t- HF II i 'Sx,Sfci.M f Hi if TTf f TirrT ft. r - 3 vv Tint ctnn this ffllltno nf vmif a. -..i w - - ---- .-a j r ti mis rate you will soon bc vuhout any hair Just remember thaf Hall's Hair Rencwe? yti--ps falling hair, and makes hair grow. B. 1". H ALL J The Commonwealth ?TKH AL ANNOUNCEMENTS. : - '" i mi- store will bo closed s.,t.M.i;:y. Sept. 30th. AVill om.mi nt o'clock p. ni. M. JJOFFMAX cV BllO. PERSONAL, PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks. A BOX OF "KEEN EDGE.' Read This Carefully. For Rent and Sale. i v i horse f:rm for rent about three from Scotland Keck. Also two .,n- mules, one wagon, two carts and f .iiniiig utensils for sale. Apply to Mks. r. A. Askew, Scotland Neck, N. C. ! . Akzw, Epworth, N. C. 0 14 tf Summer Rides. if vou want a fine summer ride on a Fir.e Buggy we can make it easy for v, '.). ew lot ol fine Baggies and jl.-.rncss. Prince & Co. Wall Paper. lor Alfred Will take '(. ,s!iie in showing samples, measure runts and estimates made. .!. Y. Savage as agent up-to-date styles. At Edwards & Co's. 0.ir new goods are pouring ia and ',v? arc offering some of the biggest i.-r--;iitis of the season in handsome ):-cV- t; ods and Siiks. Cloaks lor j,i!:es and Misses. Shoes for Men, allien and Children of the best and vcry pair warranted. "Liveright" el !h'.ug gives a bang up fit for either inr.n or boy. Hats and Caps of the litest and nobbiest styles. Struck a i.iriin m Men's Hose and bought 300 J v-jn ; worth 10c per pair, we are run mng thern at 40c dozen. 4 4, 6 4 and s.; Floor Oil Cloth and Heavy China M.Uting at prices lower than ever heird of. One car load of Furniture, j i i handsome Suits, Lounges, Hat Kicks, etc. One car load Fence andj i u!trv Wire. One car load Bagging and Ties. One car load Cotton Seed V. .:' and Hulls. We want to bay one L ii'dred car loads Cotton Ssed and will m ike prices interesting lor you. Give u.. a trial on your Cotton. EDWARDS & CO. iwew Goods. ( nr fall and winter stock is com-p'-;-:o. B. Josey. X. I. Josey Las the best select?d s' ::' of !res-j goods and trimraiegs in ili if.iA c-.uiutj pric2s aie low. N. B. Josey. c;ce our fall and winter clothing be I.ti hn iiig. B jy suits for 1 (MJ. N. B. Josey. K-ii't buy f hces before ; seeing our line, we have the best on earth for the in:;ey. N. B. JtSEY. rsf ( Hir storowill !' closed Samniny, Sept. 'M)th. Will uK'ii at C o'clock p. in. M. Hoffman & Bko. wagon scales. IV: you need a wagoa seals? Buy th Ntw Idea Tatterna, all on (op of zmv.i'A, easy to get to for repair, paint ing a::I adjiistmet. Josey How. Co. Agents for Osgood . Scales. Every re !e made by Osgood 13 guaranteed. .Notice. Will all who intend to subscribe or rp. iev for the Irtdie'd Home Journal a', vl '!, please send their subscriptions i j MUj Fannie Phelps, Halifax, N. C. i:i care ol Mr. W. T. Eure. The dollar c:t:-: expireOct. 2nd. 9-21-lt Cleaning and Pressing Ci.idin. Cleaned and Prcsscsd in beat 'k :ii reasonable pricss. Prompt st teuii jri to orders. G. W. Asduews, Prop Scctla id Neak. N. C. 9-21-tf. For sale. " -e 20-Horse Boiler. One 15-Horse K:iiue. B. F. Gray, Scotland Neck, N. C. 9-21-2t tQfOur store will be closed Saturday, Sept. 30th. Will M"n :t h o'clock p. m. M. Hoffman & Bro. :r-itiddick & Hooker's millinery u'l is attractive. l'vJi-i.-vR lira Ymn Mr. V. J. .Ii litis h h recently improvel his prem- j i-t-s by uijely painting his front wall- - Imi'uoved Stables. Princa fe Co. lure recently much improved their "t.t'.Iei by ealarging and painting t,'. -hi ! r A Valuable Cow. Some days i, u tpt. G. S. White last a valuable .' j' . The cow was kickel by a ho:ee an! the b'ow killed her. She-'cost Mi'', and Capt. White had recently ''iht ber. : " ' Ma --oxio Disxek. The local lo3ge of Mdins enjoyed a fine barbscae to-Keifif-r in the Dr. Wood groye Thurs (I 'y of last week. Besides, the Masons t'.'Wii there were others from the Kurru-jr.diug couutry. They bad a &i"d day together. Mrs. Clee Vaue;han went to Hob good Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Hassell, of Kinston, spent luesday here. -Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Han3cck,of Wei don, came down Tuesday on a visit to relatives. Mr. Robert Gray came over from Rocky Mount a few days ago to vitit his mother. Mr. Jesse Powell, of Harrellsville, was here some days to visit his uncle, Mr. E. E. Hancock. Mrs. Kate Odler, of Norfolk, has been here some days on a visit to Mrs. C. F. Burroughs. Mr. E. C.Lassiter has recently spent some time on the Northern markets purchasing fall goods. Mr. A. L. Harrison, of Plymouth, was here some days ago to visit his brother, Mr. J. A. Harrison. Mrs. Eustac3 Norfleet, of Wilming ton, spent Sunday here on a visit to her cousin, Mrs. G. T. Lumpkin. Mr. E. Bulterworth, of Dinwiddie county, Vii., has been here some days. visiting his brother, Mr. W. F. Butter-worth. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, of Wil- liamston, were here same days ago to visit Mr. J. D, Ray, Mrs. Whites brother. Miss L ena Bobbitt. of Enfield, is in Scotland Neck visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Strickland, and ether relatives and friends. Mr. Charlie Lnwrence, who is en gaged in Norfolk in the employ of Swift & Co., has been here some days to vUit his mother. Misses Lena Leggett and Bessie Smith have gone to the Normal Col lege at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Powell, ol Gold Rock, Nash county, were here' some days ago visiting Mr. E, C. Josey and Mrs. Sam A. Dunn. Mrs. W. A. Allison and niece, Miss Ruth Harrison, ol Greensboro, return ed home Tuesday after a visit to their aunt, Mrs. A. Ferrel!. Mrs. W. L. Lanbar. and little daugh ter Helen, of Bridgepart, Co ia., have "j been here some days on a visit to hor aunt, Mrs. E. E. Hilliard. Mr. Raymond Dunn, of Enfield, was here Monday on professional business. Basidc-s doing a good law practice he is doing some good worK in editorial writing for the Enfield Progress. Mr. G. E. Edwards has moved from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S- A. Dunn on the corner of.Greenwood and Ninth streets, to the J. B. Brewer residence on Eighth street, and Mr. and Mrs. Duan, who have been boarding at the hotel, are now keeping house at their own horns. Death ot L.ittle Whitmore Plttman. Little Whitmore, the infant son of Mr. and. Mm. L. M. Pittman, died Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 13, aged six months. The remains were interrea in the Baptist cemetery, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 14, the burial exercises being con ducted by Rev. G T. Lumpkin, assist ed by Dr. J. D. Hnfham. The little one was sick only a few days, but during a pait of that time its sufferings were intense. All that medical skill could Co was done, Dr. J. M. Baker, of Tarboro, be ing called in for consultation. It was the charm and idol ol the good and quiet home, but has been removed as an opening bud on earth to become a fullv developed flower in the Lords paradise above. This is the second af file' ion ol the kind that has come to the fond parents within a year, and their manv friends feel deep sympathy with tbem in their sorrow and bereav ment. - - 7& m 7& J W hy do you take up room on the farm storin m nut Vines when we can sell you a 4 ivlieurnatism, gout, backache, acid I 'HMn, are results of kidney trouble. H .ilt-ter's Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when all else falls. 35 cents. E. T. Whitehead Co, Scotland Neck, Jo. X. Browa, Halifax. - ffSee Momsett Brothers' no ilHr a Cow gave Butter kind would have to invent milk. Milk is Na ture's emulsion butter nut. in-shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it Scott's Emulsion - . . xU n V.oicf Oil combines , l " with the valuable hypo- i jl - r thflt t IS easy to digest and does farymore good than the on.alonecouhd. That maKes ouc -- . th e most -Hi- nourishing food-medi- m mm - m I cine in tne wui - Send for free sample. onniMir nhemist8 SCOTT s - . . o..ri street New York Mr. J. B. Jones, of Scotland Keck, say s the following of a box of "Keen Edge :" "The Keen Edge" which I get from you acts like a charm on my razor. I could not get along without it. I advi6e every man who shaves himself to get a box of it." Now, a word about "Keen Edge:" is excellent for sharpening your razor ; but some of out readera have a wrong idea about, how we give it away. Some seem to think that every reader is entitled to a box of "Keen Edge" simply for the asking. This is a mis take. We propose to give a box to every person who pays Us a dollar on subscription. We do not give away Keen Edge" for what one has already paid us. 11 you have paid ua lor this ear then pay us a dollar for next year and you get a box of "Keen Edge." If you have not paid lor this year, pay the dollar and get a box of "Keen Edge " you send the money by mail send a cent stamp for mailing "Keen Edge" to you. Remember every one who pays a dollar on subscription, new or ild, is entitled to a box of "Keen Edge," nd a year's subrcription to The Com monwealth. It Death of Mrs. Albezette, If Mrs. Martha Albezette, wife ot Mr. Louis Albezette, died suddenly at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, Sept. 17, 1905, aged 58 years. The remains were interred in the Baptist cemetery Monday Sept. 18, at 11 o'clock, Rev. J. H. Jarvis conduct ing the burial services. Mrs. Albezette bad been unwell for some months, but on the morning of ber death there was nothing to indi cate tht ber condition had changed. She went to the dining room aa usual, and ate a hearty breakfast. While sitting in the hall after break fast she suddenly Tell from her chair and was dead In a few moments. She left a husband, two sons and two daughters. Only her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Taylor, were with her at the time of her death. The other daughter lives iu New Jersey, one son lives in Massachusetts and the other here, but was away from home on a trip and did not know of his mother's death until he arrived home from Nor folic Monday jubt after the funeral. Mrs. Albezette was born and reared at Bradford, England. The family came to this country in 1879. For tau years they lived in Durham, and I for more than" a year they have been living in Scotland Neck. - The sympathy of the community goes out to the stricken family. Out of the Scotland NeCk Merchants Association. Editor The Commonwealth : I wish to say through your paper to my friends, customers, and the public gen erally that I am no longer a member of the Scotland Neck Merchants As sociation. I do not endorse, favor or cooperate with any movement or agreement to restrict competition or control prices on anything and especially the neces saries of life, making them in Scot, land Neck, aa my customers tell me, a little higher than other towns charge for the same articles. Now, I have heard that since I withdrew from the Association they have discon tinued to restrict competition or con trol prices on anything, which seems to bear out my position as being right eyen from their standpoint, however bard it may have been for them to yield to the opinion of one man. J. D. Ray & Co. Coming on Its Own Train o Bean the Signature SVC ilhe Kind Yon Haw Always Bangui A AIL oj Y PE mum 4 all house yourrea-i 7 (HI JU i f P I U 9s 7& Full Sweep, All Wood HAY PRESS OR AN International Full Sweep, All Steel 7iP that will bale your vines in good 4 shape, as fast as they come from the Thresher ? Besides if you TO AMBURG Circus, Shows, Museum and Menggerie. Will Positively Exhibit at ScoH NbcL Satnrda f, U. Sfl J Combined on a scale of MngnitinlHiiovtT attcmiilnl before. Coming- in all its vast entirety. Uiti-jivr. Greater, Grander than ever before. Magnificent Display of Entirely New Features Grand, Gigantic, Moral Museum of Marr; !s. Ti c Great New Golden Menagerie. Many STRANGE ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMENS including the Unrest Animals in Captivily. The Lioness. Queen, and her family of young rubs. -V .f 2.",0()0 Feature the la rg -st 1 i vi ng 1 1 i i o k t a i . n i s in captivity, weighing (,()()() pounds. A Moxstku Blood-Sweating Behemoth, of Holy Writ , captur ed in tin densest .Morass of the wildest regions o' the mvsterious River Nile. I want to sell them they will bring J you 25 per cent, more when put j up in nice bales. A ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN brought to your door on wheels. The Human Meteors, the La Pearl Family of Sensational Aerial ists. Hagihar's Japanese Troupe. MonsJ arlosa, the great perpendicular Ladder Artist . Wheeler's Marine Band The Finest Musical Organization t raveling with any Circus in America. Qrati Street Pageant The new and costly Steam Piano to be seen daily in our Free Spectacular New Street Parade. A Grand Gala Day. Prepare for the coming event. One ticket admits to all advertised shows. All Children Half Price. No Gamuuxo or SwiNnuM; allowed. Honesty and Fair Dealing the motto o this vast concern. sliow them to you. mi SYffL We have these Hay Presses m stock and will be glad to O x ours ior iay rresses, The Hard ware Hustlers," SMififthd Nfihk. - - - JNortli Uarolina 'IS ULVJtiauvA iiwuj - j, . ift't.-'- IV CN-v'-.i-.,- '' i '-1 i III idf: Worn Jft ChAMPlCTISjrMWJvfr f yi : Mi ! Two Performances Daily. Doors open tr 1:00 and 7:00 p. m. Bemember the Pay and Date, SEPTEMBER m Mm !' - H Vl 1 . V.i.. i ft 'I ! ! i 'i 4 it D f 4! ..I 1 i.OO. All drwrl?f ery ad. l . . , ' - -j. ' if--.

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