miiiiimiir imn i ' "'""" m .;: i ill ii.JI: i' si: i Ml si ii i Mil' M M it i!'HI iit!!! :!; I'M I m 1 i! 'j ! ft 1 The Commonweaith. SLOW TO ORGANIZE. MOTHER AND SOS BURNED TO DEATH. II E. IKLLIAHD rublirilicti Every Thur.-xlay. Kntoreil at the postoffioe at S X fir, X. ('.. a F-cmd-O. Matt .Editor ' Mr. J. J.Laughinghouse spoke : a great trutn m tne ianners i meeting Monday, when he said ! the farmers of Eastern North , i Carolina fail to get the beneht TO WHICH UH' il I L villi 11 L1 a l i Will In Tbeir Home Near Fuqiiay Springs, Wake County. Some Laws Passed. CO ?'' Publisher's Announcement. j Tt is a settle! pC'i::t in newspaper ethics that c '.iters and publishers are nor responsible for the , 1 ir-.vs oi rorresi-.n.le;ns, n-.d tlu- pubiicf.lv-n cf a j foinmunic&tiiiti does not mean that the editor or prbhsluT tmbirses Hie iro:;inu!iiic;:iiiti. T.); 'oM.vioNWKAi.if aclhures to tliase general pr.ci- . piei. j . - ... j AYilh the uncertainty of la-! bor and the prices which are j demanded in some places, farm- ers will have to watch their in- j tercsts closely this year, or they j may not be in as good condition at the end of VM)'S as they were I at the end of 11)07. ' the government s aid in promo c-' iiig agriculture because of a: lack of organization, and the ! ; farmers have only themselves j j to blame for sueu lauure. it i has long been a mystery why there is not organization and concerted action among our farmers. G rcen ville Reflector. All too true is it that the farmers are slow to organize and still slower to maintain what little organization they do have. Mr. C. C. Moore said recently that the Southern Cot ton Association had been the means of increasing the value ' of everv bale of cotton in North Carolina $10; and yet the farm- i 1 1 j l x ; ers win not properiy support There has been much com- j the organization by paying ten :ment concerning the Presi- cents per bale. dent's message to Congress last j week. Many have said that j no such document has ever; been sent to Congress before, j The "Washington Post is quoted ! as saving that it was '"vit-j Among the laws passed by the Legislature at its extra session which are of general interest were the f ol- (Xcws and Observer, Feb. 2nd. ! lowing: In the broad daylight of yesterday j H. B. 156, S. B. 177: An act to afternoon, within two hundred yards amend section sixty-three, sub-sec-of a church in which services were , tion five, chapter two hundred and going on, a country home was burn-1 fifty-eight of the Public Laws of one ed down and in its flames there per- ; thousand nine hundred and seven. An Address to tae Pecpie of Ncrt'i Carolina. ished a twenty-year-old mother her two-year-old son. This was the horrible fate which yesterday afternoon befell Mrs. J. M. Underwood and her two-year-old We,"and others of the Anti-Saloon League, called the temperance forces together to meet in convention in the city of Raleigh, on Jan. 21st. The great convention that assembled unanimously asked the present Leg islature to gire the State a statutory aorainst the manuf lOilF Lis v 3k 11 I !..T nr.f fU- 11-. "I '.Ml r.T-,.: and i Kents and Drontis of real estate used . , . .i i. . . , . ... I sale oi Jiquor at tne present stosioi., exclusively for charitable, religious, j but a -0rity of Uie members of or educational purposes exempt from the Leislatui.e after ccn3idering ta: I the matter, decided to submit the ll. 15. Wo, a B. ' " ,,rtt-: TrAtn Af ho r.a.-n boy, who with her husband lived I provide for the payment of burial i i;;T nB n,;,,:,, i." ?r, to r3 -a A Remorkobte Colored Man. La Tilue has be 'ui:'emic in all parts of country this winter. Almost every family in every neigh borhood has suffered from it. (Correspondence to The Commonwealth.) Halifax, N. C, Feb. 4, '08. Uncle Frank Epps, a very worthy old colored man of this place, who . was known perhaps by at least half n almost of the people of Halifax county, by t,e j seeing mm on tne streets wun ins heavy stick trying to lull butter-tlies, he sa'd, died here last week with pneumonia. Uncle Frank was somewhere be tween 90 and 100 years old. He . i . t n i i n: i - - i j i i m , ll la a CCmTjOijiLC Oln i)vC'tl--U oy tile Grove Church tat which services were Twenty dollars to be appropriated , besfc tho of temerancs me in being held when Underwood s home , from general county fund upon rec- j Tfc Js Rot &3 slrinffent as was seen to be on fire. ommendation of chairman of pension , f ,d . to b but Mr Underwood was at churcn board J it is an extension of the Watts end when the flames were first seen and H. B. 10, S. B. 19: An act to amend ; yanj tnis to the whole State. On ue, wun uiw utiicta y,L uic t-uiigico sections two tnousunu anu eigniy-one ; T i r it ;an.. , pP presented to the people of North Carolina, are you "For or the manufacture ar.d sale of intoxi cating liquors'.'" The praise for this issue being submitted to the people of North Carolina is due to the great heart of the masses of its citizenship demanding this reform, the minis ters of the Gospel of peace and good tion, rushed to the place but the ' and two thousand and eighty-nine of flames had gained too great a head way to be checked. Terrible was cf one thousand nine the Revisal hundred and five, relating to mar the grief of the young husband, who riage ceremony. May be solemnized June 1 st (cperJng) August 1st October 1st December 2d (Monday) 4 i 7,028.35 24,551.07 30,735.75 32.7C.C6 !0,S56.50 45,500.36 A growth during Ike most stringent pen- but su Bering has been (puitc genera! There have not been a great many de-.ths from it, however, j couid not hear at an(j could talk very little, but would guess any body's name if allowed the proper time. He has been a familiar figure in our town for fifty years or more, and was never known to absent him self from a burial if not sick. One peeularity of his was finding out about a death almost immediately after, and presenting himself as a mourner. He was scryant for years in the Bowers family, and nursed Miss Leonora Bowers (the late Mrs. C. H. B. Howerton) as a child, and all of her children afterwards. He was never known to get into any kind of trouble or to steal any thing. Since Mrs. Howerton's death Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Gowan have been taking care of hirn, provided medi cal aid, and waited on him with their own hands, but the poor old man's age was against him in this crisis. . With high grade cotton scarce and the demands in creasing, it seems altogether probable that prices for cotton will remain at good figures for the balance of the season. The outlook now is for greater consumption during 1908 than during 1907, and therefore greater demand, which ought to assure good prices. When the weather is cold and things move off rather slowly on the farms at the ilrst of the year, many are in clined to become '"blue" and despondent. Put it is Avell to remember under such circum stances that Spring will come again with its cheering sun shine, its bursting buds, its fragrant flowers and singing birds. Winter will not last all the vear. THE GROUND HOG WENT BACK, Big Fire in Morebead City. (News and Observer.) Morehead City, N. C, Jan. 31. Last night about ten o'clock this j town was visited with one of the Sunday was ground hog day I most disastrous fires it has ever had. knew that within the burning build ing were his young wife and little boy. It was only after the flames had burned themselves out and the house and its contents were ashes it was positively known that Mrs. Under wood and the little boy had lost their lives, this being only positively known when in the ashes of the building were found the charred bones of the two bodies lying close together. No suggestion is made as to foul play and the only thing that would tend to indicate anything wrong was that a partly burned pock etbook was found without there be ing in it the silver money there be fore the fire. No one is able to account as to the orign of the fire, as the first to see it saw only the house in flames. It was a one-story, three-room house, and it seems that under ordinary circum stances Mrs. Underwood and her baby could have escaped. She and the little fellow had stayed from the church service and as the fire took place between one and two o'clock it is thought that after dinner while at the fire her clothing caught and that she became unconsicous, the house catching fire from her clothes. No one heard any screams or cries, and there is only guess-work as to the cause of the disaster. Mr. Underwood runs a one-horse j farm, he, with his wife and child be by ordained or authorized minister. LIQUOR IN PROHIBITION TERRITORY. The act to prevent traveling sales men from soliciting orders or pro posals for the purchase of intoxicat ing liquors in prohibition territory j will towards men, those Senators in North Carolina, provides that it j and Representatives who voted for shall be unlawful for any person for j the bill, most of the press of the himself or as an agent or traveling i State, the Educators of the State, salesman for any person, firm or cor- i and other splendid men of the State, poration, to solicit orders or propos- The bill leaves intact the higher als of purchase by the jug or bottle j the local prohibitory laws now in or otherwise of intoxicating liquors ; force in the several counties, within the borders of any or all coun-1 We have patiently borne for years 0 O d oi recent years. We SoKclt Your Account, Iztqq er Ss?.c!S. 4 Per Cent. Interest, Compounded Quarterly, Allowed in SAViNCS DEPARTMENT. ties, townships, precincts, towns and cities in the State of North Carolina wherever prohibition prevails or the sale of intoxicating liquor is prohib ited by law. Provided, that this law shall not be construed to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquors in not less than five gallon packages to all par ties or persons wdio are duly auth orized by law to sell intoxicating li quors. PREVENT RAILROAD MERGERS. The act amending sections 25G7 and 2574 of the Revised, preventing railroads from merging with or se curing stock in competing lines,pres cribes that the railroad or other trans portation company, or its officers shall not acquire, hold or guaran tee the stock for, or lease or be leas ed to, or purchase or buy or consoli- the galling yoke of the saloon, dis tillery and drink evil with all their attending curses and woes. The time lias coine when this enemy to 1-2-tf Scc!!ar.J Ned.', Ncriii Ceroitaa. jk AVx yT Jtt. -""V m'w7 Tffv i' y s& ry -'w' '0? 'yc & with the ''body of this death," re assert their freedom and manhood and enter the contest. We especial ly appeal to those who have been araiast us in the pnst to forget all deferences for the public good enter this contest. It is a con against the saloon, distillery f.rd and tost m prep a: 1 1 my old cujiO ... .. ... pubhc generally viUi the d to eerve id's end tl;c the human family must be destroy- j drink evil, and not against the rm.n; very best o4 i:e.h ed. No family, high or low, rich or poor, has not felt the awful curse- of the drink habit. It is the canker worm that has eaten into the heart of the body politic; it has made the sweet water of life bitter; the tears that have been shed by an army cf mourners speak to our neaas as wen as to cur hearts. "In the sweetest bud, The eating canker dwells." No race is exempt; especially it is injurious to the. negrc, to whom the white race owes a duty. The peo ple of the State, in the generations srone by, have resisted to th an issue of merit and morals, and not of men and politics. Friends of temperance, organize, work, watch and pray. If this i.s done victory is ours. Jno. A. Gates, Chairman Executive Committee. IlEMOT Cl.MtKL-'ON, President of State Convention. E5 rork, Ail orders filled every customer s vzv.lz rc pvemp:! ir.d rrded. P.. Davi, i?.te Grr,an: 'Main St., next to Prince's StaUes. Have your p ' pure paim: uso the L because L. last guarantee the L. ii Isl. PAINT, date with or be merged into any par- j ditch tyranny and oppression, era-, lty thus g uar; ubk .ntec- your pa insurance. and 1-. nlcr s n 4 gallons L . :. K r. P f 3 : o allpl or ffimnntinT railroad or trn- jinrl wrnnir. Thft nower is with them. It 3 U ing the only ones who lived in the ; portat ion company, nor shall any and tRey are ones more call id upon & A- Paint and G gallons hnsced oil, honsp Mr and Mrs Underwood I railroad or other transportation com- to do battle in a righteous curse. Be make 7 gallons paint at cost of $1.20 house. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood were married about three years ago, j Pany or its officers, sell any of its his wife having been formerly Miss : stock or bonds to any holding or T.ilHo filivpr dantrhtpr of Mr. W. R. i voting company or its officers Oliver, who lives near Wilborn. The couple had lived happily together and one child, the two-year-old son, who died with his mother, had been bron to them. The Two Msia Dills. not deceived with false arguments. per gallon. and the Wilmington Star refer red to the momentous da v as foi lows: "This is the day on which the much abused ground hog is supposed to arouse from "his slumber awl come out of his hole to take a look at the weath er. ''We hope it will be to his satisfaction aud that he will at tend church. It is some years since a ground hog day came on Sunday. "Should he see his shadow he will immediately return to Winter quarters and we may know that there will be six more weeks of Winter weather. But should the day be cloudy lie will remain out and we may know that the backbone of Winter is broken. 'We don't beleive in all this nonsense but there are a great many people that do, and we suppose they have as much right to their individual opin ions as Ave have to ours." There being no clouds, but sunshine Sunday, we suppose the wily creature saw his shad ow and darted back, though to be honest about it the editor of The Commonwealth did not rise early enough to get to his hole in time to see just how Mr. Ground Hog demeaned himself. At any rate all might as well prepare for some more winter weather. The fire was of incendiary origin supposedly, and was first discovered in the rear of the the "Paragon," a large dry goods store on Railroad street, and swept everything in its path and burned all the buildings east of Dr. Headen's office, to. the drug store occupied by the More head City Drug Co. There was noth ing saved at all from the buildings as the wind was blowing fresh from the northeast. The town authorities wired to New Bern and Beaufort for assistance, but before they could get special trains to bring their equipment.they were wired that it would do no good as ail had burned that would likely burn. The people of Beaufort came over on launches and rendered all the as sistance that they possibly could, and about twelve o'clock the fire was un der control. The losses were $35,000. Aiivc in His Coffin. lio!b all Woo! and Paint all Paint, Is cheaper than shoddy cloth or paint. The L. & M. is Zinc Metal made into Oxide of Zinc combined with VVhite Lead, and then made in to paint with pure Linseed Oil in thousand gallon grindings and mix ings. Wears long: actual cost only $1.20 per gallon. L. & M. Pain Agents. E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck. (Rocky Mount Echo.) In a letter received by a friend in ! this city information is given that near Hamilton last week a Mr. Gur ganus who was ill with pneumonia and who was thought to be dead, narrowly escaped being buried alive. The body had been, prepared for burial and had been placed in the coffin, when sounds as if coughing! were heard coming therefrom. Up on opening the casket the man was found to be alive, and at last accounts was on the road to recovery. To Bueak ix New Shoes Always Use ALIEN'S FOOT-EASE, a powder. It prevents Tightness and BIistering,cures Swollen, Sweating, Aching feet. At all Druggists and nhoe stores, 25 ctt. Sample mailed FREE. Address, A. S. Olmstead, LeRuy, N. Y. FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eiglit years experience our own seed, farms, trial grounds and large warehouse capacity give tis an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best Beeda obtainable. Our trade ia Beeda both for tha is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas. Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog elves fuller and inoro complete Infor mation about both Garden and Farm Seeds than any other similar publica tion issued in this country. Mailed free on request. Vite for it. T VJ Wnnd fL Snne Qcsrlcmon I 11 1 IlMUU VWIIU) UbtoUOlllbilj I RICHMOND, - VA. The two main bills passed by the Legislature in its extra session which adjourned last Saturday, were the railroad passenger rate bill and the prohibition bill. The passenger rate bill was passed according to Governor Glenn's rec ommendations.raaking railroad rates 2 1-2 cents per mile, with no refer ence to mileage tickets. The prohibition bill submits the question to the vote of the people in an election to be held on May 26, 1908. and if carried by a majority of votes, prohibition goes into effect January 1, 1903. j While over two hundred bills of j various kinds were passed the rata bill and th prohibition bill were of most vital importance. The Legis lature was called together especially to consider the rate bill, and after Governor Glenn's call was made the people of the State were so pro nounced for legislation on prohibi tion, both through the press and through the Anti-Saloon League, the Legislature passed the act submit ting the Question to a vote of the people. Following is a pertty clear synop sis of the rate law, from the Tarbo ro Southern: "It repeals the 2 1-4 cent rate and increases this to 2 1-2 cents; requires only first class fare and exempts from liability or indictment in civil or criminal suits instituted or hereaf ter to be instituted, any railroad company agent or employee for any violation of the 2 1-4 cent rate. "It is especially set out that the North Carolina Corporation Commis sion is to have nothing to do in any way with the enforcing of the act or any penalties, this to aviod any injunction of them by the Federal court. "Railroad companies violating any provisions of the act, or counseling, ordering or directing any agent or employee to do so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor with a penalty of from $500 to $5,000; agents, servants or employees violating, to be fined or imprisoned or both, in the discre tion of the court. ' "Persons not entitled, who accept free transportation to be fined or imprisioned, or both, in the discre tion of court; railroad or employess giving this, to be fined from $500 to $2,000 for each offense,' whereby such consolidation or merger may be effected, and any such purchase, contract, merger or sale shall be void. And that no railroad or transporta tion company, or its officers, now or hereafter doing business in this State, shall purchase, lease, absorb, take over, buy stock in, merge with, or in any way secure an interest in a com peting line of railroad or transporta tion company, nor shall any railroad or transportation company or its of ficers enter into any contract, agree ment, understanding with a compet ing line of railroad or transportation company calculated to defeat, or which may defeat or lessen compet ition in the State. This act shall not prevent railroads independently own ed and operated in this State not ex ceeding 100 miles in length from sell ing its road and property. FREIGHT RATES. Chapter 217 of the Public Laws of 1907 was amended by addding to sec tion one thereof the following: Pro vided, further, that the Corporation Commission shall have power, when it is made to appear that it is just to do so, to exempt from the operation of section of chapter 217 that part of the charges of a joint haul which is over the line or lines of a railroad company, which company now owns, leases or operates not more than 125 miles of railroad in or out of this State. The business man and corporation no longer want one who drinks in their employment. The Mill and Manu facturing towns of the State haw re fused to license the tra.Hc fraught with such evil to the moral and ma terial prosperity of the community. Kow wonderfully they have proper- ,0- T . T. eck. L. Whitehead & Paint Ag.m'.s. Co., Scotland o com; ed by This issue appeals to men o parties; to men of all If We want every man and won-an ia th.j United States to 1-av.Av what we o eui-hig Cancers, creeds I Wi;e UUii; ! Tumors ant ! riif ii if cti tV.rk l. mff r.f .-.: "V aoove party, aoove crecu, aooye nr-i avo endorsed by L!:e Senate ticnalities; it is a matter oi consci-1 lsiature ot Virginia ence. With malice toward none, ar.d with an eye single to the public good, we call upon all to join with us in the contest. If any have mad?, wit tingly or unwittingly, entangling al liances, hurtful to themselves, or the good of the human family, we appe:-.l to them to sever their connection nd , '. A:! nil Com-; U: S 1 ! I a . T, CUA7.Ar-T.TEE 0US CURES. KELLAM HOSPITAL, Na. 113 Fcit ?.kh Sircct, Richmond, Virginia. 5-:.v'or-iy t7 f rp iUl.V li.iy or lii-'ifc wc nn to ;iC(-n;ni;!o,( ow '. ni; tho Public (ic:i:-:.i Scot! ai:d Xcck Xorth Car. dir. a Geatli Near Aureiian Springs. (Reported to The Commonwealth.) Near Aurelian Springs, N. C, on January 24th, 1908, our Lord in His infinite mercy saw fit to call from this world Mrs. Bettie Dickens, wife of Mr. W. L. Dickens. Mrs. Dickens was 57 years old and a member of the Methodist church. By her request she was quietly lafd to rest in the burying ground of Ebenezer. She is survived by her husband and six children, three boys and three girls. She has left her tem poral home to dwell in the mansions prepared by Christ. We have His promise, "I go and prepare a place for you." We shall not forget her, and when we get home to the Father's house she will be waiting for us. May the all loving Father prepare us to meet her in that beautiful home eternal in the Heavens, where we shall dwell together forever. A Friend. xiings Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clears the skin. Try them for billiousness and sick headac he.- Price 25c. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. ' A ?-f mmmi m 1 V. FX Grows the finest Tobacco becaui it is prepared expressly for bacco--from twenty-three years experience no guess work, but careful study of the requirements ot tnis panic Cil pitiltlta Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade mark is on every bag. m 4 Sk 'F Sa. Oyster uas0 Gmpany Mm fev .K0RFQL5C VSiSGSm. CK!BTl Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption - r , .w.vv. murm uaroima. CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS The Genuine ia in the VRLLOVV PACKAPiR

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