f Cure 3 r-s.ssiiaS Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women -s pains arc curable. Thgy are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. r m TAKE MP Ji IT GOMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening palna, It not only compels the pains to stop, but it follows up and drives out the causs of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. It makes you well. Try It Sold everywhere in $1.00 bottles. WSITE US A LETTER freely an J frn.!.!y,iii strictest confid ent teilinr; us all your symptoms and U'-uMes. We will send free advice pl.ilu sealed envelope), how to cure Uiem. Addess: Ladies' Advisory tept. , Hit Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ci'att&uoo&, Tean. Colons! i.'K-k'.vond. the most auausiug man In the House of Commons, told the cte'.vari" the Koyai Masonic In-.-t It ;it ,n for 'Jiri-j h good story at the festival iat week. A prominent man called to condyle with a lady on the death of ite? LanKuid, an.l concluded by snyiiig, "Vnd ha leave you much ?" ''oiijly every night," was the re ply. .Iniy Cnu-j. Treat' hd u curfew law, and alt the old ir.iiins ry to skate horce before it nut;.- : o'clock, for lcar iome near-sighted policeman will take them to bo under sixteen. Brinson (Ksui.) Boos'er. Little Wi!;;,i What's; the nama ol the feilf-r what calls on yer sister?! Little Johnny t don't know yet. rop calls him something different every time he comas. Chicago Journal. As virtue is its own reward, so vice :s Us own punishment. There's a. vast difldrcnce between a poor man and a poor sort of ;, man. Ob-ssrvftuct lh-i hint 'iS Sn tht ! nature is; i- iuppiusss. i i Fjr vout.g and old the best pill sold is Dade'- Little Liver Till'. .ever jjr'pe, never u.i: to cifanso ai.d tone the liver. Hold K. T ! Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leg- gett's drug slow. HoNrood. A good memory often comes in handy , to forget with. j The Russian war party is again showing strength at St. Petersburg. The war party Las always been strong- er iu St. Petersburg than it has m Manchuria. Washington Post. Don't think you are an old man at sixty ; that's ali fudge ! Keep your PECULIAR DISAPt EARANCE. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptom s of indigestion and bliiousues Lo Dr. Kings JNs'w New Life Pills. He says : "They are a per fect remedy for dizziness, sour stomach, headach, constipation, etc." Guaran teed at E. T. Whitehead A- Co's. drug store, price 2c. Death-bed repentance is poor atone ment lor a lifetime of self-indulgence. FOIEISEOIETTAR i m Human nature ia weak ; that's why it's so easily intoxicated by the posses sion of power. It will wash und not rub off This complexion all envy me, It's no secret so I'll tell Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea. E. T. Whitehead A Co.,Scotland Neck, Jno., X, Brown, Halifax. J .ies will often stick of their own waignt where bolt3 and rivets wouldn't hold the truth. KILLtks cough and CURE the LUNGS WITH Ihvi Discovory FOR (J CONSUMPTION Price 0UGHS and 4GLD3 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROTTR. LES, or MONEY BACK. ICodol Dyspepsia Core TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco m'SmT -ft s -I, - -tfS MED of Curable Pain m n m "WITHOUT A PAIN," writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar Bluff. Mo.. I en do my housework, although, before taking CARDUI, two dnrtnrt had done me no eood. ! can B2 m truthfully say I was cured -by -by Cardui. I want every suffering lady to know of this wonderful medlcine.'l Stingy Old Lady Ah, my dear roan My shawl, for which I advertised ! Man (at the door) Yee, and fur which youse offered a rewards fur. Stingy Old Lady Yes, my man, but won't the reward you get in heaven be enough for you? Man Yes, missus, but if it comes t' dealin' in the hereafter, youse won't need dis shawl where youse is goin'. Baltimore American. The Czar How are things in the Black Sea this morning? Naval Sec retary Bad, sir. As Kniaz I can find out they are still Pokeneminto us." Old City Blizzard. Sick headache results from a disor dered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets.' For sale by all druggists. Mother Why did ycu let him kits you ?" "Edith Well, he was so nice about it. He asked" "The idea ! Haven't I told you you must learn to ssiy :no'?" "That's what I did say. He asked me if I'd be very angry if be kissed me Philadelphia Ledger. If you sre troubled with cizzy spells Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well aud keep you we!!. If it fails get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents. E. X. Whitehead JI Co., Scotland Xeck, Jno. X. Brown i Halifax. Miss iSewrish Were our ancestors very high-strung people? Pa .Newrich ies, but I wout'n t mention much about it ; most ot em were strung up about ten feet in the air ! Detroit Free Press. tne most peasant a d positive cure for indigesliou, beat. burn and 1 11 stomach troubles is Riug's Dyspepei lahiets. ihey aid digestion, tone and stiengthen the stomach. Sold by E. T Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leg gett s drug store, Hobgood. . A man named Summers had a fight with another named Winters down in Ozark county recently. Summers made a spring and gained a fall. That end ed the fight. Platte City (Mo.) Land- mark. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder for the feet. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c Ast to-day. M. Corngan "How much d'yes charge fer pullin' teet'? Dentist "With gas, one dollar." Mr. Corngan "An' how much wid electric loigat?" Puck. - rinesaive contains the antiseptic properties of the native pine, and is a sure cure ior sunburn, tan, tetter, ec zema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. To live long it is necessary to live slowly Cicero. No one is more injured by doing than the wrongdoer. wrong- All old-time cough syrups were des igned to treat throat, lung aud bron chial affections without due regard for the stomach and bowels, hence most ol them produce constipation. Bee s, the original Laxative Honey and -Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. Look for the letter B in red on every package. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. TO THE (Mill jm i i - L who will cut out and mai us this advertisement, wc will mail him a card D3 You Smoke? Gastotiia Gazette. Few people who smoke t-eem to think of it, but these who d not smoke constitute quite a ie.opect;sb!e iercen tge of any community. Aud U is of ten the case that when riou-emokerg are in places where they have a right to b? ibey aro annoyed by the necrs sity u! inhaling a smoke laden atmos phere. There remarks are suggested by an. incident which caused one man lo .-lay another iu t-t Lu:s a lew cays i .r Thp run man boarded at the line hon.-e. One .-mused cigarettes; the other was annoyed by the smoke ui rsmonslrated. A qurrel ensued n which the cigarette smoker was lain. It is a pity (h it the man who wa-s annovea ii.i-v ins uirmeutui, iui m cU'aretts w-r.ild h ive muds an end A lilin, possibly in time: lut it would have been a grf at 'pity also if the tor mentor had slain his victim. A ..TOUCHING STORK Y the saving lrom death, of the baby Mrl f Geo. A. Eyier, Cumberland, Aid. lie writes : "At the age of 11 mouths, ur little girl was in declining health, with serious throat trouble, ana two hysicians gave her up. Ueivereal- nost m despair, when v.e resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs ana ooias. J.ne ti ret bottle gave rene! ;-itter taking lour battles she was cured,and is now in per- 3t-t health." Never fails to relieve aud cure a cough or cold. . At E. T. White head fc Co's. drug store ; 50c and f l.UU naranteed. Trial bottle free. Pinesalve sets like a poultice. Best thing m the world for boils, burnr, craesed hands, tetter, etc. Sold by E. r. Whitehead & Co , Scotland Neck, and Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. Cassidy Oi can niver git my woife to see things as Oi see thim. Casey Thrue for ye ! Oi've heard she's niver touched a drop in her loile." Phila- lelphia Press. A little forethoughtful ay save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it rule to keep Chamberlain's Colis, Cholera and uiarrhcea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For sale by all druggists. Ikey (who has been reading) Fader, cau anybody get rich beyond dar dreams of atari ce? His Father I t'ink not, Ikey. Atarice vos a putty good dreamer. Puck. FIENDISH SUFFERING s often caused by sores, ulcers and cancers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich., says: "I have used Bncklen's Arnica Salve for Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is the best healing dressing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds. 25c at E. T. Whitehead & Co's. drug store ; guaranteed. Irene "Has Jack asked you to marry him yet?" Maybelle "Just as good : He asked Aunt Ann the other day if there bad ever been any con sumption in our family." Chicago Tribune. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break colds in 24 hours, cure feyerishnese, headache, stomach troubles, teething disorders, ni destroy worms. At all druggists. 25c. Sample mailed free Address, Allen C. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. "Big railroad accident on the Jimtown and Bungvllie !" ? the'!lcuienetr'PaPer' by' ""1 "Paid a dividend." Cleveland L.n- er. The original is always the best im itations are cheap. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrun. It is different from all others! it is better than all others, because it cures ail coughs and colds and leaves the system stronger than before. The letter B in red is" on every package. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. "I was away from Friday night until Monday morning, and it cost me fifty dollars." .. . "Visiting friends?" Life. O Bean the Signature of The Kind You Have Always BoogM SPECIAL RATES To Hot Spkings, Akk. Via Seaboakd. The Seaboard announces rate of one hrst class fare plus $2 00 from all points in North Carpl.ua to Hot Springs, Ark. and Eldorado Springs, Mo. Tickets will be sold first and third Tuesday's in July, August and September, final lim it sixty days from date of sale, but not to extend beyond October 31st. For information apply to your near est agent or address, ' C. H. Gattis, T. P. A. - Raleigh, N. C. 7-20 9-1 MERCHANT : If you haven't Write name and Oamblirff for AppareL "Dear father," wrote the younlg law yer who had Just hung out his shingle in a great city, "congratulate, me to day I won my first suit. "And," he continued, to himself, "it's a lucky thing the cards ran as hey did, or I wouldn't hare bad any, winter clothes." Cleveland Leader. Apple Water Ice. Pare and core some fineapples, cut in pieces into a preserving pan with suffi cient water for them to float; boil until reduced to a marmalade and strain; to one pint of apple water add one-half pint of syrup, juice of a lemon and a little wa ter; when cold, freeze. People's Home Journal. Real Cause of Wax. Gen. Stoessel is reported as saying that the real cause of the war was the ignorance of the Russian people of the fighting qualities of the Japanese. There is an "embarrassment of riches' in the knowledge Russia has since gained on this point N. Y. Tribune. Did His Best. The Woman George, this is the an niversary of the day on which I prom ised to be yoursv have you forgotten it? The Brute No, my dear, I couldn't. But I've forgiven it Cleveland Leader. Change of Sentiments. "Don't you think that an abundant display of diamonds is vulgar?" "No," answered Mrs. uumrox, I don't think so. But that's what I used to say when I didn't have any." Wash ington Star. Dogs and Inspections. In the last report concerning the num ber of animals examined by the official meat inspectors in Germany .762 Cogs are included. Whether this mSeans that dogs are eaten in that country 4s not ex plained. - Largest Portrait. The largest picture ever painted bag been completed by a French artist, after eight years' labor. The subject Is the funeral of M. Carnot, and the canvas measures 150 square yards. Burdens of Life. Money and time are the heaviest bur dens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals, are those who have more of either than they know how to use. Johnsc a. The Wise Man. The wise man makes as many friends as ho can, and gets along by asking from them as few favors as possible. Chicago Record-Herald. Name of "Lager." Lager beer was so-called because, when first made it was stored for months before it was used on a "lager," sr frame, in a cool cellar. No Lf,bel. Champagne served at King Edward's table does not bear any label, so that cone of the guests can tell what brand he is drinking. Banks in Japan. Of the 467 savings banks in Japan, only one is foreign. Of the 1,799 or dinary banks, only four are foreign. Dear Gus : I have solved the motber-m-Iaw problem, just give ber regularly Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Jno. N. Brown, Halifax. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. .SCHEDULE. EFFECTIVE Apr. 16, 1905. UIKt VIT LINE To Principal Cities North South iHid Southwest. NORTHBOUND Lv Tampa Ly Jacksonville Lv Savannah Lv Columbia. Ar Hamlet 8:30 a. m. 7:so p. m. 12:10 a. m. 5:30 a. m. 8:35 a. m. S:oo p. m. 9:00 a. m. 100 p. m. 6:45 p. m, 10:10 p. m. Ly Atlanta Lv Charlotte Lv Monroe. Lv Wadesboro Ar Hamlet 8:00 p. m. 5:01 a. m. 5:40 a. ni. 6:24 a. m. 7:10 a. m. 12:00 noou 7:23 p. m. 8:35 P. nt, 9:18 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Lv Hamlet 7:30 a.m. 8:50 a. m. 10:30 p. m. Lv Raleigh 11:00 a. m. 11:45 a, m, 1:30 a.m. Ar Norlina 1:15 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 3:21a.m. Ar Weldon 2:50 p. m. - 4:50 a. m. Ar Portsmouth 5:3pp. m. 7:50 a.m. SOUTHBOUND : Lv Portsmouth 9:25 a. m. 9:00 p, m. Lv Weldon 11:55 a.m. 12:05 a.m. Lv Norlitia . 1:40 p.m. 1:22 a.m. Ar Raleigh . 3:50 p.m. 3:40.3. m. Ar Hamlet 7:30 p.m. 7:15 a.m. Lv Hamlet . 10:15 p. m, - - 7:35 a. m. Ar Wilmington 12 4s a.m Ai Monroe . 11 55 p. m. 9 10 a. m. Ar Chailotte 10 45 p. m. 10 08 a. m. Ar Atlanta - 7 40 a. m. 355 p. m. Lv Hamlet 10 10 p. m. 7 35 a. m. Ar Columbia - 1220 a.m. 9 55a. m. Ar Savannah 4 40 a.m. 125 p.m. Ar Jacksonville S 55 a. m. 7 00 p. m. Ar Tampa . 6 35 p. m. 7 35 a. m. SHOO-FLY Betwebn Weijon and Raleigh. Lv Weldon 6 00 a. m. Ar. Raleigh io 15 a. m. Lv Raleigh 5 45 P- m. Ar Weldon 830p.m. All trains carry Pullman Drawing Room Sleep ing Cars. Dining Cars aud Vestibule Coaches. , For information regardiug rates, schedule or any timetables address, Ticket Agents, or G. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., Raleigh, - . North Carolina Red Meat Tobacco in stock, TO THE CONSUMER We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy chewing qual ity than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory address plainly ltere t which wia entitle him to one 5c cot r 7M f l A TIso Kind You Have Always in uso for over 30 years, and TStf--- sonal supervision since us uuuucy. 74UCUt& Allow no one to deceive you in this. All 4..:..- TmSfailnna Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho bealtu or Iniauts and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use -For Over 30 Years. TNC OCMT.UR COMP1MV, TT MURRAY BTHCCT. HCW VOMl CITY. PLANET JR." FARM Seed Drills and Wheel llocs combined. Single Wheel Hoes, Double Wheel llocs, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Sulky Cultivators. 4 bard Pi&cct Jr." Catalogue Postage free to anyone, also our own illus trated catalogue. Trade discount to dealers on all Planet Jr. goods. FULL LINE FARM TOOLS AND SUPPLIES Norfolk Farm Supply Co. WHOLESALE Address Care Dept. No. 9 WE ooooooooooooo o Mi ifi Ml The (Sable teiPT o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mason and Hamlin Pianos and -- Organs. All grades of Musical Instruments sola S ior casn or on Address inquir?b aud orders to E. L- DAWSOW, Washinon, - - - North Carolina. o o ooooooooooooo One Htnuto Cocr-b Gcro Fr Couahs, Colds and write the fectorv we will saoolv vou direct - - - cf Heat Tobacco FREE at Bought, and which basTeea has homo tho signature or has been made under ms per- nn1 " Just-as-srood" are but Signature of AND GARDEN TOOLS "Planet Jr." No. 8 Horse Hoe & Cultivator - here illustrated. Is the moat complete of it, kind ever offered to the farmer. It is stronger in design and . construction. The amount of work and variety of uses to which it may be adapted will only be apprc DESCRIPTION Frame Extra lone and hlsliA' - to lcnd ana slow to cior- Shanks Hollow steel and clamping both sides of frame, strengthening each. Depth Regulated by wheel and runner, instantly adjusted by lever. Expansioa liy lever irom 9 to 25 inches. Side Hoc, Are for taking from and putting to the crop. Set at all angles nnd are reversible. Can be removed anil small steels put on. AN'D RETAIL 41-51 Union St., Norfolk, Va. NTS AND GRAVESTDNES PAY THE FREIGHT, AND GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ! LARGEST STOCK IN TliE SOUTH Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPHR MABBLK WORKS (Established 1848.) 159, 161 and 163 Bank Street. NORFOLK", VA. ooooooooooooo Fine Conover Pianos, : o o O easy installments. o o o o o o o ooooooooooooo owttr utu HtUi " any store TOM A P'fnri - I II f V ' 11" II Ml r-t EEV- 1. IXATIVE HdDMEY AND The Original Laxative Cnugli Syrup. Moves the Bowels -works aU cold out of the system . 3?st for Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchial Affections, Asthma and Weak lx rlf CO opiates fnnuzLEps;tr!,r; Sold by E. T. Wliit, ,.;..!; Scotland Neck, and 1, drugstore, HoLom!. vJ0 WE KEEP Oil BUM fl OF ALL KINDS Ml With Complete Undertakers' Outfit! HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY HOUR. Day or nielli w ,n ' i-. ;t.ly to accommodate our n i- n and tho I'uMic (icn-i illv. M. Hoffman & Ero.. Scotland Neck. Xtn h - ti- best wo i: i; I M THE A i:T' F I X K L I ( .' 1 1 I AND 81'l.KM)!!' E F F E (J T s ' Work Done P r o ni i 1 i y AND ALL O U A It A N T l: ill! Best equipped Hailc.v Carolina. O, XI. ATJ-y, Tarboro, - - N' 1 1 1 . (Mention thn i c. Undertake! Supplies .it Full and Complete I !f0 m3 Coflins, caskets, Burial Robes etc. Hearse servi c c n iy TlIU6 ... N. B. JOSKV. Scotiaiul NM-k. o O O HI o o rrpsir er remodel any kind of buihtf hr w UttltMK buildinq m.fen 5 . o o o Idmijm.fern's. ' ehctrkfww..vc llsfiUskednm. '.'4 tA 0RP0ir o o nupooN's EngHsli Kitchen, On American ami European l'l.n- Established ifciu). A nice 1 toast Ikvf Din, ' "r 2Ro . Fish, Ovstfirs nml ( 1 r in season. i wetilso have a feu lv uimetl mollis fo V W Main Street. NoriolK. . TAR in pmn Jflu Tut PMoiri assassa, . .-. mm N C.