Dragging Down Pains - are a symptom of tne most Sferious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes irregular and painful periods, weakening 'drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure Is WINE OF The Female Regulator that wonderful, curaKve, vegetable ox tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening influence, on ail female organs. Cardui relieves pain and regulates the menses. It is a sure and permanent cure tor all female complaints. At all druggists and dealers In Sj .00 bottles. The Editor's Song. How dear to my heart is the steady Nightingales In Scollahd. .The nWilrtie ra .Wjf IlIBi 'ftO pays in advance, without Vricts and shuns others. Scotland it j ping a year: j does not visit; but a century ago a Who lays d,u nis dollar, and offers ' patriotic Scotchman tried to estab- - & '"'j , uic niguuiijsai! in wiai country I Ana casts round the office a halo of i He commlsfliojied . H ;rJrnor ridlV -1 . .1 U r-T ; ' 1 cannot Who never says, afford Til" '''Getting more papers each dav than I read;" But always says, "Send it, the whole outfit likes it- In fact, we to fWl'f msc niehtinerales' eees. one shilling each being given for them. These were well packed in wool and sent to Scotland by mail coach. A number of men had previously been engaged to tflff flrVi9l fat of M fbEih leabreasts' nests in Dlaces i. where the eggs could be hatched in saiety. ine robbms eggs were re moved and replaced by those of the nightingale, which were hatched and raised by their foster mothers-, When full duAanAii lha KC - :;' jflgaies seemed perfectly at home outwardly thank h!!T-we in- ! nrar th .; . w.v- '".o niicic wic,y ursL saw HOW welcome is he when he steps in the sanctum, How he makes "our heart," throb, how he makps ' 'nnrovo' We "I SUFFERED AWTUL PAIN in my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo.l "also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irreg ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a new woman ar.d do not suffer as I did. It is the best medicine I ever took," t wardly fcfrgs him The steely Subscriber who pays in ; advance! American Printer. Flowers that Change tolor. (Xew Oilean Times-democrat.) "This bod of flowers was blue this morning, and now it is pink. That One was white, and it is now rose. That one by the hedffe was yellow yesterday, and to--tey it is purple." trie light; and in September, the usual period of migration, they de parted. But the nightingales never return ed to Scotland-. It has been suggest ed that it was not the climate they objected to so much as the difficulty of acquiring the accent-. Old time "Curl Up" Skates. A wise puppy being told to lie down in a certain place, will obey meekly at the moment, and then. waiting until his master's attention is diverted, will slip slowly away from his dpt; Mi? rinpfne $Afite$ jhr ne is toid to stay is not based on a dislike of the spot, for he will often select it for himself but purely on his prejudice against obedience as such. freedom by doing what he would con sider a serious hardship if he were compelled to do it. A keen zest is added to play if it is close to the edge of the forbidden. Like many of thenaui?htineflBR of hdiflanHind: (IfelrP fdf the Unpermit ted underlies the great advances of the race. Erect a barrier, and the child and the man long to climb over it. The impassable mountain, the unsailed ocean, the mysterious law of nature, the infinitely distant star tHgs are o fflanv n'reeiat b a nets to the pioneer, and they lead him, through what we may truly call n ftUdatMHUS diSbttedfehej to new Worlds and new triumphs of mind over matter. "Why are the cows always getting out of the pasture?" ask the school mistress of an old farmer. "Wal, I iily $8.98 Pew of the nrooanf -F The swlen&r chuckled delightful- Waters ever saw a pair of old fash- ? n M T' Wd: 1 ioned "curl up" skates or know what ZTtnJ'" V' "I call 'em mv fairv fWr ha 1 they are. but if thev a nar,Vo w I where they am t! A glorious im- . u: i . i uiuse. wnicn enmns imm hmtp tn man and so on, to the heights of - ma am, ' he said. "You see. thev i their parents or errand oar en t.a can ; change color. It's a grand idea, isn't j Probably tell thorn Rbout these old it: it gives a garden such variety' tlme &i?pHanees for skiriimlng over "But I didn't know that any flow- j tng ice- The boys and girls of today ers changed their color." have quick fastening.light and hand- i n, j-cs. inat bed you first men- 1 some spates, and m many cases keep tioned is the mutable phlox. At sun-! them attached to shoes that are used i isc il is oiue, ana in tne afternoon ony Ior SKating and are Dut on at the it is pink, "The one to the right is hibiscus pond side. In the old days straps for the"curl jscandens, that moves slowly from rnvVT? i l ii A. LSt "orse timer ever aiL OircrO'l fnr tlio t-;. able also for doctors and i ffrwnteh white to a deep violet. umses as wen. Don't forget we cany a. full line of other watches, jeweliy, silverware and cut glass the year round. .i6ui m liiuiatua ""jo okiaps lur Lllc CUT1 hibiscus mutabilis. It goes through UPS" were unknown, leather thongs thrPP fhnncroa in fViQ Jn ...u.-i. ' Av otnnt ctn'nm J ..'ii. I in the morning to rose at noon and j sort o "harness" to keep the skatis ; to red at sunset. ! on the feet. The term"curl upMcomes "The bed by the hedje is the lan--! fronl the manner in whieh the for j tana. The lantana is yellow one day, ! ward ends of the skate irons Were cuFl ! orange the next and red the third. ed- extending over the toe of the foot, j Its changes are slow, J doubtless many of the old folks can j "There's other flowery too, that remember when the cheapest skates change, There's t'ho ! consisted nnlv . onimIeo, that shifts from white to ! the foot and a strip of metal for an iVCi'ow and from yellow to red. Jce surface. These were "cheap"in- mere sthegladio'us versicolor that's , deed. Hartford Timej. orown m tne morning and blue future dtfveiopnlent! ThepUppJr, the cow, the child, the pioneer, the man of science alike may glory in their reluctant and temporary obedience to the voice which says, "Stay here!" Youth's Companion. " gin tninKs tnere is no use in being pretty if you don't tell her so, in a round-about way. . As long as a man lives he is a dead loss to the undertaker. the evening. There's the coi in colaea Remarkable Rescue. E. T. Whitehead & Company H. W. MIXON, Mgr. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Jamestown Exposition, Rates from Sctotland Keck as fol lows: Season Ticket $4.50 sold daily Ap ril 19th lo November 30th. Sixty Day Ticket $3.80 sold daily Apttl 19th to November 30th. i en Day Ticket $3.40 sold daily April 19th to November 30th Coach Excursion $2.40 sold each Tuesday; limit 7 days. Endorsed: JNOt Good in Parlnr. CI : Cars" oiecpnig Through Pullman Sleeping Cars trom Port Tampa and Jacksonville, onda Atlanta and Augusta, Georl Ifia .Wilmington, North Carolina Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Write for a beautiful illustrated tolder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of hotels, etc ;reservations orany informa tion address W. J. Craig, Pass. Traffic Mgr. T. C White, a or i. Gen. Pass. Agt. 4-25-tf w;irv,,v.v, xi A That tiutli is strangor tlinn fiction, has once more horn demonstrated in the litlte town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of V. Pepper. Ho writes: l was in hod. entirely dwnblod with ' heniorrhiigos of the luna?; iiil throat: I Doctors failed to help liie, and all liope j had fled y,)Wn I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. Tlie coughing soon ceased ; j the bleeding diminisiiod rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." ! (iuaranteed cure for coughs and colds ! ")(c. and $1.00, at E. T. Whitehead & v. o. s drug store, Trial bottle free. High Point Lady May Fall Heir to $400,-000. Corn is King. Who can doubt that corn is king when, in addition to its food and feed value, the cob is used to make alcohol , cider vinegar and pure maple syrup, while from the husk is turned out a fair article of smoking tobacco? Coal and cotton will have to look to their laurels. Selected. To Mothers in This Town. Children who are delicate' Wm.;i. and cross will eret immediate relief fr, Mother (Jray's Sweet powders for Child ren. They cleanse thestomach, acton the liver, making a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold l.y a 11 druggist, L'.V. Sample Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, X. Y- r-;()-4t DO tOU WANT A 51.000.C0 ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY In one of the strongest companies In America We will Issue such a policy, caylne vour famii l70;0?lSCa1?O,0, ?Wn $7.50 per week in case of accidental injury to everyone who sends us 3 paid vearlv suhL-rih.r. to THE COTTON JOURNAL. This Is the on y wePerklt9n?tiV.?.nSttrn P-6"' Paper, published !! AtIam"' Ca.. pries one dollar per year. Send In your subscription and that of one of your friends, and receive The Cotton Journal for one rear .nd the THOUSAND DOLLAR ACCIDENT V?. iy,?S9llmU65 years' V $1,000.00 for Oss of llntbu. . J f, r nn0' Bet ono of your friends to subscribe, "jo1 -50 for your subscription and the Accident jouM: ss?" thc cotton ,endose for which tend me THE COTTON JOURNAL for one year and the Accident Insurance Policy for 31,000. ' Name Ae Whiskey rectifiers protested against Attorney-General Bona parte s ruling barring the label whiskey" on any but "straight goods." A prompt, pleasant, g(X)d remedy tor coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especial ly recommened for l.abiesand children, hut good for every member in the fam ily. It contains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains Honey and Iar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold bv E T. Whitehead & Co. Erysipelas has again become mild ly epidemic in New York City. "This little, pig went to market," doesn't amuse tonight. ;uy not wen; what's the matter, her dear little cheeks are so white; Poor little tummy is aching, naughty old pain go away, Cascasweet mother must give her, then she'll lie hrielir is sold here l.y E. T. Whitehead ct Co. High Point, June 5. A High Foint woman is most likely to fall part heir to an estate valued at $4,- 000,000. Her name is Mrs. Mattie Martin Strayhorn, and she is the wife of Mr. Ed Strayhorn.. Her old home is In East Bend Yadkin County. She and other heirs have been investigat ing the matter for a year or more and now the papers have arrived from Washington for her signature, which is officially drawn up. The1 distribution will occur in August. The estate valued at $4,000,000, is in land in Indian Territory, which was taken up by the Cherokee Indians. Prominent lawyers are working on the case. Mrs. Strayhorn is one of nine children of the direct heirs and Miss Grace Joyner who clerks in Hen dricks' 5 and 10-cent store, is a cousin of Mrs. Strayhorn. Two brothers, Messrs. Ed and Luther Strayhorn, live here and another in Florida Charlotte News. Wise and Otherwise. A coal wagon is throne enough for a man of God, if he keeps the coal dust out of his heart. It is easy to win a reputation for eloquence by tickling the ears of empty heads with a large noise about nothing. Many a church would get as much -i i i . uobpei ana save enough money to feed all its poor, if it would put a phonograph in the pulpit. Purity is the cradle of vision. ACCOfeDiON, SUN AND KNIFE ...Plaiting... Pinking and Button Covering. Children's Skirts Our Specialty ASHBY B. PYLE, 315 N. 5th St., Richmond, Va. 5-9-st Phone 2322. HUDSON'S English Kitchen, On American and European Plan. Established 1890. i A nice TCoast Beef Dinner for 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have a few nicely furnished rooms for our pa trons. M Main Street, Norfolk, Va. Valuable Knife Free I You need a good Pccket Knfie 1 We will give you one free of J charge. Good Offer to Subscribers! VFRY E j c t m , lucr Seis a n"e tree. Every Old Subscriber who pays up all arrears and pays One collar in advance a so gets a Knife Free. This good and serviceable pocket knife is made by the manufacturers of the famous Griffon" fifl,-,r n . 1 i .1 , , . -"v.. t, 11 i3 warranted Dy the manufacturers free from flaws and of a temper to take and hold a good cutting edge. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss. We make this remarkable offer in order to en large the circulation of The Commonwealth. The number of these premiums is limited, so if you want one of these good knives, better get it at once. b Call at this office and get one of these knives, or address a let ter with the money and two cents to pay postage to The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, - - . . Nnrth r,. N.B.JoseyCo Undertakers' Supplies. Full and Complete line, Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes,' Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck, North Carolina i . r ZZZL The Keeley Cure Do You Know What It Does? It relieves a person of all desire for strong drink or drugs, restores his nervous system to its normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. Cor respondence confidential For Full Particulars. AddrU The Keeley Institute, I 1 t .1 n . icuiswro, iNorth Carolina. Largest and Best Equips Plant in the Stan-. Chas. Miller Waist Quarrier and Manufacture 1 MONUMENTS, .'. Tombs and Gravcsl;ne$ of Every Description. I-'n-jVlit iireiniidoiijillsliii' incuts. Si!"o deli vi TV ;:!mr anteed. Write fr'drsi and prices. Sour Stomach Every man ought to marry a woman wno is a good manager, be . No appetite, loss of strength, nervot. cause few men are any good unless J ness- headache, constipation, bad breath, they are properly managed general debility, sour risings, and catarrh iiictiidgeq. of ,he stomach are all due to Indigestion. I iwuui rencves inaigesuon. mis new discov P. O. Stat To Whom policy is to be made payable: Native unrest in India is giving the British Government serious anxiety. For Over Sixty Years Mrs. Winslow.s Soothing Syrup lias been, used for sixty years l.y millions of mothers for their chidren while teeth niR with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and is thabest remedy for Diarrhoae. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imniorliatoK' i. ! druggists in every part of the world. Iwentv -five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow.s Soothing Syrup. Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June. noth, 100C, Serial Number 1097. Very cold and unseasonable weath er in England has brought about a great increase of influenza. You can't tell a woman's age after she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Her complexion is fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact she is young again. 35 cents, Tea or Tablet?. E. T. Whitehead & Co. THEOKtUlhA.A.. oVRUI KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE IIONETTAR Blossom end Coney Cee on twm Artfric. ery represents the natural Juices of diees- .w.. M uio eAisi in a neaitny stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. nr. a. s. tsaii, of Karenswood, W. Va.. says I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kedol cured rae and wo are now uslnr it in milk for baby." FOR BACKACHEWEAK KIDNEYS THY DeWrrrS KiDNEY and BLADDER PILLS-Sar ui Safi Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., Chicago For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Iron Fencings for vkuicjv and oxuvrs ' purposes a Specia it v. Pete:sp.ui;;, A. J. Y. SAVAGE, Agent Scotland Neck, North i'uv i i i A. C. L. RAILROAD COMPANY PASSING I2K J H5PAUTMKXT TRAIN EKVICE:-Inaurati,rSw Trdn; ' A?$ l!'7 .etween Weldon and k'inston V r J,a"1 wrvu.-o (.No.. 7.1 and 7- Tri Arrmifa in Wi-rl. . .i: EHective April 8tli, 1!)07, now train .r,ri;, -n , . WeMon and Kin,ton, N. C, tn.i, Xos Vil an V on n T" No. 73 Dailv Exeet.t Hundav ' " !,, UV l.e,l1,le: 8.35 A M lv. Wf.M 72 Daily Ex,,.(t Sun1 . fAQ " iraiiax 7.:;orM 3 O ( " " ...... 1,1 X T 14 . Monuments & Gravestones We pay the Freight, and Guarantee Safe Delivery. Largest Stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue Free. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1848.) 159, 161 and 103 Bank Street, Norfolk, Virginia. 9.08 9.18 " 9.33 " 10.02 " 10.18 " 10.50 " ir.17 " 11.25 " 11.39 " 11.49 " 12.07 PM 12.20 " 12.35 " Ar. Tillerv sl '"n.11 Hill 't'l Neck Holipond Oak City Parinelo House (Jreenville Wintervillo A yd c n (irifton fJrainjrer Kmston 7.10 (5.51 .40 .2 0.10 5.48 5.20 4.32 4.24 4.10 4.01 Train No. 73 will afford eonnoetC Tt' IT, 1 .......v, m 8 for Washington and info. tion at Parmele with ti-..;., v. No. 57 for Tarhoro and intern ob" and 57 will he oweratfvl I. tAVeen hirhnrn ai.,1 !" , "irooro nnil 11 No. 5 mnVZ: ""T" aS vi.ou.ly. m of : - j j.l, ,uiniav mivi a m : . r t D kir V a J ... . . , r-- . r.iwuci ,nv Ring or auue-rq .'fro for eur (ATALOIitlt ef buildinq mjten.ls. h. floor, blind.. hrdwr. w.nsl.PtmU. ?: J We Keep on Ifur.d Burial Cases! ' ' " 10.00 A M 10.21 " 10.32 " 10.5,5 " 11.03 " 11.14 " 11.30 " 11.57 " 12.25 P M . Approved : W. J.' CRAIG, Traffie Mgr Lv. Ar. Tarl oro Conotoe liethel Parmele " KolKTsonville" Kyerett " 'illianiston " Jainesville " ryinouth Lv follows Xo. 57 Uaily Ex,Tt Sn 0.(K) p.,jr J ).41 " 5.28 " 5.20 " 4.57 " . 4.45 " 4.30 " 4.04 " 3.35 " c- WHITE, Pn. P4lJ5.s. AjIt AH Kinds all the hire. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time pay or niht we ;iiv t- 'iv and the Public i.Vh.t. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Keck Xorth KodnlForlndijsstic epilation ot the heart. DiRost

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