t1 f. i. -4' 1 it it ft VI! I: I : t J 1 1 e I t ! The commonwealth. C0iV7r MEDICAL SOCIETY. SCOTLAND KECK 13G7. E. HXIililARD Editor Published Every Thursday. "What has become of Halifax County Medical Association? Some vears aero there was ' " ' ' " J such a society in tlie county Entered at the postofficc at Scotland v; iave hoard nothing Neck. N. C, as Sccond-Cliu-s flatter. about it in quite a while. Other Chases For !3G3. : counties nave, such an orgam- Thurstlay. January 1. 1 90S. ! zation and it would seern a good Publisher's Assouricenient. It is a settled point in newspaper ci'iics thru editors and publishers are not responsible fo- t.ie views of correspondents, and tlie publication of a communication does not mean that the editor or publisher endorses the communication. Inn Commonwealth adheres to these general prici ples. Hon. Claude Kitchin was for tunate in drawing one of the most desirable offices in the new office building at "Wash ington. There is a general feeling that the Legislature in extra session should not bother with many things besides the rail road matters for which it is called to consider. thing for Ilalifa J II SUCil county Incident to the holiday news since Christmas the columns of The Com- I jioxwEALTH have been so crowded thus far in the new year that there has been no room to review Scotland Neck for last year, Following are some o f the buildings and busi not in ore :r of time, but as CHANGES IN (VN. The following changes have been observed: i i I Latest Kbits. an organization he we res: If every one who has started the new year on a little more ecomnical plan of living had been living so for the past ten years, there would not be quite so much '-hard times." But keep up the lick until 1909 and things will be better anyway. This is the year to make money if one has the capital and the nerve; to back it up," said a business man yesterday. "We suppose that what he meant by "nerve" is whether or not a man has the conscience to charge big bonuses for accom modating those who have to borrow money. Some men make money that way, you know. THAT RULING. The Post Office Department rules that after April 1st pub lishers of weekl- papers can not carry on their lists the names of subscribers who owe for more than one year. For every paper mailed to a subscriber who is in arrears more than one year the publisher will have to pay one cent extra pos tage. Of course no publisher can afford to pay the one cent extra on each paper and so this ruling will reduce all weekly papers to one year's in dulgence to delinquent sub scribers. After April 1st if you owe more than one year on your weekly paper it will be apt to stop: for the Government will demand the extra one cent per copy for all such papers. The average publisher of a weekly paper can not stand it physicians of a county come togetiier and exchange and in terchange ideas and experi- j ences which are helpful both to them and to the public. Papers are read and discussed, and this gives the other physi cians an opportunity of learn ing about the observations of the one who writes and reads the paper. Halifax county has as good and able physicians as any other county and we very much wish to see them all organized into a permanent organiza tion. WE DON'T NEED THEM A great deal lias been said and Avritten about immigrants t this country, what kind we need, and the like. It may bo true that wo need immigrants, but even granting that we do need them, if more people would go to work in blood ear nest to make the most and best of our own resources and op portunities the need for immi grants would not be so great. At any rate, wo do not need the class mentioned in the fol lowing from the Charlotte Ob server: - 'The "Washington Post says that 'Something like 500,00(1 immigrants came over to our shores last year, paid us a pleasant visit, recouped their fortunes, and then went back to their own dear native lands. They were practically broke when they invited themselves to accept of our hospitality, but when thev left us they took with them more than $110,000, 000 of our American gold. One wonders what they left with us ill i e so valuaoie m exenange ror 11 them off-hand: NSW BUILDINGS. At the north end of Church street Mrs. D. M. Dunn's handsome resi dence was built in the early part of the year. On Main street in Clarksville Mr. C. H. Herring purchased, remod leed and greatly improved the re sidence on the old Gotten homestead. On Twelfth street extending west Mr. J. C. Mullen has built a new re sidence with water works and other conveniences, which adds much to that part of town. Just out of town at the end of the same street Mr. W. L. Harrell has built a large and handsome dwelling with modern improvements, and has a most desirable home. Also on the south side of same street west of Church Mr. J. W. Madry completed a handsome two story residence which will make him a pretty home. At the South end of Church street on the west side just below Mr. N. Biggs' Mr. Tyler B. Wheeler has built a large and handsome residence which is quite desirable for location and convenieces. On the corner of Church and Eighth streets Mrs. Elizabeth Dickens has built a nice little cottage home. On Eighth street between Main and Roanoke streets Mr. Wilson Alls brook has built a nice two-story resi dence which is now occupied by Mrs. Pattie Vaughan. There was a 20,000 fire at Guil- I . '!- 11 TIT J.,mAmiln(r "TVlovA t Messrs. J. A. Pittman and W. E. ! taa wniegc Bishop have bought the general mer-1 was insurance .po.000. chandising business of Mr. A. L. Pur- j -phe statement has been sent out rington, and will continue the busi- jrom Norfolk that the Jamestown ness as. uie same piaue. tixposition wm nut uc upewtu , Mr. W.; T. Tyler has sold his busi-! Rext summer, as was proposed. i ness to the Howard Grocery Co ! In en opera fcouae fire in Eoyer-! managed by Mr. Norman Howei , Pa.between fifty and seventy- j ana tne Dusmess v:ti oe conuaueu-r.c , ur,l )n tefn I live p"roui:o wcic muiuvu - , i' Monday night. Besides those burn been siles-L l-i., .w ournea to aenLii numy uli.- vtn iniured by jumping from windows and being trodden down by others ! in the panic. A special from Asheville to the News and Observer of Tuesday said: "The heavy rain and wind storm of i Saturday and Sunday night did much damage in this city and section. The telegragh and telephone companies' wires suffered the greatest, about 20 miles of wires being blown down. Many fences and bill boards were al so blown down and trees uprooted. Tonight a snow storm is raging and the ground is covered with snow." U B 11 F Grow Programme of S. C. A. the same stand. Mr. B. F. Gray, who has man with M. Hoffman & Bro, has given up his place and will fami on the Dr.Wood place just out et town, to which he has moved. . Mr. G. E. Edwards, who has been clerking for Morrisett Bros., has gone into the sewing machine busi ness for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. He will remain inScotland Neck and do the business formerly done by Mr. Clarence B. Riddick, who has gone to Fayetteville. Mr. S. A. Burgess, who has been clerking for White & Paull, has gone to the Scotland Neck Cotton Mills where he is manager of the finishing department. Mr. Joe W. Cotten. who has been clerking for Mr. T. F. Whitley has taken a position with White and Paull. Mr. Rowland James is clerking for Mr. Whitley. .T 1-1 "ITT TT .1. 1 1 " -vir. w.riyman, w;'! calied to order booK-Keeper lor riaruy naraware Co., will not be there this year. He will devote his time to his fram. MOVIMGS IN TOWN. T?nl-lin Mcvr.r RpsnnnsP Hon. Mrs. M. E. Gray has moved from j E. F. McRae, Maxton. Address of Tenth street back to her farm j welcome on part of the Greater home just out of town. j Charlotte Club, Hen. Randolph Pres- Mr. C. W. Dunn has moved from ton. Charlotte. Response, Col. ; the J. Frank Brinkley place to Mrs. Henry C. Dcckery, Rockingham. Annual address, President, C. C. Moore. Appoint Committees. Evening Session. Eight o'clock Selwyn Hotel. Address' 'Agricultural Educa tion," Dr. Geo. T. Winston, Presi dent, N. C. Agricultural and Me- street to Mr. C. B. Riddick's home i chanical College, Raleigh, N. C. on Roanoke street. ! Impromptu Addresses, Delegates. Mr. J.P.Ware with his daughters, Report of Executive Committee, Mrs. Darden and Mrs. Pittman, has ! Chairman, A. J. McKinnon. Infor moved from Mrs. Darden's residence j mai Reception to Visitors by the on Church street to the house on Greater Charlotte Club and Char Twelfth street recently vacated by ! 0tte Retail Merchants Association. Mr. J.S. Keel. j Wednesday, January 22nd., 10 Mr. John Hooker will occupy the j a. ni. Selwyn Hotel, house on Church street vacated by j Address "How to Finance the Mr. Ware. . j Cotton Crop," Hon. F. H. Hyatt, ivir. R. V. Ritcmn has movau from ; Columbia, S. C. Address "Cotton, June 1 st (opening) August 1st October 1st December 2d (Monday) Deposits. $ 5,685.93 17,028.35 24,55 1.07 30,755.75 I Hi Total Rficmct:. $20,821.97 32,767.66 40,856.50 45,560.36 A growth during the most stringent peri od of recent years. We Solicit Your Account, Large or Small. 4 Per Cent. Interest, Compounded Quarterly, Allowed in SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. PLANTERS & COPiHERGAL Scotland Neck, North Carolina. BANK, l-2-tf Gray's home. Mr. G. K. Moore has purchased the Brinkley property occupied by Mr. Dunn and has moved there from Spring Hill. Mr. J. E. Lewis has moved from Following is the programme of the annual Convention of the South ern Cotton Association, Charlotte, January 21st and 22nd: Tuesday. January zlst. Z p. m. Prayer, Rev. R. G. Miller, D. D., I HUIE'A, i Set odST?ho? f PIic Sate cf StccK of the farmers' Storage Warehouse u:iijauy. By virtue of authority in me vested by the board of directors of tb. Farmers' Storage Warehouse Company, and in pursuance of Sections 1 1 . and 1171 cf The Revisal of 1905, I shall sell for cash in the town of Scot land Neck on the 28th dav of January, 1903, at 12 o'clock noon, in iron! of the Scotland Keck Bank, the following shares of common stock m the Farmers' Storage Warehouse Company, the same being sold to pay p sesment duly made and now due and payable, and belonging to the fol lowing named delinquent owners, to-wit: PAR VALUE iur. vv. vv.io the residence he occupied on Tenth lot on the corner oi raevemu una Roanoke streets and has built a good two-story residence, now occupied Mr. E. A. LaFrage. Also on Main street Mr. J.A. Kitch in last year completed a handsome new residence. On Roanoke street between Eighth and Ninth streets Mr. Henry Gray built a handsome residence of con crete, and Mr. Clarence Riddick re- that goodly sum, and the whole I modeled and greatly improved his meiaeiic has led to tae remark : home on adjoining lot to ir. Gray. the Stern residence on Church street where Grown''" Hon S B. Alexan that the United States seems to j The gcotland Neck Cotton Mills and will live in a farm house at Gall-1 der, Charlotte. Address-"The WpfiV nf ' PwilSv bnt I built two residences cn Ninth street j berry and Misses Lizsie and Sailie j Southern Cotton Association, What Which goes to Xw. as a frood east of the Oil Mill. Pittman have moved to the house oc- has it Accomplished?" Mr. S. II. man v tilings do, that there'is a ! On corner of Seventh and Roanoke cuoiedjby Mr. Kitchin. Hobbs, Clinton, N. C. Reports of class of "immigrants which j streets Mr. J. H. Ailsbrook has re- Mr. Thos. F. Gray has rented the Convention Committees, does more harm than good." j riodeled and changed his residence --rain street hotel and moved from ' Session 2. p. r.i. i-to a tvvc-story building of good I Ninth street to tne hotel, and Mr. Address "The Relation of South- . a. Harrison nas movea irom n.asi ern Banks and Mills to the Cotton AN HOUR IN KINS TON. The 'editor of The Common wealth spent nearly three NAME AM. T STOCK J. S. DeBrule, Jr. 1 share H. 1. Clark 2 1-2 shares W. W. Pone 2 1-2 " D. M. Prince E. W. Hyman R. J. Madry Dr. K. Lcggett J . W. Whitehead J. H. Hopkins C. J. Stacia Willie Kale Geo. Hopkins Forest Vaughan F. T. House I. N. Minshew J. T. DeBrule C. L. Minshew B. T. Parker This the Gth day of January, 1908 2 1-2 5 5 5 10 5 1 1 2 1-2 5 2 1-2 5 2 1-2 $10.00 10. GO 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.0 10.00 10.00 10. 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 AM T MK $10.00 & int. 25.00& " 25.00 & " 25.00 & ' ro.oo& r,o.oo& " 10:).00& " 50.00& " 10.00 & " 10.00 & V .r).M)& 50.00 & ' 19.00 ir ' :;s.oo& " 23.00 & ' ns.oo S: " 25.00 & " STATE COTTON CONVENTION. The annual convention of the North Carolina Division of the Southern Cotton Association will meet in Charlotte January 21st and 22nd. Charlotte is a good place for the meeting and the farmers who go up from the various cotton growing counties may count upon royal entertainment. They will hold sessions in the hall of the new Selwyn hotel. Recently when the proprietor of the fine hotel sent a message to a gathering of Mecklenburg farmars tendering the State convention the hall as a meet ing place, some one raised ob jection, saying that the farmers would not feel at home in such a fine place. Whereupon pres ident C. C. Moore immediately replied, "There is no place too fine for the farmers of North Carolina." Of course there was no further objection. It is highly important that all the cotton growing counties be represented in that conven tion. Let the delegates appointed at the county meeting in Hali fax January Gth be sure to at tend and represent the county. Any other farmers who feel in clined to go will be recognized as delegates, and we should be glad if several more would at tend the meeting. hours in the beautiful and hustling town of Kinston last Monday. YTe had not stopped in Kinston for some years, and we found the town greatly im proved. It is now a city in ap pearance, and its Main street is not surpassed for beauty by a iy town in the State. There are many beautiful buildings, including residences, office buildings and stores, and the town has a business move that is quite attractive. During the past few years the town has greatly developed and on every j hand one sees the evidences cf j l thrift. The town I appearance. Besides these buildings mentioned there have been improvements made at various residences which we now do not recall. On the corner of Main and Twelfth streets Hon. Claude Kitchin last spring completed a very handsome store which was at once occupied by W. T. Hancock Co. Also on the west corner of Main and Eleventh streets Mr. Kitchin completed and handsomely equipped the new Planters and Commercial bank building, which furnishes room for the banking business and the law offices of Messrs. Kitchin and Smith and Mr. T. F. Whitley. On the south side of Tenth street Scotland Neck to the house vacated Crop," Mr. D. A. Tompins, Char by Mr. Gray. lotts. Address "The Men to Mr. Frank Winborne has moved j Handle the Cotton Crop through the from Spring Hill to the house vacat- j Southern Cotton Association," Hon. ed by Mr. Harrison. j jno. p. Allison, Concord. Address Mr. Junius Wrighthas moved from j "Cotton, the Basis of the South's near Tillery to East Scotland Neck. ; Prosperity," Hon. E. D. Smith, Gen Mr. W. S. Crisp has moved from 1 eraj Organizer of the Southern Cot the country and occupies a house on ton Association, Columbia, S. C. Eighth street. j Election of Officers. Also Mr. Hale has moved to town j Meeting of County Division Presi from the Roser.eath section and Mr. j dents and Secretaries, to discuss Eurefrom Gates county, and Mr. j pans for WOrk of County Divisions Jones irom near bpeeci. j jn 1908. Albion Dunn, Attorney. R. C. JOEY, Treasurer Farmers' Storage Warehouse Co. 1-9 3t Notice. There doubtless have been other changes and rnovings in town but they have not been learned. Stops itcbinc: instantly. ,1; Cures pi'cs, 2h. Delegates and Visitors are request ed to arrive cn time and to be i prompt in assembling at the opening of each session. my o:d customers ana ' Zr public generally with the leading to the depot, between Maini-"13' iuvm, xn.cr ucu, msv , , t-n -r t- , , J herpes, ecabics D;:ui a Ointment. At cllika ifjaiiun.--;, i-i. u. jl j Eeny Will B2 Kfiipe-l by It. Stolen from my farm on Jan. 2nd, 1 1903, one Top Buggy and one big Bay Mare with white spot on fore head, short legs with one of her hind legs a little stiff and swollen, weight about 1200 pounds by estimation P4...I U.. .. tin., nnlllnn. U I V- self John James, said James being 5 , very besi oi tresa feet hign, weignt 10J pounds hy es timation, clean shaved face, carry ing with him a black negro woman with short nappy hair, her weight about 175 pounds. I will give a re ward of ($10) ten dollrrs for the arrest of the horse and buggy and ($10.) ten dollars reward for the arrest of John James, said John James tc delivered to the Sheriff of Halifax County, and the horse and buggy to be delivered to me or the Sheriff of said Halifax County. Respectfully, R. J. Mayo, Kitchin, K. C, Jan. 6, '03. 1-16-lt am prepared to serve ! 1 ... - 1 4! niznmpf . 1 t 1 ; 1 1.1: Beef, Pork, Sausage, &c. All orders filled promptly, zrA every customer's wants regarded. J. 13. IIIILI Main St., next to Prince's Stables. l-C-lf Notsce. last year completed a handsome of- energy ana xurn 1. ue tu n ; fice building of concrete, which furn is surrounded by a fine agncul- j , hi cffice and law offiCe or Mr tural country and the farmers are thrifty, as well as the people in the town. Our business was mainly at the office of the Kinston Free Press, and we found Mr. Ed wards, the editor, Mr. Beasley, the business manager, and all the force of the paper very clever indeed. The Free Press is a bright afternoon daily and has done great and valuable service to the good town of Kinston. It is a pleasure to spend time amongst such clever people who make one feel like it would be pleasant also to have a home with them. Albion Dunn.both handsomely fitted. Near the railroad track just south cf his wooden warehouse, Mr. R. J. Madry built a large brick warehouse on the modern style for such build ings, which will furnish him ample room for his large business. On the east side of Main street bet ween Eleventh and Twelfth, Mr. A. L. Purrington commenced in the late fall a large double brick store which will soon be completed and will be occupied by Lewis and Co. in the wholesale business. any drug store. To relieve the worst forms of Rheu matism, take a teaspoonful of the j North Carolina, ) SuDer;or court fit!sn!Eai. BiiKk Kilolitn ram:!!. T. V. toiiowmg mixture alter eacn meai You are directed bv the Comman- ! anti at D2time: der to assemble in your Kail prompt-! Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ly at 1:00 p. m., on the 20th of Jan- ; ce; Compound Kargon, one uary, for the purpose of celebrat- j ounce5 Compound Syrup Sarsapanl ing the birthday of General R. E. I!a three ounces. Lee. The orator for fie day will be i These Harmless ingredients can be Mr. Stuart Smith. After the speak- obtained from our home druggists, mg oysters will be served to the ailu r.,iYm hv ii tt nr.- ' them well m a bottle, rceuer is gen- Every member of the Camp is ex pected to be present. By command of W. F. Butterworth, Com. I. H. Smith, Adjt. Notice of Execution Saie. up, inactive kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous l. -ii i : J i Halifax County. ) J. N. Smith vs Isaac Smith By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Supe rior Court of Halifax County, in the above entitled action, I will on Mon day the 3rd day of February, V.m, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, the! following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Isaac Smith, in ana to tne ianas or wnicn Isaac Smith, deceased, died seized and Bv virtue of authority veste 1 in j me by an order entered in the Speci al Proceeding in the Superior Court of Martin county entitled Ilym:. :, Ausborn ct als. Vs Stamp r, A!:.- brook et als, 1 shall on Monday I V!' rurary 3rd, 1908, at 12 o'clock M. :.t the court-house door in Wiiliamstr.n, sell to the highest bidder w ca: ii the following describe 1 tract of lard, known as the John Frosty liyman tract lying on and near tin; l:i:e be tween Halifax and Martin oun t !..' erally felt from the first few doses. This prescription, states a weil Irnnwn niii-nnrit.v in a Clp.vpland morning paper, forces t!,3c,ogSed; iKfMtlSS'wSSSS Smith, Titus Hill and the road lead ing from W. H. Smith Place to Smith's Mill, said land being all the SIM TLB REMEDY Foil LA GRIITF. La grippe coughs arc dangerous as they frequently develop into pneumon ia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only tstops the cough but heals and strength ens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Its virtues have hecn known for years, and thousands of people have been made-happy and well by taking llol lister's Rocky Mountain Ten. Keeps you well and makes von Aveller. .'Joe Tea or Tablets. K. T. "Whitehead & Cc. A farmer named James Pritcbard committed suicide near Elizabeth City Sunday morning. He had a severe spell of sickness last summer and it was thought that his fears of another attack caused him to commit the rash act. A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. g3 As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and torturous disease, tj9 ! but dangerous to life, this simple re- A HIGHER HEALTH LEVEL. "I have reached a higher health level since I began usihg Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Me. "They keep my" stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store. 25c. His arms were soft and flabby. Ke didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott' Ernuteion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS; SOc. AND Sl.OO. eg eg? cipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here at home, who should at once prepare the mix ture to get this relief. It is said that a person who would take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily, or even a few times a week, would never have serious Kidney or Uninary disorders or Rheumatism. Cut this out and preserve it. Good Rheumatism prescriptions which really relieve are scarce,, indeed, and when you need it, you want it badly. Our druggists here say they will either supply these ingredients or make the mixture ready to take, if any of our readers so prefer. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stomach ills. Two dsys' treatment free.. Ask our dealer. Sold by E. X. Whitehead & Co. land m said county and state of which the said Isaac Smith, deceas ed, died seized and possessed, and the interest cf defendant in said land being a one-ninth interest, un divided. Said land being real estate attach ed in the above entitled action. This the 3rd day of January 1S0S. J. R. Patterson, Sheriff of Halifax County. By C. W. Dunn, D. S. l-9-4t Executrix Notice. Having qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of James H. Lawrence, deceased, late of Hal- fax county, N. C, this is tonotify : all nersons hp-vintr claims "atrainst i estate of said deceased to present them to me cn or before the 15th day of January, 1909, as prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. Minnie E. Lawrence, Ex. estate of Jas. H. Lawrence. Jan. 15, 1908. . . l-16-6t near the road leading tVoin I'.iimyra to Hobgood adjoining the larls u E. P. Hyman, Wade Mb:eil ;.r.d ( ti ers, containing 250 acres more or . ; The entire tract is well covered ;ci; '' young pines and oaks, the older ber was cut fifteen vears a?c. This December 30th, 1U07. S.J. Evi:;:i:tt. Comuv.l'-.r.cr. Williamstcn, N. C. 1-9-4 t Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUFETJiOR VEGE TABLES St FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experieneo our own seed farms, trial grounds and larg3 warehouse capacity give us cn equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best 6eeds obtainable. Our trade in Eeeds VJ both for tho o Garden end Farm is one of the largest In this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats. Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas. Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Deserlpt'vo Catalog Rives fuller and moro compluio Infor mation abor.t both Garden and Farm Seeds than any other similar publica tion issucii iu una country, juauscl free on request. Write for it. T.W.Wood&Sons, Sesdsmen, RICHMOND, VA. 8

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