4 e-Common w: Gtiod Advertising I to Bnfn?s;s what Steam is to Machinery, that great propelling power. Tli is paper gives results. Good Advertisers Use these columns for renults; HA WW L Jo An advertisement in thi pnor ,0 will reach a good c!.i.s of people. E. E. SliLLsASD, Editor end Proprietor. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1X0 Per Year. NUMBER 3. VOL XXIV. Wew Series Vol. 11.-5-18 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1908. I DO YOU GET UP j WITH A LAME BACK ? Annua! Report for 1907. Ilianey TrcuHi Kakcs Yoa Miserable. Annual report of accounts audited S. M. Dickens, conveying prisoners to jail '" r T I 1 : i- t . XT f I T T T T TTli; .lln ;.- ,r, hwir nf tho ,.-,r,,i -(, : nil -sioners 01 namax i-uuut, i. u, j. ""'"'"6 i'u'" , curs made by Dr. ! ana flso for allowances for which m.. ...s-X k. iand approved by the Board of Com Kilmer's 5wamD-Roct ! no vouchers are filed, for the twelve j the great kidney, live; 'months ending November 30th, 1907, a;-: J bladder remedy. in accordance with section 713 of A It is the rreat medi- ;ttlA ,,nri(, caltriumrheftheninc- j December :i. 1000, :H.f cen.vry. i t ,. j J i t covered after y"cf ' Joseph Hobgood, for bui , ;,ff innM-i:l scientific tocearch Iv ! bridge 1 1,M fiXS Dr. Kilmer, the err.i j V. II. Hays, for J. P. fe Ti J-l A:"' " n-nt kidney and blad- J. H. Whitehurst, as judg fees ldge "T PS2iaIiCt' aM 11 ' of election on.z-.uJy .ucceou, ki promptly curing j WeM Grocery Co., goods lame bac.;, ksency. bladder, uric acid trou- , -!es and Bright "a Disease, which is the worst ' tor Co" roads .-rm cf kidrev 'rouble. j A. A. Allen, rebate allowed Dr. Kilrr.cs Swc;rpRoot Is not rcc- i W. H. Harvey, inspecting 3 emmended for everything but if you have kid- bridges ncy, liver cr bladder trouble it will be found j W. R. Harvey, meat and just the remedy you r eed 1 1 has been tested , for Diphtheria m so many v;ay3, m hciTtal work, in private 1 ,,! , .... practice, amonj; the helpless too poor to pur- j G,d ,1,Iams building chase relief and has proved so successful in ; bridge e very cp: s that a tpecta! arrangement has i W. E. Bowers, cause-way 'een marie Liy viiieh all readers of this paper j ing road vho hav; rot already tried it, may have a j c. G. Williams, conveying rr.ple bot;;e srn frci by mail, also a book j prisoner : dling mere r.bcut S".varr.p-Root and how to ' i i-. t v. j , 4 .-,- ..i. ,-..-,.' l, ,. . ., .1. K. Johnson, road work .d out it y. -u i:.vve utaaey or bladcer trouble. x. T . , , . lV'he- vp't;:i"' -v-v re?'";!--' t'-is pen.'-ou- ' Ii- telnian, blankets p-Kv lor to. rtome :H?fZ??h 1 Hardy Hardware Co., nails i' Tr-M'i j K. I--. Lee, road work in ' Brinlileyville T'ship nd Homo of samp-Root. j j. s. Solomon, for lumber V all good druggists. v.- p Robertson. roafi IVo.'t m:ib' any mistake, but re- i work, Scot. Neck T'?hip m"!iler the name, Swamp Ttootj I)r ! Weldon Shoe Co., shoes for Kilmer's Swamo R vjt. and the uddress j rc?.d gang !iin:;!;;imt!ii. $ 1S1.14 1.95 2.00 i etc. 163. !6 1.58 6.00 2.11 40.00 5.00 3.10 H. A. Minn and J. R. Rich ards, $1.00 each Harrell's Printing House mar. license blanks J. L. Harris, Supt. roads, Weldon T'ship V. W. Rosser, fixing bridge W. T. Parker, goods for roads, Weldon T'ship M. S. Mountcastle, goods for roads, Weldon T'ship W. R. Harvey, one day on board T. C. Williams, one day on board X. L. Stedman, one day on board One day and visit to jail T. W. Fenner, one day as clerk 22. SO S.37 2.00 1.20 27.26 9.00 53.89 2.03 4.50 4.25 3.00 4.90 2.00 offer in this paper and send your a'-Jreis iOtfT Dr. Kilmer Et Co., Binr- regular fifty ccj: doiier ei-es are r. 3S.40 .38 Y.. on evorv !"ttle. Mrs. Maria Kitchin, rebate on tuxes Order issued to Scot. Neck Biuik Interest on same Interest on note to Bank rf Weldon Stuart Smith, registrar, etc David Bell, yrs salary A. T. Dickens, acct for Nov. for self and guards J. A. Whitehead, goods for jail J. H. Harvey, holding polls J. H. Xorman, holding polls, registrar, ec E. E. Hilliard. stationary and jail notices G. H. Johnson, conveying prisoner A. E. Carter, road work, Butterwood T'ship Jno. Hamill, holding polls, j c ; : : T. J. Hamill, holding polls J. R. Patterson, jail acct i for Nov. OJk-o upstairs in White- J- ta"eison' coming court and rescuing pris oner Laxd Surveyor Scotland Xock, X. C. Qt P. SMITH, Vi. D. Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Xeck, X. C. Office in the X w Rank Ruilding. J P. WiMSERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Xeck, X. C. Office on Depot Street. ?. A. C. UVEBMON, DENTIST. lirad Building. Office hours from 0 to 1 o'clock I E-ick Shearin, gen fund for and 2 to 5 o'clock. j-J W. r?!X0N, Refracting Optician, Watch TJaker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Xeck, X. C. McBSYDS WEBB, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 210-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Bell Phone 374 L. TRAVSS, Law, Halifax, X. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands Vf H. J0SY, General Insurance Agent. Scotland Xeck, X. C. Cll..'.'o r.nd b':!li!'.a ttie hir. road work W. R. Shaw, waiting on court Weldon Furniture Co., mattresses A. J. Jackson, mending cart Weldcn Furniture Co., Mattresses and goods for Co. home and road gang j Yvr. B. Drewry, Nov. acct j Co. home ! D. C. Fenner, holding poll-, registrar, etc. F. M. Taylor, conveying prisoner R. W. Brown, holding elec tion Allen &- Lamm, shearing Co. mules Ed. Cheek, for hauling coal Dr. A. S. Harrison, examin ing Covington, in jail Attorney and Counselor at i b. Crawley, repairing Pry- or's bridge Tiarce & Whitehead, road gang, gen. fund Pierce & Whitehead, Wel don T'ship Pierce & Whitehead, goods for Co. home W. L. Dickens, repairing bridge Harrell's Printing Housa J. E. Vincent, ' woods for road Weldon T'ship Allen & Lamm, mending cart, etc. Roanoke News, publishing notice W. W. Wiggins, road work Weldon T. P. X. Stainback, roads Wel don T'ship W. M. Cohen, medicine for roads C. A. Williams, roads, Brinkleyville T'ship W. M. Cohen, medicine, Co. home Dr. I. E. Green, yr's sal. Jno. Beavans, letting out Jas. Blllupr?, bridging Bear er rijni - 1 C. R. Emery & Co., goods. road, Weldon T'ship W. T. White, road work Enfield T'ship L. J. Baker, registrar, etc. C. F. Getsinger, holding polls A. E. Bobbitt, fixing bridge with pipe T. W. Fenner, issuing or ders and recording elec tion returns J. B. Britt, holding polls etc C. D. House, holding poll?, registrar, etc. J. B. Dickens, holding polls, etc. Weldon Grocery Co., goods for Co. home B. A. Pope, one day and 1 ieos. salary 1 y-, -1' Kt'Vvr .Tails to Hasioro brer. 'r: iH to Touifeful Color. Livery Buggies Harness la niria Robes Tarboro, North Carolina BJSKTrEs 1 .WD K CFJ51B the LUNGS WITH ilia JOl'S t3L5S Trial BoUle Free I AND fill THROAT AD IUKGTR0U3LES GUAR AN'I'EKD SATISFACSOa' 03 MOSrSY EEEUNDED. films BYSPEPSm TABLETS Rllv Indigastion nd Stomach Troubles. 57. SO 52.50 5,000.00 25.00 29.16 9.00 75.00 279.50 8.45 1.00 4.81 9.25 2.70 30.00 10.00 130.80 114.85 10.50 7.50 51. GO 1.00 29.75 65.90 6.02 2.50 2.00 7.00 10.00 3.20 S.OO 23.07 18.75 1.S0 7.00 2.17 3.00 2.45 4.00 5.5S 37.80 13.45 5.00 30.05 125.00 2.00 11.60 25.28 14.00 1.12 1.00 33.00 Total of Dec. Acct 17,503.30 January 7, 1907. 90.24 ; E. Clark, for roads, Weldon i snip io.ov E. C. Gardner, tent, etc. for road gang 167.00 Weldon Shoe Co. 25.59 128.65 j C. M. Sprague 14.00 4.20 iDr. J. C. Wimberly rebate 10.88 j Weldon Grocery Co., goods 46.50 for roads, Weldon T'ship 67.96 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, R. T'ship 133.88 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, H. T'ship 64.97 Scot. Xeck Cotton Mills excess taxes 112.50 Jno. X. Brown, medicine; for jail 17.08 J. L. Harris, goods for road?, Weldon T'ship 4 6.84 W. T. Parker, goods for roads Weldon T'ship 35.82 Bank of Weldon, Inst, on $5,000, due Feb. 4 23.34 Dr. I. E. Green, visits to convict camp 15S.50 J. E. Johnson, work on bridge 6.00 J. E. Johnson, lumber for roads 6.09 Gid Williams, lumber and repairs on bridge 20.00 E. G. Cumba, disinfecting Julian Alston's house 2.00 Geo. W. Ay cock, road work, Brinkleyville T. 52.90 B. C. Hamlet, lumber and bridge 24.57 H. L. Roebuck, conveying prisoners 3.10 J. S. Minshew, holding polls 1.00 T. C. Williams, receiving 2 bridges 2.00 W. P. Robertson, work on roads, Scot.' Xeck T'ship 73.75 R. G. Wilson, repairing 4.50 A. Ij. Stainback, goods for road?, Weldon T'ship 21.98 R. V. Kitchin, lumber and bridges 8 6.65 X. Fitzpatrick, Iiolduig polls, etc. 7.41 Jno. H. Darden, holding polls 1.00 McKing, holding polls 1-00 W. M. Cohen, drug acct 15.80 W. C. Dickens, holding polls 1.00 W. R. Shaw, waiting on board 2.30 Fred Powell, 2 pigs for road, Weldon T'ship 7.20 A. T. Dikcens, Supt. acct, self and guards 342.75 Jno. R. Patterson, jail acct 76.50 J. A. Whitehead, conveying prisoner' 4.10 Jno. R. Patterson, convey ing Jno. Harvey to Golds boro 24.05 R. B. Snow, building bridge 2.00 J. M. Allen, repairing wheels 4.00 A. E. Garrett, conveying prisoner 15. SO Weldon Grocery Co., good3 for Co. home 178.16 W. B. Drewry, mo's ser vices and labor at Co. home 60.00 W. M. Cohen, medicine for Co. home 32.60 J. T. Gooch, J. P. fees 3.25 W. R. Shaw, waiting on poll holders 1.00 R. W. Carter, work on roads 15.00 R. L. Parker, allowed as pauper " 10.00 J. T. Gooch, J. P. fees 4.65 Ja?-. Burnett, repairs on bridges 18.00 P. N. Stainback, goods for Co. roads, Weldon T'ship 50.25 W. R. Miles, working roads R. R. T'ship 21.50 J. T. Whitehead, conveying Fannie McGill 1.60 G. C. Fitts, conveying James Taylor 2.00 J. H. Hunt, fixng bridge 5.00 H. J. Harrison, conveying prisoner 3.00 Jno. T. Baker, holding polls 2.00 J. H. Whitaker, holding polls 7.39 T. W. Fenner, issuing or ders and annual report 48.20 Jno. L. Love, registrar '6.79 H. P. Svkes, holding polls 1.00 Jno. P. Harris, holding polls 1.00 W. R. Harvey, roads in Lit tleton T'ship 200.00 Everett Waddy & Co., goods for clerk 39.55 C. W. Hamlet, registrar, holding polls, etc. 9.90 S. B. Holliday, holding polls 1.00 14.20 3.20 15.83 1.00 170.62 36.13 Kings Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clears the skin. Try them for billiousness arid sick headache. Price 25c. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. W. R. Harvey, one day on board 4.50 B. A. Pope, one day on board, mo's salary and mileage to Scot. Xeck 40.94 W. H. Ivey, holding polls, registrar, etc. 6.54 S. P. Johnston, one day on board 2.90 X. L. Stedman, one day on board 3.00 T. W. Fenner, one day aa clerk 2.00 January Total $2,487.26 February 4, 1007. W. R. Harvey, paid .35 W. L. Dickens, road work Faucetts T'ship 77.85 Weldon Shoe Co., Butter wood T'ship 15.75 W. T. Parker, goods for Co. 14.13 J. A. Whitehead 31.30 Gid Alston, building bridge 5.00 Wi B. Drewry, services for mo. and labor 62.75 J. R. Patterson, jail acct 67.50 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, Faucetts T. 83.81 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, Butterwood T. 122.04 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, Halifax T. 21.19 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for Co. home 153.61 C. X. Parks, rebate 2.64 F. M. Taylor, conveying prisoner 3.30 W. E. Rosser, keeping raft from bridge 6.00 Jno. W. Gupton 4.20 W. E. Daniel, Int. on note 76.67 Milan Lynch, rebate 1.32 A. T. Dickens, road acct, self and guards 297.00 W. R. Cherry, Supt. Co., fence and lumber 19.61 J. W. Pearce, rebate 6.6C F. P. Shields, work on roads, Scot. Xeck T'ship 22.50 J. H. Fenner, repairing bridge 8.25 B. A. Pope, one mo. and 1 day 36.13 John Merritt, rebate on tax 2.64 Jno. Xeville, rebate 2.64 John Gunn, work at court house 2.00 P. X. Stainback, goods for Co. home 14.00 P. N". Stainback, roads gen. fund 28.28 W. M. Cohen, vaccine points 6.4 0 W. M. Cohen, for roads 3.35 Weldon Furniture Co., goods for Co. home 23.00 C. W. Dunn, conveying prisoner 6.50 J. S. Coleman, lumber for Co. 4.20 J. L. Harris, goods for Co. home 5.40 J. L. Harris, goods for Co. roads 15.82 J. R. Patterson, holding court, etc. 79.75 C. C. Lucas, one washing machine 10.00 Pierce & Whiteheade, h'd- wmre for Co. homa 54.90 Pierce & Whiteheade h'd- ware for roads 17.25 W. C. Allsbrook, lumber for bridge 86.05 J. E. Condrey, lumber for bridge 11.16 J. E. Condrey, lumber for county 35 J. H. Fenner, lumber for bridge T. W. Fenner, issuing or ders and express 12.20 W. M. Cohen, medicine, Co. home 26.40 S. P. Johnston, 4 yr's salary and one day 15.40 W. R. Harvey, one day on board 4.50 W. R. Shaw, waiting on board 5.75 T. W. Fenner, one day as clerk 2.00 T. W. Fenner, copying Xo. 2 4 old record T. W. Fenner, issuing or ders, freight, etc W. P. Robertson, working roads Jno. P. Leach, registrar C. R. Emry & Co., goods Co. roads, Weldon T'ship J. L. Harris, goods for But terwood T'ship Ed Love, rebate allowed for 1906 W. K. Pittman, inspecting roads J. F. Whitehead, conveying prisoner S. J. Clark, rebate, Enfield T'ship tax Pierce & Whitehead, Hard ware Co., roads Pierce & Whitehead, Hard ware. Co, home W. R. Carter, road acct S. P. Johnston, one day on board W. R. Harvey, one day on board B. A. Pope, one mo's salary and on board Dr. R. M. Johnson, rebate on tax D. Bell, Co. atty, V yrs sal. X. L. Stedman, 2 days on board R. W. Ransom, rebate on tax P. X. Stainback, goods for Co. home W. M. Cohen, medicine for Co. home Dr. I. E. Green, Supt. Health, yr's salary W. R. Shaw, repairing pump in C. H. yard ' Froelich Trading Co., goods for court house T. C. Williams, two days on board Commonwealth, stationary for clerk's and Reg. 'a office P. X. Stainback, mattresses for smallpox T. V. Fenner, one day aa clerk 140.00 8.30 12.00 9.80 7.70 39.83 3.78 2.00 1.90 2.69 "lO.SO 2.50 26.37 2.90 4.50 36.13 12.16 75.00 6.00 32.00 14.00 21.15 125.00 13.25 1.79 9.00 4.75 6.05 2.00 5.50 February Total $1,620.33 March 4, 1907. A. E. Cumba, work in smallpox 5.30 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for chain gang, Wel don T'ship 2 7.50 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for Co. home 167.43 H. B. Harrell, blanks for clerk's office 9-14 Harrell Printing House, goods for sheriff 2.25 Dr. Willis Alston, visit to chain gang 9-00 W. R. Harvey, goods for chain gang 25.95 S. J. Stallings, goods for roads, Butterwood T'ship 32.17 Harrell Printing House, blanks for Reg. office 2.60 Clement Byrd, Butterwood T'ship -4-15 W. B. Drewry, service , for mo. and labor Co. home 60.00 A. T. Dickers, for self and labor 277.00 Edwards & Broughton, for hooks Nos. 185 and 186 17.00 E. Clark, roads, Faucetts T'ship 21.95 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for roads, Faucetts T 39.36 W. R. Tillery, repairs on Chocyotte bridge 85.00 J. A. Whitehead, goods for jail 6-20 J. R. Patterson, jail acct 15.90 Progre?s Printing oC, for stationary 8-25 John Gunn, work at court house 2-00 Times-Herald', publishing annual' report . 86.40 J. C. Butts, livery hire March Total $1,542.90 April 1, 1907. Amo3 Cherry, fixing Mer- ritt's bridge Weldon Shoe Co., shoes for roads, gen fund Xed Bowser, work about smallpox A. T. Dickens, road acct, self and guards S. M. Gary, examining lunatic P. X. Stainback, coffin for Mrs. Jordan Hjarrell Printing House for blanks W. M. Cohen, drugs for Co. home J. W. Northington, goods for chain gang, Littleton T'ship J. Bryan Grimes, copy of road law C. W. Dunn, conveying prisoner Fletcher Gregory, lumber for bridge J. E. Shields, Justice fees Pierce & Whitehead H'd- ware Co., goods for Co. home W. R. Harvey, goods Co. home W. R. Harvey, good?, Lit tleton T'ship Harrison Drug Store, goods chain gang, Littleton T. Nick Brown, fixing bridge T. W. Fenner, issuing or ders and copying report J. R. Patterson, jail acct Dr. Willis Alston, vsit to chain gang Weldon Grocery Co., goods for county home W. B. Drewry, one mo's salary and labor J. F. Whitehead, conveying prisoner Walter Ward, keeping raft from bridges R. E. Riddick estate, re bate on tax A. L. Dickens, arresting and conveying prisoner R. W. Carter, road work Halifax T'ship L. E. Hedgepeth, holding polls W. R. Shaw, waiting on board and March court Miss Isey Harper, allowed pauper B. A. Pope, one day on board J. R. Lyles, timber for Co. home J. R. Patterson, holding court In March and Y2 fee acct Mrs. W. A. Sater, feeding jurors T. C. Williams, one day and mileage W. R. Harvey, one day and mileage S. P. Johnston, one day on board Joe Valentine, allowed aa pauper T. W. Fenner, one day aa clerk grand jury 5.00 When you want the best, get De Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for little or big cuts, boils or bruises, and is especially recommended for piles. ' Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Constipation couses headache, neusea dizziness, languor, heart palpitation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure constipa tion. . 25 cents. Ask your druggist. 5.00 31.50 47.50 268.00 16.00 4.50 4.76 23.95 48.28 2.25 3.80 2.50 1.30 7.60 ! 78.67 62.84 60.27 3.00 9.10 45.00 5.00 156.71 78.44 1.60 16.50 3.52 3.10 58.25 1.00 8.35 2.00 2. SO 7.53 188.80 13.00 4.50 4.50 ; 2.90 5.00 2.00 Eugene Johnston, goods for road gang 39 Eugene Johnston, godds for road gang 2G4 G. W. Hale, repairing bridge in R. T'ship 4 Weldon Grocery Co., gen. fund, road gang 97 S. J. Stallings, feed for Lit tleton road gang 76 J. S. Dixon, goods for chain gang. Little Tship s J. W. Xorthington, clothing fci Co. home 42 P. X. Stainback, mattresses for chain gang 36 P. X. Stainback, coffin for Mattie Alston 2 P. X. Stainback, coffins for paupers 12 Weldon Grocery Co., goods for Co. home 159 Edwards & Broughton. 3 Record Books 31 G. C. Fitts, conveying and feeding prisoner 3 R. E. Whitehurst, convey ing prisoner 3 T T r -v. . j. it. iorman, reDate on tax 1906 8. T. W. Fenner, Issuing or ders s, T. W. Fenner, part pay ment for copying Xos. 21 and 17 . 100. T. P. Alford, keeping raft from bridgo . 7. Home Telephone Co.. July, 1906 April. 1907 27. Geo. B. Curtis, holding polls 1. J. R. Dickens, holding polls j, W. R. Harvey, one day on board 4. W. T. Clement, mayor's fees, State vs. Adams 3. J. F. Whitehead, conveying prisoner 1. W. B. Drewry, mo's acct, self and labor 68. J. R. Patterson, jail acct for April 85. S. P. Johnston, yr's Bal 50. E. Clark, smallpox work 10. R. V. Kitchin, lumber for road work 25. W. P. Robertson, working roada 10. W. R. Shaw, wailing on board 4. R. W. Carter, working road 3 39. A. T. Dickens, road acct 338. Harrison Drug Store, drugs 2. L. J. Baker, road work. Palmyra T'ship 6. J. W. Harvey, com. on land crlcc 0 4 X'. L. Stedman, road acct, gen. fund 4 6. Xr. L. Stedman, one day on board 3. Bank of Weldbn, Int. on note 75. E. Clark, goods for chain gang 20. E. Hilliard. stationary 6. W. M. Cohen, medicine for chain gang 23. Pierce & Whitehead Hard ware Co. 4. Baker & Robcrson, work ing roads : 20. Willie Bootes, (smallpox work 5. S. P. Johnston, one day on board 2. W. R. Harvey, one day on board ' 4. B. A. Pope, one day on board ' 2. T. W. Fenner, one day on board ' 2. Sanitary Board: ' X. L. Stedman, one day on sanitary board ' 3. B. A. Pope, one day on sanitary board 2. S. P. Johnston, one day on sanitary board 2. W. R. Harvey, one day on sanitary board 4. Dr. Jno. A. Collins, one day on sanitary board 3. T. W. Fenner, one day aa clerk 2. 15 50 71 45 26 00 .45 .00 .00 .55 .00 00 8i 2! Of 50 00 00 00 5( 05 50 70 50 Oo .00 00 00 00 75 75 3 5 20 00 SO 00 Oil 65 25 .1 80 00 00 90 50 80 00 00 SO 90 50 20 00 12 A WOMAN'S BACK. The Aches and Tains Will Disap pear if the Advice of Woman is followed. A woman's -.ck has many ache and pains. Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault. Raokaehe is really kidney sieho. That's why Doan's Kidney rills cum it. Many Xorlh Carolina women know this. Koa 1 what one h:i5 to :iy about it : -Mrs. Nellie Benson Reeves, (,f ;jl Norlh Tryon Street, organist at tin Episcopal Church, Charlotte, X. ('.. says: "I used Poan's Kidney Till and they have benefited mi' more lhau anything else 1 ever tried. I obtained them at a drug store and used them for my back and kidneys which have caused mo great trouble and misery for a number of years. The use of thi remedy wonderfully benefited nie." For sale by nil dealers. Price "i cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Ihi'l'al.i, New York, ?o'e agents for the United States. Remember Ihe name Doan's and take n; other. We Keep on Hand una! Cases! A!l Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Oiiifif. Hearse Service any Time Day or ni-it wo niv ro.nl y to nccomniodnto our frioiwlrf and the Public (lonorally. M. Hcffen & Bro. Scotland Xeck Xovth Carolina Can Cancer Be Cured? It Can. We want every man and woman in the United StaU-s to know what wo are doing-We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic So re a without the use of the Knife or by X-ray, ami are endorsed by the Senate and Leg islature of Virginia. WE CUARAKTEE CUR CURES. KELLAM HOSPITAL, No. 1315 West Ma:n Strtet, Richmond, Virginia. 5.-;,-'i)7 iy April Total $1,291.32 May, 1907. J. N. Brown, medicine for jail and chain gang 28.1o W. R. Harvey, goods for chain gang 146.31 Hvrrell's Printing House for Reg's, office 2.25 May Total 2,0 8 9 Jane ii, 1007 W. R. Harvey, cash paid E. Johnston .55 Progress Printing Press, Calendars 1-2 5 J. W. Harvey, taxes over paid on bank stock, 10.38 Weldon Grocery Co., goods road? 137.12 P. X. Stainback, coffin for pauper 0.00 Dr. I. E. Green, yr's sal. 12 5.00 T. W. Russell, 2 days and mileage, jail com. 5. CO W. H. Hayes, J. P. fees 4.00 John Gunn, services at court house 3.00 E. Clark, beans for chain gang ' C-8" Edwards & Brouhgton, 2 cross index books 23.00 Weldon Grocery Co., goods Co. home 190.26 (Continued on Second i'ac.) DISTniBEI) THE CONGREGATION The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday by continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. E. T. Whitehead & Co. POSTED I Having leased from the owners the) NICHOLSON TRACT of land, there by acquiring exclusive control, I hereby give notice to ALL PERSONS NOT TO HUNT, TRAP OR TRES PASS in any manner or form, under penalty of the law, on this tract of ! land as described below, and known as the ' Nicholson Land: The ex treme eastern part of the original Clark estate and bounded on tho west and north by ( janus' gut. on the south by Clark's canal and Roa noke river, on the south and east by Roanoke river, J. Davis Reid's and Mike Hardy's iand, containing eleven hundred acres more or less. 8-22-tf J. V. FuTrr.Li. Kennedy's Laxative CONTAINS HCNEY AND TAR Relieves Colas by working mam a out cf the system through & copious and healthy action cf th bowel. Reliaves Oougrii by ciear.:ne ma H mucous mamsrar.es ci ina turut, chct and bronchial tubas. "A3 p!2?ar.t to t! teste Children Like It It will be unnecessary for you to go through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if vou use ManZan. Put up in a collapsable tube with nozzel, ready to apply to the soreness and inflamma tion. For any form of Piles, price, 50c, guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. If a c old once gets into your system it acts on every muscle and fibre of the body and makes you ache all over. It PKneei:illv iifT'ects the intestines and makes you constipated, so in order to get rid of a cold thoroughly and with out delay you should not take anything that will tend to constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts npon the bowels and thereby drives the cold out of the system. It contains no opiates it is pleasant to take and is highly recommended for children. Sold by E- T- Whitehead & Co. For pale by E. T. Whitehead & Co. When ihe Stojiuicli, H:art or Kid ney nerve yt wo.-.k, then these orgut.4 always fail. I imi't d.-:ig the weak Stom ach, nor stiiuti!;!ie the Heart or Kid neys. Tbiit is simply a ninkehift. !(t a prescription known to druirui-t every where as Dr. Shooti's h'estoiative. Tb; Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Slrenghteu these nerves, build them up with Dr. SI loop's Restorative tablet.-or liquid anil see bow quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. A. C. Tctcroon.

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