Good Advertising I to Business what Steam is to Machinery, that groat propelling power. Tli is paper gives results. Good Advertisers Use these column for result. An advrtisemwnt in Uim pnptir will reach a good e! of people. E. HiLLlASD, Editor and Proprietor. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1908. V Oh, XX3V. Mew Series Vol. 11.--6-18 NUMBER 5. ct rO. a,:fjfajmwimm mil The. Commonweal: 1 4 si. i 'A Stands Have Kidney Troslite sod Never Suspect it. T. I 'St people uo net realize the alarm ir.crease f-nd remarkable prevalence w of kidney disease. f-prT r Whilekiuucydis TWrs re the M.'V v 1-73 1 v diseases that pre- V.Njir vail, they ar-. vii rT ri I airaort the las 'V- rccognied b tOL Patjct and phy ' KS. W-.tJ fit sans, ( -- -. t ht t!uiliselci -r VA !:rt,riq 1l.e rfi ., while the . i'. ;..-.! ',';-:;:sc Liidcmints the system, v. '.-ct Vo T,c. There- is cojiU'.rt in the: knowledge sr '.'!-..:! c:;ircs.v:,l, that Dr. KiiwicrV .Sw.. ;;" t, t '.; srci.t kidney remedy. . ;! ,'! 1 Is e-.-urv v. isii in curing rheumatism. ;.::: ia back, kidneys, liver, blaudei a:;d evry purl of the uriuary passage. I. corr-. i-i j inr.hiilty to lioiu water ::::d scaiding pain in passing it, or had foots loUowi";'; ue ot Ihp.ior, wine o; f-.esr, and ovei conies that unpleasant ne i o-,L;ity- oi being compelled to go often I'.'.iriii'; iho .i,:v. .):.! to get up many ; im s. '('.ar::: g th-: ni.kt. The mild aiu, " ': f-cr..:;;.!:i:.:Ty eiM-et of Swamp'Root i ; ., :i rea'.i.vh Ic bland.-, the highest i. t i;s wea; i ful.rcre of the most dis i .-lvh! m -V r -; s. If v.u need a medicine W.-. sh-!'d 1 have tlic het. F-old hy drttg-i;t- ilio-oeiit auu one-'io'.'.ar sizes. Yoit :::-'v hrwe a snn:pie bottie and a ia -' a . hv U:k: "c ; ' i -- HiiEfn .. Vv H-mo of MvHinp-Root. ::.!; ion this paper and don't -fce. hnt rememher the Kii'j; -r's t-va':""-Koo, and -. k: (""'l.iwti-u, Is'.' Y. t.; M ",.o -t, Land Surveyor Scotland Xe-ck, X. C. Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, X. C. Office in the Xrw Bank Building. jjn. J. P. v sMoERLCY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, X. C. Office on Depot Street. DEXTIST. 0S Oflico up stairs in "tt'hite ' , head Building. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. jB v. risxoN, Re pr acting Optician, "Watch Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Xeck, X. O. JricBEYS WB3, Attorney and Counselor at Laav, 219-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Xotarj Public. Bell Phone 374 Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, X. C. Monryy Loaned on Farm Lands General Insurance A gent , Scotland Xeck, X. C. & Hedges, Livery Buggies Harness Whips Bobes Tarbora. North Carolina with gr, icins's a U LDa Trial Bottle Free AHB ALL THP.OAT AND LUPJS TROUBLES. I GUAIiAIfTIiE SATISFAOTOBl OB MONEY liEFUNDED. RINGS OYSPEPSm TABLETS Relieve Indirection and Stomach Troubles. ti'''.-V; - Tr Xt-i.- to its Youtbful Color. J I'V' -iiV Cures t'-aip 1 -Ci.cs & hnir lalliog. I a naw THE EDITOR'S LEISURE HOURS. Observations of Passing Events. Every year more general thought is given to the subject of railroad travel and the safety of the travelers. Xot only is UDiiorra Koad Beds, Etc. tlso. The following bit of news from Washington, January 20th, illustrates it: "Representative Lamb, of Virginia, to-day introduced a bill to require all railroads engaged in inter-state commerce to establish a uniform standard of road bed within rive years; to abolish all grade crossings within five years; such railroads that shall attain a certain volume of traffic to double track their roads within five years; all railroads to put in a uni form system of automatic blocks and signals within one year; and providing that hereafter all passenger cars shall be con structed of steel, and that no cars otherwise constructed shall be kept in use after five years from the passage of the bill. By way of penalty the bill provides for each violation by the rail road company a fine of $1,000. and for each violation by an offi cial a fine of $2,000, or one year's imprisonment, or both." There are all quantities and all kinds of free advice given by v-arious classes of people for the benefit of various other classes. Will Farmers Learn ? several such worlds as this. The statement of the famous Mr. Billings may have been true, but that did not alter the fact that some of the much free advice that floats about is good and worth heeding. Some one yes, perhaps many have hinted, or said plainly, to farmers that when they buy large quantities of fertilizers on a credit in the spring their profits will be cor respondingly small in the fall. And while it is true that many worthy farmers are compelled to buy their fertilizer on a credit or not buy at all, it is also true that many farmers depend too much on commercial fertilizers and pay too little attention to raising manure, in their horse stables, cow stalls, mule lots and the like. Only a few diys ago we drove up to the mule lot of one of the best talking farmers in this community where Ave expected to see things in "apple pie order" from what we had heard about his farm. But to our surprise the mule lot, which was splendidly located for raising manure, did not contain a load of manure outside of the stalls, and not much inside. Mules were walking around on the bare ground. It did not ap pear that there had been a load of trash of any kind put in the lot in six months or a year. That farmer is missing a fine op portunity for raising a nice quantity of lot manure through the winter. But we did not mean to give advice only a suggestion r?r twc. Will farmers soon .learn to buv less fertilizer on a credit and raise more stall and The Legislature has passed the bill snbmitting prohibition in the State to a vote of the people, May 2Gth being the date fixed for the is late The Time Late Enough. better than August or November. If the election had been fixed for August perhaps many of the county primaries and conventions would have been held and the question of prohibi tion would have come up in the naming of the candidates. If the date had been fixed for November the election interests in some places would have become complicated and perhaps the result of the election might not have been as clear and satisfac tory as if held apart from all other questions. And now that the course has been settled by the Legislature, it behooves all who favor State prohibition to do their part well in bringing about the results for -which they have been wishing perhaps for years. And those who have said in various places that they do not favor local option but would support State prohibition, now have a chance to make good and practice what they have preached. Doubtless many who have said this will stick to it and vote for prohibition, but some may change their minds and say that they do not quite favor State prohibition, but would gladly vote for a law that would apply to the entire nation. On all sides there is the general conclusion that prohibition will carry by a great majority. Doubtless this will be true if tem perance people all over the State will work earnestly for it, but it might as well be understood at first that it is going to take some good and persistent work to secure the great victory, and the victory will belarge in proportion as the work is general and earnest and persistent. In all justice, prohibition ought to win and have a fair trial because seemingby a majority of the people of the State desire, it, and will not be satisfied until it shall be thoroughly tested. The following interesting description of a vast park-wood near San Francisco, is taken from Collier's Weekly: "Mr. Wil None 0;her Like It. more than money in philantrophy. By a gift whose present market value may be two or three hundred thousand dollars he has bestowed upon the public a benefit whose future worth will overshadow many famous foundations endowed with millions. He has deeded to the United States a tract of two hundred and ninety-five acres of redwood forest on the seaward slopes of Mount Tamalpais, six miles from San Francisco, and the land is to be proclaimed a National Monument, under the name of Muir Woods. The canon is declared by the Forest Service to be 'in absolutely primeval condition, not so much as scratched by the hand of man'; yet it is within an hour's ride of San Fran cisco, 'at the very doors of hundreds of thousands of people', and two-thirds of the entire population of California live with in about fifty miles of it. It will give to San Francisco a suburban park that no other city in the world can match. There are only two thousand square miles of redwood forest on the entire globe, and they are all in California. Some of the trees in the grove which the enlightened liberality of Mr.' Kent has saved from the fate that has befallen all its neighbors are eighteen feet in diameter, nearly three hundred feet high, and from a thousand to fifteen hundred years old. There is no rea son why they should not still be standing, greater and more majestic than ever, a thousand years hence, when the spread ing metropolis of the Pacific shall have made Muir Woods a Central Park in the city's heart. The redwood first cousin to the patriarchal Big Trees of the Sierras seems never to die a natural death, and if ax and fire can be kept away, the giants of lTamalpais will be Mr. Kent's monument through unnum bered generations." Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scro fula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bittern is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes 3011 clear-eyed, clear-brained,clear-skinned. there much general thought given to such subjects, but much specific thought Josh Billings said once that there was advice enough floating around to run lot manure '1 election. The date, we believe, enough in the year, and will be liam Kent, of Chicago, has just shown that brains may be made to count for Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suffering. At any drug store. FEEDING US ALL. No Joke About ttie Farmer. HE WILL GET THERE YET. (Erasmus Wilson, in Pittsburg Gazette-Times.) The king may rule o'er land and sea, The lord may live right royally, The soldier ride in pomp and pride, The sailor roam o'er oceon wide But this or that, whate'er befall, The farmer has to feed them all. The writer thinks, the poet sings, The craftsmen fashion wondrous things; The doctor heals, the lawyer pleads, The miner follows precious leads But this or that, whate'r befall, The farmer has to feed them all. The merchant, he may buy and sell; The teacher do his duty well; But men may toil through busy days, Or men may stroll through pleasant ways From king to beggar, whate'er be fall, The farmer has to feeJ them all. The farmer's trade is one of worth; He's partner with the sky and earth; He's partner with the sun and rain, And no man loses for his gain So men may rise and men may faU But the farmer has to feed them all. Anon, There is no joke about the farmer feeding all of us and boarding him- Have you ever stopped to think of the part the farmer plays in this glorious country of ours? Possibly you have, at some time, regarded the farmer as a lout, or as a foolish sort of fellow who didn't know enough to go to the city and enjoy its frivolities and indulge in the fast living it offers. Or, when visiting in the country, you may have felt pity for the poor fellows who work day by day in the nut, sun, wear oiu ciuuius, louiigt: about among horses, feed pigs, milk cows, and do things which you wouldn't think of doing. Or possibly you have simply re garded him as one beneath you, a servant who toils that you may live and grow fat. How far will you have to run your ancestry back before you find your forebears working early and late in the woods, chopping, grubbing, and clearing up the ground that became the homestead in which your father or mother was reared? It isn't very far from the native born American, and he should be proud of the fact, since the best men of America have come from Ameri can farms or from near-by. You have only to go back a little beyond the scope of your memory, perhaps, to discover that the Ameri can gentleman was an American farmer. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and a large majority of those who led in the es tablishment of the nation weie farmers. And if you read history you can hardlv help knowing that from the verv befrinnintr the men who made ! Uii lici LiviA a:iu uicrn lj.iwoj i xv i constitute its most dependable sup All this every American citizen knows, or should know, and appreci ate, for just as the farmer is appre ciated so will the country prosper. When you come to figure the thing down to dots you will discover that the farmer is the only independent man, really, in the country. He it is who is first served with the fruits of the earth, therefore the last to fear death or disaster through the failure of the ground to produce abundant ly. The fact that the best, the wisest 1 , , . . r rtw-l rpY-Qotocrt --r man ware farm bred and farm raised ought to cause everyone of us to rsgard the farm and the farmer with great respect. It is true that in the great hurly burly that has been raging more or less f uriusly in commercial and man ufacturing circles the farmer has been forgotten in a measure has been under a cloud, as it were, a cloud of smoke. But there is no milk, nor honey, nor wine, nor corn in these clouds, save as drawn from the land over which the farmer presides. And, by and by, when the clouds of smoke become less dense, with rifts here and there, we shall all be looking for the farmer, and looking to him for our bread and milk. The farmer has been thown into A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stomach ills. Two days' treatment free.. Ask our dealer. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. the shade somewhat by thrifty trades-people. And it is largely his own fault that his home is not as beautiful, complete and comfortable as theirs, for he has the ground I whereon to build, and the means wherewithal to embellish and make his home a place of pleasant resort. The trouble lies mainly with the inner man the spirit that prompts and moves the outer man to act. When this inner man really desires something it is most certain to so move the outer man that he will get it. i Had the more tasteful, esthetic ; and resourceful sons of farmers re mained at home instead of drifting to town and city where they could more easily gratify their tastes and their longings for the things that come of culture and refinement, tthings would be different. But, never mind, the farmer will get there in good time. The city and town not always demand , A, , Dst and the best of the1 ; the brighte, ! flocks of boys and girls, and instead I j of leaving the ruder farm-house for j the dingy city, these bright, busy fellows will devote themselves to I the interesting and profitable task of i converting the farm into a country j Place Wlttl a11 ttie comtorts of a town ! Place and more' besides making the fieIds bloom a"d bear as they have never done before. He is coming, j the farmer is sure. The Explanation of It. (The Charlotte Observer.) There is much comment on the re- ! cent remarkable pedestrian tour of Edward Payson Weston from Port land, Me., to Chicago. Now sixty nine years old, he made it in a day's less time than he made the same trip forty-three miles one day.arriving at his destination tresh and unfatigued. His remarkable performance is ac- counted for by his habit of out-door a u i f nut- ""' uiwauuiotuca total abstainer. In the latter fact no doubt lies the real reason. No man j wfco ddnks iquor of feats of physical endurance. It is rig idly withheld from prize-fighters in training and the downfall of John L. Sullivan, when he "went in the ring once too often," as he himself ex pressed it.was due to the fact that he had previously lowered his powers by ! his intemperate habits. Thus Old Adam, when Orlando, his young master, protested his going with him in his flight: "Let me be your servant; Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty; For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood; And did not with unabashed fore head woo The means of weakness and debili ty." The man who exploits liquor as a food and as affording nourishment doesn't know what he is talking about. There is no more effective devitalizer and the individual who ! desires to husband hi3 pysical as well as hi3 mental strength will leave it alone. This is the practical view of i the subject, all apart from the moral ! t 1 r ! wrong of drinking to excess ! cannot drink even moderately, if at 1 all regularly, and retain his physical j vigor He may appear to do so but , , , ,, 1 if e l. 'aooeai ll early coos were mum eii he knows better himself, or if hei. Als4ffoUil for fl,v,,ri ,Ul does not, he has only to put his cn-J L;ir,e i,ox 4 tablets, Vest durance to the test. It is all 'round ! pocket boxes 5 cc-nts. Sold by A. C. bad business, my masters, and liquor-! Peterson. drinking is one of the best things in the world not to indulge in. THE JUMPING OFF PLACE. ' 'Consumpt ion had me in its grasp ; and I had almost reached the jumping oh" place when I was advised to try Dr. King's Xew Discovery; and I want to say right saved my life. Improve ment beean with the first bottle, and j after taking one dozen bottles 1 was a well anu lianpy man ii:iiiu. i)ajsucuif,c I v.n"v" "i i J y Moore, of Gnmesland N . C. As a reme- j dy for coughs and colds and healer of , weak, sore lungs and for preventing I pnenmoma New Discovery is supreme, j 50c and ifl.00 at E. r. W hitehead & , Co., druggists, xnai oome iree. Listen. This is about a poor but worthy shoemaker in a large city. He was twice widowed before he married his present wife For a time their married life was happy. Then clouds came. The shoemaker was going to di vorce her. Then he changed his mind. In other words, he decided to stick to his last. Louisville Herald. It will be u.ineccessary for you to go through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if you use ManZan. Put tip in a collapsible tube with nozzel, ready to apply to the soreness and inflamma tion. For any form of Piles, price. 50c, guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Who Was It? Who was it who taught my wife to i bake A loaf of bread or fancy cake, ! And appetizing dishes make? j My mother-in-law. j Who was it, when my wife was ill, J Bestowed upon me care and skill, j And saved me many a nurse's bill? ! My mother-in-law. Who then my little ones prepared ! Each morn for school, who for them cared, And all their little sorrows shared? My mother-in-law. Who was it when their prayers were said, I So snusrclv tucked them into bed. And, till they slept, beside them stayed? ' My mother-in-law Who of my clothing then took care, Who overlooked my underwear, 1 1 t. i And kept each garment in repair :J My mother-in-law, ! Who oft to me her aitl ha3 lent. ' To buv the coal and Pay the rent? j Who'd gladly see me President? I uy mother-in-law. j A loving grandmother is she; A generous friend she's been to me; Forever honored let her be, My mother-in-law. THE TIME TO ADVERTISE. Is the Time When You Most Need Purcharers tor Your Goods. (The Editor and Publisher.) "We continue to do things ri diculous things because our fathers did them," remarked a man today "and wf art nn doinc thorn vpni- f. ;ter year w:thout askinff ourseve3 I the matter of adverti,in;r which to. j day is a thinfr 0f necessity in the bus- j mess worM If you win nolice it A11 v.m fi,, fW tha , ou will find that the average busi- ness man in neriof i? of riu boss and ! financiai depression begins to re-1 ' ! trench in the matter of his expense ! account by curtailing his advertis-! ing. He does it because his father j Why is it that people who say dis did it and because he argues that he j agreeable things to one's face are can lop it off and restore it again j called honest and people who say with less inconvenience than he can j pleasant things are called flatterers? other expenses. But if he will think for a moment and weigh the matter as a cold business proposition involv- ing dollars and cents he is bound to admit his retrenchment had best be- gin at another point. "If advertising is a good business practice at any time surely it is most valuable when the people are buying least, for if its object is to attract j the purchaser and get him into the store, naturally there mustbegreat-! j er effort expended in that direction when the public is buying least. No matter how severe periods of depres- j , , . . . sion are, anu now stiinunt money market may be, people will spend what they must, and natural ly they are at such times more quick ly attracted by the offerings of ad vertisers, as they are eager to have their expenditures bring the best rc-1 suits." Crippo is sweeping; the country. Stop 11 with revenues, i.c-iorc it Rnts o.-epiy seated, lo check early colds with these "iicaiuu rv, ,,,1,. r-,,.... ; -n.-ra. sensible and safe. Preventics contains noluinine, nolaxatvive, nothing harsh sickening. Pneumonia womd never 1 "I want you to known that I never cw.-r.rf n nrnfnr.A nntli in mv lifp nrtn : 1 1 wouldn't say 'damn' to a mosquito : : tu ei,,.., IX 1L DIU inc. xuaj njujvc ojicanci Cannon to a reverend gentleman who recently intended him. SUFFERING & DOLLARS SAVED. E. S. Lopor, of Marilla. X. Y.. says: "I am a carpenter and have had many aov-fw ciirs lie-) led lv HiK-ldon's Arnif:l Sa, ve Jfc lmjJ M V(H ,m, Fufft.rin and dflllaw It ia bv far t il0 j,ost l1Cili,r salvc T ,im, ev()'r foun(1 Heals burns, ul f(.ver gom,, rc.oma and pjW 25(? ftt E T whitehead t Co., druggists. Frank A. Vanderlip, an alumnus of j Illinois College, has secured for his alma mater the promise of a gift of 575 qoq f rom Andrew Carnegie. Last year Mr. Carnegie gave $50,000 to the college. NEIGHBORHOOD FA YORITE. Mrs. E. I). Charles, of Harbor.Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." 1 1 deserves to be a favorite every where. It gives quick relief in dyspep sia, liver complaint, kidney derange ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak ness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold tin- der euarantee at t. l. Whitehead s i Co.'s drug fctore. 50c. j Encoding The Lawyer. (Liiipiiicolt's Matrn.ine.) A North Carolina lawyer says that when Judge Buxton, of that State, made his first appearance at the bat as a young lawyer he was given charge, by the State's solicitor, of the prosecution of a man charged with some misdemt-anor. It soon appeared that there was no evidence against the man. but Bux ton did h:s best, and was astonished : when the jury brought in a verdict of "guilty." After il.s trial one of the juror- tapped the yoinv- attorney on the shoulder. "Buxton," said he, "we didn't think the feller guilty, but, at the same time, didn't like to dii- ?oura"e a 'ourl- lawyer by acquits jinghim." .tops oara-h( in t minutes, tooth ache or pain of hum or wald in tivo minutes; iio:,ri n. -s .mo hour; tuiis- eleaclie, ! i lu :; r ; i hours Dr. 'i'l:. t: - lie!, arch ov r pain. t luoal . t wi-lvo trie Oil, nioi!- Dr. J. H. Coorgc, president of Drury College, Springfield, Mo., ha announced another professorship will be added to the college next year, the chair to he devoted to romance language. If you have catarrh ill your-ih' of this lvpulsiv.- di--i . ..k Dr. Slioop of l.'.acine. Wis., in mail you free, a trial hox of h '. iSiioop's Catarrh , Millie lest, will truth well ia:. Write t'-dav. Ketiledy. A si'ilj surely tell you a worth your l;r.o. Don't sutler longer. A. '. Peterson. Gov. Hoke Smith says he joined a total abstinence society when lie wn: 22, ha:-, been a lYesbyterian elder for years, and has never seen the bar ia the Atlanta hotel of which lie is part owner in:i::M.; oit.x iioi sj:. Kvorvl.dv is w. ho-ne w hen we feel j ,-d . . feel th -t wav ..iy when j"'"' d'-stive or-n ar. woi-kim- pr.p- ,,,.iv d,-. k h.-s , u r s n-j-n- ' r,w. n. i ;,,, ,.i -.r,,m ,e a--(lni) (! nnai'ii, liver and kiwel- so p" I eel ! one em I IM'lp leeini;; ood when !l- l! -s tiu- o p.'il,:. '." rtt, 1 . 1 . 1 1 e 1 K. T. Wlnt. HI Co. s -tore. - Atchison Globe. I If you haven't the time to exercise I r.ui-iil.if!,- I, - Mmi'Ii'I .i -i!l rti-i'voii t. ,.;)7,t ;,,.;,';.' Tl -y induee.i mild, easy, healthful a-tio:i of the how-Is without griping. A.-k y::ir drueist for them. 2-j ( nts. Time fiies so fast :u a man grows I older that it seems to him he has his Sunday clothes on ail the time. ; THI ,i A v -N"i'Ki,'tT Vur- (, ,ia- immune from Kidney tmuhl", ,-0 u lemcmhcr that Foley's KJ-y '""' v il1 '.'i; )',' in and erne .-mv e e! ; : iiiey irrcfiularit ie.- md hlad- her trouble 1 1 !' llicdieine. 1 is eot I cyond the rc:u h V.. T. Y hi'elu ad t Co. 5 PC'S JOURNEY !s Burdensome to Many North Carolina. Life's Jo-.u n -y is a Wi:h a coiet iidly Wit h nrhiarv di - :' heavy burden aching baeli, h-ru, diabetes, With uny I i hey ill. Dean's Ki hr-y ''M r iieve ,-md cure. .1. II. nobir.-eii. i iii Llayer, of hl." X. Tryon St., CI.:-riot!-, N. '., ns: ''For a l-.r.g lini" ! s i(l'.-;ed with a bad back, ui;da;h: d!y d w to di-ord -rs of the kidneys. Tia- seeietioiis wer" all out 01 ment . and ' ort 1 la a. b i i y da 1 k and fu'l of fedi ! ,,f Do.m'; Kidney Pi!I a !. a "ii-e.; r ore, and ;;avo ;.!) ! , i.d. 'i'lv y retired to tli'ir natural color. ,l the M-crctien- nil! I, Ihe ret ; normal and strengthened my hack so that it does not pain me at ail. In fact I have not had an a- he mmc- I used the remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price od cents. Fo-ter-Miihurn Co., I!ufl'a!o, New Yore, sol-agents for the United S.ati-s. Rcmccnter V:.c narnc Dean's nirJ take no otter. ntrrrsr, Laxative Cough Syrop CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Pelieves Colds by working them out of tho system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves Coughs by charging the mucous membranes ct tha throat, chest and bronchial tubes. -As pleasant to the ta$t Children Like It K For sale by E. T. Whitehead Co. H?9 I 3 1