7 ADVERTISING TC EUSiNESS WJIAT STEAM IS TO MAC HI XERY That Great Propelling Power. If You Are a Hustler YOU " ILL Advertise O I W Business .Send in Your Ad. Now. Commonwea: E. E.HIL.LIARD, Editor and Proprietor. EXCELSIOR" IS OUR MOTTO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 oo VOL. XXIII. New Series Vol. 10.--6-18 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1907. NUMBER 4. i I 1 5 i 4 Women a5 Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages andlescens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cnc.?rtulness soon C''oappe;ir when the kid neys are oat of ordei ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is net uncommon V N y. m. J forachild to be born y !:, V 'i afflicted with weak, kid- U VVVv-l;-- ne-vs- If the child urin for a child to be born ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upen it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made rr.is eab!e with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- f':. cent and one dollar Tips sizes. You may have a Ut''S sample bottle by mail gf ,rt. also pamphlet tell- JTonie of Swauip Root. ing all about it. including many of the housands of testimonial letters receired from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and 'rentier, this paper. D u't m ike any mistake, but re meti!3r the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's S .vamp-root, and the address Bioghamton, N. Y., on nverv bottle. TROFESSICttAL. O. F. SMITH, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Office Formerly Occupied by Dr. Hassell. w ILL II. JOSEY, GENERAL INSURANCE AND AC E N T, Scotland Neck, N. C. D R. J. P. WIMBERLE i , OFFICE BSICK HOTEL, SCOTLAND NECF. N. G. WA, & ALBION DUNN, I ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Scotland Neck, N. C. Practice wherever their services are required. J V. MIXON, Refracting Optician, Watch-Maker, Jeweler, Engraver Scotland Neck, N. C. D R. A. C. LIVERMON, Dentist. OFfiCE-Over New Whithead Building Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock ; 2 to 5 o'clock, p. m. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. J. McBryde Webb, ATTOHMIY AM) COUXSEL I.OR AT I. AW. il i'.--l? 1 ATLANTIC THtST UflLDIXG, NOltl-OI.K, VIKGIMA, Tlotary I'ul)lic. lioll Phone 374. E DWARD L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Mo ney Loaned on Farm Lands. DaY & Hftes Livery Buggies Harness W li i p s Robes Nnrth Rsipqlim WANTED :-by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant mana ger (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly ; expense, money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experi ence required,. Spare time valuable.. Write at once for lull particulars and enclose sel. '-addressed envelope Addrees GENERAL MANAGER, 134 E. Lake St., Chicago HOLLISTEr. - llecky fountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioina for Easy People. Eriiiga Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A sppoiflo for Constipation, In'lipeMion. T.ivfi nu l Kidney Troubles. 1'iinplnn. Etvcnn, Impure U'.i, Bud Breath, Kin .wish Howls, Headache n.l Backache. It'3 Rocky Mountain Tea in tab I 'i form, 35 cents u hox. (Jennino mude by I. blister Dkuq Company, Madison, TV'is GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DITOriS JEISURE JloUFS, I . OBSERVATIONS OF At the meeting of the Southern Cotton Association in Birmingham last week Mr. llarvie Jordau was re-elected president and accepted. The or M". Jordan Re-E'ected people of this gret section farmers, merchants, professional men and all ; for It is a means of saving millions of dollars annually to our people. Hit It will be hard for the United Stales Congress to make the people be lieve that the salaries of congressmen sh uld be raised from $5,000 to 7,500. Raising Sa'aiicS of Ct ngresmen. the time they are in actual service and with the privileges that they have for attending to their outside affairs it strikes the average citizen that congressmen are as well paid Lr services as most officials, and far better than some. When you can truthfully say of a ma 1 that his word is his bond, you have said much for him. To be sure, any one's solemn promise ought to be his bond, word means Ilia Word His Bond. to do, that ore hesitates to "pin his faith" to the promise of any one. And this is ihe source of much disappointment in many things. If every man's word were good as his bond the world would be far better and the good that there Is in people would be developed, men would have confl uence in each other and life would be very different lor most people. XX XX Here is what the Kansas City Journal thinks about vertical handwrit ing: "It is probable that by this time the man who invented vertical penmanship Vertical llaiulwi iting. has passed quires us to hope that he will not be overpunished, but a knowledge of his crim? compels the belief that he cannot be. The slow, characterless, un serviceable, impracticable method which has been impressed on millions of children, only to hamper them through life, must have been devised by a moat sinister and malevolent mind a mind which cannot be made duly repentant except by cruel and unusual punishment." XXit While much is being said about reducing passenger rales oa railroads, there is not so much said about more safety ia travel. We believe that Safety in Travel. wrecks. One can not feel safe on a railroad train when every paper he reads details wreck after wreck in which many lives are lost or serious in juries are the result. If we can have mire safety and a reduction in rates also, perhaps it would be well ; but if we can have only one we say let us have mere safety. It 6eems difficult fo place the responsibility for the various wrecks, but there is no question about the fact that people are be coming afraid to travel over roads on which there are so many wrecks. i x 4 : The following deserved tribute was paid General R E.Lee in the editorial columns of Collier's Weekly, of New York, in its last issue ; "A hundred ,, A .,, , years ago, on the 19th of this month, Robert E. Significant Tribute. Lee was born. America has had no nobler citi zen. All that is bel in the South, or in the country, seemed to centre in this grave, strong, devoted man. Before the war he was looked upon as the most brilliant officer in the army. He regretted the approaching conflict. Sadly he took his place in it. He stood throughout as a tower of strength, a centre of irspiration, and he lived his life afterward as a model of peace ful and self-respecting manhood. Som9 authorities think him the greart est general the war brought fourth ; some do not. Nobody can fail to see in him a mm in whom every part of our country must rejoice, of whom North end South should alike be proud. When a leader is so virtuous and so great he becomes a Leritage for every American in succeeding time, whether that American dwell one side the Potomac or the other. Lee to day is a glory to the understanding North, even as Lincoln is a glory to the undemanding South. They stand together as two figures, of heroic size, yet of perfect human nearness, side by side in the bitter working out of hlstorj ." I I I I The f irewall addresj of G3neral Robert E. Lee, issued to the Confederate army from Headquarters of the army of Northern Virginia, April 10, people of Lea's Farewell Address. arduou) service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming num bers and resources. I need not tell th3 survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, but, feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing th it could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continutioa of the contest, I have determined to avoid fie useless sacrifice or those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. By the the terms of agreement officers and men can return to their homes, and remain there until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithlully performed, and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you his blessing and protection. With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance ol your kind and geusruuj coa -.deration of myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell. (Signed) R. E. Lee, General." FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for eixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure" wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Sold by druggists in eyery part ol the world. Twenty -five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup. PASSING EVENTS. ganization has been a great benefit to the South and it deserves the hearty support of all the Such a bill has passed the House, but to the credit of North Uaroli na, it was stated that a'l our members present Voted against It. Fof but we find sd many people whose little more than they are compelled tor pupils In the public schools to his long punishment. Charity re the travelling public would prefer to pay the present fares and have more safeguards against 18G5, is interesting reading to the the South : "After four years of Nearly every person who ia subject to attacks from the stomach suffers frcm a morbid dread of a dietetic treat ment lor relief, that is three-fourths starvation, -and one-fourth toast and milk. On the other hand you can eat as you please and digest the food by the aid of a good digestant, thus giving the tired stomach equally as much rest. Eat what you please and take a little Kodol For Indigestion after your meals. It digests what you eat. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Turning Bacfc for the Want of Grit. Success Magaiine: Most lives are filled with half finished taks which were begun with enthu siasm, but which have been dropped because the enthusiastic beginners did not have grit enough to carry them to a conclusion. How easy it is to start a thing when the mind is aglow with &3al, before disappointment has dulled ambition ! It does not take mUeh abil ity to begin a thing, and we cannot e-timate a man by the number of thing? he commences. We do eoi judge him by his speed at the beginning of the race ; it is tbe home stretch that counts. The test of character Is in a man's abil ity to persist in what he undertakes until he adds the finishing stroke. He must have persistence aud grit enough to carry him under tbe line at the last heat. The ability to hold on is oue of the rarest of human virtues. There are plenty who will go with the crowd, and who will work hard so long as they can hear the music, but when the majority h ive dropped out, when oihern have turned back and a man fee's himself alone fighting lor a principle, it takes a vtry different order of ability to persist. This requires grit and stamina. L , ii u'at for Ihe period in your life when you are tempted to turn back ! There is the danger point, the decisive period. All the great things of history haye been accomplished after the great majority of men would have turned back. Nearly every invention which hss emancipated man from drudgfcfy and given him comfort and bo'ter' facilities, was made possible only by tbe man of superior giit and persistence. Not one man in ten thousand would have en dured the suffering, the deprivation, the heartrending poverty of an Elias H ve to make the sewing machine pos sible. The world owes nearly all its g:et things to those who have persist ed when others have give up. Look out for a man tvho i'ersists, who keeps right on when everybody else calls him a fool for not letting go ! It is pitiable to see a young man with robust health and good education wavering when an obstacle confronts him doubting whether he will go on or turn back. You may gain a certain amount of success without eiucationj without culture, and without brilliancy, but you cannot do much without stam ina, staying power and clear qrit. Grit hes always been more than a match for any handicap. The great achievers have ever substituted grit for good op portunity or lack of early advantages. More young rren have achieved suc cess in life with grit as capital than with money capital to start with. The whole history of achievement shows that grit has overcrrioe the direct pov erty it has been more than a match for lilelcng invalidism. Captain John Smith. London Outlook. Captain John Smith, from Willough- by in Lincolnshire, was the man to whom the success of the first English permanent cettlement in North Amer ica was directly due. Though only twenty-six when the expedition sailed with him on board, he had already en joyed uch a succession of thrilling c-x periences as was the lot of few men even in the adventurous age of Eiiza betb. At the age of sixteen be bad entered on a military career In France aud the Low Countries. In 1000 ho sought service against the Turks, who were then at the height of their power, and had only lately ceased to threa'en Vienna itself. On tbe way to the East be was thrown overboard as a Hugue not, and was rescued by a pirate, from whom his inexhaustible resourcelul uess enabled him to escape after a time. He then entered the Austrian service and soon signalized himselt by a series ol brilliant exploitj. One of these the defeat of three Turkish champion in single fight earned l.im his well-known coat-of-arms, "three lurke's beads la a shield," from Slgis muud Bathori, Prince of Transylvania La'er he was taken prisoner by the Turks, and owed his ercape to the in terest with which he inspired a Turk Lsh lady. "Whatever might happen," as Girdiner says, "he was always able to turn it to sccount. In the worst daggers he knew what was the right thing to be done." Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean tbe system, good for lazy livers, makes clear complexions, bright ees and happy thoughts. Sold by E. 1 Whitehead te Co , Scotland Neck, and Leggeti's Drug Store, Hobgood. Our enemies are our ontward con sciences. Shakespeare. "They like the taste as well as maple sugar" is what one mother wrote of Kennedy's Lixative Cough Syrup This morden couzh svruD is absolutely free fron any opiate narcotic. ConUine HoDey Tar. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. THE EYEBROWS. Scma Superstitions and Oil Beliefs Ccccsmirfi Thwn. London Glob';. NutwithManding their inconspicuotis nesf, the eyebrows have been the cen ter of a certain rmount of lore and even superstition. But the chief point at which tuperrtitlon or folklore if found In this connection Is in those oases, not infrequent where the eye brows ti:Glr(. Everywhere this maetiDg of tbe brows has bten held to be omi nous in one way or another. In some cf our southern counties folks say that it is gor-d to have such brows, f;-i- the p?Eef?S:r will never have Irciiib'e) but this is a rare Inter pretation. As a rule, the meeting brows re held to Le of tiri! omen. Rerders of Charles Kingsley's "Two Years Ag ." will remember Mrs Har vey's fac5, which had b3on handiomp and wrs ttiil cl&vefj "but the eye brow?," c;!illnues Kinsley, "Cr'USued together downwaii iib -vo her n se at, d, rising Ligh at the ou'er c-rcerp, indieaV d Finely as tbe res'.Uss d)wudf ejfi il Character feif con scious, fu;Uve, capable of great Incon sistencies, po.-bibly o! great deceits." In the Icelandic S;ig-:S a man wiih meeting eyebrows is e-jid to be one of the dreadful creatiirSs fcilovrn as were wolves, find the same belief ii is beeh traced In Denmark and Germany ; while In Greece, says Mr. Bering Gtjuld, they are a sign tht a man is a vatapire. In horror there Is Itttlo to choose between t3mpires and were wolves. A fanciful reasofi which bus been given for thesfl fcuperetifio'iis is that the meeting bros resemble a but ter fly, "the familiar type of a soul ready to 1y off and enler gome other body." This seeriis tr.'y far fetched. In Hungary gypsy wc men ai- J whose eyebrows grow together are fu poscd to have In ppecinl degree tLe powet at enchautmeint, and rs Illiterate folk have a great dread ot such mys terious powers, especially as they tray be tuppoefed to be directed against li e well being cr happiness ol their child ren, It need hard'y be said that n man whoso brows meet !s not a popular pera nr. iLven now there are pari 01 England where a belief in witcLcra!t s'ill linger., and not so very long sgo in Northumberland there were people who regarded a person whose eyebrows met as a witch or waf.'cclt. In the north of Aberdeenshire, ac cording to tbe late Rev. Walter Gregor, who was a very competent authority on Scottish lore and customs, a "closebroot man"- 1h.1t 1?, cue vho?o eyebrowe meet was regarded as being Immoral. Elsewhere in Scotland one with "close brocs" was regarded as unlucky to be met 88 "firtt fit," while other folk went n good deal further and regarded the unlucky possessor .f "c.'ovs broos" as one foredocmed to be bangfd. Food d 'n't digest ? Because stt.m.ich lacks some one of the essential digesi aiitH or the digestive juices are not pro perly b -danced Than, too, It is this un digested food that causes soUrnfifS and DMinful indigestion, koiil lor l'ldi- grsti;n should be used for relief Kodol is a solution of vegetable aaid. It di gests what )Oii eat, and corrects th? de ficiencies of Ihe digestion. Ivodol con forms to the National Pure F.md and Drug Law. Sold here by E. T. White head A. Co. IU 1 m "So yon have disml -ed your fir tune teller?" "Yes," answered the Czar. "Have you ceased to worry about the future?" I'm so busy dodg ing the present that 1 don't have time to think about the future Washing ton Star. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's Laxative Cough Svrup in variably indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so plasant. Contains Honev and Tar. it is the Original Laxative Congh Syrup and is unrival ed for the relief ot croup. D.ives the cold out through the bowe's Conform? to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Yes, Miss Roxley is mad. There was a certain puppy with a great pedi gree that she wanted her father to buy for her, but be wouldn't do It. "What was It a French count or a Cerman baron?" Catholic Standard and Times. "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our Pine Foreets ustd for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days $1.00. Guaranteed to give eatis fact'on or money refunded Gat our guarantee coupon from E. T. White head & Co., Scotland Neck, and Leg gett's Drug Store, Hobgood. By three things we learn men; love play and wine. From the German. Possesses wonderful medicinal power iiver the human body, removing all disorders Irom your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you wel', keeps you well 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. T Whitehead & Co. Checks For Papering Of fie 3 Kansas City LUr. , 1 "N i, Sir, I'm no tile worker ; you'd batter tend up to oue of the rnof.de shops." Th it 'e what a paner htnger fail io a member of the Stoller Commission Company about three je:rs ago when the fim made known lis purpose to paper the walls of its flies with can celed checks. The checks weri the ac cumulation of ever.l jcrs. The idea ol using them lor wall puper in fanci ful designs was n whim I hat became a determination later on. The third p:iper hanger that answer ed the call agreed to Co ihe work. At.d ha did it artistically. The check- were all of one form and were put ou the walla in panels with gilt ir.ou'dings ; arouud the edei. There is no chtck .in the walls that represents less than j 151,000 Ouo is made cut for !f;50,(;U0 The total amount of monov reiiieent-! ouni oi money represent- n i $8,000.00a In anoth- was dest-rated in iLi. wv I ed in one room or rtom that is a s;r:a!l panel of about forty cLe.ks that represent a quarter l-1 a mi.'ln-n of d 1'ars. The checks arj so much a'ikc and are matched so tv.erily upon the walls that tLc extraordinary design is not nitittd upo'n lirl euteiing the room. The panels look as if papered with or dinary wall paper of an oblong pat tern, On every check appears the 'g nature of frank 1 Stoller, oue of the firm. "I never thought," bo FaiJ,"of how much money 1 had signed nvav until I had the walls papered with was drawn to pay fur the fi.gt ship load of cattle that wo eh'ppsl to Cuba after the war." More than 2,0CO checks were used iu ,, nering one of the rooms. THE RIGHT Z.iur. Mr A liquet these checks. Some of Ihcsa checks &gfe,u.,, . fyWr'-a tell etorles. Here's oue that whs given S'5W to Kirk Armour lor tne lan buncb ot n 8 1 1 .IS $ K A cattle that he produced on his farm jdj, fMJil at Waldo, Mo , and this ovi for if 12 0L0 t'nuch r'inTrMit const! ;wUBt Sherti, tho lopular.'g I . 1 U.o poor, :.t F.rt Madison, Jtitlp XiSii : "Dr KinxV New Life Pills! b o velvet? i la , eays : IT r-.injt are rightly imned ; they aot more! agreeably, do more good and m ike on j feel better than auy othr laxative.", (in irauteed to cure hiboiisms. anil cona'ipation. 25c at E. T. WhiteLeal & Co.' drug store. Elderly ftpiubte; M , I ought to have married ; that's where I made tho mi.sfako. Friend And I married, and that's whet? I d- tbo mistake. Magenl orfer Bla'ter. MarZ in P;Io Remedy put up in con venient, colIapsib!o tubes with nozzle attachment so th it the remely mav Le applied at the very eeat ol the trouble, i liu relieving almost instantly Meed lnjr, itchlrg or protruding piles. Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. SoM by E. T. Whitehead k Co , Scotland Neck, and Lggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. Mrs. Strong What did you sy, dear? when he asked you your ace? M'uh Sharo I told him tbe truth. Mrs Strong You did Really? Miss Sharp Yes, I told him it was none of h!s business. Boston Tranrcrpt. Pine Salve Carblized ncls l.kfi a poultice ; highly aniiceptic, extensive ly used for eczema, for chapped banc's and lip, cut, burns. Sold by E. T Whitehead A. Co , Scotland Neck, aud Leg-jett's Drug Store, Hobgood. "It was brave of you to tackle that burglar the way you did. Where did you gel the nerve?" "Oh, that was easy. Yi,u pee, that rrjoriiimr I hrd discharged the cook." B.liimore American. That's the house tha Doctor built, The biggest houie you see ; Thank gooduess he don't get our money, For we take Hollister s Rocky Moun tain Tea. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Bones Why are vou cradling un der the machine? There's nothing the matter with it. Jones I know but there comes Brown. If he fees me with this auto he'll f xp-ct mo to pay him the money I owe him. Detroit Fn-Pi Fres. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup ctn taming Honey and Tar is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, co rforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Dru Law, June yu, I DOG. For Croup, Whoopine Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Si Id by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, and L?ggett's Drug More, Hob good. Goodness does not consist in great ness, but greatness in goodness. Athe naeus. Your money refunded if after using three-fourths (J) of a tube of ManZan you are dissatisfied. Return the lal anc3 ol th9 tuba to your drusgtst r.d your money will be cheerfully return ed. Take advantage of this tfL-r. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co , Scotland Neck, and Leggett's Drug Store, Hobgood. Iror that Dandruff MjnHiUMwaim ii ma ii iHMiirTfar uratag There is one thing that will g cure it Aycr's Hair Vigor, ft It is a regular sc?.!j)-medicine. j It atiicklv rlr'.trnv the corms M j t, which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp hcccnr;s healthy. The dandruh' disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a ihc:1! deal j! to you healthy hair, v,o dan- i drui?,no pimples, no crupsions. Tho be "SoU for cvr-. A flvlo by .1. C. a Amy n k n..-r icy . ?r , r..i! ;1. . la. t. k. h )A 1 M 0 3 ; ;: :v r-ECIOKAt. iucu.ix:.-.i s-or- Bats ll:e liow ls. )... r. l.axaii . J J.ur.i.y mi lar luuvss lUc Lowe! j cut.. t J oj'ialev Hold by K. T. Wliih-IuM'l Sc Co. Scotland Z7cck, and Lcyett: drugstore, llo'.oud. Kltclion On AmM-ic;m raid Kurupeaii I'liui. Established 1890. A nice Iio;ist IitM'f Diunor lor 25c. JmsIi, Oyslois ;nnl Cr.ilts ill SOMSOl!. Wo also vi a few nicol;.' fiirnirslu'! rooms ;'; oitvp.M t rons. ?,n Main Street, KorfolK, Ya. excelsior n n .-eamiauRsni T Best of Work Guaranteed. GEO. W. DUNN, Proprietor, Delfield-Cmporia, Va. J. H. ALEXANDER, Jr., Agent at Scotland Neck, U. C. r i -1 5 -1 f rnr r To sufferers from Kid r li lE iuy, Liver and .".lad der troubles! Other manufac turers say "buy a bottle and if it doesn't cure w will refund your money Wo s.iv "tak( a full -1 size FliKK bottle of UVA SOI, and if it benefits you, then use LTV A SOL until cured." This advertisement entitles you to a bottle of UVA SOL at E. T. Whithehead T Co.'s, Scot land Ned;, N. t. Only limited number of bot tles giVen away. Don't miss this opportunity to test jjyg Jgj ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified ns the administrator upon the estate c f David Clark, derea-pd lafeof Halifax county, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims Hgalnst said estate to present them to rr. on rr before January y, YX"6, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their re'eovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate settlement with me. A. (J. Wilcox, Administrate r. Brinkley ville N. C, January a, 1C07. MU-Ot i 51 Colds. Cro-P. .j&$&:J Count.. tC ;tU fa h -BUlkK W faSSSl !"''" fe;?aa5