Good Advertising ihrfr,..-., v-ii.-vr Stxn to i t.;3t i ir..: .iKr.c i:. i:. HiLUAD, Jiior tad Proprietor. VOL. XXIII. Nsw Ssries Yd. 11 6-IS Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood All the blood in your body passes throupl your kidneys once eveiy three minutes. gs i r-e Kianeys are von T? 1 i r--'S, achesanarnet l il 1WJ r.a::.s:ii corns from e; , ! rf uvic "-? ir tK ... tw n.-giecit ! : inev trcutve. Kicr.? t-:ul'j c.-.':-s qv.lek cr unste.a ir..irt b mkc3 t-s :.-t a3 t'.iouj, sr.ey had h;.i.t :: uLis. because tiv' vvsr-working ia purr.? jr. thick, kidnt ; oisosiivi tiood tir-if.h vj:r.j and arterie; It used lo e cu: ...-vhred th?.t only urin-:- .-ubies were to is uueed :o th kidn? '. jt now modern s.:;tpce rrevre that . : cons'iftnn-il cu?zs?s hav-j ti-..: v. . ::i i. s Jick .x? r,:. r:i -. trr cs:?.o! : ' .i rf f - !I :of , V, r.O to.-.1. e;. n.'.3" rwr.rn.'.t if you hav kiu.:e; 'intic n this pac--r v- r v Cc . Binrhir.t-.i. ? I). 'n'f nrk? :my :.'-. the nam?, f s .- 3 - v . . l . mistikc, bi.:t Swamp Poot, Di S'.vaiii;) Iv'di, "nil th af!rlvo.- on overv rtlr Land Surveyor Scotland Xeok, X. C. Qt f. SMITH, M. D. i)fi-i- t-t - - O r-' -w --r Scotland Neck, X. G. O'iee in the Xow Bank Buildinj:. J. P. WINiJERLEY, Physician and Sckgeon, Scotland Xeck, N. G. Oilice on Dt-pot Street. n. C. UVERi'6N," DENTIST. Offic v.r) stair in Vvliiti-!u-ul Buiklinar. 03Ice hours from 0 to I o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. w. msxon, Refracting 0 p r 1 c 1 a n , -mikwh tcr '-t lhe wast c impm itiW in the blood KVUMs 'ey are sick or or !fc & U c ordar, they fail to d Watch Maker, .Jeweler, En- j portation will have been changed; for Mr. Brennan claims wonderful pos yraver, j sibilities for this new system. Each car, he says, will be two hundred Scotland Neck, N. C. : feet in length by thirty feet in width. Each train will consist of six cars, 7 v., ,,0 ! .v-!:. villi its I about a thousand tons all balanced on a single Je HtitUi. -.ttji, Of its soeed, the inventor, himself, says: "In speed we shall sur AlTur.XEY AND Li COUNSELO A"l 219-221 Atlantic Trust Buildim - T ''17 T r x orrclic, a. Notary Public Bellfhone 37 pwm) L. TRAVIS, A'fTO'JNKY ii ll Vo-wy L oh no 'T1 yitL H. J0SY, 'n'!2KAL I X i V H A N C E A O H N T Scotland s !:, ?Ali'J "SALAAM r to V. -t-..r-j Or:.y Day vr s JJ IX S ICvSBc ! Jjivery Harness Whips Robes Tarhcro, North Carolina with gS? EL VRICE nvt & si.oa fi fw Trial eoiUa Free! I.... -VVBV " " LOHITHROAT ANf I.HHG TROUBLES. iGUAEANTJSSD S ATISFACTOBYl 6, ' JBlOiJE2' he Commonweal Tin inn n i mtmrnrn ihmh.. , THE EDITOR'S Observation of The "New York Press" recently published information concerning a discovery, made accidentally by two young women of the St. Louis fash Try This. ionable set, which, if true, is destined, perhaps, to change somewhat the present construction and use of the telephone. According to the "Press" it is not necessary to place the lips near the transmitter of a telephone to be heard at the other e-.d. provided he transmitter !e nln firm atnof t-u. j . itjmuij wic silent aim uill sp?akd in a natural tone. Experiments developed the fact that conversa ti .n can be carried on with the transmitter placed on any part of the body even on tna top of the her.d or the no transmitter firmly against the chest and speak in a clear, conversation ii tone, ine reason for this is quite jigs are communicated through the chest instead of the lips, and thence j -rried over the wire in the usual way. This "chest system" is well I known to the physician through the use of the stethoscope. This will be ! x rreat relief to the man who U accustomed to yell into hU telephone, as j ho-igh ne thought the volume should Adjutant-Gbnsral Ainsworth in :on thit the United States will eventually be forced to resort to com- ln3S515!SOry Military Service. PUlSry military service. unless other means J'are found to check the steady and rapid deple ion of our army and to keep it up to the required strength. We do not rave to go to this report to realize the een located in many places in North Carolina for the past year, and tht government has held out bright possibilities for recruits. One of the strict st principles of our government has standing armies in times of peace; nor before our government assumed its soldiers, not for home troops, but to defend our island possessions, espeei i!ly the Philippines. The Democratic party and the South generally oppos ed the acquisition of these islands, as a departure from fundamental prin ciples, and their views are being forcibly justified by this suggestion of the Vdjutant-General. Of course we can never have conscription in America, except for the defence of our native shores. It would be absurd to think f such a thing in "this land of the free." So, we must eventually relin juiish those troublesome islands, hire troops, or leave them defenseless. On May 8, 1997, Mr. Louis Brennan amazed the world by exhibiting to he Royal Society in London a wonderful piece of mechanism. The inven- ! ir. Bfen's Oas-Ball Car. tiof ;onists of &fc on a sin rail standing erect like a bicycle in motion, and emaining equally stable when at rest. If a weight is placed on one side, instead of leaning that way, the car rises higher. If pushed on one side j the resistance of the car can be actually felt. The car follows curves i even short ones with ease and swiftness. Mr. Brennan, the inventor, ' is an Irishman by birth. A3 a youth he is said to have been a dreamer, ; and his fif ty-five years have been largely spent in trying to materialize j t ils idea of a cne-rail train. Now it seems that his dream has been real ! iied. If this proves true, in a few more years, our entire system of trans- pass &V-. that the world has known; for with friction reduced to a minimum tnd side-thrusts practically eliminated, there i3 no reason why our mono iil trains should not make one hundred and twenty, one hundred and "ifrv or evren two hundred miles an hour with absolute steadiness and, far nore safety than is possible on existing trains. I may add that ideal , nooth running will be secured by having a continuous line of wheels un- !er each car, a single line, of course, so that the whole train will rest on ,1 d : -iin of wheels." We will wonder still more when we think that : t.v.i c.iormoas rate the trip from New York to San Francisco can be j.iJe in a ;-;nr!e day and all tms wun less aiscomiuri. man uiai sluhiu I yjjciv ! uit uijori .i trip on an ocean steamer, and far le3s danger than that in ,i , 1 . 1 n.x-sent double-rail travel. Tiis world has been slow to receive scientific truths, and incredulous ibout the success of their application to new inventions. Columbus was long treated as a fanatic and a fool, Harvey T!l9 Application Of the Gy- w&g a,most persecuted, Fulton's steam-boat rOSCOpS. wag r;(iculed. So of ten had men been mis taken in their skepticisms, the latter half of the past century saw the tr holiv lmnt. t t u (Aiiha in Tnp wiiius aiiu HOW UlCii KiwKj - S3, a few years ago, wnen warcom nuuvimcu ' " telegraph, men shook their heads and remained silent, believing the im possibility of flashing messages from one continent to anotnerwicn no tarsib'e medium, yet fearing to dispute it; to-day the principles of the : e'--3 are as easily understood as those of the Morse system. T.-us it vvil' be with the one-rail car, when men have taken the time to bok into a well-known principle of mechanics-the principle of the spin nn top Men found it in the motions of the earth and applied it to this toy of our childhood; they used it in the making of the bicycle; they later a yvVed it to that curious toy, the gyroscope. Now, Brennan has applied it to the balancing of the one-ran car. nf a roDe. witnout iomus w - -rflel wheels revolving in opposite directions inside a vaccuum. two ps . , ..u f throw That principle, wnicn - ----- ... -x: r fiia .., . ... r.v-oqtpr circular mouou uj. u- - ir mo o a oXrWhlmovil!ginanoppo,ite direcUon. But what tZ TX-oi retired year, of constant thought on the part , no bo - once become so ,lrap,e that of our mvt . in pplyinlf them to our nd,. we wonder ho one cou.d in P machin.ry of man, Md r - - of modern cMi- zation. Laxativy rrun vy n 1 . O t I l in" - , . new It 13 tne Wi SCOTLAND LEISURE HOURS. Passing Events. knee. The directions are aimnla nla simple. The sound vibrations in the be in proportion to the distance. his recent report expressed the opin truth, for recruiting officers have always been the absence of large did we hear of a dearth of soldiers policy of expansion. Now we need 1 J M i. a1 ii A. -il .1 - .... uitumv w - xu uu w , - le turning 01 a iuu pan, w This balancing device consists m the revolutions of the wheel parallel o9r nn a tfurve. is counteracted by i a .i.ia nun rtrpnnrflunn ctiiiilsliiiiuk A iiiat"vtu rvt c 1. m. he,i;ne hisredients. Hoi- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea relieves 'Excelsior' is Our Motto. NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907. Jensy's Lesson. (Bxchnnse.) "Jenny," said a very tired mother to her daughter one afternoon, "will you help me sew this braid on your sister's dress?" "Oh, mother how can you ask me to help you when you know that it takes all my time to make those pic ture?" "What pictures?" inquired her mother. "Why, a lot of us girls met yester day at Kate Eaton's house, and formed a club we call it the Busy Worker's because we are making pictures for the poor sick children in the New York Hospital. Do you not think it a good plan?" - "Perhaps it is," said her mother absently. So Jenny, leaving her mother to saw on the braid, started upstairs to make pictures. She had not been up there very long when Katie Eaton came in. Hrlt T.r4- tt 1 T T thought 3rou were never coming." "I would have been here sooner, but we had company for dinner, and Chloe had so many dishes to wash that I stayed to help her." "Well, Kate Eaton, you shock me! The very idea of your helping your servant," said Jenny, very much sur prised. "Now, look here, Jenny, didn't we girls form a club, and each promise that we would do all we could to help others. Well, that hasn't anything to do with helping servants wash dishes," said Jenny. Yes it has, too. I couldn't go out trying to help other people, all the time knowing that mother or some of the servants would be glad for my help. Do you think you could?" After a pleasant afternoon, at tea time Kate went home. As soon as she wa3 gone, Jenny carne down stairs, and went to find her mother. "Mother," sho said, "have you the braid served on Nettie's dress yet?" "No," replied her mother, "1 have not been able to get it done." "Then I will help you, mother, and then work for any ethers I can help." And after that Jenny always help ed outsiders all she could. Eat More Candy. "Give children plenty of pure su gar, tany ana butterscotch and they'll have little need of cod-liver oil," says Dr. Woods Hutchinson in he Christmas Woman's Home Com panion. "In short, sugar is, after meat, bread and butter, easily our next most important and necessary food. You can put the matter to a test very easily. Just leave off the pie, pudding or other desserts at . your lunch or mid-day dinner. You'll be astonished to find how quickly you'll feel 'empty' again, and how 'unfinished' the meal will seem. You can't get any working man to accept a dinner pail without pie in it. And The thing that can take the place of su- j gar here is beer or wine. It is a ! significant fact that the free-lunch counters run in connection with bars furnish eyery imaginable thing ex cept sweets. Even the restuarants and lunch grills attached to saloons or bars often refuse to serve des serts of any sort. They know their business! The more sugar and sweets a man takes at a meal, the less alcohol he wants. Conversely, nearly every drinking man will tell you that he has lost his taste for sweets. The more candy a nation consumes, the less alcohol. "The United States government buys pure- candy by the ton and ships it to the Philippines to be sold at cost to the soldiers in the canteens. All men crave it in the tropics, and the more they get of it, the less 'vino' and whiskey they want. "In fine, the prejudice against sugar is born of puritanism and stinginess, equal parts. Whatever children cry for must be bad fori them, according to the pure doc trine of original sin; besides, it costs money. I know families in the rural districts yet where the head of the family groans over every dollar's worth of sugar that comes into the house as a sinful and 'unwholesome' luxury." A DANGEROUS DEADLOCK, that sometimes terminates the etoppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this condition without disagreeable sensations, Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your rem edy. Guaranteed absolutely statisfac tory in every case or money back, at CAftCER AND MEAT-EATING. Chicago forestlgatlODS Appear to Ex tablisb Close Ceioecilen. (Current Literature.) Nothing could seem more definite than the connection between cancer and the practice of eating inferior meat traced by Dr. G. Cooke Adams in a series of statistical studies given out last month by the Chicago board of health. "There cannot be the slightest doubt," to employ the posi tive language of this expert British investigator, "that the great increase in cancer among the foreign-born in Chicago over the prevalence of that disease in their native country is due to the increased consumption of ani mal foods, particularly those derived from diseased animals." This conclu sion substantiates the original dedu tions made by Dr. Adams from in vestigations conducted in Australia and London, and extended over a number of years. The foreign-born in Chicago are enabled through high er rates of wages to indulge in a meat diet denied them in Europe. They make use of the supplies derived from condemned animals and from the canned products or establish ments handling tuberculosta and dis eased cattle. This increase in can cer is accelerated by the influx of foreigners willing to eat even in ferior grades of meat. So much may by demonstrated, insisted Dr. Adams, by a study of the vital sta tistics of any American city. The tables for Chicago give stricking re sults. In that city, according to official figures, between 1856 and 1866 there was an increase in the death rate from cancer of 680 per cent., while from 1866 to 1905 the increase was 232 per cent. The mere percentages would be misleading did we not know that in 1856 but one in each 1,000 deaths was from cancer, ! whereas, in 1866 this had increased to one in each 164. In 1905 it was one in twenty-three deaths, while m 1906 one death in every 21.0 was due! to this disease. Hcc. Claude Kltchla's Seat 1b tbe Ecuse. A Washington reporter to the News and Obserber has the f ollow ing to say of Claude Kitchin's seat in the House of Representatives: When the perfunctory organiza tion of the House was over, the al lotment of seats to members began. The drawing for seats, which was a game of chance, was followed with much interest. Representatives Claude Kitchin and Webb were the luckiest members of the delegation. Mr. Kitchin's name was called soon after the drawing began and he had the choice of nearly all the desirable seats in the House. The represen tative from the Second selected an end seat in the middle aisle facing the s ker; He is immediately b. hind Minority John Sharp Williams and directly across the aisle from Representative Burton, of Ohio. No North Carolinian has had such a well located seat in years. Repre sentative Webb has an aisle seat ex- On tne Way. On the way to meetin,' Blossoms rainin' down. Love felt like he was goin' To hallelulia town. For I said the word to Sally, An' she didn't tell me no. An' then my heart sang "Praise the Lord, From whom all blessings flowl" Atlanta Constitution. It will be nnnecceasary for you to go through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if you e ManZan. Put up in a collapsible tube with notiel, ready to apply to the soreness and inflamma tion. For any form of Pilea, price, oOc, guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Arrangements have been made in sunny Arizona for baseball straight through the winter six games a week. Com and beans are the staple ar ticles of diet of the working classes of Mexico. A REAL WONDERLAND. South Dakota, with its rieh silver mines; bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural formations, is a verit able wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a wonderful case of healing has lately occurred. Her on seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. Exhaauting coughing spells occured every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his life and completely cured him." Guarranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troulbe's, by E. T. Whitehead A Co., druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot- TH 0 The Faithful One. (Frank L. SUtiton in Uncl Rcnu Magazine.) I In the storm and tne strife, when i lightnings of life j Had blasted my deepest endeav- or, j She crept to my side when the ln:-,t j hope had died, And whispered: "I love you for ever!" II And the bitter unrest of a grief stricken breast Saw a star through the black shadows living, Knew a joy from above in the strength of that love That is wounded, and yet is for giving! Ill And sorrow now seems but a phan tom of dreams, And Peace shall depart from me never; O'er Life's Valley of Sighs, see! the light in the skies ! For she whispers: "1 love you for ever To Hurt Your Town. (Excliang.) Fight on the street. Oppose improvement. Mistrust public men. Run the town down to strangers. Go to some other town to trade. Refuse to advertise in your pa per. Do not invest a cent; lay out your money elsewhere. Be particular to distrust the mo tives of public spirited men. Lengthen your face when a stranger speaks of locating in your town. If a man wants to buy your prop erty ask him two prices for it. If he wants anybody else's, inter- ; fere and discourage him ; Refuse to see the merit in anv scheme thatdoas not exactly ben- eflt you. Run down your newspapers. Run down your officers. Run down everything and every body but Number One. Just a little Caseas-.veet is all that: ia necessary to givo your babj' vlnai il i croHi and peevish. CaHeatiwvct con tains no opiates nor harmful drugs mid ; is highly recommended by mother ov- i erywiiere. Conforms to the Xntioiud I Pure Food Law. Sold by E. T. Whit head fc Co. The financial situation might be further relieved by a change from ! stockings to stocks. The clock tick? away, and tick the imo.y;7 3 UCilTH Shortening up our lives eadi day, Eat, drink, nud be merry, For some day you will be whero There is no Rocky Mountain T-a. Free aamplo at K. T. White'ajd Co.'a drug store. Apia and adjacent plantations in Samoa are now provided with tele phone communication. When the Stomach, Heart or Ki.l-, nev nerves trot wouk. then there or'-in.- ' always fail. Don't drug the weak .Store.- j iach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kid-; I neya. That is nimply a mrtkofhii't. Get ; a prescription known todruggisis every-, as i.r.e ;ic Knson i.a:iu: ire ex where as Dr. Snoop's IWtomtive. The. ! trerr.o e-; stern j-irt of the 01 iglnal Ileptorative is prcparod expressly for; dark ete and bounded on the these weak inside nerves. Strenghten we:-.L mi! r.otliiby ( .Ian us. .Jt, cn thpse nerves, build them ui witii Dr. ! l!w routh by Clark's canal and Uon- Shooo's Restorativt tablets or liouid and soe how quickly help will ton Free sample test pent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health U surely worth thie simple test. A. C. Peterson. Congress may give relief, but it will be some time before we'll be re lieved of Congress. Atlanta Consti- i tution. DeWitt'i Caibohzed Witch Hay.. ! Salve don't forget the name, and nf eept no substitute. (Jet De-Witt. It "t good for piles. Sold by E. T. White head & Co. LOW Excursion Rates VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE ACCOUNT Christmas Holidays. Bound trip tickets on Bale December 20, 21, 22, 23. 21, j 25, 30, 31 and January 1st. j Final Return limit January 6th. For further mforma - . tion communicate with near-; est Agent, or write, jr, T nniTi p T M V . J . LIVAIU, 1. 1. - m e-m r--w -v r . 1 . U. V ill 1 Li, - (. I'. A. 31- Z Good Advertisers T.: t;.ii; column for roauits. An a l vwtvicr.vint in HiL pftjier vv ill wneh ;i rood .!. of ioop5. Subscrlfil'OP. Price $!.00 Per Year. NUMBER 49. A WONAN'S RAC&. The Aches Pains Will Disap pear if tl-.z Atfvtcc of Vcrrisn !- A w.nn-m v! iMir.--. Ti i.:; n'!iv I'o m' l.i.'.. !-.' fnJt. kiil.n-y ;,clu Kidney Pill cur Many Nnrth Carolina woinvii know ClIH. V.vnA wliat v ;sr. t:i say ii'iout it : S rcf(, ni.mist at tin' I Mi. Nr!:i j North Try..!! I JO j -t-.. j 1 Omivh, C"t:a.-!..( X. ('.. ;-;''-: "I iw-l's Kidney Pilli iatid tlu.y l.iw !.. noised me Misv Mian ' ;uvt liiii". . :-. I , ViT 1 ; icd. ! oiitaincd tiiCMi ::i a -Ii i'u -l.-i;-' and u.-i-d tlicin i:iy ::; ati I. kidney-' whirli Jiavo : can.e.1 m" v'-'eat lio;:le and misery ir a !iii!m!mt ii ycai-. Tho n-;e (.f this rei,K'dy wi tin's vfuily U'lictited me." ; 'iv .-ale liy jvij raler. Vi'wv ."tl I'lnt-. V r -M iiiiu tn Co., BulJ'alo, I'nitid Y-w Yt'rk, ':"Io agents for tlx ) states. j Pxmzmbcr iiz name Doan's- !ar:d take no o'her. . We Ticcp on Hantl ases! All Kinds all the Time, IWiii, r. V. I Oaf nr. hy or niht, wo arc ready o ti(;C' m:ii, ''.ii: our .h-m-jmh ml ti!'; I'nhlic (Icii-'rally. h i..-i .;; '.:'.. 4.-1, ull't cotlrmd Kor: li'r-rth GaroTIni 12' ll Can. ;i c. r-i y ir.'v.f t'nd v.-,-.inrn it .'i ei.Vt'j.s to iuvjv'.hlt we T- V.'o, r Cancers, and ("iirujiic Hoi-es without l':e (Jni are o -ii ' 'unii.'i s 1 he u.:se of tho knife or by X-ray, and H' e endorsed by the i-onatt- and Leg-i.- lutu:e of Virginia. VE GUMIANTEE OUR CURES, V.'ot f-!i.iu ir, X T' v i.f'jTin;.?.. Kavir.v e;r-d from thf owners the N!Cil(Jj TRACT of land, tiVre ilv a.i;u;: ::)'; exclu.-ivr control, I hc-rcny v-- v.oMcc to AI L t I ImKs) NOT fO HUNT. Tit A I' Oil Titfcvs- PAh'S : ar.y manner or form, under penalty oi 1 he h:: on thi-? tract of land :v. kvcni?C'd bc-Iov, and known noke river, (a; the south and east by l-.o;;o!-2 ritxr, ) Alike ILndy'. Uavis Kcid s Fiiil land, containing eleven hundred acres mere or lets. J. l FUTRELL. Kennedy's CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Relieves Crld3 by workim? Ibsm g out of the system thrr.'h a copious era hc-sutny u.cT..on of tr.o bowou. Relieve? Covhs by cleansir.s the mucous me:r.bra.ne3 cf tho throit, chest a.-.d bronchlul tubes. i "As f-kavint to the Uil Children Like It 0 For by h'. T. WhitcheAd & C i:,A hwr J ( rit''.' : ' !N.i;ox Sro f.-1- n.i.i.v. up', v. -. !.!-;j!ii;ltC..nn.. '. u'.i,':i! 1. id;:' v re;n-- "S. but did not imo-.'ovo - u',Vtii 'i' tool-"y Ii i'-- (.'v.r Af- it ti -- i i. i .ow,dimj.-ovf.- htiut, ae..l i:ve Ir.'li. :-ur d me com- fiktely. I iiue 1 ;ed a m;uI .... .... eH'itii.a-i :i lor ,u.- u -u. f.nce. ro y Ki.Inoy i:c eun's tt;ieAn';ic nil .ill forni-i of Ii!nev and l'!:idder Imi'Iv, 1 fill-: :&ip,--X&&& -' . -O..'-' r.-' -- '-1'."' . r' nst irritate back. v i when all else nas lanea. voc. ea or j. n.Ltt. 1 rr IS DVSFEPSia TABLETS (Juaran teed or your money