'V' r Ayers Pills Keep them in the house. 1 ake one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver. 7lZZTlZSlZ BUCKINGHAM'S DYE SUMMER ROSES AND SOME OTHER F'OLKS They Come and Go The Commonwealth ANNUAL ROLL CALL, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. IJ.nd W. Allsbrook's ad tliis i.ssuo. I 1 t I SINCE the recent fire we have pur chafed a full and complete Jlne of Undertaker's supplies and we are pre pared to accommodate all our custo mers promptly. M. HciTMAX & Bro. Wanted Egg at 20 cents a dozen. W. T. Tyler. Eggs For Hatching. Finest Breeds. B. T. Rocks, White Wyandottes. S. C. Brown Leghorns. 15 eggs $1.00. H. W. MIXON, Scotland Neck, N. C Home Coming at The Baptist Church. Mr. 8. D. Hancock, of Weldon, was here Tuesday. Miss Cleve Andrews has returned from Franklinton. Miss Lena Taylor, of Atlantic, Va., has been on a visit some days to hef sister, Mrs. B. F. Gray. Mrs. T. M. Allabrook and little daughter, Miss Esther, of Ahoskie, and also Miss Nancy Leary, of that place, have been here some days on a visit to Mrs. J. H. Allsbrook, Sr. Orphans' Entertainment. Last Sunday was the day for the an nual roll call of members of the Bap tist church of this place, and the sec ond anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. G. T. Lumpkin. It was designed to be a home coming of the mambers, and the former pastors of the church were invited to be pres ent and participate in the exercises. Dr. R. T. Vann, president of the Bap tist University for Women at Raleigh, and Rev. M. L. Kesler, General Mana ger of the Baptist Orphanage at Thom- asville, two former pastors of Miss Mary Applewhite has returned from her work in the summer school at Tt flip ah Sho eamA hrma o Af- r t?; .. . itt " " " J w .... .ja out vu vurreu CUUniV tron hfifr.ro tha .nrt.mar nV.nni -1 j T.,J L. ' """"""" CIUECU uwuay uu uusinesa. Miss Bragg is visiting Mrs. J. H. Durham, of Halifax. Miss Fannie Peele has returned to her home in Tarboro. Miss Lalla Lewis, of Goldsboro, is visiting Mrs. Claude Kitchin. Miss Lallah Cherry, of Conetoe, is visiting Miss Ernestine Cherry. on account o' the sickness of her father. On Wednesday night, July 4th, class of orphans from (he Oxford Or phan A-ilum gave a delightful enttr tainment in the auditorr.un at the graded school. The e:j tertalnment cons'sted of scngs, dialogues, recitations L i. : i.l . me cunuren gnowea nue training their work. A lair audience greeted them, I tit many were kept away by reason of down-pour of rain just before Notice of Land Sale. TURNIP SEED. J list si rccoiveu me m;xt'st 'ara. shipment of loose Turnip By virtue of power vested in me as Executor of W. A Dunn by that Deed ofTitist executed io the a. id W. A. Dunn by Irving Clrk anrf ife ClHrk.oa tne 17.h day i l Feb. t-.ry, nill lnUl ;.,,., SlVl V ha Vo I V V VJ I .. 3 . I ... I ' j ci;ijru in me oruce oi itie ... i i ...i.: i I 'II 1 l 111 I I UIIJVU III" t'Ver and the like, and ! Reg,Hter f Deeds for Uhix My ' (.lnil0k fine training in I in Book 29 at page 371, and by virtue, U11,U ' ALL OF THE BEST KINDS. Mrs. Fannie Harris and daughters, ot Greensboro, have been here some davs visitirifif t.hn familv nf Mr Ti XX I mj n v ........ I - i 4 i J.-. , .A J lIlss Mnrcnrot ShiaMo "lnlt J i I . Iolvl3 b1C1 lu.uaj, 4U james and JMrs- E. Jf. Jfeison. Thnv church, were present. v .uv u uiock jur. ivesier spoke to returned after an outinsr of fnw w0ta it t j .... i lUU OUDjnv-SCnOOl Of thfi rftlotir.n ho. For Sale, One second-hand '4 Brown" Cotton Gin. Ia good condition. Jack Keel, Scotland Neck, N. C. 7-")lt At Cost for Cash. io make room for our fall stock we w.tll sell the following goods at Cost IU.UUU yards Valciennea and Tor- cheon Laces. 10,000 yards Dress Lawns. oOL) Pairs men's women's and child ren'' Slippers. RK men and children suits. All Stravs Hats at and below cost. .'ust received a big lot drummer'? . ..rjp'e Felt Hats which we are ofler .vrg at wholesale prices. Hanasome line Furniture just arriv ed. Ca!i and see our special bargains on nil good-. Fdwaids & Co. tax. Clark Beach. Our Undertaker's Department is fully and thoroughly equipped with new stock. M. Hoffman & Bro. Wanted Second-hand Eclipse Engines 4x7. Wh! pay good prices for 3ame. Jopey Hardware Co. G-2S-4t mber for Sale. 1 offer for sale the timber on 150 ic es of land near Dawson and (', miifis- 1-1 TV, ii n 1 1 ti I rJ rp, . , . , . uuciu. x iixiuer consists or -rine. K.iL-x Hickory, Cypress. Ash and Gum. W. T. Askew, Ep worth, X. C. o.s-it iwen tne uaptist Sunday-schools of the State and the Orphanage. At 11 o'clock Dr. Vann preached one of his characteristic strong ser mons. In the afternoon at 5 :30 o'clock there were "baby-day" exercises, which consisted of songs and recitations Kv the children, a reading by Miss Xonie VVillifordj'a solo by Miss Emily Biggs, and some remarks by Mr. Lumpkin concerning the purpose and work of the cradle roll department of the Sunday-school, the department being under the management of Miss Annie Biggs. At 8 :30 o'clock there was a special song service in which two quartettes were rendered, one by Mess. O. J. Moore, A. C. Perry, J B. Futrell and Rev. G. T. Lumpkin, and another by Mess, futrell and Moore nnd Afiaspa Ruth Pope and Katherine Futrell. Dr. Vann spoke on the past of Scot land Xeck Baptist church, tracing its Kitchin work for forty years from the time when its membership was but a half dozen to the present when it is eyen four hundred. Dr. R. M. Johnson spoke of the tne r1 ' -uwusii. nave gone to Tarboro to visit ffinHa Mr. J. D. Stewart and famijy have and relatives there. Mr. W. L. Vaughan left Monday for Miss Emma Hollowell,of Goldsboro, Virginia where he has gone to accept is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. M. Prince. Mrs. John L. Hooker has returned from a visit to her father in Greenville. Miss Alma Murchison, of Rocky Mount, is visiting Mies Undine Futrell. Mrs. Rebe Shields and family are visiting Mrs. J. H. Durham of Hali- the opening. The proceeds of the en- Miss Lucy House left Monday for tertainrrnt amounted to about 25. The orphans were under the charge of Mr. Burch and Miss "White from the Asylum, and weie entertained by the Mas ns while here. Mr. Barch stated that there are at the institution 275 children and that during the thirty-three years of the ex istanca f the institution it has cared for 2.0OO ornhaus. Th y went from Scotland Neck to Roanoke Rapids. Bristol, lenn., where she will spend some time visiting friends and then go to Bozeman, Montana, where sha will visit Mrs. Dr. Delaney, nee Mies Nina White The old time method of purging the SVstem Hllh C!flthnrti na th'it tear r r i nn a place on the geological survey near grind ai,d break down the walls of the .yi.uuuurK. xie win do away several Btnmah ,nri montns in the work, and his friends wish for him a pleasant stay in "The Old Dominion." Mr. Thurston M. Allsbrook, of Ahos kie, has been here this week to visit his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs lienry Allsbrook. Mr. Allsbrook goes Misses Carrie Lawrence and Reba from Ahoskie to Kenly, N. C, where intestines is superseded by Dade's Little Liver Pil's. Tbey cleanse the liver, and instead ot wak ening, build up and sirengthen ethe whole s; stem. Relieve headache, bil- ousnfss constipation, etc. E. T. U hitehead & Co., Scotland Neck. LsggeU'd drug store, Hobgood. 01 tne statute in such cases made and IJ-i -r . .. ... . I pruviueu, 1 snail sen tor cash to the 'nghest bidder nt public auction iu the town of Scotland Xeck, on the 1 li day of August 1900, at 12 o'clock M., the following described tracts of r.-al estate, lying, being and situate in the county of Halifax aud State of Xorta Carolina, to wit : Beginning at a cypres of Smith's Mill-Pond, thence S. 12 E. 79 poles, X. 85.1 E. 25J poles, to the road lead ing to Scotla'ud Xeck, thence X. A E. 33 poles, thence X. 73 i E. 19 pules, X. 27 E. 10 poles, X. CfE. 12 pules to the Mill-Pond, thence along ibo course of the Al i.Il Pond to the beginning, and containing 42 acres. This July ytb, 1900 Xoaii Biogs, Executor of W. A. Dunn. Trustee. Aliuon Don, Attorcev. 7-12 It It is always well to have a box of salve in the bouse. Minburn. cut", bruises, piles and boils yield to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide for emergencies. For years the Standard, but followed by many imitators. B.i sure you get the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye at E. T. Whitehead & Co. Statistics show that we sell more serd than any house in town with one ex ception. Now we eertiiinlv would appreciate your iuess. Seed JJlis- GAffl" WE GET IT? Yours ready to serve, W. Allsbrook, hVotliit.d -Neck, X. (. A little love, a little wealth. A little home fur you and me ; It' all I ask except . d health. Which comes with KooKy Moun'.uiu Tea. '.':'t ceu 1 h. E. T. Whitehead & Co. O a. J3 37 0 15. X Xk. . 2cars tlo p i'19 KM You Have Always Bought left Wednesday for Virginia ad wi" continue In the lumber busi ness. He was with the Xorth Carolina Lumber Company at TilJery lor eight years, then with the Suffolk Saw Mill Company at Suffolk for five years and has been with the Branning Manufac turing ComDanv flt Ahosklfi tnr fit-A Miss Emilie Hyman, of Hobgood, years, and now goes with the Dennis spent jast week with Miss Annie Simmons Lumber Company at Kenly. erry" The plant is a large one and Mr. Allf. Miss Eva Kitchin, of Xorfolk, is br00lC wl11 be general manager of the visiting Misses Sadie and Lucile r0Ufih lumber department, His friends i-xioa uuio uuuu came nome some days ago from Raleigh where she had charge of a department in the summer school. Rev. R. P. Walker has returned from Aurora where he has been holding a meeting. are glad to note his good success. The Graded School Faculty. Miss Margaret Hardy, of Bryantown, X. C, is visiting the family of Mr. A. ing relatives Mr. L. R. Mills went to Wilmington last week to spend a few days in rest at X D. Ray & Co. Big Stock of Mason's Fruit Jars J. D. Ray & Co.'s Uriug us your Chickens and Eggs ountry Produce, etc. J. D. Ray & Co. W e want a load of nice Water Mel ons to start with. Big prices offered iow for nice ripe Melons. J. D. Ray & Co. Bring us your Peaches, Apples, Cab ge, Water Melons, etc. J. D. Ray fe Co. One thousand nice ripe Water Mel- u.s wanted at once. J. D. Ray & Co. We have the best assorted stock nf ods we have ever had. Open soon the morning and nlnsn l:itp at nirt, on us when you come. I J. D. Ray & Co. tLse Clark's No. 1 CIdar Vinegar. ,aui "J Ktiep picuies only zoa r gallon. r J I J. D. Ray & Co. porby's Loaf Bread. oroys Washington Bread all the pie. Fox River Butter. W. T. Tyler. Home raised X". C. Ham?. Shoulders Id sides. W. T. Tyler. church as it is to-day, sneaking mainlv of the work during the two years of F" Hancock Mr. Lumpkin's pastorate. Dr. John son stated that during the past two years the church has contributed to various objects, other than pastor's sal ary and general expecse's, more than f 1,000, and that .$1,700 of this amount had been given to the Orphanage at Thorn a8vil!e. The pastor's salary and other expenses, Dr. Johnson said, amount to about $1,500 a year. The day's exercises were closed with a stirring address by Mr. Kesler on the Scotland Xeck Baptist church and its pet the Thomaeville Orphanage. He spoke of the great work ot caring lor three hundred children at the institu tion and said the work is hopeful and full of promise for good to the home less and helpless orphans who are there Lewiston, X. C., are visiting her moth now and who shall be there in the er Mr8- A. F. Hancock. future. He declared that the Scotland The faculty of the Scotland Xeck Graded School for next year is as fol lows : Superintendent, rrof." C. W. Wileon ; principal and teacher of the ninth and eighth grades, Miss Alice C. Mr. David Oppenheimer, of Rocky Ferrell, of Raleigh : teacher for seventh Mount has been here some days visit- grade, Miss Xannie C. Leach, of Mc- Cullers, Wake county ; teacher for the bixth grade, Miss Anna Clark, of Scot land Xeck ; teacher lor the fifth grade. and recreation. Mr. O. A. Snipes and daughter, little Miss Elsie, of Rocky Mount, were iri town last week. Mus Annie Dunn, of Scotland Xeck ; teacher for the fourth grade, Mifs Ethel Webb, of Scotland Xeck ; tfach er for the third grade, Miss Pattie Thome, of Airiie, Halifax county; Mess. John Gray, Albion Dunn and teacher for the second grade, Mies An- Harper Alexander have returned from uie Baker, of Palmyra : teacher for the Virginia Beach. first grade, Miss Mary Herbert Smith. ot Scotland Xeck. Superintendent Wilson feels sure that the corps of teachers will render good service to the school and feels hopeful that he will have the most prosperous year In the history of the school. He is making nlana for some Miss Sallie Baker, of Palmyra, spent Saturday night in town, the guest of Mies Helen Hilliard. Mrs. G. S. Xorflect and children, of n I pi ft rmn n - (tail Mirestoer i I h Has been on the Years and has NE AT market for VER BEN by Any Thresher yet. The Great Number of Satisfied Users is the Best Test of Superiority. Master vv line Priwoll nf fha mareed lmnrovempntu Neck church is one of the main sup- Orphanage, is visiting his sisters, Misses and no dobt the school and the town Dovle and Mildred Powell. ports of the orphanage, and that with out the help that goes from Scotland X'eck the work would not be near so great. Everybody heard Dr. Vann and Mr. Kesler with great delight and there was Mrs. Z. X. Leggett and children, of Washington, IN. C, are visiting the family of Mr. Marcellua Knight. Trof. L. W. Bagley, of Littleton, will realize efforts. much benefit from his Another New Building. general regret that Dr. J, D. Hufham, came Saturday and spent Sundav with who was to take a prominent part, was hia daughter, Mrs. G. T. Lumpkin. not present. There was a general ex pression amongst the Baptists and all i who attended the exercised that it was a good and delightful day. Splendid Musicale. ' Vinegar. jOood Old Country, Pure i i ppie ineft'ar W. T. Tvlek. WE HAVE again fete Line of Coffins. put in a Com M. Hoffman & Bro. V V'-"T A ITfiHiiF T Willie a I ...-. I'll. t T llllO Ok i().-t a bortlA Vr!r1av in o yafVior uliar manner. The horse bit some n and for a slash with the plow line rC'l tin and fp.ll hnpt roorl President Clark. Ji3 death nf finwrnnr Patll io, was a loss to the Union Central e Insurance Comnanv. for he. was the company, well fiiled by On Friday night, June 20, in the auditoriam at the graded school there was a fine musical entertainment given by the Ladies' Aid Society ot the Bap tist church and splendidly managed by Miss Margaret Shields. Following was the programme rendered : Piano boIo La Matinee Dussek the illness and death of little Claude Mrs. Will Hunter, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. R. L. Hardy, has returned to her home in Kinston". Mr. Leon Heilbroner, of Xew York, is here visiting his uncle, Mr. G. Hoff man, and his aunt, Mrs. Fannie Stern Hon. W. W. Kitchin, of Roxboro, came down Friday on account of the illness and death of little Claude Mc Dowell. Miss Eunice McDowell came Satur day frcm Murfreesboro on account of ldent of i 'ace is who has been treasurer of the Jnpany for many years, and Mr. E. P. rshall, who haa been secretary of company from its organization post, haa been made vice-president. iTbe company was fortunate in hav- such able men within its own ranks Stake these important places. "here is no better insurance compa- in this country ; and it leads in )d dividends to policy-holders. you would like a policy in this ndid company, let it be known at 1 oflice. , ' I E. E. Hilltaed, Agent. mart up-to-date women of to-day, r UU1V to naise, wash, siog and play. 11-. i. A 1 it - ' uwuu mess taients a wile is X.' G. sa she takes Rocky Mountain Tea, a. nueneaa fc Uo. Miss Helen Hilliard Vocal solo You Mustn't Pick Plums from my Plum Tree Miss Katherine Futrell. Piano solo 'Woodland Whispers Broungardt Miss Erma Lewter. Vocal solo Little Girl, You'll Do Miss Emily Biggs. Piano solo -(a) Butterfly Grieg, (b) Shadow Dance McDowell Miss Un dine Futrell. Reading Selected Miss Xonie Wil liford. Piano solo Witches' Dance Mc Dowell Miss Elizabeth Futrell. Piano solo Selected Miss Minnie Lewis. Vocal solo (a) Thou Art Like a However, j Lovely Flower, (b) DearieMiss Ruth Mr. J. R. ' Pone. 1 Piano sole Scherzo in B MiDor Chopin Miss Elizabeth Futrell. Vocal solo Why Don't You Try ? Miss Katherine Futrell. McDowell. Mrs. J. P. Wimberley returned Mon j v ngiuia jaeacn. one was accompanied by her sister, Miss Char- lotte Wimberley. Mrs. J. A. Spivey and her daughter, Miss Florrie, of Lewiston, have been on a visit here to Mrs. R. E. Hancock. Mrs. Spicey's sister. Mr. W. J.Applewhite, of Raleigh, came down Saturday to see his father, Mr. John T. Applewhite, who has been unwell for some days. Mess. W. A. Brantley and S. W. Mor risett went to Thomasville last. week to attend the annual meeting at the Baptist Orphange. Misses Lelia House and Olivia House who live some miles in the country have been on a visit here to their cousin, Miss Estelle House. Mr. and Mrs. .T. E. Bnwnra ralnm Piano Duet-Tustpiel-Misses Pope from Panacea gprir)g9 Snrines hnva henn unld onrl oroot 1. 'I'U a . .j . i x I " 725. The entertainment waa of a high order and reflected credit on all who participated. ( Miss Estelle House who had visited This report was iutended for last Hamilton returned a few days ago ac week's issue but by some inadvertence companied by, her friend, Miss Bessie provement will be naae before another season It was left out.--Editor For bloating, belching,sour stomach, bad breath malassimilation of food and all symptoms of Indigestion, Ring's Tablets are a prompt and efficient cor rective. Lawrence. They Tillery last week. spent a day in Mrs. L. B. Thigpen and little daugh ter, Virginia, of Chattanooga, Tenn., and Mrs. John Mayo, of Bethel, were E. T.Whitehead & Co., Scotland Xecic.i the guests of their brother, Mr. W. R. JUeg-gett'a urug btore, Hobgood. Cherry last week. Mr. J. P. Futrell has contracted with Mess. Cox & Stroud, of Ayden, to erect a new brick building on the site where the handsome Futrell building stood before the fire. The debris has been cleared away, additional excavations have been made, and work on the new building has commenced. The new building will be the same width as the old one and will be long er, but the exact dimensions we have not learned. A good force ot hands is at work and the building will be push ed to completion. Slight Sun-Stroke. Mr. Peyton Keel suffered a slight sun-stroke Tuesday. He was working on the Hoffman building and feeling very uncomfortable from the heat went down and to Mr. S. F. Dunn'a office across the street. Just aa he reached Mr. Dunn's office he fell and lost consciousness for a short while. He was taken home and was soon better He is cut now but feels the effect of the stroke. Vpjs seme cftho sweet things h life - -but dorft miss ! Cie yfeures cf a box cf E. T. White head & Co., Sales Agents Scotland Neck, N. C HOLLISTERC Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Iledioina for Easy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A sneciflc for Constipation. Inrtisestion. Live and KMney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure oil. Bad Breath. Sluecish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let, form. AS rontn hmr Menuinn madn hv Hollister Dbug Company, Mivlison, Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DeWitt's m Salvo For Piles Bums Sorea your Order aehine in Now and M ime. say, Wish Place get your if you wait you wi I Had Bought Sooner." Our Stock of Shelf Hardware is getting - 'j 911 ore Gacft E)aVj. YOUR PATRONASiE IS SOL-IOITErD. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, TJ3 13 Scotland Neck, V1 T-jI 11 Mi H4 IUH 'H I I PIIBl I I 1 I 1 1 IIP III I IIIMII I Willi m I P 11 1 1 WiW North Carolina. eacvtv Jo. Z I J J 9 I m 1 DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The $1.00 bottic contains 2 Mmes the trial 9(z. which e!!ifor SO cent. PRBfASCD ONLY AT THB LABORATORY OF 15- C DeWITT Sc COMPANY. CHICAGO. Xl&

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