- The Bridge That Spans the Gulf between "Just-getting-along" and "A-competence" is old and time worn but, unlike our modern bridges, grows strong er with age. The road that leads direct- ly to and across this bridge is well known and is made by : i- f iL r me juinuju ui me pains 01 Thrift, Economy, Foresight, Accumulation and Investment. If you are traveling any of these paths (even if you are out on the main road) there are many reasons why you should identify yourself with a good, j strong, conservative bank, an i institution that is able to assist i you when you come to the rough places in the road. J Come in and let us tell you other reasons why you should have an account with us. J The Scotland Neck Bank, Scolland Neck, N. C. i Special Announcements. New Cut Herring's at J. D. Ray & Co's. ,v There is nothing nicer packed than iAvo Red Salmon, and yet the price te within the reach of all. ; Climax Powder for Chickens, a fsure cure for g-aues. e J. I). Ray & Co. , Edwards & Co. 'i : Just received this week. 't One car load corn. One " " Haw " j One " " Flour i 50 Bags Rice Meal. 50 " Mill Feed. All at Rock bottom prices Edwards & Co. !A. N. DUBOIS, ,:lr. . i ConsulTing Analytical I Chemist, 7 Office and Laboratory, No. I Grace 'Corner Nut? Streets, Wilmington, I N. C. -4 Analysis of Wine, Mineral and r. esh Waters, Canned Goods, Milk, ?. Cream, Butter, Beverages, Liquors, ? Spirits, Oils, Earth, Fertilizers, 1 Chemicals, Colors and Mineral Ores. i Particular attention given to Ex- "a i amination and Analysis of Urine, for s the Detection of Kidney and Bladder - Diseases. Consultation, either by . mail or by calling, is free. Charges I reasonable. 5-9-tf 'I - I Jamestown Exposition. -4- -. I 'ales from Setolland Neck as fol J i aw: i Season Ticket $4.50 sold daily Ap ,s ril I'Jth to November 30th. 1 Sixiy Day Ticket $3. SO sold daily Aprii l'th to November 30th. J Ten Day Ticket $3.40 sold daily April 19th to November 30th. ;; Coach Excursion $2.40 sold each ? Tuesday; limit 7 days. Endorsed: j? "Not Good in Parlor or Sleeping Cars." ;' Through Pullman Sleeping Cars from Port Tampa and Jacksonville, - Florida, Atlanta and Augusta, Geor- jvla. Wilmington, North Cai-olina, I via Atlantic Coast Line Railroad I Com CANY. Write for a beautiful illustrated r folder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of hotels, etc. For reservations or any informa s tion address I W. J. Craig, Pass. Traffic Mgr. T. C White, Gen. Pass. Agt. 4-:.'5-tf Wilmington, N. C J. L 0'QUINN & The Leading Florists of North Carolina. Our specialty is Kosch, Carnations, ami Violets. aM Cut Flowers in season, Wedilinjr Bouquets, Floral )c.igns, Arranged in the Best Style at Short Notice. Palms, Ferns, and IMooniing Pot Plants for the house, P.edding Plants, Kosr-Pushes, Shrubberies, Evergreens, Heil-ie Plants, Shade Trees and Vege table Plants in season. Mail, Telegraph, and Telephone or ders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN & CO., Raleigh, N. C. Telephone No. 149. jFCut Bit Out" If says many a doctor to his li I says many a doctor to his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medi cine that will cure female troubles except the sur geon's knife. That such A medicine exists, however, is proved by thousands of cures made by Cures Womb Disease It has saved the lives of many weak, sick women and rescued oth ers from a lifetime of chronic sick ness. It will cure you if you will only give it a chance, try ft. Sold by all druggists and deal ers in Si. 00 bottles. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. " I wore a supporter for four years, to keep up my womb,' writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Alaonsville, N. Y. "My doctor said no medicine would help me. After taking Cardui I gave up my sup porter and am now well." Ashby B. Pyle. See in another column this advertisement. This will interest the ladies and we com mend the advertisers to all who need work in their line. A. N. Dubois Special attention is called to the advertisement of this able chemist, of Wilmington. He is well known to a number of Scot land Neck citizens, and has spent considerable time here in his profes sional work for the knitting mills. Any work in his line will be given prompt and thorough attention. Closing of Colored Graded School The colored graded school, under the principalship of Thos. Shields, closed last Friday night, May 10th. The exercises consisted of songs and recitations by the pupils, which did credit to the work of the teachers. The main feature of the exercises was an address by Prof. P. W. Moore, principal of the colored Normal School at Elizabeth City. The ad dress was carefully prepared and was well delivered. It dealt with the necessity proper and safe leaders for the colored race, and was rich in suggestions along that line. Purity of life, faithfulness to obligations and conscientious discharge of duty, wore some of the main features dwelt upon in the address. It was timely and will doubtless be fruitful or good. Such noble ideas as were held up in the address should be inspiring to any people, and the people to whom they were presented in Scotland Neck will surely profit by them. Panama Canal Erie Canal. Machinery is digging the Panama Canal a thousand times quicker than the shovel dug the Erie. Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint at 50 times less cost for labor, than if made by hand. The L. & M. gives the best job in the world, because L. & M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron tor 10 to 15 years. It only requires 4 gallons of this celebrated paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at 60 cts per gallon, to paint a moderate size house. If any defect exists in L. & M. Paint, will repaint house for noth ing. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. People often ask what is a good brand of Salmon. "Argo Red Sal mon" is the best possible answer. fv'aw Bank Organized. The stockholders of the Planters and Commercial Bank held a meet ing Monday and orginized by elect ing Hon. Claude Kitchin, President; N. L. Stedman, Vice-President, and O. J. Moore, Cashier. The directors are: Claude Kitchin, O. J. Moore, N. L. Stedman, Sam Dunn, R. E. Roberson, O. K. Tay lor, C. Speed. Their handsome new building is nearly completed and it has been de cided to open the bank for business J about'the first of June. Rickets. Simply the visible sign ef are not forming rapidly Lack of nourishment CARD Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby's entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. Exactly what baby needs. ALL DRUGGISTS: SOc. AND $1.00 Jurors for June Term of Halifax Su perior Court. The County Commissioners in ses sion last week drew the following names for Jurors for the June ses sion of Halifax County Superoir Court: FIRST WEEK. J. R. Dickens, E. Clark, J. D Hawkins, C. F. Burrough, W. H Anthony, G. S. Cullorn, Levi Ed mundson, D. R. Anderson, S. F. Vick, F. F. Whitley, J. D. White, W. W Pope, J. N. Phelps, J. K. Stephenson J. D. Strickland, J. B. Burgess, J H. Stallings, R. J. Staton, Bennie Moore, B. V. Butts, T. D. Lawrence, Fred Edwards, W. H. Peper, F. W Pittman, W. T. Allen, George A, Stephenson; J-, D. Daniel, J. B. Bell, Richard Bell, J. P. Vincent, J. T, Johnson, R. G. Manning, B. E. Brad ley, D. M. Campbell, W. P. Three witts, J. S. Hedgepeth. SECOND WEEK. W. G. Holiiday, J. H. Osborne, Thos. Sexton, J. C. Anderson, G. W Harper, J. S. Vick, Randall Jarrett, P. H. Coghill, W. L. Wiggins, J. H Collins, O. E. Glasgow, Frank Arm strong, E. B Allsbrook, John T. Tur ner, E. E. Bowers, Dr. J. E. Shields. Governor Glenn Next Tuesday. Governor Glenn will deliver the address at the closing of the graded school here next Tuesday. The address will be at 11 o'clock, a. m. It is not known at this writ ing where tho place of meeting will be, but a committee of the board of trusteess of the school will arrange for it. The entire town and community will welcome Governor Glenn and if the day is favorable a large audience will greet him. Superintendent Wilson has been fortunate in securing Governor Glenn for the occasion, and he will ask the merchants to close their stores at the hour of speaking, as they did on memorial day, so that all may have an opportunity to hear him. There has been some inquiry as to the hour when Governor Glenn will speak, and so particular emphasis is given that it will be at 11 o'clock a. m. Let as many as possibly can avail themselves of this opportunity to hear Governor Glenn. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one w ay to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of t he mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in ilnmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caus ed by Catarrh, which is nothing but an mllamed condition ot the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred for any use of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. Chexey & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by all Druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipa tion. Prof. Mills Greatly Pleased. Capt. John Lamb's address be fore the Confederate Veterans here last week was so rich in historic de tail concerning the Civil War that Prof. L. R. Mills, professor of Math ematics in Wake Forest College, or dered a dozen copies of this issue of The Commonwealth, which con tains the address in full, to be sent to the college library. He said he wished them filed in the library for the convenience of the students, as the address gives certain intelligence not published before. So Glad Re Took It. A good citizen in another part of the county for whom the editor of The Commonwealth about a year ago wrote insurance in the Union Central, writes now that he is glad indeed that he took the insurance. He says his health is very poor now, and if he had waited perhaps he would not have been able to get the insurance at all. If you need insurance you would better take it at once. Your health might fail also, and then the older you grow the more it will cost you. The Union Central offers insur ance equal to any other and super ior to many other contracts. It leads in dividends to policy holders. If you want a policy call on or write me. E. E. Hilliard, Agent. i Scotland Neck, N. C. Qi that baby's tiny bones & enough. is the cause. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our . People and Other folks. Maj: J: Bi Neal left for Greens boro yesterday. Mrs. A. A. Shute left Tuesday for a visit to Kinston. Mr. S. D. Hancock, of Weldon,was in town Tuesday. Mr: S. W: Mdrrisett Went to Nor folk Wednesday. Mrs. L. R. Carter left a few days ago for Emporia, Va. Mr. J. J. Long, of Oak City, was here one day last week. - Mrs. G: Hoffman left Tuesday to visit relatives in Norfolk. Mrs. F. Armstrong, of Hobgood, was a visitor here Friday. Mr. W. R. Whitehead, of Whita kers, was in town Thursday. Mr. J. W, Madry, of Penelo, visit ed relatives here last week. Miss Lena Smith returned Tues day from a visit to Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Hobbs, of J Wilhamston, were here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Biggs return ed Monday from a visit to Williams- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Trevathan, of Enfield, visited relatives here Sun day; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pittman went to Greenville Saturday and returned Monday. Miss Lizzie Whitehurst has re turned from a visit to friends at Hamilton. Mi Geo. W. Dunn was here a few days ago visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dunn. Mesdames J. R. Mason and S. P. Stallings, of Emporia, Va., visited relatives here last week. Senator Lee S. Overman spent Friday night in Scotland Neck, the guest of Hon. Claude Kitchin. Mrs. S. Justus Everett came in Tuesday and is the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Dr. A. C. Livermon. Miss Addie Smith left Tuesday to attend the Episcopal Covention at Tarboro in session there this week. Miss Annie Blount Arrington Who has been on visit to relatives here left Monday for her home in Enfield. Misses Minnie and Maggie Lewis, who have been teaching at Pt. Peters, Georgia, returned home last week. Mr. J. G. Moore ha3 moved to his home in the country and Mr. Hassell Bell has moved to the house vacated by Mr, Moore. Mrs. O. A. Snipes and daughter, Miss Elsie, returned Monday to their liome in Rocky Mount after visiting friends here. Miss Olivia Berry, who has been on a visit here to her sister, Mrs. C. F. Burroughs, left Tuesday for her home at Oak City. Mess. Albion Dunn and John Gray were m JNortoik last week. Mr. Dunn brought back with him a pair of handsome horses. Miss Mattie Allsbrook, after a vis it here to her sisters, Mrs. C. Vaugh an and Mrs. W. D. Parks, has re turned to her home in Norfolk. Messrs. J. S. Bowers and L. M. Pittman are in Philadelphia this week attending the National Associa tion of Hosiery Manufecturers. Among those who left yesterday to attend the Southern Baptist Con vention were: Miss Annie Biggs, Mrs. Dr. A. C. Livermon and Mr. E. E. Hilliard. Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Lumpkin left Tuesday to spend a day at Littleton and from there they will go to Rich mond to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. Mr. D. M. Prince left Tuesday for Elizabeth City to attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. He expects to take in the Jamestown Exposition before returning. Mr. Edwin B. Josey, who has been attending the Wake Forest law school, has returned home. He ex pects to go back in June to resume his studies until the Supreme Court meets in September. Among those who are attending the Episcopal Convention at Tarboro this week are: Mrs. Dr. H. I. Clark, Mrs. W. R. Bond, Messrs. J. Y. Savage, I. H. Smith, A. L. Purring ton, Dr. J. E. Shields and Rev. G.W. Phelphs. Mr. S. W. Edwards, accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. Fred Chase, returned Thursday from Providence, Rhode Island where he had been to attend the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Chase. Mrs. S. W. Mor risett remained in Providence to spend some time with another sister, Mrs. Barry, before returning to her home here. E. T. WHITEHEAD & CO. sells Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paints in pints and quarts at half-gallon price. 5-16-4t Q WHITE Every pound of White Plume Flour is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction in every respect. You Take no Chance If You Buy White Plume. Come to our store for anything you want, and we will take pleasure in serving you. A host of satisfied customers is a living testimonial to prove that we please our friends in every detail. W. T. HANCOCK COMP'Y 5- CKKXXXOH( Reunion Confederate Veterans Richmond, Va. May 30th to June 3rd. $3.05 FROM SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Tickets on sale from points in Vir ginia, North and South Carolina, May 26, to June 2nd inclusive and for trains scheduled to arrive Rich mond before noon June 3rd. Final limit to leave Richmond re turning' not. later than June the 11th, with privilege of extension of final limit to July 6th, by deposit of ticket with special agent at Rich mond and payment of fee of fifty cents. Return portions of tickets reading account above occasion will be hon ored from Norfolk if desired, thus affording an opportunity of visiting the Jamestown Exposition, THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. rTUwMirrk y nnA tr-Qin corviVo Will provide the quickest and most com fortable means of reaching Rich mond. Write for beautiful illustrated fold er, containing Maps, Lasts noteis, etc. W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager. T. C. White, General Passenger Agent. 5-16-3t Wilmington N. C. Arero Red Salmon is rapidly becom ing a household word in this locality. At all grocers. New Cut Herrings at J. D. Ray & Co's. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO QOOOaQf? o o o o The Five Minute Wonder Ice Cream Freezers o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Are the Best for the Money On the Marker Only to be Had from Us i Josey Hardware o Q Scotland . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOGQOOOf OS O-OO K0KKKH0HKH? PLUME Solid Car Load Just Received. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. O Notce. By virtue of power vested in me by that deed of trust executed to me on the 1st day of July, 1902, by Olivia Pittman, which deed of trust is re corded in the llegieUr of Deeds Of fice in Book 184 at Page 4, I .all on the 7th day of June, 1907, sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, the following described prop erty: That lot or parcel of laiul in tV town of Scotland Neck, N. C, and lying on the south side of Twelfth street and beginning at the north east corner of Block 58, thence down said street in a westerly direction fifty feet, thence in a southerly dir ection parallel with Greenwood street fifty feet, thence in an easterly dir ection parallel with Twelfth street fifty feet, to Greenwood street, thence up Greenwood street to the beginning, being a part of Block 58 according to the Map of said town. This the 9th day of May, 1907. C. Speed, Trustee. S. A. Dunn, Atty. 5-9-4t Don't Forget! Morrisott Brothers' cellar is filled with everything good to eat. Delivered promptly. ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO Climax Powder for Chickens, a sure cure for gapes. J. D. Ray & Co. FLIES! FLIES! They are here, and we all know how troublesome they are. Get our 20th Century Screen Windows and some of our Screen Doors They will keep them out, but if there are a few left in the room a few sheets of our FLY PAPER will catch them. The "Odorless" Refrigerators and "Odorless" Ice Boxes. Call on us for Settees, etc., etc. The Pioneer Hardware Dealers, FLOU I o Q YOUR EYES! Do they trouble you? If so, h:iv the DEFECTS corrects! without .V lay, and thereby regain ;tnd preserve your vision. G. W.MEWBORN, B.S., Doctor of Optics, Examines and treats eyes FKK! and FITS them with glasses at re:is on;ib! price.-;. See him as follows for 190 : St. JiOwis, May 7. Pineiops, May S. Macclesfield, May 9. Old Sparta, May 10. Tarboro, (Eld. G. M. Corbitt's), May 14. Scotland Neck, (Brick Hotel), M;y 15, 16. Tillery, Maj 17. Halifax, May 20, 2!. Weldon, (A. C. L. Hotel), M;v 22. 23. Roanoke Rapids, May 21, 25. Enfield, May 28,29. Whitakers, May 30. Battleboro, May 31. 4-25-tf Corby's Loaf Bread. Corby's Washington Bread all t!' time. Fox River Butter. W. T. Tylek. XII K CKILnREW LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP 0 O o 0 0 & o o o Q o to e m o o o o o Lawn Swings, Lawn Comply hi .1; i d V ' I 1 i. 1 i 1 4 i ! A i f in 1 ! 1! ill