u." y.-- - Wf!gWl " ' " 1 npv - ' 'Epggaag i a 1 i Ioehl .Tea J-20 You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home, for any form of female trouble, wouldn't you ? Well, it can be done. No reason why you snouia noi be able to relieve or cure your suffering, as tnousanas or otner women nave done, by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment. Begin by taking the well-known female tonic. For sale at all dru? stores Jo9 Moorhead, of Archibald, I. T., writes: "My wife had suffered for years from female troubf On your advice, I gave her the Cardui Home Treatment, and nov she hardly suffers at alL" Sold by druggists, flfniTC f !C A I CTTCn Write today for a frea copy of valuable 6-poee Illustrated Book IV 111 I r 11 A I 1 I I CK Advice, describe your symptoms, stating age. and rFply wil I all ft Wil AdJrcse: Laaias Advisory Dxyt.. The Chattanooga Medicine dRook for Women. If yoa reed Medical ill be sent In plain sealed envelope. Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Rheumatism I hare found a tried and tested cure for Rhea. fnatim ! Not a renn-dy that wil straighten tha distorted ltmb3 of chronic cripple, nor turn bony rrowths wick to nosh gn:n. That 18 smpo5iblu. jJijJ I can now surely kill tho paias and panes o this deplorable dlse&so. In Germany with a Chemist In the City ef runnstadt I found tSo ln?t isgradicnt with vhioh Dr. Shoop's EhMin;fitic Remedy vma rarde a porferted, dopeudaWe prescription. Without that last iiiRT;dinnt. I successfully treated many. Many cases of Kheusnatism ; lut now. at last, it uni formly cufssl! curabla cases of this heretofore Kineh drHaded disease. Thoyo sand-like granular wastes, found in Rbeumitic Hlood. seem to dissolve fend pass away under t!ie action oi this remedy as froely as docs sugar whcTi added to pure water .And then, when uisiolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of ilbeumatism is gone forever. There U now no real need no actual excuse to siiffer longer with out help. Via soil, and in ooufldcuce rotomaaai Br. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy A. C. PETERSON. Pleasures ot the Penitentiary. HUEiiOJS'S English Kitchen, On American and European Plan. Established 1890. A nice 1 toast Beef Dinner lor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have a few nicely furnished rooms lor our pa trons. 347 Mala Street, Norfolk Va. Only $8.98. CSS (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) "I gave such a talk to a client of mine not long aeo on the pleasant features of prison life," said a prom inent local attorney recently, "that I actually got to thinking for a little while it would be a great lark to spend a few weeks in some good pen itentiary. "You see, the fellow was guilty and I knew it. I didn't see how it would be possible to clear him, and I knew that he would get a lighter sentece by pleading guilty. But I had a job trying to talk him into chang ing his plea to guilty. He said he didn't think he would ever get re conciled to life in the penitentiary. "I told him that of course there was a certain amount of prejudice against living in a penitentiary, but that it always struck me that it would not be half so bad if a man went with his mind made up to like it. " 'The regular hours ought to be a great thing for a man,' I told him, 'and if you are at all sick you can fix up some scheme to get out of hard work. Then you are clear out of the prosaic business affairs of the outer world. You go to bed at night knowing just what you will have to do the next day, and no one can get Castles in the Air. Dr. John Wilkins wrote a work in the reign of Charles II. to show the possibility of making a voyage to the moon. The Dutchess of New castle, who was likewise notorious for her vagrant speculations, said to him, "Doctor, where am I to wait at in the upward journey?" "My lady," replied the doctor, "of all the people in the world, I have never expected that question from you, who have j built so many castles in the air that you might lie every night at one of your own." A HUMANE APPEAL. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind Mr. U. P. Williams, 107 West Main St says: I Appeal to all imtsoiis with weak lungs to take Dr. King's Xeiv Discovery, the only remedy that has helped nie and fully conies up to the proprietor's recommendation." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold cure the world over. Cures asthma, bronchi tis,croup, whoop ing cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at E. T. WhUchead & Co.'s drug store 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Be Tolerant Do not think of knocking out an- . other person's brains because he dif i - in where you are to molest you. You fers in opinion from you. It would won't get more than a couple of be as rational to knock yourself on years, and that will just give you ! the head because you differ from time to learn some good trade.' yourself ten years ago. Horace 'When I got through he decided Mann, to plead guilty, and I believe he was i tallv lnnlr?no- fornmrrl , ,mor . 1 To CUIC a cold first Die V the bowel two in the pen." THE TOUCH THAT HEALS. Is the touch of Bucklen's A mica -Salve. It's tho hfinniest comhiii:it iriii nf Vrnia (lowers and healing balsams ever com- ! py refunded pounded. Xo matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this ealve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., druggists. 25. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup act gently on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers highly recommend it for colds, croup and whooping cough. , Guaranteed to give satisfaction or mon- Equally good for young If we cannot be funny without setting a bad example to our chil dren, let U3 even be and old. Co. Sold hv E.. T. Whitehead & The last person to enter heaven will be the one whose religion has all been in the first person singular. man's Home Companion. De Witt's Carbol:ed serious. Wo-' Salve is good fur biols, Witch Hazel burns, cuts. scalds and skin diseases. It is cspeci i ally good for piles. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. There are a great many people who itm-A .-i:.rl o i . . . . T , . : 1 : . i : i ,l,P,ia ,,,riv oil 'ri.:J We often talk a good deal about food may staisfy the appetite but it fails ' tne salvation of souls in order to es to nourish tho body simply because the ' cape service for the salvation of so stomach is not in fit condition to do the ' ciety. work it is supposed to do. It can't di-j ' ; gest what you eat. The stomach should It is claimetl that indigestion 5 Mm given help. You ought to take National disease. Thats whv the de- be H offered for the price. Suit able also for doctors and nurses os well. Don't forget v.-e carry a full line of other watches, jewelry, silverware and cut glass the year round. E. T. Whitehead & Company II. W. M1X0N, Mgr. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. something that will do the work your mand for Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps mmw.km inii i uo. jvouoi lor inuiges- increasing because thev do the work, tion and Dyspepsia, a combination of Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges natural digestants and vegetable acids, ' tion, bloat-in, etc., yield quickly. Two digests the food itself and gives strength . days treatment free. Ask vour drug and health to the stomach. Pleasant ' gist about them. Sold by E. T. White to take. Sold by E. T. Whiteherd & Co. head Co. What Papa Said. (September Lippincott's.) Tommv was stubborn, and his teacher was having a hard time ex plaining a small point in the geog raphy lesson. Tommy, teacher began, you can learn this if you make up your mind. It's not one bit Emart to ap pear dull. I know," she continued coaximrly. "that you are just as briprht as any boy in the class. Re member, Tommy, where there's will there's" "Aw," broke in Tommy, "I know all dat, I do. Me fadder's a lawyer he is, an I've heard him say it lots o' times." "You should not have interrupted me," reprimanded the teacher, "but I am glad that your father has taught you the old adage. Can you repeat it to me?" "Sure," said Tommy confidently. "Me f adder says dat where der's a will der's always a bunch o' poor relations." HEALTH IN THE CANAL ZONE. The high wages paid make it a mighty temptation to our voung artisans to join the force of skilled workmen need ed to construct the Panama Canal. Many .are restrained however by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing ones those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing thev are safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitters on hand. Cures blood poision too, billiousness, weakness and all stom ach, liver and kidney troubles Guaran teed by E. T. Whitehead & Co., drug gists. oOc. A Fact. De Style Call a man a brick and he feels pleased. Gunbusta He does. De Style But call him a hard, red, inanimate, oblongated object and he'll resent it. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid ney ailments, can be quickly corrected nun a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative The prompt and surprising relief which tins remedy immediately brings is en tirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of tho Stomach etc. A weak stomach causimrdvsnon- la, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments dis appear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis.. will mail sample free. Write for them. V test will tell. Your health is cert:i in- worth this simple trial. Sold by A. C. Peterson. Told Tfce TfuHi. LITTLETON PEMALE COLLEGE. Splendid location. Health resort Hot water heat Electric Li- i? ant 0tlier mokm imPrvcments. 240 boarding pupils last year. High standard of scholarship, culture and social life. Conservatory ad vantages in Music Advanced courses in Art and Elocution. Busi ness College, Bible and Normal courses. Health record not surpassed. Close personal attention to the health and social development of each pupil. Uniform worn on all public occasions. Charges very low. 26th Annual Session will begin on Sept 18, 1907. For catalogue address. Rev. J. M. RHODES, President, 7"4" Littleton, N. C. DO YOU WANT A $1,000.00 ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY In 5ns o! the strongest companies in Americil .,,,?3uslK;h.a PU?'' P?inS your family l'i0m32incar9 pf your d,sth h? accident, and 57 50 p week case of scddaatal Cniui-, & to TliE COTTON JOURNAL. Thii thi Sf5 eT?senlaHv9 cotion erowora raper, published woeiy at Atlanta, C., prico eno dollar par year. B ui in your subscription and that cf ona of vour fronds, nd receive The Cotton Journal for ono yeir, nd tha THOUSAND DOLLAR ACCIDENT POLICY, age limit 65 year?. Pvs $ 1 ,000.00 for tcof iln ts. if you cannot gat ono of your friends to subscribe 3 $1.50 for your subscription and th Accldant rCJicy. 'jiLiV1 Co"" 'r THE COTTON JOURNAL, Atlanta, Ca. I IencloM.; for which er.d ma THE COTTON JOURNAL for ono year and the Accident Insurance Policy for 91,000. Nooi ...................M...-.. Aso ................ ......H..S...M p. Q : Stetd . Te whom policy l to be made payable: PiNEULES for the Kidneys 0 PAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 ! Scotland Neck Graded School I t t Will open Monday, September 2, 1907. "What did Burroughs say when you made him that loan?" "He said he would be under obli gations to me for the rest of his life." "Well, I expect he will." and Young married ieople sind old ones too, That have no children to laugh coo Find their troubles will "little ones ho, If they take liockv Mountain Tea. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Not So Wonderful. "Do you think they'll ever run autos on two wheels?" "Sure. That's the way Willie Chuggers always turns a corner." Cleveland Plain Dealer. down in " (Selected.) The weary heat comes sheet And the morn flower drops its head; And the morning rack will never come back From the place where it has sped. The poultry goes to the cool of the rose, The cow to the oak tree's shade; And the garden fare holds on in de spair To the dust that the sun has made. The vine's dry ridges are dusty bridges For the sunshine to walk cn; And soon we shall look on the bed of the brook To find that the brook is gone. There are thunderheads asleep in j their beds In shape of birds and beast, But the breeze of the west will never rest Till it blows them away to the east But bravely we must return to the dust And stir the soil again; Today may be dry as the moats in the sky Tomorrow it may rain. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds and whooping cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup tastes good. It works olf the cold through the bowels, cuts the phlegm, clears the head. For young .and old. (iuarenteed. Secure a bottle nt once. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. The long look within ourselves will cure us of a lot of impatience with other folks. De Witt's Little Early Kisers are good for anvonc who needs a pill. They are small, safe, sure little pills that do no gripe or sicken. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. For Thin, PoorBloodl You can trust a.meaicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of exDerience. think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. lint even thin RTnd old medicine cannot do it best work if the lWer U inactive and the j bowels coni-tipatwl. For the brut roil;!e rn . mtlti. mil should take hmuvo i.osts vi Fill! while taking e araapr. b7 J. O. Ayer Co., towell, Kasa. lo manufacturers of No man overcomes sin until he hates its power more than he fears its punishment. Women have decided that in case they cannot vote, they will cut out the titork proposition. Perfectly proper to take Uollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's good for everything. Vl'y cents, Tea or Tablets. E. T. Whitehead it Co. A little learning is dangerous if you are planning to get to heaven by degrees. LOST AND FOUND. Jxist, between D:.,0 p. m., yesterday ind noon to-day, a billions attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding at E.T. White head it Co.'s drug store a box of Dr, king's Xew Life Pills, the guaranteed cure for billiousness, malaria and iaun- nee. 'joc. Many a man thinks because he is blind m business he must be blest with spiritual vision. ti : -. ii i . ! . .i . ii is a nun kiiow ntci tnat iersons iving m pine torests do not suffer from ddncy diseases. One dose of Pineules at night ususallv relieves b.ick-icbo o ilays treatment for $1. 00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. o!d by E. T. Whitehead it Co. When you pray for the removal of a mountain you had better say amen with a steam shovel. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, our Heart or Kidneys, then try this lever Coffee imitation Dr. Shoop's Icalth Coffee. Dr. Slioon ha.- eW.lv natched old Java and Mocha C ofll in flavor and taste, vet it h:is not. n c;,ri jram-ot real uorlec in it. Dr. Shoon. r,,..ni. r..iv.. t- -i-i. - . " lv-iuii vonee jinuaiion is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made inoneminnto No tedious long wait. You will surely like it. (Jet a free sample at our store W. T. Tyler. ' For pupils coming from outside tho school district the following are the Rates of Tuition per year : 1st Grade ' $10.00 6th Grade $25.00 2d " 15.00 7th " 35.00 3rd " 20.00 8th " 35.00 4 th " 25.00 9th " 35.00 5th " 25.00 Music 25.00 Terms Quarterly in Advance. 8-8-Gt C. W. WILSON, Supt. When In Norfolk Stop at THE JORDAN Electric Lights and Bells in every room Larce AJrv Out- side Rooms ROOMING HOUSE, Cor. Church and Holt Sts. Lodging 30c, 75., $ 1 .00. Special Rates by the Week. Cars to and from the Exposition and all Summer Tlmrti every ten minutes Only three blocks from Main street, opposite the old historic bt. Paul s Church. - AMOS P. JORDAN, Proprietor. 6-C-fim . South .A V Utl?, The way to get rid of a cold, whether it lie a "bad cold" or just a little one, is to get it out of your system through tne ixnvels. Nearly all Cough Cures, especially those that contian opiates, are constipating. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup contains no opiates and acts gently on the bowels. Pleasant to take. Sold by E. T. Whitehead it Co. "Do you regard Grafton as a man of much depth?" "Judging from the amount oi stuff he drank at the banquet the other night I should say his depth was equal to that of an ordinary cistern." Chicago Record-Herald. Do you know that Pinesalvs Carbol ized acts like a ioulticc in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is antise ptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, crack ed hands it is immediate relief Sold by E: T. Whitehead Co. I'oc. 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM sinis LUM0AUU p-3 A dose at bed time usu e-- ally relieves the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co Do not think that you have put an extra rim on your crown when you have paid 20 cents for a 50-cent sup per at the church .Chicago Tribune. Tired mothers, worn out by the pee vish, cross babv have found Cascasweet a loon and a blessing. Cascasweet is iir babies and children, and is especi ally good for the ills so common in hot wether.- Look for the ingredients print ed on the bottle. Contains o ha m'ul Irugs. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. our StomacI No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness. headache, constipation, bad breath, feneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indfw? Kodol relieves indigestion. This rwtt0 erv reoreseBts th n.f,-i V. ' v oiscov. lion as comDinea wun trie greatest kn - . 7 and reconstructive pWrML IJ0" ri7"2ZrS7 'rv" . rc"ev 'ndieestien remedy stomach. properties onlv reliev and dyspepsia, but this lamn helps all stomach troubles by c!eu? purifying, sweetening and slrenh?!: we mucous membranes lining the stomach Mr. S. S. BH of RarenswoodTw V. . "1 was troubled with sour atomach for"tw.nhfaT8:" Kedol cured m and we axa now tainT lor baby." ' milk FO BACKACHE--WEAK KIDKlY8 Da WITTS KIDNEY and BLA00EB PILLS-Wf, t. Preparad by E. O. D.WITT OO., Chlca For sale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. 1 aBESBOi yers HAIB VIGOR. AGUE CURE. ' CHERRY PECTORAL. rrj no aeereta! We publiafc tho formula of all our wedicir.ei. Larcest and l.c m Plant 1 Chas. Miller Vau Warner and fc, M0NUMEN1S i3 1 f 1 I ft lombs and Gr of Every Descri ption. teat. Freight prop.-ii.i ,,. antecd. Writ,. i and Drices. ' ,SM Iron Fencings ff,r Cemetery and otl1(.r nnmncno n ...... JIUOVU U Wl r,l I I Jy I'ETEIiSKl-hC, V.v' J. Y. SAVAGE, AScnV Scotland Nock, :;,), (;aro M onuments a iiravestones We pay tho Froirht, ;uid Guarantee Safe Delivery. Largest Stock in the Soutk Illustrated Catalogue Tree. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1S-1-S.) 15f), 1G1 and 103 Bank Street, Ncrfo!k, Virginia v aiuaoie kmi e r You a good- Pccket Mjri I Tee! Wewiil Knife give you one free of charge. Good Offer to Subscribers! VRRY Cash Siif. 8 Old Subscriber who pays ud all arrears anJ navs On-. Dollar in advance also gets a Knife Free. Tim good and serviceable pocket knife is made by the manufacturers of the famous "Griffon" Cutlerv. It is wa rranh the manufacturers free from flaws and of a temper to luk: ani hold a good cutting edge. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss. We make this remarkabie off er in order to en large the circulation of The Commonwealth. The number of .1 m m m - these premiums is limited, so if you want one cf the: knives, better get it at encc. Call at this nfftrp anrl rrr nna f L: -- " sia. nici-c kiiivc.-., oi a good ter with the money and two cents to pay postage to The Commonvealth iddress a let- Scotland Neck, North Carolina. A. C. L. RAILROAD COMPANY Jamestown Exposition. Kates from Setotland Neck as fol lows: Season Ticket $4.50 sold daily Ap ril 19th to November 30th. Sixty Day Ticket $3.80 sold daily April 19th to November 30th. Ten Day Ticket .$3.40 sold dai'y April 13th to November 30th. Coach Excursion $2.40 sold each Tuesday and Friday; limit 7 days, fcindorsed: "Not Good in Parlor or Sleeping Cars." Through Pullman Sleeping Cars S0n?1PorAtTamPa Jacksonville, 2 ?nd&,Atlanta and Augusta; Geor S a Wilmington, North Carolina. follritef?.a bcautil illustrated Mil CT?mms mal,s descriptive matter, hst of hotels, etc. tiondnS ranyinf- W. J r- CRAIG, ffic Slr. T. C. Will 1 1'. B Lk UoY Keeley Cur e ou Know What It Does? Itrel f. hi ieves a person of all dot or strong drink or drugs, restores 3 nervous system to its normal J. mf "juutuon, and reinstates a mau to his home and business. Cor respondence confidential For Full Particulars. Address The KppIaw Ineljfnte. Greensboro, North Carolina.