Hp Good Advertising . I to Business what Steam is to Machinery, th.it fewest propelling power. This paper gives results. Good Advertisers Use thoco col tunas tor i2t. An advertisement in this ppor .v. hi rv.icli a good cla&s of peopl. fXAA II. 0. -JjlUARD, frJUer and Proprietor. "Excelsior" Is Cur Motto. S::;cr!rilcn Price $1.03 Per Year. :r -.T VV7TJ V Jj. Art He Series Yl. 11..-C-13 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1308. NUMBER 15. umwii Kavo Kidney TroaMo and Ikm Suspect it. I ",ivv:;'cjicy o Kidney Didciae. " tost peeplc do r.rt realize the alarm i ,; ii.dacc and reuuirkahle prcvalencj cf kidnev disease ?"t?:0 While kidney dis Tt f jb5orders are the r---' i JiVmoct common I P'XtXTl V diseases that pro" i ,-A$f-2-j vai1, tllcy ar; - ty.fJj almost the las'. ;; vi W ff! recognized bv U-V p patient and phy - -. tcnt (tteineirfi . 7A 'Jo-l-''vir Vie efcets, while the c-- . ..' mc vadermincs the fystcm. WTir.fc To Do. 'i'i'iro i-; ecnu'nrt i;i the knowledge sc 'on ivpressc-d, that Dr. Kilmer's T .;!'!-! loot, the street kidney remedy, 1. ''!''..: eve: vi:-1i in curing rheumatism, i :;;t i:! tlie li:ic.c, kiilncj s, liver, biaddei .'ad every pent of the r.rinary passage. corrects inahility to hold water : :: fea'diatf paia ia passing it, or bad t- foci.:; iVti'iowi-ig u:-e of liquor, wine o: 1 . .r. raid overcomes that unpleasant ne .. .:sity of being compelled to go ci'tci i .ring the day, and to get u; many t':.-:.-s during the n'ui'.t. The mild ami i .: c trao:i:n:iry cu'eet of Swamp-Root ; roaa reali.;-d. It stands the highest t i iu wonderful cures of the most dis i ing c-.tf-es. If yon need a medicine a '.i sl.o-.iM have the oe?t. Sold by drug j; hi iuiy-ceat ::d one-dollar sues. ' Y jv. r.iay have a simple bottle and & l.:::r.t'n, N. Y. V," lica Hoa-sct e'-imp-Reit. v. vitn-.g mervioa this paper and don't !:::''.;e i-.ny mir-takc, bat remember the i-.'.v.-?. J;r. Kilmer's Fwaiv.p-Iv.ut, and j a ':..:a?. i.i:..;h:nulo;:, N. Y. yR. J. P. WiffScRLCY, PlIYSICIAX AND SUKGEON, Scotland Neck, C. OiTicc on Depot Street. DENTIST. TT DHieo tm statw in White- hea l Building. 0:Tico hours from 0 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. R DcR acting Optician, "Watch Maker, Jev.reler, En graver. Scotland Neck, N. C. . E HcBSYD WEBS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 219-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Eell Phone 700 INWARD L 111AV5S, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, N. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands ILL 11 JOSEY, General Insurance Agent,, Scotland Neck, N. C. , fc A IV A. KI V J 47 4) s t y IJilefilIie3, Supplies. Full and Complete Line. Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Ikarse Service any Time I?. E. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. "North Carolina TV. r-lvnr.l- tw vM .v. Pinnn wit! "FreTpnticS Si' tuis sure defesit loV Pammioiiia. To stop a cold with rrevealic is enfor ihnn to let it run and be cMii'M to euro it aft-jrwr.rds To be sure. Pro Vuntics will cure even a deeply seated cold, but tr.ki n arly at tho srsp70 ;&! thoy brenk. or brad off thc-5 early told. Thafc suroly better. 1'liafs why they ere called Prerenttw. n , lTuvciiitif-snro littlo CuMly Cold Cures. No Qu!n. 1no. no physic, nothing sickening. Hico lor the ciiiiilnn and thoroughly safe too. If you feol cliilly.if you mcezM.if you aclio all over, think of I'rovf'iitios. Promptness may also save half your Usual sk-Uncs. And don't lors;t your child, if there is fevi'riKhm'FS, iiixht ordr-y. Herein prob ably lius Prci'Mitlcs' greatest efficiency.. Sold in to boxes for the pocket, also in 2Te boxes of 43 trevL-ntics. Insist ou your diiissisti giving you Hicf-y&'Zl UAI 'SALSAE.I . j .v.r,-"., ; tf-.'ITciffi a:l rcaiiillcs the oat?, t S; '':":-.: H.-al-r..v:r Ps'.Ib so Bestero Gr-'yJ i .tV..cJ liti.- to i- Tnulliful Cs'or. I I.. '-.' -.'Ctirt:z tri'.p c.ivefz f- hair ialucfr I ' :"s-' .; -'5' bK,rvkln 1?ntU I lis. s. A. C. PETERSON. ! THE EDITOR'S Observations of From the following taken from the Rich Squai-e Times, it seems thai there may not be enough anti-prohibitionists in tlit precinct to hold the Kct Eco'jgh to G3 Round. zens of the vicinity came into our office and inquired if we had his name n the paper as a judge of election for the election in May, and we inform ed him that we did, that he had been represented as being1 opposed to pro hibition and was put on to represent that side. Ke caid that it was a nistake and demanded that we take hi? name out of the paper. We" tried :o persuade him to let it remain and we would make the correction this week, but nothing" would do but that his name must come out, so out it came and this is why the name of only one judge of election for Rich Square appeared in the publication last week. We may have to send to Conway for a man." The present campaign in North Carolina is fraught with more impor tance than people generally think. Apart from the great moral question Let Tiiem M2K3 Good. die country, there is presented an opportunity to mny people to make rood certain declarations which they have made and which now are ander test. Many men who have been asked to support local temperance r prohibition measures have waived the question aside by saying that :hey did not believe in local option or temperance on a small scale but A'ould gladly support State prohibition. Doubtless many such declara tions have been made by men who really felt and meant what they said, md in the election on May 23 they, will vote the prohibition ticket accord ngly. Eut if men have said that they would favor State prohibition vithout meaning what they said, but took that means of shifting the ques :ion at hand concerning local matters, their failure to "make good" in the iressnt prohibition campaign will be carefully noted. Then many have ;aid from time to time that they did not wish to see the question of pro nbition mixed up with a general election, but put before the people cf -.he State solely on its merits. In this desire The Commonwealth has shared, and now rejoice 3 that such opportunity is before the people of Torth Carolina. Let there be no dodging, but let the question be settled vj a full vote of the people. The Manufacturers' Record Telegraph concerning certain opinions P. Bailey, Is liie Poor Doy Shut Gut? William he peer boy, and ho-.v can he win in a contest v.d'h m '.;-?' SpM Mr. 3ryan in reply: 'The poor man has no chance unless he can arouse the paople with his tongue. The corporate powers are busy misleading the paople, and are shutting "out the poor boy.' One would think Mr. Bryan's Idea is that agitation is the highest ahn and duty in life. Human impcr cections and short-comings aio very prevalent, but there are far higher nd more fruitful fields of endeavor Hie universe lies fallow and open to the endeavors of the boy born today, !iia advantage for doing things in life, great or small, a3 may befit his capacity, are greater than ever before in the history of the world. Mere than ever the present generation stands on the shoulders of those of the past, a3 Daniel Webster once observed. Ars between brains and money there is no competition. The one is the mere instrument of the other, and the striking abuses of the corporate power are the product of the poor boy with brains rather than his oppression. The Carnegie3 ar.d Rockefellers were poor boys as the rule and not the exception. So fsr Crom shutting them out, modern conditions have widened the field and )pportunities for them so that it is actually proposed by Mr. Roosevelt in 3ome one of his nostrums to circumscribe the limits of achievement by a positive statute prohibiting successful efforts beyond certain bounds." There has sprung up recently a sort of slang phrase, which we see in print and hear used by speakers, that means a great deal. Indeed, there is so much common sense in it that we believe Lest Time. it shoud not be regar(led ns slaRg at aiI It should be regarded and heeded as the real key idea for enterprise and development. "Get busy," 13' the phrase to which we refer, and if more oeople would heed its suggestion there would be less idleness and more iccomplished. We have made these observations to say something about lost time and its results. It is a common thing to see almost as many people sitting about or standing around in a small to wn as you see at work, f such people would "get busy" and stay busy at something their com munities would not appear so dull and dead. It ia astonishing to observe the lost time in almost any community. If men would loaf less and stay away from the places where loafers congregate and pay more attention to little things they can do about home, .their communities would make a great deal better show as to thrift and industry. Many a man loafs about the streets or elsewhere when he might be putting in some slight improve ment about his front yard which would give his home a better appearance. There is a vast deal of lost time which ought to be saved. Many a town and community which seems lifeless and dull would seem quite the oppo site if ail the people would "get buy" at something and keep up'the lick all the year round. And many people who say times are hard and pros pects dull would see things in quite a different light if they would "get busy" at something and do their best to make things lively and times prosperous. The truth is, every, man has a pretty good and safe capital in time, and if these assets were turned to good account there would be more good busmen and less stagnation. Just sitting around will never improve -conditions, but the rather should "get busy." Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen' when using Dr. Shocp's Cough Cure. And it is 0 thoroughly harm less that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green le.-vves and tendev etcms of a lung healing mountainous shrub give tho curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Coush Cure. It calms the cough, and heals tho een aativc bronchial membranes. to opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh ueed to injure or euppres. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. A. C. Peterson. s ' LEISURE HOURS. Passing Events. prohibition election: . "Last week after we had begun to print the paper one of the good citi of suppressing the awful liquor traffic which has assumed such frightful sweep throughout prints the following from the Macon about a paor boy's chance: "Cabell a Cinncinnati high school boy, asked Jennings Bryan: 'What chance has than mere fault-finding with others. will make shem worse. Everybody $100.00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any recent case of Crippo or acute Cold that a 25-ccnt box of Frevcntics will not break. How is this for an offer? The Doctor's, supreme confidence in these, little Candy Cold Cure Tablets Frevcntics is certainly complete. It's a $100 Kgainst 2-5 cents pretty big odds. And rrcventics, remember, i contain no quinine, 110 laxative, noth- ing harsh nor sickening. Fneumonia would never appear it early colds were always broken. Safe and sure for fe verish children. 48 Preventics 25c A. C. Peterson. -.. - v ' PRES. ROOSEVELT. A Life Size Picfere hj Represen tative Jack Beall, of Texas. SBHET'SES EIGHT, SOMETIMES WEOKG. Frsna nis Speech in Congress April 6t& en the Acriciilfursl Appro priaiica EIH. Now, Mr. Chairman, I am not one of those who regard the slightest utterance of the President as oracu lar in its wisdom, nor am I one of those who would deprive him of all credit for the virtues bn may posses. He sometimes does good thing3 in a way to make them look bad, and he sometimes does bad things in a way to make them look good. He some times thinks without acting, and oftentimes acts without thinking. Laughter and applause. He is sometimes right and some times wrong, but always pictures que. He is patriotic enough occasional ly to seize upon some of the policies of hi3 political opponents and use them to his country's good, and sometimes partisan enough to cling to the policies of his own to his country's harm. He is the apostle cf simplicity. He believes in the simple life and simplified spelling. He is ambidextrous. He wields the "big stick" in or.e hand and a fountain pen in the other and creates equal havoc with each. Laughter and applause on the Democratic side. He is fickle in his atlcstions. In 1304 the name of Ilacriman in the code book cf the White House was "Donation." In 1903 it is "Damna tion." Laughter and applause on the Democratic side. He in a broncho buster and a trust buster, the difference being that when he breaks a broncho he blind folds the horse, and when he at tempts to "bust" a trust he blind folds himself. Laughter and ap plause. He i3 a nature student. He has counted all the stripes around the body of a mountain lion, but he has never seen a stripe upon one of the trust magnates. He is a great hunter. He can draw the finest bead upon a bobcat, but he can not get a sight on the Constitution. Laughter and ap plause on the Democratie side. He is progressive. For years he chased the bears, and now he is chas ing both the "bulls" and the "bears." He is trusting. . He took "In God we trust" from the coins and then trused 200,000,000 of them to the banks in New York. Laughter and applause. He is a contradiction. He declaims against race suicide, but he insists on keeping the tariff on safety pins and baby buggies. Laughter and applause. He cultivates the artistic. He whitewashed Paul Morton and is now frescoing the reactionaries with a tint of blue. He is perverse. He was given the Vice-Presidency in the hope that he would bury himself, but has con stantly refused to deport himself as a well-disposed corpse should. He can see a war cloud in the heaven3 before breakfast, but get3 color-blind about lunch time. Laughter and applause on the Dem ocratic side. In the South he has more admirers than supporters, and in the North he has more supporters than admir ers. Laughter and applause. He can make a noise like a politi cian. He discharged the colored troop of soldiers in an off year, when they committed murder, and now recommends their restoration in an election year. Laughter and ap plause on the Democratic side. Ke is generous. Given the power, with the advice and consent 01 tne Senate to make treaties, he is will ing to relieve this body of its oner ous duty and do it all himself. tTa ia a mftorieian. He can trans form our Uncle Joe, who is a roar ing lion in the House, into a purring kitten in the White House. Laugh ter and applause. He is sympathetic. When he sees the Senate suffering from ennui he give3 it diversion by permitting it to eat out of bis hand. He is considerate. He permits Ask For AUsa's Foot Ea32, A Powder. It makes walking easy. Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing a-..iiQT, onrl Sweating Feet. Cures Nails, At ' all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don' t accept any suusiiiu. .v Addrces, Allen S. Olmsted, LeEoy, the Supreme Court to construe a part of the laws a part of the time, instead of himself construing all the law3 all of the time. He is thoughtful. Instead of in troducing into this House legislation prepared by himself, lie permits the "Carnation Club" cf the Hous3 to look over the finished product. Laughter and Applause. i He is the Sandow of the century. He can hold the Senate in one hand j and the House in the other and keep both of them in the air most of the time. Renewed laughter. He is a patriot. Realizing from past observations that his party of tentimes makes mistakes in nomi nating :is candidate for trie Presi dency, he is seeking to relieve it of that resposibility and is mailing the nomination himself. He is the strangest combination of wisdom and folly, of honesty and obstinacy, of patriot and politician, of courage and rashness, and of the spectacular and the grotesque that this Republic ever saw, and just what niche he is to occupy in the temple of his country's history Ged I and the future alone can tell. Pro longed applause on tha Democratic side. TiseSIaasad ills Job. (Ey Herbert J. IlErocti.) I know a young man who seem?; te ll ave a natural capacity for knowing how to go about things. He grad uated from a college of phavriihcy only last June and was put iuchnrpx of the laboratory of a perfmnery house in New York at a salary of twenty dollars a week. Before he was on the job a month he discover ed a valuable formula and asked for an increase in salary of five dollars r week. No sooner was this granteJ than he distinguished himself again and asked to have hi3 salary "raised to thrity dollars a week. ."Look here," said the -bos?, "ev ery time you do something clever, you pat yourself on the back arid strike for a raise. Now, I'll give you five dollars more than ycu a?k if you will sign contract for t vo ! years." My friend signed the contract but the assurance of two years employ ment at a high salary didn't lesson his willingness to make good. As 1 said he possessed a peculiar char acteristic of knowing how to go about things and last week some thing happened that called into pliy every latent power in" his makeup, j At three o'clock in the morning a ! l-al -!"! -n.a no;crrn fnTrl Liin ih.i ! rhs?r l-itiildinrr vrn- pTii-p Everything was wrecked CXCCDf j the safe containing the books ar.d j formulas. The manager and office force completely lot their nerve and enlana liu nlnnrpirifT info Btni-(J of intoxication which lasted unbrok-1 en for several days. The your-g i chemist, however, knew haw to g1 ' about things. He waited at the 'nrnn nf thp fire anrl r.e--nf?.l the ad- ! dresse3 01 aa tne employees, nieiii i t 1 rni he borrowed somebody's office, sent a form letter to all their cuctomcrs, and attended to infinite details which previously he knew nothing whatso ever about. After a half day's search, he succeeded in finding a suitable loft and placed orders for material and fixtures all of which was done with such promptitude that within three days they were doing business as usual. It is in a time like that when all the ability which lie3 dormant within a man come3, out and he can show his employers that he know3 how to go about things. TI10 Sun o! His BHEd. (Helan Keller in Ccr.tusy. I have not touched the outline cf a star nor the glory of the moon, but I believe that God" lias set two lights in ray mind, the greater to rule by day and the lesier by night, ord hv t.l-.p.m I know that I am cole J 1 to navigate my life bark, as certain j of reaching the haven as ho who I steers by the North star. Perhaps j my sun shines not as yours. The i colors that glorify my world, the! blue of the sky, the green of tue 1 fields, may nul correspond exactly j with those you delight in, but they 1 are none the less color to me. The ! sun does not shine for my physical! eyes, nor does the lightning flash,; nor do the trees turn green in the j spring. But they have not there- j fore ceased to exist any more than : the landscape i3- annihilated when you turn your back on it. JIanZanPilo Keinedy coinr-g ready to use, put up in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. One application proves its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and relives soreness and itching. "For all forms of Files. Price j 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by E. T. ( Whitehead 4 Co. - 1 E.UEiet ExpbJns How He Carae to Compose this Popular Melody. AS A WH PLANTATION SOKG. Ff EparesI co Dreary Sunday, at Rcqeust f-f Bryant, ivlili wfesa Hs ?:as Assc c!a!edTii8 Author's Csresr. (P.ieh-.rior.d Timcs-Clspat.-h.) "Uncle'' Dan Emmett, tho author of "Dixie," who is in the city with A'. G. Field's miiislrels, gave a D-s-p:.tch reporter yesterday, fioin his own lips, an account of the circum stances which induced him to write that popular southern sor.g. Kd said he was of southern parentfge, hi ; father being a Virginian and hid j fn:th:r Mwyfcnder, yet he was "ill m 'i v mi wri 1 1 w 1815, "and I am therefore just years old," added Uncle Dan jocularly. In nis early days Emmett deve:op- Tho now9 of Df Williamson.a eu a remarkable musical talent, ami , do,Vilf.ul wa, reivcd ;n Vadesboro w-icnaboutlGyc-arsofage.he.wUhi. 1hfj sQ fc tne consent cms parents, accepted : f i Ue ;3 mwy 80 an engagement to a c:rcus. lie m f ci. hag travelled with circuses then icr t. , At the Oa?" ira- ti.n of that time he went to N w ! York and earned his living a.3 a mus was to compose eo:n?c " 7 1 o.Vigj and plantation negro vak;-j arjunds," and to take occ?siera! ' ?.ome feature of the musical pi rt cf the entertainment. A NEV: PLANTATION CONG. Oil Saturday night after the per- f.;rma"ce one of the Bryants asked Mi-. Emmett to compose fcr Ivm a now plantrion song. The next day being Sunday, end a dark and di j m u day, too, Mr. Kmrnett set to w.ri-k to comply with the request 01; 1 i- L 1 Bryant. This was in the year ), and the words and music of tii'"3 T'ce as they vvere composed on that Sunday were oppropriate to the' til n 03. "LTncie" Dan wrote the words cf "Dixie," as it is at present sung, or-1 r.nr ihr in tV. trm.- of the ! "I'ixie" of this day. The piece took i w.il at the start, although it was chteen .months later befoie the j sc.-;.? came ooutn, anu ic was m icjc j th;tt the Confederates adopted it eo their national sons. Mr. Emmett being known in the North 2s the i composer of the piece, he was the ov Person a iowea to smg ic m any P'-ft?1 uu , and U xon s line. After the disbanding of the Bry- ar.ts in 1SS3 Mr. Emmett moved to Cv-cazo, wnere no resiaeu for years, craning ms living a muiifinn. Leaving Chicago, he went to Ohio, a.;d took up his place of abed on I v.." - -f-ivm n.-.r.r Mfiim!: Vprr.oii. vh re leaving there last August to go v;ith NEVER AN OBJECT OP CllkV.IT:. Mr. Emmett finphatiaally dc-nio? til':? reports printed in some pipers that he was living in Ohio in desti tute circumstances. He says he lias always had plenty of good warm til Hi .1 Oi !'.-:va m brass bauds, l.ater on he; ,. .. . . . . , . .,, . . - ., led m trie illicit tale of whiskey sever- vvmt with tiie nnnslrel tro'.ip C that , ,, . . . . t n , , , . , .; id years, it 15 aioO alleged pgainst Bryants, whoperiormcd at Ino. 4,2 hc V) hh tj brcaaway. inn particu.ar engine- j oth a ,alhor inferior article of behest wilciei'.'j-tisitccs- - a e have vhsti ih& Pi. a ih gj 3 j a S jij jij TKs only hz 9 if la m m) wJW& with Royal Grape Crcm ol iextar - There can Be no cosnfcrtlng confi dence when eating aluri baking pov- derfood. Chemists 2ay that mere or less of the alum po7;kr in yncnanged alum or alum salts remains hi the food. clothes and of something to eat, and has never been an object of char ity, as some of these newspapers have stated. He adds that when he ha.3 no professional engagement he receives the sum of $10 a week from the Actor3' Association, which is abundant to supply his wants, es pecially when he is living in the country upon his own land with all that it produces beside?. The above selection was made several years ago. Editor. Illicit ScUsr at 80 Years. (V"uJ;:,bvo Measenjrtr and Inteli:?enccr.) The most sensational happening in Ibid section cf the state in many a dy i3 the indictment of Dr. J. II. 'Williamsou, cf Richmond county.for selling whiskey in prohibition terri tory. Last week, at Rockingham, the grand jury found three or more true bills ugainst the doctor, and it is probable that he will be mulcted j for a large amount in fines when ho ii ii'j:.'i!iicni, ii'.'jiu hi i'ie uiuiui. lie also very wealthy, his estate being estimated at $100,000. It ia tew paw at vl.7:" a quart. F'.!o TNvy.r-r'y, pricft oCc, IB pt;!v.!.:i:-o.! t'ul ready to use. n prompt ivlii f to nny ill: j fwnin.i ' I'i;-i',. ,tl.s and heals, h'.'ld bv 10. T. Whiu-bMd v Co. "3iv v)ii-cthi;ig neat and modest i in a iiprir;?: hat today. What was ithkeV 'Its main features consist- ed of 07,000 tins snipped from feath er du-:trrj, festoons of tin can3 all m. fl rl rl'irmt li 'o ntrtnin . L ... ... . . ,, n . Liver Tills for bilious- i r.e.- rj HiiU k Iioa'.KK-i.e. They clean ' VV: l:e;:d & Co. "Who did this?" "Oh, sir, I don't like to blime auvbody." "Noble youth! For your sake I'll forgive him. But who did it?" "I did; sir." - Lou isv i i 1 C- u r ier- Jou rr.al . iTcver c ;'M ("li when you'll mash a j j'liv.'fr or fidl'o.r a rut. bur;.', burn or jsti!d. I!.' I'.ivpared. Dr. Thomas' Delect He Oil instantly relieves the pain ;;fick!y cnr-. tho wound. "Docs he enjoy funny stories?" "Yes; when ho tells them." iiou'to.i rv.t. r. :-e roiri'. s tlic 'i :nu; wind.-! to chap, tan and fiwWi. Cse FinoHalve Car V'uH.cd (acts like a poultice) for cut, -ore. hum.-, c'n:ij;v;d lips, hand end f-..'.. It r--oothcs a-.id heals. Sold by Ik T. Yk-i::; head & C-y. "Ye?," raid the sufragiston tho platform, "women have been wrong ed for age?. They have suffered in a thoutaiid ways." "There is one vcy in which they nver suffered," said a mock-looking man, standing; u; in the rear of the hall. "What way ii that," demanded the suffra-g-i.-;!:. "They have never suffered in Tit-Bits. ibj,-: ii has ntrc or 'r 'a o f", C T powder Z2SSZZ2553SSZS2 i 1 ..1. i 1. 1