One of The Best Assurances for The Future of the young man is a well cared for bank account. The amount of the balance to his credit is net so material as the habits of thrift and economy which he learns and the regu larity of his deposits. Even if he cannot spare but a few dollars he deposits what he has in the bank, keeps his ac count growing, doesn't fool his surplus away doubtful pleasure. His cumulations will soon place him in a position to look for a small investment. Haven't you a dollar or two you can spare? Why not start on the road that leads to future prosperity? THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK Scotland Neck, N. C. MRS. MATTIE ANTHONY. on some ac- Becember 25, 1850 February 21, 1907 On the evening of February 21st, , Mrs. Mattie Anthony passed from I the scenes of earth to heaven's eter : mil health and never withering llow ; era. For many months she had been a great sufferer and death was a gracious deliverance for her. Born on the 25th of December, 1850, she was heaven's Christmas ; gift to one of North Carolina's royal homes in the days of Southern chiv alry and glory. And always she has kept heaven's brightness in the home she graced. j In her early girlhood she gave her ! heart to God and united with the 1 Scotland Neck Baptist church, being ! one of the charter members. And ! through all the years of trial and ! struggle she was one of the unfalter i ing and faithful. Her motto was to i serve her Lord anywhere, every where and in every way possible, i Her life, so sweet, so gentle, so faith , ful, so hopeful and so saintly, was a i constant inspiration to her pastor, to j her brethren and sisters, to every j one. Her faith was as simple 1 and unwavering as that of a little ( child, and her modest and unassum ! ing co-operation in the work was a power none can measure. Her trained mind and loving heart so full of the precious truths of God's Book were the reservoir where flowed many a gracious stream of PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks. Y, li FC1IAK;K. AP.oYK IS that ;oi:s P.l'lIN STK Ki ll I K WITH vxu: ya;ox. Josky IlmvE. 2-1 Mf Free. Send 12 names and addresses of of leaders and Sunday-school Super intendents and we will send you a copy of our new song book for 1907 "'Windows of Heaven," No. 5. J. B. Vaughan. Athens, Ga. Big stock of Shirts and Overalls. J. D. Ray & Co. Don't Forget! ( vcrvtliin; I'Tolilptlv. JJi'otcr' cellar h filled with to out. Delivered wi: will miiy ii r;i i CiHI t. lie tin' J.eforr- on XI) your money le" doe.-! not prove Vi,l';6ish that vim used tloors or iuvniture. .Tosky IIpwe. Co. Nice assortment Seeds, Onion Set: eed rotatoes Rays. of New Garden ; and Red Bliss J. D. Ray & Co. . THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK ! ! wea ,adden the sad to encour- : age me disconsolate ana to point sm ; ners to the Lamb of God. At the mission school she had a ; class and how she reveled in the joy : of telling the little ones of the love ( of Christ. Ah, they loved to hear 1 her tell it. It was her own heart's (Jl'AUANTKK We will replace any i experience. Yes, we shall miss her l.roken steel iixle, no matter what the bright, hopeful, prayerful presence, lead mijjit weijdi or what the eireuin- j so refreshing to her pastor, so help stances under wliieh it broke, FREE ful to the work, so attractive to the .' scholars, so inspiring to us all. We (il'AUANTEF. ; would grieve when we see the vacant EVEMY AC- place, but we must not be selfish. In the Sunday-school of heaven she is so much happier. Her life has not been without its shadows and its tears. She had her sorrows and nights of gloom. But there never came an hour of trial when God was not with His child and whprf slip emilrl Tint sav "T Ipft it all Sent! you a : with Tpciia Inner arret " SnmpVinw : these shadows left a brighter sky ! yind t he storms left her more firmly ' Upon the Rock. She was married to Captain W. II. ; Anthony February 22, 1871, and bore 1 to him two sons and one daughter. About two and a half years ago con i sumption laid its bony hand upon nor companion and brought him to the grave. For many months he lingered the helpless victim of the monster disease, and with a wife's ' holiest devotion she kept vigil by his bedside. It was beautiful to behold ; that devotion. But while she was sweetening his closing days, that ! same disease was threatening the ! vitals of her life, and when he was ! gone made haste to bring her to the ! end. For more than a year her ; friends realized that she was the vic- tim of the terrible disease and watched with sadness the approach ing end. Loved ones vied with each 1 other in their efforts to gladden the j few days yet left to her. And these proved to be the most beautiful and triumphant hours of her life. There was no murmur, no fear, no despondence, just waiting , waiting for a summons she knew 1 would come, waiting for the tri : umphant entrance, waiting for the I unspeakable deliverance. It did one ; good to hear her talk of heaven and ; of eternal rest. She had gotten : glimpses of glory. She passed away like the flight of the bird gone to a i better land. i Ah yes, we live in unsounded mys ! tery. We wonder why the rainbow j spans the clouds with passing beauty I and is no more; we wonder why the I flowers bloom and gladden but to ! fade; we wonder why the stars, so j radiant and beautiful must cease to j shine; we wonder why the pleasing I forms of dearest loved ones are ; presented to us for so brief a season ; and then are taken away leaving our j affections to waste themselves over vacant chairs and treasured relics. Yes, we wonder why this, our sister, so good, so kind, so helpful, so heav enly was taken away, when we need her so much. Ah, the parting teaches us a prec ious truth, we are born for a higher destiny. The rainbow never fades around the throne of God and in the Paradise above there are no wither ing flowers. Stars will twinkle in endless beauty up there, and our loved ones, passing away like dew drops will remain with us for ever. We are heaven-bound and s'ster Anthony is not dead but gone before. She left four brothers three sisters, two sons, one daughter and a host of loved ones and kindred. May they .catch her spirit, love her Lord and meet her on the other shore. On the eveninjr of the 22nd she was laid to rest in the Baptist tery. A large concourse oi mends bowed their head and wept while her Mr. S. B. Kitchin returned Mon day from a trip to Norfolk. Mrs. Loula Cooke spent Sunday in Tarboro visiting relatives. Miss Effie Worsley, of Oak City, is visiting sister, Mrs. G. C. Weeks, this week. Mrs. Jesse B. Brewer, of Pulaski, Va., is here on a visit to Mrs. R. C. Josey. Mr. Robert Gray, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here on a visit to his mother. Mr. S. W. Morrisett has returned from his trip to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Mrs. C. F. Burroughs and little son Danford, returned some days ago from Ayden. Miss Bessie Lawrence, of Hamil ton, has been on a visit here this week to Miss Estelle House. Mrs. J. D. Biggs, of Williamston, vas here some days ago on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Kate Dunn. The many friends, of Mrs. J. S. Bowers will be pleased to learn that she is much improved under her treatment in Philadelphia, and will be able to come home in a few days. New Store Opened. W. T. Han cock Co. have opened their new stort on the corner of Main and Twelfth strets, just in front of the "Brick Mill." The store building is one of the neatest finishes in town, es pecially on the inside, and they are filling it up with new and attractive goods. The Round Table Club. Edwards & Company. Or.3 Car Load Fence Wire arj'.i Gar ?in and Poultry Wire, all weights, a' hoi.totn prices. One Car Load Corn, Iloinirty and Seed Oats. One Car Guano for Tobacco Bad.- and Garde n.. One Car Loid Finn: One Car Lnad Fun. Two G;od Mules Hore tor siie on e e;y and Meal I '.me an d One terms. Good A! I V Dresi G 'tnter Cinth-ioj:, C!iakp, wooler odi, flits. C.'iis. Gioves, T-JutiS Druacta and Matti;)?;-" at speeitlly re d'jesJ prices. New lir:3 ill H.unbur and Lace Hi! widths, at low?bt jtIcc-s. FdWA!;DS & Co. IT IS MA DI- !i;i''y mixi'i! i.-t loiv-C the S old I.V (if proper material, is will spread well and lerw in-Williams Paint. .Ioskv IlmvE. Co. 2-14-tf "FLOOllALAC" is the "Lac" that does the work satisfactorily. Try it on your floor, on your dressing ease, on your chairs, or any other furniture that needs repainting, it is guaranteed not to scratch. Josey Howe. Co. 2-1 1-tf .Id l.y Corbys Loaf Bread. Corby's Washington Bread all the time. Fox River Butter. W. T. Tyler. WE WILL REFUND your money che rl'u'.lv if "Fioora'ac" does not prove to be the b: used lie fore 'Sl on varnish that you have floor or furniture. Josky Hdwe. Co 14-tf Reported to The Commonwealtn. At the home of Mrs. E. E. Hilliard, on Saturday afternoon, February the twenty third, the members of the Round Table Club assembled. Miss Leach was our genial hostess. Having begun the study of Shakes peare at our previous meeting, The Merchant of Venice claimed our at tention at this time. Very instructive arid entertaining was Mrs. W. R. Bond's paper, "The Classification and Construction of 'Merchant of Venice'," and the "Character Sketch of Portia," read by Miss Mary Herbert Smith, was received with eager interest by all. Our president, Miss Addie Smith, called upon all members of the club for quotations from "Merchant of Venice." A committee was appointed by the president, consisting of Mrs. G. S. White, Miss Annie Baker and Mrs. A. C. Livermon, to suggest a course of study for thefollowing year, and report same at the next meeting. The invited guests present were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hilliard, Mrs. J. H. Lawrence, Mrs. G. T. Lumpkin, Miss Alice Ferrell, Mrs. J. B. Brew er, oi ruiaski, va.. ana Mrs. Anthony Beck, of Wilmington, Dele-ware. Choice dainties were served Then came the hour for the adjourn ment of this pleasant body which had Mixed reason with pleasure, and wisdom with mirth." Letter to W. H. While Scotland Neck, X. C. Dear Sir: We asked City Drug Co., Crystal Springs, Miss., to sell Devoe. They wanted to know, of their own knowledge, how it compared with another paint they knew all about it was sold right there, and consider ed good. They painted the house of W. is. McCluney two coats on purpose to test the two paints against one-an-other; one coat Devoe 6 gallons; the other coat that other paint 10 gal lons. Difference $20; $7 for paint, $13 for labor. That other paint is made in New Orleans; is pure; is considered an excellentaint, and has"a gooddeal of local goodwill. But the standard of pamt has been low all through the southwest. That paint is thin; it is; you see, six-tenths of a paint. Devoe saves $20 over it on half a small job. It is a case of local best compared with actual best. 15 Yours truly F. W. DEVOE & CO. E. T. Whitehead & Co. sell our paint. Relatives Here. i)i:X IiHEl) and O -ts for !V. J. I). T?.y & Co. Tin-: uicii'i (lll.-l ilt it Y. UlU QFALTTV, the right "!: w"I a long time. hatistact ion guaranteed n you usebher-win-Williams paint. Josky Jimr;:. Co. 12-1 ! -tf pastor conducted the funeral services an 1 iovmr hearts sang Abide wan G. T- Lumpkin. sale by. : Ii:-," Chickens for J. D. TlY. & Co. GUARANTEE Wo wi broken steel u :.', no in it 1 -ad might wei.r'i or stances under wide! u replace any eharire. Above is the tnnv; 'goes with ever-v Auburn 4e r v.-'nat the vv!iHt the ci'vuni it broke, free of nteo that axle wag- : on. Josey Hdwe 14-tf Co. j. If you watch for the items on Ar p go Red Salmon, you will find some very interesting things about Alaska i and the Salmon industry of which very little is known in this country. l"Argo" is a household word where ver shis Salmon has been introduced. The Judge Uses Forceful Language. Judge W.B. Simmons of Fincastle, Va., told the reporter that L. & M Pamt was used on his residence in 1882. and held its color well for 21 years; he furthermore said that 3 vears aaro he was i ad i ?e "i to use an other paint and is sui-ry did, be cause the other pamt aidn.t make e-ood. The Judge will now always use L.&M. because he knows if any defect exists in L.&M. Paint the house will be reDamted for nothing. The L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M Paint w-ear like iron for 10 to 15 vears. Actual cost of L. & M, about $1.20 per gallon. Donations of L. & M. made to chu rches. Sold bv E. T. Whitehead & Co Scotland Neck N. C. Faithful Sunday-School Scholars. Something out of the ordinary oc curred in the Scotland Neck Baptist Sunday-school last Sunday. That Sunday-school gives prizes for per fect attendance for one year and for five years, and last Sunday assistant superintendent C. J. Shields deliver ed five year prizes to the following scholars: Masters Billie Gray, Biggs Bryan, Herman Bryan, Charlie Josey and Miss Mattie Josey. This means that for five years these scholars have been faithful to attend Sunday school every Sunday, through heat and cold, rain and snow, permitting nothing to hinder them. The prize awarded was a handsome little gold medal. Also Miss Bettie Bryant received a medal awarded her for bringing in the largest number of new schol ars last year. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. We', the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Waldixg, Kinnax & Marvix. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood uid mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill for constipa tion Freight Wreck at Madry's Siding. Tuesday night at 6 o'clock freight train No. 304, north bound, was bad- y wrecked at D. A. Madry's siding two miles south of Scotland Neck. Some of the brake fixtures drop ped at the switch and this threw the tram from the track, but not off the cross ties, the engine ana three cars cut up the track for three hun dred yards and one car was turned over. Conductor Stephenson and engineer Delaney were in charge c f the train. The casualties were lighti colored woman passenger had a slight ankle sprain and a brakeman was a little shaken up. A crew of hands worked all night to clear the track. ManZan Pile Remedy put up n convenient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding )iles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunaeci. ooia by 2. T. Whitehead & Co., Scot and Neck, Leggett Drug Co., Iobgood. Will Meet Next Monday. There will be a meeting of the Ialifax county branch of the South ern cotton Association in Jrianiax Monday, March 4. The executive com mitteemen and the collectors from each township are especially request ed to be present. It is desired also that as many other members of the Association as can do so will attend this meeting. E. E. Hilliard, Pres. Halifax Co. S. C. A. It's a good old world after all; If you have no friends or money, Tn the river you can fall ; Carriages are quite common and, More people there would be, Provided vou take Itockv Mountain Tea. " E. T. Whitehead & Co. ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO Death of Mrs. Wright. Mr. Jas. G. Darden, who went from Williamston twenty years ago and whose career is briefly given on the first page of this issue, is cousin to Mr. J. H. Darden of Spring Hill. The career of a man who has become a millionaire by his own energies in twenty years is interesting to all the people of his native community. Mrs. Wright was taken ill at her daughter's, Mrs. Dr. K. Leggett, in Hobgood Wednesday night Feb. 20, and died next morning at 5 o'clock : Her remains were interred in the Methodist cemetery at Hobgood at 4 o'clock Thursday 21st. Every grocery store should carry Argo Red Salmon. If the salesmen have not yet called on you, drop a card to the Alaska Packers Associa tion, Richmond, Va., where our temorary advertising offices are lo cated. Mr. Wommack Sells to Mr. Harreli. Monday Mr. S. T. Wommack sold his stock of groceries to Mr. W. L. Harrell, who will continue the busi at the same stand. Mr. Harrell says the goods must be sold in a hurry, Girlhood and Scott9 s Emulsion are linked together. The girl who takes Scott's Emul sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is plump, active and energetic The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1 .OO. For Twenty-one Years Bpmaiiiza, Orinoco a -Farmer's TRADE MARK REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. oee have been the standard Cotton and Tobacco guanos in the South because great care is used in the selection of materials. Ask your dealer for Royster's goods and don't take substitutes said to be just as good. See that the trade-mark is on every bag. J Save Your Stock and Poultry by Using IE These Remedies are guaranteed to be just as represented or your money will he refunded. POULTRY FOOD We have the Stock Food WORM POWDERS I 25c. in 25 pound pails and 25 and 50c. j Packages. 50c. packages. Packages. j Lice Killer for Chickens Lice Killer for Stock j 25c. Packages. 50c. and $ 1 .00 Packages. I nROM now until April 1 st we are giving away Free of Cost to each purchaser of one pail of Prussian Stock Food a dol lar's worth of Prussian Remedies. This offer will positively be withdrawn after April 1st. JCall on us or write for a book that tells you all about these Wonderful Remedies. The Prussian Remedy for the interior and a set of our Fine Buggy Harness for the exterior is good enough for the best horse in the land. Hardy "THE HARDVARE HUSTLERS," Scotland Neck, IUl ,W.IMWiLo. as Scotland Neck, N. C.