we Good Advertising Is to Business what Steam is to Machinery, thai great impelling pov.-fi'. Thh paper gives results. Good Advertisers lc tljow rvlumn Urt n&ali. An IvvT' i:;cuv:iu ia this pat r .. ' i .. A i a pjl A. vs jnpK'. ;cr.i:ftr. Trice !.00 Per Yesr. NUMBER I-:. g. niLLiA-ii, editor ana Proprietor. "Excelsior" Is Cur HsIJe. VOL. XXIY. N-jw Serie.Vol. 11.-6-13 SCOTLAND NECK, H. C, THUSSSAY; APRIL 0, im Thtc Commonw Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidnc-y '.routlc preys upon the mind, riis ."Aftu and lessons ambition; bsauty,igo ana cneersuiness soon THE EDITOR'S LEISURE HOURS. Observations of Passing Events. Tee Esrtyr. "She is a woman who has suffered A Modern. EIcps&6r.t. Eloper (in a lead whisper)- Maud. dtr is liVHiiy I tacneci: tiopress AH, ya; t t. I Men Kt-sss. j . - sl-! A fox can scent a man half a '! jrv.xy, if the wind is right. -..J. i "... ,3 " ' j CREAM Or TARTAR Papa and mamma :tro Dear me! What is her belief?" fall DtTTfTMa t.li nast week the rress dhmatohfis have been telline- how two ! asked Ethel. top Holding it' wavcvuK. i.! a;v She believes she can wear a No. ii:in.:m l ;le Kcmeciy, price 1 guaranteed. Put iv; read? f u ' One jq-.pl Heat ion prompt, iviief to ;n. use can smc-M cheese V fr.---t o:ipcsar wnenttie kid- , , . WrtYk'ri' neya are out of order i t . have been no very serious difference between j 1 snoeoa a ino. o xux. 'Hh-'-. or diseased. SWAZTS a! a DiSCOCRt. . , . 3 . , . -r? r '..wvv-- irA ,,v.i t., miners and mine onerators on!v some misun- ... -r ...i -r- T:i.. i . t :.i V, .?-- - . ''"'-J' "u'5 - ,. 1 iiinfrs j.utie l.ivc: rn:s nr nn-ous- Ll : -tj fi" not upomnfon Jersning about renewing contracts but it is intimated that the' miners j ncsa and tick headache. Tlicy clean AV ;; c for a child to h: born are at quite a disadvantage in the strike,' for the mine operators antieipat- j -0 8y'enl,II,!f c:l .).'!! -ivku!" ' V n -"-j- '-.'.6uiiiiieuiiMa- . . . , j a.:: l :a.i- a 1 . . - ;.iY- f ,',- i;.k. ujij ..,V. ! ino- what was comintr stored ud sufficient Quantities of coal with which to , h;ad & Co tes too of-en, if the j eontjnue business for some time. This puts the efforts of the strikers at a ..i-;p.c scalds ths fiesh or if, when the child i -.ii., ., . I t . i. r... .1 Lii I iL.:. - 3 1 . J- --.,,11 r;a .!H-.5 s;s wiien u s..ouia De ao:e to i aiSCOUni, ior tney uouunes neeu ineix vviiKe miu uciiuiut as wen Sti&.PdeS uponyS hcltuse"1! j do without it as the mine owners can do without their labor. As in most t-3 dtff:ou;;y i.-i kidney ircuble, end the first ( case3 the strikers will get the worst of it. Strikes are wrong in principle. 5-o shoi..d be towaras the treatment of! , , . , i:nr o. '..r.t organs. ThU unoleasant ! More than once we have held that when an employe becomes dissatisfied v;Slttltl I with his employer he has a perfect right to lay down his tools, of whatever i-i-st PfFl suppose. I kind an(j walk off, if he is under no definite contract; but he has no moral Women as v.'Jl .s men ara made mis- . , , , ... , . , . .,.115 wuh kidney and bladder., trouble, right to carry others with mm. Every man should act for himself and on i,:A. b:;fi need tne same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of J -,va;i?p--Roofc is coon realized. It is cold The Simplon tunnel still holds the rocord for !encfh'- "Dr. Thomas' Krr-ine Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease form of Piles. Sooths ano . hv E. T. Vvhitcl.ead fe C. ... u A :m.i may put on a pair ox Irr jr'.ovc-;.' to fct a steel trap for r. ' .v.-;'.f, i-.'id yet the wolf will scu-K the ( i'rap Lom a distance cf ten feet. ! A deer may he pound asleep, and ; vet lie will catch the sce:.t cf a hit.v ; ' - cvtv The owl is the most solemn looking i ,-.;rson paycir.jv two hundred feet j bird and the most stupid. ' " t" Ask For Allsn's Feci Ease, A Powdsr. It malfes v.-alking cusy. 'u Cui'lis, I'uniijJV', li'ivi;, j;; :'.' ;: Swollen and S'.vcatiiig Vce:'. At Driurarists nd Shoe Store.-. n-xi'i The rabbit depends more upon his hi? mv? 1 nt his own judgment and preference. -croup. Has been ied x;i success . accept any suWtitnie. ttnp.e I oars than his nose. Tffe eoyote ears cc&nt man far ther ai any oiiier wild animal In Air.cr- i the iirst smit away in our family for ei.uht yours.'' Mrs. L. Whiteocre, Bii(uil. N. Y. Address, Allen Y. Olms tet ' L1"' :''' on the run, tsousn no one cires :iU,.:n;.v-d " ' ' ;vv:-r, to shoot him. jv.-!.-: --.id A ''.. Can Pii,: Kev.; dy CMnes ready put up in ai-oll ip.-iMctube with t ! -;i li..i . nc appilcatijn prove. . . . 1 . .....1 . ,S,-fl i its t;;'i;?. ii'lii -h :iiui in-su.-, mmus ! !r;;l:-...i .-.ai l r .'c s"ri.nes r.n-l ;' mns Piles. Vi".- :-oM by . T, Yov may have agrfH ! NO wonder june3 i :. -r-p. i . ;.r ay mad j--: j things in a long, tedi a. V rr.c'llct icIl- Hams c Snanip-Root. No wonder juries sometimes give strange verdicts. They hear so many ; ous court trial that they are at a loss sometimes to!' 1 ItJi It Fizzles t&e Jury Also. know just what is right. The following from ; K$ 9Z ill rbcut it, inclading many of the !,,;v Vrrers cured, in vi iting Dr. Kilmer tne Sanford Express sivc-3 a pretty clear idea . ': Co., B':.-:himto:i, II. Y., be sore ana Ta- inrv fnf-nl with "Th heln n trmn tr offr-siAnaltv t.k ' K:) Jen t m.;.-.o any mistake, hut re-: ;v.c-!.-;' ''.-r t'fc luime, Swamp Hoot, Dr. i and fiear lawyers, in handling case-, argue points of law. Etipocially if - r's tfwa.np I-.oot, and the address J these be bright, wittv, well informed lawyers. To see two able lawyers ' M T,!:vl;.titon. N. . ., on every buttle. i - . ... , : , , . , . . , . : fiS . j pitted against each other when eacn mti3t trceiy draw on his tuna ot re- fP- FHYSICT-VN AND SURGEOX, Scotland Neck, N. C. i ricc-3 always r-:..-. npt- Scotland Neck, N. C. ' . 3-2d-3t j-sources to 'hold his own' is as interesting and eliciting a a stage play. nnrrv'wr for nn onenln!? make .i heme thrust makes one 1 - j " ff,;ij up hi3 hat in the court room. After you have heard : ii yer you think he has cut the very ground from under fa To see them after feel like throwing the speech of the law the opposition but when you have heard the argument of the opposing at torney you are confused and left guessing as to what will be the result. Tn examining witnesses and arguing cases lawyers sometimes attack, each other and become ansrrv. but after they have left the court room they ?-S?S$' !Ti- UP f5ta:rs !r W1,lte' ! iWrf-e banda md nil w serene ra.in. The averao-e lavman knows too little fea Ms h- t'i h ?m mm mm- &n M Vv,-ti v:-;.-,? mjMm & im 4 ''-X'-i fw'v-ir-.--j i ;v-.-t 1 t'.'.r'j -t F" DSN PI Srirv j about law. If every man was well informed in regard to the laws of his Oilier, hours from J to 1 orclock j t believe he would make a better citizen." and to o o clock. , . n ?.rHX0N, i a llr.FR voting Optician, Vatc'i Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Seci'iand Neck, N". C. Law, 2!:'! -221. Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. ic. Bell Phone 700 North Carolina is good for almost anything. For a long time we have j all thought that the best Democrats at all grow in North Carolina, and ! fjg L , , . tlius far it has not been successfully or sdren-! -'K- Hepub lean Stack Rising. , . , - . , p-r.iw tv.!P uously denied, as v;e snow. Kecentiy the Trf, x.-cord has gona quite a Dovv-saot beyond the question c a boun- 'M 1 The Greatest-Sale Scotland Keen hus Ci 15-3 t?3. P?i fa s '-t ?4 PSl 7 m. A. I6i ta S!3fF5s "S'' n? KB R2 ra --a era s-s v .3 i & &3 4 r--' ti'-i m w he-Cirecif anoe 3 iOllS 0? f&O tan i r- a t: :T;-i.-3 a S ' ' ". C , ' G teous supply of good and worthy and reliable Democrats, for " President ' r u 1. : 1.1 4- V,r -?.Vif l-tnrl r-f o T7 arm J, lii-j t-i -frT Tncf- j j i u v.' j j-j juj -i gfAff) L TRAVIS, Attorxby and Counselor at Law, Halifax, K. C. Farm Lands"! master at Gaffney, S. C, has found a man at Shelby, N. C, and appointed him. This has stirred things up over i.i the "PalmettcTScAte," and Senator Tillman has caused the confirmation of the appointment to beheld up. This is a most unusual thing the appointing of a postmaster in one State to manage a postofRee in another. But if in the great scarcity of good and trustworthy men among the members of his own party Mr. Roosevelt has to import a Republican to take charge of a postorftce in South Caroli na, we see no reason why he should not step over the line into North Car olina and get the man he needs. The Wilmington Messenger suggests that ordinarily, under such circumstances, a Democrat "to the manner m 1 50 Pairs Lfidk-s' rincl Cbildroifs ft Fj Low tutF jj 4 Hit ti a 150 Pairs' Low" and HiA'li Cats, regular $1.90 Slice, for 200 Pairs Low and High Cyis, regular $2.2i Shoe, for...:: 150 Pairs Lovr and High Cuts, regular 'L00 Shoe, for 350 Pairs All Sorts and Kinds at Greatly Reduced Prices. 3 150 Pairs Low aiici Jii-ii ('uts. ij rt guilar :.?.5(j. SIk; -or 25 airs Dnrsr i:, '-;vii!;?v 65.00 ft A tin value, for ! i r- t ;..o u" i n ,:' t- 5 vanie. lor 150 Pairs W; value, for 11- ."V---" : IV-' ' 1. 1 i , sJS.sSi '"---'.J3 ! J Remember the DAI E thai these Slioes i iV!-jst be Cdc-te u .-.li-iir.v i.r..-!na," Ml Hfirm lanub I i ,1J !, k or.n.i nfnH rncfoa' nf BWlrtmof SCMW IhfStftTP me . ... . - - t Tim r ri v i Avr v. .....q . . . . . , V'I'L H J0SEY for a Republican. But Mr. Roosevelt has his own way of doing things ' and those who like his methods can "shake hands, brother," over them, Epj General Insurance A gent, and those who do not just Q3 weli assume the reticence of the boy over Scotland Neck. N. C. whom some sort of a calf is said to have paced, once upon a - time. With j jfcj the President, "Ho! for Carolina," is the word that .brintrs the proper jg postmaster to Gaffney. Yjti I! AIR BALSAM ..r-.'.r-'-i!a.3l'-... .. luxuriant CTO.' l.Sr"-V--: t.Wh'i'i'f Falls to HcaVi-e :.-SiS.'.r T-.t!n riwasM fc hair tall. .": . JP.1 - . rw...W. r'" ,-, -.Jl.'Ji)at r'rt'Zg''?? fc-Jr. 1. or. mi HI in kers' Underia Supplies. Fdl and Complete Line. Does thi3 sound familiar? A f e- years ago everybody who read the j newspapers was thoroughlv well acquainted with the phrase. Recently, ! fqj O. however, it has not been so "frequently usea. I isltPi!i tj fins." .... ., ' " Rut doe3 it signiy any tiling tnat tnere ai-e six teen presidential candidates before the people of this country ?nd only one can be President this time? Isn't this sixteen to one? The presidential candidates before us are the following: DESiOCRATS-William Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska: George Gray, of Deieware; Tom L. Johnson, of Ohio; W. R.Hearst, of New York; John A. Johnson, of Minnesota; Woodrow Kit fa ft. mMM 3 A": r imzs&& i Wilson, of New Jersey; Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri; John W. Daniel, of j Virginia. Republicans Theodore Roosevelt, of New York (they say);a William H. Taf t, of Ohio; Philander G. Knox, of Pennsylvania; Robert M. j Lafollette, of Wisconsin; Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana; Charles E. j Hughes, of New Yorkj J. B. Forakcr, of Ohio; Joseph J. Cannon, of Hli-jg nbi3. Of all the names here mentioned, so far as we are informed, Joseph j ffa t r Un QnooVnr tfii Hnnse in the nresent Congress is the most 1 O.VOllUUU, UFvuav. vww X- " ) WjA OiiinS aild iaSKetS undesirable. It strikes us that the unblushing profanity and vulgarity rjg with which he ha3 so of ten been charged in the prints, unfit him to hold j fcgj Burial Robes, Etc. - Hra Sovir;r onvTlW position of trust be w crn peopIe. We have not seen N. li. Josey company, an fore the great civilized and christian Ameri-1 M n it denied that the Speaker of the House is ; bg able man indeed, it is weli and generally understood that he is able l Scotland Neck. North Carolina and. stcmg. but his keen delight in his profanity and vulgarity ought to j "" .i. ' . r i i- r .& a , u- ' " .. h-and him with the disapproval ot every voter ior any n.gn cmce oi vruu : .a. 1 m, i . r j l, ..Vv', nvo fr-aa fpnin cnVi crlavhicr Tfllllts.' Thf 3 p a gaigia fiw frl mere are plenty ox gwu men www -1 I H S I K 8 pLI W H M H I 8 3 eV,n,ilrl ha f nrevfT nassed when a tough in any sense of the word can ia U K M U f H M n H a H ( wvv... w i 6 t . '1 :rI rs i h wt t w Lroe art! Cor.ir.kie Uaz of NcHors VlTich Mil st Closed Oul Long, Lisle and Silk Finish i; 1 Cuys.i Ear.lnnin's High Grade Gloves, black and white, . Ij j a-.im'i'ow-uur, - .jv.xe.-. ? value 75c and $1.00. 'iVc ;; .or...- :- s iianu.urg n.-c-r- ! - v.--..' 0!c. f W r-:r.u-; liaf, 10c; loc $2.25 Long Silk GlcyeV, .black r and white, $1.25 value 10 dozen nice Wa.-.h Bells aonl-. VJC 10 dozen nice Leather -ij :': V) rarriia,!.' .JU; ..00 SU- RpHs r-neb. '--c. js v:;i..::-.t C4Jiv ' ' j I for !i ''1--" - --; 10 dozen Indies' Shirt- 2-,(i..n Alen';; !nss iNeg- waist Fronts 5 dozen Ladies' Shirt- waist Fronts ' 5 dozen Ladies' Shirt waist fronts: i; 150 doz. Black Ucfc, fine ... ij 50 doz. Tan Iiose, value fj 1 i.'. uble l irrc.; bjot or,c for tCC. -:-h.:Uf!i;trOUu;..H!,.'- 50 doz.' Gauze Lile Fin- . li ?r, dc.:-;en Mtn's Ne.rlie . , .. ...l... rr- ! if '-' 1 !! 1 1 1 r-f C3 UxC ic-r -7'X Mfr. .'.;! x- . o j. , - ..... - . .. 1 - - ' .1 . Am - :A -: -N. '. ovc. AA f j y. . ... ii vld Wool Vcsb, ?!..0Jto u.i::e... 69c 'V. I r4 C i;cst Aj -i CaMco , O'iC . I? ii. .. 1,000 yards Val. Laces and ji - d.. f V o 'V ' 25c Insertion, 5-10e. value... 0-sc. ;j vi-ue i- r, 2o.:.; p. . JC Lawns 1 -.Tth.rc Uv-c. ii .:' lit ano. 'iar.:. 1 1 . . . . . . . , - 1,000 yards White Cambric r, - jion i.ueon.na . J,. ' .j.-m, b- c. t and Saucers, b-jj. st-t IlltC HJ1 iiiiavJi.v."' .: i . 1 .. ... I,",.. ' ..... .. 1,000 yards good Bleach-Ci , jj ing, 36 inches wide , ..-'if- - ' . 1 1 . T .f ,.l n.(.i;finn H S 19 i m?JW W II S Stfi? B a overshadow men who are genue m woru anumuuw . iumu ua.n.- . tions should of course De wen consiaereu wnen men ciic l-j c1C.lv:u i.wA ;a symptcm 01. anu Nice Things in Groceries. Ttcirefly Dr. 8'.ioo'-! Kestorativo. Going cirect to the slomach nerves, alone brought that success snl favor to Dr. Khocosnd his Restorative. With out that original and highly vital principle, up C'.TOh lusting acconmlishraenH wore ever to be nea. 5lf1iv',SSndwmd0 We 6011 Clieer' Williams, IWderly.'Texas, sayp: 1 Laxa.ivc Cough Syrup has relieved Lave sunoreu ior years uu .- , j.r, ..i,:T ,.n rmo- 9- and Bladder trouble, using every prep- s . Tto pct9 I amtion I came across ana w.King njf , & v;, - 2" "rorstoindch distress, bioatins, biiiousne?3. baa yhen a man writes as follows don't i Mr. Wm. II. Anderson, JI. !-, Ol Tivcath and slirv eomplexio;i, try Dr. Snoops . , , a 54' Afr S fr o t . Tli ctj tint P,r-o Evstorativ.i-Ts.Mets or Lifiuia and see for your, you think he moans u -ir. r. Kr. ?0ja hpnng?, Ida., S..J- tiiat Li lully rccoaimend Five Cases California Peach es, per can..". .. Five Cases Cream Corn, high grade...." ' Five Cases -3-1 b. Standard To matoes, per can..: Fifty Cases Nice Dried Peach es Nice Hams for the next SO Days... - 22c. I!C. Tic. I5C. I3C. Will make- prices to uh. Every dollar cf it must go. Ccmc and r.'c Ut yomystlh Eve rybody can have a hat this aa?on. Prices lower man evei oeioi c. - - 0ur large and nicely assorted stock . - ii must rro, right now at the begin- Nifr: ALL SILK RIBBONS Ai 1 0c, 12c, Uc. . ning of th? s-.-:tson. T 1 1 1 , T u-J'i-n itiov.ii j list's, piuui i! ant fr'tfvi, taci-. j - 25 ' --d't ' Mercerized Under j! c-k'rt v;.:e fd.25 to $-1.50, for 08c. ! 25 Ladtc-s' Nice Serge and Panama i; bicris ai ce;-'.. A.-C. PETERSON. ... i, ,i;.,f ni.u -PK1KV-1H.11V recommend it for children. Ltent After Jt is pleasant to take. Ior coughs, So S Vial ($1.00). I am feeling colds, hoarseness wlioopmg cougb. fine ' Money refunded if not satisfied, j Money efundecl U not satished. Sold Sold by E. T. WTiitehead & Co. j by E. T. Whitehead fc Co. . ,-- .. 1 $1,3UU. WOriil UJ-J-M'-ui; "J i, p5.5U' aid Bays' Cloth- i in-'. V. e a:v not going t j carry I over ev-ry ."in, mur't Leaders in Low Prices, .-. juii. .u, . u - The Commonwealth 'rrmt, Scotlanii eeK.i. yrry :Ty?y.r-?

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