Good Advertising Is to Business what Steam is to Machinery, that great propelling power. This paper gives results. Gcod Advertisers Use these columns for result. An advertisement in thi payer will reach a ood class of people. e. E. S!!LLIASSD, EtliJor artd Proprietor. "Excelsior" is Our flaito. SubstrQiicn Price $1.00 Per Yccr. SCOTLAND KECK, If. C, IIOSBAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1S0S. . New Series Vol. 11.--S-1S Com wit i ny. w , i m. cji:-r:r-,a3.imfJtaaBaBKWKiiin iiwii a Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Urhsaltliy Kiincys Make Impure Blood. All the bleed in your body passes through ycur kidney: once every three minutes. gi-t,!. I ne kidneys are youi Ot H t'nv 5r irlr of i'fv"S! P cf order, they fail to dc i' tneir work. Pains, achesandrhtu matism come from ex cess cf uric acid in thf blood, due to ne?!ectec kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unstead;. hear; htz.z, and innk-s one feel as thougl had h-art trouble, because the hsart i. cver-w-;.rV.;nj in pumping thick, kidney i'iscr.i j biood Ihrouh veis and arteries. It usv-i tj 1 3 considered that only urinarv trouble vers to be traced to the kidneys out r.ov,- :e.od-:-n; svenca proves that nearh ad ccr.aMtutiov.aS diseases have their begir r.'.n in kidney trouble. U y ; j are sick yea can make no mistak ly fl.-ct doctoring ycur kidneys. The mil' ; ni extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer'. ;-'.yaRvp-Root, the great kidney remedy i. i;on realized. U stands the highest for it. voncsri::.' euros of the moat distressing case: by a!! druists in firry cent and c:ie-d.'!ar siz-EliygJS es. You may have aXfeg sample boit.e by mail Homo of smi-Rv free, ab o r irr.yh'et telling you how to fin. out if yon ha-3 kidney cr bladder trouble Mention this parr when writing Dr. Kjlme & Co . Ci-barr.ton. N. Y. iX'-n't. nif.ko any mistake, but re member the nann Swamp Root, Dr Kilmer's Swamp Root, anil the add res. IJinghamton. N. Y. , on every bottle. II. N.LLS Land Purveyor Scotland Xeck, N. C. 11-23-tf Qt V. SUITS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. Ofifiee in th.e Xcw Bank Building. )R. J. P. WIM5ERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. OiTiec on Depot Street. J)!?.S.C L!VER?fON, DENTIST. Tfi Ofnco up stairs in White 'fX'Jx head Building. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. j-j W. M1X0N, Refracting Optician, "Watch Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Neck, N. C. I McBR YDE WEBB, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 219-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Ta. Notary Pahlic. Bell Phone 374 gDWARD L. TR7i VIS, " Attorney and Counselor ai Li aw, Halifax, N. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands iLL U. JOSEY, General Insurance Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. HAJSJ BALSAM fi'.Vi-V.'!ritm...... .....1 km..,!!!... !.. h.T. IV'ft.'S'i'-'' sl'j Vrui-ictti a luxuriant 5t?i. f I'S5f3LX-S B3i!TC to Umrtoro Grayt IrV7-j- j' . .--.i4. nrt . 40 i Touthful Colav. tbS&'ffl iSom vnp heir liuilaa, in a. Oraciertaliers' SyppIIes. Fell and Complete Line. sr. mm of fins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. North Carolina SIMPLE REMEDY Fob LA GRIPPE. La grippe coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop into pneumon ia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strength ens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. E. T. Whitehead & Co. 1.'-? fir.-:. ter out (he waste o - v'VC' ui SN&rU? impurities in the blood v vy C7 A A (A A . THE EDITOR'S LEISURE HOURS. Observations of Passing Events. Bad politics, bad whiskey and bad blood make a mixture that is apt to produce disaster and death. Such was the condition A Bad Mixture. The story of the killing is the sequence of some bloody f ueds which have been a terror to Breathitt county for years and which have become a familiar tale to many people of the nation. Judge Hargis was charged with complicity in several murders, and had recently paid $3,000 in settlement of the last result of such charges. The Charlotte Observer pointedly remarks of it ill: "The long trail of blood which has marked the political rul3 of Judge James Hargis in Breathitt county, Kentucky, has stopped finally at Hargis' door and the man whose name has been a synonym for plot, assassination and murder for years has been gathered to his fathers. Retributive justice was long delayed, but its aim was nevertheless true, and the dramatic touches are given the situation in that it was the hand of his own son that smote him. Verily, this looks like the vengeance of the Lord." V Some days ago when the earth was covered with snow for a few hours and the ground was frozen hard, there was a prospect A Lesslon From the Birds. which every stanza, as we now remember, ended with," 'Tis a iiost bitter lot to the poor when it snows." And while medi tating on the cold weather and the dreary prospect it presented cor all, and especially for the very poor, who are not always provided with the comforts necessary in such seasons, the clear, Hweet note of a little bird on the outside rang out as joyously as if it had been a May-day. And so Ave thought all might gather a lesson from the homeless, shelterless little bird which could be cheerful and gladden the world with its sweet little song while its shoeless feet were doubtless stung with the bit ter cold. The little bird Avould have been more comfortable perched upon the branch of a tree in some cozy corner of sun shine, but from, the cheerful notes of his song one would think him just as happy in the snow and cold as if it had been a balmy day in Spring. The modest and unpretentious little neacher was content with its lot, and warbled out its soul-cheering song just as si den clouds as if the whole firmament had be j j line and the breezes redo lent of the fragrance oi spring nowers. May we not learn che lesson of contentment from the little bird? If we look every lay and hour at the unpleasant things which crowd next about as and think only of the disadvantage and discomfort they bring, we may not get out of life the sweetest and best things that are meant for us. But if we will school ourselves, like the guileless and naturedoving little bird, to see sunshine away beyond the clouds and to accept and make the best of the present unpleasant things with a hope and a faith that better things will come that the clouds will after awhile float away and the sunshine will burst upon us again our own lives will be fiir happier and we shall be able to be a source of more happiness to others. Blessed little bird, nature's sweet choris tar of cheer and hope! Sing thou again at our window when the clouds are dark and heavy, and lead us again to the con t3inplation of higher and better things than the despondencies of life, and teach us to pipe a note of gladness and cheer, both when the sunshine is bright and heavy and dull. The Forest Service of the United States Department of Agri culture sends this paper the following: Cement and steel and . brick and juiidicg Opsratloss and the . , , iS232r blippiy. , users to psts will not be called unon to used in building operations. Notwithstanding the remarkable . 4 . . . . . , i increase in the use ot cement and Last reports ot tne building operations in ioriy-mne ot uie lea u-1 ing cities of the United States Geological Survey, show that 59 struct ion. Even if the remaining torty-one per cent, ot tne buildings were built of brick, ties of wood are consumed both finish, though in the latter form, metal is taking the place of S wood to a verv large extent. The amount of lumber given above does not take into consideration this item at all. While above does not take into consideration this percentage is representative of the building industry in the United States, dealers point out that it does not include the large quantities of lumber used for the construction of dwell ings, stores and other buildings and towns scattered over tne country and not included in tae forty-nine cities on which a reckoning was make. In towns and small cities wood is usually the predominating building material and it is safe to say that if the statistics had included figures for all places of whatever size, the percentage of wooden construction would have been much greater. These figures, as a rule, are only for the corporate limits, and the suburbs of these cities have each very large amounts to be added. The cost, also, is relatively higher in these cities than in towns nearer the base of the supply. In wooden buildings, .New ork City is at the bottom of the list, though it leads with $18,075 as the average cost of buildings. Except at San Francisco, where abnormal conditions have prevailed since the fire, Boston shows the greatest increase of any of the cities in the total cost of building operations. The average cost of buildings is constant ly increasing, having risen over three hundred dollars during the last three years. The average value of a building is given in the report as $2,035. Lumber is by far the greatest drain on the forests, and the wonderful development of the country dur ing the past decade has called for the use of nearly forty billion board feet a year. The largest quantity ever reported for a single year was for 1900, when thirty-seven and one-half billion feet, with a mill value of $621,151,388 was used. Including the value of the lath and shingles used with this amount, the total value of the wood used for buildings is brought up to $050,796, si s The increasing price of lumber and the rapidly increasing use of perfected fire-proof systems of constructions should have much to do in holding down the amount which the forests are called upon to yield each year, but so tar tnese more suDstanxiai materials have not decreased the lumber cut of the nation. . Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scro fula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained,clear-skinned. in the killing of Judge James Hargis b" his son at Jackson, Ky., some days ago. for a long season of bitter cold weather. Years ago we read the little poem in clear and when the clouds are stone are not yet used in suf- j i,wi 1 . ,. i 4i r predict the time when the for- furnish the principal materials ! other nre-proot materials, tne for the year, collected by tlie 1 per cent were ot wooden con- stone and concrete, vast quanti in the construction and in the in the thousands of small cities I Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suffering. At any drug store. - Why ifce Sign Cisappaared. CRAWFORD MILLS IILLE3 THE BILL. (Sc'.-ctd.) People laughed yhen they saw the sign again. It seened to be always in Mr. Peter's win-low. For a day or two sometimes oily for an hour or two it would be nissing, and pass- j ers-by would worder whether Mr. Peters had at lasj found a boy to suit him; but soon or later it was sure to appear agiin. "What sort of a' boy does he want, anyhow?" one e.wl another would ask; and then tl:e would say to one ' another that they supposed he was looking for a perfect boy, and in their opinion he wtuld look a great while before he fonnd one. "All he wants is for a fellow to run on errands; itmust be easy work and sure pay" :his was the way they talked to one another; but Mr. Peters wanted sonething more than a boy to run enunds. John Sim mons found it out, and this is the way he did it. He had been engag ed that very morning, and had been kept busy all the forenoon at pleas ant enough work; and although he was a lazy fellow, he rather enjoyed the place. It "was toward the middle of the afternoon that he vas sent up to the attic, a dark, dingy place, inhabited by mice and cobwebs. "You wid find a long, deep box there," said Mr. Peters, "which I want to have put in order. It stands right in the middle of the room you can't miss it." John looked doleful. "A long, deep box! I should think it was!" he said to himself, as the attic door closed after him. "It will weigh a ton, I guess; and what is therein it? Nothing in the world but old nails and screws and pieces of iron and broken keys and things rubbish, the whole of it. Nothing worth touching. And it is as dark as a pocket up here, and cold, besides. Hosv the wind blows in through those knot-holes! There's a mouse! If there is anything I hate, its mice! I'll tell you what it is, if old Peters thinks I'm going to stay up here and tumble over his old, rusty nails, he's much mistaken. I wasn't hired for that kind of work." Whereupon John bounce! down the attic stairs three at a time, and was found lounging in the show window an hour afterward when Mr. Peters appeared. "Have you put the box in order al ready?" was the gentleman's ques tion. mt i i i r 1 i T. ' i . L r i aiun c nna anymuig to put in order; there was nothing in it but old nails and things p-eciseiv at g o' G o'clock Joan was I pnllod nrd n-nd th sum nromised caned ana p-i.i zn bum P10-1 -1 mm aua,, . u u.t.i, . ni3 lsma-v1 as would not be neeaed any moie. H questions. Indeed he h d time for n0Re a3 Mr pecr3jm. j medateb- closed tlie door jt vvas Crawford Mills who was hired next. He did not know the other boy, and so did his errands in blissful ignorance of the long box until the second morning of his stay, when, in a leisure hour he was sent to m or(Ter" The mssed. dinner time came, and still r Crawford had not appeared from the attic. At last Mr. Peters called him: "Got through?" "No, sir; there is ever so much more to do." "All right. It is dinner time now. You may go back to it after din ner." After dinner he was sent back. All the short afternoon he was not heard from, but just as Mr. Peters was deciding to call him again, he appeared. I "I've done my best, sir," he said, "and down at the very bottom cf the box I found this." "This" was a five-dollrr gold piece. "That's a queer place for gold," said Mr. Peters. It's good you found it. Well, sir, I suppose you will be on hand to-morrow morning?" This he said as he was putting the gold piece in his pocketbook. After Crawford had said good night and gone, Mr. Peters took the lantern and went slowly up the attic stairs. There was the long, deep box in which the rubbish of twenty five years had gathered. Crawford had evidently been to the bottom. He had fitted shingles to make compart ments, and in these different rooms. he had placed the articles with bits of shingle laid on top and labeled A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspepsia and other stomach ills. Two dsys' treatment free.. Ask our dealer. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. , WANTED, A BOY. - thus "Good Screws," Nails," "Small Keys, Somewhat Bent," "Picture LTooks," "Pieces of Iron whose use I don't know." And so on through the long box. In per fect order it was at least, and very little that really could be called use ful could be found within it. But Mr. Peters as he bent over j artd read the labels, laughed glee- j fully, and murmured to the mice. "If i we are not both mistaken, I have found a boy; and he has found fortune." Sure enough the sign disappeared from the window, and was seen r.o more. All this happened years ago. Crawford Mills is errand boy no I more, but the firm of Petcrj. Mills , & Company a young man, a rich j man. "He found his fortune in the long ; box of rubbish," Mr. Peters said j once, laughing. "Never was a five- i dollar gold piece so successful in business as that one of his has been; j it is good he found it." 1 Then, after a moment of silence, j he said, gravely: "No, he didn't; he j found it in his mother's Bible. IIe ; that is faithful in that which is least, ' is faithful also in much.'S It is true; j Mills the boy was laithlu!, and i Mills the man we trust." i For Health and Beauty. (Selcctcd.) If you wish ycur neck and head to be graceful, don't sleep on a high pillow. Have plenty of ventilation in your sleeping room and rinse your stom ach with a cup of water, both on re- . . , , 1 morning, if you wish a clear com- plexion. Here are two good stretching exer cises for the short girl who wishes to be tail. Lie on the floor with your ' feet under some heavy piece of fur- ; niture. Now rise up without the aid I of your hands or arms. Hang from J a cross pole or the top of the door by ! your hands with some heavy article I . across the feet. Try to lift the ob-1 Htops mradie in tvoi:iii:!:t"s. t .t!i iect with your feet without drawii:a iivi.e ur pa in ul burn 01 m '.rvc tu 4- t 4i,A i,. i Another exercise which will j strengthen the bacK muscles is to he on the floor, touching only with the palms and toes. Raise and lower the bedv as many times as possible, try ing to make the chest touch the ; floor and not allowing the the knees to do so. If the children bite their nails, put some bitter medicine on the tips of their fingers. ; No matter if you cannot keep your hair dressed in in the latest style you ' .lean, weU-combed and is these qualities that' i can keep it cle; ql -n,r tf mnn(. fov nn,i nrtu S. j Above all forget disagreeable j things, learn how to say pleasant ". v -i . ,i WOrds and be considerate of others. ; Th en you Wlll hve loRff and the I wrinkles will be slow in coming. . ---: - .... - . WsiQliing Ccmon A!r. The weight of air has often been tested by compressing it in recept- acles by the air pump. That it real-1 ly has weight when so compressed is ; shown by the fact that the weight cf ' the vessels is increased slightly by filling them with compressed air and ' that such vessels become specifically "lighter" as soon as the air contain ed in them is exhausted. Many elab- orate experiments on the weight of air have proved that one cubic foot weighs 533 grains, or something less ' than one and a quarter ounces. The ; above experiment on the weight of : air is supposed to be made at the j surface of the earth with the tern-; perature at 50 degrees F. Heated j air, or air at high elevations, is much j lighter. ; SUFFEEIN(V& DOLLARS SAVED, j E. S. Lopor, of Marilla, X. Y., says: j "1 am a carpenter and have had many J severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arnica i Salve. It has saved me HifTcring and i dollars. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, i sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 2oc at E. T. Whitehead & Co., i druggists. It is entirely likely that no action j in regard to the hatchet would be j necesary if there just could be an j agreement to bury the hammer. Puck. NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITE. ! i Mrs. E. D. Charles. of Ilarbor.Maine, j speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It j is a neighborhood favorite here with ; us." Tt deserves to be a favorite every- j where. It gives quick relief in dyspep-! sia, liver complaint, kidney derange ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak ness and general debility. Its action on the blood ,'as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold un der guarantee at E. T. Whitehead & Co.'s drug store, ouc. To Thine Own Self Be True. (Pakcnliam Henuty.) By thine own soul's law learn to live, And if men thwart thee take no heed. And if men hate thee have no care; Sing thou thy song and do thy deed , Hope thou thy hope and pray thy prayer, And claim no crown they will not give, Nor bays they grudge thee for tin hair. Keep thou thy soul-worn steadfast oath, And to thy heart be true thy heart; What thy soul teaches learn tokown, And play out thine appointed part, And thou shalt reap as thou shall sow, Nor helped nor hindered in thy growth To thy full stature thou shalt grow, Fix on the futures soai thy face, An(1 Jet thy feet be lurcHj to strRy Nowhither, but be swift to run , And nowhere tarry bv the way, Until at Iast the end is won . And thou mayst look back frrtm fj-,y pace Anc pee thy long day's journc-y done. Why Eyes Get lied. The eyeball contains a high per centage of blood, and why, there fore, is it white? The answer is that the blood vessels which supply its surface are so exceedingly minute that usually they do not admit the little red corpuscles to which the or- I dinary red appearance of the blood is due. Blood without these corpus- cles is colorless, or, at most, ot the . . . , n .. . 0 , j ally when the eye is irritated or when there is any slight or considerable derangement of the system certain of the little vessels enlarge sufficient ly to allow the corpuscles to enter, thereby producing the well known red streaks or inflamed appearance minutes: hour.soness, oik.' hour miis- clearhe, two hours; sore throat , tv.eivt i hours Dr. i homas l.ek el l ie ! III. mosi- arcli over pain. Poverty may be no disgrace, but j it 13 not very tilling. Salt Lake Tri- bune. K EE PI N't! OPEN 1 1 lSE. Everybody is weieome when w leei good; and we foci that way only when j our digestive organs are working prop- 0rly. Dr. 1 King's New Life P.'! regu- late the action f stomaeli, liver and bowels so perfectly one eati't h-lp feeling j 1 UnS - -' , .VUSai M'.d. IS J uail-'a JciLJv-l Loco the British Isles If you have catarrh rid your-eh tllis ;..,!.,,,.(. ai.-x-nsc. Ask Dr. sh- of cf Mm ine. M'is., to mail you fire, a trial box of bis Dr. t-hoop s ( atarrn j Remedy. A sim'ile. smulo te.-i, will surely tell you a catarrh truth well i.'.ivtli i...-v 1-,.,1'i-imr Write lo-d:iV. Don't stiller longer. A. (!. Peterson. ; C." V- V, ...-:" of the her! rv-ib'c every cnlerpriji "it is r.s rs only use enough ; taerc any res.scn v;i.y you c"D'- t-3 .:! jansos Swint, cf Chiplcr, (la., v.V.n u r.cre of Virginia-Crr?!h:a. i"'c.rl:!i. c:t, on i He grctaercd one sad a hall Laics of ts.'. rc, zr.d there were more hv'.'-j yet to open. This i3 the - "perienco cf hi: plar-tcr.-.. Circ' c.I xrcparut: ;-i ir e oi .ugii grade v irjiaia-crr.-;: -.-. r u".i; surtly "ir.crea yrvyiddj j .r :.zr:.'' K.::v.c i rcva'.;.cect pa ' i : r : a - C; r o iin a T p. copy c t;h:ch r.zy be secured f "orr. your fc-rtll-i;er dealer, orXrom ourncarect z-'w. e. . An iatercslin'T picture or I-.Ir. Sv;"U X'.-:' totton will Iz foaad in t':is VirsirJa-CaroIisa Chcza'cs! Co. i V;'i; '.p:i,S C. l):.;.',:3,f". M-rf ":;.. Ala Mrsmi1!:, 'l mn. V-'4Hv.2:?x rf: " 't' .-'"- 11 'T:'"" .-.' h r FiSSfiiI Co: JSfrZPsi t'. r. rrs: i Tin: mm I'm; off place. "(r!.U!iiit ii ni h;;d i iK- in itgr:isp ;iuit I l.;vl ;l:no.-t re.iv!. .-d t!it jumping oil pl.uv v.'i ti 1 auvi-vd to try !.-. Kind's o.v !i.-v!iwry; ;ind I want t -:iy i'i'l:t ii' v.". it saved my life. Improve ment lu y.m wi'li the ill t bottle, and aller laki.'.i; or,. ,1 ,,. Lottie 1 was a well :r.!d hapj.y i'.!."says (!etii"gi M:o:v. (: ( .;-i!!i'-!aii !. N. O. Asa ivme !y for e 7'!i ; I eoliN and healer of we;:!;, so-.-e l'".iv.;s and ! t preventing pneumonia New Hi- 'overv i siipn me. .".a- and ..:!.: at C. T. WhiMiead & C ., !:::.: iri-. '. T. ial hott'e free. It is estimated that immigrants re turning home took out of the United Slate; h-;t ye-r sllO.WO.OW. e is v. eeoil)',' t he ( nlM'.liV. St ! i; with i';e; n!'oiv it g"ts deeply v .ltd. T. "ii.-."k e;l i !y eolds with tilt si? little (":;,!. iy i'oH I ', lie T;' 1 del S is Slirely en.-'.hie and ::r j ': v ent ies font aiiw no iiiniiie, iio ! ive, r.o! biiig harsh or siekening. I'm umonia would never uppear ii early broken. Also were promptly d for feverish fhild 1S taUets. L'.V. Vest. :,t. Sold hv A. ren. 'o, Mor'o'i I. Peter--.)!! The human eyes arc rarely of equal power i;i the" sanu person. !i wii! !' uiir.eeet s.-ary for you In g. thro rjii ;i j -.iel'ii, expensive operation, for Pile- if on u-e Manan. Put up in a eo!! i';. il!e mhe with in.el, ready i.i apply to 1 1 u ' :oelle:-S and i II llat! i ma -'.ion. I " ;i : i V for!. I of Piles, p! ire, ,",()e, UU:r.-;.n'e' d. 'M I'V i"T. W'liili head .v Co. The Anr..::d profits at Monte Carlo imouat to ?", rH( ;!):. Tills MA V I NT EiJ EST Y(P. Nu on immune from Kidney trouh! so jii-i r. member I hat I'oI.'v'h Kidney t 'me w id slo'i the i i re" II la 1"', tie ami euiv any :e( of kidney and ldad !x r trout.:- llat is not lyi nd I he reac h of inedieine. I'. T. Whitehead it t!o. The htm vh:de we!; ! f:-:iine of t he average .5 about '" tons. A WOMAN'S BAG. Tl;e Aches and Pair.s Wi:i Clsap pciir if ii.e Atfvtec cT Wom-m A ". ..:i...u'a !:.;( !. h.;a mans Mid pains. :e.!ir.i. .b.i: tillie.4 'Ii-' (I,,, klilneys fault. ja--i. JL i!' :.- re;tl!y k tliey ;u !io. v io'.ir Iv.nlne y Pill- euri - N.M-i'i ('aroli:.ri v.omeii knV , 1 1 it one has (.-, say a hoi it it : X( hie P.( l,..n Peeves, of i'ryon r'l!-. organist at the .a! rh.nvh, la-, lotte, N. (,'., "j u-ed ihaii's Kidney PilU Kead Ml-:. ( ud lii " l.:;e bciii lite. me more than j.; n vt iiii or . I i-v.-r tried. I oht-iiix T" T lor my t.-e :, an 1 ki.,m ys whaii ha d in IVO! ; at I rouble and misery i;he.- of year.'. Tile use of Uiii wonderfully br-ne!ilcd inc." :' by all dealers. Prie - " i r-Mihuiiu Co., PniTalo, it, s. .! it'.'' ni- for the .'nited i:u.- Ic.r a r.u re: ue 'y i'or -e.'i:!-. . N l',es. end T-31C RO CitlCT. V - i c '. -A ;:'.,'! i " Ifr. Tor ; cM'.ti cm; ? A I ... ; ot i. r.-tlcn i'j'jiT.i ti y. - . .;i .bo'-:;cr Vc::r Lo'.-'.:. 'A J 7:i

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