IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER XOC WILT. ADVERTISE iv. Business. o Commonw: ra y . & o ... v i STK-VM IS TO Machinery, O - Thai G its at Propelling Power E. E. MILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Si.oO. VOL. XXI. New Serics-Vol. 7. (7-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1905. NO 8 Sekl f our Advertisemsht in how KAL Take cold easily? Throat 3 cenaer? Lungs weak? Any ! relatives have consumption? J inen a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral V. deal to you. Follow your 3 doctor's advice and take 3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. Kor 40 years I have depended on Ayer's C(!rry lVctorn! for coughs ami ccltU. I ki.ov. it srrit:y strengthens weak lims." Mks. r. A. KoBissos, Saline, Mich. ...V!.'..f 'SfS. for .T. O. ATIR CO., ' T.oneil. Mass. Weak Lungs oyer's Pilis increase the activity of :r.3 ;iver, ana xnus aia recovery. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifte the hifc Pramctei luxuriant erowih. ever Fails to li est ore Gray Cures scalp disrasea & hair tailing. fr?. and $ I ') at Druggisf PROFESSIONAL. K. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist. ( rios-Over Mew Whithead Building :L'3 hoars from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to -j i i-ioetc, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK. X. C. pK. J. P. WIMBERLEi, OFJICE BKICK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. JOHN G. DANIEL, 3 Attorncy-at-Law, Halifax, N. C. Practices wherever his services are reo aired. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns. r 0 A" A KD L. TRA VIb, r Attorney and Counselor at Law, f.i Money Loaned on Farm Lands. )f A. ALBION DUNN, ill ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, ScoTLAXD Neck, N. C. L'f;.ct;ce wherever their services are re-uired. ntal Strain Affected Gen eral Health. Doctor's Doses Weak ened Stomach. Br. Miles Nervine Cured Me. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine brings rest 2:. J sweet sleep to the tired brain worn out h tiie cares and anxieties of the sick room. Kcad the following: "I have always been healthy with the ex crjii.jii of a touch of rheumatism since my a e came on, up to the time of my husband's ! t illness some years ago. I assisted in niTsirg mv husband for nearly three months w.-itn he departed this life and the mental iin i timik caused my trouble. Aside :! extreme nervousness my trouble com : red with sore throat and neuralgia. My ..:c:an gave me purgative doses which akned me very much and my stomach Ume seemed inactive. Mental strain a; : the dormant condition ftl my stomach ? -n toid t:pon my general health. I had appetite and was soon forced to stay in 1 - : a greater part of the time. Within a after the time I began taking Dr. i es' Restorative Nervine and Tonic I was u;j about tiie house. I continued their use in.tl completely cured. My faith in Dr., .es Remedies has been strengthened by e.'i enence of other people, our daughter hay ii -T used Restorative Nervine with splendid t- :;(.-. in a case of paralysis and a friend to ml sent a box of the Anti-Pain Pills re I -:;. that she has been completely cured of ri- otalgia by their use. I know of a number f'f tutrs whom yourmedicinehashelpedina "rje degree. I wish you continued success." Mus. I kances Coffman,. Dayton, Va. Ail druggists sell and guarantee first bot ( 1 'r. .Miles' Remedies. Send for free book ' ' Nm-ous and Heart Diseases. Address iJ'. ..Ides .Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. ;if & Mips. Livery Buggies Harness Whips Robes Tarooro, Norm Carolina. HOLLISTER'S nocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioina for Busy People. Brians Golden Health and Benewed Vigor. ----- ' uvusuunuuiif AUUIO-mv- 35 cents a box. Genuine tnado by "'-rER iruo Compast, Madison, W CGlDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLOW PEOPLE 1, " mr (jonsupation, inauresnuu. n i Ki lney Troubles, Pimples. Eczema, Impure Breath, Rlntfirish Bowels, Headache 1 ' khe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab- . pDITOr'S Jy E OBSERVATIONS OF John D. Rockefeller is said to be approaching the time when he will be a billionaire. It is said that hia income now is six million dollars a month. At that rate Soon to be a Billionaire. a year. 1 cumulations ; so if he lives a few years longer he may become a billionaire. But so far an he is personally concerned the bulk of his great possessions is no more to him than old junk or a last year's bird's nest. He can only eat so much, and we believe it has been stated he has to lire on milk and crack ers, or some such simple diet ; he can only wear so much ; and so for that matter, many, many thousands of poor men in the world are far and away happier than Rockefeller. But almost any of these poor fellows would like to change places with him. tttt J. Samuel McCue, the ex-mayor of Charlotteyille, Va., who was hanged in that town last Friday for murdering his wife, confessed his guilt to his McCue Confessed. ed to him as the murderer. The public is familiar with the story of his -trial and conviction and with the extraordinary efforts of his counsel to save his life. Two appeals were made, we believe, to the Supreme court of Virginia and one to the Supreme court of the United States. Finally, when all appeals proved futile and the condemned man realized that he must die, he confessed to the ministers who attended him that he was guilty. Ho said no one but himself was at all to blame for her death that some irresistible power of the devil forced him to commit the crime. Take it all in all, it has been quite a sad affair ; but Virginia has shown that money and social standing cannot stay the execution of the law in the face of such evidence as condemned McCue. tttt A story is going the rounds of the State press that a citizen of Scotland county has received a letter from Mexico, saying that the renegade, Henry ' Henry Berry Lowry. tion is a request that the Governor of this State will protect Lowry from auy sort of prosecution, if he return. Govrrnor Glenn will hardly have the opportunity to grant the protection, for if old Lowry is still living he must have had too much experience to be willing to risk himself in North Caro lina, even though it has been thirty years since he terrorized Robeson county and some contiguous sections. Many a boy who lived in the south western counties of the State w?U rcir.embor to h!3 dying day the awful stories about the outrages and murder committed by Henry Berry Lowry and bis crowd. Those stories were told about many a fireside in those days until a boy was afraid to step in the dark or sleep alone. It would hardly be safe for Lowry to "show his shapes" anywhere in that part of the State, for the memory of his dastardly deeds will live through a generation or two yet. tttt The House committee in Congress has agreed to appropriate over two and a half million dollars to the Jamestown Exposition which is to be held in 1907 in Jamestown Exposition. settlement of phere. Says a Washington special to the Charlotte Obsarver : "The total recommended is $2,650,000 Of this, $2,000,000 is to be ex pended in connection with the land exhibit, including the erection of nav al barracks and the necessary piers, the estimate for which is $1,750,000. The balance of the 2,000,000 is to be used In connection with the land ex hibit under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. It is recom mended that $250,000 be appropriated to defray the expense of the nation al commission provided in the bill, known as the Jamestown ter-centennlal commission, and the expenses of the government participation in the naval, marine and military exhibit. For the entertainment of foreign naval, and military officers, to be expended under the direction of the Secretaries of War and Navy $175,000 is recommended ; for a government building in which to make a government exhibit, $150,000; for a permanent monu ment to commemorate the settlement of Jamestown, $50,000 ; to provide moorings in Hampton Roads, $150,000. For rebabiltating a monitor to reproduce the battle between the Monitor and Merrimac, $10,C00." tttt " . A good and true man, one who serves God and loves men, told us some years ago that the city of High Point had never had a saloon, and so far as we have heard that sober record has not yet Sweeping Victory for been brokgn Perhapg the m08t notable banquet Prohibition. eyer held by a Uke organization in this State was given at High Point a few nights ago by the Manufacturers' Club of that city. A number of strong and able men were present from Washing ton D. C. Long and flattering accounts of the occasion appeared in the daily papers, and the Charlotte Observer gave a second account, not being satisfied with the first. And that paper paragraphed on the fact that one successful banquet had been held without the presence of the c-jp that in ebriates. The Raleigh Post also said : "It was predicted that the Hi$h Point ban quetas a banquet would be a tame and subdued affair, owing to the fact that the sparkling glass that cheers was not to occupy a place on the menu ; but those who so predicted reckoned not with the hosts nor with the char acter of the guest3. There was no wine, neither was there any dullnes or tediousness. It was a live, brilliant occasion, enthused and warmed by business spirits rather than by the brand that comes in demijohns and bTbe ereat banquet was in honor of the Industrial growth of High Point ; and so no one may any longer argue that prohibition retards the progress and development of a town. High Point has had prohibition all the time, and it baa not been surpassed m industrial development by any town in the South. ' THE SUNSHINE OF SPRING. The Salve that cures without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Cute, Burns, Boils, Bruises an4 Piles disap pear before the use of this salve as enow before the sunshine of spring. Miss H. M Middleton, of Thebes, 111., aays: I was seriously afflicted with a fever sore that was very painful. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me m leas than a week." Get 'he genuine. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. . ISUR E JioUIS. PASSING EVENTS. he accumulates seventy-two millions hen all these millions make their ac spiritual advisers. His wife was killed last Sep tember and almost immediately suspicion point Berry Lowry, is there and wishes to return to North Carolina. Coupled with the informa commeration of the first permanent the English in the western hemis FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup has been used for sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the. poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. inal ow 'e Booth- 1 ins 8yrap. The Legislature. THIBTIETHDAY TUESDAY .FEBRUARY 7. I(News and Observer.) Senate A message from , the Gov ernor was received, including the re port of the Insurance Commissioner and recommending better protection for the Bhndand Insane. A second message from the Govern or was received, recommending the es tablishment of a Bureau of Immigra tion, and referring to the Jamestown exposition, me divorce laws, tne ap pointment of a purchasing agent for the State inatitutions,the vagrant laws the jury system and the Judges' sala ries. There were no yery important mat ter before the Senate. House The appropriations for the State Hospitals asked for are : Morganton Annual for support $150,OCO; building for male inmates. $au,:uu; special, tor ball ot amuse ment, $5,000 ; new boiler, boiler house etc., $6,000, spur railway trrck, $8,000. Total $219,000 for the first year. Goldsboro Annual for support, $60,. 000 ; new huilding, $38,000 : boilers and spur track. $4,200. Total annual and special, $112,200. Raleigh annual appropriation for support, $75,000 ; special, new boilers, building boiler house, etc., $17,500; launary plant, etc , $S,0UU ; repairing, repainting,reflooring present buildings $6,300 ; paying rents on lights, water, etc., each year, $3,000; to pay out standing indebtedness. $18,055 30 ; fur purchase of additional land $90,- 000. Total, special, $113,353.30. To- tal, special and annual, $218,353.30. Normal and Industrial College Re placing loans for replacing burned dor mitory, $80,000; replacing laundry, cold storage plant, etc , $13,000; con necting central heating plant and oth er urgent improvements made necessa ry on account of the fire, $10,000. To tal $103,000. This bill does not in- elude anything for the annual support ot the college yet. A message was read from the Gov ernor suggesting and recommending the establishment of a Bureau of Im migration, and an appropriation suffi cient to make a creditable showing at thejjJamestown Exposition, a central purchasing commission or State pur chasing agent, to buy all food and sup ply products by wholesale for. the va rious State education and eleemosyna ry institutions ; for a strict divorce law, for a better vagrant law, especially one that would break up the evil of loafers and idlers in cotton miU settlements ; increase of judges' salaries, declaring thit $3,500 wanted by the Senate was little enough. The message also contained the re port of the State Insurance Commis sioner and endorsed his recommenda tions that a larger insurance be taken on Stale buildings and property and better precautions provided for escape from fire. On motion of Graham, of Lincoln, five hundred copies ot the message were ordered printed, and the various matters recommended were referred to the appropriations committee. TBI RT Y-FIBST DAY WEDNESDAY.FEB. 8. (News and Observer.) Scnate Senator Webb introduced a bill to authorize and direct tbe issue of State bonds, to provide sufficient funds to equip the State Hospitals for tbe ioa.me.and the several educational institutions with necessary 'permanent improvements. Tbe following Is a part text ol Mr. Webb's bill: That for the purpose of providing the State Hospital at Raleigh, the State Hospital at Morganton and tbe State Hospital at Goldsboro, and the several State educational institutions with tbe necessary buildings and per manent improvements.the State Treas urer is hereby authorised and directed to issue .bonds of the State of North Carolina, payable after 15 'years from the first day of July, 1905, to an amount net to exceed $500,000. House Among the bills ratified was the bill Jto protect game in Halifax and Warren conn ties. Concerning the bill to canse certain fines to be paid into the treasury ot Scotland Neck graded schools, Jndge Graham called attention to the section of tbe Constitution which proyided that fines should go to the county fund for public schools and this bill was in violation of tbe Constitution. Mr. Gayle replied that the bill pro vided that tbe Scotland Neck graded schools should have the fines arising in criminal cases in that school dis trict. He said a law to this effect was in operation at Weldon in the same oounty, and a bill applying this same principle had been passed at this ses sion for a district in Watauga couaty. Chairman Mnrphy, of the Educa tional Committee, stated that in bis opinion ft was not in tbe power of the Legislature to divert these town fines from the general school funds of tbe county. He took this position before the committee, and still thought tbe bill unconstitutional. Mr. Butler, of the committee, said that bis under standing was that tbe bill should be re ported ud favorably but afterwards it was determined to report it, and let the matter be settled by the Srpreme court. He made a motion that the bill be sent to tbe Committee on the Judiciary, and the motion prevailed. THIBTY-BECOND DAY THURSDAY.FEB 9. (Morning Post.) Senate-Petitions were presented : Foushee C i t i ze n s of Caswell against the removal of distilleries from MUton. Scales Petition from East Bend Sunday-schocl asking ibe repeal of the charters of Shore and Williams. Scales Asking prohibition in Yad kin county. Scales Asking prohibition of the manufacture and sale of liquor in Yad kin. Scales Memorial from mayor and commissioners of East Bend for tbe re peal of the charters of Williams and Shore. bcales Memorial of East Bend Bap tist Sunday-school asking the repeal of the charters of Williams and Shore. Odell Petition by citizens of .East Bend - against the manufacture and sale of whiskey In Yadkin, declaring that liquor was sold for $1 a gallon and boys ten years old frebuently came to Sunday-School and temperance meet ings drunk. Scales Memorials of temperance un ions of Greensboro asking for a reform atory. A resolution was received from the flouse'announcing the death of Repre sentative C. W. Phips ot Watauga and the Lieut. Governor appointed Sena tor Taylor of Alleghany and Long of Iredell to accompany tbe remains to their last resting place. The liquor bills were postponed until noon Friday. On motion of Mr. Taylor of Allegha ny tbe Senate adjourned out of respect to the memory of Hon C. "V. Phlpps until 10 :30 Friday. House Speaker Gulon called the House to order at half past ten o'clock, and Representative W. A. Graham of Lincoln made the opening prayer, in which he alluded fittingly to the tak ing off of one of tbe members of tbe House. Then, upon motion of Mr. Graham of Lincoln, the House took a recess for 15 minutes. At the expiration of tbe recess Mr. Graham of Lincoln, with a few words of praise for Representative Phipps as he'had known him in the Committee on Education, offered the following joint resolution : "Resolved by. the House of. Repre sentatives, tbe Senate concurring : "That it having pleased God in his infinite wisdom to call to Himself and deprive this body of an associate, the member from Watauga, Dr. C. W. Phipps. "That in his death we are called to mourn the death of a true and honest faithful Representative. "Be it further resolved that a com mittee ol four from the House and two from tbe Senate be appointed to at tend the body to its last resting place and that tbe Treasurer of North Caro lina be and he is hereby authorized, or dered and directed, out of anv funds not otherwise appropriated, to pay all expenses of said committee in attend ance upon the funeral rites, and all fu neral and other expenses of transport ing' said body to its last resting place. That such expenses shall be paid upon the voucher of said committee. "Be It further resolved that tLe committee so appointed at once notify his Excellency, the Governor, of the yacancy in this body. Be it further resolved that this nouBO uu aujuu.U an uC this body be suspended for the day inf. memory of our departed member. "Resolved further that the keeper of the capitol be directed to keep the flags upon the dome at half mast for twenty-tour hours." Mr. Biggs moved tbe adoption of tbe resolntion. Mr. Mitchell testified to the fidelity to duty of the departed member. Mr. Stronach proposed a rising vote. Mr. Stickley said he had Jfound Dr. Phipps a true man who loved his peo ple. He understood that his last words were of prayer for his bills and all tbe legislation of this body and .the people. , Mr. Cowles of Wilkes,injbehalf ofJJbe minority, expressed in few but feeling words the deep sympathy of te mi nority members with the bereaved widow. Mr. Sledge amended the resolution by directing that a copy be sent to tbe family of tbe deceased member. Dr. Alexander, a fellow-member of the profession, endorsed the resolution SAPPY M10 A Beautiful Canadian Girl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs by Pc-ru-na. Miss Florenco E. Kenah, 43i Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., writes : "A few months ago I caught a severe cold, which settled on my lungs and remained there so persistently that became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently. ' I was advised to try Peruns, and although I had little faith I felt so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt that I had the right medicine at last. Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. I now have the greatest faith in Pcruna:" F. E. KENAH. OMEN should beware of contract ing catarrh. The cold wind and rain, slush and. mud of winter are espe cially conducive to catarrhal derange ments. Few women escape. Upon the first symptoms of. catching cold Peruna should be taken. It forti fies the system against colds and ca tarrh. The following letter gives one young woman's experience with Peruna: Miss Rose Gerbiag is a popular society woman of Crown Point, Ind., and she writes the following: Recently I took a long drive in the country, and being too thinly clad I caught a bad cold which settled on my hinir-, and which I could not eem to shake off. I had heard a great deal of Perxr.a- for colds and catarrh and Ask your Druggist for Free and tendered sympathy to the bereav ed family. Then the question was put and the resolution passed by a unanimous ris ing vot?, and the Hause stood ad jourued until 10 :30 Friday morning. In a few minutes the chair occupied by the dead member had been draped in black, with white ribbons, and a large, lovely floral tribute from tbe minority members placed upon his desk. The seat was soon after photo graphed iu order that a picture of it might be given t the widow. The Speaker named as the commit tee to attend the funeral on the part of the Houee Messrs. Crisp, Young, Finney and Frizzelle. Zitcusn Hslps. Coarse salt and vinegar will clean enameled ware that has beeu burned or discolored. Do not drop dirty, greasy dish towels in hot soap suds. It only sets the grease. Wash them first in lukewarm water. An old bookcase set on the kitchen table, back to the wall, makes a very respectable imitation of a kitchen cab inet and saves many steps. The range should be so located as to ' range should always have a firm con nection. A hood placed over tbe range is a great ventilator. When tins are bard to wash, where food has burned on, like baked fish or . oatmeal, put the dish on the stove, fill with cold wate and a half a tea-. BDOOnfal of baklne soa and let It boil, and your dish will wash, and the ., , mnrAtmh w1 wn odor of fish will be gone. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY. Mother Gray'd Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break colds in 21 hours, cure feyerisbness, headache, stomach troubles, teething disorders, and destroy worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed free. Address, Allen C. Olmsted, Lelloy, . Y. Col. Bryan and his son-in-law have made up. They probably met Jon the common ground that neither of them cared much for Judge Parker. Wash ington Post. PICK HEADACHE. This distressing ailment reanlts from a disordered conditiom of tbe stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, tbe attack may be warded off, or greatly lessened In severity, by taking a dose of these Tablets as soon as tbe first symptom ot it-ark aopeara, Sold by all druggUta, HEALTHY. MISS FLORENCE KENAH. " ;! lionght a bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for it brought Fpecdy relief. It only took about two hollies, audi considered this money well spent. " You have a in :u f 1 ii-n-.l in mc, and I not only advise its uso to my friends, but have purchased several !xttles to give to those without the means to luj', and havo noticed without exception that it lias brought about a epeedy cure whero cver it haa been used." Mtes Hose Oerbing. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, w.ite at oufe to lr. Hartiuan, giviug a full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to give you hia valuable a-.1.-vice gratis. ... Address Dr. rtartman, PreFidor.t or i The IJ.artmaa b&nitaruun, Colunit itOt Peruna Almanac for 1004. HAPPINESS SWELLS IN HOPE. Earle E. Griggs, in Atlanta Constitution. No matter how bleak and lonesome the day, Somo hearts ara cheerful and gay ! No matter how bright the sunshine a h JL. ' ,,ftviny ftnti Md i No matter how lonesome this lite Is to some, Some happiness is sure to come ! No matter how dreary tbe clouds are, and gray. Some time they will raa away I No matter how often the heart dreams a dread, Sweet hope is never dead ! No matter bow hopeless tbe day Is, and long, Happiness ii in a song ! The Uses of Responsibility. Every mother should remember tht the mxking ol her daughter is of f. r greater importance than tbe adminis tration of things in her bou-e, and eve ry daughter should realize that she can learn to avoid mistakes only when 6be eeea them. She enjoys most feeing her 'mother's mistakes and resolving that when she has a house she wi'l aever do bo." A beaming may le made with a small and com)ar ttiy.!y unimportant responsibility, suggests Woman's Life, and it is to be remem bered that responsibility and not mere work is tbe great thing. Tbe very lit- tia gtrl may bave tne care Df one piaut, a bar(jy one, to begin with, but system and natness mav be uracil, ud in us care to great advantage. If tbe plant should be a blooming one a. small vace for the breakfast table would give an additional bit of care and pleasure to both cbild and parents. AGONIZING BURNS are instantly relieved and perfect! healed, by Buckien's Arnica Salve. C. Riven ha tk, Jr., of Norlolk, Vs., writes : "I burnt my knee so dreadfully that it blistered all over. Buckien's Arnica Salve stopped tbe pain, and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 25c at E. T. Whitehead & Co; druggists. A hundred thousand men are said to be out of work in Now York. They wouldn't attract unfavorable a Men ton if tboy were not a'so out of money. Baltimore Sun. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfca Kind Yea Har a Abap Erbt Bears the Signature of 1 it: ! !l in 1 i VI .'.i; SI I 0 I -'hi I) ! - 2