Totir frrod3r is iionest andit wwf that he knows very little you ,r Vr, Beusyoa. s -haw it 'imn QCAETES !sas fHON t o. f !TrON .at.. iff 1 . i i JliJlL It a M)iftnstiBss&m Se ll tnundXlCath Insist upon getting the genuine, (lion "head on every package.) . ("Save the LionJieads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GEOCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toloao, OLio. fe? r lg : f ? ! " D U N N ' m j . " ' ' - if DEALER IN ALL KINDS O F LUMBER $c HCULDEOS Ash, Poplar, and Oak Logs for Export Latlis and Shingles Scotland Neck, N. C. r in i ii wiww Mil I'm in a lOJor mool tc da, Aai fee; poeti", 2 ; 4 fuu I'il just o2 a linr, And-geniitcfT2U. I'm sorry you'cs bacn G O Ions ; Don't C dfsconaolS ; Bat ber your -h with 42 !e, And they won't S85m so grS. London Nerr?. The ongiaal is always the best im itations are chaap. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Consih Syrup. It ia different from all others It is better than all others, because n cures all coughs and colds and leaves the sy stern stronger than before. The letter B ia red is on every package. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Legetl's drug store, Kobgocd. "What are the principal places of intsrst about New York?'' '"YcnH have to aas some stranger. I've lived here all my life, you know." Judge. It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade's Lilt's Liver Piiis and enjoy their ton ic effect upon the liver. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co.," Scotland Neck, Leg gett's drug store, Hcbgood. She Where did you pass your va cation? Ha At the seashore- She And did you leave your heart behind j-ou when you returned to town? He No, but I left my trunk. Chicago News. Backache is never known to those parsons who take an occasional dose of iJineu!es. The value cf the resin ob tained from the Pine tree has long bean recognized in the treatment oi diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Ono dose of Pineules wi'l give relief, and one bottl9 will cure. Sold by E. r. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's drug storo, Hobgood. 'A man can't have too good an op inion of hisse'f," said Uncla Eben, 'peryided he's wlllin' to hustle around an' honestly try to deserve it." Wash ington Star. MANY CHILDREN ARE SICKLY.1 Motner Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, break colds in 21 hours, cure feyerishness, headache, stomach troubles, teething disorders, and destroy worms. At all druggists. 25s. Sample mailed lree. Address, Allen C. Olmsted, LeRay, N.Y. .TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco J cJ EJ U J w"-- .... i - 13 no cares 10 uo j uox about the bulk coffee ho if nrimrwllv fame frODQ. vaa blended er With Vhat or when roasted? If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can jou expect purity end uniform quality 1 iMEEmf imager f fill. FACBAbi. VWffff stecessity uniform in qaaUJy, ? strength and flavor. For a P3 OF A CEKTC3Y, OG?J CCFFE been t&c stanSara coSise Jn p millions el tomes. COFFEE to areft2Sy pacKed LS our factories. en3 ualH opened to 170117 borne, has no cftsace oS bslac Edul- f fierated, or cS tomirc ia contact xwiSS 5sss?, ; Girt, germs, or unclean bands. ' COFFEE you f?et one full Ik You can apply ManZan icsida right where the pain is. It is put up in col lapsible tubes with nozzle attachment for introducing it. ManZan steps pain instantly and cures all kinds of blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's. drug .store, Hobgood. "Yes, she's marmd to a real esta'e agent and a good, honest fellow, too." "My gracious! Bigamy?" Philadel phia Press. CAUSE OF INSOMNIA. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permantly cured by Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Fcr eale by all druggists. 3,000 PAIRS! Gold Spectacles aad Eye Glasses at S1.50 A. PAIR. We are giving this great bar gain to introduce our new sys tem of fitting glasses by corres pondence, and sell only one pair to a person at this special price. We positively guaran tee satisfaction, or return your money. Write to-day for free catalogue and examination blank. VIRGINIA OPTICAL CO., 324 Main Street NORFOLK VA K04.Li3TEP.-3 Rocky fountain Ten Nuggets A Busy Msdioine fbf Bnsy PeoDlo! Bringa Golden Eesith and Eoaawed Vigor, A specific for Constipation, Inrlifre-tion. Uts. find Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure -Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Eov. c!s, Headach? and BackaclKs. It's Rocky Mountain Tea ia tab -let form, & cents a box. Genuine ji'2de y HowjsTEa Dbug Company, Madison, "Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Kodol Dyspepsia Cub , Digests wftat you at TO THE who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card Growing Small. Mrs. X. This cold winter Is shrink ing up everything in the house; do you notice it? Mr. X. I hadn't got any further than th3 coal pile, but I notice it is mucins a -cuick reduction in that. Detroit Free PGS Torcsts. Little Franco keeps an army of 6,000 men to maintain its forests. We em rlov a bice-er army to destroy ours. Wo E'aall to pay fcr cur greed and recklessness in a few years, and we shall pay heavily. Brooklyn Eagle. Potato -Pancakes. Pare and grate eight large potatoes, cut ia sn oaten, beat in four eggs, add a teasnoonfel of ealt, mix with two table' "pconfu's of baking powder, add and .-i2ix well; fry in a hot skillet. Chicago :'ost LOWS THI3? We offer One Hundred Dollars Be ward for anv casa cf C'atarrn mar. c.umot be cured by Hall's Catarrh a ire, F. J. Ckeney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hi si perfectly honorable m ail business transactions, and financially able to cairv out any obligations made by h's firm. W aiding, Kixxan & Martin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ha'Pd Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and" mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pilis for consti pation. Most people can stand adversity far better than prosperity probably becausa they are used to it. Good ndvics to women. Jf you svaut a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, tako Hollister's Eocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet?. E. T. Whitehead & Go., Scotland Neck, Jno. N. Brown, fluiitsx. It is pleasing to observe that thc Depew Improvement Company, which was not doing so well for a time, i? sow able to pay cash. Chicago Inter OcQn. Picesaivo acts like a poultice. Best thing m the world for boils, burns, cracked hands, tetter, etc. Sold hy e' T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Legget's drug store, Hobgood. In fact, the Chicago packers can't thiok o! any judge they want to hear ifceir case, and are afraid they can'; stand trial at all.- STashington Post, GOT OFF CHEAP. lie may well think he lias got oS cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Solium; will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25-3 at E. T. Whitehead & Go's dru store ; guaranteed. Dislodged from its histness ia Man churia the war cloud has returned to its traditonal lair "in the Balkans. Washington Times. ASK YOUR DEALER FOS ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder for the feet. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. At a;I druggists AsS to day. ina shoe stores, 25c country .aucri wa3 surprised you did not put a notice of your brother's death in our paper, Thomas, "Well, zur, I 'ears yon cbarg-s a sh'.Him a inch in ' Chronicle, zur. So as Jab n was six ieei, us didn't DUt 'an ia." The Bystander. The pills that act as a tonic, and not as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, They cure Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early Risers are email, easy to take and easy to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. D.. says: "Two bottles of these Famous Little Pilis cured me of chronic constipa tion." Good for either children or adults- W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., ssys : ' For years I havo used Little Early Riser Pills in my family. No better nill can be usad for pnntirfiA !sick headache, etc., than these famous pills. Scores of testimonials prove their worth. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. "You say you saw a great many of t ie riots in Chicago?" "Yes, a dozm or so." "It's a wonder you were not killed." "I wasn's an innocent bystander. I was one of the rioters." Dallas News. A woman, th8 thirteenth child and born on the thirteenth of the month, recently died m Alabama at the age of 105. Might have known some thing would happen to her. New York Evening Telegram. Bears tfce 4 Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought of ftaY J-&6ss MERCHANT: If you haven't Write name and address plainly here : Bcil whole Seville oranges in two or three waters until bitterness is gone, and then take cut the pulp and Juice; pound the rinds into fine paste, pour in equal weight of refined sugar; when mixed smooth, spread on a china dish and set in the sun to dry," when half dry cut into rounds and turn other side to dry. Keep in a box between folds of tis sue. Household. Queer Community. In the village of Altenburg, on whose borders three countries meet, there are no soldiers, no police, no taxes, and its people are ruled by no monarch. The inhabitants speak a queer jargon ot French and German combined, and spend their time cultivating the land or working the valuable calamine mine, which is the boast of the village. Pumpkin Patties. To cn e pint of stewed and sifted pump kin add one saltspoonful of salt, one pint of rich milk, three eggs, well beav n, one-half teaspoonful each of cinna mon and mace, one of ginger, and one half cupful of sugar; beat thoroughly together and pour into patty pans which have been lined with good pastry. Good Literature. Eonesty. "To be honest as this world goes," said Shakespeare, a good many years ago, "i3 to be one man picked cut of 10,000." Now when a prominent public man talks ot the costly experiment of being honest" it seems that things heve not altered in that respect since Shakespeare's day. Baltimore American. Notice. By virtus of power vested in me by that mortgage exfeuted to me by W. A. Dunn and wife Kate on the 2vnh ay of November, 1SS6, of record in the office cf the B-egister of Deeou? for Halifax county in book 75 B on pae 92, I shall sell for cash, at auction in the town of Scotland Neek on the lfctn day of October, 1005, the following des cribed real estate, lying, being and situate in the town ot Scotland Neck, county of Halifax and state oi North Carolina, to wit. That land conveyed to the said W. A. Dunn by F. M. Nichols, and bang on 10th and Eoanoke Streets, except that portion thereof heretofore convey ed, and being the residence of the late W, A, Dunn, and the lots adjoining thereto, being a Dart of Block 47 ac cording to the map oi faid town ; also that lot owned and occupied by the late W. A. Dunn, and known as the office Jot on which is situate his law office, and being the land described in that deed of record m the olnce of the Register'! Dacds for said county in Book GO at page 42!). This August 16th, 1005. Noah Bigg?, 8-24 9t Mortgagee and Executor. ? s pi i TO RALEIGH, N. C. VIA SEABOARD account of the North Carolina STATE FAIR, October 1.6-25. The Seaboard announces that they will sell excursion tickets from all points within the State cf North Caro lina, including Norfolk, Portsmouth, -Richmond, Petersburg, Suffolk Frank lin and intermediate points in the State of Virginia, account of the State Fair, October 16 21, for one first clars limited fare for round trip, plus fifty cents tor one admission to the fair grounds (minimum rate including ad mission coupon, 1.00) The rates from the principal points will be as follows : Portsmouth, Va. $5.95 Norfolk, Va. 5 ; 5 Suffolk, Va. 5 43 Franklin, Va. 4 95 Lowiston, N. C. 4 45 Rich Square, N. C. 4 45 Richmond, Va. 5.30 Petersburg, Va. 4 70 Weidon, N. C. 3 GO . Oxford, N. C. 2 40 Henderson, N. C. 1 95 Sanford, N. C. 1 85 Hamlet, N. C- 3 60 Maxton, N. C. 4 35 Lumberton, N. C. 4 35 Wilmington, N. C. 4.80 Monroe, N. C. '5 85 Charlotte, N. C. 0 15 Lincoln ton, N. C. G 90 Rutherfordton, N. U. 8 15 Hickory, N. C. 90 LoD(;ir,.N. C. 7.40 For Military Companies and brass bands in uniform, twenty or more c n one ticket the following rates will ar- p'y for round trip : Portsmouth, Va. $3 55 Warren Plains, N. C. 1 25 Herderson, N. C. .09 Oxford, N. C. 1.20 Louisburg, N. C. .75 Frauklmton, N. C. .55 Sanford, N. C. - .85' Maxton, N. C. 2.10 Wilmington, N. C. 2 65 Charlotte, N. C. 3 50 Shelby, N. C. 4 55 The rates for Military Companies do cot include admission to the Fair Grounds. Tickets will ba sold October 13th to 20th inclusive, and for trains arriving at Raleigh fore-noon of the 21st, final limitf of- tickets October 23rd. The Seaboard will arrange to oper ste special trains from We'don, Ox ford, Louisburg, Hamlet and inter mediate points to Raleigh on Wednes day and Thursday, October 18th and 19th. For farther information apply to nearest ticket agent or address C. H. Gattis, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. 9 21 -4t Red Meat Tobacco in stock, TO THE CONSUMER: Wegive you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy chewing qual- ity than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or which will entitle him to one 5c cut i fpfsl! . !! tip JT 5 iillii iRpiBwllliiS Kind You Have mmmmmmm Always fiougfii 1 similating fiierdbdcadScgula- m ff I tiagfeeSfofatajsafglBcvvelsof f JjeaiS tH6 M if 1. Signarare if Aw tj Promotes DigesfcorXfwsrfu!-' jii . f J! il nessarKiRestContainsneiuier. m nf ML Jf a E? I Opium,Mbrphin3 norSaeral.'. m UI ? a J OfOTKASCOTIC. f wAlVp !'! Scedl . life 1 Jf ! ;j &ik!tei.j&ZiiZs fi 8 18 I y ffVu ' 4 ' f A 0) Apcrfecnieftiedv'forCciJSllpa-- B ' U O Cl 1 Tion, Sour Stotnach, Diarrhoea. ? '?rorms,Ccuvlsions,Feverish-. p r W 8- H j" nessendLossoFSfER WJ fQi H W B i k FacSnnlte Signature of :!p I kew-yom. ;.s ysSsilf luttJ V'' TBS CEKTWil CTKirANV. Nt'J VOSS CITY. m -S 'PLANET JR." FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS Seed Drills and Wheel IIocs combined. 'Single Wheel Hoes, Double j . Wheel Hoes, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Snlky Cultivators. xPIanst 8 Mi ciated aud Ti?, -""s. - VJ. prvO J&t-SSv v t Si JSs5rr.fc? i tk '5 TV v-" -iiiJS r small steels put on. 'iicet Jr." Catssogue Fofjt-nge free to anyone, nlso our otvn illus trated catalogue. Trade discount to dealers on all Planet Jr. goods. E-sSi ? L LIE FARM Norfolk Fafsn Supply Co. x v:;c-Li:ALt and retail Address Cara Cesjl. He. 9 A 15 1 Vil'cn St., Norfolk, Va. II GNUMENTS ID If ill Mason and Hamlin Pianos and Organs.' Tfl CI g AU grades of Musical Instruments n ti for cask or on easy installments Address inquiries and orders to fcvi B. L, Washington-, m . a c,a i in i ii i mil ,''"mmmmmm'mmmmr write the factory we will supply ycu sold by any factory of Red Meat Tobacco FREE at . ft Jr." No. 8 Horse Hoe & Cultivator ic re illustrated, is the roost complete of its kind ever nriereti to the farmer. It is s trouper in clesiRii uml coijrticiioij. The ftinount of work aivl variety oi" uses id v.'lnoii it may be udaptrd will only be appre realized alter usuia one Jor a season. 4 A"'- u-Jv LCSCRiPTION Frame Httra Ions and 3 Shanks Hollow steel and clamping ''Otli sitlcs ot frame, strcnjjlnenins eacn. Depth Regulated by wheel and runner, instantly adjusted br lever. iC3353L. S!Jehoes Arefortakini? Vrf ?F!4. from and puttine to the crop, feet at all antics ; Brgf. g and are reversible. -. r "v Can be removed and TOOLS AND SUPPLIES r t i ur UirimnMpi WE PAY THE FREIGHT, AffD UAllANTEE.SAFlf3 DELIVERY LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTIJ Illustrated Catalogue Free. THEOOUFER 2JARBLS WORKS k (Established 1818.) l-r9, 101 and 1G3 Bank Street, NORFOLK'. VA. Fine Gonover Pianos. .i-fc-l-i.. vk Carolina. P OOOOi """" 1,8 ,-B"sKtae Di. 1 t3 m DAWSON, " . . - ,"V il VL J nS AX ( "I -3 mm. m w a m f rfn - -at,. SWT. v AND Svruo. Have. Croup, Whooping u"--! Affectioas, Atthif. - r 'A Sold hy K. T ' ScotTiUKl Xcc; 'lrilKStnVc, II.J 'X BURIAL GASKf OF ILL SIM'S With t-i- -j 111 unaei Outfit: flEAlidil CLii.Cc AT Dn.y or niulit wv to aeeoiiiiiiMif;; i. JlIHl tll I':!-.! r.-2ot!and Neck, n : i Ulil Ti E T - ri:; k j. ; .-: AND HI.; j: V F i: r ' i ;t Work Dooe A X D A L L (i U . Bcpt co mI prod i ED! Tarbcro, .'.Vet:. . r:. Foil oofj Gsmtph i '. cofimc. Burial Rober. otc. Hearse serv:'r?:t!iy Time !N. B. JOSKY. repair ar 'irof'el -.: ' r ! to" otir C.ftfc6f of ! i.j ir. ! sltdrie Vj esic. ?35AK?i V. English KStili'J, On jiiiei if.)i: ii i KuroioMii P!'- Established ; X nice Uonst He '.' !i: 25c. Fiwli, Oysters an 1 i soason. Wo also liave v f' furnished rooms for trons. 347 Main Street, So riti 3 II 1 j B 'c"aM,Tlliiiil ZSr