ADVERTISING IS TO BUSINESS WHAT STEAM IS TO MACHINERY That Great Propelling Power. TT If You Are a Hustler YOU WILL Advertise O j Tfc Business Soiul in Your Ail. Xow. 1H E . . HILLI ARD , Editor and Proprietor. "EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Si 00 VOL. XXII. NcwScrics-Vol. 9. (6-18) SCOTLAND NECK, N. CM THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1906. XO. 13 Followed the Clock. COMMONWEALT rr 0 E IThe cm mg hid Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. fj It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. A119 znaauiaoiurdra 01 P SARSAPARIUA. yers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. Jj We have no secrets ! Wo publish 2 tho formulas of all our medicines. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's viJIs.. lust one pill each nisht. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (TfPiJlkrw and Ivautifiea th hT. Promt-tea a lnxuriftot Growth. nevfr xaiia 10 encore trray XL ill. IV ill IQUIUIU1 KOIOT Cures fcalp dmattcs Ac hair tailing. 60c, and $ 1 .00 at Draggirta PROFESSIONAL. W ILL H. JOSEY, GENERAL INSURANCE AND AC E N T, Scotland Neck, N. C. 0 K. J. P. WIMBERLJS1, OFFICE BRICK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. WA. A ALBION DUNN, I ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Scotland Neck, N. C. Practice wherever their sarvices are required. a W. MIXON, Rekractixo Optician, Watch-Maker, Jeweler, Encraveh Scotland Neck, N. C. R. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist, OFFiCE-Over New Whithead Building Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to o u 'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. DWARD L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Money Loaned on farm Lands. Did Not Close For a Week. Heart Trouble Baf fled Doctors. Dr.Miles'He&rt Cure and Nervine Cured Me. There is nothing more necessary to health than sleep and rest. If these are denied you, if you rise in the morning more tired than yhen you went to bed, there is an affection of the nerves plainly present. 1! your heart is weak, or there is an inherited tendency in that direction, your weakened nerves will soon fo affect your heart's action as to bring on serious, chronic trouble. Dr. Miles' Ner vine is a nerve tonic, which quiets the nerves, so that sieep may come, and it quickly re stores the weakened nerves to health and strength. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is a great blood and heart tonic which regulates the ac tion of the heart, enriches the blood and im proves the circulation. "Some time ago I was suffering' severely with heart trouble. At times my heart would seemingly stop beating and at others it would teat loudly and very fast. Three to four hours sleep each night in ten months was all 1 could get. One week in last September I never closed my eyes. I got Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Cure at a drugstore in Lawrence burg, after spending 8300.00 in medi cines and doctors in Louisville, Shelbwille, rrankfort, Cincinnati and Lawrenceburg, and m three days have derived more benefit irom the use of your remedies than I got irom all the doctors and their medicines. I think everybody ought to know of the mar-'f- 1 ,s P,'nver contained in your remedies." w . II. lIuGin;s, Fox Creek, Ky. Al1 clr!'!:'sts sell and guarantee first bot. k ' 5 Remedies. Send for free book l?r mToU ar,d IIeart Diseases. Addres Ur. MUes Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. I0 YOU TVVTVT A. POSITION? 3 BOO YunS en and .Women ' h a v a hAPn fid uca ted fl t hi A Sfh rfil i naA (fa AatnKliaKman t ln8 years nco. nnri wn nffftr $1,000 to n7 graduate whn hnu nnt. received a Potion. Vht wb hnvn done for ptb-era we can do for you ! Write to- f iy "or our catalogue and for particu ars rerdinar first Five Scholarships smied in each county. Southern 7 ,7 C i 1 V . JlDI TOIL'S jEISURE jOUFS, OBSERVATIONS OF The Raleigh Times makes the following editorial observation on manly merit : "There is always room at the top. The Sun tells of a young man Merit Wins in America. waiter in a restaurant, for a few dollars a week and such tips as generous people were willing to give. Now he has been appointed manager of one of the most famous hotels in the city at a salary ol $25,000 a year. Every waiter, of course, cannot do so well, yet the case shows what can be done by proper effort and when a man has the determination to prove his mettle." till The expressions of Theodore Price, the great cotton man of New York, about the coming cotton crop, may proye to be a hurtlul influence. He has given will need Better be Careful. South twelve million bales. This declaration following the final report of the Census Bureau that the present crop was less than eleven million bale?, may have a tendency to cause farmers to be a little more liberal in their cotton acreage. But this should not be the case. Acreage should be held down below what it was in 1901 ; and if this is done aud there should be good demand for a 12,000,000 bale crop, the price will be all the higher next fall and the co'ti farmer all tha more independent for his small crop. Hold down the acreage, no matter what Mr, Price says. tut There is no telling what new thing we may expect any day. The Gas toaia Gazette, which is inclined to the old ways, and The Commonwealth Something New Again. with our contemporary that we quote it as follows: "And now there's something else new. They are trying to abolish the old smoke house, where we used to bang up the meat, start a fire smothered with corn cobs and hickory chip?, cIos9 the door and leave the good sweet country hams to "cure" in wholesome smoke. A correspondent of the Progressive Farm er wrote that paper inquiring where he could 'get essence of smoke for meat so that it would not have to be hung up to smoke in the old way.' And our contemporary was progressive enough to tell the correspondent where he could get the 'extract of smoke.' What In the world is the ex tract of smoke, how ia it used, and what are we coming to anyway?" t t t t Congress is considering the question whether or not the Government shall discontinue the free destribution of seeds through the members of Seed Destribuf.ion. free seeds to congressmen, to say nothing of the cost of the mail service in carrying them to their destinatio i; It seems a useless expenditure of money and an unnecessary source of annoyance to congressmen ; for if they do not have a bundle oi seed sent to each one of their "prominent constitu ents, that "prominent" constituent who is overlooked is badly disturbed about it. We remember to have heard a citlzsn of this congressional dis district exprers disappointment that Hon. Claude Kitchin had not sent him his accustomed package of seed. Some people come to think about that little bundle of seed somewhat like the negroes in reconstruction days thought about their "forty acres and a mule." And the whole business of sending out free seed through congressmen carries about as much benefit to the public as there was reason in the promise to the negroes about the "forty acres and a mule." tt U Somewhere we have recently read what a professional man bad to say concerning the effect of electricity on the American people. The learned An Eye-glass Nation. blind, or quite so. He said that electricity used in a thousand ways and places to which it was a stranger but yesterday, will dull and dim the eye sight of the people of America befora the century closes. Electricity in the store, In the office, in the home, on the streets, in cars every where, is already having such effect upon the yervous make-up and the eyesight of the people that America may even now be called an eye-glass nation. And come to think about it, who &hall say that the learned Doctor's predictions may not partially, if not wholly, come true? There is no doubt that the use of art'.ficial light has already wrought hurt and harm to the people of all the civilized world. Ia thousand! and thousands, and still thousands on thousands of places, people do by glaring and unsteady electric light, or by glimmering and taxing lamp light, many things that were formerly done by daylight or were not done at all. The age is impatient and we cannot be content with toiling through the light of the day and resting until the light comes again. Then thousands and thousands of persons daily reverse the uses of light and darkness by using artificial light by which to work or revel at night and do their sleeping during the hours in which God gives day light by which they might toil or study. We ask again, Who shall say that the learnei Doctor who predicts national physi cal blindness lor the American people before the dawn ol another new century, is altogether incorrect or unreasonable? Now is the time to guard the health and strength of the lungs. The best remedy to use for coughs and colds is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. The only cough syrup that does not consti pate the bowels, but which on the oth er band, expels all cold from the system by acting as a pleasant laxative. Best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. E. T. Whitehead fe Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett'a Drug Store, Hobgood. FOLEYSHONEYTAR C.wvs CnMi Pr" - nA1" PASSING EVENTS. who arrived in New York some years ago from Switzerland and who secured employment as a it out as his opinion that the world from this year's cotton crop la the believes in them also, is a little disturbed about a "new wrinkle," and we so far share the trouble that body. It costs about a quarter of a mil lion dollars annually, it is said, to furnish these Doctor declared that the end of the twentieth century will find the American people almost IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store ; guaran teed. i O Bearttts Signature 9 Ttu Kind You Have Always Bought In a jeweller's window on the corner of a much frequented street hangs a little clock which for more than a year had told the time correctly to passers by. One morning, at twenty minutes past eight, the clock stopped running for iust twenty minutes. School children noticed the time and stopped "to play a little while." Peo ple hurrying to catch the train, saw the clock which had always been truth ful, and walked mere slowly. Business men and professional men hurrying to meet appointments stopped to ex change greetings, thinking there was plenty of time. Wording men and women noted the time and lingered in the fresh air and sunshine. All were late that morning, simply because the little clock which they had not hither to recognized as an influence in their daily lives, h.d stopped running twen ty minutes. Draw your own lesson from th's story. Are we sure that our lives are running steadily on in the right direc tion and telling "the time o' day truly in the Matter's work?" Many whom wj Know not of are influenced for good or bad by our going or stopping. We should, therefore, strive earnestly to be faithful in all things. We cannot all succeed, as the world counts success but we can all be faithful in His Eer- vice. Selected. The Secret of Good Farming. ' C. W. Burkett, in Progressive Farmer. We readily recognize quality and its value in men. We call it character. Why not acknowledge the same when we have to do with the various phases of farming? Quality what is it? The first attribute of success in all things. It is the best seed cotton obtainable. It is seed corn selected from the best and most prolific stalks It is soil well tilled, improved by cul ture, legumes and coyer crops. It is the cow s5th milk or heel form, which earns a living and pays her owner well lor her care and trouble. It is the hog broad over back and shoulders d9ep in the sides and fine in bone, legs and head. Qjality is every phase of soil or crop or animal. It i$ tie best obtainable for our enviror ments and conditions. Finally; quality is th3 good farmer ; the man who reads, who studies, ex D3riments ; the man who believes in his work and feele honored by it. Quality is the good farmer. Disrespsctf ul Looks Costly. It is not uncommon for a lawyer in this country to be fined for expressing his contempt of court verbally, but abroad barristers are held to a stricter accountability. During a recent case at Darmstadt one of the counsel wae declared by the judge to havo looked at him "in a manner highly disrespect ful." For this offense the counsel was fined $10. NOW SHE HATES HIM. She wished to break it to him gently. "I have decided" she said, "to return your ring." He, however, was aresourcelul man who did not believe in letting woman get the better of him. "You needn't bother"he replied. "I buy them by the dozen." THREE OF THEM. Dearborn Do you know the seven wonders of the world? Wabash-well, I know three of them. Deirborn Only three? Wabash Yes; I've only got three sons, you know. Men who couldn't organize a peanut stand know just how the pastor should run the church. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an inflam ed condition of the mucousmg of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be des troyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness(caused by Ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Tak Hall's Family Fills for constipation C ASTORIA.. Bears tu -The Kind YoBjHaveAlways Bought i Mi ifMfif psi -Zyi I life7 THE ! lj(MTARRHl "Every family should know the important fact that catarrhal diseases claim 2009000 victims in the United States each year. In spring and summer, catarrh of the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and pelvic organs is most common." S. B. HART At AN, M. D. Jrfiss soma of ihs sweet things in life - -but don'l miss the pleasures of a box of E. T. White head & Co., Sales Agents Scotland Neck, X.C. English Kitchen, On American and European Plan. Established 1890. A nice Tioast Beef Dinner lor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have a few nicely furnished rooms for our pa trons. 317 Main Street, SorfoIIr, Va. Day Livery Buggies Harness W hips Robes lis, H0BT8 CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper One ud.ipled to North Carolina cli mate, soils and conditions, mode by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels and at the fara9 tima as wide awake its any la Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH, N.C. Edited by Clakexce II. Toe, with Dr. C. W. Burkett, of the A. tt M. College, nnri Director B. W. Kilgnre, of the Agricultural Experiment Station (you know them), ns assistant editor (fl. a year). If 3011 aie already taxing the paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if you are not taking if, YOO CAN SAVE 50 CITS BY .Exmxr; Vt'U OHDEIt TO I S. That in to s.iy, to the new Proyres sive Farmer subscriber we will send that paper with The Commonwealth both imo year for $1.50. Regular price :?2 00 Address all orders to THE COMMONWEALTH, SCOTLAND NHCK, N. C. The reason Dr, Dade's Little Liver Piils give perfect satisfaction is duo to their tonic effect on the liver. They nevei E. T. Whitehead it Co, Scotland Aeck, Leggett's Drug r tore Hobgood. , The season of Indigestion is now at hand. Ring'd Dyspepsia Tablets re lieve indigestion, and correct all stom ach disorders. E. T. Whitehead it Co., Scotland Neck, Lspgetts Drug S tore, Uotpood Bear the 9 ,nB fcum i"a naw always wugin "Whj ' ycimg ma i, " Fld the ttfm parent, "von cerla.ut'y doo'i :h:nk L would 1 e foolish cnouuh to let u p-n-nylefs youth hko you marry my daughter, do you?'' "Well it tip to you," rj'.lncd the poor but nervy ; youngster, "jl n cinch that no ndi young man would marry a girt as homely i-3 is '' 'Jhic o News. To the Trustees of the Scotand thek Baptist Church. It is our ouruc-t w!.h todoi a'e ;i qu.tnity of the L. A M. P. i it to oi:r church mid every church whet:c er ic is to be painted. 10,000 churches pointed with L it ! r.r. i gallons h.& M. mixed with it Ions Linseed Oil will paint a moderate iz3d house. Actual c.t L & M. about $1 20 per gallon. L. t- M. Zinc hardens L.A M. Wl.ite Lo:.d and makes the paint near like iron. IJ irro.: it Pock, Montpelier, Vt , WriiCH, ' School house No. 1 pni;;ttd with L it M. two coats. Utcd uiily fiva gallons L it M. and nino g-.l.'i iis Oil. Co-t of paint, liTAcetitsa gallon." Sold by L T. Whitehead it Co. Pci t land Neck. Mrs. McCal! Sim's pruciso t th point of recent riciiy. Mrs. AM"t:m Is she, really ? Mr : .McCnll Oracimi-, es.Why,if you ask Ik r low much I er new gown it bonnet cost hlie-5nv.irlal-ly rpplie "It cost mv husband," wf.: t evr the j rici may happen to ,c P.i'Iadelpl.ia Pros. Indirection i.s much ol I it Don't re', the hab.t. Tte a M-.m Kodol Dvf'i-'CpsiM due after fji.tin i vou will quit filching, iiiilli'i, pn'.i t ititig ;m'l frovnini:. Kodol Iu-fis what jo'l ri't atrrl makfMlliO s O iimi ll Hwcnt. Sold l.v H. T. tViiitehea't & Co. 11 i .. o. Dlfinfecf, clean up, scatter and prepare for spring. lirr.e The New CoiiL'h Syrup the oin that acts a mild cnihaitic on the bowel? is Kennedy's Laxstive lf' and Tr Tt expela all cold fiom the tsX'tt rvi sttifa I lia 1 l t rvi i.iif ..I . i , lhroat g It.IMiUier)l, lhft mucriUH branes of the . bronchial ttiM'p, h m lieves croup, whooping rough, ru-. Childien love it. Sold by E. T.Wh m. ; head & Co. . 9W University J. M. RESSLER, -., J WftiOfcK, VA. PlUSSlDEKT