The Commonwealth. TEMPERANCE RALLY. 'J .ft d I-. II E. BILLIARD, Editor Published Every Thursdaj. An Enthusiastic fleeting in Halifax. rewife ! I Our II ii i i ni !tr 'ft- i k 1 IS Willi-- it Entered at the p istoti'u-i.- at Scotland Neck, N. C, as c. ond-CIa J&tter. Thursday, March 10, 1908. Pursuant to. a call to the Publisher's Announcement. Tt is a settled point in newspaper ethics that editors and publishers are not responsible for the views of correspondents, and the puMiCHtion of a rommuiiicalioti does not that the editor or publisher endorses the communication. Ti: Commonwealth adheres to these tceaoral prici-ples. FRIENDSHIP. (Holland.) Never forsake a friend. When enemies gather round, when sick ness falls on the heart, when the world is dark and cheerless, then is the lime to try true friendship. They who turn from the scene ol distress, betray their hypocrisy, and prove that interest only moves them. If you have a friend whe loves you be sure to sustain him in adversity. Let him feel that his former kindness is appreciated, and that his love was not thrown away. Real Hdelity may be rare, but ii exists in the heart. They only deny its worth and power who have never loved a friend, or la bored to make one happy. The good and kind, the affectionate and the virtuous, see and feel the grand principle. EAST CAROLINA TRAINING SCHOOL The hoard of directors foi this new institution met in Greenville last week to eon- eider a site, plans for a building and other matters pertaining to the institution. A site was selected which is said to be ideal, plans were decided upon for buildings and architects and land-scape gardnc-rs were put to-work on plans and bids for the work. State superintendent J. Y. Joyner was made chairman of the board of directors, and Prof. C. TV Wilson, superin tendent of Scotland Neck grad- j convincing-, beautiful ed school, was elected secre-i fully eloquent, and on election dav temper- pie of Halifax county, about : a hundred and fifty people assem bled in Halifax Tuesday, March 17, to organize in the prohibition cam paign now open in North Carolina. At 12:30 o'clock the people assem bled in the court house, and in the absence of Mr. W. T. Shaw, of Wel don, chairman of the meeting1 which two weeks ago called the convention, E. E. Hilliard called the meeting to order. In a few sentences he called attention to the object of the meet ing and introduced Dr. H. W. Battle, of Kinston, who had been invited to address the convention. Dr. Battle, ii a most masterful address, spoke for mere than an hour, and held his audience literally in almost breath- 1--S silence from the first to the last sentence. Lr. uaaie maae a strong ana e.o quent and unanswerable argument against the liquor traffic. By clear tracing of history he showed how re forms have corne to the world through the will of the people as they have risen in powerful protest against abuses and outrages. Time was, he said, when it was not thought a thing far amiss for a man to have on his side-board his decan ter from which he might occasion ally take a social drink with his friends; but the use of intoxicating liquors has become such a menace to society and the welfare of the coun try the people are rising in their might and demanding the suppres sion of the awful traffic. Dr. Battle said that the most emi nent scientist in this country told him recently that there is a world of difference between the effects which liquor has on the human system now and the effect it had in the olden time. He said that somehow " in many instances the imbibing of liquor now develops all the baser passsions in a man which can help Jemonize him. The description of the true southern home and its ruin by strong drink was pathetic indeed, and no one heard it who did not feel that it is a holy and righteous thing to drive the power of the saloon from out our borders forever. Dr. Battle's great address was nd power- j ' THE ' iSpBiHL 'jt FERTILIZER - Mr THAT NEVER iiace CSnan - m- f J fk COLUIVSB8A CO. NORFOLK, VA. J) June 1 st (opening) August 1st October 1st December 2d (Monday) $ 5,665.98 17,028.35 24.55I.C7 30,755.75 Tela! P.t $20,82 i. -2t0..-. A growth during the most stringent peri od of recent years. We Solid Your Account, Lcrgc or Snm!!. tary. lhe meeting of the board was a pleasant and satisfactory one and it is thought that work will soon be commenced for the buildings. Of course the good people of the progressive town of Green ville will do everything they can for the interest of the in stitution in which they will take great pride. The people Ol all East Carolina and of the whole State as well will feel a a keen interest in this new ed ucational enterprise. The opponents of prohibition criticise as grossly inconsistent those persons who talk freelv for prohibition and at the same time keep a big jug or demi john in the closet well filled with something that they may occasionally take "for" their stomachs' sake." And truly one who talks one way and acts another is open to criticism. G. K. Moore. Weldon W. T. Shaw, H. A. Wil lis, W. T. Parker, C. P. Rodvvell, J. L. Shephard. Palmyra W. P. White, Dr. K. Legget, R. D. Daniel, J. W. House, L. J. Baker. It was decided necessary to raise funds for the campaign to defray the expenses of speakers during the campaign. A cash collection was raised to the amount of $230. By motion the treasurer was in structed to send $100 of the collec tion to the State Anti-salooon league. There were remarks of interest by various persons for the cause of prohibition, and by motion a vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Battle for his great address and his kindly in terest in the work to be done by the temperance people of Halifax coun ty. The chairman called upon State whether yoi refuse to take them or not. The publishers do not expect you to pay. All they want is to get them into yur hands for some ul terior purpose. Something that pro poses is to p-each socialism, anarchy, or some ctaer nefarious doctrine. Most often, "rowever, the publishers millions oit of the fraudulent : schemes which they advertise and ex- ' pect you tooite at. These advertis- 1 ers can't gee in reputable papers that people subscribe for and pay for year by year. Row the mass of this liter ature has grown so great that it is costing the government millions of dollars to carry it and it is swamp ing the nuil service. Therefore a ruling must be made that will shut these out and still let legitimate p pers go to Lhe people free or at a low Apply to 170R THOROUGH-BRED POUL A try and Eggs B. P. Rocks, S. C. II. I. Reds. S. C. Brown Leghorns Setting of 15 B. P. Rock Eggs S1.50. Leghorns and R. I. Reds 1.25. rate. This ruling, requiring that no papers except those whose readers clearly stated that no one need fear that prohibition in the State will hurt the Democratic party. Charlotte sleeps with one eye open, as they would sfay out "West. The securing of the Democratic State Convention means much for tliat progres sive city. Charlotte is the in dustrial centre of the State and this gives it a peculiarly strong influence with all our people. Splendid hospitality awaits those who may be fortunate enough to attend the conven tion there. That Ruling fcy fbe Pns! Office Department. its influence wiil be quite fruitful t in causing the peopie of Hali fax, county to cast their votes against the liquor traffic and the open saloon. At the close of Dr. Battle's splen did address, Mr. Hilliard expressed high appreciation of his visit and his powerful argument for temperance and prohibition. By motion of Mr. Albion Dunn Mr. E, E. Hilliard was made tempor ary chairman and Rev. H. A. Humble temporary secretary. The tempor ary chairman, after a few brief re marks, declared the convention ready for business. Mr. J. C. Randolph nominated E. E. Hilliard for per manent chairman, of the county an-! . ru you reaa wf li-saloon league, and Dr. D. B. Zolli- i ? and year out' senator W. L. Darnel who responded subscribe for and pay for them will in a few well-timed remarks in the be sent, is the only way the dep.irt interest of prohibition, saying that j ment can get rid of the evil. So you his Sympathy is in Lhe cause. He 1 sec tho rcr.son fnr the rulina- Tlo (Monro Journal.) A newspaper and the subscribers who read it from year to year stand in very intimate relations to each other. They ought to be able to have a little talk with each other oc casionly on business matters without misunderstanding each other. You feel very close to the editor whose words you read week by week, year le know this both cotter nominated Mr. Albion Dunn f"m cur own experierxce, from what Mr. Hilliard asked that his name be IS6 hfve od s and from the withdrawn w W,, Tr B.ivjij fact that unless you did have some and the nomination of Mr rtnnn ! such Ae. coupled with respect, made bv ecclamaiinn Movers R i w X. j n t.t0., n x Tt v i uon u. aim uira v. x' . xjuirougns were government thinks that if you want a paper you want it bad enough to pay for it within the year it is sent. It is not a desire to regulate your business or mine, but merely to pro tect itself. And it will not be a hard ship on any honest man. W&ai Is t&s Matiar With' tFe South? While rapid strides have been made in North Carolina, and in the South generally, during the past few years in almost every branch of human enterprise perhaps as much improvement has been made in farming as in any other department of labor. Now and then we see men plowing and doing other work as their fathers and grand-fathers did, but most men who aro pretending to farm at all have moved their operations to a higher plane, and truly in many places "two blades" grow now where only one grew before." All this is hopeful and nothing gives this paper more genuine pleasure than to feel that it is helping the great army of bread pro ducers on whose toil and suc cess depend the life and pros perity of the country. appointed to conduct the chairman to the stand. On taking the chair Mr. Dunn spoke briefly but earnest ly and eloquently for temperance and prohibition, and declared that the State of North Carolina will, on May 26th, do herself honor in shak ing away for all time, by the vote of her noble citizenship the ac- j cursed liquor traffic. Rev. J. E. Holden, of Enfield, was elected secretary and Mr. R. D. An derson, of Weldon, was made treas urer. At the close of Mr. Dunn's re marks by motion the representatives of each township retired to name five executive committeemen, the chairman of each committee", togeth er with the county chairman and secretary, to constitute the county prohibition executive committee. The following committees were re ported by the townships, the first person named being the chairman of each township committee: Brinkleyville Not reported. Butterwood W. T. Jenkins, W. H. Thorne, J. B. Lucas, J. R. Lyle3, R. W. Brewer. Conoconara J. O. Applewhite, A. rs ook, L. w. King, J. T. White hurst, M. Howard. Enfield G. T. Thorne, Dr. O. C is tailings, J . K. Holiday, J. T. Ryan. Faucettes E. C. Dickens, W. J.B. Smith, W. R. Nevill, E. W. Liles. R. B.Brickell. Halifax J. C. Butts, V. T. Eure, E. L. Stephenson, Ernest Sater, G. L. Morrison. Roseneath W. C. Allsbrook, J. H. Harris. Roanoke Rapids H. L. Driscoll, N..A Gregg W. D. Tillery, T. J. Rook, W. F. Horner. Scotland Neck N. B. Josey, C. A. Jones, R. L. Hardy, S, B. Kitchin, you would not continue in the rela- of subscriber. Presuming. therefore, that our subscribers will take what we have to say at its face value, we want to speak a few. words in candor. You have noticed from time to time the statement that after April the first the postolnce department will not deliver papers to subscribers i who are one year in arrears with their subscriptions. Have you stop ped to think why thi3 rule has been made? It is no mere whim of the department, but a dire necessity, made so by the good of the public as well. as by the needs of the depart ment, vv hy are you able to buy a paper like The Journal and have it delivered at your door fifty-two times a year for the small sum of one dol lar? One reason is that the govern ment doe3 not charge you anything for carrying it to you. Many people do not know this, but it is so, that is if you live in the county in which the paper is published. If you live out of the county, the government charges at the rate cf cne cent a pound for carrying the paper to you. Now, why does the government do (Cor. to The Commonwealth.) Enfield, N. C, March, 16, 1907. It seems that our brother hayseeds have forgotten whether they crew hay last year or bought it. They have forgotten the fall of 1839 when CDtton went down to 7 1-2 cents, when there was no Sonthern Cotton Association and when there was no money panic. They have forgotten that in 184 and 1895 cotton went as low as 4 1-2 to 5 cents when there was no Southern Cotton Association, and when there was no money panic, and now cotton is bringing from 10 to 12 cents with the Southern Cotton Association. And some say that the Southern Cotton Association is no good. Now what is the matter with the South? Some few merchants of Enfield have helped us in our great work, but I am sorry to say that the major ity have mt .helped us, and seem to think it is no good. I went to the farmers' meeting on the 2nd instant at Halifax. We had a good meeting. It did look as i the farmers had opened their e; es after sleeping for forty years. May they continue to do so, for the loved ones at home, but not for the Wall street millionaires. Now what is the matter with the South? Be wise and grow your supplies, attend the farmers meeting's, and organize. Yours truly, Montgomery Shields. Save Your EslK Accoaa-: Have your painter use the L. & M. PURE PAINT, because L. & M. rvr.xr TT W T'TT XX 1111 Scotland Neck, North Carolina5 2-13-tf 4 Per Cent. Interest, Compounded Quarterly, Allowed SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A A rr1 PLANTERS & COM MERC: AL mm. Scotland Keck, North Cerolmo. l-2-tf Lamps for Sale. Three Hanging Lamps at a bar gain. Mrs. E. E. IIilliakp. V a The Scotlend Neck Photographer ONLY TEN DAYS Alter March 28th I shall take no more pictures in Scotland Neck tin's season. M pictures f eKea le f s'saMsf e will fee finished pjp before i Heave town. 1 thank the public for the splendid patronage accorded me ior the iour months I have kept 1113' gallery open here. B. P. UNEBERGER, Photographer. new imnm 1 am prepared to serve my old customers and the $ public generally with the very Lest of fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, &c. AH orders hilcd promptly, and every customer's wants regarded. J. IX HILL, Main St., next to Prince's Stables. l-2-2m BlZKas KSrfn?ys and CSsac'tr R.'iihl We Keep on Horsi r . ... AO Kin?3s all the ft ISO tcriij !de Ou if;?. iiCC-.iC-oi'.i Vi'u'-J tiiiY ay to and er nbj;ht v. ,-! i t fitly coiMMso.ia"! - i;r f; i;:nil:; tho PuImh- :n?n-ally. Pcotland Xecl: North Ca:;li Aridiroris ti;r ale. Goad and strong andirons for sale cheap. Mrs. E. E. Hilliard. $ ffl i ub 6 6 6 4 W. o t jrs c-S P '' v ll" r$ U ' V ' ri W PERHAPS YOU or ALSO MEED a art ;51 'En i o you nted not j,o awny fiom homo. them hereunder .ixuarnntco. () 9 o Vv'e mal;1 RerGlr Work Dene t't .jj.ij.'F:. A. BRANTLEY, Sctilasd Keck, K C. Oooooooo-c-o oo o o-oo o-o-o oo-c- c-c c t : I 1 it s tiouble insurance. 4 canons L & M. Paint and 3 gallons linseed oi), make 7 gallons paint at cost of $1.20 per gallon. L. & M. Paint Agents.' E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck." because it considers that )l!fl'mvoi,. i ir dah.-t . "i3viaiaun;i; LUC 3L Atl. AIM ciistri jution of good newspapers and j thus guarantee your painter's work; periodicals is necessary to the wel-1 ,rn,-, A n t fare and happiness of the people and that it i? right for the government to aid in distributing these as cheap ly as possible so that they will be within the reach of many people as possible. Now, here is the point: Under this ruling a great many worthless publications have sprung up that serve no useful purpose but are print ed and distributed for private train. P-Most of them are no good, the people do not subscribe for them and in many cases do not want them in their homes' Yet if your name ever gets in the hands of one of these sheets they will be sent to you forever mmmmmmm mmBmSf tobacco mam I mW Growsnthe finest Tobacco because 1 I 4!SiiiF it is nrenared exnreaslv far Tn. 8 Growsnthe finest Tobacco because it is prepared expressly for To bacco-frorn twenty-three years experience no 'guess 'work, but careful study of the requirements of this particular plant. -so f3 Ask your dealer for Orinoco and see that the trade . mark is on every bag. :TJ; - "A ;1 Commg Next Week. Booth Lowrey, the son cf Gen. M. P. Lowrey, who commanded Low rey's Brigade in the Confederate Army. Ex. Gov. Bob Taylor says: "Those who hear him go away with aching sides and tear-stained faces." . "We laughed a genuine old-fashioned laugh, the kind that shake you up, and you can't stop when yo j try. School Auditorium. NORFOLK. V8EWS2M2A. .$mMMp CureTcZhT rXT MrA &.im& DRUGS v.mes Coughs, Colds, CrouD. La Grm A.t, and LungTroubles. Prevents ner "t!.1 .. B. T.hitohoad Company, Scotland Neck, North CToW The Genuine i.; i. tVc LOV PACK AC