5ESS33 How's Your Liver? It will pay you to take good care of your liver, because, if you do, your liver will take good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach ache, hpndache. malaria, etc. Well liver keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There is only one safe, certain and reliable liver medicine, and that is Bedford's Black-Draught For over 60 years this wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby in thousands of homes, and is today the favorite liver medicine in the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and does not irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con-o-ovitinn . and Diirities the svstera from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body in penect neaun. Price 2Sc at all druggists and dealers. Test it. 532 Tommy What makea you so scared that you're getting too fat.sia? Maude Why, Tommy, dear, what make9 you think I am? Tommy 1 heard you say to Mr. Spooner iu the parlor last night, "I'm afraid I'm growing too heavy, am I not ? Cleveland Leader. A TRAGIC FINISH. A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyse.which a child's finger could have stopped, to become a ruinous break, devastating an entire province cf Holland. In like manner Kenneth Mclyer, of Vancebo ro, Me., permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until a tragic finish was on ly averted by Dr. King's New Discov ery. He writes : "Three doctors gave ma up to die of lung inflammation, caused by a neglected cold ; but Dr. King's New Discovery saved my life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at E. T. Whitehead it Co.'sdrug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. "Everything comes to him who walt9," quoted the Wise Guy. "Yes, if he waits on himself," added th? simple Mug. Philadelphia Record. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWD ERS FOIl CHILDREN, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the ChiiJren's Home in New York, Cura Feveri8hness,Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. 7-5 it Charley (despairingly) I fear 1 shall never win her love. Harry (encouragingly) Nonsense, man ; lots of other fellows have. Why shouldn't you? American Spectator. A hundred yearo ago the best physi cian would give you a medicine Tor your heart without stopping to con sider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines Invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxa tive Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels drives out the cold clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens thp raucous membranes of the throat chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. E. T. Whitehead &Co., Scotland Neck. Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. L'.Ille (to visitor) Don't you think that 1 look just like my mamma? Mother Hush child ! Don't be vain ! ONLY 82 YEARS OLD. "I am only 82 years old and don't expect even when I get to bo real old to feel that way as long as I can get Electric Bitters," says Mrs. E. H. Brunson, of Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic Medicine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver, inflammed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Electric Bitters a reason able time. Guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., druggists. Price 50c. The Russian army and navy are said to be ripe for mutiny. We have heard that before. It is always well to have a box of salve in tbe house. Sunburn, cutH, bruises, piles and boils yield to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salye. Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide for emergencies. For years the Standard, but followed by many imitators. Be euro you get the genuine DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salye at E. T. Whitehead & Co. Mr. Hearst will please run onto the switch and give Mr. Bryan the main track. A CERTAIN CURE FOR ACHING FEET. Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Tired, Ach ing, Callous, Sweating, Swollen feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Simple FREE. 7-5-4t CASTOHIA. 2oara th The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature 7. A -Z. The First Umbrella. . Selected. It was an early spring day in 1756, aud the densJ f g to c mmon on the Continent Lad tnmtd into a heavy rain and was fullirg l:ke n deluge. Tbe noisy, bcister. u:- slows of London wire deserted and il e j cn!e w ho but .in hour lefeve were i ashing hither thither were c z 'v fr'trred benea'h tbe roofs of their I.oik-w, fcafe fn m the drenching dnwrj-o-.i'-, n' e:cp,lrjg Jonas Hanway, wbo i:i d fiance of tbe miserable weather zua Emi'iug with genuine satUl-c'in. w:.ll cd down the street as uncom en ed ;.s t hi. ugh the sun had not ce.i'-e l to cast his deep shudowa fieri ss thy sheet. Ar.d well he might, as Le whs shel'ered by a tentlike creation of hi own invention, later known, through its gradual evo lution, as an umbrella. The rainetick, as it was first called, win indeed an innovation at.d attract ed unusual interna a thi staid old man made his way leisurely by the im prisoned homes of his lieighbors, and, wondering what the odd ;n.d curious arrangement was, they rushtd from their houses, gazing Hfter him in amnz.meut. What was it they hd yeen? What crank wta now viticg their locality? Soon a crowd of delighted and curi osity seekers was following close at his heels, unmind'ul of the pattering rain a? it fell, jelling and shouting at Han way and his walking tent, but, wholly unaware of the commotion which foon followed, he proceeded to push his way on through the heavy fog and rain It was only a short time, however, when those who scoffed at Hamvay's rainstick were soon following bis ex ample in the use of such a practlcai invention, and the remarkable demand soon resulted in a more perfect and graceful product. About the year 1793 the umbrella wjs manufactured in America by an English merchant in a little ehop in Philadelphia on what is now Second street. Erasmus Pearce, a captain of a ship, is credited with the honor of manufacturing for export the first um brella that left this country, which was in 1S00. Later he shipped an en tire car load to the West Indies and in a few years succeeded iu accumu lating a large fortune in his prosperous enterprisa. A mill for manufacturing the metal used in the frames was es tablished about the same time by Thomas end Joseph Barnburst, Eng lish silversmiths, on the banks of the historic Brandywine Creek. Such has been the evolution of the umbrella which is to day a necessity of modern life. Tbe Country Telephone. Vouth's Companion. The farmer '8 wife has a new resource. Her lot has been improved in many ways in the last ten years. The "sep arator" and the creamery have reliev ed her of the severest toil of the dairy. The rural free delivery brings maga zines and newspapers to her door. Lately the telephone has put her with in visiting distance of her neighbors. Tbe nearest farmhouse may be half a mile away, and the village three miles. The lines of poles and the wires, perhaps merelv the wire fence, have suddenly drawn her into an Inti mate relation to both, unknown to her before To one who has never exper ienced the solitude of iLo farm it is hard to lealize the joy of the wife and mother at being able to consult a friend about the cut of a baby's coat,, the rec ipe for mince pies, or the dose of cough syrup. The demand for the telephone in the country is imperative. "Everybody's got one," said the village storekeeper to a city visitor. "Why, there's three families that's being helped by the town, and every one of 'em has got a telephone. Old Mis' Bearce Bays she'd rather go without her yictuals than have the telephone taken out !" What a testimony to the desire for human companionship ! The gossip ing instinct, some cynical critic will say. But, after all, what is that but the wish to compare notes on the perennially interesting study of human nature a study as fascinating to the unknown country-woman as to the famous psychologist? The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is harmless. It ia not coal tar, but is ob tained from the pine trees of our own native forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, is the best remedy for cold, because it acts on the bowels thus ex pelling all colds from the systems Bee s is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. E. T. Whitehead & Co .Scotland Neck Leggett s drug store, Hobgood. The muck-rake has struck the real thing in the muck line in the Chicago stock yards. A little love, a little wealth, A little home for you and me ; It's all I ask except good health, Which comes with RocKy Mountain Tea. 35 cents. E. T. Whitehead & Co. The masses love Bryan better than ever for the enemies he has made. N. B. Truth, St. Paul, June 31, '08. I've lived so long, I remember well when the Mississippi was a brook. My good health and long life came by tak- rng Holhster s Rocky Mountain Tea 35 csnes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Titles Too Common Plain Mister a Distinction. Spartanburg (S. C.) Spartan. Titles haye become so common that they mean nothing. Men are especial ly fond of military titles and those that indicate learning. The average colonel of there days knows no more about military drill and army organization than a blind hog knows of astronomy. Many of the D. D.'s are ignorant of the history of the religions of tte world aud even of that of their own churches. Tnev are not an authority on any thing. The pro'eaor may take out corns, or dig after Greek roots. These titles are so common and bestowed without any regard to merit that they carry no honor with Item. It is a dis tinction thee days to be plain "mis ter." That Is a good word and ol worthy parentage, if you will look into its derivation. Then many of our people run the term "reverend," as ap plied to preachers, in the ground It does not fit many of them. In writing ' Rev. John Thomas Jones" it sounds very well, but it is abominable when it becomes '-Rev. Jones." Ths term 'brother" is also much abused. Manv merchants and clerks, with more calico on hand than brains, are in the habit of addressing strange customer as "brother." From such turn away and deal not with them. They either have little sense and manners, or they ex pect to cheat you. Even in churches the word "brother" is much abused. When religious bodies meat for wor ship or business, It may be proper to use that term, but it should be done very sparingly. Nine cases out of ten "mister" is more respectful. There is no cant about that. Titles should always convey a meaning. If not, tbe wearer of them masquerades before the public as a sort of fraud. Let us get back to plain "mister" that is always pleasing to sensible men. Happy Homes. Sanford Express. There are some happy homes in Sanford. In each of these homes there is neither want nor surfeit ; and the in mates of each especially the women are dedicated, but not sacrificed to the care of it : they are its votaries, not its victims, and their love of it makes ' it a precious, beautiful thing to all . ... T. ; wun may cuauce iy ku auuui n. v uCu the children go away they miss it, and when the father gees away he dream? about it and wants to go back to it. But these happy homes in Sanford do not ex'st of themselves ; they exist from the mother's love, tbe father's wisdom, the mutual gocd will of ti e fimily. One associates the idea of these homes with permanence, but a railroad car may be home to the fami ly that travels in it upon these terms ; and the mere body of it may be almost any sort. Home is not dependent upon time or place ; it is in the heart and it remains there through every change. In these happy homes in Sanford are husbands who recognize the obligations of fatherhood, and in them are wives and mothers who hold all together by their own inner loveli ness and make their homes seem tbe first good ot life. Out of these homes are coming children, some ot whom will be ornaments to the community. To the Trustees of Damsons Cross Roads Baptist Church. Gentlemen : It's sound sense that we tell you. It will cost less dollars to paint your church with L. & M. Paint, because more painting is done with one gallon of L. & M. than with two gallons ot other paints, and theL. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes the L. & M. Paint wear like iron. Any church will be given a liberal quantity free whenever they paint. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. L. & M. costs only 1.20 par gallon. J. E. Webb, Painter, Hickory, N. C, Writes, "Houses painted with L. & M. 15 years ago have not needed painting since." E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck. The breakfast food manufacturer is wearing a chesty air of prosperity. Does evil still, your whole life fill? Does woe betide? Your thoughts abide on suicide? You need a pill I Now for prose and tacts DeWitt's Lit tie Early Risers are the most pleasant ana reliable pills known today. They never gripe. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. And to add to his troubles, King Al fonso caught a cabinet crisis in b;a honeymoon. TWENTY Y EAR BATTLE. "I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and maligant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve ; which turned the tide, by cur ing both, till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. 25o at E. T. Whitehead & Co., druggists. Who can defend the American hog against the assaults of Germany ? A HARD LOT of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awaken them to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the pleasantest and most effective cure for Constipation. They prevent Appendicitis aud tone up the system. 25c at E. T. White- j head & Go's drug store. 3EET SUGAR IN ENGLAND. ; Experiments in Essex Last Year. Showed That Beets of Best Qual- ; ity Could Be Grown. j In nearly every county in England, Wales and southern Ireland it has been demonstrated that beets of high sugar content can be grown. It has, however, yet to be satisfactorily shown that sugar can be commercial ly and profitably manufactured from these beets. The failure of an at tempt at sugar production in England some 30 years ago would seem to an swer this in the negative. But it ap pears that beets used at that failure, contained only ten per cent, of sugar, and that farmers found it more profit able to feed them to their stock than to sell at the price the factory could afford to pay. In the present Essex experiments, however, the average percentage of sugar in the beets is placed at 1C, and even this has been exceeded in several recorded cases in other counties. This striking im provement in quality has been pro duced by careful selection and by close attention to other details of cul ture. The experiments in Essex last year showed that beets could be grown equal to and in some cases better in quality than those raised in sugar producing countries. While this is the first thing to be investigated, the committee says "it does not follow that even when this is established be yond any possibility of doubt the un dertaking is one that would necessar ily be a commercial success. The business side of the question the cost of production, the cost of working a factory and a host of similar points needs careful and experienced consid eration." Figures are given showing that the cost per acre in these, experiments was about 16 per cent, more than in similar experiments in the United States. FEW OF 10,000 ANALYSES. Among Them Artificial Water Sub-,; mitted to New York Health ' j Board. ' There is an analytical department connected with the division of labora tories of the board of health, and any person who does not think that it is a busy department is mistaken, says the New York Sun. As many as 10,000' demands for analyses are made upon It each year, and the diligence of those in charge Is shown by the fac: that at the end of the year there are never more than 25 or 30 cases awai'.- ine, a report. Some of the demands are peculiar. ne aPPnt fiem&nded and obtained an analysis of a piece ot soap; another. Qf ft .. gaid tQ contaIn pudding." There were two analyses of ginger. one of honey, one of hair restorer, ore oi orange marmalade, two of olive oi'., cne of pie, seven of opium, and one only one of whisky. Only three specimens of candy were sent in for snalysis during the period covered by the last report, only two of butter and only two of bread, but there was one analysis of an artificial watermelon, two of ground mustard, two of theater entr'acte cloves, one of "tea in pitcher," and one of a piece of clay. There does not appear to have been any analysis of wood alcohol, but there were four of ice cream. There ws cne official analysis of "beef and." The chief work of this department of the division of laboratories is the analysis of milk and of water. CRUEL TRICK ON TWAIN. Freckled Impostor Played It on the Humorist in a Game of Billiards. Mark Twain told the spectators at the billiard tourney in New York late ly what he knew about the game. "The game of billiards has destroyed my naturally sweet disposition," he said. "Once when I was an under paid reporter in Virginia City, when ever I wished to play billiards, I went out to look for easy marks. One day a stranger came in town and opened a billiard parlor. I looked him over casually. When he proposed a game I answered all right. " 'Just knock the balls around a lit tle so that I can get your gait,' he said, and when I had done so he re marked: 'I will be perfectly fair with you. I'll play you left-handed.' I felt hurt, for he was cross-eyed, freckled and had red hair, and I determined to teach him a lesson. He won first 6hot, ran out, took my half dollar, and all I got was the opportunity to chalk my cue. " 'If you can play like that with your left hand,' I said, 'I'd like to see you play with your right. '"I cant," he said; 'I'm left-hand-. ed. " Don't Kill the Hawk. Man has sinned more than any other animal in trifling with nature's balance. Clover crops and the killing of hawks are apparently unrelated yet the hawks eat the field-mice, the field-mice prey on the immature bees, and the bees fertilize the clover-blossoms. The death of a hawk means an over-increase of field-mice and a con sequent destruction of the bees. Country Life in America, Lioness and the Mouse. Tess It's really true then that Martha strongmind is to be married, to Mr. Timid. Jess Not exactly. Martha says he is to be married to her. "O! yes, of course; she has asked you to be her bridesmaid, hasn't she?" "No; she asked me to be her 'best woman.'" Philadelphia Press. When applied and covered with a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best for burns, bruises, boils, eczema, skin diseases, etc. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. The Pennsylvania railroad promises to cleanse itself. This will never be done in the Immunity bath. Tbe cleansing, antiseptic and heal ing properties of Pinesalve make it su perior to family salves. E. T. Whitehead & Co .Scotland Neck, Leggett's drug store, Hobgood. STUDENTS OF VESUVIUS. Men of Science Who Have Held to Their Posts Amidst the Awful Upheavals. Sie. Matteucci. director of the royal observatory, in refusing to quit his perilous post, near the crater of Ve suvius, only followed the example of his predecessors. During tbe tremen dous outbreak of April, 1872, Sig. Palmieri stood by his instruments amid smoke and showers of red-hot stones, while two immense streams of lava, diverted by the rock on which the observatory stood, flowed by on each side. The first student of Vesu vius of whom there is any record, the elder Pliny, may be said to have start ed the tradition of scientific coolness. It is known on the authority of his nephew that it was "philosophical curiosity" which led him to his doom on the Vesuvian plain in that awful year of 79 A. D. "When hastening to the place from which others fled with the utmost ter ror," the nephew wrote, "he steered his direct course to the point of dan ger, and with so much calmness and presence of mind as to be able to make and dictate his observations upon the motion and figure of that dreadful scene." The brave old phi losopher retired to rest that night in the house of a distracted friend. Pliny was so little disturbed that he "fell into a deep sleep, for, being pret ty fat, and breathing hard, those who attended without actually heard him snore." But Vesuvius increased in violence, and the party had to take to the open fields, with pillows on their heads (tied on with napkins), as a protec tion against the storm of stones. But after all Vesuvius dealt mercifully with the man who left his safe quar ters et sea for the work of study and research, for his body was afterward found, as the famous letter to Tacitus tells, "without any marks of violence upon it, exactly in the same posture In which he fell, and looking more like a man asleep than dead." Children like Kennedy's Laxative Honor nrrl Tar. The nleasantest and best cough syrup to take, because it contains no opiates, bold by l. Whitehead & Co. " And back home in Utah Reed Smoot is known as a champion of woman's suffrage. Et tu, Brute? Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar fs the original laxative cough syrup and combines the qualities necessary to relieve the cough and purge the system of cold. Contains no opiates. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Strange, but it is said the packers have no use for Theodore Roosevelt. Salve ! Salve ! 1 Spread the Salve, but let ii be Pine salve, natures remedy for cuts, burns, sores, ec. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. You can't lose Lincoln, Neb., on' the political map. It has caused more laughs and dried taorj tears, wined away diseases and driven away more tears than any other medicine in the world. Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3o cents, Tea or Tablets. E. T. Whitehead &, Co. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and you will not suf fer with indigestion. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, Leggett'e Drug Store, Hobgood. The rich man of to-day gets his own siart, by means of other people's finish. Somebody ought to call Editor Hearst's atteution to the Bryan boom He is missing some live news. The Bryan land wagon resembles the water wagon bright and earlv New Year's morning. Uncle Joe Cannon found that the Btatehood pig was greased. All smart up-to-date women of to-day, Know how to bake, wash, sing and play. Without these talents a wile is N. G Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea, E. T. Whitehead & Go. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. Oiwns Sept. 2J. li06. One of the lending Schools for Young Ladies In tbe South . New builriinps, pianos and equipment. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Virginia, f timed for health. European and American teachers. Vull course. Conservatory advantages lu Art, Music and Elo-.-ution. CerttfJcatos Wellesley. et!;!rnts from 3d States. For catalogue addt-ess MVI'TIK 1. HAHK1S, President, lioanoke. Va. 11 us. Okhtuudk Haubis UoatwrIght, Yicc-Vrca. Notice. By virtue of power vested in me by that deed of trust executed to the lata W. A. Dunn by A. B. Hill and wife M. E. Hill, and by yirtue of power yescea in me by the statutes in such cases made and provided, I shall sell for cash at Dublic auction in tho t.nwn of Scotland Neck, on the 14th day of July, lyuo, at 152 o'clock M. the follow ing described parcel of real estate, ly ing, being and situate in the County of Halifax and Stale of North Carolina, to wit : Beginning on the West side of Alain street in the town of Scotland Neck, P. E. Smith's corner, thence N. 73 W. 198 feet to a ditch, thence N. 10 E. along said ditch 330 feet, thence S. 73 E. 148 feet to the road leading into Scotland Neck, thence along said road to the beginning, and containing about 1 acres, being part of the W. R. Bond, formerly C. M. Clark tract, and being the place where the late A. B. Hill resided at the time of his death. This June the 15th, 1906. Noah Biggs, Executor of W. A. Dunn. Albion Dunn, Attorney. 6-21-4t i'A. PARKER'S JWr rr, HAIR. BALSAM "5J V J Clemtea and bctatifie tbe hlr. 1 Promotes ft luxuriant growth. .gjJS J Never Falls to Bestore Oraar fMMjfesf Hat? to ita Youthful ColorT iiPit. Cum. tcalp dimiMa & tamir falling. iiTiViMaiaf We, and 1 1. uo at DniEKlan iHiiORiaiNAULHAAimt Co JGH SYRUP KENEDY'S LAXATIVE K0NEYTAR si Clover Blossom and Hooey Bee on Every Batik. Is Your Hair Sick? That's too bad! We-had no ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By me way, Ayer's H3ir Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft 2nd smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best bind ot a testimonial "Sold for over Bixty years." A Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Aiao muunobitreri hi SAR3APARILLA. ILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper One adapted to North Carolina cli mate, soils and conditions, ratio by Tar Hee'3 and for Tar Heels and at the same time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such n paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH, N. C. Edited by Clarence H. Poe, with Dr. C. W. Burkttt, of the A. & M. College, and Director B. W. Kilgore, of the Agricultural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors (f 1. a year). If you are already taxing the paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if you are not taking it, YOU CAN SAVE 50 CITS BY SENDING YOUR ORI'ER TO IS. That is to siy, to the new Procre? sive Farmer subscribers we will send that paper with The Commonwealth both one year for $1.30 Regular price .f2.00. Address all orders to THE COMMONWEALTH. SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. repair -r remodel any V.ir.d cf i dtn ? Send for our ti'iAlOQUt of buildinq materials, aash. doors, blinds, hardwire, mantels, peart j, qless. qts at e.eclri; futures it. FRANK T. CLARfi Control a Established 1670. KORf OLVA.1 SEED! Seed Oats, SggJ Ryo, Wheat Ets. We make a specialty of High Grade Field Seeds, buy in large quanities, and are prepared to make low prices, quality con sidered. Write us when buy ing. ' N. E. SAVAGE & SON, GRAIN AND SEED MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. 3-22-6m HUDSON'S English Kitchen, On American and European l'lan. Established 1890. A nice Itoast Ueef Dinner lor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have a few nicety furnished rooms lor our pa trons. . 347 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. K ELL the COUG1 AND CURE the LUNGS Wl Dr. .ting's New Discovery TniuciiuDTinu aMn a viiuuiiii .lull FOR I o"8" OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Notice of Administratrix. Ha vine cmalified aa ndmiriRtrotri-r of tbe estate of tbe late Stuart Hall, deceased, tbis is to notify all persons having claims agniust said eatato to present them to me or my attorney, Albion Dunn, on or hefnr tha kik day of June, 1007, or this notice will oe pieaaea in bar of their recovry. All persons indebted tn aatri are requested to make immediate Beiuement. 1 1 rs Tt pi i i illnanMtBiBBapnnainBBBnBHHi This the 4th day of June, 190G. Mary D. Hall, Administratrix. G7-Ct Any person having backache kidney pains or bladder troubj who will take two or thr Pine-ules upon retiring r.t nirht shall be relieved before morning SSfc, The medicinal virtu,, cf feifcdr crude guma and re-n ' M T.I . . "'Ok fc.- .um lilt; i. ,!iv uj. have been recognized by the mccirai fession for centuries. In Pice uUx we c all of the virtues of the Native pit, are of value iu relieving all Kidnsy anil Bladder Trcubls Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE CO.. CH:C;-. Sold by E. T. AVIiiteliea-1 ,- Scotland Nock, and I.c".r,.f. Irustoro, Hobgood. V WE KEEP OH HAHD : -i Of- - it i i ii ..it r OF ALL KINDS ALL HIE With Complete Undertakers7 Outfit; HEARSE SERVICE AT AN HOUR, Day or niht wo nro i(.;;,iv to JicconniKxlatf our liit ii,ls and the Public (Jen 'rally. M. Hoffman & Bra. ! Scotland rk. rih r-!;-. The Largest and I'.est J-.fj'iij'cJ riant in the State CHARLES MILLS?, WALSH a Quarrier and Mrtnuf.u'turer ikiiffiits, TOMBS. GRAVESTONES of livery Description. Freight propaidon ;ilN!;i;i. ments. . Snfo delivery p;,ir. antood. Writo for doins and pn'eo.s. Iron Fencings for TTi Cemetery and otlicrJfeSS" purposes a S v k v i a i, r v . Peteuswm . '.. J.Y, SAVAGE. Aet at Scotland Neck, N. C. Undertakers Supples Foil and Complete Lb coflms, caskets, Burial Rober, etc. Hearse service any Time N. B. Josoy CO. Scotland Nock. NX FOR OVER SIXTY YhU:-. Mrs. Winelow'3 Soothing fvr"r '-s? been used for Bixty years by nr-i!'1 mothers for their children vli:!t" ing, with perfect success. It i-f the child, softens the gurus :''"0r '''' na'n, cure wind colic, and 1 ti-1' 1 1' remedy for Diarrhoea. It will n,!'vf the noor little nufTftrpr innne !' ''f J" Sold by druggists in eyery iari i j world. Twenty-live oentrt ii I'.jt;!1. Kure and auk for Mr. Window - ng Syrup. Livery Buggies Harness rvTTTkTIIT Ol n ) r-r I dual mm it-- Dai W h i p s Robe s Tarloro, N0M1 Carolina. ; i i

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