It IBiiild; J-21 THE ANCHOR OF COLUMBUS. How He Lost It and Senor Argostino Found It In His Garden. (Philadelphia Press.) On the night of the 2nd of August, 1498, the little fleet of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of Ameri ca.he then being on his third voyage, lay at anchor just off the southwest point of the Island of Trinidad, off the mainland of South America, which he had seen that day for the first time. "Being on board of his ship," says Washington Irving in his history of the great navigator, "late at night, being kept awake by pain ful illness and an anxious and watch ful spirit, he heard a terrible roar ing from the south, and beheld the sea heaped up, as it were, into a ridge or hill the height of the ship, covered with foam and rolling to wards him with a terrible uproar. As this furious surge approached, rendered more terrible in appear ance by the obscurity of the night, he trembled for the safety of his vessels. His own ship was suddenly lifted up to such a height that he dreaded lest it should be overturned or cast upon the rocks, while an other of his ships was torn violently from the anchorage, leaving her anchor behind her. The crew for a time were in great consternation fearing they should be swallowed up, but the mountainous surge passed on and gradually subsided, after a violent contest with the counter cur rent of the strait. This sudden rush of watar, it is supposed, was caused by the swelling of one of the rivers which flow in the Gulf of Para, and which were as yet unknown to Col umbus. The Anchor thus lost on the night of August 2, 149S, nearly 400 years ago, from one of the ships of Colum bus, off the southwest extremity of the Island of Trinidad (Point Arenal, as Columbus named the spot, vide Irving), has already been recovered by Senor Argostino, the gentleman who now owns the point of land in question. It has the rare merit of being the oldest relic extant of the great navigator and of the discovery of America. As would be expected from the age of this relit it is an anchor in the simplest form of expression. The shaft is round and eight feet nine inches in legth. At the head of the shaft is a round ring, nearly a foot in diameter, to which the cable was i fastened. The flukes have a spread of about five feet. The total weight is 1,100 pounds. The anchor was dug up by Senor Argostino in his garden from a depth of six feet at the distance of 327 feet from the nearest beach of the sea. His first supposition was that he had stumbled upon a relic of the Phoeni cians or of some other of the ancient nations who have been supposed by many to have visited the coasts of America thousands of years ago. But an examination of local facts and authorities soon convinced him that a portion of his garden now occupies the very post at which the ships of Columbus lay at anchor on the night of August 2, 1498. The land is constantly rising from the sea along this entire coast, as has been shown by Humboldt, Findlay and scores of others who have writ ten upon this subject, and the rate of this rising is known to have been quite sufficient to turn in 400 years the anchorage of the great fleet into the garden of a private citizen There is not a particle of doubt, therefore, at the end of rigid en quiry that has been made, that the anchor recently found by Senor Argostino is really and truly the lost anchor of Columbus. AX INSIDIOUS CAN G EH One of the worst features of kklncv trouble is that it is an insidious dig ae and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first tign of trouble as it corrects irregular ities and prevents Bright's disease and diabetes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. "That widow says he is clever but impossible. If a widow has found him impossible he must be clever." Houston Post. HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS .Most victims oi appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cure chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural ac tion of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Re fuse substitutes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. imwi m mil n mm in mn i i ii"" What is medicine for? To cure you, if sick, you say. But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness, because different medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver;' another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that is why has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease.' Try it.1, Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Bartonville, 111., writes: "I suffered for years vith female diseases, and doctored without relief. My back and head would hurt me. and I suffered agony with bearing-down pains. At last I took Wine of Cardui and now I am In good health." Sold everywhere. In $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER MMTMriBtTaiWJKl How Live Stock Will Help the Grower. Cotton (Progressive Farmer.) The Farmers' Union and Cotton Association both are advocating what clear-headed men have long contended for namely, that the cotton acreage should be kept down. The farming population must have something to make a living on, and if it is to be less cotton it must be more of something else. Raising other plowed crops to replace part of the cotton would aid the cause; but there is still a better way. One crying need to-day in the South is land that is in good con dition. Humus, decayed vegetable matter, has been lost from the soil to an extent that makes the soil hard to work, easily affected by both wet and dry weather so that crops are injured easily by either, small yields of crops every year, and small profits. There are several ways that organic matter can be added to the soil, but in no other way can it be done so profitably as by raising stock on the land. The grass or stored feed used by the stock should give some profit at the time the stock are sold, and the manure would still remain behind to improve the soil. In a very large number of cases it pays the farmer who owns his own land and works, to raise a crop of cow peas, for instance, to be turned under solely for improving the soil. If, instead of turning the crop under, it is grazed off by stock or is made into hay and fed to stock, the extra gain in flesh or wool should in itself prove profitable; and if the manure has the care that a product of its value should have, from three fourths to four-fifths of the manuri al value originally in the crop can be regained in the manure. This prac tically means that such a crop handled in the latter way ultimately brings in from one dollar and a half to two dollars for every one dollar of outlay. This can be counted on with more certainty than the profit from a crop of corn or a crop of cotton. If he does not have much money to start with, he may find that it is difficult to get stock enough to do much the first year, and he cannot get much returns from the manure before the second year; but the cash returns from the manure can be got almost as soon as the cash returns from commercial fertilizer could be got. Men sometimes say, "Oh, I can't do that; I don't have money enough," They seem to imagine that if they do not have capital enough to engage in stock farming on a large scale at the very begin ning, they cannot engage in stock raising on a small scale. If they had reasoned that way when they were earning to walk, they would be creeping yet; but at first they made small progress in walking, but they kept on according to their ability and more than a few of them have developed into very good sprinters. They can win out in the stock busi ness the same way, if they show as much determination as men as they did as creeping children. On the whole, it is generally just as well for the average farmer to start into stock raising on a small scale. It is verv important and in fnrt. it. is absolutely necessary to health that we give relict to the stomach promply at the first signs of trouble which are belching of gas, nausea, sour stomach, hoaaache, irritability and nervousness. These are w amines that. tl-iA Rr.nm - V has been mistreated; it is doing too much work and it is demanding help from you. Take something once in a wihic; espicially alter meals; some thine like KODOL FOR DYKPFPST A AND INDIGESTION. It will enable your stomach to do its work properly lOVJi'a k'J A-d. A. M lllLL'lltaU tv vu. Cuslomer: "How long have you lived m this house?" Cobbler: "I don't know exactly how much rent do we owe, wife?" ' i . 1 1 i in . itviT ran itii ivuun you ii masn a finger or sufl'cr a cut bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil instantly relieves the pain quickly cures the wound. Don't let the baby suffer from ecze ma, sores or any itching of the skin Doan's Ointment gives instant relief cures quickly. Perfectly safe for child ren. Al druggists sell it. Any kind of a hat looks good on a woman if she has the j right sort of face. A marvellous preparation containing the most healing ingredients. Hol- lister's Eocky Mountain Tea relieves when all else has failed. 3oc. Tea or Tablets. E. T. Whitehead dt Co. Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Illustrated Book for Women. If yoa rSed Medical Advice, describe your symptoms, statin? age, and reply will be sent In plain sealed eavetopa. Address: Ladles Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Fresh Inspiration. (Youth's Companion.) Napoleon understood human na ture. He recognized the great truth, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," and knew how to apply it, not only to himself and his own ambitious projects, but to other men as well. Moreover, he knew precisely the right moment to apply it to quicken the spark of divine energy which smolders in every man, although the ashes of fatigue and failure may cover its light tempor arily. A French soldier carried a des patch to Napoleon. Just as he de livered it into the hands of the em peror his spent horse dropped dead. Napoleon wrote an answer to the despatch, then, dismounting from his own horse, he handed the bridle to the soldier. "Take this horse and ride back, comrade," he said. "Nay, sire," stammered the sol dier, gazing at the blooded horse and his trappings. "It is too mag nificent and grand for me, a com mon soldier." "Take it!" commanded Napoleon. "There is nothing too grand and magnificent for a soldier of France." The soldier mounted and rode away on his perilous business, ready and willing, and Napoleon's words, repeated through the ranks and columns of his army, gave to his tired troops fresh inspiration and energy. "Nothing too grand and magnificent for a soldier of France!" they said, and the thought that they were worthy of the best inspired them to the mighty deeds which fol lowed. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured mc." J. II. Wal ker, Sunbury, Ohio. No need to fear coughs and colds this year as you can obtain Bees Laxative Cough Svriip now from Your dealer. This is good news to mothers who fear croup and whooping cough. It is a gentle laxative that expells the poison from the system in the natural waw Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead fe Co. The clock ticks and ticks the time airav. Shortening up our lives each day, Eat. drink, aud be merrv. For some day you will be where There is no Rocky Mountain Tea. Free sample at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, crup and whooping cough grows in favor daily with Young and old. Mothers should Keen it on hand for children. It is prompt relief to croup. It is gentry laxative, driving the poison and phelgm from the system. It is a simple remedy -hat gives im mediate relief, guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Bigger Cotton Yields Per Acre The value of commercial fertilizers has been demonstrated over and over again by both government and private comparative tests. We stand ready to demonstrate to you at any time that the surest way to "in crease your yields per acre" is to use ' Ik w ISlk Vii gimataroMa Fertilizers m Hon. R. J. Redding, former Director of the Geor gia Exp. Station, is authority for the statement that 'experiments made at this station show that well balanced commercial fertilizer applied to one acre of land, and well cultivated, may be reasonably ex pected to produce an increase of yield of seed cottcn. At the present price of cotton this would mean a large extra profit (for both lint and seed), after deducting the price for fertilizer." You'll find reports of many other comparative tests, together with much valuable information con cerning land culture in the new Virginia-Carolina ear Book or Almanac. Ask you local fertilizer dealer for a copy or we'll send vou one jpP' free, if you write our nearest sales office. Jl. . 3 c m Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond, Va. ortolk, Va. Columbia, S. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. m ... EC EANK FOOLISHNESS. "When attacked by a cough or cold, or when your throat is sore, it is- rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery." says C. O. Eldridgc, of Empire, Ga. "I have used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery quickly cures every attack." Known the world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guar antee at E. T. Whitehead & Co. 's drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Edith George bet me a box of chocs, on the cricket match today. Ethel Which team did you bet on? Edith I can't remember but I'll get the chocs, either way. Illustra- ! ted Bits. Do you have backache occasionally, or "stitches" in the side, and some times do you feel all tired out, without ambition and without energy? If so, your kidnevs are out of order. Take DcWitt's Kidney and Bladder I'ilK They promptly relieve backache, weak back, inflammation of the bladder and weak kidnevs. Sold E. T. Whitehead & Co. . Mrs. Coburgger It isn't right to charge Freddie with taking that money out of your pocket. Why don't you accuse me? Cobuig?er Because it wasn't all taken. Har per's Weekly. A CARD. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your your money if Foley's Honey andTar fails to Iciire your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cure la grippe, coughs and prevents pneu monia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse Substitutes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. "A Chicago man is going to make a trip around the world for the pur pose of studying freak people." It is to be supposed that he has already made a thorough study of himself. Richmond News-Leader. To stop that pain in the back, that stiffness of the joints and muscles, take Pineules. They are guaranteed. Don't suffer from rheumatsm, bacKnche, Kid ney trouble, when you get 30 days' treatment sor $1-00, A single dose at bedtime proves their merit. Get them to-day. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. It is thus evident that Governor Johnson believes the tariff to be the natural and proper issue for the Democratic party in 1908. Char lotte Observer.' Everybody loves our baby, rosy sweet and warm With kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arms. ! Once she was so thin and cross, used to cry with pain Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Durham, N. C. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. C Montgomery, Ala, Memphis, Tenn. bhreveport, La. VCliemfyseiy Manufacture Your Raw Material. (Progressive Farmer.) Then, the hog notes are all right. Many years ago the late Governor Carr sent me to Nebraska to study the beet sugar industry. I drove around the neighborhood of the great sugar factory at Norfolk, Neb., and talked with the German farmers there who were supplying beets to the factory. I asked one man if the beets interfered much with his gen eral crop of corn. He said: "Look at the corn; there is no sunflower in it." This was evidence of clean cul ture, for sunflowers are the great trouble there. I asked him what corn was worth. "The elevators are paying 25 cents a bushel." "But," said I, "is not that a poor price for corn?" "Yes," said he, "but I sell no corn to the elevator; I put it in hogs and they walk off and get me 50 cents a bushel for my corn. "That is well," said I, "but I notice that the stores here in Norfolk are all selling hams and bacon from the Chicago packing houses. Could you not cure some of the meat at home and do even better?" "Dot iss goot idea," said the Dutchman; "I think I cure some unt get sefenty-fife cents for corn." Now, the Southern farmers with a good Tamworth male to cross on the native stock could make the finest of hams and bacon, and the turning of corn into hogs and tht hogs into cured bacon would certain ly be a mode of manufacturing one's raw material that would pay much better than selling the corn, and would leave the manurial value of the corn on the farm. Selling raw products is not the way for a community to get rich. The South is rapidly getting away from this in the manufacture at home of the cotton, and every farm er could increase his income by using the raw feed materials to make more valuable products in beef and pork and butter, Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a pen nv's cost the great value of this scion tific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. hoop s Catarrh Remedy. Sold bd A. C. Peterson. Korse O, dear; now that these motor cars are coming so much into favor I'm afraid I shan't be wanted. Cat Now, don't carry on so. The mouse trap didn't do away with me, did it. Chips. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PE CAPvDINC THE NATIONAL Pl'HE FOOD AND DRUG LAW. Wo are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not aU'ected by the National Pure Food and Drug Lav ha it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Charley Your father seems to have gotten over his dislike for me. Carrie When we first met he was afraid it might lead to something. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. It depends upon the pill you take. DeWitt's Little Early Risers arc the best pills known for constipation and sick headache. Hold by E. T. White head & Co. Never mind. Some of these win ter days are so intoxicating that you won't notice the difference. "I trust this may be read by many sufferers from Kidney and Bladder trouble" writes Mrs. Joe King, of Woodland, Tex. "I suffered four years and could find nothing to give even temporary relief. Our druggist at last induced me to try your 30 days' treat ment of Pineules for $1. This one bot tle has cured me and money could not buy the value it has been to me. Guar anteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead &, Co. A girl that has never been kissed has a very poor memory. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Slioop.s Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm less and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells moth ers everywhere to give it without hesi tation even to very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender steins of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Jt calms the coughs, and heals the sore and sen sitive bronchial mcmberanes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses. "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Takenoother. A.C. Peterson. M omiments & We pay the Freight, and Guarantee Safe Delivery. Largest Stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue free. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1848.) 159, 161 and 163 Bank Street, . Norfolk, Virginia. irQuieis like Couqhl 5 Tiiic Jo nnA rMon whv Avsr's i 'j A I i . O I J ' 'A hie in consumption, it stops ji the wear and tear of useless i coughing. But it does more S it controls the inflammation, jj quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. 1 Tha bast kind of a testimonial "Sold for over eixty yea-s. o" manufacturers of 7 SARSAPAKILU. .yers PILLS. KA1K VIGOR. the formulas of all our msaicmc. Hasten recovery by Usepm, . . . . j-1 1 . Ai-rTa tha FiilS. Dr. J. E. riasrow Corrects all defects of the EYE that Glasses will remedy. VIRGINIA OPTICAL PARLORS, 324 Main Siree?, Corner Tclbof, Norfolk, Va. i-6-iyr Telephone 1 1 27-A .B.JoseyCo Uftderiakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. North Carolina Iloart Stron jrth, or TTea rt Wor-kns, means Nerve Ftrentrth, or Nerve Wcakiifss nothing more, l'os itivcly. not one weak heart in a hundred is. in it self. Bctunlly lis.istl. It ii nlmost h!whs a hidden tiny liitlu iwrvo that really is all at fnu!L This obscure nerve tho Cardiac, or Hecrt IJervo simply needs, and must have, iiiore power, mote Stability, mora control linjr, morn frowniing strength. Without that the Heart must continuo to fail, and thfi stomach ntul kidneys also havo theso sam3 controlliii? nerves. This clearly explains -why. as a medicine. Br. Fhoop's Restorative has in tin) jmst Um so much for weak and ailinfr Hearts, far. fslioop tirst sought the cause of all this pairful, palpitating, suffomt intr heart distress. Ir. 5-hoop's Restorativi. this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wast in? nerve centers. It builds; it strengthens ; it onVrs real. Eemiiiie heart help. If you woidd have strong Hearts, strong di prestion, strengthen theao Inerves re-eitu blizh them a3 needed, with Restorative A. C. PETERSON. Tiie South BeiicJ Walcii! ON'T ycu think it's time, hon estly, to relegate the watcn you now carry to the attic alpng with the other heirlooms and get a watch that you can depend on to meet the conditions of the life you lead? We wish you would call and see our line of beautiful South Betid Watches. The South Bead Watch is sold on what it will do for you, not on the strength ci a reputation ol a l-ycone past. We will piadly show you the eco nomy cf buying a South Bend We.tch if yo:i will osk us. We puarautee them to be satis factory lime-Ucepcrs. Re member, the South Bend i Vatch feczsi: iii ice still keeps perfect time Don't forget we carry a full line of other watches, jewelry, silverware and cut glass the year round. E. T. Whitehead & Company H. W. MIXQN, Mgr. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Gravestones 1 0 6f .pyfi.-H ".. V.', DO YGU WAN? A Sl.6eO.tO LVilZZ INSURANCE POLICY In ona cf tlie strongest corcpaa!?: Ii An..-:' $ 1,000.00 In caso cf your by :. -t, - j $7.50 per ween It caco ct tcrUi'-ntal -, ev-ryone vbo s-nd3 u? 3 r'J yr-u'y t - j to THE COTTON JOURNAL. Tt.ia is . . reprnsentaJva cotton growers' Ftrsr, pt i weekly at Atlanta, Oa., Price era cclir.r ; .-: y:-... Sand in ycur subrclr!cn r.r i th.-.t of i' ,. .r fr'sntis, end receive TJ C'tton J"urr! rw. the THOUSAND DOLLAK f Zr.V. -POLICY, a:e limit 3 years, sys Sl.Ouw.v . ; ess of :ir. fcs. If you ernol tret ee of your hicr is tn m: tF3 $1.50 for your eubacripticn and the v.. .-j -f-olicy. Mail tfcif Coupon today to T'.'.Z COTTO.'J JOURNAL, Atlanta. Oa. 1 enc'ose - ' - "'i tendmTHE COTTON JOURNAL f-r r s-, ajid i!e Accident Inuiraaca Policy to: .. . . j. i Nans Ace P. O State - To whem polio is to be maivj payal'.e: Largest and Best P2(uij ;t Plant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Qcarrisr and Manufacturer II MONUMENTS. of Every Description. Freight prepaid on all .ship ments'. Safo delivery nuteed. Write for desi&iw and prices. Iron Fencings for sJSzzrX'l cmetery and other2l2-s purposes a Specialty. Petersburg, Va. J. Y. SAVAGE, Accrtt, Scotland Xeck, North Carolina- ri repair zr rfmidti ny kind pi 'ju'i'.i- ? Snd ii H foronr tAliUiut ct baildini; nleials. sn.ii. dco's. XmiM. bru3re. MnlJi.piin, r;Ui (JJ I J6dj:)rif!,itirett. t 3 FKAfm Tf. GlAKEi CO.,"! cs-WiVa KC'RFC'A.VA rril Reeky FfleunlHin Tea r'jnr;fAs A Easy IleJitina for Zi y Tcrw. Er'r.a Gjldea Health r.ti lUnewcl Vicr. A li-Kifii: for Onn'.-,;;tiiil icn, J n-'.!.- -.lion. I.iv in i ::'", Tro.i'.ilt s. i'iM.l!-. Ivi r.i '. lr,:n:i-v U!k.1. jil t ljVin'h. f .!:!'? '.'' JV..v'., Hevi.H :' 'iii'l IWfijMi'Tir.. Ir'stRH.!iy Mniinlpi'i 'lrn i'i l.'il -'ft frm. H" cfiiti H Jut. (S-ni'i:i i"i;li ty Ioli.: i;:i !)::'.o CiwrAsv, 7i:i '.i :!, V.'i i SQLDJirJ MUG GETS TOR 9' pn-" Alleoupli syrups containing opiates ewf pto the bowels. Bee's Laxtiva Uoaoy rr.X Zar moves lie bowtlj and coctaiij to oiUi. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. SEEDS. AVc havo a full line of t! M seed, such as : Clover, Ti mol hy, Orchard Cass, Seed Oats of all kimiis, Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, etc. Also sell feed, and poultry supplies. Write us for sun pies. N. R. SAUAGrc Z SON, Seedsmen Richmond, - - Virginia. English Kitchen, On American and European Plan. Established 1890. A nice Roast Beef Dinner lor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in A Colds. Croup. Y&tt&iKl Z&Z&SA Conforms to &SVfiJ&l Nutional Purs Food and 1 01 1 &w season. We also have a few nicely furnished rooms for our pa trons. 347 Main street, NorfolK, Va.

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