livpr ille Ay ers r u is fess PERSONAL PAXAORAPH8. ! XirCHIN-CLOMAN. Want your moustache or beard a u itifal trwn or rich black? Use sicfc-headache. ira?! BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks, Mrs. W. T. Tvler ia iitinr in ilton. ' " Mrs. Shoulers has gone on a visit to Commonwealth i postponed The cmm.,'. t va D ABV DA I "' UsbU VI i ercise m the Baptist church announo- Northampton county. . ea for next Snndav h.a t . . . 7 i .,n;i .u- .r-r-' r ttpuutja Mr. and Mr. T a SPK0IAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. until the following Sunday, July 16th. j Weather Report, gone to Virginia Beaoh. Bowers haye Important Notice ! i op week ending jmy 4, 1905. ; represent the strongest and moat ! remPe'ature mean maximum, LIitmI Insurance Companies in the r M- FIKE COMPANIES. i S. Y , asssets, f 1!),000,000. 1 ia Underwriter, Besets, 18,000,000. , .liunental, N.Y., assets, 16,000,000. 1 iTUiciu. assets, 15,000,000. i'henix, X. Y., assets, 8,000,000.! Tit? Home and Southern Stock, of: :ivo:islnr., X. C. LIFE COMPANIES. !Vn i Mutual, organized J 17. assets, 68,000,000. "!u!t!i! lJenefit, organ- s. tvi Is!-"'. asset?, 91,000,000. : case of loss will collect your in ey. V'heu in need of Insurance f . ny kind give me a trial. Will - ivc vuu money. WILL H. JOSEY, .-.thud Xeck, X. C. Any Young Lady who desires work in her community with which to make some money to left) defray her expenses at College may inquire at thisoflice. Rainfall. July 5, 1905 minimum. highest on 3th, lowest on 28th, &o inches. J. Y. Savage, Obsr. 89 66 96 58 Jackson and Scotland Neck Differ. Mr. E. M. Lowe spent some time in jRctcson last week and when he return- Miss Ethel Dunn is viaitlnn- fri.nfi. A uu nuauvH in Jnneia. Misses Hattle and Lizzie Tpcatr .r . -.o vioiiriuK at wiiaon, a. u. Mr. M. A. Smith. Of Waahino-tnn w v-., was nere a aay last week. Miss Lucy Camn ha? iron- to ru. pron, Va., to visit her father. Misses Pauline and Kathleen TilWv nrfin i- A T . T. ! . . nou hi uuauuie xuipias to-asy Miss Minnie Gaskins, of Windsor, is Cerealite for Cotton. I have several tons oi Cerealite uliich H the best for cotton in Julv. N. B. JOSEY. New sewing Machines I'argrtins at prices from $20 np. Second-hand machines at satisfactory prices. Must be sold in 60 days. W. L. Hakkell, It Scotland Neck, N.C. Fine Farm for Sale. I utter for sale the 200-acre farm of my father, the late B. T. Harrell !t is half mile from Scotland Xeck -is noise crop of open land, no waste ' in ! and all well drained, balance in 'vo' a.i. uoou a weiimg ana good or- tbird. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to W. L. Hakkel, ' -'hi Scotland Neck, N. C. ed he said that Jackson and Scotland nere voting Mrs. C. F. Burroughs. .murmin JacKsonhas ads- Miss Lizzie Min nf TT.miit u pensarv and no Methodit ,hrK wk,i. 12zl.e,. ,yo, ' Hamilton, has Scotland xXeck has a MeUThoi " " W W' ' Cn8n'a- and no dispensary. Miss Undine Fntrell is visiting Miss ine oia Methodist church in Jack- A,a jnurcninson in Kocky Mount. . I - son nas neen torn down to build a new Mrs. J. Harper Alexander, of Chase one. If;,, xt- : l s .i . ... wj visiung ner relatives. Deep Creek Crossing to be Improved. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Salsbnrv. m At the request ofmanv netitinr,r- Hamilton, were here Sunday and Mon- luo county commissioners Mnl .s.ccu , FUfc wr county convicts at I tr. a. l,. i'urrinEton want tr vi "F vyieon cruesmiC near Air. Kins I Kinia nAUP.h thl ak tn ki. l t r.. . . I " .. ' "o" o lino o uy om oi August to Improve I iamiiy. r.rnnincr mih 1 j r- I "--j. iu kuuu uhiyih ann I . . . . hridooQ Thi. .ni k. .L . I miss eaa laylor has been in Rook v deal in the conee it "will X 80,1,6 days vl8itin8 nd me puoiic, lor the crossing is now quite inadequate. Mrs. Woodward, of Greenville, was Death ofLitti Renn,.. h,ere.!ast woek halting Miss Annie J I j.iLcnin jjiiuo uouiauiin.toe munison m Mr r t -n .. and Mrs. Thos. T? nMW hi itr "iTI h.."11- ? : 7 ,n "reenyuie via- July 3, aged seven months. daUhter' Mre' P- was interred in the Baotist cemetarv J j. o. niggs, oi ureenville, came xuesaay to visit her mother, Mrs, k a" a ni S. Monuments. i o any one desiring Monuments to the ae-id 1 will be glad to show cuts and samples of the famous Georgia I irf.isana also best marble from other i'laces. Trices and grades to suit all. J. E. HOLDEN. 6-22-lm Phone Tyler's Grocery For Washington Bread, North Caro lina Hams, Heinz's White Pickling Vinegar, Finest Uulter and Cheese, Siivci S ilt to clean Windows, Crockery, t'te. W. T. Tyler. Edwards & Co. Kivo t j ten dozen unlaundried white -i irti worth 75c. offered at o9c. EDWARDS & CO. J. Wall Paper. Y. S:ivase is asrent tor Alfred 1'eats up-to-date styles. Will take l-lcasure in showing samples, measure ments and estimates made. EDWARDS & CO.'S Special Bargains. We have 300 to 5C0 pairs Ladies', Miffs' and Children's Oxfords and Sandals of the best makes and brands to be had. Too many, they must go. 03 our special prices. Too many trjv. Hats also. Call and name your We are still making special cut prices on c'othiug and have some handsome and nobbie&t and latest ptyle I'.mts left. liemember to examine our hand s' 'in- line of Furniture and Cook Stoves when on the market. Sold for cash or on installment. Corn, Hay, Oats, Mill Feed, Cotton Sced;Mcal and Hulls always on hand. A k for prices. Will deliver them at your door. Highest prices paid for Cotton. Bring us your wool. Highest prices I 'id. mesaayat 10 o'cloik, Rev. W. Brooke conducting the exercises. ine iriends of Mr. and Mrs. Gray aeepiy sympathize with them in the loss oi their child. After all was done for the little sufferer that could be done the little spirit was taken, and the fond parents can onlv trnst Him who doeth all things well and look for ward to a happy reunion in the Great lieyond. Reported for the Commonwealth. Hamilton, N. C , July 3, 1905. One of the moat beautiful marriages m .ft a a mat nas ever taken piace In this town was celebrated at St. Martin's Episco pal church Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock, when Mr. Arrington Kitcbin, of Scotland Neck, led to the hymeneal altar Mies Norma Cloman of this town, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cloman. Xbe ehurch was most beautifully decorated with palms, ferns, spruce and superb white hydrangeas. The chancel rail was a bank of maenolia leaves, while to the right of the bride stood a pyramid of trailing evergreen. Mrs. W. IS. UJadson, sister of the bride, entered in advance of the bridal party and presided very eraeefnllv at me organ, wnne isev. w. is. Cox ner- formed the ceremony in a most grace- iui manner, me cnurcb was crowded with friends to see this hannv oounle maae one. ine ushers were Misses Jerushn and mary sberrod, and were eleeantlv at tired in white voile with white hat and gloves. Little Miss Fannie Gladson. niece oi the bride, was flower eirl and carried sweet peas. Miss Selma Stat en, cousin oi tne bride, was maid of honor and wore white china silk with a white picture hat. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair ferns. ine onae men entered on the arm Hi a D 0 0 now like it may now is a Win- It begins to look reach even 12 l-2c this fall, and tne time to place your order for ship, Eagle, Pratt or Muneer Cotton Gin. While we sell all of these Gins, the "Old Winship" has been, and is still, the favor- itc ttruuxiu ims seuiion, as ninew-nve, n not one hundred, per cent, of the new gins sold around here for the nast few i&Z'v&Temh&YG been the "Old Reliable Win- of bride's roses and was met at the M. A. Shields. chancel by the groom and best man Mr. A. P. Kitchin, where the betrothal was read, then advanced to the altar to take the vows which made them man and wife. The bride was radiantly beautiful in magnificent gown of pure white crepe de chine over taffeta, which was hand-made and trimmed in band-made been here some home people. days on a visit to his Mr.l)Mirn(rn,. i . Mace ana roses oi wmte enmon. Her i. L - bat was of white lace with a creation of white ostrich plumes. Her only orna ments were diamonds, irifta of the Mr. and Mrs. w. L. Bridjzers. of Tar- groom. The eroom and beat man worn boro, are here the guests of Capt. and conventional black suits, with mode airs. I. a. wnue. gloves. a m. . . Miss Annie Blount Arrinirton. ol L. a ve.r lmPive ceremony, Sale of Delinquent Tax Lists. Neh connty, is visiting her sister, L 7 T m Xm wming oui w ine I Mrs Mary Tillerv aumuo ui lauuiuugero neuaiD J" . march, drove to the home of the hridn board of county commissioners adver- MI8S UnIe Awards was taken to for a short while to receive congratula use an insoiveat tax lists of the levy of riuman ucspitai in Tarboro, some tions, then left for Scotland Neck, the 1904 for sale for cash to the hitrhnat days ago for treatment. I home of the eroom. The aroino'-awav -.If. ! m m . - . 0 I I - F omaer in iront oi the court house door Misses Jeaaie Rrinklair nA nr-i- Kwn "as blue silk yolle over taffeta EDWARDS & CO. Any Reliable Young Man rhjyvho wishes to 1; ' ey m his community r ii!:-:i of hoard :!, mtn hoo! may inqaire at this t.-fliea. nj--ike some ti he! in t E 'WOOD'S Seed Potatoes IN COLD STORAGE N For Late Platliid. .I'lantt'd in June and July, these " !1 larte crops of fine potatoes rc-iul - for digging just Ixjfore cold jyatluT comes on, carrying through the winter in irst-class cojulition for either home use or market. By our methods of carry ll"'HC' J-ate feted Potatoes in 'ol.-l ?tor;.ge, we are enabled to "i't'ly them unsirouted and in 7; ':la'3, soun.1 condition, jmt H'iithey are required for late I i.ii:; n'. bs to pet order plant. ut very I, . - ' 1 V 11 IflltUI VVTAU OH1 7- ' ui e.- qiiotcl on request. SoiaBBJK',",,L"ar,crs f,,r Cow Peas. V?:,..a soi,able Price-list telllniraU Kut St-e1s for Summer planting, mailed on request. 'T.W.Wood &Sonsv Seedscxn, , "MIIOBD, - VIRIIIIA. The Board of Education. m a t a -a ine county ooara oi eaucatlon was in regular session in Halifax Monday, They made an apportionment to the pnblic schools of one dollar per capita it is noted mat examination for white public school teachers of the county will be beld in Halifax the second Thursday in July, which will be the loth, and examination of colored teachers will be held the second Friday in July, which will be 14th. Also ex amination of students for entering the A. & M. College at Raleieh will be given Thursday, July 13th. The fee for such examination is one dollar. The examination of teachers on regu ar days mentioned is free. The board appointed Mr. J. P. Futrell school committeeman for Scotland Neck public school district in the place of the late W. A. Dunn. It was a wise and proper appointment. Died In Portsmouth. Misses Laura and Mary LeeAlIsbrook, aged 12 and 5 years, daughters of the late Thomas AUsbrook, died in Ports mouth, Thursday June 29th. Their ieaths were almost simultaneous, there being only 45 minutes difference. The bodies were both placed in the same coffin, broegbt to Scotland Neck Fri day, June 30th. and interred In the same grave in the Episcopal cemetery. The bodies were accompanied from Portsmouth by a brother and sister, Mr. Paul and Miss Nonie AUsbrook, and by Bey. Mr. Haight, who assisted Rev. G. T. Lumpkin in the burial ex ercise. Mr. Thomas AUsbrook and family moved from Scotland Neck to Ports mouth in November, 1903. Mr. AUsbrook himself died in about a month after moving, and now comes the added sad affliction to the wife and mother in the death of two daughters. The community here deeply sympa thizes with her. The two daughters died of fever, .-uperinduced by meaeels and wboop iiijr cough. ship." For the merits of the winship gin we take pleasure in referring: our friends to the following; gentlemen who have tried it: J.A.Kitchin, F. P. Shields, Balfour Dunn, W.M.Hancock, W.E.Smith, Cotton,Oil & Ginning; Co., Scotland Neck; L. J. Baker, Joseph Early, Palmyra; W. P. Wnite, E. P. Hyman, Hobgood, N. C. Now read the statement from the Continental Gin Co, Atlanta, (ia. Atlanta, Ga. "Futrell-Hardy Hardware Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Gentlemen: "Any of your orders will have our very best and personal 3KSS32Uto,,-jj You can say to your customers that you have absolute Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Berrv. of Phila- p-iiarantee that the 0ins will he all riorhfr in pvprv nart-irnlnr nrwl thrn x on the day des- delphia, are h ere visiting Mrs. Berry 's Catherine Smith, Mr. John P. Futrell, :r ! . J .i -i . 1 5. sister, Mrs. P. A. Basberry. Mess. Wommack. Snioes, Pittman II m any CaSe VOU tind that the CUStOlTier IS not orettino; tllC I)rOt)Cr daughter, Mis. r.Y" onrl f f fnlrQ n Mrs. C. M. Parks and Mrs. Johnson of! C aA ! 1 l 1 1 . l n i . Tarboro, Mr. l. l. staten of Rocky man irom tnis piace io go ana aajusi ic, ne will De sent at our ex- tfount, Mrs. . P. Hyman and daugh- r . . i i . 1 ter of Hobgood, mis. l. b. Walker of pense, or it it takes new saws, or even a new erm, to remedy the Conetoe and Miss Boddie of Durham. L. Zm. !! L i. i i i ,i , n irouoie,, ic win sun De at our expense; duc we ao Know mat in an Nee. not afraid of our gant reception was tendered at the I mmmnfaa fka mnUtnar r- U.. t-U..i- r..M . . o- Rev. W. 8. Brooke preached in the beautiful home of Mrs. Maria Kitchin, 5 uai ai1 Wli ,UflWIU,w auauinug uy U, 5u llidl yuui Liiaiunr Baptist church last Sunday morning I mother of the 'groom. Mr. Kitcbin otc will raooitro fKo and night, pastor Lnmnkin beine has a host of friends here who heartily Vi" w' uluai wun.wuo uoiuv,iauuu, nta mat. uu uui SJST'JSxSSZ Wlth defective material will be furnished and left for operation in an paMronand Mrs. Kitchin win make unsatisfactory condition. Yours truly, their home in Scotland Neck and Mrs. Hon ti'nnn tnl Hi n r n " Kitchin is welcomed by all to the OOntmentai Vjin CO. TS S!M bOTM You see that you take no chance at all in buying our gins, so Mr. Kitchin is one of the leading 14. , ,o K-v-lr trmt m-Am- .f rnri 4-. .m4- A ,Mt,-xt . t-. and most successful farmers in this re-' uo uwa youi uiuu iiiaciit pitnipL utiiviy. 1 in the town of Halifax on Monday, Ruth Tunstall. of Greenville r vt.w wlth trimmings of white val. lace and August 7, 1905, It being the first Mon- log at MrO. JS? handsome silk applique, day in the month ; and that all tax There were many beautiful and cost- coHectors in the county of Halifax Ml8f Sallie and Lizzie Salsbury, of ly presents consisting of cut glassilver snail at once turn over their tax lists .H,"un nave 00911 visiting their ware and china, Indicating the esteem and books to the register of deeds." isier, Mrs. w. Li. Harrell. in which the young couple are held In compliance with the foregoing Mrs. H. A. Girseh and fjmllv h.v. The out of town guests were, Hon. irr1 a all Ih. t . 1 1 A 4 tr . i I . . . " wiiwiuia iu xxaniax county are notinsa to turn over to me their lists and hooks at once : and sale oi said tax lists will be made at the courthouse lu Halifa ignated, Aug. 7, 1905 By order of the board of commission ers of Hah lax county, N. C. T. W. Fenneb, Clerk. Mrs. Hooker and Annie, left Monday for Georgetown, o. u., on a visit to relatives. Sheriff John R. Patterson, of Little ton, was here some days ago on busi ness conneeted with bis office. Mr. S. C. Davidson, of New York, was here on a visit to his mother-in-law, Mrs Fannie Hoffman, this week. II." y"r ?rs early fo -l.i... ; " 'iu, but, don't " f -tt until y are ready to ''"nines eummence to sort " HUtT IICII... I.b..n ..... ,.t II Correct Dress The "Modern Method' system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co, of Cincinnati, satisfies good dressers everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure at moderate prices 500 -vie. of foreign and oWftic fabrics from which to choose. Aak your dealer to howyottour lJ.ortf not represented, write o us lor perMcntofs. aU E. HATS O CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. absent. Dr. R. M. Johnson spent some time in Norfolk last week and on bis return be said that Norfolk is in a whirl ol business. Mrs. D. B. Gaskins and little son Goodwin, of Wilson, tpent Saturday here visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Burroughs. Master Frank Brinkley and Miss rtuth Brinkley, of Greenville, spent Saturday here with their aunt, Mrs. R. C. Josey. Mr. N Biggs left Saturday for Thorn- asville where he has gone to attend the annual meeting of the trustees of the Baptist Orphanage. Miss Kate Weeks has returned from a visit to Koanoke Rapids. She was accompanied on her return by Misses Bennie and Kate Conley, of Roanoke Rapids. Mr. R. R. Phelps, who returned some days ago from the Theological Seminary In Fairfax county, Va., has gone to Walnut Cove to spend the summer. Rev. G. T. Lumpkin left Saturday for a visit of a few days to Littleton. He and Mrs. Lumpkin will then go to his old home in Virginia and spend some time with his people. The Plymouth Beacon of last week said: "Mrs. JLr. . Hassell and son, I Master Cecil, passed through our town this week en route from Mankey's Ferry to their home at Scotland Aeck. Rev. Mc G. Shields, of Goldsboro, Presbyterian evangelist, preached in the opera bouse here last Sunday. His tsermon was well received and compli mented. He is a strong preacher and made a good impression here. Mr. R. J. AUsbrook, oi Rocky Mount, was here Saturday on a visit to his relatives. He has been in the cotton mills at Rocky Mount for ten years and has made fine suocees In his work. He now occupies an important position at the head of one of the de parturients. He went from this com munity to Rocky Mount and bis friends here will be glad to learn of his success. gton, and their many frfends wish long long li le and great prosperity to the happy pair. A Bloom June as th. The day alter the last issue of The Commonwealth was printed we receiv ed a cotton bloom in a letter from Ringwood, and a note over the signa ture of Rev. N. H. Arrington, saying : 'Please notify the public that I was successful in finding a cotton bloom June 25.1905." Other BLOOMS.-Mr. W. H. Jones, of Hobgood, sent a bloom which he gathered June 25th. Mr. John H. Martin, of Hamilton, also sent a bloom which he gathered from his hail-beat en cotton June 27th. quire no cash till October ist. Yours for business, The Hardware Hustlers " SUPPORT SCOTTS EMULSION scrvei as bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food. Send for free i SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chembts, 400-4.5 Pearl Sireet, Hew York. 50c and .; H draarbts. CAUSE ONE-THIRD OIF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. IV 111 mil UliUMA corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the C3SED CP cnis&rrs CISEA&E. whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright s Disease or Diabetes. Mr. Robert O. Burke, Blaora. 8aratoaa Co., N. Y.. write: I am clad to have an oopor- litr of telling what maraincant results I have had from usinv FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB after hatrloa tried other advertised medicines and several physicians. Before I began ft I had to act np front is to an UnMa each oirht to relieve aav Madder. I was all bloated no wnn aronwy mi across tne wasored other symptom niwi 7 vnswm was so impairea tnsi i coaia ecarceiv see one or my tamny room, in met, I was ao badly used np that I had erven np hope of Irvine when I by a friend to try FOLKY'8 KIDNEY CURB. One jo-cent bottle worked won tefere I had taken the third bottle tho eascraaona flesh had vone. as well as all Of Kidney trouble. If V frtefld wen aarsrised that I was md. as lhr He. Hv all thonaht I wae COina ta dia. tmra few Aava an Mm tmiM IVnm !. Immn the aasao of the wonderful nsediciae that cured me of Bright'a Disease, and not one that naa tnea n aaa tauoa 10 ao aeaeanea. Tcro GIzoo, CO Cents and 01-00. Z CCLD LZ2 nEccir.:ED DY z E. T. Whitehead & Company, Scotland Neck, North Carolina.