ADVJ33TXSINQ BUSINESS V tf AT STEAM IS TO Machinery, v,vi Gkeat Propelling Power IF YOU AfiEAhbHLkh ZOCWILL ADVEETI8E ZOCB Business, GOMMONW I Y T t 1 E. E.HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. VOL. XXI. NewScries-Vol. 7. (7-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. NO 16 SSNL OIK ADVERTiPfMKRT IN KOW 0: i5 ;-i.r-;a&t limn r en the nerves are weak r thing goes wrong. You ; tsred all the time, easily .caraged, nervous, and ..Me. Your cheeks are 5 j - - aparilla . ana your blood is thin. :r doctor says you are icned with a nervous ;-.,iovn. He orders this Id OiU family medicine. : irr" tli.m 50 rears I have used Avcr's ; in my fuhiily. It is a fraud ionic :ii ! a wrmderfn! medicine tor im : - I. C. Holt, West liuven, Cuun. J. C. AVER CO., 1,mvr-l. Muss. f03 Nerves r i bcvveis regular with Ayer's i-i. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse end beautifies the hftiz, Promotes a luxuriant growth. r.'evrr Falls to Restore Gray xiai. iu its iwutuiui vviur Cures scalp diseases tt hair tailing. 5Pe,acd3HjQat Druggists TtOFESSIOXAL. i WIMBERLEi, OFFICE BEIOK HOTEL, - "OTLAXD NECK, If. C. ALBIOX DUNN, iTTOHNEYS-ATLAW, Scotland Neck, N. C. e wherever their services are W. MIXOX, ;;..! uactinu Optician, fCKK, Jewelek, Engraver, :Iand Neck, N. C. . LIYERMON, i f.- ) er New Whithead Building : . - from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. jVAIiU L. TRAVI, itniwr and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. in Loaned on Farm Lands. ws Fightly Locked From Nervous Spasms. Fhysicians Could t Prevent Fits. Dr, Miles' Nervine Cured My Wife. Dr. e' Nervine has been successfully :,:?.--;s of cases of nervous disor - -. fr;' .as it made a better record than : i tne treatment of tits or spasms. : - " testimonials prove this, and in '-'"v instance the writer has stated (.eased after the first dose of Ner z 'en. The statement is repeated ; Tars ao my wife commenced : v-.-ms or fits and I called in my - iin and he said she was para !e raided her with salt water and ciicmel and she eventually got ur, hut in a short time she had a:ta:i;. She was confined to her 'i r e months and the doctor could Sae had fits frequently, some -; sere. Her hands would cramp : not open them and she finally i iws would become locked. ( . -v the doctor was doinff her no 1 r-d a bottle of Dr. Miles' Re " rvine. She received so much : i the first bottle that I cot some e t'-.t f , r: "': h .- taken a number or bottles a fit since taking the first - - :.;?o thinks very highly of Dr. - " e nnd Liver Pills and is never "'- t . n. If there is any way of mak ' tr.ii t-- rnor:ial stronger do so because j j ' th ;r M;if: Rtoritiv Nerv- d A b: wife." Wm. V. Allen, P. M,' lit. M ; le ,' Remeriies. Send for free book Vr-","J tnd Heart Diseases. Address L - -i-e. MciiCid Co Elkhart. I(L Livery Buggies Harness W h ri p s 11 o b e s nnpn Mnnth Paint Your Rttrw Wmr- to l fy ' viwwiti Devoe's Glosa Carriage " it weigns 3 to 8 ozs, more to P'ut than others, wears longer and viva.. i " - c -tgi-J equal to new work. Sold K. T. Whitehead fc Co. 1 Helps pDITOS J,EISURE JpIoUIS, OBSERVATIONS OF Sometime ago while riding on a railroad train we heard a conversation between two men concerning their likes for the field and the farm. One Older People Love the Fields. self giving much attention to a small plat of land which he took delight in cultivating. The second man said he was passing through the same ex perience and remarked that such love for the field and farm was an indica tion o! advancing years. That called forth the question whether or not it is true that a man's fondness for the field is a proof of approaching old age. And now, is it? The Rich Square Times last week was speaking oat loud about the act ion of the last Legislature in increasing the salary of the county commis- Unusual Raise in Salary.8ionere f NorthamPton connty- The Time says that the county has a good, faithful and efficient board of commissioners, and so far as anyone knew they were sat isfied with their saiary. But in the face of these facts the Legislature pass ed an act doubling the pay of the commissioners of Northampton county. The Times says that no one would have said much, perhaps, if the salary of the county commissioners had been raised 25 per cent. But to raise the salary one hundred per cent, at one jump, and that, too, without any one asking for it, is a little too much. The Times makes a strong protest against the whole thing ; and from its stand point it is entirely correct in the protest. ttxt Several days ago a dispatch sent out fiom Elizabeth City stated that little Kenneth Beasley had been found in Norfolk. Another statement Was it Intentional? time in February the Beasley boy disappeared from school near his home in Currituck county, and up to this writing nothing definite has been heard of him. The Wilu. .gton Messenger lays the following strictures on the sender of the fake telegram : "If that dispatch from Elizabeth City stating that Senator Beasley 's child has been found, was a 'fake' sent out just to create a sensation the friends of the boy's parents ought to give the rascal who made it up a coat of tar and feathers. A man who would, for the sake of creating ex citement, so play upon the feelings bereaved as are Mr. and Mrs. Beasley is not fit to live among civilized people." t t t I Almost every business that has disadvantages has also its better side. For instance, many people think the liie of a traveling man a hard one, The Trayeling Man's Opportunity. some special line in such way that they need to see only one person or . firm in a city or town ; and it requires only a short time to transact the business at band. Then perhaps he has a long wait of hours, and some times half a day, before he can catch a train for the direction in which be wishes to travel. Such times seem to furnish a fine opportunity for gener al reading, if not for specific study. The traveling man who is inclined to study and wishes to improve his mind can easily turn to good account many an hour which is denied a clerk or a man in a busy office. There is no telling the wonderful improvement one may realize by two or three hours reading and study every day. We are not saying that traveling men do not take advantage of these opportunities, for we do not know. If they do, and we feel quite sure that some do, they doubtless find at the end of the year that their salary has not been the only thing they have real ized as "a knight of the grip." t t t t The Richmond News-Leader presents another view of the cotton prob lem, as follows : Another Yiew of the Cotton Problem. obseryed. We have seen much in the newspapers of organized efforts to ' reduce the acreage, to limit the crop, to hold cotton for ten cents, to de stroy that part of tha crop of last year not yet marketed, so as to create a scarcity. The basis for all these suggestions Is the allegation that cotton cannot be produced profitably at less than 7 cents. Insteadof trying to force up the price, why not try to reduce the cost of production? It Is a fact that some farmers can raise cotton and sell it at a profit at six cents, while others barely come out even at 8 or 9 cents. What one man can do another can do. It seems to us that effort should be concentrated In the direction of such generally Improved methods of cotton growing as to bring the cost below the 5-cent line. We probably will have to come to that sooner or later. An official report presented in the British House of Commons yesterdav announced. that the English authorities are working tor the pipduction of cotton on their own territory and independence of America and with the dogged, methodical persistence characteristic of their race. What the English undertake to do they usually accomplish eooner or later, after a series of experiments, blunders and failures. Cer tainly in thia matter they constitute a force to be reckoned with by the American cotton grower. They have trebled their output of cotton in . fiye ear8. it in the course ot 5 or 10 years they succeed in deyeloping Tsucceesful cotton-growing Industry on their own soil, they will be iormid ble rivals. The only hope of successful competition with them will be re ducing our cost of production by the use of our own intelligence and ener M a armimnces and methods such as the American people ey ana iinpiu" . , always develop when necessity is urgent. IIkTSksetsrecommen- DATION. eive a posi- .,;ih nvArv box ot rty- into I sell, ana nave uf" r , tew x oo " oincrlB ins- Kirksey, Morganton, N. 3 Tablets are prepared by the Remedy Company, H'ckory, JN So authorize every preparations to guarantee W ,f Sr ttle of t-b-Veady ti- toughs, Colk and Croup. PASSING EVENTS. said to the other that notwithstanding his busi ness kept him in an office most ot the time he had a loudness for out-door work and fonnd him followed almost fully contradicting the Elizabeth City special. It will be remembered that some and indeed in many respects it is hard ; but there may be found a favorable feature in It. Many a young man, and older ones, too .represent "That solution of the cotton question.which seems to us the most obvious and direct, has not yet been suggested by anybody, so far as we have CHEATED DEATH. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says : "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric bitters, which effected a com plete cure. I have also found them of great benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constant ly on band, since, as I find they have no equal." E. T. Whitehead & Co., druggists, guarantees them at 50c. Learn to Save. Merchants Journal. The first lesson a man is given to learn when be enrolls in the school which qualifies for success is to put by part of his salary every week. The truest friend in times of adversity is the bank account and the surest foun dation upon which to build a fortune is the accumulated savings ot months and years. The habit of putting money away Is reflex in its action The money itself is a valuable accessory, and the quality of mind and character developed through this habit makes for ultimate succes. The man who can calmly pass by the tinsel aud glit ter of civilized ute. whose muuey i not drawn from bis pockets by every tinkling sound, is a man who will have small cause for complaint at the world's treatment. He will develop beyond the influence of trifles. A man past forty remarked : "If I only had a little money I could make a fortune out of this device." "He was sadly mistaken," was the comment of A. P. Monroe in a recent article. "The fact that he had reached 40 on a salaried position, without having saved money, was proof positive that be had not enough power of resistance success fully to handle any kind of an enter prise. Sharper, shrewder people would get his money away from him, just as they bad been getting it awav from him for twenty years." When a man's ambition is not a stronger force with him than theatres, cigars, fancy ties, expensive boarding-bouses, slot ma- chines, and such agencies, his life will be devoted to supporting parasites. A man who cannot withstand trivial temptations to spend money has not in him a stiff enough back-bone to make a success ot any ventuie. He could be turned aside from his under taking by the first bauble that caught bis eye, like some infant, enthralled with a toy ballon. The cafes, soda fountains, tbe places of amusement, all furnish temptation to a young man to part with his money. If his ideal, the purpose within him, is not strong er than those outside inducements his stlary will be frittered away on unneces sary expenditures, and bis life will be a failure. It is tbe order of mind such a course of action indicates that spells failue, not the mere fact of being with out money, though the possession of a small sum of monev has often made ultimate success possible. LAST HOPE VANISHED. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, Pekin, la., had in curable consumption his last hope va nished ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of bis grave. He says : This grea specifie completely cured me, and saved my life since then, 1 have used it for over 10 years, and con sider it a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure for Coughs Sore Throat or Colds ; sure preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 50c a d $ 1 00 bottles at E. T. Whitehead & Co's. drug store. Trial bottles free. Dolly Nell says that his engage ment ring cost $20. Poll;. Pet bps she meant that she spent as much as that entertaining tbe young man be fore she got it. Chicago Journal. A DAREDEVIL RIDE often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental Injuries, use Buck leu's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wound in my toot, from an accident," writes Theo dore Schuele, of Columbus, O , "caused me great pain. Physicians were help less, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quick ly healed it." Soothes and heals turns like magic. 2fc at E. T. Whitehead & Co , druggist. "Hello," said the first merchant, "how do you find business?" "By ad vertising," replied tbe up-to-date man. Philadelphia Ledger. A TRIED AND TRUE FRIEND. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has been curiig Coughs, Cold", Crouo and rthjPDiiiK Cough bo long that it has proven itself to be a tried arid true friend to tbe rrany wnouse it Mrs. Gertrude E. Feune, Marion, lud., says : "Coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. After trying a number of remedies to no avail, One Minute Cough Cure entirely cured me." Sold by E T. Whitehead &Co. Ethel Frank was desperately in love with Priscilla. Why, he used to send her tbe moat expensive flowers and presents nearly every day for nearly three years! Mabel Did he finally win her? Ethel No, he earn ed her ! New Yorker. Keep your bowels regular by the use ot Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. There is nothing bet ter. For sale by all druggists. CXcdel Dycpcpsla Ccto Thousands in Lettuce. Wilmington Star. Lettuce shipments from this territo ry are now very heavy. It Is estimated that the consignments yesterday were fully 5,000 baskets, there having been several refrigerator car loads as well m two or three by express. The pric continue fairly good, yesterday's quota tions having been $2.25 to $3 per half barrel basket. A gentleman.who knaw what he was talking about and Is not given to making wild estimates, said last night that the lettuce crop tit the next 30 days would be worth a round $100,000 to this territory. Radishes and asparagus are also be ing shipped now by Wilmington truck era. Radishes are bringing from $2 to $3 per hundred bunches and as paraUB from $5 to $6 a dozen bunches Everything you eat will taste good and do good if you take Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets. Sold by E. T. White bead & Co., Scotland Neck, and lg gett's drug store, Hobgood. Attempt to Burn a School. Littleton Newt Reporter. Some person or persons attempted to burn up the Warrenton High School building last Sunday night. Paper was taken into the building, sat urated with kerosene oil and a lighted match applied thereto The occupants of a house across the street saw the match lighted, and in an instant the glare of the blase, followed by the shutting of the door and tbe escape ; from the building and premises the fiend. The alarm was given and the bui'.ding saved with but little damage. You can apply ManZan inside, right where the pain is? It Is put up in collapsable tubes with nozzle attach ment for introducing it. MiZan stops pain instantly and cures all kind of blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles. Sold by E. T. White head & Co., Scotland Meek, and Leg gett's drug store, Hobgood. "He was a pretty fair sort of a boxer when be was in the ring, but I can't understand why he is billed as tbe "Terrible Tim." "Perhaps you have nevar seen him on the stage." Chica go Tribune. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation j made by bis firm. Walding.Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot tbe system Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills tor consti pation. Mrs. Jones-Brown -I've got a lovely new dentist. . Mrs. urown-n,ustace Can be pull teeth well ? Mrs. Jones Brown Idon't Know about that, but be gives trading stamps. Philadelphia Telegraph. THE RIGHT NAME IS DEWITT. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cocls soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises piles and all skin diseases. K E. Zickefooie, Adolph, W. Va. says : "My little daughter had white swelling so bad that piece after piece of bone worked out of her leg. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It is tbe most wonderful healing salve in the world. Beware of counterfeits. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Smith "Old Skinner wanted to be cremated, but I seen tbey buried him " Jones "Yes, but I wouldn't be sur prised if he didn't tool 'em after all." Chicago News. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break colds in 24 hours, cure feyerishness, headache, stomach troubles, teething disorders, and destroy worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed tree. Address, Allen C. Olmsted, LeRoy, NY. Miss Ascum Have you really broken off your engagement to him? Miss Fly tie Oh, yes, I just had to. He was getting too sentimental ; be gan to talk to me about matrimony. Philadelphia Press. A TWICE TOLD TALE. We wish to repeat what we have said once before in these columns that Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment is tbe best liniment ever produced for use in tbe family and on animals. Best for rheumatism, lameness, stiff ness and soreness of joints or muscles. Best for braises, contusione, sprains and swellings. You get a full half pint for 25 cents and get your money back if it des not do all it 18 recom mended to do. E. T. Whitehead & ttn. UNITED STATES SENATOR f Recommends Pc-ru-iia Men Hon. John J. Patterson, Ex-United P'.atcs fknator from Sottih Carolina, in a letter from ST-S CheBtnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes : "As quite a number of my friends have cr.d are usiu;- Pcruna as a catarrh cure with beneficial results, I feci thai I can safely recom mend it to those suffering from thr.t disorder." "J. J. Patterson. Commodore Nicholson cf the U. S. Navy. Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of the United States Navy in a letter from 1SG7 It Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C, says : "Your Pcruna has been and is now used by so many of mjr friends and acquaintances as a sure euro for catarrh that I am convinced of its curative qualities and I unhesitatingly itatingly recom mend it to all persons suffering from that complaint." S. Nicholscn. U. S. Minister to Guatemala, Dr. V. Godfrey Hunter, U. S. Minister to Guatemala, and ex-:neniher of Con- gress from Kentucky, i:i a letter from Washington, D. C , writes: "A woman doesn't mean bait the wicked things she says and a man doesn't say half the wicked things be means." Manchester (X. H.) Mirror. I - RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED. Tbe excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quick ly relieved by apylying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The great pj in relieving power of tbe liniment has been the surprise and delight ol thousands of suffers. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth nany times its cost For sale by all druggists The Doctor 'Madame, your liue band will recover." Patient's wife "Good ! I look like a perfect fright in black." Philadelphia Telegram. FOR A WEAK DIGESTION. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not tbe quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but tbe amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefited by their use. 1 hey only cost a quarter. For eale by all drug gists. Elderly Party "Been getting mar ried, eh? Did yon promise to obey?" The Groom "Why, the bridegroom dees not have to promise to obey." El derly Party "Well, that's so. He only has to do it." New York Press. It Is difficult to cure a cough or tree yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee Lax ative Honey and Tar acts on tbe bowels and drives all cold out of the system. Then comes its soothing effect and strengthening influence upr n the throat and lungs. For Croup. Whooping Cough, Colds,' and all Lunt and Bronchial affections, no remedy is equal to the original Laxative Honey and Tar. Sold by E. T. Whitehead te Co , Scotland Neck, and Leggett's drug store, Hobgood, "What makes your boy swear so?" "Bad associations he works in a par rot store." Cleveland Leader. IN A PINCH, USE ALLEN'S FOOT EASE. Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Corns, Bunions, Painful, Smarting. Hot, Swollen feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. 3 30-6t Miss o'd blood Are your family early settlers? Mrs. Newblood Yes ; paw always pays evry bill on the first of tbe month." Brooklyn Life. SOUTH "'CAROLINA Other Prominent Testily. "1 am fully Hatis-'firrl that your IVrtina is ri:i ef.ii'aeio'.is remedy far entarrh, r.s I and m:iny of my friend have beeii benefited by ilss tu-e." W. (i. Hunter, M. IX Well known men of dignity and proKii r.enee in the United Stales endorse and recommend l'eruna for catarrh. If youdo not deiivo prompt and satls- - j factory results 1'ruiii the u-e of Periiiia, write at onee to Dr. llartman, giving a full statement i f your s;se, and he will 1)0 pleased to give you I !s vahiaMd ud vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartinau, President ot Th Ilartmau Sanitarium, Columbus, 1 Ohio. He Do you remember your old 'sahool friend, Sophie Smytbe? She ing thing. So silly, too! What bo came ot her? He Oh! nothing. Ouly I married her. Illustrated Bits. FRIGHTFUL SUFFERING RE LIEVED. Suffering frightfully from the viru lent poislons of uuc'i tested food, C. G. Gravson. of Lula. Miss, took J) Kind's New Lite Pills, "with the re sult, he writes, that 1 was cured, ah stomach and b wpI disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. INn at E. T. Whitehead & Co's drug stuaj, guaranteed. "Say, pa," queriel little Jolnny Buropernicke, "what 5s a hero?" "A j hero, my son," replied his father, "is a man who does his duty and doesi. t I . , r . . . . 1 .. . . stana around anu wait ior ihjoiio m pat him on the lack." Ciricinna'l Enquirer. WON A NAME OF FAME. DeWitt's Little Early Riser.', Ibn famous little pills, have bee;i mud a famous by their certain vet harmlesi and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. They have no equal for bilious ness, constipation, etc. They do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or make you leel sick. Once used always pre ferred. Thpy strengthen. Sold by E T. Whitehead & Co. Reporter Were you quoted cor rectly in that Interview in tbe morning papers? Senator Come around thn day after to-morrow. Huw uu I I e: 1 until I fee how the interylew is goin to be taken? Tom Watron's Maga zine. FORGET ABOUT YOUR STOMACH. If your digestion is bad the vital organs of -your body are not fed aud nourished as they should be. Ihey grow weak and invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you e.., cures indigestion and all stomach troubles. You forget jou have a stomach from the very day you begin taking it. This is because it. gets a rest recuperates and grdinily grows 83 strong and healthy that it troubles jou no more E. L. Ilnbcctk, Am herst, Minn , says : "I have taken a great many remedies for indigestion but have found nothing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." Kcdol digests what jou eart. cures Indiges tion, Dvepepsii, Sour Su.mach, Belch ing, Heartburn and all Stomach Troubles. Its preparation is the result of many years of research. Sold by E. T. Whitehead fe Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Ccro

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