ac cepted this proposition and sent in the books at the close of last session. Any one who did not accept It then but desires to secure the' benefits of it for the coming session will please send in the oldjbooks Friday the 12th inet., at nine o'ciocfcr. Graded School build ing. C. W. Wilson, For the School Board. August 11, 1904. Capt. Day Better. i A special from JRaleigh to the Nor folk Virginian-Pilot says tint Capt. W. H. Day has so mnch improved from his t-troke of paralysis that he has gone to Lincolnton. The Crop Prospect. Perhaps we have not seen m many years such a crop prospect as we have now, judging from the growth. Cotton is unusually large and corn is well grown. OI course it cannot be told yet what the probable yield will be.but the crops are certainly promising. ,-.nilel any kind of building? Send! FRANK T. CLARK w.."o. cAn-ki inn NORFOLK. VA im You need elean healthy bowels just as much as pure, wholesome food ; without either, you cannot keep well. Holliater's Rocky Mountain Tea elimi nates all impurities. Tea or tablets 35 cants. E, T. Whiuhead A Co. norfcl:, Uirflinia. THE FOLLCU-'TTC- RELIABLE BUSINF HOUSES SOt iriT YOUR TRADE. t&aW. ritts ?vtC6ft "Ptw9 mm repair or remodel tny kind of buildme ? Send for our UniQHf ef buitdinq materiel, sash, 'ere. Minds, kerdwere. mintels.pimH, eless en electric Meres fcc. FRANK T. CLARK CO.,m. aCstBbliinerfi373. f?!JFFQlfi.VAJ5?Si Wl5 Oon't forget to Visit SAMUEL C. PHILLIPS FABER; IMITES YOUr? TRADE , . for FlaotogrfiLjplior Fumlture, Carpets. Ac When You go to Norfolk, r -0 GRANBY ST., OPP. MONTICELLO HOTEl Lowest Prircs 'Juarantced. Take tliisrnrd nnd e-et two extra 1'ho 33!-337 Church St., NORFOLK, VA. lwwtew- , DO YOU NEED CLASSES? Basel Paint... iMLcVeTtLWti"., tfH mO$l eC001tlk4l$ DHNMC SPECTACLE MAKERS Write for Descriptive Booklet tn CLASS and SPECTACLE MAKERS, . PSt Fre- 63 GRANBY STREET, NORFOLK. VA. JENKINS PAINT & OIL CO., aopJv T RAIIM Nrfolk'S Pure F0d St0rC 9e9KEeiY OC DAUltl) Hag the largest and most complete stock o; Staple and t'uucy Groceries in tne Mute. Tailors & Furnishers. rur uaUe in vwm,u or l,y muU wlltflWMi- LOWE dk ftllLLER, 333 Main Street, JolumbU Building. 3040 Granby trc. ORFOLK. - VIRGINIA. THE SOUTH S FINEST GROCERf ittfetoi 3fiqft Scftoof FOR DOTS AXTD GIXIX0. Opens - August 23, 1904. Excellent location, moderate expenses, teachers of expe rience, home life for pupils, moral training, prepares for college or ordinarv duties of life. Address L. W. BAG LEY, Vrin., 7-14-2m Littleton, N. C. 1793 THE BIHCHAIYI GCHOOL Ideally located near Asheville. MILITARY. Highly commended by Army Officers and Army Inspectors. Refusing PuptU Instead of increasing accommodations. $130 per hafTCrm. COI,. R. BWGHAM, Supt., R. F. D. No. 4, Asherille, N. & LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE with a patronage of more than 200 pupils from five different States.civ ering an area of 100 miles in riameter, desires immediate correspondence with any young lad v who wishes to go off to school. A postal card or latter will bring lminfduite reply and interesting information. Steam heat and electric lights, bath smd toilet rooms, with hot and cold water, on all doors. The 23rd annual session will 8 -4-2tn J M. "THE SUMMER CAPITAL BY THE SEA." The Atlantic Hotel and Cottages MOREHEAD i The largest and most fashionable Seaside Resort in the South. Three hun dred rooms, single and en-suite. Private baths. Hotel greatly improved and made more attractive than ever. Lighted by electricity. New piers, large pavilions. Finest bathing, sailing and fishing on the coast. Largest and most beautifully decorated ball room in lhe South. Music by the famous Levin' Orchestra. Beautiful and varied electric display on the pier. Cuisine and ( service first-class in every respect. The ideal place for rest, pleasure and recrea-1 tion. Special rates to families. Write for diagram and booklet. Owners A. & N. C. R. R. A. J. COOKE, Manager. booooodooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo o o o J In o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Scotland Neck, N. C, Mm Hi 4. 11MM. The Josey Hardware Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Gentlemen :-I am using the Champion Peanut Thresher. They give perfect silisfaction, n .l I fhwf outlast any other makr. I heartily recommend them in every respect. Very truly, STATON. Crowellh, N. C, .Lummy 10, 11)01-. o o o o o o o The Josey Hardware Co., Dear Sirs : The No. 2 Champion Peanut Thresher bought of jou last style. I think it a good purchase. o o o We also Sell the Eclipse and Leffel Engines. None Ifctter o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Any Style We GoaMtee to Save Don't forget our Cut Prices in all Goods During this Month. Josey Hardware Company, o O August 3, 1904. Scotland iNecir, jn. u. qooooooooooooooooooq ooooooooooooo For sale by O. E. D. BARRON, V.5 "tUa.Y l&an Who KLLS, No matter where located. We Have Rare Bargains for Investors. VGtVW "3ct Ya.TeTv a&ANBY sr.. Non.-ot-K. va. Southern We prepare voung men and women for BUSINESS POSITIONS. Open n summer. Send lor catalogue. J. M. Ressler, Pre. 1904-05 begin on Wednesday, Sept. 11, JU01. RHODES, President, Littleton. N. C. CITY, N. C. jUWuvulf UUJJuvJ Scotland Neck, N. C. Yonrs yery truly Cotton Gin You Money in ttic Pnrcta tiwwpia o DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TlM SI .00 bottle contains 2H timestha trial ftze, which s!ls for SO cor.ts. rRBPAKBD OMLY AT TH LABORATORY OF 1 I E. C. DeWITT c B. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, N. 0. WHY BUY THE YORK SAFE ? Because they saved their contents in Norfolk's big lire (Jun. li02) bcuei than other sates. Write for prices and testimonial or call A. D. ROOEKTE5, tt Hoanoke Are., Jl OJilU.A, I .L Ave EYauo vv Vb SuccA. love. We nlwu) n H" c-i : 1 HiruniiiK in jp US A POrTAL, 06 Cf, t:zff. r!.y iii , No, folk, Va. .1,1 ..;ul Oflur riom;t!.v !'el f !':r in.. !.:nj;eft Stot K i.i l. f Miiith if heul 1 EURROW, MARTIN i CO.. jrss$, m.&cfcis, Ham cor;?, 2en MAIN ST., NORFOLK, VA. .rOUR TRIP TO MORFCt-f. u not cois-ipleie unVis yon vitit PAUL'S, .'90 Mai;- Rt, Near Crnby St EVERYTHING IN JEWEL?. MONEY'S WORTH Of MONEY PACK STEOPAfri V. A science and method of ruriiij; liti;'. f without drugs or knife. i'.;. dawson wir.i.Aiv j;. JSTEOPATK5C PHYSIC.:. . 40, 41, 42 Haddington Bidr , NOR FOLK, OSSOlTATiON AND I XAVINATtCM FKCF. .nsist on tour Grocer Civing ret KNADLLK & LUCAS' k'u'&Us, CaAswjs, XV. ni you will lI the U :.l !':; j i-m iiioi,. v tWRlLlSBNIC k New SclcDtific liscovcry for the DLCOD and NERVES. It purifies the blood 1 y eliminating lli vvasJte matter anl oilier impurities an.l ly destroying the germs or iuktoIm-s thul infest the Mool. It buiMs ti th" 1i1mk' by restoring and multiplying 1l- r,-l '"' puselos, making the Mood iih ai:d i-'!. It restores and stimulates the net vis, .ausing a full free How of nerve l.:vi throughout the entire nerve system. It speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous hiss, nervous prostration and all dix at,.i of the nervous system. mum. RYDAI.ES TONIC is a spe. ilie for all forms of Malaria. It acts on a u-w prim tiplc. It kills the mi rolos that produ. . Malaria. The r.-iusr being removed l!. disease quickly disappears. KYDAl.KS TONIC is guaranteed to tire the most obstinate cases of Malarial lever, t hills jnd Fever, Ague, cte. We authorize all dealers handling our remedies to l' ltnid the purchase juice for every 1ottle. o( RYDALES TUNIC that does not givi satisfaction. Trie Radical Bemeoy Company. HICKORY. N. C. T W-IiTJ: f EM) .t CO. B. & o o e (pi CD 0 o o o o o sea? On dees its work in tip top A. E. 1)0 BB ITT. and Press. m ft. V" o of Any of Tte M JtlLAtaa COMPANY. CHICAGO. IZX.