Good Advertising li to Business what Steam ia to Machinery, that great propelling r jv,-; r. Thi j paper gives results. Gcod Advertisers V-v- thee rolnrani fv roeults. An r.dvcrti.-eiiient in thin pr.ptr wi'.l rvach i i;oad elnsH of jeop!. 7lO A C. HILL; 8$, Eter end Proprietor. 'Excelsior" Is Our Motto. Siibbcnnlscn Price $LCO Per Yer. VOL. XXIV. New S?ri8$Ycl. 11.--5-18 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1908. NUMBER 12. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. UaliealSLy K':!ncys Malic Iirpure Blood. A!! the Ibori In your body passes through y;ur kid:.c-vo once every three minutes. T'r. Li,!... . (.-J,; 1 u-a r..u.ioa las your vv'j tor cut the waste cr T;nsSor cf order, they fail to do their work. 7 I -. "V Pains, aches and rheu tns.t!s;n come from ex cess cf u. ic acid in the lloo i, due to neglecte-l Kl -J kidnoy trc.ible. Kiiney t: jutle czuzes quick or unsteady hszri beats, and ir.rJtr.s enc feel as though they had her.-. trouble, bocau&e the heart i; cvor-wor.-;:nj hi pumping thick, kidney poisoned biooi tar-j'igh veins and arteries.' It ''.--d to be cr--5idered that only urinarv rouble? v-:r to be traced to the kidneys, i.:ui hj' r..v,j-i;i Ecicncs moves tu't rearlv ' ;t cor.r.:tu.ior.a; ureases nave their b in:- : i kiuney tro; n y. t u.r. you can rr.axe no mistak by iiiii doctoring ycur kiUr.eys. The mila . J the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's sn'vLxnshKhf v. uni-rfui cu;-os of the most distfesting cases f..-cl 1.; s?;a on us rnenii ty ail di'ucg:s'..i in wiry cent and cr.2-dol!?.r 'Su ez. You may hive a samp! bottio by mall t ,w-ww. ;;iti ! St. Ilmra of B.vamivRoot free .mo y. pliiei telling you how to fine' cut if you ha.', e kidney or tl tr trouble. Mention 'his cacer when writing Dr. Ki'met & Co . Binghaniton, n. y. j Don't mako ar.v mistake, but re- i nH;nilcr the name, Swamn Root, Dr. Kilmer'.- P.vanip ?oofcanl tho aJJics? Uii'.ii. iintnn, N. Y.. on every bottle. Q P. SMITH, 11 D. Physician and Stjkgeon, Scotland Neck, IT. C. Office in the Now Bank Building. )R. J. f. W:?1DRLY, Physician and Sukgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. Office on Depot Street. D. ft. C LSVLriON, DENTIST. ggfSH OXSee up stairs in White U i 1 . r. i , 1 T!nil,l 5 n tr Office hour and to 5 o'clock. be 7 Hkfr voting Optician, Watcli Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Neck, N C. J. u i-TTOTtNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Law, 210-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Bell Phone 700 L TaflVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ' Halifax, N. C Money Loaned on Farm Landti iLL II. JOSEY, ' General Insurance A gent, Scotland Neck, N. C. UBtlerfakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. of fins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland ITeck. North Carolina HOLLISYEfVS Reeky fountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mefliwiia for Easy People. EHsea Golden Eealth end Esnewed Vigc?. A specific for CoTs.jtipntba, Inflige'rtioD, TJa end KiilDy Troublej". i'irnr.lop. Efenn, Impure liUfi, Bad Bre&th. Plu?i9iKii BowoK Hea4aohe fni.t IUckK-;?i... It's Eoeky J'oiuitnin Tc in tab 1ft. fc:m, vuts a box. Crnulun mails by SOLOES KUGGcTS FOR SALLOW PTOPI P mm$ BYSPEPSia tablets ReHava Indirection and Stomach 1 roubles. K-ffcJ-l'Mn-!" -Icjrurtanl growth. I t-'JiZ-p -.iiA fvrr F1lfl to Heaters OJ-sy it--'f"&i itl.r to '- Vfutiiful Color. I ELv -iO CiS4 sn:o d.-ruti u l.a'.r iuUio'. f THE EDITOR'S LEISURE HOURS. Observations of Passing Events. Only recently we read a letter ; ., ....,.. half century ago between members of I the democratic and Whig parties in j this State. He said that feeling ran high, even to' great bitter- j ness, but that after the election it was soon forgotten and all I were friends and ready to work in harmony again. It is still i somewhat so, but perhaps the old-time virtue of forgetting and i forgiving is not so well cultivated as in those good old times "before the war. I hlST DOWer of the Dassinfif Years! ' ! ! j No doubt most men would like peoph this is utterly impossible. hood so through I!i8 Money Lenders. financially independent. Exactly the opposite is true of others. j But the heroic man is he who beats back opposition, masters unfavorable circumstances and with a willpower that is un- nuicuinfir nronoses to be indenenueut ana maices eooa nis dtod osition. The following taken run or ricu suggestion: " me price or. corn nas auvancea nve cents a bushel during the past week. Indications are that it ,vl" uc tino duuuuci nxcin farmers who have a surplus to are corn buyers. Two weeks i are corn buyers. j farmers who usually have corn to sell arc money lenders, or if not, have good ratings at the banks and other business houses. What a great change would come over our Southland if our farmers would raise plenty of hay, corn and oats? This would mean more hogs, more and better cattle, more fertile fields, and greater prosperity." Last week we wrote for this being truthful. We have been honesty In fact, Ceing Honest. : inseparable. A person may bo diligent in business to a degree j that is beautiful and commendable; a person may even be kind ! and thoughtful for the comfort of others, and yet be dishonest. ! But the person who is always truthful is always honest, and the person who is always honest, is likewise truthful. And j honesty does not consist only in paying one's just debts, when j he can aad one who will , not do this is not strictly honest; ! honesty does uot consist in refraining to take the money of another uniustly when one could ! honesty consists in doinc: absolutely the right thing; by other people under any and all circumstances. Have I treated every human being fairly? is the test question. Whoever cannot answer that question in the affirmative has not at all times been altogether honest. Of course any unfairness to another which one does not intend is not to be reckoned dishonesty if he make amends when he can. An expression of words concerning an other intended to produce a false or unfair impression can be classed as dishonesty. Many a laborer deals dishonestly with his employer in a way that the dishonesty can not be detected. When one is paid a wage or salary for certain service and wilfully neglects to render service commensurate with the compensation, or the-best he can under the circumstances, he does not measure up to the full test of old-fashioned honesty. One of the surest methods of being honest with others is to be honest with ourselves. "To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, thou cans't not then be false to anv." No class of laborers in the country has so much to do with the feeding and clothing of the people as the farmers. What f ever tends to eucourage more efficient ei iBierest to Farmers. farm work ghould ba of gpeciai interest to farmers and to all the people of the State as well. The fol lowing interesting item is taken from Washington corres pondence to the News and Observer: "Representative Godwin has succeeded in getting the Department of Agriculture to ex tend the Farmers Co-operative Demonstration work to the j people of his district. Already by the state agent, Mr. C. R. Hudson, in the vicmityof b ay etteville and Lillington. Mr. Godwin is very enthusiatic over the experiment, and feels confident that it will do more good to the farmers of his district than anything the Department has ever undertaken there. The object of the work is primarily to increase the net earnings of the average farmer as the result of the improvement of the soil, by the use of the best seedand by the addition of better and more economic methods upon the farm. This can bo accomplished by demonstrations on farms of about five acres, these object lessons can be enforced by the farmers in every neighborhood, under instruction from the general v office, and supervised by a fiield agent, who. makes these demonstrations monthly. The agents are to be appointed by the Agricultural Department op on an acre under the best every neighborhood with tho slid that the effect is immediate and the result astonishing. The first co-operative farm was established in Texas in 1903 by the Agricultural Department. Porter who agreed to follow ment. The work was a succes. the Farmers Co-operation Demonstration W ork has increased in fivo years from one locality to ten States, from one field agent to 141, from one farm to sibly one half million havo been aided through observation. Aside from the demonstration, the educational feature of the work consists greatly in reducing the science of agriculture to a few practical problems, easily understood by the average farmer. A sample fellows: 1. Better drainage of the soil. 2. A deeper and better sed bed. 3. - More humus. 4. The best seed. 5. Thorough tillage. C. More horse power and better tools. 7. More and better farm stock." Kings Little Liver Pills for bilious- ness and sick' headache. They clean the system and clear the skin. Price 25c.. Try them. Sold by E. T. White - by Elder P. D. Gold in which he How fortunate for all the world is the heal- to be independent For some Circumstances from child hedge some people about all life that they can never become from the Rich Square Times is This is good on iu jenio our sell, but the pity of it is many asro we alluded to the fact that column some observations about as profoundly impressed about as we have been about truth. the two virtues are entirely do it without detection. But the work has been undertaken at Washington. Ihus, tne management is contrasted m crop of the average farmer. It is It was on the farm of W. U. the instructions or the Depart- rom tnis smau Degmnmg 2,000 directly instructed. Pos j ;. ManZan Tile Kennedy, price 50c., is ; guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any ' form of Piles. Sooths and heals Sold ELECTRICAL FLASHES. Many Wonderful Tb!ogs-Ey Elactriclty. (Electric News Service.) The street railways of Chicago, it is said, have made arrangements to run special funeral cars to the city cemeteries. Each car will seat forty people and contains a special com partment for the casket. The cost of hiring such a car is only about $20.00 while the regular carriage hire for such an oecasion is about $7.00 for each carriage used. In Preston, England, the power generated by the city's waste is suf ficient to operate the electric rail ways. Thi3 is a suggestion for the wasteful cities of this country. The bij? Saltese tunnel in Western Montana is being bored by electric power generated by nearby streams. The trains to be run through this tunnel when it te finished will be hauled by electric engines. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road has secured ether water rights which, it is estimated, will generate nearly 200,000 horse power. ! For the production of local and j intense heat directly "where it is wanted electricity i3 in a class by it self. For facility and flexibility cf control a3 to the degree of heat it has no rival. The electric lisht in the dark clothes closet which lights when the door is opened is one of the most useful adjuncts to the home. Blueprints in large draughting departments are now made by ma chine. The prints are made with merc-ury arc lights and the dravin& is turned with electric motors to in sure an even print. The prints are dried after the fixing bath with an elcetric fan Buenos Ares is to have an under ground railway. A company of Hamburg.Germany, business men has been formed to erect a tidal power plant at the mouth of the river Elbe near Cix Haven. The ebb and flow of the tide will be utilized to develop electrical energy 14,000 h. p. A recent test i3 said to have demonstrated the practicability of the plan. A $509 n minute, day or night. penalty has been .agreed upon be tween the Now York Edison Com pany and the city of New York for failure to supply power for the pumps of the new hipfn pressure wa ter main system. This agreement is backed solely by the reliability and perfection of the new General Elec tric switchboards with this company recently installed. Electric fans are now being made very small for desk and table use. The large fans produce too much breeze for this service. If all the telephones made last year were one telephone the monster instrument would be 300 miles hiffh and would weigh 4000 tons. A wireless telegraph station is be ing installed in the Eiftel tower by the French government. It i3 hop ed to send messages to New York. The Cia Centraes railway of Bahia, Brazil, has placed an order with the General Electric Company of New York for considerable new railway equipment. The order includes a number of motors, controllers and air brake systems. Tokio, Japan, has 90 miles of e'ec tric street railways. The track is narrow gauge but the cars are broad. The projects for electric railways in that country since the late war ag gregate an estimated expenditure of $250,000,000. An ingenious inventor has patent ed an electric foot warmer which i3 in the shape of a pair of light felt over-shoes. An electric battery sup plies the source of current and in sulated wires are the heating ele ment. When the "boots" are pull ed on a touch of a tutton start3 the current and the foot is soon com fortable in a genial warmth. The Danish government is very much interested in the development of electric power from wind. An ap propriation has been made for exper iments. Thirty wind-power, electri cal plants are now in operation through Denmark. The Jefferson hospital of Philadel phia has just purchased an electric ambulance. The machine is of the most approved type. $100.00 paid by Dr. Jshoop for any recent case of Grippe or acute Cold that a 23 cent box of . Prevent ics will not break. How is this for an offer? The Doctor's supreme confidence in these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets Preventios is certainly complete; It's a $100 against 25 cents pretty big odds. And Preventics, remember, contain no quinine, no laxative, noth ing harsh nor sickening. Pneumonia would never appear if early colds were always broken. Sale ana sure tor le vcrish children. -4S Preventics 2-5c. A. C. Petebsos Sis'js cf Spring. (Chirag-o record-HoraM.) When your shoes begin to pinch. When your toes begin to burn, When your underclothing sticks, And you yearn and yearn and yearr; For the right to travel far From the job to which you clin.:r, There can be no further doubt You may know that it is spring. When at night you find the house Littered up with strips and shred.-; When you find the fashion books And the patterns cn the beds; When your wife complains that life Is a dreary, dismal thing, Just because her waist won't fit. You may know that it is spring. When the cab horse trotting by Splashes mud across your nose; Wiien your hat rolls through the street While the west wind wildly blow?; When your neighbor's toothless boy Beraks your window with hi.-; sling And the cellar's flooded, you May be sure that it is spring. FatUer Courted Ills Own Daea&ar. (Psrris Dispatch.) From the town cf Anpenzc-H in Switzerland comes a curious story of a father who courted his own daugh ter. In 1887 a kindly butcher cf Lucerne adopted a little girl in'-med Anna, whose mother had died just after being deserted by her husbai-d. She was a baby of six months at tht time. He gave her his own n:mo. and she receiv&l a good education. mi i ? - -t l , ine uutcner prospered, ana so:.iC io months ago bought a large hotel r.t Appenzell. Anna, now n haris.'.Tne ! intelligent girl, managed tlu estah- mmt fnr 1,1m Tn?f. Mnv .Tr.e..-.r:b VU - ler who bad made.a large fortune ic America, arrived at the hoi el. A young local doctor of goed faiaily and the elderly Joseph Miller b?c"--e suiters for Anna's hand, and Juiv lastthe girl chose the later. The marriage was fixed for the ?d ot December, but tne cay before the wedding Miller, seeing hi? fia:;-:e wearing some jewelery which recm ed familiar to him, questioned her a')out it. Next day he left for Ber - lin, and sent a letter explaining that beyond doubt she was his own child deserted so many years asro, and ad- vising her to marry the young doc - cor. ne encioseu a cnecx ior i- ,w j in the letter. Thi3 week the fcirl was married to the doctor, but she has not heard of her father since nis flight. Heavy, impure blood makes a mud - a, pm pi K-wninvxiy m-.i u.t... i .. . : i t I.,. . I.. ..i. ... nausea, indigestion, lhm blood ir.uUes you weak, pale, sickly, llurdoek R!o."il Witters makes the biood rich, red, pure pure restores perfect health. It is ignorance that vastcs, it isj sold 1 .cr by K. T. b'tfli. ji-.S t Co. knowledge that saves; it is wisdom j - - that give3 precedence. If sleep is j Simple as it seems, it was a great th2 brother of death, ignorance is j discovery that the key of knowledge full brother to both sleep and death, j can turn both ways; that it can un An untaught faculty is at once quies- j lock as well as open the door of pew cent and dead. Dr. Newell Dwight ! er to the many. Jame3 Russell Low- Hillis. A tag A tag Tinstey's 16-cz. Ratursl Uif Oid Siatasmarj I if! 0;J Kf?itty Tags from the Other useful presents Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Razor 50 Tags . Gentleman's Watch 2G0 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pccketbcck 80 Tags v. Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. f f PREtMUM Dp&&jmmY V , THE AMERICAN TO SAC CO CO.jersey City, 11. ?. 4 ri'pmrs i sjfv il Sikes Feu? D;s!i;icl Changs Cflcr Every Yaer. (Lo A-,kc!'?3 Times.) In Monterey county, Cal., at Sea side, there is a lake which chirts its color foar ilwz each year, .r parently there is no outlet for the :nkc, although it is never stagnrnt. it is full of wattrfoul chd fish, and when its color is noimal it h sweet to lb-.? taste. The color changes are very pro nounced and are in four distini s' yellow, green, red and dark gray that las the tppea ranee of black at times. After each change the water regains its normal clear appearance. The color is in the wa ter and is not tho result cf reflection from the sky. This has been proved beyond doubt by the fact that the eol.jr remains tho same for days at a time regardless of the condition at the clouds. The four colors mentioned are the ones always seen.snd they always oc cur in the ordr named; (he disturb ance, if such it may be called, cover ing a period of from six weeks to two months in July and August of each year. Old residents of Sc-atide ar. .:crt that the phc-iiumenon is a regu lar annual event and that it i always i. iiowed by the death cf a large ::":mber of fish hi the lake. Ko explanation cf the peeu'-ia1 condition h".s ever been attempted ! 'V .scientist':-, although .soveral sck-n-; i;::c men oi note have SuUuicj very '..;,ef ulsy. Ti:? prevaili.ij; 4. i ...: r.ion r.:Kon-1 he i-i!b5:-ants of th Jsbc'iom urr.-..!.:rdt;i;f !r i t:;o iake y vokania origin , : . . t t tivxi nn Ci:r.' arc tiuu i. nur,ccr-! Ufan distur-nce;-, winch produce - -m--cal changes in the water of the j J T'n;-S idoaissupnd tohavegrcv. n cat of tho belief tUt the lake U tot - j " f 2 7 j v v."-.v--i'-1 ly , a-. l thous-uids q2 ton of -ravel and stcne were diimped into tiie lake b - s - 1 a foundation coyldbe cd - j lfir:fJ- .Th;G kcI V the I!flicf !h':A j e 13 i-oeitns. i u,-. - 'no' 55Vrc taaa tnree-quarters oi' a lJ:' i.g ny -3 man nan a n.i.o . J'' 7 .W,I'.'K UiM:n.'u, ' " ' "'"n ( W,,.n vo f,.,.j 1l.1t your ,xun. - vAi is not io tfood older, that Ibe fiK.d vtiu have -eatcii is not ici ii .i 'c.-io ! a i-d, naturai di'Sitit that wi'l - i . tilt- WOl'K U',1 Ul-HIVG Jll.rcs Tlie hvt known t.dv ; f,,. a;i h!oii:i -h tr;:-;' is K e:.. v Lit h ! : w ou-t,-:!!!;.-;':! to "iv-1 tii-wi' )i-!:--i'. If, jioa natural. .i.r-Mant; it oests what von cat, it is likutuit t tat", r.i.d i i from a 10-cent p?ec-r will count FULL from a 5-cent pices vnll count HALF f - Savo ysur fags fcni JaLV Tar r-'a'-tc! Era Bk Coupons from P!CHSC abovo brands are good for the as shown by catalog : Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Shears 75 Tags Lady's Pockctbook 50 Tag3 Pocket Krife 40 Tags -Flaying Cards 30 Tags GO-yd. FishHrj Reel 60 Tags liCtV TG CURE RHEUMATISM. It Is aa Internal Disease And Re quires An Internal Remedy. Thj cu of Rhct!in:.:i!it uml kindred di-woiura is r.:i cx-.-ps of in ie r.-.-iil in the blood. To cure thin U rrib'.o t"i-jc.i ' tv j cvi.l tmixt be sxpcllixl an 1 th ; :-'."rn u rej7ii!ld nu more ai-id will Iwfi-rm-i-d i:i "". i iviMi'ianiuties. Ki-eummtitm 1.1 nn in t !i ii ;! - a.o ami rcKjuirvs nn internal remedy, i.l T.riNl! with Oil.-, and I.iainionU W1I.I. NOT OiT.IK, iiTj.i'.-i.n!y t- ronnrary rilit fat brut, cau.en you to il lay ti.o irr-,er ti-v-irm.-nt, and allows th m-i'-i-iy i j tret a firmer hold on you. Lir.i.-nvnta !.iv wjrc th.- i-ii-p, t.-il ih y will no more cur i:e.i!i?-ui-"T tli:i'i int will change th ot '.- wo I. ;!v i n ;c itut at K( d. Hoovered a prfot aivl .ori l. -.. o irc, which l.i ca'.t-l "RH EUMAf'TPE.' Tolled in hi'iul'-i.jK of eae-i, it has offe.-titl th R-.ost marveU-u cure.-; wo. believe it will cure you. i'.HP.l.M ACiDF. "ii-U at th.- j-jint from tbo in-si-lo." r vir: the- j.oi.ons out of tlie Byntent. tonea up '-he :.'.o:.-a.:h. r;:j!a'ei the liver tir.d Hilnvj-a mci. you wull all over. KHKUMACiOK ": tri'-.o.- root rf tl.o and removi 3 ita euwx-H." Tl-.i" i)!i-r.-lii! rnnley ia sold by drujr- it t r-.r.d d.-aK iencially Kt TjOo. and $1 a bottla. in tabitt i-jv.i 2"c. v.r.d Itic. Get a bottle twiay; li.iy: arc U ir.i ivjM. Fir pale by E. T. hlt-h'-wi 5i. Co. We should treat our detractors and calumniator as Mirabcau did. When Epeikir.g at Marseilles he was called "ca'inT.iitor, liar, assassin, sr-oun-drel." lie said: "I wait, gentlemen, until those amcnilios art-exhaustad.' Saccers. lor : iiii!.l, easy :u-tlVn of the low ' !.-;, .-; m;-.;-.- ik-i- tf 1 .aur UeguMs in f(:.:-'). Trr;itiii'"lit CUH'S li:ibittial i i-l-.ts .1 lox. Ark mii,' (hr.-'i.-t for t!u-u. P.Irny feasts are opened with crrk rerews. t c !. s t i.i' :-pr'm w ind.- to ( bap, i ' i;- like a ponkiee) for nits. ,n" , ;il!iS- "1H. imiwis an.i f i )ilus i.i.-l hi-aU.'l by !:. T. Whiti l-f.-.d Sr "o. There L a great ditferencc between spec j'aticu and investment. : v.v.'ii-'j (r 1,7.1 ;.;,-d Witcii H.-izel : Ki i-.-:- is bi-.-t lor cut, burin, brtimr-t :.::,! -Tai v. I is ( ).'.-ially pood for . i-i!-. ! ' by I-:. T. WhitHu-ad A Co. A , that is j oung in years may 1 be ,!d in hours if he ha, lost no time. : f'lr.t - i' i-!.!i -r in .; .ism Iv. Ciin-4 liili-n. ' -,.-,;'.,, il.t-uu., (.-tier, itch, hives, ! hfipe---, M'i,i.i,-s D,.ta's Ointment. At ! ':- A pound of care wiii not pay one j ,runcc t,r Wjt. ...o..,! i ne ..etno.y o, . na; y . ;, il.-.', .':! U in a i'olI:ipsi!I tubi: with i w "!n . 1 1 .... 1 1 .;1 ( 1-i a .1 .il.-- ii i.l tit .vi.a jit. iiTei it . Si-flies and heals, red iicch i;i:;.wiiitiatiti i-in. n-it-'s foreiie.- nd ' t , i r all f-m-is of Piles, Price (oian-nuel. tkM by P.. T. j y;,:. ,,j . (1( A man can be a hero in France , ui o bl-r-V 1 " " L- 'i ' .. '' '. i " ... J raX(li:. v Sv.uo bus relieved cm! ;!,.- ul.'.l ruld.i v, !.-ie all oilier reiac-di-.-i 'a ;!.-!. J t , 4m! I" laxative cl'' -tti -! i-i-diy licoiiinst'iid it for chiMn-n. It is ;iiasnnt to take. For Cf-uli, (.i-!-, iioar-'Miess whooping eoih. M'.in;y : uiiid d if not sutistied. hold by K. T. V.'bit- b.v.d .t Co. Star.da-'d Oil dividends are never d-;ercased, panics or no panics. valua vlae 6TiS Ei idle 3!t Big Foiuf rvy . J.T. Ltzi R TWIST following and many ffflastSan Pile Remedy REUEVE9 VfHEJt OTHERS FAIL head & Co. - - v : oy & X Whitehead & Uo.

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