7 r 0 AsvsaTxszira IB TO BUSINESS WHAT STEAM IS TO MACHINERY That Great Propelling Power. Ask Your wn Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." Xad by J. 0. Ay.r Co., IwU, Aiao mapqraorarwa SARSAPAK1LLA. PILLS. HAIR YIGOI. yers We hare no secret! t We pnbliaa the formula of ell our mediolnea. LeeD the bowels ooen with one of Oyer's Pills at bedtime, just one. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMMM BAd bMBtlflM th hi Piamolsfl lnxmriAnl sTTOWth. 3 K0Tr Tails to BeatortOwy gOTM VB ailNMI BUf Til Iff AHV lb xvuuuua uvwr. PROFESSIONAL. W WILL H. JOSEY, GENERAL INSURANOE AND AGENT, Scotland Neck, N. 0. R. J. P. WIMBERLJSk, OFFICE BRICK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECK. N. O. WA. & ALBION DUNN, I ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Scotland Neck, N. C. Practice wherever their services are required. H W. MIXON, Refracting Optician, Watch-Maker, Jeweler, Engraver Scotland Neck, N. C. QR. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist. OFFiCE-Over New Whithead Building Oiflce hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to 5 o'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK, N. 0. gDWARD L. TRAVIb, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. S&'Money Loaned on Farm Lands. Cured! At 70 of Heart Dis ease Contracted During Civil War Veteran Grateful. Dr. Miles' Heart Cur Effected Cure. Heart diiease is cnrable, but is people advanced ate it doei not readiry lead Itself trrmnt There ia, hOWCTCT. hope for all sufferers in Dr. Miles' Heart uure, w&ich we aoow nam wkcjubj nan dreda of cues aad from the letters of grateful sufferers, will cure where ail else hss failed. It is not only a wonderful cure for weak and diseased hearts, but it is a blood tonic, a reg ulator of the heart's action aad the most effective treatment ever formulated tor im proving the circulation of the blood. "During the Civil war I contracted heart disease, and in 1890, while living in tne grana old town of Lexington, Va, I grew so roach worse. I left there with tnv wife to visit my sister-in-law, Mrs. T. A. Kirby, at Roanoke, Va. While I said nothing to anyone I never expected to live to return to the dear old town. On reaching Mrs. KMrVa she insisted I should try Dr. Miles' Heart Core. I pro cured a few bottles of it, also the Dervtne and Tonic After usinff one or two bottles. I could see no improvement, and I despaired 01 ever oemg Dener,.DW my iauarui wire in sisted on keening it no. which I did. Im provement soon be pan in earnest and I took in all fifteen or sixteen bottles. I was re stored to perfect health and while I am 70 years 01a. 1 am comparatively a boy. You sir, are a benefactor, and I cheerfully recom mend Dr. Miles' Heart Cure to suffering humanity." J. L. Slaughter, Salem, Va, All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Milesr Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addrss vt. Mues Medical Co., Elkhart, lad, JOO YOU WANT A. POSITION? 3 500 Young Men andWomen have been educated at thia School since its establishment nine years ago, and we offer $1,000 to any graduate who baa not reeelved a position. What we have done for others we'can do for you ! Write to day for our catalogue and for particu lars regarding first Five Scholarships issued in each county. SOUTHERN (JVVS7Y J. M. REfeSLER, I ' . Tj WHY HE TAILED. I TWO CLASSES. L 1 fll I. " II -AN O f E.B.HILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXII. lew SeiiesYoI. 9. JlDITOHJS JEISURE OBSERVATIONS OF With the multitude of cotton factories in North Carolina, it is rather strange that so few of them are in the Why is it So? State, but are looated elsewhere. Halifax county of cotton, and the estimated crop for all this county there is but one cotton With a good mill or two at every town better all the time In the eounty and of using the money which Is spent cotton. It seems strange that here where there is so muoh ootton produced there should be so few mills for the manufacture of It. Cannot those who have money in the varlons counties in Invest it in cotton mills? To do this community in which suoh mills should money is here and the only thing needed for this work is some vigorous efforts for it. Why not have the mills? txtt With the great number oi free rural the length of time these have been in tion whether Rural Deliveries and Beading are taking Newspaper habits of the people : and they generally the readiog is done by the people in the paper man was saying a few days ago country who do not read at all, and many who do read are very Indifferent about what they read. He said he was asking a man in the country to subscribe to his paper. The countryman said that he already was taking one paper and he reckoned that was the newspaper man about what paper it waa the countryman said he did not iust remember. And ao It ia. There ia more of thia indifference about reading In the country than one who does not make observation would be lieve. Some cheap advertising sheet from the Weat finds its way Into a home now and then and frequently the man who geta it feela like It is about all the paper he needs. Someone will say that such oases are rare. Well they are not so rare as one might suppose. Sometimes when a solici tor for subscribers to a paper aska a man has as manv papers sent him free as he the rural districts utilising their opportunities for reading? Perhaps in anme olaces they are, but we should say Almost any and every man in the country can take a weekly paper he can get it without much trouble, and aurely Itli Hometimes it becomes rather fashionable for politicians to speak of the treed for money in certain quarters by antagonize. The Greed for Money doubt is wish to use it in any such way ; but times convinoes one that the greed for do not bare to go to the great cities of find this condition. It is all about us, of our homes, and is a part, sad to say, An not wish to be pessimistic in our fer to look on the bright side of everything, candor compels us to say that the greed for money has taken a hold mnnitv that Is fearful to contemplate. thing else ii given a seoondary consideration to money. It is money, monev. money all the time. If a young man who has been away from a ftommunitv a doxen or more years, or community, the chief and uppermost question concerning him Is, how r.nh monev has he made ? What Is he worth ? Seldom, if ever, does any one make inquiry concerning the man's or whether he has done any good in by the money he has made. This great greed lor money has grown so twi that In many communities it is thwarting its own purpose. For instance, some individuals become n.nnratlve work and want to make a good, and safe and helpful enterprise mnnltv. Bv turning loose a little of tbe enterprise they would not only make it possible for their own interests to grow, but would help others as well. womea a boomerang which returns r.h varv nersons who love the almighty dollar so well. Men ought to be men and rise above the littleness causes them to display. tttl tu vrinA or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomaob, it a Kv.ta TMm is the unlver- II VOt IJU . sal verdict of the many thousands who use DeWitt'a junue x.any '' These famous little pills relieve head- ache, constipation, biliousness, jaun- dlr-p rpid liver, aauow cuiup"'""' etc. fry Little Early Risers. E. T. Whitehead A Co. tjv. u thA time to euard tbe health atrancth of the lungs. The best remedy to use lor eougna ana wi n '- l .nfut fTnnev and Tar. The " " . a i i- only cough syrup that doea not consti pate the bowels, dui wmoo ou me k.wit amain all cold from tbe syatem r . . , . TJ. for cougha, coma, croup, wuwi k i- TC. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggetfa Drugstore, Hobgood. F0IYSH0;iETTAn Commonweal (6-18) Jlouxs, PASSING EVENTS. eastern part of the State. Eastern Carolina produces most of the cotton in the somehow the most of the cotton mills produced in 1904 about 22,000 balea 1905 was about 17,000 bales ; but in mill and that is at Roanoke Rapids. the price of ootton would be a bit the county would get the advantage in employing operatives to spin the this part of the State be Induced to would be to help materially every be located. The cotton ia here, the delivery routes In the country and operation, it is an Interesting ques or not the people along these lines advantage of these conveniences. men frequently discuss the reading reaoh the conclusion that moat of cities, towns and villages. A news that he finds many people in the enough. Upon being questioned by to take his paper,he answers that he can read. But are the people In that in most cases they are not. the cost of the paper Is little. certain interests which they wish to It is rather a catohy phrase and no sometimes overworked. We do not careful observation of the spirit of the money is truly a reality. And we the North, West, East, or South to even at our own doors and in many of the llfe.of many of us. While we views, and while we would greatly pre on many people In almost every com- Health, morals, religion and every even not so many, returns to his old intellectual or moral deyelopment, the world. He ia sized up, as we say, so grasping that they Jose an idea oi it all themselves, and so throttle many which would do good in their com- their money to encourage ana ne.y Then the greed lor money onen with doubled force lor disadvantage that the gnawing greed for money Ail old-time Cousih Syrups bind the Ks.-ia Thia in wrong. A new Idea aa advanced two vears ago in Ken .wiv'a T-avativA Honev and Tar. This Remedy acta on mucous memoraues of the throat and lungs and loosens the UVM V - hnwnla at thft same time. It 6X0618 ail .m hnm th avatfim. It clears tbe tkrnot tmntrthens tne mucous mam VMAvnv, wv-wo- i branes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whoomne cough, etc. hoi Dy x-. x. Whitehead & Co. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism n .nnthar! when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Ur. King s new lue iruis, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomaoh trouble. 25o at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drag store ; guaranteed. DolVItVa Sclvo For PK89t Bums, Sorefr "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, I Man Figures That Ha Wasted 75, 000 Hours in Fifty Years. I San Francisco Chronicle. I am 60 years old I have been at work more or less regularly, since I was 20, and part of the time between 10 and 20 years of age I am a failure, a mediocrity rather, whioh probably is as bad, if not worse, than an utter failure. Some times, vears ago. I used to kick and blame others because I was not a brilliant success. In fact, with tout boasting, I should have been a success. I am quite clever, I know my business, I can sell snuff, and can hustle as bard as any one. I am a Not tbe happy and sad, for the swift fairlv faithful worker and have the I fltlnr . j a experience and have bad the backing. I ienuvo laueu, i lne day x was ou years oiu l maaei.T . .. , , . T , , . , ,,, , No, the two kinds of people on earth I some calculations based on solid, sober I mAnn. facts, simply to show them to my boy, . ' T , . , . who is growing up, I hope, at least, to be a bit different from his lather. I had found out several years before why j I bad failed, and I made these calsu lations to make it plainer to him. Per haps the figures may help some other young fellow. Plainly, as I found out after blaming I everything else, I was not a fairly suc cessful man because I wanted too much I .1 m A In fact, I wasted over eight years of I tlme out of 50 available for work in which I should have been doing seme thing to advance or improve myself I was and am moderately well fixed It I bad availed myself of that time which I wasted carelessly, and added I the results to tbe small things that I have achieved, my family would have bad a little more than my life insur ance to depend on. These are the figures that I prepared tor my son : houbs Overslept 10 minutes a day for 50 years 3,050 Wasted hunting lost things 20 minutes a day for 50 years.. 6,100 I Talking uselessly 30 minutes a a day for 50 years 9,100 Waiting for cars ten minutes a day for 50 years 2,440 flmnbincr nTOPKal HO minutes a day for 45 years 8,190 TX0.f.m.'.n.Dr 1380 Li,,...,. , ... ,n uaras. Diiiiarus. uuui. eio. u i minutes a day for 40 years. . 7,280 ' ... . Horses, dogs, babies, etc., 40 minutes a day for 50 years.. 11,150 h in i Barrooms, so minuies a a ay ior 40 years 9,720 Plain loafing, 45 minutes a day for 50 j ears 16,425 Total waste in 50 years 75,285 One of Lincoln's Homes. The old log building that from 1831 to 1836 was the home of Abraham Lincoln is fast falling into decay on tbe homestead, two mues irom tne village of Petersburg, III. The only attempt to keep the house from tumb- ling down bas been to prop it up wun physician and one should be in attend poles at one end, not so much to pre- anCBi but occasionally a Bimple remedy serve the historic structure as to pre- wni heiD wonderfully in the first stages vent its ialling upon tbe Horses ana cattle which it now shelters. Ail around are piles of cobs and barnyard litter. John D. Hofing now owns the farm The building was once a widely known tavern, kept by Bowling and Nancy Green. There Lincoln resided in the five years he made New Salem his headquarters. The two-mile drive from Petersburg to Salem is along the banks of the picturesque Sangamon. It was at Salem that Lincoln wooed Ann Rutledge, whose untimely death caused even bis strong mind to give away temporarily. The grave in Oak- wood Cemetery is visited by many tourists. It is marked by a plain gran lte boulder, taken from a nearby stream On the rough side Is carved the name "Ann Kuueage ". xnat is an- . a am. C 1 1 but it tells of a story of devoted love t.H tw Heath, vet lUHb lin UV w jv. mJ J never wholly lost. The memories that oluster about that grave will never fade Lincoln always maintained that the spirit of Ann Rutledge was constantly near him and was his inspiration nd support in the years that followed. New York World, One would think the laxative idea in a cough syrup should have been ad vanced long before it was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would be to move the bowels and clean tbe mucous membranes of tbe throat and luogs at tbe same time Kenney's Laxative Honey and Tar, does this. It ia the Original Laxative Cough Syrup, tbe best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cougb, etc. Tastes good and harmless. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. There are two kinds of people on earth today. Just two kinds of people, no more, I say. Not the sinner and saint, for 'tis well understood The good are half bad and the bad are half good. Not the rich and the poor, for to count a man's wealth Yon must first know tbe state of his conscience and healtb. Not tbe humble and proud, for in life's little span, Who puts on vain airs is not counted man. UJlUg JUWIO Bring each man his laughter and each man nis tears. I. , j , Are the people who lilt and the people I v, i Wherever you go, you will find the world's masses Are always divided in just these two classes. And oddly enough, you will find, too, I wean, There is only one lifter to twenty who lean. In wnlfn class are your 1mm (La lAarl Are you eas- ing tbe load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner who lets Others j bear Your portion of labor and worry and care? Ella Wheeler Wilcox, in Harper's Weekly. Onions for Pneumonia. The lollowing remedy is going the rounds of many papers and said to be a good remedy for pneumonia : "Take six or ten onions, according to size, chop fine, put in a large spider on a hot fire, then add tbe same quan- tUV o! ! meal and vinegar enough to form a thick Dflste. Stir thoroughly, letting simmer five or ten minutes. '."""Tr? to cover the lungs and apply to the w . - - chest as not as tne patient can bear. ... In about ten minutes apply another, anj thus continue by reheating the poultices. In a few hours tbe patient will be out of danger. It has been said that this remedy has never tailed to effect a cure. From I three to four applications usually are all that are needed to start the perspir ation freelv from the chest. The remc dv is said to have been originated by a New England physician, who achieved great success through the application 0f simple remedies. Pneumonia is a disease which calls J for tne constant care of a competent or in the absence of the family doctor. Teach Your Daughter. Teach her that 100 cents make one dollar. Teach her hOT to wear a simple m nil in draw and to waar it like a queen. Teach her bow to sew on buttons, darn stockings and mend gloves. Teach her to dress ior health and com fort, as well as for apperance. Teach her to arrange the parlor and the library. Teach her to love and cultivate flow ers. Teach her to have a place for every thing and to put everything in its place Teach her to say no and mean it, and to say yes and stick to it Teach her to have nothing to do lth Intemperate young men I ... I sn - a. t . . J a a aw a a k "aon ner 10 pay regani tu tu ur- aoter of those she would associate with and not to how much money they have. Detroit News. "What a lovely collection of odd cups !" exclaimed a guest, peering Into the china cabinet. "Did it take you Ion to cat so manv?" "Ob. no," said a D r - tbe hostess. "Those are samples of tbe sets we have bad in the last two years !" Detroit Free Press. Art Dealer Here !s a lovely little woodland scene for only $2,250. Old Magnate That? Nonsense! I know where that waa painted. Why, 1 oould buy the whole farm for $1,500 Somerville Journal. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $i oo 1906. O. 11 h Saved From j; jj f S Threatened ; j. Catarrh A v J of the :; i .rfvA f Lungs v I'S " 1 By Taking j : M-1P Pe-ru-na! ' jj Mrs. Mary Mair, 423 College Ave., E. Pittsburg, Pa., writes : j ,.i i r t.mA m vrv Mfvfre cold the doctor tor some time, but Ms medicine did me no good. "Having read in the paper some testimonials of the value of Peruna, ! de. elded to try H, and at the same time wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. I took five bottles of Peruna and am now entirely cured. "Before taking Peruna I was so run down that I could do no work and could not stand on my feet. My head ached and I could not sleep-l would JP mod cough. In the morning, on rising, 1 would cough for at least ten mn utes. I was alarmed. "But. thanks to Peruna, I am now enjoying good health. I would not be without Peruna. I keep It in tbe house has a cold. A NEGLECTED cold is generally the first cause of catarrh. Women are especially liable to colds. These colds occur more frequently dur ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter and spring than any other time of the year, oiten mey WOMEN SHOULD are not considered serious and so arc allowed to run on, or they are treated BEWARE OF CATCHING COLD. in such a war as to only palliate the symptoms, while the cold becomes more deep-seated and the patient finally awakens to the fact that she has a well developed case of catarrh. Bv reason of their delicate structure the lunss are f reqnently the seat of a cold, especially if there Is the slightest weakness of these organs. The treat ment of catarrh of the lungs is also more difficult and discouraging than catarrh of any other organ or tne Doay Early Cabbage Plants Guaranteed to Satisfy Purchaser X A-y mm U i c d 5 0 z i 0 s EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD Tbe Earliest CHARLESTON LARGE TYPH WAKEFIELD SUCCESSION Oabbas-e Growa eeooaa u.a. - Second Earliest PRICE; Miou oil m- ai i-"v per - - -- . r i vflUNCi island. S. C. My Special Express Rate en Plants Is Vsry Low. grrown in the open Id, on 8ec.at of Boutb C rolij B,ntrata. The.awilanta can bm rJ.nnl K VoWhr ln CO,d frames. . rrkt nnnleners near the Interior towns and eltles of Bo'uthVheiY VToSi, iependi upon them chase my plants for their crop. I aUo icrow a fall lino of other JManta arm I Tomato. E(C? "ians ana rtmr ri " - Tree.. F.g aushes. ana urape rfwcial termi to peronwho make up club WIVl. orders. Write for illustrated catalogue. J. orders. Write for illustrated catalogue. NORTH CAROLINA Need a North Carolina Farm Paper One adapted to North Carolina cli mate, soils and conditions, mode by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels and at tbe same time as wide-awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka, Such a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH, N. C. Edited by Clarence H. Poe, with Tr. fi. W. Burkttt. of tbe A. fc M. College, and Director B. W. Kilgore, of the Agricultural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors ($1. a year). If you aie already taKing tbe paper, we can make no reauc tion, but if you are not taking it, YOU CAN SAVE 50 GENTS BY SENDING YOUR ORDER TO US. That is to sav. to tbe new Progres sive Farmer subscribers we will send l that paper with The Commonwealth both one year for $1.50. Regular price $2.00. Address all orders to THE COMMONWEALTH, SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. a a 1 ti Bean the "lhe Kini Vw Haw Always Boiihl Signatar. SV , - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 'Uaests what you ex FARMERS If You Are a Hustter YOU N ILL Advertise ....YOUR.... Business Send in Your Ad. Now. which settled on my lungs. went to' ana give a 10 my jnuc "Y'ln -MRS. MARY MAO. t It would be wise, therefore, to guard a-a$ast it by every precaution possible. lVrtina has been found the most re liable of all remedies for coughs, cold and catarrh, by reason of the fact that it goes at once to the; very seat of tha trouble. it searches out every crevice, every duct of the body. It quickens and equal izes the circula tion of the blood, thus relieving the PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY FOR CATARRH OF THE LUNGS. congested mucous membranes. Itex erriscs a healine and soothing effect upon the mucous membranes, no matter wnetner sney are the more exposed membranes of tha head and throat, or whether they line the remotest cells of the lungs. A word to the wise woman iy ufficient. Take Peruna at the first appearance of a cola. i! I: i AUGUSTA SHORT STEMMED T 1 1 o u c a Fl IT DUTCH The Earliest Flat A little later Larg-Mt and Latet n j. ir.rf.t. . thin Hnncesaioa Csbbase . B-00 m. having Early Cabbagejlor that reaaon to., pur- . Treea. snrh as Strawberry. Sweet Potato, 'JTf " pa. plum. Cherry and Apricot - - ' BOX .0 I Lh.I 1 I , YOUNG'S v 10 g ISLANj, t. C. ; . Correct Dress srrrrsn The "MoJcrn Method" sytfrrn of high-grade taflorir.3 htrodut.en by L. E. llaya z Cx, of Cinciar.afi, O., satirnes good dresser', every wLsrr.. All CarmcnM M.td Svict! to Your Msaawre at ir.ittlcrste r'ie. SCO tt'.l cf tc - t and dainestic fabric frots which 10 t hnc-.f. Ask our i3'':T it iS-w cur I:.--? f r i not raprcaeiitcil, vt!i to us fjr yet w E. HAYS zi c:rt RIDDICK & HOOKEH, Makufactcrers' Acekts, SCOTLAND NECK, - N. C. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winalow'a Sootbinz Svrun has been used for sixty years by millions of mothers tor tneir enwdren wniie teem ing, with periect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe ltest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedinfely Sold by druggists in every part if tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottl. Be sure and ask for Mrs. WmsIowV Sooth tnc Syrup. Tbe reason Dr. Dade'a Little i-ier j Pills give periect satisfaction is 1 ia to their tonic effect on the liver. 1 hoy Inevet gripe E. T. Whitehe.il A- :.o. ' ScotUnd eck, Leett'j Drug ' .re Jlobgood. I Jill J HoMOU, V. J?MDEfT