- ' " - ' ' t. 4 ,- . V,Je ? Ml r ; f 1 i i .1 ill S 31 ! iti' III m ii ":s 1 il i iiiii ii I IT! - m ! '3 ! hi: , ! :!f !A i! !; if Good Place to Rest. (Selected.) The other day a gentleman walked into a certain store and, when ap proached by one" of the clerks who asked as to lib wnnts, replied that he did not car? for anything. He sauntered around the store and was presently approached by another clerk to whom he gave in effect the same reply. After a while the man ager took a turn at the gentleman and inquired if there was anything he could do for him. "No," replied the man, "I am just out looking for a little rest and quietude. My phy sician has prescribed quiet. I looked over the local papers and saw that you did not advertise so I was pretty sure I would find quiet here so I merely dropped in to absorb a little quietude.." It is understood that this storekeeper is figuring on some advertising to be done in the near future. Otino Laxative Fruit Syrup is best for women mid children. Its mild ac tion and plea.sant taste makes it pref erable to violent purgatives, twh as pill?, tablets, etc. Get the Lof.klct arl a sample of Orino at E. T. Whitehead Company's. . "The question is as to intent of the law." That's easy; the intent of the law i3 to make business for the law yers." Syracuse Herald. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. Will fce TSs Orators of tiia There. Slats DISTURBED THE CONGREGATION The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday ly continually coughing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. E. T. Whitehead Company. , This is the season when a city man will be a3 proud of a garden as bir as a blanket as a farmer is of 320 acres of clean, growing crops. Tired nerves, with that "no ambi tion" feeling that i.s commonly felt in spring or early summer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. SIioop's Restorative. One will abso lutely note . changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Res torative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter-time, the circulation often flows up, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many eases grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop'a Resto rative is recognized everywhere as a rennine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn- out weakened nerves; it sharpens the failing appetite, and universally aids digestion. It always quickly bring? renewed strength, life, vigor, and am bition. Try it and be convinced. Sold bv A. C. Peterson. A girl generally plays with a man's heart just about as carefully as a ba by toys with a watch. Dallas News. (Kenansvi'.'.e Ne-srs.) The Democratic Convention (Trip vlottfi on June 21th wiil be most interesting ona and the largest one ever held in the history of the State. It will be a great convention for oratory and enthusiasm. Already the men who are to make the nomi nating speeches are being selected by the different candidates. The con test for Governor will carry to Char lotte thousands of the patriotic and noble men from all walks of life. We see that Governor Charles B. Aycock will place in nomination for Governor of the State Hon. Locke Craig, of Asheville, and General Julian S. Carr is to nominate Mr. Ashley Home, while Mr. Tiilett, of Charlotte, is to make the nominat ing speech for Hon. W. W. Kitchin. Other eloquent speakers will sec ond these nominations and then all of the other candidates will have their "silver-tonged friends there to place them in nomination. The fact of the business is North Carolina can beat the world with srood speakers. The Strength ol Japan. (The Standard.) "The strength of Japan," says a French writer, who has just re turned from that country, "does not nsKt in its navv and its army, we'l A Care lor Gapes. Take a tight box about three feet long, one foot high and one foot wide, place a partition crosswise about twelve inches from one end, iv,0,-i0 nf in Mi nr wire screen, then , " ! equipped though thy i:re, but in its a brick or a stone on the floor Exercise Jor Young Women. In n ! u0 .-n.j of tho box. After vis-! t,;.: ta'-o a niece of iron and heat it red hot. While the iron is heating catch the chicks that have the gapes and place them in the larger end of the box. Take the red hot iron and place it on the stone or brick and pour a spoonful of carbolic acid on it. Close the box tor a minute or iiiu-stiw-e: Japanese sehorn vft;en i recer ited. the children were requested to write something on the subject of 'The Spirit of Japan!' And this is what an eleven-year-old girl wrote : " 'There is a Japanese spirit -just as there is an English spirit and an American spirit. Each is distin- uished by its own mark. The Jap- uo, then opon and stir the chicks in anese snirit is nure and noble. It is like the cherry blossom, beautiful around so that they all can inhale some of the gas, which will kill the and fragrant, but which, without gape worm, If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doous Rcgnlets will pre vent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, healthful action of the bowels without griping. Ank your druggist for them. 2"c. Normal temperature is the kind that the real kind is always above or below. Ohio State Journal. Every Woman Will be Interested. If you have pains in the back, Urin ary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At. Druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample package Free. Address, The Mother Gray Company, LeRoy, N. Y. There would be very little fighting in this world if some folks didn't underestimate other folks. Puck. READY RELIEF. I write to say I have suffered intense lv with womb trouble for several months and could get no relief from any source until a friend told me to try Dr. Hardy Manning's "Ladies Keliei, which I did nnd in a shqrt time it permanently cured me. It is a remarkable remcuy, ana l leei it niv duty to let others know whore they can find an absolute cure for that horrible disease of the womb. Mrs. B. C Hamlet, Tarrapin, ""X. C. Sold by Geo. N. Momphord, Tillcry, IN . C The proper handling of a farm calls for thought as well as work. It pays to study every field and crop The Cotton Journal. THE WORLD'S BEST CLIMATE is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate aCfec tions, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, bil iousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier: the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nor vousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at E. T. Whitehead Com pany's drug store. "Price 50c. (Youth's Companion.) Children, whether boys or girls, need no particular instruction re garding exercise. The natural mo bility and restlessness of the young animal suffice to give exercise en ough for all parts of the body. But when the little girl gets along into her teens and begins to feel her dignity, she no longer cares to romp, and carefully restrains whatever impulse she may have to rapid movements lest she be thought a tomboy. It i3 then that she needs physical instruc tion and guidance in order to pre serve her health during the remain ing years of exacting school life and to lay a good physical foundation to serve her through after years. In the school or college the gym nasium provides a variety of exercis es, some of them very useful, but the best form of exercise and the easiest and most convenient to prac tise is walking. There is indeed noth ing to equal it as an ail-round exer- i j. i j cse, not omy ior gins ana young women, but for persons of all ages nd conditions. In the first place, walking can be adapted to the needs and capabilities of every one, and can be varied from he most gentle form of muscular xercise to one of the most violent; rom the slow, quiet stroll to the breath-taking heel-and-toe stride at five-mile-an-hour gait. The deli cate and the robust can therefore profit equally by this exercise. Another advantage, and this is most important, i3 that the walking is done in the open air, and if it is done rapidly, the increased respira tory movements draw in great quan- ities of unpoisoned air, which oxygenates the blood End all the tis sues of the body, and removes the carbonic acid gas and the waste mat ters which the blood brings to the ungs. Walking also quickens the circula tion and so strengthens the heart, the central pump, upon the proper working of which the health of the organism, ana even lite itself., depends. Rapid walking, which all persons whose strength will permit should practise in preference to strolling, exercises not alone the leg muscles, but those of the back, of the chest, and even of the arms. The school girl who is past the running and skip ping age should always be made to walk to and from school in all weath ers, ana ii the school is not tar en ough from home to give a walk of at least three or four miles, the def icit should be made up before the evening meal. There is the addeded qualification that this valuable form of exercise calls for no outlay, no machinery, no apparatus beyond a pair of well- fitting shoes and a good road. murmur or complaint, permits itself to be shattered by the four winds. In like manner we people of Japan live and die, without regard to our own lives, which are cheerfully given for the fatherland. This is the se cret of our victory over Russia. And this is the secret of our victory over any other country which might at tack us. Japan is a little land, but every Japanese has these ideas im planted in hirn from childhood, and is therefore always ready to die for the mikado and the fatherland.' "A country," continues the writer, with what reason any may guess, "which has children who can write essays worthy of a university profes sor, and who are imbued with such patriotic feelings, can fight.'; Value cf a Frea Tress. If some of the chicks are overcome, lay them out and they will soon re- i i xi . vive again, uo noi leave tnem m the,box too long or ihe gas will suffo cate tham. The first application usu ally cures, but should there by any hat have not been cured with the first dose, repeat the second time which has never failed to cure them. witness: l saw a man witn one eye named Wilkins. Lawyer: What was the name of the other Judge. eye: When you think of Indigestion think of Kodol, for it is without doubt the . only preparation that completely di crests all classes of food. And that is what you need when jou have indiges tion or stomach trouble something that will act promptly but thoroughly omething that will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for the stomach by digesting the food that . -you eat and that is Kodol. It is pleas :J tit 6 take. It is sold by E. T. White head Co. (George Cray.) A tree and untrammeied press is a potent influence for good. It is a refiex of the public opinion, which, on the other hand, it helps to mould and direct. We all live to day under its calcium light, and the growing sense of responsibility, on the part of those who conduct it is new ground for hopefulness as to the future. We sometimes resent its invasion of our privacy, its mistakes and false judg ment, and in our anger at the indi vidual offender we are apt to forget the beneficence of the institution, and think ery high price for the untrammeied freedom of the press. But do not let us forget that we have received an hundredfold re turn for the price we have paid Through it mainly does public opin ion exert its salutary influence, and through it largely are exploited true defenses of the individualism and personal liberty on which I have dwelt so much. This public opinion, to the arbitrant of which we must all in the end submit, is the outcome of the character, judgment and daily conduct of communities like this. When a man writes as follows don you think lie means it ? Mr. S. G Williams, Powderly, Texas, says: have suffered for years with Kidney and Bladder trouble, using every prep aration I came across and taking man, prescriptions all without relief until.my attention was called to Pincules. Alter 30 days' trial ($1.00). I am feeling fine. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold bv E. T. Whitehead & Co. A Town JaSged by Its Newspapers. (Durham Sun.) How auickly can you tell a live town from a dead one by simply look ing over its newspapers. A poor skim milk sort of a newspaper, with few advertisements.and those look- as though they were run at half nrice, betokens a dead town just as sure as a corpse indicates a funeral, while a good, lively, well printed newspaper, filled with good, fresh ads, and displayed locals, shows that the town is prospering and thriving. t never fail. The papers of the arge cities are all right if you want them, but it is your own home pa per that advertises your churches, . . L! numerous societies, sympauiizes with your afflictions and rejoices with you in your prosperity. In short it is the local paper that mentions the thousand and one items it which you are interested during the year, and do not find in papers of large cities. A&cut Hazing. Statesville Landmark. The newspapers may condemn haz ingand other people may express their disapproval of the practice.but nothing much is going to be done with it until the coilesres take the bull by the horns. Durham Herald That is true. The colleges can stop hazing if they want to. The dignified members of faculties who ?- about the State talking about "uplift" and all that sort of thing, ought to be ashamed of themselves, r they permit in their institutions conduct that is any thing but uplift ing. But as the college faculties are so weak and puerile that they per mit the rowdies in their institution to do as thev please is up to the people to make the dignified and snectacled professors know what "uplift" means. Japs to Have World's Fair. (Kind Words.) The Japanese embassy was advis ed that the national exposition o 1912 at Tokyo would be held be tween April 1 and Octobeer 31, thus covering both the chrysanthemum and cherry blossom seasons. The ex position is to be international, and exhibits from foreign governments and people are desired. The national budget includes an appropriation of $5,000,000 for the purpose,-and with the appropriations expected to be made in the local Tokyo and other budgets the aggre gate appropriation probably will reach $10,000,000. The grounds wiil embrace 250 acres, of which about thirty acres will be covered by buildings. i I 1 When the I Can Cancer Be Cured! it tan. Then It's time to actl No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes tr cr-aln healthv. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- It's nature's way. We want every man :u,.' ! the United States to !li; ,. are doing We are cu: ir;;. Tumors and Chronic s j the use of the knife- r ; i-are endorsed by th; ; , i islature of Virginia.. WE GUARANTEE CL'R t UREs KELLAM HOSPITAL No. 16 IS Wei! M, Richmond, thing else. The beet kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years. Ay or Co., Lowell, MM. jg Uado By J. U. Ay or uo., w; Jm also manufacturer or rkyers SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. Kings Little Liver Pills for bilious- ncss and sick ncaciacnc. xuvy ciuau the system and clear the ekin. Price c. Try them. Sold by JS. 1. W intc- head & Co. Bacon: Is your wife the partner of your joys and sorrows? Egbert: Sure thing! She gets 'all the joys and I get all the sorrows. Younkers Statesman. Here comes the Spring winds to chap, tan and freckle. Lse rmesalve Car bolized (acts like a poultice) for cuts, sores, burns, chapped lips, hand? and face. It soothes and heals. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. HOLLISTEIfVS Reeky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Msdiolae for Busy People Bringt Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A s'wolfle for Constipation, iDiifrotion. Lire J jinl Kidney Trouble. Pimples, kcrema. Impure 'Uood. Bad Breath, SlUTiTish Bowel, llea'lach" a i Baekaelrs. It's Rocfcy Mountain i ?a in tau- t form, 35 cents a Dot. upmmw nauo OI.I.-.3TER Daro Cokpast, MaIison, W.s OLDEN KUCGET3 T33 SALLOW PEOPl P the South Bend Watch! V Boy Sixpenn'orth o' cod liver oil, please sir. An' I say, don't give me too much, 'cos it's me what's got to drink it. Punch. ManZan Tile Kemedy, price oCc, is guaranteed. Tut up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any loini of riles. Booths and healf . bold bv E. T. Whitehead & Co. "Why are you collecting those an cient witticisms? Getting up a joke book?" "I'm compiling a complete postcard writer." Pittsburg Post A CALIFORXIAN'S LUCK. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve." writes Chas. F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annovtng case of itch ing piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at E. T. hitehead Company a drug store "What do you suppose we'd do if we could see ourselves as others see us?" "We wouldn't believe it." Houston Post. Hewitt: Girls will be girls. Je witt: Yes; and old women will be girls, if you believe the figures they give of their ages. Harpers Week ly. " VALUED SAME AS GOLD. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., eayy: "I tell my custo mers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness. ' ' Sold uuder guarantee at E. T, Whitehead . Company's drug store. 25c. The trouble with most cough cures is that they constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does not consti pate, but on the other hand its laxa tive principles gently moves the bowels. It is pleasant to take and it is especial ly recommended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Go. " - "I am determined to collect this bill eventually," said the dun. "I assure you I'll never give up." "Neither will I," replied the man who disputed the debt. Mr. Wm. H. Anderson, M. )., of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and colds where all other reme dies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recommend it for children. It is pleasant to take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness whooping cough. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. "Your're the whole cheese with sis." "Why do you say that, son?" inquired the gentleman caller. "Si3 gin me a nickel to." Louisville Courier-Journal. Mr. John Eiha, of Vining, la., gays, "I have been selling De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Tills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them mvself with fine results." Sold by E. T. White head Co. , ManZan Tile Remedy comes .ready 1o use, put up in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. One application proves its merit. Soothes aud heal, reduces inflammation and relives soreness and itching. For all forms of Piles. .Price 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by E. T Whitehead & Co. Nan I don't see why Miss Mug ley should want to marry him, with all her money. Dick I guess she had to. I don't believe he'd have taken her without it.. Philadelphia Press. Mrs. S. Joyce,' ISO Sullivan Street, Clarcmont, N. H., writes: "About a year a;ro I bought t wo bottles of Fo ley's Kidney Cure. It cured me of a severe case of Kidney trouble of sever al years standing. Jt certainly is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend it." E. T. Whitehead Company. Don't cough your head oIF when you can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Svrup. It is especial ly recommended for children, as it's pleasant to take, is a gentle laxative thii3 ex veiling the phlegm from the system. For coughs, colds, croup whooping cough, hoarseness and all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. Youngster There's no doubt abou it. 1 was cut out for an orator. The Old Man Pity you were never made up. Illustrated Bits. More News From New England Stales If any one has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's Kidney Cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvm II Stimpson, of Willimantic, Conn., who after almost losing hope of recovery, on account oi tne lamire ol so many remedies, finally tried Foley's Kidney Cure, which lie says was just the thing" for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He is now entirely well and free from all suffering incident to acute kidney trouble. E. T. White head Company. s I I -in ilrttl. IT' . . v irSin;a. -23- OT-IV lis -r-- t - i ivx- . Mil' r. 1 DON'T j-ou thisk it's time, lion estly, to relegate the watch you now carry to tbe attic along with the other heirlooms and get a watch that you can depend ou to meet the conditions of the iifeycu lead? We u-iah you worlJ call and aee our line of beautiful South Bend waicnes. The South Bend W'atch is bold on what it will do for you, rot on the strength Of a reputation cf a bygone pasi. We wiil p!aly show you the eco nomy of buyincr a South uena Watch if yon will as us. we guarantee tnem 10 ns satis factory time-krepera. kc i initnhpr. the South Bend I Watcb frozen in ice still keeps perfect time. Don't forget we. carry a full line of other watches, jewelry, silverware and cut glass the year round. L T. Whitehead & Company H. W. MIX0N, Mgr. Scotland Neck. North Carolina. a DO YOU WANT A $1:0-9.00 ACCIDft 1 INSURANCE fOLiCY ; la one ol the strongest cor-naes Jn hxf ! W will tssus such a rcl:.:7. r 1 ,000.00 in c3a cf var a.v'i $7.50 per week In cya r( ..-( everyone who r.sr.iz vs 3 vs i to THE COTTON JOU'?:i,-;. representative cotton ;rcwe' V weekly at Atlanta, on., p;ice c- Send In your subsTir-'ion o - . i a friends, and receive Tri O . year, nd tha THOUSAND D'JLL FOLICY, sso llir.U 65 yci !.. -. ; Cts of tin b. If you cannot est cn cf rc .r . : send $1.50 for your subscritlcn s. . Policy. U ire ;., Largest and Best Equipped Plant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Quarricr and Manufacturer MONUMENTS, Tombs and Gravestones of Every Description. Freight prepa id on all ship merits. Safe delivery jniar an teed. Write for designs and prices. Mail thif Cotrpon ody o T;r. C0TTJI ' JOURNAL, Atlanta, Gn. I enclose send ma THE COTTON JDVr' VA' r, and tha Accident Insurance IV-l-.-.r for J;,W 1 Name. ; AC ? P. O t State s To whom policy Is to b rradj pi-' I t and CUR the ;,y;,esi! WITH JJf FOR CI n rr t. t J' C L. si 'OLD8 AfSO ALL TURDJ.T Ar L-:'.-l V.10ti.!lES. GUARANTEED rACIW4 OR 2IONEY B.Ei"J i'L LD. i lllll Iron Fencings for Cemetery and other purposes a Specialty. Petersburg, Va. J. Y. SKVAGE, Agent, Scotland Neck, North Carolina assies BYSPEPsia tablets liel-.evo Indif-p.t-.ior. or.r etomach Trouble. RELIEVES WHEM OTHERS FAIL ointments Gravestones We pay the Freight, and Guarantee Safe Delivery. Largest Stock in the South. Illustraled Catalogue Free. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 18-48.) 150, 161 and 163 Bank Street, Norfolk, Virginia. 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR W Satisfaction guaranteed f or money refundei. ? FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATIC AND LUMBAGO - A dose at bed tiaessj-- allv relieves tee c- severe case before morning. ACK-AOf PINEULE MEDICI NH CO. CHICAGO, U. S. A. Sold by E. T. Y n i.tr English On Anierit Euronran ;)!!. jiSiaDiiPJiu" A nice Roast Vi u (T.ii Fish. O.vstn s :i season. We also linvi'.if furnislied roon:s f,r ( trons. 317 Main Slrrft. fit':!i in uu aa.-i A Newspaper Without Sensation. (Exchange.) The Emperor of Austria is a mon arch who has a newspaper which is specially condensed and reprinted for his private reading. All sensational, exaggerated, and unverified news is rigidly excluded from thispaper.and only that which i3 readable and of value reaches him. It would be of incalculable value to the world if all of our newspapers could be of this expurgated kind. Thirty Days' Trial $1.00 is the offer on Pincules. Relieve back-ache, weak back, lame back, rheumatic pains. Bost on sale for KidnejTs, Bladder and Blood. Good for young and old. Sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. ; ; " "1 FOR Neuralgia. Sciatica. Rheumatism. Backache. Pain inchest. Distress in stomach. Sleeplessness FOR ffilfKI PoUlL ill I AKE U)im v If you have Headache Try One or the LitHftTMA and the Pain is Gone They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no ? bad After-effects H 25 Doses Lents Never Sold in Bulk

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