r "' (J 5 5 f s :? Thrown From a ETJGGY.--So:-ne days o t ti i a;?o while Hiss Lizzie Pittman, was r : driving in town, her horse took fright and ran. She was thrown from the j bug&y and so badly hurt that she 2 I had to stay in several days. Her in- od financial principle j juries were not serious. V i RU1LE) UP fc. -wv - r isM j YOUR BANil CEEDIT. It .is a well recog'niz- Crops in The Fields.- CP' ' it cxriaiK .. places there are quantities of cottor in.- powvr of money ! aa neanute in the fields in this re PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and OJher folks. Mr. Sam Hoffman went to Rocky Mount Sunday. Mr. Sam Harwell, of Rocky Mount, is here on a visit. Cowan-Cowan. takrs a o - t o o o o o 4' i o o 5 s In many on I T T 1 TT-7 i TTT'll? l , , v. ... i - - t ii .1. a. vv n t.p. ot wimamsron. dollar f i jri-:n. For several weeks there has ,., w wmo W now - --v fmiv 1 bf en little work done towards hous-! , , ,. Oak Ridge to enter school. Mr. Chas. Allen Jones went to Kinston on a visit last week. Mrs. J. G. Powell, of Enfield, was here recently on a visit "to relatives. Mr. V. B. Dunn, of Durham, was here last week on a visit to relatives. o ins i.h ; cvons. At. f'.hvi.-'.bnas times ten especially is this j hands generally gave up work and true in making," invest- j since Christmas the weather has meats 1 ocen to uns'e( to muc-1- i ,, - i . i Eitten By a Doc Some. days ago ( reait at tne bank is ,..,, 1? e A ! little Murray Savage, son of Mr. and worth li:ivin". jMrs. J. N. Savage, was going up The mar. who has a ! Church rtreet to his uncle's. Mr. P. , , ., , . ; a. Kasuerry, wnen a cleg attacked i jrood credit at the j him ,.n( v.oud bave b;tten him bad. J Clerk of the Court S. M. Gary, of bank is situated HO lie ly but for the thick clothing the lit- Hahfax was here Thursday on busi- ? ti, rn!.i ' ness. Miss Lucile Ellington, of Clayton, tie cni'd fce a worthless one and was aner- -an take advantage of any .snaps that come I wards k-lic-H his w.-iy lie is in posi- t iji i to make money. Si i Start an account Mr. Joseph R. Mason, father of flir. Jcssph R. Kaso?. Avith us mid build lip ! Mrs. S. F. Dunn, of this place, died , , t, .,, i some days ago at Emporia, Va. a bank credit it will ?i T; , , , , j Mr. Mason had a large circle of 1)8 very useful to you friends in this State and this com )foT oJmun:t3r. The Louisburg correspon- S ! dent to the News and Observer said 5 The Scotland f'cdi EaRk, 0rhim. Z Scol'and Necls, N. C. "The recent death of Mr. Joseph , 1 of Mrs. J. J. Person, of this place, j brings to mind memories of the old is here on a visit to Mrs. Chas. Allen Jones. Capt. C. D. Christian, of the State farm near Tiliery, was in town some days ago. Mrs. Tyler B. Wheeler has return ed from a visit to Franklinton and Louisburg. Mr. Harry Lee McDowell went to Oak City Monday on business for Josey Hardware Co. Mr. J. II. Allsbrook went to Ever etts Monday where he is engaged in house-moving this week. - Mr. Robert Gray came over from For Sa!e. C --1 A .- opuci .i.i.Juiiii.i ileitis. : jay3 v,hen he was a prominent fifmre j in the political life of this State, of Rocky Mount and spent Sunday with ! which he was then a resident. He I his mother, Mrs. M. E. Gray A square piano. Steinway. ! w:-s a of 2reat intellectual force j Miss Mary 11. Smith. ! ?r'd vigor, which soon gamed for him j 1-19-2'; ! positions of honor and distinction. Z T. Me was a representativein the Leg- I islat lire for several terms and was Last Saturday on Main street one j elected to the national Congress. He small gold necklace. Owner can get ! was an excellent type of the old ante Sife h; entifyin and paying for ; bellum gentleman, his home being cm.-, notice. Pr,., r,,,... j noted for its hospitality and refine- 1-10-lt : rr'e,:t' Mr Mason was the brother ; 0e jjon xhos. V. Mason, of North- W:l5iC 3:2. j ampton county, and his death was itue to extreme old age, lie being Mrs. J. H. Allsbrook is in Beaufort county near Washington, N. C. this week visiting her home people. LiOok out tor Morriset t Brothers' ! White Sale which fhev will announce : cvev 80 years old at the time of his , in a few days. ' death. He v.-as well known in Louis i burg, where he frequently visited ! Mrs. Person, and the news of his de ! mise is heard with great regret." T'nii is to wnvn nil r.-sr:nr!S irtiAvn soever from fishing, trapping, or' Mr. Mason died at the home of his bunting in any manner on ray land ; daughter, Mrs. J. II. Mason, of Em under penalty of the law. i poria, and with other things the Em- I "One would not have to seek far ! to discover the cause of h'spopulari- Nov. Z: 1907. ll-2S-tf. Mr. A. L. Baughcom, of Harnett county, was here some days ago, the guest of the editor of The Common wealth. Mr. H. P. Alexander went to Ply mouth Monday where he is engaged in buying cotton seed for the Wilson Oil Mill. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Vaughan and little son, of Nashville, came over on a visit to their home people some days ago. Mr. F. R. Bateman returned to his home in Plymouth Monday after a visit to his daughter here, Mrs. J. A. Harrison. Mrs. Ida Boiasau, of Petersburg, I Va., and Mrs. John Dodson, of Oak- Mr. S. F. Dunn. Mr. S. F. Dunn went to Raleigh McAnge's Nice Selected Suffolk ! ty. Imbued with a love of human- j and, Cat, are visiting their brother, vjysters receiveu every xuesuay ana ; if: he was a inencl to evervman and Friday on the 4 p. marain. j his fiiendo loved him for his great w. o. I qualities of the brain and heart. His ; life was an open book. He disnensed ! Tuesday night to attend a meeting ! hosnitalitv with a lavish hand." beine ! of the Grand Lodge of Masons, as a trong andirons cheap, i an excellent type of the genteman of representative of the Scotland Neck i-.lns. i. ii.. Eilliard. j ante-bellum days, and his home was ! lSe one cf the centers of culture and re- fineraent for his section. "About five or six years ago all of rubisj.i lift kviv. Good and st I am now prepared to make Pic ture rrames oi all sizes, and et all 1 Mesdames Claude Kitchin and two children, A. McDowell and child and A. P. Kitchin left some days ago for ill :ure t rair.es ot au sizes, ana et an hj3 children having married and left Wa,h5np.ton D c where thv wi emus of Mouidir.gs. Prices satisfac- ' u i ' is.uni.o.i, u. wnere m.ywi :ory. At J. D. Ray's old standi i mm- he -avo ui 1113 hom2 an(1 caine soend some time, S. C. R'Y. ' to Emporia wnere he made his home i IJ-l. 1. .1 Ti 1 ...:i. A- P ITvd il Q 'Tflv4- r.f-,v. n t"4 Limps for Ss!e. with his daughter, who with two of Mrs. G. S. Norfleet, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. A. F. Hancock, returned to her home at Lewiston I her sisters survives him. i "T-.. - X 1. i., .1 -J. ii. - I ii'.o i:i lei in fiit tuun. i-'iace at uie f,,;'n0Ur at5Sin2: l4traps a I family burial ground in Northamp- j Monday. She was accompanied home con county on iiew tear suay, quite I "-y o-slci, ixia jjiia iiaiicutii. a number of friends of the deceased ! from Emporia accompanying the re- Mii3. E. E. HlLLIARD. At CGSf. We arc still orrermg our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing, i Men's and Boy's Overcoats, Ladies' j and Misses' Craver.ettes. ail Woolen ' Dress GooJ, all Silk Shirt Waist; Goods. Driimrets and Rugs, Carpets and Buggy R:bes, at cost for cash only: Call early and make your selection. A few nice Wood and Ccal Heat ers at cost. ' mams. nn! r? Mr. fji W P.V'-p Mrs. M. W. Ballard died at her home near Williamston Monday Jan uary sixth. On the following day her remains were interred in the burying ground at Mrs. Maniza Our stock of Furniture is full and ! White s, ner stepmotner. Kev. Mr. Daniel, of Hobgood, conducting the burial exercises. Mrs. Ballard was Mrs. Carrie Whitehurst who has been living at Bethel has moved to Scotland Neck to live at the home place of her father, Mr. K. Alls brook, with her sister, Mrs. Wals ton. Mrs. J. K. Henderson who has been visiting in Washington stopped over Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. (Cor. to The Commonwealth.) Holston Valley, Tenn., l-8-'08. A wedding that will be of much interest in Bristol and vicinity was solemnized at the bride's home last Tuesday at 2 p. m. in Holston Valley, when Miss Sue-Cowan, the daughter of the late Rutledge Cowan, was united in holy bonds of wedlock to William G. Cowan, of Fayetteville, Tenn. The guests were received by Miss Maude Worrell and Mr. James Lowry. They were ushered in the parlor where the decorating was beautiful in the form of an arch of evergreens with a pryamid of white bunting covered with ferns. Miss Ollie Delaney, with her skil ful touch, presided at the piano, playing Melody of Love. And the bride, with Miss Lucy House, of Scotland Neck, N. C, followed by the groom, with Tom Pemberton, entered the drawing room where the bridal party was formed. While Mendelsshon's wedding march was played the little ribbon bearers, Jewel Cowan and W. C. Delaney formed an aisle through which the bride and groom entered. Dr. J Albert Wallace performed the service. The bride's going away gown was dark brown cloth with gloves, shoes and hat to match. She carried a shower bouquet of brides' roses. Those serving in the dining room were Misses Lucy House, Maude Worvell and Mrs. Nan Delaney, assisted by Mesdames Bob Cowan and Harvey King. In the reception hall were many handsome presents displayed. The decorations of the hall and dining room were very pretty con sisting of a lovely locket of ferns suspending by white ribbons covered with ferns to each corner of the table where the wedding cake was cut. The bridal party left on the Holston Valley train consisting of Misses Nan and Sallie Cowan, Misses Ollie Delaney and Lucy House, Mr. James Lowry and Charlie King, Misses Maude Pemberton and Sue Fieenor, James King and John Dickey, Misses Maude Worvell and Nan Delaney, Charles Cowan and Arthur Fieenor, and A. J. Cowan with Miss Mary Lowry; where they were tendered an elegant reception at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Delaney, Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan will make their future home in Fayetteville, Tenn. To The 5 Public! Mr. Smiia the Speaker. As will be seen from the notice by Commandant W. F. Butterworth to the Buck Kitchin Camp of Confed erate Veterans, Mr. Stuart H. Smitn will be the speaker before the Vet erans on 20th in honor of General R. E. Lee's brithdays. From the many fine compliments possed upon Mr. Smith's address before the graded school North Carolina Day the old soldier, may count upon a good treat on that occasion. Mr.Smith's address before the graded school on the Scotch-Irish in North Carolina was greatly enjoyed by all who heard it. .$100 REWARD, $100. T3ie readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leapt one dreaded li.sea.-e that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous complete, at special prices Edwards & Co. For Sale. Tsvo five room dwelling on Wef t side of Main street between 8th and 9th. 1-9 -2t Wilson Au.SRP.ooif. Nciicd Fox River Butter and Corby's Bread always on hand. 1-9-tf IIcwAiiD Ckoceuy Co. R. C. Josey. Mrs. Henderson was ; surfaces of the disease, thereby destroy returning to her home at Roanoke Rapids. The 0. N. I Club. ': place, and Mrs. F.J. Savage, near! ; Kohgocd. The following is from the Wil I liamston Enterprise concerning Mrs. "The friends of Mrs. M. W. Bal lard, of Poplar Point, were greatly To The Public. j tha;; she had died suddenly at 7:30 j o'clock. Mrs. Ballard woke-that '; morning and complained to her hus i band that she did not feel well that I de:.ire to thank my friends and j she bad peculiar pain and sickness the public for a very liberal patron-1 in her stomach. This passed away age, and to recommend to all the ! after litt!e wh;ie and her husband Howard Grocery Co., to wncm Ii , . , . . j., . , , have sold the business. Mr. ;or. j wont cut to loo:c after the hands and man Howard will be the manager of to put them to work. When he re the Howard Grocery Co., and will j turned from the field for his break be glad to have a share of your pat-, fa?t .lC went to see his wife and found 1-9-tF W, T. Tyler, j r cold in death. , Her remains were taken to the j old family burying ground, about ! tv:o and a half miles from Hobgood r, , , r, , T , i in Hal i fa:: county. Tuesday morn- i,roveii3 miss ie?s:o .uocre, aaugn-j ter of M: J. G. Moors, was married ' to Mr. Walter .Maries, Justice N. I'l ir-nlvc C'arholizoil nci. like apoul- FitzPatrick performing the cere mony. tiee, draws ill! Itimmation, and poi son. Ami epitc, healing. For chap- ped hands, iip.;, cuts burns. Fold by I K. T. Whili-koad & C-o. IT DOEH THE UUSIXESS. j . T I r. E. F.. Chnmbcrlian. of Clinton, i The dock ticks and ticks the time nine, Kays of P.ueklen's Arnica Salve. I away, ",'t does the business;! have w.kI it for j Shortening up our lives each oay, ltiies and it cured them. Vntcd it for i Eat, drink, aad be merry, chapped hands and it cured them. Ap- For some day you will be where l.liwl it, tn .n r.1.1 snro i,l it IikoM 'it; There is no Rockv Mountain lea. 1 without leaving a star behind." 2"c at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store. Free sample at E. T. Whitehead & Co. 'a drug store. (Reported te The Commonwealth.) The O. N. L Club was delightfully entertained by Miss Annie Harper on the afternoon cf January the eight at the residence of Mrs. G. H. John son on Church street. When the members were all present the meet ing was called to order by the Presi dent, Miss Laura Clark. An interesting paper on the life of Longfellow was read by Miss Hil dah Hancock. Then a guessing contest of the poets began. Excitement ran high for awhile; the successfull contestants being Misses Laura Clark and Mattie Josey. This being a tie, they gracefully pre sented the prize to the guest of hon or, little Miss Lelia Higgs, of Green ville, N. C. Miss Ruby Darden received the booby. As we were making merry the hos tess invited us into the dinning room where the table was bountifully spread with good things to eat. After we had partaken of this we returned to the parlor. Then each of us bade our hostess good bye, wish ing we could meet with her again soon. ' ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO... Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7oc. Take Hall's Family Pills for const-pation. Don't let the baby sutler from ecze ma, sores or any itching of the, skin. Doan's Ointment gives instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for child ren. All druggists sell it. Notice. Public Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of power vested in me by that deed of trust executed to me by Macy Bryant, of record in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Hal ifax County in Book 180 at page 596, I shall sell for cash in the Town of Scotland Neck on the 15th day of February, 1908, at 12 O'clock Noon, the following described lot or parcel of Real Estate, lying, being, and sit utate in the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, to wit: That lot in the Town of Hobgood known as the old Mill Lot and bound ed on the South by the Weldon and Kinston Branch of the A. C. L. Rail road, on the east by Hannah Purvis, on the North by the road leading from Hobgood to Martin County and on the west by the East Carolina Land and Improvement Co., and be ing the same lot that was purchased by Tom Bryant of E. P. Hyman by deed of record in Halifax County, to which reference is made for a more particular description, and contain ing 2 acres, more or less. Albion Dunn. Trustee. l-16-4t We want to announce to our friends and the public that we have purchased the stock of Mr. A. L. Purrington, and will car ry a full and up to date line of Merchandise. We will appre ciate a part of your patronage. PITTMAN 8c BISHOP At A. L. Purrington's Old Stand, Scotland Neck, N. C. Fresbet In Roanoke. The Roanoke River has been out of its banks several days and there has been some loss to the crops. Popular Exercise. One of the most popular exercises for the young people of the town is horse-back riding. Every afternoon whpn thp vvpnthpr will nprrmt. miito Corn and peanuts still in the fields a number of gentlemen and have bsen danaged in places, but at young ladies may be seen on horse- last hearing the damage was not so back together. They seem to enjoy heavy as at first report. J the exercise very much. Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Manufactured and For Sale ly W. A. BI Scotland Neck, N. C. Best of Workmen Employed and Satisfaction Guaranteed, , Repairing of All Kind Done on Short Notice. o See This Space Next W eek Q 0 Our White Goods Announcement, in cluding Laces, Embroideries, Lawns, etc., will appear next week. Look out for it. The prices on these goods will astonish you, and if you fail to see them we will both lose money. Look for announce ment in this space in next week's paper. w G Hancock Como anv 0 a o o e o o o o o 0 Q o 0 o e o o 0 O o a o o a 0000 CD Kl hfX g5 ill .fir'iiii i rrrfirr fpr-7 tmi m The Great Cotton Fertiliser Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer tilizers used, as the greatest producer of large yields. See that the trade mark is on every bag--:it guarantees against imitations and insures you are ettin the genuine Royster goods. F. S, HOYSTER 'GUANO COMPANY Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. ' Pleasant to tc.Ke J JK aNs 0 axative Fruit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears callow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed E. T. Whitehead & Company, Scotland Neck, North Carolina.

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