IF YOU ARE A HOSTLER rOUWILL ADVEBTI8E TOOK Business, o Bkhl fOTTB Adtkrtisembkt in sow ZiJSTXSiNQ ra v i TEAM IS TO M ichinery, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00. E.E.HIL.HARD, Editor and Proprietor. EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. -o NO 25 rRorELLixa Power ! VOL. XXI. SewSeries--Vol. 7. (7-1 8) SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JtWE, 15 1905. : : : r The Commonwi li y 0; i ill ill 1 H I J iky vi O -rimes the hair is not v iW nourished. ItsufTers food, starves. Then it our, turns prematurely . Ayer's Hair Vigor is a i s i Vigor cod. It cus, nourishes, hair stops falling, grows and heavy, and all dan disappears. vr v,m e.min;r out terribly. I ras -. i .. t .-rub it. lint Ayer's Hair :.5jw1 th failiUK.and also .: :::'t:'r'i! coi..r." v Y.. 'S. K. W'ACD, Lauding. X. J. pDITOI'S JEISURE JloUlS, OBSERVATIONS OF PASSING EVENTS. for' .7. O. AVER CO.. Lowell. "Ms.. lairj PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clear. sea awl beautifies the hair. Froinoi' a luxuriant growth. j JSev?r Fails to Bestore Gray HaU- to its Youthful Color- Cures scalp dise&ses & hair falling. JjfrandtUVatrgigta PROFESSIONAL. . 1 WIMBERLEx, OFFICE BSICK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. iff A- ALBION DUNN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Scotland Neck, N. C. ce wherever their services are V, . 311X0N, KkKKACTIXC. OrTICIAN, ii-Makek, Jeweler, Esgkavek Gotland Neck, N. C. "fc-fc-f&fS Y . C. LIVERMOX, Dentist. The season for school and college commencements has closed and those who labor in such institutions now have the privileges of a summer's rest. The News and Observer recently remarked that Commencements Over. meQ wfao deliyer commeocement aadre88e8 Ieei compelled to give their best utterances to the young. It ia even so ; and when one remembers on such occasions that he Is dealing with the plastic mind of youth, he may well desire to say his best thoughts and in bis best style. nu Sometimes one feels sorry for the dear boys and girls who are deprived f .h wPfit anmmr.tlme nrivilese of coin barefooted. One of the sweet- hands on the top of the plate, and with "Grace Before Heat." Savannah News. "During the past seyeral months," said a South Georgia preacher recent ly, "I have made it a point to arcer tiin whether the families I v'sit are in the habit of having 'grace before meat' In the good old wav. While I am in variably requested to 'ask a blessing,' I find that in a majority of families 'say ing grace' has fallen into disuse. Iam sorry this is true." And we are likewise sorry, If it is the case that the fine old custom is being dropped. In psst days two distinguish ing; features of American home life, es pecially in the youth, were the family prayers at night before bedtime and the "saying grace" before meals. There are tew middle-aged Southerners but will remember with what reverence tte he 'd of the house, who sat at the head of the table, folded his or her Barefooted Children. Over New Whithead Building i-.mrs lroin y to l o'clock ; 2 to ok, p. m. GOTLAND NECK, N. C. f i:VARD L. TRAY lb, I Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, X. C. f Jf.V-)'ii?y Loaned on Farm Lands. Days Was My Life's Limit. Agony From Inherit ed Heart Disease. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Cured Me. Via a weakheart. LV:.s promptly treated a weak heart will c - .- become a diseased heart. A little extra : Til:, from any cause ia sufficient to bring on .. 5 f.eaaiy malady, tne most common : ; u :.:tn death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will t-r.e un the heart's action, enrich the blood J improve the circulation. "Mv trouble began with catarrh and I have a'.wnvs supposed it caused the trouble I have : . erienced with my heart. I had the usual r: it t '-m; of skeplessness.lost appetite, con ' ntir.n, palpitation of the heart, shortness a-.h and pain around the heart and un--; rft arm. My mother suffered in the same .-v m l I suppose mine was an inherited ' nncv. At one time I was in agony. 1 rt-r so severely and became so weak t mv doctors said I could not live thirty . At this time I had not slept over two i s a night on account of nervousness. least exercise, such as walking about, v u; : hrinj on palpitation and fluttering of ; heart so severe that I would have to give i:p everything and rest. Nerve and Liver ' ; , cured me of constipation and heart tr, ins disappeared under the influence of br. Miles New Heart Cure. I am m :r--u--- l,f:.!t'n I'nm T have hfen in twelve v ,rs nnd I thank Dr. Miles' Remedies for it i t : rii- ti.cv ai-c th crrnndMtt remedies on e irth and I am constantly recommending ::. to my friends." MRS. L. J. CANTREIX, V axcihachie, Tex. A'.l druggists sell and guarantee first bot :"e I r. Miles Remedies. Send for free book op. Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addres Ur Miles Medical Co- Elkhart, lad. est memories of childhood is the recollection of how we tore" up the ground or kicked up the dust barefooted, even if it was at the cost of about a dozen toenails every year. We do not know just what prompted the Greensboro Record man to write the following, but here it is, anyhow : "People are getting so fashionable that it will not do to let a little tot of a girl go barefooted except around home or in the back lot. They are sent to school diked out in shoes and stockings, and when they get. sick and puny, as they often do, parents wonder why the children are not more ro bust and healthy. Style and pride have much to do with it. Turn them out barefoot to school until frost comes ; bovs and girls should practice it until they are at least ten years old, but if a girl of this age should be seen on the streets without shoes, some people would faint. Yet a bare foot on God's ground is most conducive to health." tut Every public law ought to be enforced or repealed. If the law says that men must abstain from certain kinds of conduct, it ought to be enlorced as long as the law stands on the books. If the law Tes,EiifrcethelAw.8amenmu3i docerta.athing8 lhe Uw ought to be enforced as long as It stands on the etatute books. This applies to every community alike, covering local as well as general laws. The Wash ington Progress well says the following in this matter : "There are some questions on which citizens can afford to disagree. It - seems that we are Hopelessly divided in sentiment on questions of religion, of public policy, and also even of gool morals, but there is one matter on which all good citizens ought by all means to stand together, namely, the enforcement of the law. But there are some people who not only wink at ?;TiT,e. b"f y?n svrorwthiz wib 'he'tfe" breakers . It .xAght be well for those who assume this attitude because of their friends who are in the toils to consider that the tendency of their support is to get their friends into still further trouble. For the laws must be enforced, else we shall prove ourselves incapacitated for self-government. The best friendship, and by far the most profitable, is that which gives the most encouragement to good behavior." ft t ft t Much has been printed by certain members of tLe press concerning the giving of proper credit for news and other items that are printed. Sound logic has been used by various editors from time GiT6 DUO Credit, tQ time about what is right and proper in Brethren. giving credit ; .and yet some editors, or news- gatherers, seem slow to see what some others think is the proper thing to do. The Commonwealth believes almott everything that a paper prints which is not original, or paid for, should have some kind of credit. This parer tries to give credit for whatever it prints, and when credit Is not given it is an oversight. But some papers seem to be careless or have a very loose idea about what is legitimate news tor their columns, and so slash in ' almost any kind of an item from anywhere just as if it were original or a social communication. For instance, we see in some papers news items which are sent to the daily papers by special! correspondents, clipped and dated from the town or post-office from which the news was sent to the daily papers, just as if -they were special correspondence to the paper which clips tb9 news. Suppose a correspondent should write from Wind sor to a Richmond paper on June 15th that fire destroyed a great part of the town, and this paper should reprint the news with a date line from Windsor June 15. Would that be treating the Richmond paper fairly? It would appear to the general reader that it was ent to this paper as a special correspondence from Windsor. This would not only be misleading, but would be giving the public news as if it had been eent directly to this paper when in fact the Richmond paper had paid tor the news several dais before we sent it out as original matter. To be sure, a trained news paper man would not be misled, but the general reader would be. It is much better In such case for the paper that reprints news or editorial ex pressions to say : "The Richmond News-Leader of June 15 says :-and then give the item. It is true that such careful and painstaking work is a little more trouble, but when one has done it he can feel that he has treat ed his daily contemporary right It is better to give credit than to neglect it. bowed head said in subdued tones, "Lord, make us thankful for what we are about to receive," etc. There was sincerity in the invocation, however perfunctory It may have become from constant practice. And not a "kid" at the table dared to take a bite or a sip until the "blessing" had been "asked True, when the "amen'' came there was usually a craning of necks and a hust ling of plates to get the helping of whatever there was good in sight. But the food wou'd have palled upon the palates of even the youngsters.lf eating had been attempted without "grace. Why has the custom fallen into dis use? Are we less grateful for our daily bread now than were our fathers and mothers? Have the hotels and restau rants, and the hurry and rush of mod ern business methods broken us off from the practice? If that Is the case, the modern methods are deserving of eproach, since they have destroyed a sweet home atmosphere that was worthy of being reretuated. Home should be something more than a place in which to eat and sleep. With fam ily prayers and "grace,!' it was some thing more. It was a sanctuary, a holy place, where the devout heart felt that it was very naar to ih? infinite. 50 Members of Congress Send Letters of Endorsement To the Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na. The Philosophy of Eain. "It's ralnin, dad !" "I know it." "An' the old mule's fell lame." "Ain't surprised." ' An' here comes the lightnin'-rod mau ter his money. "Of course !" "An' I think I see the sheriff, climb- in' the ten rail fence." - Cemgreammaa Llnaey from North Carolina, Writes: "My secretary had a bad a case of catarrh as 1 ever saw, and ho has taken one bottle cf Peruna he seems like a different man." Romulus Z. Linney, Taylorsville, K. C. Congressman Ogdcn from Louisiana, Writes: "I can eoncientiously recom mend your Peruna." H. W. Ogden, teuton. La. Congressman Smith front IffinblSi Writes from Murphysboro, 111.: "I have taken one bottle of Peruna for my ca tarrh and I feel very much benefited." Geo. W. Smith. Congressman Meeklson from Ohio, Bays: "I have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited there by from my catarrh of the head." David Meeklson, NajHjleon, 0. Gongfessriiati Duoneff from Minnesota, Writes front CKvatowria, Minn.: "Your Peruna has been used by myself and friends not only as a cure for catarrh but also as an admirable tonic for physical recuperation." Congressman Thompson of Kentucky, Writes : "Besides being one of the very beet tonics Peruna is a good, substantial catarrh remedy." PJiil. B. Thompson. Senator Thurston of Nebraska, Writes from Omal.ti, Neb.: "Peruna entirely relieved me of a very irritating eOugh."-J M. Thurston. Congressman Worthlngton from Nevada, Writes: "I have takerl one bottle of Peruna and and it has benefited me im mensely ."II. G. Worlhington. Congressman Bankhead from Alabama, Writes : "Your Peruna is one of the best medicines I ever tried." J. II. Bank head, Fayette, Ala. Congressman Powers from Vermont, Writes from Morrisville Vt.: "I can recommend Peruna as an excellent family remedy." il. Henry Powers Senator Sullivan from Mississippi, Writes froia Oxford, Miss.: "I take pleasure in recommending your great national catarrh cure, Peruna, as the best I haveeveT tried." W. Ar. Sullivan. Congressman Snover of Michigan, Writes from Port Austin, Mich. "I have found Peruna a very efficient and speedy remedy for a persistent and annoying sough." H. G. Shover. Senator McEncry of Louisiana, Writes : " Peruna is an excellent tonic liave used it sufficiently to say that I believe it to be all that you claim for it.' S. D. McEnery, New Orleans, La. Congressman Browelow of Tennessee, Vrilcs: "I have taken throe bottles o Peruna and feel satisfied that I am now almost, if not permanently, cured of ca tarrh of the stomach." W. P. Brown low, Jonesboro, Term. Senator Maltory of Florida, Writes from Pensacola, Fla. : "I have used your excellent remedy, Peruna, and have recommended it both as a tonic and safe catarrh remedy." Stephen B. Mallory. Senator Butler of South Carolina, U. S. Senator M. O. Butler writes : "I can recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and .trrns"l trouble." M. C. Butler, Mgfield, S. C. Congressman Brookshlre of Indlani, Says: "From what my friends say l'e runa is a good tonic and a safe catarrh cure." E.V. Brookshire.Crawfordsville, Ind. CongnaMtnan Dovloerof West Virginia, Writes from Wheeling, W. Va.: " I join with my colleagues in the" Hottss f Rep resentatives in recommending your ex cellent remedy." B. B. Dovinger. Congressman B rode rick of Kansas, Writes from Hoi ton, Kas. : "I have taken two bottles of Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy for cold and throat trouble." Case Broderick. Congressman Voder of Ohio, Writes: "I only used Peruna for a short time and am thoroughly satisfied as to Its merits." S. S. Yoder, Lima, O. Congressman Mahoa of Pennsylvania, Writes from Chambersburg, Pa.! "I commend Peruna as a substantial tonic." Thad M. Mahon. A M Congressman Sparkman of Florida, Writes from Tampa, Florida : "I can In dorse Peruna as & first rate tonic and a very effective cure for catarrh." 8. M. Sparkman. Congressman Brewer of Alabama, Writes: "I have used one bottle of Pe' runt for lassitude. I recommend it." Willis Brewer, llaynesville, Ala U. S. Senator Gear of Iowa, Writes from Burlington, la.: "Peruna t cari recommend to all as a very good tonic." John IL dear. Congressman Culberson ot Texas, Writes : "1 can recommend Peruna as one of the very best of tonics." D. B Culberson, Jefferson, Texas. CoBsre-.nnaa Livingston from Georgia, Writes : "I take pleasure in joining with General Wheeler, Congressman Brewer and others in recommending Peruna as an excellent tonic and a catarrh cure." L. I. Livingston, Kings, Ga. Congressman Clark ol Missouri, Says : "I can recommend your Peruna as a good, substantial tonic and as one of the best remedies for catarrhal troubles." John B. Clark. Congressman Pelham ot Virginia, Write? from Uancroft, Va.: "My sister in-law has been uslBjs Peruna for alout one week for catarrh of ih throat and is manifestly improved." '. IMUaro. Congressman Burnett of Alabama,- Write "1 cheerfully recommend Peru na as a very good catarrh remedy and a good, .substantial tonic." John I Bur et t, Gadsden, Ala. . Congressman Botkln of Kansas, ' Writes from Ilolton, Kas.: "Peruua ha iveil mo olmost complete relief from catarrh of tho stomach aud constipat ion." J. P. Botkin. Congressman White of North Carolina, j Writes from Tarboro, N. C. : "I find Po rilna to be an excellent remedy for tho grip and catarrh. I have used it iu n;y amily." G. II. White. Congressman Wilber of New York, In a letter from Oneonta. X. Y., says: "I am fully convinced that Peruna is all you claim for it." Iavid F. Wilber. i Congressman Dungan of Ohio, 1 Writes from Jackson, O.: "I recommend Peruna to anyone in need of an invigor ating tonic." Irvine Dungan. I Congressman Barham from California, I Writes from Santa Rosa, Cal.: "I used your Peruna and can cheerfully recom mend it." J. A. liarham. Congressman Dewse from Indiana, Writes: "Peruna should lo in every household." John I. Deweese. Congressman Turner from Kansas, Writes: "Peruna is cert-.inly a cure for catarrh." K. J. Turner. Other members of Congress who en dorse Peruna, are. Ex-U. S. Senator, B. F. Rice, oOta- homa. Congressman Fred. S. Goodrich, ot Florida. Congressman Harry Skinner, ol North CaroHnS. Ex-Congrcssman L. P. Featherstone, ot Beaumont, Texas. Congressman J. 11. U tiling, ot West Virginia. Congressman D. L. Russell, ot Aoro . Carolina. Congressman Spencer Blackburn ot North Carolina. Congressman Turner ol New York. Congressman Culberson, ol Texas. 1 Congressman Ntinn, of Tennessee. Congressman Fltzpatrick, from Ken tucky. Congressman Purman, Irom Florida. Congressman Hczlcton, Wisconsin. Congressman Bartine, from Nevada. V. S. Senator Call, ot Florida, For free lxxk address tho lVria- I Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Cowpsas. Well," drawled the old man, "that's Seiecud A pruuvuii iai ujci sow cowpeas during .this month. It is the most favorable month for this purpose. If the stubble land should be broken alter the wheat harvest and sown in peas they will greatly enrich nothing. Things always happen that I way when it's rainin' !" F. L S. JUST WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD DO. Bay k HtlK, Livery Mr. J T. Barber of lhe soil and put it in the best possible always keeps a bottle of Cbambenain s .. . ... i i,, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy condition tor another crop of wheat, at hand ready for instant use. Attacks The peas will ripen suftbiently by fall of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea tQ utjiize In the fattening of swine, for come on so suddenly tnai mere is uo . it ia M vaiable as In- time to hunt a doctor or po to the " MmbnK,ft ,ht , store for medicine. Mr. Barber y8 : aia bu.u. I have tried Chamberlain's Colic, long a period eiapeea in ouuiueru 6..- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cuiture before the cowpea was properlj is one f the best medicines l ever -.a-iateri it is destined to becomt i I . ty.- u .nth. as I have bad several attacks ol colic ..... ..i.i.- and it has proved to be the best medi- ern farmer, wo ior n,.. fu cine I ever uted." Sold by All Druggists poses and for stock feed. Jvery year will witness an increased acreage, ana NO SECRET ABOUT IT. the old 'fields that are now seen in It is no secret that for Cuts, Burns, many parts of the South will be re- Ulcers. Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, claimed in time by the uee of the cow- etc, nothing is so effective as Buck- ten's Arnica Salve. 'lt didn't tase . vd Hfira I had. and it isl ah old-time coueh syrups were des- O. K. for sore eyes," writes D L Greg- igned to treat throat, lung and bren ory. of Hope, Tex. 25c at E. T.White- cbial affections without due regard for houri . r.n ' drui? store. the stomacn anu uuweie, ucuw mm ni them nroduce cons.ipation. re s, Whichever wav the thing goes, it is thft orieinal Laxative Honey and Tar safe to predict that ex-Senator Marion is the original Laxative Oouh Syrup. Butler will not lose out. As a smooth mtuZTZ whi.Vhid & article, he is superb Charlotte Obser- P c;tland Neokf Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. "Some poet with a broai Imagina tion tells us that even flowers have music in them." "He is right." "How do you know?" "Why, I've oiten known the bouquets received by tinn ers to have notes in them." Detroit Tribune. HUGE TASK. It was a huge task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney dis ease as that of C. F, Collier, of Chero kee, Ia., but Electric Buters did it. He writes : "My kidneys were so far Sone that I could not sit on a chair without a cushion, and suffered from dreadful backache, headache and de pression. In Electric Bitters, however, I found a cure, and by tl.em was ra Uored to Derlect health. I recommend this great tonic mtdicine to all with weak kidnevs. liver or stomacn. uuar- anteed bv E. T. Whitehead & Co., druggists ; price 50c. You have of course had ) CHOCOLATE CREAM SODA diciou3 V " ICE CREAM SODA ) HOT CHOCOLATE mt one ot their many stores and con midered it the best you ever drunk All Chocolate Drinks served at our fountain are made with -tlbfz? Chocolate and after their formula. E. T. Whitehead & Company Sale Agents Scotland Neck, N. C. "Does your paper get out a colored supplement on Sunday?" asked the Northern visitor of Col. Bloodleigh. "Not at all 1 The niggers read the same paper as the whites "replied the distinguished editor. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Husband "Do you know that every i time a woman gets angry the adds a 1 new wrinkle to her face?" Wife No, I did not : but if it so I presume it is a wise provision of NtUure to let the world know what sort of a husband she has." New Yorker. FOR OVElt SIXTY YEARS. ver. H nggies arness W hips 11 o 1) e s Mil Paint Your Bugsy for 75c ? 100witi Devoe's Gloss .Carriage ;-.,i!it. it. wPioha S to 8 ozs. more to t ie wnt than others, wear losger and work. Sold " y i y E. T. Whitehead A Co. 1 CaroliE DeWltfs ffiSSIf Cairo CUBAN DIARRHOEA. , HOW CONSUMPTION BEGINS. tt s soldiers who served in Cuba Consumption always begins with a Kuun " i COI1CU mat lingura. cuusu hangs on and will not yiild to the usual treatment,-may not mean con- sumption-but too often it does mean this dead destroyer has gained a footing- Rydale's Cough Elixir ia very successful in checking the. progress of throat and -lung diseases. Even con sumption, yields to its powerful in fluence, if its use is began before the disease is too deep seated. This modern scientific remedy kills the eerms that cause consumption. It removes the cause and helps nature whni Id thn broken down tissue. If AW " von hivea stubborn cough, try Ry- ot dale's Cough Elixir, ltwilL not dis r point you. E. T. Whitehead & Co. j-.-a the Suanifch wir dies have little more u.. y much water. CuDan u. - -most as severed dangerous as a m.ld most! ao - 0 T-omp.- attaca of cholera. x" - ""V '' , . will be seen In" u,e certuy ma- . 1 t-; .hnoii K.emwj era and wi . . Cuban nusoanu . - T; brooght bome alarrnoea, ,aMi doctors from Cuba. We "-" boltle neigh' u Kvdid him uogoou r: ..red him, as our of tbis remo-j - . forso DOrs will testify For feale by yaluable a i"" All Druggists. If you want a pretty face and delight ful air, Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across the sea, - r., vnnr fiih i- kockv aiouniaiu Tea. E. T. Whitehead & Co., criminate me. Chicago Tribune Scotland NecK, and John N. Brown, Halifax. Mrs. Ferguson How do you like my strawberry short cake? Mr. Fer guson I refuse 'to answer, Laura, on the ground tnat my answer mignt u - The most pleasant and positive cuie inr indigestion, heartburn and ell le The trouble with you women stomach troubles ia Ring's Dyspepsia is that you tell all you know. She- Tablets, xney aid u.ge suuu, ------ Notall. Some o, us merely ;HrrZi,L we want w. geWs drug store, rdobgooa. difference? Philadelphia Press. mt mm - He But what does your iatner sea m How He Sold It : Miss Peecble biect 1 -She He doesn't see I want a hammock that will not break j anytnlrJg n you. That's why he ob down. Polite Clerk Can't guarantee . . r.hlcaeo Daily News. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lhcas County. " S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm f F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and State alore Dnd that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS h -nd everv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. Fkask j . uhene . Sworn to beiore me auu wukiuw in my presence, this 6th day of Decern- A. Tt. lKb. ftf eal ) A.W.Gleason, Notary Public. any of them, Mies. Miss Peechie Why, that's strange. Polite Clers Not at all. We'd do It if you were homely girl, but Cleveland Leader. Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect eucces?. It eootl.es the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the bet-t remedy for Diarrhoea. It will rtliee the pjor little sufferer immediately. Sold bv druggists in eycry part o! the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wmslow's Sooth ing Syrup. It's Always Waiting -"I'a, what is ready money?" "The kind the man Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- who offers something for nothing t:' - erauy taiies awny wim inu taw.w. thn blood Uj.uy, anu auie ai d mucous surfaces of the system. Snd for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE., A powder for the feet. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet, Corns 'and Bunions. At a 1 rirnpgitus and shoe stores, 25c. Ask to day. - NOTHING RISKED, NOTHING GAINED. Vnn risk nothing fn buying Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment, because you get your mcney back if not satisfied. Your gain ia great, because you get tha beat liniment ever made. Best ler hAat for S Drain a and ".LJDLI LXv.tj , "Croaker seems to feel a great sym ...fi.. fnr nv one who is ill." "Huh ! UnbUJ af . ; a. Chicago Record-Herald., DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. The term "Dyspepsia" means a btck of nensin in the stomach. Indigestion . j is rightly u?ed whenever the ld in not properly digested, repircir ea 01 w.u . . ! I i . 1 . . . . . cause, ills immaierihi, ufi ji bis idea of sympathy ia to get s)me'cai your ailment Dyspepsia or Indises- noor invalid off in a crrner and tell tion when Kydale's Stomflch Tablet poor invauu uu Knarriteed to miaambln he's looking. 1 arB UHB.U J,,CJf " . fc ... him how miserable he's looking Philadelphia Press. Tired out, worn out woman cannot -wn t or work ; seems as if Bbe o would fly to pieces. Hollister'a Rocky raina ana m.ke- atronir nerves and Swellinga, best for use in the family Ta UI Tablets- E.T. .nnn vnur stock. A full 1-2 pint '"rrrZ bottle, costa but 25cta. No mk n 1 d & Co , Scotland Neck, and cure all forms of sti-mnch troulle. Buy a trial Bex, (price 25 ct; ) nd be convinced. lbs Kind Ycu Haw wwtys EOiitM lUaMtlw A For Pitos, Cure

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