r j: m4 mm liil m 'MS 1 IKS it Mi m lit si m $1 m ij; 'if 1 u 3J iff ;i i I, lit :!!! I I if. in ill I! Mi The Commonwealth B. E. HILLIARD Edior Published Every Thursday. Entered at the Post-Office at Scotland Neck, N C .as Second Class Matter. HOLD DOWN ACREAGE. With all the efforts the farmers of the South have made during the paet twelve months to secure better prices for cotton, the most important question now is the acreage for 1D0G. With smaller acreage they have the situation well in band and can make money on their cotton crop, but with an increase in acreage, they will lose their opportunity and will have to pro duce cotton at a loss. The following card has been received from New York which covers the ground pretty well : "CROF li)0i 5 13,;X),000 BALES. COST FARMER. 8 CENTS. SPIN NER PAID 9 CENTS PER POUND. PROFIT TO FARMER !C PER BALE. "CROP 1905-; 10,2.r0,000 BALES. COST FARMER 8 CENTS. SPIN NER PAID 11 CENTS PER POUND. PROFIT TO FARMER $15 PER BALE. "THE LESS COTTON YOU RAISE, THE MORE MONEY Y'OU MAKE. RAISE ALL Y'OUR HOME SUP PLIES FOR COMFORT. "RAISE COTTON FOR PROFIT." Now, do one will question for a mo ment the logic of this card. If by pro duclng 13.G00,OCO bales of cotton tht farmers of the South realized only 5 profit per bale and by producing 10, 250,000 bales they realized $15 profi. per bale, it is the part of reason p.lc common sense to hold down thi acreage for 190C. With a smaller acreage the larmer. will realize larger profit and mon money in the aggregation ; and thert 19 no other wise course left. Hold down the acreage and good prices art assured now ; increase the acreage and just as truly are low prices assured. If all this is true, and every one ad mits it, will the farmers of the countr, be foolish enough to increase the cot ton acreage for 190f? It does no look reasonable to suppose that the will. Let every farmer hold down hit own acreage and induce his neighbo. to do likewise. A FARMER'S VIEW. Now, don't jump to the conclusion that we are going to give you a farm era's view concerning tha acreage iij cotton for 190G, for that is not what wt are going to tell. Neither jump to the conclusion that we are going to give i farmer's opinion of how deep one should plant oats, how far apart the cotton rows should be run, what kind of fertiliz2r to put on certain land, nor what kind of cotton seed to plant whether toe Russell Big Boll, the Peterkin, the King, the Dixon, the Excelsior Prolific, or the Cluster Boll Neither is it about chickens, calve?, lambs, kids or colts none of these things was the farmer discussing, whose words we are about to quote. He was talking about something else, if not o! as much Importance, certainly of some importance. At Halifax Monday, a farmer who renewed his subscription to The Com monwealth for 190G, said that every citizen in the country ought to take the local paper in the spirit of public enterprise, as the paper deals with in terests tb'at concern the public. And that farmer was right. People of every community should take their local paper and pay for it, whether they particularly admire the editor cr not. As long as he strives to be a de cent man and prints a decent paper, they ought to take the paper as a means of encouraging him in the ef forts he puts forth in trying to help the good Interests cf his community. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional reme edies. Deafness is caused by anlnllam ed condition of the mucousing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deaf uess is the result and unless the inflammation can he tuken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be des troyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafr.ess(caused by Ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hal.'e Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggiete, 75c. J Tak Hall's Family Fills for conelipatio. PERMANENT MEADOWS should have an annual dressing of 500 pounds per acre of a fertilizer containing eleven per cent. Potash and ten per cent, available phos phoric acid. This wi!! gradually force out sour grasses and mosses from the meadows, and bring good grasses and clovers; thus increasing the quality as well as the quantity of the hay. Our practical booh, "Farmer's Guide," gives valuable facts for every sort of crop-raising. It is one of a number of books on successful fertiliz ation which we send on request, free of any cost or obligation, to any farmer who will write us for them. Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York-93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, ia. -22 So. Broad Street. HARYIE JORDAN AT TARBORO. Many Farmers Hear Him.. Aitovi: all Things Reduce the Acreage. On Alarch 1st a lare gathering of fanners from Edgecombe and adjoin ing counties assembled in Tarboio to hear Mr. Harvie Jordan, of Atlacta, President of the Southern Cotton Asso ciation. The town Hall was filled. with an intelligent and appreciative audi ence, including farmers, business men, and professional men. Col. John L. Bridgers in well chose-n words extended a cordial welcome to I a'l, and Mr.E. L. Dnughtridge in pe;u- j ing style introduced Mr. Jordan. i Tail, graceful and self-pos?p?sc-cl the leader of the farmers' great movement known as the Southern .Cotton Asso ciation, stood before the vast audience with a confidence that is born oi true and noble conviction. His confidence I was that he was facing friends, sympa-, thizers and fellow laborers, and Lis! convistion wa3 that the cause he rep resented was just. Mr. Jordan opened his remarks bj saying that while the faces before him were new he did not feel like he was arroig strangers. From the very first sentsnce he was en rapport vvith Liu audience and he held their closest at tention more than an hour. There is no attempt here to report his speech, all being given from memory ; and had we taken full notes there is not space at hand to give even a synopsis of the great address. Mr. Jordan spoke of the difference between the price of raw cotton and the manufactured goods, such as cotton handkerchiefs and the like ; and show ed that the farmer ought to get better prices for his cotton, and that the buy er can pay 14 cents lor cotton and then leave margin of good profit for tha manufacturers. A reasonable price for cotton, he said, would be at the lowest figures 12J cents, and a large part of the crop of 1905 being sold so far be low that price, it will take !." cents for the balance of the crop still unsold to i average the 12i cents to which tha j farmers were entitled. Mr. Jordan urged the farmers to stand together, declaring that ttej soutnern cotton Association thus h.r has kept everv pledge made to the peo ple. He said that the best backing a farmer can have is a full corn crib and a fat smoke house. Great emphasis was laid on the ne cessity of reducing the cotton acreage. Mr. Jordan said that this is the key to the whole question. With the acreage reduced every farmer will get a high price for his cotton, but with acreage increased every farmer will be compelled to sell his cotton at a low price. Mr. Jordan paid North Carolina a high compliment by saying that the farmers of this State baye been the most loyal to the Southern Cotton As sociation from the very beginning of i ts work. Mr. Jordan's address was frequently and loudly applauded and received the endorsement of every person present. He is doing a great work for the farm ers of the South, and if they will stand together as he insists they will be able to control the price of the great staple which he declares God has bestowed ns a peculiar gilt to the Southern people. At the close of Mr. Jordan's address Mr. C. C. Moore, president of the North Carolina Division of the South ern Cotton Association, was introduced and made good reports of the work cf organizing the State bv counties. TTa said that the work is progressing sati-1 factorily and well ; and before he left Tarboro he arranged for the more per fect organization of Edgecombe. DINNER FOR MS. JORDAN. In honor of Mr. Jordan and under the auspices of the organization of the farmers of Edgecomba a special dinner was served at Hotel Farrar. Cove, s were laid for forty or more and in friendly fashion and with the best of cheer the guests of the occasion enjoy ed the bounteous repast together. It was indeed a most sumptuous dinner, prepared and served in a manner to please a king. All told, it was a great day for Edge combe farmers, and their cause receiv ed a new impetus which will tell for good lor a long time to corce. And the thanks of all were tendered Mr. Jordan lor his visit, tor hia masterful address and the fine influence it left upon the people. SUPERIOR COURT. Halifax Superior Court is in session this week, Judge J. T. Shaw presiding. Court was opened at 11 o'clock Mon day, and the following grand jury drawn : R. S. Travis, foreman, . I. E. Harris, R. G. Brown, R. L. Stokes, F. R. 15 b bett, R. XV. HarnmilL Y. H. Sykes, E. L Savage, C. XV. Aibertson, J. C. Tay lor, A. L. Cochran, K. Dickens, E. A. Perry, J. IX Weeks, J. H. Briley, J. G. Sears, J. O. Applewhite, I. N. Pittard. Immediately after tha grand jury was drawn Clerk Gary administered the oath to them and Judge Snaw pro ceeded to deliver his charge to the jury. Judge Shaw's ch.uge was clear and strong and highly instructive' to all who heard it. Ho dwelt with special emphasis on the blessings which come to the whole people whom the law protects. Judge Shaw held court in Halifax a few weeks ago and made a fine imp'e;. sion on all the people who attended the court. And the people of the county are glad to have him hold this court, for the effect of a court presid ed over by an able, good and upright judge is always helpful to tht; people in wbese community it is he!d. This is a two weaks term oi court, and besides the cases on the criminal docket there are many cases of import ance on the civil docket. The officers of the court, including Solicitor, C!erk, Sheiiff and deputies, ware all in proper places and were ready with their part of service la court properly to dispatch business. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and. Don't Know it. How To Find Ottt. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a r . sediment or set- tlincf indicates an rs fe-JcTTji unhealthy condi- ' Iv! if tion cf the kid A nevs; if it 3ta,n3 7f; 7L-T?i-rJ your linen it ia evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of SwampRoot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tha best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery C- and a book that tells flVfi more about it, both sent K'-ihSt-sil absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swamp-Hoot. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous effer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but re member the nanie, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-root, and the ad frees Binghamton, N. Y., on verv bottle. rXa Fran go's i Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator SuDerior to other remedies sold at hih Drices. Curft pnnratited. Successfully used by over tJO,000 Women. Price, ti. CJents. dniR RiaiHor by mail. Testimonials & booklet free. Sr. LeFrauco, Philadelphia, Pa, ICILLthe cough and CURE the LUNGS w'w Or. Kings 67 UISCOVG 0NSUMPTI0N Price 0UGHS and OLDS 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TUQTTT?. j LES, or MONEY BACK. Bears the 1 Yflii Have Always Bought FOLEYSHOmTAR . Cur-V Cold! Frvr- Bmiuui TO TEOSINTE! The good old summer time is coming on and we'll all want some vegetables to eat, there fore I beg leave to say that we have a Better Assortment, of GARDEN SEEP to offer you than we've ever had before, rrlGHK TSIAIJ THAT We have a few pounds of T E OSIXTE SEED. A most valuable and enormous yield ing and continuous cutting foi 'age crop. A nutritious green food for horses and all kinds of cattle. Tt also makes a splendid dry fodder, and is even better relished by all kinds of stock than corn fodder. Yours for more seed business, W. Allsbrook, Scotland, Sock, N. C. nes aillis. We sli.ill keep on hand for the season a full supply of Horses and Mules we r.rv ix The Best Markets and can -ive our customers Tbe Best of Bargains Give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Biggs & Johnson, Scotland Neck, N. C. J.W.PEEEY CO. ' Cotton Factors, Norfolk, - Virginia. Quotations, March 5th, li)0G COTTON Steady. Strict Middling H MiddliDg 1(4 Strict Low Middling 10- Low Middling 10 Tiaces Stains Bluej PE AN UTS Dull. Fancy 3 Strictly Prime 2.1 Prime 2 Low Grades l.V Machine Picked li-2 Spanish f 1.00 ? bushel B. E. Peas $2.50 f bag Black and Speckle Pees 1.10 bushel Clay and Red Peas 1.00 bushel 68 in. 8 oz. Bags in bales !fl0c 10-5 6m ASK YOUR DEALER FOR ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder for the ieet. It cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous. Aching, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c Ask to-day. OASTOniA. Bears the 9 iB Mno you Have Always mm Signature Bsi On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. sa 1 DO HOT BE IMPOSED UPON We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get FHLEY?S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes25c, coc and $i.oot Prepared only E. A A n rs- eg am mm gr ra m dSsa IT MAY SEEM too early in the season to talk Gins, btit we are Already Taking Orders for them. We sold a Great Many LUMMUS Gins last year. Each one grave PERFECT Satisfaction $ In fact, Every one who Bought a LUMMUS Gin last year is ready to testify that LIHjIMUS Gins are the Best on the market, we have the Agency for Halifax county, and Represent the Factory Direct which enables us to Sell them at Very Attractive we are also Agents for the K. P. Guano Distributors and have a big stock of them. Cox Cotton Planters, Ayer's Peanut Planters, Cox and Gantt Guano Distri butors in abundance. Woolard Harrows, Iron Age and Planet, Jr. cultivators, also m abundance. : : 4$ See our display j. j 9: TTnrsfi Cultivators, and Syracuse ..ww The Scotland Neck, Will Livery Buggies Harness W h i p s B o b e s fHnnhnTin ITnnth nminlinn I idiuuiu, hum ufliiiima. I KILL COUCH AMD CURE TH LUfXICS w,TH II King's ! FOR S OUGHSar.a 50c & SI. 00 ! IjOLDS f-rco Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure icr all m ' THROAT and LUKG TROUB- E I LES, or IIONEIT SAGS. 1 " u uiir jm..u " ' 1 Reeky Bfounlafn Tea fluggets A Busy Kiliiino ft? Basj People. Eringa GoMen L;alt!i and Ecnowed Vigor. A T.rKeific fur Constipat ?n, In-lietion. Liva nn l KiJney Troubles. jri!rplos. Kivonn, Impure BIih.I. Bad Breeth, Sh.etr:&h IJowols, Hi-p.lu.-h in-) Hackac1i(3. It's Roi:kv Mintnin in tab let form, liri cents a I ox. ficniiiuo rnuilo Ly C;)!.l:steh Druo Cojip. jv, MadiS':i, "iVis GOLDEN K'UGGETS fOR SALLOW PE0P1 ? Blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles are instantlv relieved by ManZan. This remedy is put up in collapsible tubes wiia nozzle attach ment, so that the medicine may be ap plied inside directly where the trouble originates. ManZan relieves instantly. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's Drug Ktoie, Hobgond. by FOLEY ft CO., 92 - . 5 v JOSEY Day ulu AND fibCOLlLIEuDED BY . T. Whitehead & Company, A A A AAA AAA AAAAA,CfH oi 7 - - . Yours to serve, ARDWAEB Pioneer Hardware Dealers .... North Carolina i! Entirely Tha time lx ini at hand when you will wnnt somo Horses or Mules to meet your needs the coming season ve solicit your patronage. We have Sale Stables in Scotland Neck whore we will keep a. PULL STOCK OF HOUSES AND MULES during the entire season. Come to see us and v;e will show you it is a saving for you to trade with rs, for we &vt our stock direct from Tin: stock farms, thereby saving you the profits that the middle dealers have to make and which you save by buying from us. It would not take much of your time to pry us a visit and get familiar u ii h our methods of doing business. We feel that it would result in making yOU a permanent customer and we are sure we can make it ijexefit vor for. so doing. Wo are prepared to suit your needs and what is more we c uarantee satisfaction. Winslow Eros. Company, 1 Scotland Isieck, One would think: the laxative i lea in a cough evrup should have been ad vanced long before it was. It seems the only rational remedy for Cotfghs and Colds would be to .move the bowels and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungt at the same time Kenney's Laxative Honey and Tar, does this. It is the Original Laxative Cough Syrup, the bent known remedy for Coughs, Cold, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Tas-e'i good and harmless. Sold by E. T. Whitehead tt Co. i C,fl 94 - 96 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. , ' -JyL Scotland Neck, North .Carolina. 5 Prices Z0T Steel Beam Flows 2 COMPANTl mm 2Tew Stock. xS'orth Carolina IMOw y&gM mum EitWft S Eh The reason Dr. Dade's LUt!n Liver Fills give perfect satisfaction Is due to their tonic eflect on the liver. They nevat gripe. E. T. Whitehoai t Co. Scotland .Neck, Leggett's Dm.,' Store Ilobgood. ! j ' j j i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ilaests what. ynu.eft-