'"'''""'""''""'' it IF YOU ARE AHUM Lt! XO0 Wilt ADVERTISE roc Business. 8ICl lOVR AuVESTiSEMENt .X 18 V monwea: ra M v y f c J v g I t. k u u ... v 1 1 v i STEAM IS TO- ivlaohiiiery, E. B. HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "E JCCKLSIOR" is OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Si.oo. o Tjivt GaeT Propeixixq Poweb VOL. XXI. lew Serics-Vol. 7. (7-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 1906. NO 3 Com 0 1! J Ay ers Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. " We have nsed Aver's Cherry Pectoral in our faniilv for 25 venrs for throat and Inn? J troubles, snrt we think no medicine eqnalt it." JIrs. A. 1'OMEEOT. Appleton, Mlnu. 25r.. 50c.. SI.OO. All rirnircNts. 3. C. ATIR CO.. Lowell. Mags. for Weak Throats Ayer's Purely Pills greatly aid vegetable, gently recovery, laxative. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleuwe and bematifiea the hate Promote a luxuriant ntnvth. .Never Fails to Restore Gray Cures ra.tp diseases) Jt hair fallina; gaadf l.OOat ProgguU " I'UOFifcWIlttAL. a. O. L1VERMON, Dentist. FFK.-E-Over 3iew Whithead Building Jilice hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to 5 o'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. fR. J- P- WIMBEftLJfi x , OFFICE BaiCK HOTEL. SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. IOHN G. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, Halifax, N. C. Practices wherever bio services are required. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns. f D WARD L. TRA V lis, attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. saP Ifoaey Loaned on tarin, Lands. A & ALBION DUNN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Scotland .Neck, N. C. Prc:;ce wherever their services are requued. Jaws Tightly LocKed From Nervous Spasms. Physicians Could Not Prevent Fits. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured My Wife. Dr. Miles' Nervine has been successfully tried in thousands of cases of nervous disor c! crs, but neverhas it made a better record than when used in the treatment of fits or spasms. Thousands of testimonials prove this, and in nearly every instance the writer has stated that the fits ceased after the first dose of Ner vine wa; given. The statement is repeated in the following: "Seven years ago my wife commenced having spasms or fits and I called m my home physician and he said she was para lyzed. He nibbed her with salt water and gave her calomel and she eventually got some better, but in a short time she had another attack. She was confined to her bed for three months and the doctor could not help her. She had fits frequently, some times very severe. Her hands would cramp so we . could not open them and she finally (rot so her jaws would become locked. Finally 1 saw the doctor was doing her no pood and ordered a bottle of Dr, Miles Re storative Nervine. She received so much benefit from the first bottle that I got some more. She has taken a number or bottles but has never had a fit since taking the first dose. She also thinks very highly of Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and is never without them. If there is any way of mak ing this testimonial stronger do so because ff the food the Dr. Miles Restorative Nerv ine did'my wife." Wtt Y. ALLEN, P. M, Elkville, Miss. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. MUes' Remedies. Send for free book rn Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Day k Indies, Livery Buggies Harness Whips Robe s Tariioro, lit Carolina. HOtXISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggsts A Buy Kadidas for Busy PmaI. Brings Qoldem Health aad Rsatwed Vigtr. A 8Difle for Constipation, Indigertion, IJva and Kidney Troubles. Pimple. EnatM. ""P"?? Blood, Bad Breath. Shunrish Boweta, JtflM and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea -t form, 85 costs box. Genuine, madoy HouusTKa Dana CoaVAirr, Madron, w golden K'jccsn m run nrrl Jditois J-,eisure jfouis. OBSERVATIONS OF Newspaper rpHAT was a high compliment Governor Aycock paid the newspaper men in Raleigh just before he left for his home in Goldsboro. He said that dur tng his four years' stay in Ral eigh as Governor of North Carolina the newspaper report ers had never given to the pub lic anything concerning his work and administration which he did not wish, given. He said they have been in close touch with him and to them is due much for the aid the news- tut Tar Heels Rank With the Best. TN his inaugural address Gov ernor Glenn said: "It is said we can often judge a State's progress by its schools, its roads and the morals of its people. Tested by such a rule our State has recently made most rapid progress, but still very much remains to be ac complished. In efficiency of teachers, improvement in school facilities and the length of the school term, our educational interest has been greatly im proved and every boy and girl given a chance to acquire the kind and character of educa tion they most need. Still, the lamented fact remains that North Carolina is next to the mot illiterate State in the Union, and this alone should stimulate us to renewed exer tions to lift the clouds of ignor ance which surround and hang over us." t t X t Llie Legislature Hepcal It? ill pHARITY and Children says: "The Legislature would do well to repeal the unjust law that prohibits the railroad from issuing passes to newspapers in exchange for advertising. If the newspapers and the rail roads make a contract satisfac tory to themselves, wnat busi ness has a tnird party m xne matter at all ? The present ar rangement is exceedingly cum berson and inconvenient, and puts both parties to the con tract to no little trouble and annoyance." The Raleigh Times comments further on the matter as fol lows: "What reason can any intel ligent man give why a railroad should not give indefinite, un limited transportation for in definite, unlimited advertising space in a newspaper? The present plan of making a hard and fast contract is particular ly hctrd upon a paper with a small circulation and cheap ad vertising rates. The editors of X X A Freak THE CharlotteObsorver makes the following comments on a freak newspaper: ' 'The spec tacle of a print-shop off the railroad using a linotype ma chine and a Hoe perfecting press, capable of printing many thousand copies per hour, is presented at Moravian Falls, a r m - "1 XT -4-"U postomce six nines irum xiviw Wilkesboro, the nearest ship ping point, and noted as the home of The Yellow Jacket, that unique bi-monthly period ical published by R. Don Laws, of which mention has hereto fore been made. It is stated that the naoer now has a circu lation of 125.000 copies, extend ing over the entire country. ix is Republican in politics and a partisan of the most pronounc- ed type, in me issue ux wu QW jm A History of the Yel low Jacket' appears, from the pen of James Larkin Pearson, and is an interesting y The editor of The Yellow Jack et is a native of Wilkes county, and a mechanical genius . lhe Yellow Jacket was started, on a capital of a few aoiiare, 111 1895, and has doubled its sub scription list every year since. COUGHS AND COLDS. All sought, oolda and pulmonary complaints that are earabte are quickly eared toy One Minute Cough Cure, Clean the phlegm, drawi i out the in flammation and heala and rttaMta TTiM. atienetbenj the lunge. "1TL.Himi; Harmiear and affiwlil" eon 2& Sold by B. T'ww-C(tlj(J?Wl plaaaant to take. PASSING EVENTS. Reporters. papers have given him in mak ing his administration success ful. And when one comes to think of it carefully, the world generally is under great obli gations to newspaper reporters and editorial writers. They exercise much more influence than they are sometimes credit ed with, and they are the most tolerant and big-hearted peo ple on earth. They area clever set generally, although now and then you may find one that should be counted out of this number. Commenting on Governor Glenn's utterance, the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot says: "This arraignment may be true in the sense that the pro portion of illiterates to literates is great, but here the unfavora ble comparison ceases, for the educated people of the State of North Carolina will rank favor ably with the educated people of any State in the Union, or with thf nanrtlA nf anv nth or coiintrv for that matter. Th State of North Carolina has ad vanced and is advancing rapid ly along both educational and commercial lines, and her great natural resources are being de veloped by the brain and ener gy of her people. The State of North Carolina and her people have reason to congratulate themselves upon the splendid showing the Old North State has made and is making." some of these papers find it hard to attend the meetings of the editorial associations with in the limit of their yearly con tracts. Personally, we have nothing to complain of; we get all the accommodation that's coming, and all we want, but we do not like the way it comes to us. In other words, we would like to be left free to make our own arrangemeuts with the railroads for transpor tation, just as other men act independently in the manage ment of their own business, and not to be forced to conform to the useless restraints of a pop ulistic law, which, for some strange reason, has found soil in which to live and grow in the Democratic party. Last year while the editors of Vir ginia and Qeorgia went to the national press assoication in a solid car by the courtesy of the railroads, North Carolina edi tors had to piece up their trans portation as best they could. This is the price of populistic rule, and peanut legislation." XX Newspaper. The Yellow Jacket has an elec tric light plant of its own, lo cated right in the office, and at night the building is beautiful ly illuminated by electricity. The editor's residence, a few hundred yards away, is also lighted from the same source. The office is connected by tele phone with all the surrounding country, and it also has a sys tem of house phones for the convenience of the employes. A series of electric bells, oper ated by push buttons, also adds to the convenience of the em ployes in calling each other while at their posts of duty. Last year a linotype was in stalled and now a Hoe press, using stereotype plates, is in operation, and it is stated that 'an issue of the paper, which kept the three smaller presses grinding away for a solid two weeks, can now be turned off on this press in less than a day.' There are numerous freak pub lications in various parts , of the country, but it is doubtful if any ever attained the popu larity of this Wilkes county journal, which probably has the widest circulation of any paper in the South.", SPOILED HER BEAUTY. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St., New York, at one time bad her beauty arjoiled with akin trouble. She writes "I had Salt Bbeum or Ecaemai for yean, bat nothing would euro it, until I used Buoklen's Arnica 8alT.w; A aoick and aura healer for cuts, boras and soraa. 25o at E. T. Whitehead & The Tillage Doctor. Bvalyn Whiteomb, in Youth ComptniM. I stood before the mound of earth Tne summons came too late to say A last good-bye to bis dear olay And read this tribute to bis worth : "Here liea a man who eonld forgive : Hia heart was great,his puree was small ; For us be freely gave bis all ; He spent himself that we might live The vears roll back, and I. again A boy, am trudging torough the snow The east-wind stings.my steps lag slow ; Just then a gruff yolee calls, "Hello ! Get In and have a ride ;" I go Right by the sohoolhouse through the glen. . He takes a long ride just for me ; I know it now, and cannot say How much It helped me on the way ; For many and many a bitter day We crowded in the doctor s sleigh ; A shelter, comforting as free. That day I fell and broke my arm. When Jim and I were in the mow : The doctor came I see him now, With kindly eyes, and, "Steady Howe Don't move, or I may do you harm.'' They were his children to the end The village folk, his only kin A widowed cousin he took in To shield from want: she since had been His caretaker and truest friend. There's scarce a home in all the Glen That has not felt tbe kind caress His presence gave, to heal, and bless With cheerful talk, that none might guess How bis heart ached for our distress His like we shall not see again. When did be rest? No specters grim Were winter's chill, or summer's heat : Darkness or storm ; wind, rain or sleet, Nor weariness could stay his feet 11 onie Pr soaI had need of D,m- They saw him fall, but did not know And then, one day, be fell asleep ; They laid him here, our hearts will keep His memory green, and none may weep ; For, be at rest, would have It to. Prosperity In the Homes. Wiaatoa Journal. There ate some folks who base their ideas of tbe prosperity of the country on tbe fact that there is more money in the sartnga basks. That is prosperity all ngbt, and fru gality and eare for tbe future, and the old age that surely comes. But there is another kind of prosper ity. The average American is better to himself and family than ever before. He has put some money into tbe bank, and be is probably now planning tor a a borne of hia owu instead of remain ing a renter. And he has purchased more comforts and good things to est than ever before. He has put some of his surplus into good clothing, not only tor himself, but for his wife and chil dren. In fourteen yean the population has increased 31 per cent. Tbe increase in imports of tropi cal and subtropical products, which are used by manufacturers or go to supply the people with food and drink show a much greater lnorease than the population increase. More silk Is worn in America than ever befoie. In 1880 the consumption ot coffee was eight pounds per bead. Now it is twelve pounds; there is a large per capita increase in tbe eon- sumption of sugar, teas and spices. Tbe life of tbe average American by birth or adoption is happier ; eontains more comforts and privileges than any other nationality. , Tbe result of better feeding and clothing and bousing must show in the development4of tbe race. CURED HIS MOTHER OF RHEU MATISM. "My mother has been a tufferer for many yean from rheumatism," says W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsylvania. At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful We presented ber with a bottle of Cham brlain's Pain Balm and after a few appli cations she decided it was tbe most won derful pain reliever she bad ever tried, in fact,4he is never without It and now is at ; all times able to walk. An occasional application ut Pain Balm keeps away tbe pain that she was formerly trouD led with." For sale by all Druggists. Gov. Pennypacker of Pennsylvania, continues to think freedom of tbe press is unnecessary in this country. Penojpacer will never be able to for give the newspapers tor discovering bis htfleness. Chicago Record-Herald. TONIC TO THE SYSTEM. For liver troubles and constipation there is nothing better than De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little Pills. They .do not weaken tbe stom ach. Their action upon tbe system is mild, pleasant and harmless. Bob Tdoore, of LaFayette, Ind., says : "No use talking, DeWitt's Little Early Ris en do tbeir work. All other pills IJhaye used gripe and make me sick in the stomach and never cured me. De Witt's Little Eaily Risen proved to be tbe long sought relief. They are si ru nt -nerfoct." Persons traveling find little Early Risen the most reliable ramfldv tn saury with them, i field by C T. Whitehead A Co. THE OLDEST MAN IN AMER1C A Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Wint by Using Pe-ru-iia. MR. ISAAC BROCK. BORN IN BI'HCOMBE CO., N, C, MARCH I, 1733. His age Is U5 years, vouched tor by auibeotld record. He says: attribute my extreme old age to the use of Peruna. " Born before the United States was formed Saw 22 Presidents elected. Pe-ru-na has protected him from all sudden changes. Veteran of four wars. Shod a horse when 99 years old. Always conquered tbe grip with Peruna. -Witness In a land suit at the age of 110 years. Believes Peruna the greatest remedy of the age for catarrhal aseases. . . - ISAAC BROCX, a citizen of McLen nan county, Texas, has lived (' r 110 years. Por many years he resi(! tl a: Bosque Falls, eighteen miles went of Waco, but now lives with his son-in-law at Valley Mills, Texas. A short time ago, by request, Uncle Isaac came to Waco and sat for his pic ture. In hia hand ha had a stick cu Ask your druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1905. Bales for Banking Portland Orcgoalan. Apropos of the recent bank robbery at Cody, it may be oi interest to know that most of the Wvomg banks display the following sign : Member American Sbarpshootiog Association. Patrons thinking an error has been made are requested not to shoot tbe eashler before Investigation. Strangers must enter the bank ho!d ng their hands sb ve tbeir heads or they will be fired on by the staff. Deposits of persons killed on the premises remain the property of the bank. Tbe bank will not be responsible for lost guns or bowie knives. Patrons desirous of keeping in prac tice are requested to shoot the pens from tbe clerk's bands and to leave tbe cashier undisturbed. Persons desirous of transacting busi ness quickly will please remember that shooting out tbe lights tends to delay rather than hasten tbe work of the staff. Undertaken This bank will not be responsible for the funeral bills of per sons killed by the staff in tbe course of business. IN THE MERRY SPRINGTIME. In tbe merry springtime the festive malaria microbe goeth forth determin ed to colonize every human organism. It this arch-foe has invaded your sv tem allow as to suggest Rydale's Tonic. This remedy trees tbe blood from ma laria micsobee, eliminates poisonous matter from the system, strengthens tbe nerves, and restores robust health. Rydale's Tonie is guaranteed. E. T. Whitehead & Co. A New Jersey preacher advises young women never to marry a man nntil they know bis past. What most concerns young women who marry is tbe young man's future. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REME DY THE BEST MADE. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy is the best made for colds, says Mn. Cora Walker, of Porterville, Cali fornia. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is so sure a nreventive of pneumonia. JNo other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why itsnouia be preterrea to any otner. xne net is mat iew peo ple are satisfied with any other after once having used this remedy. For ate by all Drnxgtata. " from the grave of General Andrew Jackson, which has been carried by him ever since. Mr. Urock is a dignified old gentleman, showing few Fig-is of de crepitude. Ilic faniiiy Bilile is still pre served, and it shows that the date of his birth was written 115 years ago. Surely a few words from this remarka ble old gentleman, who lias had 115 years of experience to draw from, would le interesting as well as profitable. A lengthy biographical sketch is given of this remarkable old man in the Waco 'iiinsB-Hera!d, December 4, 1S03.. . JLstill mor." pretentious biography of this, the oldest living man, illustrated With a dot:M column portrait, was given the re&C- vs oi the Dallas Morning News, uatl December 11, 189S, and also the Chicago-Times Ilcnld of same date. This centenarian is an ardent friend ot Peruna, having used it many years. Ia ppeaking of his good h'-alth and extreme old ac, Mr. Brock fvs: Eow Niagra Helps Trada. Selected. A clever game which Is worked st Niagara during tbe winter msntbs by shrewd merchants is described in an article by Mr. Brougbton Brandenburg on "Tbe Carnival of Ice at Niagara" In Harper's Weekly. Ubanties are built on tbe ice about half way to the shore on the exact boundary line between the United States and Canada and occu pied by traders. As tbey have neither rent, United States duty nor Canadian liscense to pay, they are enabled to offer tbeir goods for sale at greatly reduced prices. The officers of neither country disturb them, because tbey would first be compelled to prove jurisdiction. This j would be impossible, for by tbe time tbe courts got around to it it would be spring, and both the ice and tbe shan ties would be gone. STOMACH TROUBLES AND CON STIPATION. "Chamberlain's Stomach . and Liver Tablets are the best thing tor stomach I troubles and constipation I have ever j sold," s-tys J. R. Cullman, a druggist , at Potterville, Micb. They sre easy to take and always giye satisfaction. I tell my customeis to try them and il not eatiefied to come back and get their money. We have never had a com plaint." For sale by all Truggis's. Honesty is the best policy, but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man. Wbately. SPEEDY RELIEF. A salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve. No remedy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflammation, soothes, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruise-t. A sure cure for Piles and skin disease. DeWitt's is tbe only Witch Huzel Salvo. Beware of counterfeits, tbey are dangerous. Sold by E. T. White head & Co. Dr. Cbadwick now threatens towiite a book. He had better begin on a check book and keep his family tr. gather Newport News Times Heruld. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REME DY ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The fault of giving children medi cine containing injurious substances, is sometimes mora disastrous than tbe disease from wbicb tbey are suffering. Every mother should know thst Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly sale for children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup ia Unsurpassed. For sale by all Drngfista. "After a inn had livwl in the vrlj as long as I hr.vo, ho ought fo I-.-.vj found out a groat many t:ii!:f ' i-- perience. I think I h. ve dime no. i "One of the things I hevs u:cd out to tny entire satisfaction : I'.tj proper thing for ailments thi t r.rs due directly to the effects i. t.'.-j climate. For IIS years I '.3vj withstood the clianzsz'cle cL.;u. .a of the United States. I have always been a vfrv Ir man, but of course suljeet tt t!u affections which are duo to e changes i: tho climate and temper During ir.y long life 1 have len great ift.iny remedies for coughs, and diar: !uva. "As for Dr. Hart man's rci Perur.a, I have found it to best, if net the only, reliable edy for these affections, h .1,1: :;:tu rtV.. -i i:..v jul.ia cdy ti: a cnr.m tlU3 been my standby for many y drs, and I attribute my good heahl ind extreme old aso t j this rcn "It exactly meets nil jny ro mcr.ts. It protects 1:20 from t T effects of pudden changes; it Kef; in good appetite; it gives i:to etrv it keeps my Mood in pood cireiil' Ihfivecoinc to rely upon it ninio tirely f.r the many little tiling which I need medicine. V.'heii epidemic:? of la grippe began to make their appearance ii ure evil . ioil. : fr rst UiU lih tor hat "nd country I was a Euffcrer from thi. ease. " had several long sieges the grip. At first I did n ?t k that Perur.a was a remedy this disease. When I heard la grippe was epidemic catar. tried Peruna for ia grippe tour.d it to be just the thing. ' ' In a later letter dated January 3! 'OIKT, Mr. Brock write? ! "I am well and feeling as wcl! have for years. The only thing bothers mo is my sight. If I conl better I could walk all over the and it would do me good. 1 wouli be without Peruna." as I .!i:it peo s:i:m not Yours truly, i ,o. aa, vi!l :td- if UJ For a free book on catarrh, nd The Peruna Medicine Co., ColumlK If you do not derive prompt nnd i factory results from the use of IVi write at once to Dr. Hartman, glvi full statement of yotir case and ho be pleased to give you his valuahh vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, J'rcHidoj Tl.o Hartman Sanitarium, Coli. Ohio. Why Ee Eomained Hems. Model Husband (Ivwtftilly) Vs, geatlmen, I've been mtrried ten y m and never spent a night awjy f . n home yet. Doubting Thomas Large and ii tr eating family, eb ? 'O.ily three of us " "Have one chili, eh ? "Ro ; tbe other is my wife's moth -r." NO MORE STOMACH TROUB1 3S. All stomach trouble Is removec by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Jt gives tb3 stomach perfect ret In di gesting what you eat without : !.e stomach's aid. The food build tu 'he body, the rest restores the stomnc . to health. You don't have to diet ,vu selt when taking Kodol lfpi.;a Cure. J. D. Erskme, of Allei "e, Micb., says: "I suffered heartburn :d stomach trouble for some time. My sister-in-law had the same trouble iid was not able to eat for fix weeks, -he lived entirely tn warm water. t-r taking two bottlas of Kodol Dvpf -,u J Cure she was entirely cured. She evy eats heartily and is in good health Jam glad to say Kod ! Rave me in.' ant j relief. Sold by E. T. Whitehead A Co. ( Tbe Missouri man who Is sai to have eloped with two red-beaedd ; r s should have driven away in a - cli drawn by six white horses Hoc 'vu Chronicle. THE SECRET OF ttuotat Forty million bottles of Au. Flower sold in the United btates i since its introduction ! And tbe mand for it is still growing. Isn't a fine showing of success? Don' prove that August Flower bas had titt it;e it 'fat ? e Alt c t wt r failing success in tbe cure of ind tion and dyspepsia the two ere. enemies of health and b apple Does it not afford tbe bai-t evid that August Flower is a eure e e for all stomach and intestinal disoid that it has proved itself the be' all liver tegulators? Augus-t Fit has a matcblesj record of over thi five yean in curing the ailing mil! of these distressing complaints a cess that is becoming wider In its sc every day, at home ami abroad, hs fame of August Flower eprend. 'J hottlea, 25c ; regular tiz, 75c. m ! hv F. T. Whitehea-' - jf :p he .1 Yr i CASTOR I A I For Infants and Children. Th Kb J Yea Havs Ahrcjs Balit Tears the Signature of 7 i. 1 i M - hit 1! !:,) -Ill I: ' 'i il 1- i4i a. if'"